Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
alglib Namespace Reference


class  _ahcreport_owner
class  _autogkreport_owner
class  _autogkstate_owner
class  _barycentricfitreport_owner
class  _barycentricinterpolant_owner
class  _clusterizerstate_owner
class  _decisionforest_owner
class  _densesolverlsreport_owner
class  _densesolverreport_owner
class  _dfreport_owner
class  _hqrndstate_owner
class  _idwinterpolant_owner
class  _kdtree_owner
class  _kmeansreport_owner
class  _lincgreport_owner
class  _lincgstate_owner
class  _linearmodel_owner
class  _linlsqrreport_owner
class  _linlsqrstate_owner
class  _logitmodel_owner
class  _lrreport_owner
class  _lsfitreport_owner
class  _lsfitstate_owner
class  _matinvreport_owner
class  _mcpdreport_owner
class  _mcpdstate_owner
class  _minasareport_owner
class  _minasastate_owner
class  _minbleicreport_owner
class  _minbleicstate_owner
class  _mincgreport_owner
class  _mincgstate_owner
class  _minlbfgsreport_owner
class  _minlbfgsstate_owner
class  _minlmreport_owner
class  _minlmstate_owner
class  _minqpreport_owner
class  _minqpstate_owner
class  _mlpcvreport_owner
class  _mlpensemble_owner
class  _mlpreport_owner
class  _mlptrainer_owner
class  _mnlreport_owner
class  _modelerrors_owner
class  _multilayerperceptron_owner
class  _nleqreport_owner
class  _nleqstate_owner
class  _normestimatorstate_owner
class  _odesolverreport_owner
class  _odesolverstate_owner
class  _polynomialfitreport_owner
class  _pspline2interpolant_owner
class  _pspline3interpolant_owner
class  _rbfmodel_owner
class  _rbfreport_owner
class  _sparsematrix_owner
class  _spline1dfitreport_owner
class  _spline1dinterpolant_owner
class  _spline2dinterpolant_owner
class  _spline3dinterpolant_owner
class  ae_matrix_wrapper
class  ae_vector_wrapper
class  ahcreport
class  ap_error
class  autogkreport
class  autogkstate
class  barycentricfitreport
class  barycentricinterpolant
class  boolean_1d_array
class  boolean_2d_array
class  clusterizerstate
class  complex
class  complex_1d_array
class  complex_2d_array
class  decisionforest
class  densesolverlsreport
class  densesolverreport
class  dfreport
class  hqrndstate
class  idwinterpolant
class  integer_1d_array
class  integer_2d_array
class  kdtree
class  kmeansreport
class  lincgreport
class  lincgstate
class  linearmodel
class  linlsqrreport
class  linlsqrstate
class  logitmodel
class  lrreport
class  lsfitreport
class  lsfitstate
class  matinvreport
class  mcpdreport
class  mcpdstate
class  minasareport
class  minasastate
class  minbleicreport
class  minbleicstate
class  mincgreport
class  mincgstate
class  minlbfgsreport
class  minlbfgsstate
class  minlmreport
class  minlmstate
class  minqpreport
class  minqpstate
class  mlpcvreport
class  mlpensemble
class  mlpreport
class  mlptrainer
class  mnlreport
class  modelerrors
class  multilayerperceptron
class  nleqreport
class  nleqstate
class  normestimatorstate
class  odesolverreport
class  odesolverstate
class  polynomialfitreport
class  pspline2interpolant
class  pspline3interpolant
class  rbfmodel
class  rbfreport
class  real_1d_array
class  real_2d_array
class  sparsematrix
class  spline1dfitreport
class  spline1dinterpolant
class  spline2dinterpolant
class  spline3dinterpolant


typedef alglib_impl::ae_int_t ae_int_t


void hqrndrandomize (hqrndstate &state)
void hqrndseed (const ae_int_t s1, const ae_int_t s2, hqrndstate &state)
double hqrnduniformr (const hqrndstate &state)
ae_int_t hqrnduniformi (const hqrndstate &state, const ae_int_t n)
double hqrndnormal (const hqrndstate &state)
void hqrndunit2 (const hqrndstate &state, double &x, double &y)
void hqrndnormal2 (const hqrndstate &state, double &x1, double &x2)
double hqrndexponential (const hqrndstate &state, const double lambdav)
double hqrnddiscrete (const hqrndstate &state, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n)
double hqrndcontinuous (const hqrndstate &state, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n)
void kdtreeserialize (kdtree &obj, std::string &s_out)
void kdtreeunserialize (std::string &s_in, kdtree &obj)
void kdtreebuild (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt)
void kdtreebuild (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt)
void kdtreebuildtagged (const real_2d_array &xy, const integer_1d_array &tags, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt)
void kdtreebuildtagged (const real_2d_array &xy, const integer_1d_array &tags, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, const ae_int_t normtype, kdtree &kdt)
ae_int_t kdtreequeryknn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch)
ae_int_t kdtreequeryknn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k)
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const double r, const bool selfmatch)
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const double r)
ae_int_t kdtreequeryaknn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const bool selfmatch, const double eps)
ae_int_t kdtreequeryaknn (const kdtree &kdt, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k, const double eps)
void kdtreequeryresultsx (const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &x)
void kdtreequeryresultsxy (const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &xy)
