Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  *
3  * Authors: Carlos Oscar Sanchez Sorzano (coss@cnb.csic.es)
4  * David Herreros Calero (dherreros@cnb.csic.es)
5  *
6  * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
7  *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11  * (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
21  * 02111-1307 USA
22  *
23  * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
24  * e-mail address 'xmipp@cnb.csic.es'
25  ***************************************************************************/
27 #include "forward_zernike_images.h"
28 #include "core/transformations.h"
31 #include "data/projection.h"
32 #include "data/mask.h"
34 // Empty constructor =======================================================
36 {
37  resume = false;
38  produces_a_metadata = true;
40  showOptimization = false;
41 }
45 // Read arguments ==========================================================
47 {
49  fnVolR = getParam("--ref");
50  fnMaskR = getParam("--mask");
51  fnOutDir = getParam("--odir");
52  maxShift = getDoubleParam("--max_shift");
53  maxAngularChange = getDoubleParam("--max_angular_change");
54  maxResol = getDoubleParam("--max_resolution");
55  Ts = getDoubleParam("--sampling");
56  Rmax = getIntParam("--Rmax");
57  RmaxDef = getIntParam("--RDef");
58  optimizeAlignment = checkParam("--optimizeAlignment");
59  optimizeDeformation = checkParam("--optimizeDeformation");
60  optimizeDefocus = checkParam("--optimizeDefocus");
61  phaseFlipped = checkParam("--phaseFlipped");
62  useCTF = checkParam("--useCTF");
63  L1 = getIntParam("--l1");
64  L2 = getIntParam("--l2");
65  loop_step = getIntParam("--step");
66  lambda = getDoubleParam("--regularization");
67  image_mode = getIntParam("--image_mode");
68  resume = checkParam("--resume");
69  Rerunable::setFileName(fnOutDir + "/sphDone.xmd");
70  blob_r = getDoubleParam("--blobr");
71  keep_input_columns = true;
72 }
74 // Show ====================================================================
76 {
77  if (!verbose)
78  return;
80  std::cout
81  << "Output directory: " << fnOutDir << std::endl
82  << "Reference volume: " << fnVolR << std::endl
83  << "Reference mask: " << fnMaskR << std::endl
84  << "Max. Shift: " << maxShift << std::endl
85  << "Max. Angular Change: " << maxAngularChange << std::endl
86  << "Max. Resolution: " << maxResol << std::endl
87  << "Sampling: " << Ts << std::endl
88  << "Max. Radius: " << Rmax << std::endl
89  << "Max. Radius Deform. " << RmaxDef << std::endl
90  << "Zernike Degree: " << L1 << std::endl
91  << "SH Degree: " << L2 << std::endl
92  << "Step: " << loop_step << std::endl
93  << "Correct CTF: " << useCTF << std::endl
94  << "Optimize alignment: " << optimizeAlignment << std::endl
95  << "Optimize deformation:" << optimizeDeformation<< std::endl
96  << "Optimize defocus: " << optimizeDefocus << std::endl
97  << "Phase flipped: " << phaseFlipped << std::endl
98  << "Regularization: " << lambda << std::endl
99  << "Blob radius: " << blob_r << std::endl
100  << "Image mode: " << image_mode << std::endl
101  ;
102 }
104 // usage ===================================================================
106 {
107  addUsageLine("Make a continuous angular assignment with deformations");
108  defaultComments["-i"].clear();
109  defaultComments["-i"].addComment("Metadata with initial alignment");
110  defaultComments["-o"].clear();
111  defaultComments["-o"].addComment("Metadata with the angular alignment and deformation parameters");
113  addParamsLine(" --ref <volume> : Reference volume");
114  addParamsLine(" [--mask <m=\"\">] : Reference volume");
115  addParamsLine(" [--odir <outputDir=\".\">] : Output directory");
116  addParamsLine(" [--max_shift <s=-1>] : Maximum shift allowed in pixels");
117  addParamsLine(" [--max_angular_change <a=5>] : Maximum angular change allowed (in degrees)");
118  addParamsLine(" [--max_resolution <f=4>] : Maximum resolution (A)");
119  addParamsLine(" [--sampling <Ts=1>] : Sampling rate (A/pixel)");
120  addParamsLine(" [--Rmax <R=-1>] : Maximum radius (px). -1=Half of volume size");
121  addParamsLine(" [--RDef <r=-1>] : Maximum radius of the deformation (px). -1=Half of volume size");
122  addParamsLine(" [--l1 <l1=3>] : Degree Zernike Polynomials=1,2,3,...");
123  addParamsLine(" [--l2 <l2=2>] : Harmonical depth of the deformation=1,2,3,...");
124  addParamsLine(" [--step <step=1>] : Voxel index step");
125  addParamsLine(" [--useCTF] : Correct CTF");
126  addParamsLine(" [--optimizeAlignment] : Optimize alignment");
127  addParamsLine(" [--optimizeDeformation] : Optimize deformation");
128  addParamsLine(" [--optimizeDefocus] : Optimize defocus");
129  addParamsLine(" [--phaseFlipped] : Input images have been phase flipped");
130  addParamsLine(" [--regularization <l=0.01>] : Regularization weight");
131  addParamsLine(" [--blobr <b=4>] : Blob radius for forward mapping splatting");
132  addParamsLine(" [--image_mode <im=-1>] : Image mode (single, pairs, triplets). By default, it will be automatically identified.");
133  addParamsLine(" [--resume] : Resume processing");
134  addExampleLine("A typical use is:",false);
135  addExampleLine("xmipp_forward_zernike_images_priors -i anglesFromContinuousAssignment.xmd --ref reference.vol -o assigned_anglesAndDeformations.xmd --optimizeAlignment --optimizeDeformation --depth 1");
136 }
139 {
140  V.read(fnVolR);
141  V().setXmippOrigin();
142  Xdim=XSIZE(V());
143  Vdeformed().initZeros(V());
144  Vdeformed().setXmippOrigin();
146  // Check execution mode (single, pair, or triplet)
147  if (image_mode > 0)
148  {
150  }
151  else{
152  num_images = 1; // Single image
153  if (getInputMd()->containsLabel(MDL_IMAGE1) && !getInputMd()->containsLabel(MDL_IMAGE2))
154  {
155  num_images = 2; // Pair
156  }
157  else if (getInputMd()->containsLabel(MDL_IMAGE1) && getInputMd()->containsLabel(MDL_IMAGE2))
158  {
159  num_images = 3; // Triplet
160  }
161  }
163  // Preallocate vectors (Size depends on image number)
164  fnImage.resize(num_images, "");
165  I.resize(num_images); Ifiltered.resize(num_images); Ifilteredp.resize(num_images);
166  P.resize(num_images);
167  old_rot.resize(num_images, 0.); old_tilt.resize(num_images, 0.); old_psi.resize(num_images, 0.);
168  deltaRot.resize(num_images, 0.); deltaTilt.resize(num_images, 0.); deltaPsi.resize(num_images, 0.);