void kdtreequeryresultstags (const kdtree &kdt, integer_1d_array &tags)
void kdtreequeryresultsdistances (const kdtree &kdt, real_1d_array &r)
void kdtreequeryresultsxi (const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &x)
void kdtreequeryresultsxyi (const kdtree &kdt, real_2d_array &xy)
void kdtreequeryresultstagsi (const kdtree &kdt, integer_1d_array &tags)
void kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi (const kdtree &kdt, real_1d_array &r)
double get_aenv_nan ()
double get_aenv_posinf ()
double get_aenv_neginf ()
ae_int_t my_stricmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
char * filter_spaces (const char *s)
void str_vector_create (const char *src, bool match_head_only, std::vector< const char *> *p_vec)
void str_matrix_create (const char *src, std::vector< std::vector< const char *> > *p_mat)
ae_bool parse_bool_delim (const char *s, const char *delim)
ae_int_t parse_int_delim (const char *s, const char *delim)
bool _parse_real_delim (const char *s, const char *delim, double *result, const char **new_s)
double parse_real_delim (const char *s, const char *delim)
alglib::complex parse_complex_delim (const char *s, const char *delim)
std::string arraytostring (const bool *ptr, ae_int_t n)
std::string arraytostring (const ae_int_t *ptr, ae_int_t n)
std::string arraytostring (const double *ptr, ae_int_t n, int dps)
std::string arraytostring (const alglib::complex *ptr, ae_int_t n, int dps)
ae_int_t vlen (ae_int_t n1, ae_int_t n2)
const alglib::complex operator/ (const alglib::complex &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const bool operator== (const alglib::complex &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const bool operator!= (const alglib::complex &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator+ (const alglib::complex &lhs)
const alglib::complex operator- (const alglib::complex &lhs)
const alglib::complex operator+ (const alglib::complex &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator+ (const alglib::complex &lhs, const double &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator+ (const double &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator- (const alglib::complex &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator- (const alglib::complex &lhs, const double &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator- (const double &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator* (const alglib::complex &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator* (const alglib::complex &lhs, const double &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator* (const double &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator/ (const double &lhs, const alglib::complex &rhs)
const alglib::complex operator/ (const alglib::complex &lhs, const double &rhs)
double abscomplex (const alglib::complex &z)
alglib::complex conj (const alglib::complex &z)
alglib::complex csqr (const alglib::complex &z)
void setnworkers (alglib::ae_int_t nworkers)
double vdotproduct (const double *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const double *v1, ae_int_t stride1, ae_int_t n)
double vdotproduct (const double *v1, const double *v2, ae_int_t N)
alglib::complex vdotproduct (const alglib::complex *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const char *conj0, const alglib::complex *v1, ae_int_t stride1, const char *conj1, ae_int_t n)
alglib::complex vdotproduct (const alglib::complex *v1, const alglib::complex *v2, ae_int_t N)
void vmove (double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
void vmove (double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
void vmove (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
void vmove (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
void vmoveneg (double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
void vmoveneg (double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
void vmoveneg (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
void vmoveneg (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
void vmove (double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
void vmove (double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
void vmove (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
void vmove (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
void vmove (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha)
void vmove (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha)
void vadd (double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
void vadd (double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
void vadd (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
void vadd (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
void vadd (double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
void vadd (double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
void vadd (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
void vadd (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
void vadd (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha)
void vadd (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha)
void vsub (double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
void vsub (double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
void vsub (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n)
void vsub (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N)
void vsub (double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
void vsub (double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
void vsub (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
void vsub (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
void vsub (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha)
void vsub (alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha)
void vmul (double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
void vmul (double *vdst, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
void vmul (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
void vmul (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t N, double alpha)
void vmul (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha)
void vmul (alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha)
int sign (double x)
double randomreal ()
ae_int_t randominteger (ae_int_t maxv)
int round (double x)
int trunc (double x)
int ifloor (double x)
int iceil (double x)
double pi ()
double sqr (double x)
int maxint (int m1, int m2)
int minint (int m1, int m2)
double maxreal (double m1, double m2)
double minreal (double m1, double m2)
bool fp_eq (double v1, double v2)
bool fp_neq (double v1, double v2)
bool fp_less (double v1, double v2)
bool fp_less_eq (double v1, double v2)
bool fp_greater (double v1, double v2)
bool fp_greater_eq (double v1, double v2)
bool fp_isnan (double x)
bool fp_isposinf (double x)
bool fp_isneginf (double x)
bool fp_isinf (double x)
bool fp_isfinite (double x)
void dsoptimalsplit2 (const real_1d_array &a, const integer_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, double &threshold, double &pal, double &pbl, double &par, double &pbr, double &cve)
void dsoptimalsplit2fast (real_1d_array &a, integer_1d_array &c, integer_1d_array &tiesbuf, integer_1d_array &cntbuf, real_1d_array &bufr, integer_1d_array &bufi, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nc, const double alpha, ae_int_t &info, double &threshold, double &rms, double &cvrms)
void clusterizercreate (clusterizerstate &s)
void clusterizersetpoints (const clusterizerstate &s, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nfeatures, const ae_int_t disttype)
void clusterizersetpoints (const clusterizerstate &s, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t disttype)
void clusterizersetdistances (const clusterizerstate &s, const real_2d_array &d, const ae_int_t npoints, const bool isupper)
void clusterizersetdistances (const clusterizerstate &s, const real_2d_array &d, const bool isupper)
void clusterizersetahcalgo (const clusterizerstate &s, const ae_int_t algo)
void clusterizersetkmeanslimits (const clusterizerstate &s, const ae_int_t restarts, const ae_int_t maxits)
void clusterizerrunahc (const clusterizerstate &s, ahcreport &rep)
void smp_clusterizerrunahc (const clusterizerstate &s, ahcreport &rep)
void clusterizerrunkmeans (const clusterizerstate &s, const ae_int_t k, kmeansreport &rep)
void clusterizergetdistances (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nfeatures, const ae_int_t disttype, real_2d_array &d)
void smp_clusterizergetdistances (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nfeatures, const ae_int_t disttype, real_2d_array &d)
void clusterizergetkclusters (const ahcreport &rep, const ae_int_t k, integer_1d_array &cidx, integer_1d_array &cz)
void clusterizerseparatedbydist (const ahcreport &rep, const double r, ae_int_t &k, integer_1d_array &cidx, integer_1d_array &cz)
void clusterizerseparatedbycorr (const ahcreport &rep, const double r, ae_int_t &k, integer_1d_array &cidx, integer_1d_array &cz)
void kmeansgenerate (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t &info, real_2d_array &c, integer_1d_array &xyc)
void dfserialize (decisionforest &obj, std::string &s_out)
void dfunserialize (std::string &s_in, decisionforest &obj)
void dfbuildrandomdecisionforest (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, const ae_int_t nclasses, const ae_int_t ntrees, const double r, ae_int_t &info, decisionforest &df, dfreport &rep)
void dfbuildrandomdecisionforestx1 (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, const ae_int_t nclasses, const ae_int_t ntrees, const ae_int_t nrndvars, const double r, ae_int_t &info, decisionforest &df, dfreport &rep)
void dfprocess (const decisionforest &df, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void dfprocessi (const decisionforest &df, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
double dfrelclserror (const decisionforest &df, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double dfavgce (const decisionforest &df, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double dfrmserror (const decisionforest &df, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double dfavgerror (const decisionforest &df, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double dfavgrelerror (const decisionforest &df, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