169  old_shiftX.resize(num_images, 0.); old_shiftY.resize(num_images, 0.);
170  deltaX.resize(num_images, 0.); deltaY.resize(num_images, 0.);
171  old_defocusU.resize(num_images, 0.); old_defocusV.resize(num_images, 0.); old_defocusAngle.resize(num_images, 0.);
172  deltaDefocusU.resize(num_images, 0.); deltaDefocusV.resize(num_images, 0.); deltaDefocusAngle.resize(num_images, 0.);
173  currentDefocusU.resize(num_images, 0.); currentDefocusV.resize(num_images, 0.); currentAngle.resize(num_images, 0.);
175  switch (num_images)
176  {
177  case 2:
178  Ifilteredp[0]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim); Ifilteredp[1]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
179  Ifilteredp[0]().setXmippOrigin(); Ifilteredp[1]().setXmippOrigin();
180  P[0]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim); P[1]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
181  break;
182  case 3:
183  Ifilteredp[0]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim); Ifilteredp[1]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim); Ifilteredp[2]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
184  Ifilteredp[0]().setXmippOrigin(); Ifilteredp[1]().setXmippOrigin(); Ifilteredp[2]().setXmippOrigin();
185  P[0]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim); P[1]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim); P[2]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
186  break;
188  default:
189  Ifilteredp[0]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
190  Ifilteredp[0]().setXmippOrigin();
191  P[0]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
192  break;
193  }
195  if (RmaxDef<0)
196  RmaxDef = Xdim/2;
198  // Read Reference mask if avalaible (otherwise sphere of radius RmaxDef is used)
199  Mask mask;
200  mask.type = BINARY_CIRCULAR_MASK;
201  mask.mode = INNER_MASK;
202  if (fnMaskR != "") {
203  Image<double> aux;
204  aux.read(fnMaskR);
205  typeCast(aux(), V_mask);
207  double Rmax2 = RmaxDef*RmaxDef;
208  for (int k=STARTINGZ(V_mask); k<=FINISHINGZ(V_mask); k++) {
209  for (int i=STARTINGY(V_mask); i<=FINISHINGY(V_mask); i++) {
210  for (int j=STARTINGX(V_mask); j<=FINISHINGX(V_mask); j++) {
211  double r2 = k*k + i*i + j*j;
212  if (r2>=Rmax2)
213  A3D_ELEM(V_mask,k,i,j) = 0;
214  }
215  }
216  }
217  }
218  else {
219  mask.R1 = RmaxDef;
220  mask.generate_mask(V());
221  V_mask = mask.get_binary_mask();
223  }
225  // Total Volume Mass (Inside Mask)
226  sumV = 0;
227  for (int k = STARTINGZ(V()); k <= FINISHINGZ(V()); k += loop_step)
228  {
229  for (int i = STARTINGY(V()); i <= FINISHINGY(V()); i += loop_step)
230  {
231  for (int j = STARTINGX(V()); j <= FINISHINGX(V()); j += loop_step)
232  {
233  if (A3D_ELEM(V_mask, k, i, j) == 1)
234  {
235  sumV++;
236  }
237  }
238  }
239  }
241  // Construct mask
242  if (Rmax<0)
243  Rmax=Xdim/2;
244  mask.R1 = Rmax;
245  mask.generate_mask(Xdim,Xdim);
246  mask2D=mask.get_binary_mask();
248  // Low pass filter
251  filter.raised_w=0.02;
254  filterp.w1=1;
256  // Transformation matrix
257  A1.initIdentity(3);
258  A2.initIdentity(3);
259  A3.initIdentity(3);
261  // CTF Filter
272  vecSize = 0;
276  createWorkFiles();
278  // Blob
279  blob.radius = blob_r; // Blob radius in voxels
280  blob.order = 2; // Order of the Bessel function
281  blob.alpha = 7.05; // Smoothness parameter
283 }
287  rename(Rerunable::getFileName().c_str(), (fnOutDir + fn_out).c_str());
288 }
290 // #define DEBUG
292 {
293  const MultidimArray<double> &mV=V();
294  idx_z_clnm.clear();
295  z_clnm_diff.clear();
297  {
298  VEC_ELEM(clnm,i)=pclnm[i+1];
299  if (VEC_ELEM(clnm,i) != VEC_ELEM(prev_clnm,i))
300  {
301  idx_z_clnm.push_back(i);
302  z_clnm_diff.push_back(VEC_ELEM(clnm, i) - VEC_ELEM(prev_clnm, i));
303  }
304  }
305  // std::cout << std::endl;
306  double deformation=0.0;
307  totalDeformation=0.0;
309  P[0]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
310  P[0]().setXmippOrigin();
311  double currentRot=old_rot[0] + deltaRot[0];
312  double currentTilt=old_tilt[0] + deltaTilt[0];
313  double currentPsi=old_psi[0] + deltaPsi[0];
314  deformVol(P[0](), mV, deformation, currentRot, currentTilt, currentPsi);
316  double cost=0.0;
317  const MultidimArray<int> &mMask2D=mask2D;
318  double corr2 = 0.0;
319  double corr3 = 0.0;
321  switch (num_images)
322  {
323  case 2:
324  {
325  P[1]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
326  P[1]().setXmippOrigin();
327  currentRot = old_rot[1] + deltaRot[1];
328  currentTilt = old_tilt[1] + deltaTilt[1];
329  currentPsi = old_psi[1] + deltaPsi[1];
330  deformVol(P[1](), mV, deformation, currentRot, currentTilt, currentPsi);
332  if (old_flip)
333  {
334  MAT_ELEM(A1, 0, 0) *= -1;
335  MAT_ELEM(A1, 0, 1) *= -1;
336  MAT_ELEM(A1, 0, 2) *= -1;
337  MAT_ELEM(A2, 0, 0) *= -1;
338  MAT_ELEM(A2, 0, 1) *= -1;
339  MAT_ELEM(A2, 0, 2) *= -1;
340  }
342  xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP, 0.);
344  xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP, 0.);
345  // filter.applyMaskSpace(P[1]());
346  const MultidimArray<double> mP2 = P[1]();
347  MultidimArray<double> &mI2filteredp = Ifilteredp[1]();
348  corr2 = correlationIndex(mI2filteredp, mP2, &mMask2D);
349  }
350  break;
352  case 3:
353  {
354  P[1]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
355  P[1]().setXmippOrigin();
356  currentRot = old_rot[1] + deltaRot[1];
357  currentTilt = old_tilt[1] + deltaTilt[1];
358  currentPsi = old_psi[1] + deltaPsi[1];
359  deformVol(P[1](), mV, deformation, currentRot, currentTilt, currentPsi);
361  P[2]().initZeros(Xdim,Xdim);
362  P[2]().setXmippOrigin();
363  currentRot = old_rot[2] + deltaRot[2];
364  currentTilt = old_tilt[2] + deltaTilt[2];
365  currentPsi = old_psi[2] + deltaPsi[2];
366  deformVol(P[2](), mV, deformation, currentRot, currentTilt, currentPsi);
368  if (old_flip)
369  {
370  MAT_ELEM(A1, 0, 0) *= -1;
371  MAT_ELEM(A1, 0, 1) *= -1;
372  MAT_ELEM(A1, 0, 2) *= -1;
373  MAT_ELEM(A2, 0, 0) *= -1;
374  MAT_ELEM(A2, 0, 1) *= -1;
375  MAT_ELEM(A2, 0, 2) *= -1;
376  MAT_ELEM(A3, 0, 0) *= -1;
377  MAT_ELEM(A3, 0, 1) *= -1;
378  MAT_ELEM(A3, 0, 2) *= -1;
379  }
381  xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP, 0.);
383  xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP, 0.);
385  xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP, 0.);
386  // filter.applyMaskSpace(P[1]());
387  // filter.applyMaskSpace(P[2]());
388  const MultidimArray<double> mP2 = P[1]();
389  const MultidimArray<double> mP3 = P[2]();
390  MultidimArray<double> &mI2filteredp = Ifilteredp[1]();
391  MultidimArray<double> &mI3filteredp = Ifilteredp[2]();
392  corr2 = correlationIndex(mI2filteredp, mP2, &mMask2D);
393  corr3 = correlationIndex(mI3filteredp, mP3, &mMask2D);
394  }
395  break;
397  default:
398  if (old_flip)
399  {
400  MAT_ELEM(A1, 0, 0) *= -1;
401  MAT_ELEM(A1, 0, 1) *= -1;
402  MAT_ELEM(A1, 0, 2) *= -1;
403  }
405  xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV,xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP,0.);
406  break;
407  }
409  filter.generateMask(P[0]());
410  filter.applyMaskSpace(P[0]());
411  if (hasCTF)
412  {
413  double defocusU=old_defocusU[0]+deltaDefocusU[0];
414  double defocusV=old_defocusV[0]+deltaDefocusV[0];
415  double angle=old_defocusAngle[0]+deltaDefocusAngle[0];
416  if (defocusU!=currentDefocusU[0] || defocusV!=currentDefocusV[0] || angle!=currentAngle[0]) {
417  updateCTFImage(defocusU,defocusV,angle);
418  }
419  // FilterCTF1.ctf = ctf;
420  FilterCTF1.generateMask(P[0]());
421  if (phaseFlipped)
424  }
427  const MultidimArray<double> mP1=P[0]();
428  MultidimArray<double> &mI1filteredp=Ifilteredp[0]();
429  double corr1=correlationIndex(mI1filteredp,mP1,&mMask2D);
431  switch (num_images)
432  {
433  case 2:
434  cost=-(corr1+corr2+corr3) / 2.0;
435  break;
436  case 3:
437  cost=-(corr1+corr2+corr3) / 3.0;
438  break;
439  default:
440  cost=-(corr1+corr2+corr3);
441  break;
442  }
444 #ifdef DEBUG
445  std::cout << "A=" << A << std::endl;
446  Image<double> save;
447  save()=P();
448  save.write("PPPtheo.xmp");
449  save()=Ifilteredp();
450  save.write("PPPfilteredp.xmp");
451  save()=Ifiltered();
452  save.write("PPPfiltered.xmp");
453  // Vdeformed.write("PPPVdeformed.vol");
454  std::cout << "Cost=" << cost << " deformation=" << deformation << std::endl;
455  std::cout << "Press any key" << std::endl;
456  char c; std::cin >> c;
457 #endif
459  if (showOptimization)
460  {
461  std::cout << "A1=" << A1 << std::endl;
462  Image<double> save;
463  save()=P[0]();
464  save.write("PPPtheo1.xmp");
465  save()=Ifilteredp[0]();
466  save.write("PPPfilteredp1.xmp");
467  save()=Ifiltered[0]();
468  save.write("PPPfiltered1.xmp");
470  switch (num_images)
471  {
472  case 2:
473  {
474  std::cout << "A2=" << A2 << std::endl;
475  save()=P[1]();
476  save.write("PPPtheo2.xmp");
477  save()=Ifilteredp[1]();
478  save.write("PPPfilteredp2.xmp");
479  save()=Ifiltered[1]();
480  save.write("PPPfiltered2.xmp");
481  }
482  break;
484  case 3:
485  {
486  std::cout << "A2=" << A2 << std::endl;
487  save()=P[1]();
488  save.write("PPPtheo2.xmp");
489  save()=Ifilteredp[1]();
490  save.write("PPPfilteredp2.xmp");
491  save()=Ifiltered[1]();
492  save.write("PPPfiltered2.xmp");
494  std::cout << "A3=" << A3 << std::endl;
495  save()=P[2]();
496  save.write("PPPtheo3.xmp");
497  save()=Ifilteredp[2]();
498  save.write("PPPfilteredp3.xmp");
499  save()=Ifiltered[2]();
500  save.write("PPPfiltered3.xmp");
501  }
502  break;
504  default:
505  break;
506  }
507  Vdeformed.write("PPPVdeformed.vol");
508  std::cout << "Deformation=" << totalDeformation << std::endl;
509  std::cout << "Press any key" << std::endl;
510  char c; std::cin >> c;
511  }
513  prev_clnm = clnm;
514  double retval=cost+lambda*abs(deformation - prior_deformation);
515  if (showOptimization)
516  std::cout << cost << " " << deformation << " " << lambda*deformation << " " << sumV << " " << retval << std::endl;
517  return retval;
518 }
520 double continuousZernikeCost(double *x, void *_prm)
521 {
523  int idx = 3*(prm->vecSize);
524  // TODO: Optimize parameters for each image (not sharing)
525  // prm->deltaDefocusU[0]=x[idx+6]; prm->deltaDefocusU[1]=x[idx+6];
526  // prm->deltaDefocusV[0]=x[idx+7]; prm->deltaDefocusV[1]=x[idx+7];
527  // prm->deltaDefocusAngle[0]=x[idx+8]; prm->deltaDefocusAngle[1]=x[idx+8];
529  switch (prm->num_images)
530  {
531  case 2:
532  prm->deltaX[0] = x[idx + 1];
533  prm->deltaY[0] = x[idx + 3];
534  prm->deltaRot[0] = x[idx + 5];
535  prm->deltaTilt[0] = x[idx + 7];
536  prm->deltaPsi[0] = x[idx + 9];
537  // prm->deltaDefocusU[0]=x[idx + 11];
538  // prm->deltaDefocusV[0]=x[idx + 13];
539  // prm->deltaDefocusAngle[0]=x[idx + 15];
541  prm->deltaX[1] = x[idx + 2];
542  prm->deltaY[1] = x[idx + 4];
543  prm->deltaRot[1] = x[idx + 6];
544  prm->deltaTilt[1] = x[idx + 8];
545  prm->deltaPsi[1] = x[idx + 10];
546  // prm->deltaDefocusU[1]=x[idx + 12];
547  // prm->deltaDefocusV[1]=x[idx + 14];
548  // prm->deltaDefocusAngle[1]=x[idx + 16];
550  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 0, 2) = prm->old_shiftX[0] + prm->deltaX[0];
551  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 1, 2) = prm->old_shiftY[0] + prm->deltaY[0];
552  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 0, 0) = 1;
553  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 0, 1) = 0;
554  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 1, 0) = 0;
555  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 1, 1) = 1;
557  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 0, 2) = prm->old_shiftX[1] + prm->deltaX[1];
558  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 1, 2) = prm->old_shiftY[1] + prm->deltaY[1];
559  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 0, 0) = 1;
560  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 0, 1) = 0;
561  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 1, 0) = 0;
562  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 1, 1) = 1;
563  break;
565  case 3:
566  prm->deltaX[0] = x[idx + 1];
567  prm->deltaY[0] = x[idx + 4];
568  prm->deltaRot[0] = x[idx + 7];
569  prm->deltaTilt[0] = x[idx + 10];
570  prm->deltaPsi[0] = x[idx + 13];
571  // prm->deltaDefocusU[0]=x[idx + 16];
572  // prm->deltaDefocusV[0]=x[idx + 19];
573  // prm->deltaDefocusAngle[0]=x[idx + 22];
575  prm->deltaX[1] = x[idx + 2];
576  prm->deltaY[1] = x[idx + 5];
577  prm->deltaRot[1] = x[idx + 8];
578  prm->deltaTilt[1] = x[idx + 11];
579  prm->deltaPsi[1] = x[idx + 14];
580  // prm->deltaDefocusU[1]=x[idx + 17];
581  // prm->deltaDefocusV[1]=x[idx + 20];
582  // prm->deltaDefocusAngle[1]=x[idx + 23];
584  prm->deltaX[2] = x[idx + 3];
585  prm->deltaY[2] = x[idx + 6];
586  prm->deltaRot[2] = x[idx + 9];
587  prm->deltaTilt[2] = x[idx + 12];
588  prm->deltaPsi[2] = x[idx + 15];
589  // prm->deltaDefocusU[2]=x[idx + 18];
590  // prm->deltaDefocusV[2]=x[idx + 21];
591  // prm->deltaDefocusAngle[2]=x[idx + 24];
593  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 0, 2) = prm->old_shiftX[0] + prm->deltaX[0];
594  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 1, 2) = prm->old_shiftY[0] + prm->deltaY[0];
595  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 0, 0) = 1;
596  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 0, 1) = 0;
597  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 1, 0) = 0;
598  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 1, 1) = 1;
600  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 0, 2) = prm->old_shiftX[1] + prm->deltaX[1];
601  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 1, 2) = prm->old_shiftY[1] + prm->deltaY[1];
602  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 0, 0) = 1;
603  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 0, 1) = 0;
604  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 1, 0) = 0;
605  MAT_ELEM(prm->A2, 1, 1) = 1;
607  MAT_ELEM(prm->A3, 0, 2) = prm->old_shiftX[2] + prm->deltaX[2];
608  MAT_ELEM(prm->A3, 1, 2) = prm->old_shiftY[2] + prm->deltaY[2];
609  MAT_ELEM(prm->A3, 0, 0) = 1;
610  MAT_ELEM(prm->A3, 0, 1) = 0;
611  MAT_ELEM(prm->A3, 1, 0) = 0;
612  MAT_ELEM(prm->A3, 1, 1) = 1;
613  break;
616  default:
617  prm->deltaX[0] = x[idx + 1];
618  prm->deltaY[0] = x[idx + 2];
619  prm->deltaRot[0] = x[idx + 3];
620  prm->deltaTilt[0] = x[idx + 4];
621  prm->deltaPsi[0] = x[idx + 5];
622  prm->deltaDefocusU[0]=x[idx + 6];
623  prm->deltaDefocusV[0]=x[idx + 7];
624  prm->deltaDefocusAngle[0]=x[idx + 8];
626  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 0, 2) = prm->old_shiftX[0] + prm->deltaX[0];
627  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 1, 2) = prm->old_shiftY[0] + prm->deltaY[0];
628  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 0, 0) = 1;
629  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 0, 1) = 0;
630  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 1, 0) = 0;
631  MAT_ELEM(prm->A1, 1, 1) = 1;
632  break;
633  }
635  return prm->transformImageSph(x);
637 }
639 // Predict =================================================================
640 //#define DEBUG
641 void ProgForwardZernikeImages::processImage(const FileName &fnImg, const FileName &fnImgOut, const MDRow &rowIn, MDRow &rowOut)
642 {
644  // totalSize = 3*num_Z_coeff + num_images * 2 shifts + num_images * 3 angles + num_images * 3 CTF
645  algn_params = num_images * 5;
646  ctf_params = num_images * 3;
647  int totalSize = 3*vecSize + algn_params + ctf_params;
648  p.initZeros(totalSize);
649  clnm.initZeros(totalSize);
650  prev_clnm.initZeros(totalSize);
652  // Init positions and deformation field
653  vpos.initZeros(sumV, 8);
654  df.initZeros(sumV, 3);
656  flagEnabled=1;
658  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_IMAGE, fnImage[0], "");
659  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, old_rot[0], 0.0);
660  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, old_tilt[0], 0.0);
661  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, old_psi[0], 0.0);
662  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_SHIFT_X, old_shiftX[0], 0.0);
663  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_SHIFT_Y, old_shiftY[0], 0.0);
664  I[0].read(fnImage[0]);
665  I[0]().setXmippOrigin();
666  Ifiltered[0]() = I[0]();
670  switch (num_images)
671  {
672  case 2:
673  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_IMAGE1, fnImage[1], "");
674  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_ANGLE_ROT2, old_rot[1], 0.0);
676  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_ANGLE_PSI2, old_psi[1], 0.0);
677  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_SHIFT_X2, old_shiftX[1], 0.0);
678  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_SHIFT_Y2, old_shiftY[1], 0.0);
679  I[1].read(fnImage[1]);
680  I[1]().setXmippOrigin();
681  Ifiltered[1]() = I[1]();
684  if (verbose >= 2)
685  std::cout << "Processing Pair (" << fnImage[0] << "," << fnImage[1] << ")" << std::endl;
686  break;
688  case 3:
689  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_IMAGE1, fnImage[1], "");
690  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_ANGLE_ROT2, old_rot[1], 0.0);
692  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_ANGLE_PSI2, old_psi[1], 0.0);
693  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_SHIFT_X2, old_shiftX[1], 0.0);
694  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_SHIFT_Y2, old_shiftY[1], 0.0);
695  I[1].read(fnImage[1]);
696  I[1]().setXmippOrigin();
697  Ifiltered[1]() = I[1]();
700  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_IMAGE2, fnImage[2], "");
701  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_ANGLE_ROT3, old_rot[2], 0.0);
703  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_ANGLE_PSI3, old_psi[2], 0.0);
704  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_SHIFT_X3, old_shiftX[2], 0.0);
705  rowIn.getValueOrDefault(MDL_SHIFT_Y3, old_shiftY[2], 0.0);
706  I[2].read(fnImage[2]);
707  I[2]().setXmippOrigin();
708  Ifiltered[2]() = I[2]();
711  if (verbose >= 2)
712  std::cout << "Processing Triplet (" << fnImage[0] << "," << fnImage[1] << "," << fnImage[2] << ")" << std::endl;
713  break;
715  default:
716  if (verbose >= 2)
717  std::cout << "Processing Image (" << fnImage[0] << ")" << std::endl;
718  break;
719  }
721  if (rowIn.containsLabel(MDL_FLIP))
722  rowIn.getValue(MDL_FLIP,old_flip);
723  else
724  old_flip = false;
726  prior_deformation = 0.0;
728  {
729  std::vector<double> vectortemp;
730  rowIn.getValue(MDL_SPH_COEFFICIENTS, vectortemp);
732  for (int i=0; i<3*vecSize; i++)
733  {
734  clnm[i] = vectortemp[i];
735  }
737  rotateCoefficients<Direction::ROTATE>();
738  p = clnm;
739  prev_clnm = clnm;
740  preComputeDF();
741  }
743  // FIXME: Add defocus per image and make CTF correction available
745  {
746  hasCTF=true;
748  FilterCTF1.ctf.Tm = Ts;
753  }
754  else
755  hasCTF=false;
757  // If deformation is not optimized, do a single iteration
758  //? Si usamos priors es mejor ir poco a poco, ir poco a poco pero usar todos los coeffs cada vez (mas lento)
759  //? O dar solo una iteracion con todos los coeffs?
760  int h = 1;
761  // if (!optimizeDeformation)
762  // if (rowIn.containsLabel(MDL_SPH_COEFFICIENTS))
763  // h = L2;
765  for (;h<=L2;h++)
766  {
767  if (verbose>=2)
768  {
769  std::cout<<std::endl;
770  std::cout<<"------------------------------ Basis Degrees: ("<<L1<<","<<h<<") ----------------------------"<<std::endl;
771  }
772  steps.clear();
773  steps.initZeros(totalSize);
775  // Optimize
776  double cost=-1;
777  try
778  {
779  cost=1e38;
780  int iter;
781  if (optimizeAlignment)
782  {
783  int init = steps.size() - algn_params - ctf_params;
784  int end = steps.size() - ctf_params;
785  for (int i = init; i < end; i++)
786  steps(i)=1.;
787  }
788  if (optimizeDefocus)
789  {
790  int init = steps.size() - ctf_params;
791  int end = steps.size();
792  for (int i = init; i < end; i++)
793  steps(i)=1.;
794  }
796  {
797  minimizepos(L1,h,steps);
798  }
799  steps_cp = steps;
800  powellOptimizer(p, 1, totalSize, &continuousZernikeCost, this, 0.1, cost, iter, steps, verbose>=2);
802  if (verbose>=3)
803  {
804  showOptimization = true;
806  showOptimization = false;
807  }
809  if (cost>0)
810  {
811  flagEnabled=-1;
812  p.initZeros();
813  }
814  cost=-cost;
815  correlation=cost;
816  if (verbose>=2)
817  {
818  std::cout<<std::endl;
819  for (int j=1;j<4;j++)
820  {
821  switch (j)
822  {
823  case 1:
824  std::cout << "X Coefficients=(";
825  break;
826  case 2:
827  std::cout << "Y Coefficients=(";
828  break;
829  case 3:
830  std::cout << "Z Coefficients=(";
831  break;
832  default:
833  // The code will never reach the default case
834  break;
835  }
836  for (int i=(j-1)*vecSize;i<j*vecSize;i++)
837  {
838  std::cout << p(i);
839  if (i<j*vecSize-1)
840  std::cout << ",";
841  }
842  std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
843  }
844  std::cout << "Radius=" << RmaxDef << std::endl;
845  std::cout << " Dshift=(" << p(totalSize-5) << "," << p(totalSize-4) << ") "
846  << "Drot=" << p(totalSize-3) << " Dtilt=" << p(totalSize-2)
847  << " Dpsi=" << p(totalSize-1) << std::endl;
848  std::cout << " Total deformation=" << totalDeformation << std::endl;
849  std::cout<<std::endl;
850  }
851  }
852  catch (XmippError &XE)
853  {
854  std::cerr << XE.what() << std::endl;
855  std::cerr << "Warning: Cannot refine " << fnImg << std::endl;
856  flagEnabled=-1;
857  }
858  }
860  clnm = p;
861  if (num_images == 1 && optimizeDeformation)
862  {
863  rotateCoefficients<Direction::UNROTATE>();
864  }
866  //AJ NEW
867  writeImageParameters(rowOut);
868  //END AJ
870 }
871 #undef DEBUG
874  int pos = 3*vecSize;
875  if (flagEnabled==1) {
876  row.setValue(MDL_ENABLED, 1);
877  }
878  else {
879  row.setValue(MDL_ENABLED, -1);
880  }
882  switch (num_images)
883  {
884  case 2:
885  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, old_rot[0]+p(pos+4));
886  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT2, old_rot[1]+p(pos+5));
887  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, old_tilt[0]+p(pos+6));
888  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT2, old_tilt[1]+p(pos+7));
889  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, old_psi[0]+p(pos+8));
890  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI2, old_psi[1]+p(pos+9));
891  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, old_shiftX[0]+p(pos));
892  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X2, old_shiftX[1]+p(pos+1));
893  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, old_shiftY[0]+p(pos+2));
894  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y2, old_shiftY[1]+p(pos+3));
895  break;
897  case 3:
898  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, old_rot[0]+p(pos+6));
899  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT2, old_rot[1]+p(pos+7));
900  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT3, old_rot[2]+p(pos+8));
901  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, old_tilt[0]+p(pos+9));
902  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT2, old_tilt[1]+p(pos+10));
903  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT3, old_tilt[2]+p(pos+11));
904  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, old_psi[0]+p(pos+12));
905  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI2, old_psi[1]+p(pos+13));
906  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI3, old_psi[2]+p(pos+14));
907  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, old_shiftX[0]+p(pos));
908  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X2, old_shiftX[1]+p(pos+1));
909  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X3, old_shiftX[2]+p(pos+2));
910  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, old_shiftY[0]+p(pos+3));
911  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y2, old_shiftY[1]+p(pos+4));
912  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y3, old_shiftY[2]+p(pos+5));
913  break;
915  default:
916  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, old_rot[0]+p(pos+2));
917  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, old_tilt[0]+p(pos+3));
918  row.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, old_psi[0]+p(pos+4));
919  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, old_shiftX[0]+p(pos));
920  row.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, old_shiftY[0]+p(pos+1));
921  break;
922  }
925  std::vector<double> vectortemp;
926  size_t end_clnm = VEC_XSIZE(clnm)-algn_params-ctf_params;
927  for (int j = 0; j < end_clnm; j++) {
928  vectortemp.push_back(clnm(j));
929  }
930  row.setValue(MDL_SPH_COEFFICIENTS, vectortemp);
932 }
935  MDRowVec rowAppend;
937  getOutputMd().getRow(rowAppend, getOutputMd().lastRowId());
938  checkPoint.addRow(rowAppend);
939  checkPoint.append(Rerunable::getFileName());
940 }
943 {
944  for (int h=0; h<=l2; h++)
945  {
946  int numSPH = 2*h+1;
947  int count=l1-h+1;
948  int numEven=(count>>1)+(count&1 && !(h&1));
949  if (h%2 == 0) {
950  vecSize += numSPH*numEven;
951  }
952  else {
953  vecSize += numSPH*(l1-h+1-numEven);
954  }
955  }
956 }
959 {
960  int size = 0;
961  int prevSize = 0;
962  numCoefficients(L1,l2,size);
963  numCoefficients(L1,l2-1,prevSize);
964  int totalSize = (steps.size()-algn_params-ctf_params)/3;
965  if (l2 > 1)
966  {
967  for (int idx = prevSize; idx < size; idx++)
968  {
969  VEC_ELEM(steps, idx) = 1.;
970  VEC_ELEM(steps, idx + totalSize) = 1.;
971  if (num_images > 1)
972  {
973  VEC_ELEM(steps, idx + 2 * totalSize) = 1.;
974  }
975  }
976  }
977  else
978  {
979  for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++)
980  {
981  VEC_ELEM(steps, idx) = 1.;
982  VEC_ELEM(steps, idx + totalSize) = 1.;
983  if (num_images > 1)
984  {
985  VEC_ELEM(steps, idx + 2 * totalSize) = 1.;
986  }
987  }
988  }
989 }
993 {
994  int idx = 0;
995  vL1.initZeros(vecSize);
996  vN.initZeros(vecSize);
997  vL2.initZeros(vecSize);
998  vM.initZeros(vecSize);
999  for (int h=0; h<=l2; h++) {
1000  int totalSPH = 2*h+1;
1001  int aux = std::floor(totalSPH/2);
1002  for (int l=h; l<=l1; l+=2) {
1003  for (int m=0; m<totalSPH; m++) {
1004  VEC_ELEM(vL1,idx) = l;
1005  VEC_ELEM(vN,idx) = h;
1006  VEC_ELEM(vL2,idx) = h;
1007  VEC_ELEM(vM,idx) = m-aux;
1008  idx++;
1009  }
1010  }
1011  }
1012 }
1014 void ProgForwardZernikeImages::updateCTFImage(double defocusU, double defocusV, double angle)
1015 {
1016  FilterCTF1.ctf.K=1; // get pure CTF with no envelope
1017  currentDefocusU[0]=FilterCTF1.ctf.DeltafU=defocusU;
1018  currentDefocusV[0]=FilterCTF1.ctf.DeltafV=defocusV;
1021 }
1023 template<ProgForwardZernikeImages::Direction DIRECTION>
1025  int pos = 3*vecSize;
1026  size_t idxY0=(VEC_XSIZE(clnm)-algn_params-ctf_params)/3;
1027  size_t idxZ0=2*idxY0;
1029  double rot = old_rot[0]+p(pos+2);
1030  double tilt = old_tilt[0]+p(pos+3);
1031  double psi = old_psi[0]+p(pos+4);
1034  R.initIdentity(3);
1035  Euler_angles2matrix(rot, tilt, psi, R, false);
1036  if (DIRECTION == Direction::UNROTATE)
1037  R = R.inv();
1039  c.initZeros(3);
1040  for (size_t idx=0; idx<idxY0; idx++) {
1041  XX(c) = VEC_ELEM(clnm,idx); YY(c) = VEC_ELEM(clnm,idx+idxY0); ZZ(c) = VEC_ELEM(clnm,idx+idxZ0);
1042  c = R * c;
1043  VEC_ELEM(clnm,idx) = XX(c); VEC_ELEM(clnm,idx+idxY0) = YY(c); VEC_ELEM(clnm,idx+idxZ0) = ZZ(c);
1044  }
1045 }
1048  double rot, double tilt, double psi)
1049 {
1050  size_t idxY0=(VEC_XSIZE(clnm)-algn_params-ctf_params)/3;
1051  double Ncount=0.0;
1052  double modg=0.0;
1053  double diff2=0.0;
1055  def=0.0;
1056  size_t idxZ0=2*idxY0;
1057  double RmaxF=RmaxDef;
1058  double RmaxF2=RmaxF*RmaxF;
1059  double iRmaxF=1.0/RmaxF;
1060  Matrix2D<double> R_inv = R.inv();
1062  auto sz = idx_z_clnm.size();
1063  Matrix1D<int> l1, l2, n, m, idx_v;
1065  if (!idx_z_clnm.empty())
1066  {
1067  l1.initZeros(sz);
1068  l2.initZeros(sz);
1069  n.initZeros(sz);
1070  m.initZeros(sz);
1071  idx_v.initZeros(sz);
1072  for (auto j=0; j<sz; j++)
1073  {
1074  auto idx = idx_z_clnm[j];
1075  if (idx >= idxY0)
1076  idx -= idxY0;
1078  VEC_ELEM(idx_v,j) = idx;
1079  VEC_ELEM(l1,j) = VEC_ELEM(vL1, idx);
1080  VEC_ELEM(n,j) = VEC_ELEM(vN, idx);
1081  VEC_ELEM(l2,j) = VEC_ELEM(vL2, idx);
1082  VEC_ELEM(m,j) = VEC_ELEM(vM, idx);
1083  }
1084  }
1086  const auto &mVpos = vpos;
1087  const auto lastY = FINISHINGY(mVpos);
1088  for (int i=STARTINGY(mVpos); i<=lastY; i++)
1089  {
1090  double &gx = A2D_ELEM(df, i, 0);
1091  double &gy = A2D_ELEM(df, i, 1);
1092  double &gz = A2D_ELEM(df, i, 2);
1093  double r_x = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 0);
1094  double r_y = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 1);
1095  double r_z = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 2);
1096  double xr = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 3);
1097  double yr = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 4);
1098  double zr = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 5);
1099  double rr = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 6);
1101  if (!idx_z_clnm.empty())
1102  {
1103  for (auto j = 0; j < sz; j++)
1104  {
1105  auto idx = VEC_ELEM(idx_v, j);
1106  auto aux_l2 = VEC_ELEM(l2, j);
1107  auto zsph = ZernikeSphericalHarmonics(VEC_ELEM(l1, j), VEC_ELEM(n, j),
1108  aux_l2, VEC_ELEM(m, j), xr, yr, zr, rr);
1110  auto diff_c_x = VEC_ELEM(clnm, idx) - VEC_ELEM(prev_clnm, idx);
1111  auto diff_c_y = VEC_ELEM(clnm, idx + idxY0) - VEC_ELEM(prev_clnm, idx + idxY0);
1112  auto i_diff_c_x = R_inv.mdata[0] * diff_c_x + R_inv.mdata[1] * diff_c_y;
1113  auto i_diff_c_y = R_inv.mdata[3] * diff_c_x + R_inv.mdata[4] * diff_c_y;
1114  auto i_diff_c_z = R_inv.mdata[6] * diff_c_x + R_inv.mdata[7] * diff_c_y;
1115  if (rr > 0 || aux_l2 == 0)
1116  {
1117  gx += i_diff_c_x * (zsph);
1118  gy += i_diff_c_y * (zsph);
1119  gz += i_diff_c_z * (zsph);
1120  }
1121  }
1122  }
1124  auto r_gx = R.mdata[0] * gx + R.mdata[1] * gy + R.mdata[2] * gz;
1125  auto r_gy = R.mdata[3] * gx + R.mdata[4] * gy + R.mdata[5] * gz;
1127  auto pos = std::array<double, 3>{};
1128  pos[0] = r_x + r_gx;
1129  pos[1] = r_y + r_gy;
1130  pos[2] = r_z;
1132  double voxel_mV = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 7);
1133  splattingAtPos(pos, voxel_mV, mP, mV);
1135  modg += gx * gx + gy * gy + gz * gz;
1136  Ncount++;
1137  }
1139  def = sqrt(modg/Ncount);
1140  totalDeformation = def;
1141 }
1145  w.initZeros(8);
1147  int x0 = FLOOR(x);
1148  double fx0 = x - x0;
1149  int x1 = x0 + 1;
1150  double fx1 = x1 - x;
1152  int y0 = FLOOR(y);
1153  double fy0 = y - y0;
1154  int y1 = y0 + 1;
1155  double fy1 = y1 - y;
1157  int z0 = FLOOR(z);
1158  double fz0 = z - z0;
1159  int z1 = z0 + 1;
1160  double fz1 = z1 - z;
1162  VEC_ELEM(w,0) = fx1 * fy1 * fz1; // w000 (x0,y0,z0)
1163  VEC_ELEM(w,1) = fx1 * fy1 * fz0; // w001 (x0,y0,z1)
1164  VEC_ELEM(w,2) = fx1 * fy0 * fz1; // w010 (x0,y1,z0)
1165  VEC_ELEM(w,3) = fx1 * fy0 * fz0; // w011 (x0,y1,z1)
1166  VEC_ELEM(w,4) = fx0 * fy1 * fz1; // w100 (x1,y0,z0)
1167  VEC_ELEM(w,5) = fx0 * fy1 * fz0; // w101 (x1,y0,z1)
1168  VEC_ELEM(w,6) = fx0 * fy0 * fz1; // w110 (x1,y1,z0)
1169  VEC_ELEM(w,7) = fx0 * fy0 * fz0; // w111 (x1,y1,z1)
1171  return w;
1172 }
1174 void ProgForwardZernikeImages::splattingAtPos(std::array<double, 3> r, double weight, MultidimArray<double> &mP, const MultidimArray<double> &mV) {
1175  double x_pos = r[0];
1176  double y_pos = r[1];
1177  int i0 = XMIPP_MAX(CEIL(y_pos - loop_step), STARTINGY(mV));
1178  int iF = XMIPP_MIN(FLOOR(y_pos + loop_step), FINISHINGY(mV));
1179  int j0 = XMIPP_MAX(CEIL(x_pos - loop_step), STARTINGX(mV));
1180  int jF = XMIPP_MIN(FLOOR(x_pos + loop_step), FINISHINGX(mV));
1182  double m = 1. / loop_step;
1183  for (int i = i0; i <= iF; i++)
1184  {
1185  double y_val = 1. - m * ABS(i - y_pos);
1186  for (int j = j0; j <= jF; j++)
1187  {
1188  double x_val = 1. - m * ABS(j - x_pos);
1189  A2D_ELEM(mP, i, j) += weight * x_val * y_val;
1190  }
1191  }
1192 }
1195 {
1196  double m = 1. / blob_r;
1197  if (0. < x && x < blob_r)
1198  return m * (blob_r - x);
1199  else if (-blob_r < x && x <= 0.)
1200  return m * (blob_r + x);
1201  else
1202  return 0.;
1203 }
1206 {
1207  double c = 1. / 6.;
1208  double sx = x / blob_r;
1209  double sx2 = sx*sx;
1210  double sx3 = sx2*sx;
1211  double double_int = 2. * blob_r;
1212  if (-double_int < x && x < -blob_r)
1213  return c * (sx3 + 6.*sx2 + 12.*sx + 8.);
1214  else if (-blob_r <= x && x< 0.)
1215  return c * (-3.*sx3 - 6.*sx2 + 4.);
1216  else if (0. <= x && x < blob_r)
1217  return c * (3.*sx3 - 6.*sx2 + 4.);
1218  else if (blob_r <= x && x < double_int)
1219  return c * (-sx3 + 6.*sx2 - 12.*sx + 8.);
1220  else
1221  return 0.;
1222 }
1225 {
1226  auto &mI = I[0]();
1228  aux.initZeros(mI);
1229  aux.setXmippOrigin();
1230  const MultidimArray<double> &mV=V();
1232  for (int i = STARTINGY(mI); i <= FINISHINGY(mI); i += loop_step)
1233  {
1234  for (int j = STARTINGX(mI); j <= FINISHINGX(mI); j += loop_step)
1235  {
1237  int i0 = XMIPP_MAX(FLOOR(i - loop_step), STARTINGY(mI));
1238  int iF = XMIPP_MIN(CEIL(i + loop_step), FINISHINGY(mI));
1239  int j0 = XMIPP_MAX(FLOOR(j - loop_step), STARTINGX(mI));
1240  int jF = XMIPP_MIN(CEIL(j + loop_step), FINISHINGX(mI));
1241  double weight = A2D_ELEM(mI, i, j);
1243  for (int img_i = i0; img_i <= iF; img_i++)
1244  {
1245  double y_val = bspline1(img_i - i);
1246  for (int img_j = j0; img_j <= jF; img_j++)
1247  {
1248  A2D_ELEM(aux, img_i, img_j) += weight * bspline1(img_j - j) * y_val;
1249  }
1250  }
1251  }
1252  }
1254  mI = aux;
1255 }
1257 void ProgForwardZernikeImages::rotatePositions(double rot, double tilt, double psi)
1258 {
1259  R.initIdentity(3);
1260  Euler_angles2matrix(rot, tilt, psi, R, false);
1262  const MultidimArray<double> &mV=V();
1264  const auto lastZ = FINISHINGZ(mV);
1265  const auto lastY = FINISHINGY(mV);
1266  const auto lastX = FINISHINGX(mV);
1267  size_t count = 0;
1268  double iRmaxF=1.0/RmaxDef;
1269  for (int k=STARTINGZ(mV); k<=lastZ; k+=loop_step)
1270  {
1271  for (int i=STARTINGY(mV); i<=lastY; i+=loop_step)
1272  {
1273  for (int j=STARTINGX(mV); j<=lastX; j+=loop_step)
1274  {
1275  if (A3D_ELEM(V_mask,k,i,j) == 1) {
1276  double x = j;
1277  double y = i;
1278  double z = k;
1279  double r_x = R.mdata[0] * x + R.mdata[1] * y + R.mdata[2] * z;
1280  double r_y = R.mdata[3] * x + R.mdata[4] * y + R.mdata[5] * z;
1281  double r_z = R.mdata[6] * x + R.mdata[7] * y + R.mdata[8] * z;
1283  A2D_ELEM(vpos, count, 0) = r_x;
1284  A2D_ELEM(vpos, count, 1) = r_y;
1285  A2D_ELEM(vpos, count, 2) = r_z;
1286  A2D_ELEM(vpos, count, 3) = j * iRmaxF;
1287  A2D_ELEM(vpos, count, 4) = i * iRmaxF;
1288  A2D_ELEM(vpos, count, 5) = z * iRmaxF;
1289  A2D_ELEM(vpos, count, 6) = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) * iRmaxF;
1290  A2D_ELEM(vpos, count, 7) = A3D_ELEM(mV, k, i, j);
1292  count++;
1293  }
1294  }
1295  }
1296  }
1297 }
1301 {
1302  size_t idxY0=(VEC_XSIZE(clnm)-algn_params-ctf_params)/3;
1303  size_t idxZ0=2*idxY0;
1304  Matrix2D<double> R_inv = R.inv();
1305  const auto &mVpos = vpos;
1306  const auto lastY = FINISHINGY(mVpos);
1307  for (int i=STARTINGY(mVpos); i<=lastY; i++)
1308  {
1309  double &gx = A2D_ELEM(df, i, 0);
1310  double &gy = A2D_ELEM(df, i, 1);
1311  double &gz = A2D_ELEM(df, i, 2);
1312  double r_x = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 0);
1313  double r_y = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 1);
1314  double r_z = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 2);
1315  double xr = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 3);
1316  double yr = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 4);
1317  double zr = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 5);
1318  double rr = A2D_ELEM(mVpos, i, 6);
1320  if (!idx_z_clnm.empty())
1321  {
1322  for (int idx = 0; idx < idxY0; idx++)
1323  {
1324  auto aux_l2 = VEC_ELEM(vL2, idx);
1325  auto zsph = ZernikeSphericalHarmonics(VEC_ELEM(vL1, idx), VEC_ELEM(vN, idx),
1326  aux_l2, VEC_ELEM(vM, idx), xr, yr, zr, rr);
1327  auto c_x = VEC_ELEM(clnm, idx);
1328  auto c_y = VEC_ELEM(clnm, idx + idxY0);
1329  auto c_z = VEC_ELEM(clnm, idx + idxZ0);
1330  auto i_c_x = R_inv.mdata[0] * c_x + R_inv.mdata[1] * c_y + R_inv.mdata[2] * c_z;
1331  auto i_c_y = R_inv.mdata[3] * c_x + R_inv.mdata[4] * c_y + R_inv.mdata[5] * c_z;
1332  auto i_c_z = R_inv.mdata[6] * c_x + R_inv.mdata[7] * c_y + R_inv.mdata[8] * c_z;
1333  if (rr > 0 || aux_l2 == 0)
1334  {
1335  gx += i_c_x * (zsph);
1336  gy += i_c_y * (zsph);
1337  gz += i_c_z * (zsph);
1338  }
1339  }
1340  }
1341  }
1342 }
void fillVectorTerms(int l1, int l2, Matrix1D< int > &vL1, Matrix1D< int > &vN, Matrix1D< int > &vL2, Matrix1D< int > &vM)
Zernike and SPH coefficients allocation.
std::vector< Image< double > > Ifiltered
void minimizepos(int L1, int l2, Matrix1D< double > &steps)
Determine the positions to be minimize of a vector containing spherical harmonic coefficients.
std::vector< FileName > fnImage
Rotation angle of an image (double,degrees)
std::vector< double > old_shiftY
#define A2D_ELEM(v, i, j)
#define VEC_ELEM(v, i)
Definition: matrix1d.h:245
double alpha
Smoothness parameter.
Definition: blobs.h:121
Defocus U (Angstroms)
#define XMIPP_MAX(x, y)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:193
Tilting angle of an image (double,degrees)
Shift for the image in the X axis (double)
double getDoubleParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
Shift for the image in the Y axis (double)
std::vector< double > old_psi
__host__ __device__ float2 floor(const float2 v)
CTFDescription ctf
std::vector< double > old_tilt
void clear()
Definition: matrix1d.cpp:67
#define FINISHINGX(v)
size_t size() const
Definition: matrix1d.h:508
#define VEC_XSIZE(m)
Definition: matrix1d.h:77
void rotatePositions(double rot, double tilt, double psi)
void Euler_angles2matrix(T alpha, T beta, T gamma, Matrix2D< T > &A, bool homogeneous)
Definition: geometry.cpp:624
doublereal * c
FileName fnOutDir
Output directory.
std::vector< double > old_defocusV
Definition: mask.h:360
void sqrt(Image< double > &op)
std::vector< double > deltaPsi
Tilting angle of an image (double,degrees)
static double * y
std::vector< Image< double > > I
std::vector< double > deltaTilt
double DeltafV
Defocus in V (in Angstroms). Negative values are underfocused.
Definition: ctf.h:830
Shift for the image in the X axis (double)
void applyGeometry(int SplineDegree, MultidimArray< std::complex< double > > &V2, const MultidimArray< std::complex< double > > &V1, const Matrix2D< double > &A, bool inv, bool wrap, std::complex< double > outside, MultidimArray< double > *BcoeffsPtr)
std::vector< double > old_defocusU
void write(const FileName &name="", size_t select_img=ALL_IMAGES, bool isStack=false, int mode=WRITE_OVERWRITE, CastWriteMode castMode=CW_CAST, int _swapWrite=0)
double correlationIndex(const MultidimArray< T > &x, const MultidimArray< T > &y, const MultidimArray< int > *mask=NULL, MultidimArray< double > *Contributions=NULL)
Matrix1D< double > weightsInterpolation3D(double x, double y, double z)
Tilting angle of an image (double,degrees)
void inv(Matrix2D< T > &result) const
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:663
std::vector< Image< double > > Ifilteredp
Special label to be used when gathering MDs in MpiMetadataPrograms.
doublereal * w
std::vector< double > deltaDefocusAngle
void abs(Image< double > &op)
T * mdata
Definition: matrix2d.h:395
Name for the CTF Model (std::string)
std::vector< double > deltaDefocusU
void powellOptimizer(Matrix1D< double > &p, int i0, int n, double(*f)(double *x, void *), void *prm, double ftol, double &fret, int &iter, const Matrix1D< double > &steps, bool show)
Empty constructor.
void setFileName(const FileName &fn)
#define z0
void updateCTFImage(double defocusU, double defocusV, double angle)
#define FINISHINGZ(v)
glob_prnt iter
std::vector< double > deltaX
std::unique_ptr< MDRow > getRow(size_t id) override
#define STARTINGX(v)
virtual void writeImageParameters(MDRow &row)
doublereal * x
#define i
Is this image enabled? (int [-1 or 1])
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
size_t addRow(const MDRow &row) override
Shift for the image in the Y axis (double)
double DeltafU
Global gain. By default, 1.
Definition: ctf.h:828
#define STARTINGY(v)
double continuousZernikeCost(double *x, void *_prm)
#define MAT_ELEM(m, i, j)
Definition: matrix2d.h:116
#define A3D_ELEM(V, k, i, j)
double azimuthal_angle
Azimuthal angle (between X and U) in degrees.
Definition: ctf.h:832
Rotation angle of an image (double,degrees)
Definition: matrix1d.h:72
std::vector< double > deltaY
void deformVol(MultidimArray< double > &mVD, const MultidimArray< double > &mV, double &def, double rot, double tilt, double psi)
Deform a volumen using Zernike-Spherical harmonic basis.
std::vector< Image< double > > P
const FileName & getFileName() const
T & getValue(MDLabel label)
#define FLOOR(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:240
std::vector< double > currentAngle
#define y0
const char * getParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
#define x0
#define XX(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:85
#define CEIL(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:225
Deformation in voxels.
#define CTF
Cost for the image (double)
void defineParams()
Define parameters.
std::vector< double > old_rot
double R1
Definition: mask.h:413
Flip the image? (bool)
std::vector< double > old_defocusAngle
#define XSIZE(v)
MultidimArray< double > vpos
Image associated to this object (std::string)
void processImage(const FileName &fnImg, const FileName &fnImgOut, const MDRow &rowIn, MDRow &rowOut)
double Tm
Sampling rate (A/pixel)
Definition: ctf.h:240
int type
Definition: mask.h:402
#define ABS(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:142
double z
void addExampleLine(const char *example, bool verbatim=true)
Image associated to this object (std::string)
std::vector< double > z_clnm_diff
void readFromMdRow(const MDRow &row, bool disable_if_not_K=true)
Definition: ctf.cpp:1172
int verbose
Verbosity level.
void initZeros()
Definition: matrix1d.h:592
Psi angle of an image (double,degrees)
#define XMIPP_MIN(x, y)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:181
#define j
double steps
#define YY(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:93
int m
const T & getValueOrDefault(MDLabel label, const T &def) const
void numCoefficients(int l1, int l2, int &vecSize)
Length of coefficients vector.
double K
Global gain. By default, 1.
Definition: ctf.h:238
void setValue(MDLabel label, const T &d, bool addLabel=true)
#define FINISHINGY(v)
void show() const override
Shift for the image in the X axis (double)
std::vector< double > old_shiftX
void generate_mask(bool apply_geo=false)
Definition: mask.cpp:1577
void readParams()
Read argument from command line.
virtual bool containsLabel(MDLabel label) const =0
void typeCast(const Matrix1D< T1 > &v1, Matrix1D< T2 > &v2)
Definition: matrix1d.h:1227
void append(const FileName &outFile) const
Definition: mask.h:365
double ZernikeSphericalHarmonics(int n, int m, double xr, double yr, double zr, double r)
void produceSideInfo()
Produce Side information.
Definition: ctf.cpp:1392
double psi(const double x)
Deformation coefficients.
Rotation angle of an image (double,degrees)
int order
Derivation order and Bessel function order.
Definition: blobs.h:118
void splattingAtPos(std::array< double, 3 > r, double weight, MultidimArray< double > &mP, const MultidimArray< double > &mV)
bool keep_input_columns
Keep input metadata columns.
std::vector< size_t > idx_z_clnm
bool checkParam(const char *param)
int read(const FileName &name, DataMode datamode=DATA, size_t select_img=ALL_IMAGES, bool mapData=false, int mode=WRITE_READONLY)
float r2
ProgClassifyCL2D * prm
bool each_image_produces_an_output
Indicate that an output is produced for each image in the input.
virtual void checkPoint()
For very long programs, it may be needed to write checkpoints.
Shift for the image in the Y axis (double)
void addUsageLine(const char *line, bool verbatim=false)
void initZeros(const MultidimArray< T1 > &op)
bool enable_CTFnoise
Enable CTFnoise part.
Definition: ctf.h:273
const MultidimArray< int > & get_binary_mask() const
Definition: mask.h:707
std::vector< double > currentDefocusU
T * adaptForNumericalRecipes() const
Definition: matrix1d.h:844
int getIntParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
void generateMask(MultidimArray< double > &v)
Psi angle of an image (double,degrees)
std::vector< double > deltaDefocusV
double transformImageSph(double *pclnm)
#define STARTINGZ(v)
double radius
Spatial radius in Universal System units.
Definition: blobs.h:115
int * n
Name of an image (std::string)
#define ZZ(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:101
bool produces_a_metadata
Indicate that the unique final output file is a Metadata.
#define LOWPASS
void addParamsLine(const String &line)
MultidimArray< double > df
std::vector< double > currentDefocusV
void initIdentity()
Definition: matrix2d.h:673
int mode
Definition: mask.h:407
void applyMaskSpace(MultidimArray< double > &v)
std::vector< double > deltaRot
std::map< String, CommentList > defaultComments
Definition: xmipp_program.h:83
constexpr int INNER_MASK
Definition: mask.h:47