void lrbuild (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t &info, linearmodel &lm, lrreport &ar)
void lrbuilds (const real_2d_array &xy, const real_1d_array &s, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t &info, linearmodel &lm, lrreport &ar)
void lrbuildzs (const real_2d_array &xy, const real_1d_array &s, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t &info, linearmodel &lm, lrreport &ar)
void lrbuildz (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t &info, linearmodel &lm, lrreport &ar)
void lrunpack (const linearmodel &lm, real_1d_array &v, ae_int_t &nvars)
void lrpack (const real_1d_array &v, const ae_int_t nvars, linearmodel &lm)
double lrprocess (const linearmodel &lm, const real_1d_array &x)
double lrrmserror (const linearmodel &lm, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double lravgerror (const linearmodel &lm, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double lravgrelerror (const linearmodel &lm, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
void filtersma (real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k)
void filtersma (real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k)
void filterema (real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const double alpha)
void filterema (real_1d_array &x, const double alpha)
void filterlrma (real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k)
void filterlrma (real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t k)
void fisherlda (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, const ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &w)
void fisherldan (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, const ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t &info, real_2d_array &w)
void mlpserialize (multilayerperceptron &obj, std::string &s_out)
void mlpunserialize (std::string &s_in, multilayerperceptron &obj)
void mlpcreate0 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreate1 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid, const ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreate2 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid1, const ae_int_t nhid2, const ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreateb0 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nout, const double b, const double d, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreateb1 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid, const ae_int_t nout, const double b, const double d, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreateb2 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid1, const ae_int_t nhid2, const ae_int_t nout, const double b, const double d, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreater0 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nout, const double a, const double b, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreater1 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid, const ae_int_t nout, const double a, const double b, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreater2 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid1, const ae_int_t nhid2, const ae_int_t nout, const double a, const double b, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreatec0 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreatec1 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid, const ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpcreatec2 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid1, const ae_int_t nhid2, const ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlprandomize (const multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlprandomizefull (const multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpproperties (const multilayerperceptron &network, ae_int_t &nin, ae_int_t &nout, ae_int_t &wcount)
ae_int_t mlpgetinputscount (const multilayerperceptron &network)
ae_int_t mlpgetoutputscount (const multilayerperceptron &network)
ae_int_t mlpgetweightscount (const multilayerperceptron &network)
bool mlpissoftmax (const multilayerperceptron &network)
ae_int_t mlpgetlayerscount (const multilayerperceptron &network)
ae_int_t mlpgetlayersize (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t k)
void mlpgetinputscaling (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t i, double &mean, double &sigma)
void mlpgetoutputscaling (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t i, double &mean, double &sigma)
void mlpgetneuroninfo (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t i, ae_int_t &fkind, double &threshold)
double mlpgetweight (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t k0, const ae_int_t i0, const ae_int_t k1, const ae_int_t i1)
void mlpsetinputscaling (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t i, const double mean, const double sigma)
void mlpsetoutputscaling (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t i, const double mean, const double sigma)
void mlpsetneuroninfo (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t i, const ae_int_t fkind, const double threshold)
void mlpsetweight (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t k0, const ae_int_t i0, const ae_int_t k1, const ae_int_t i1, const double w)
void mlpactivationfunction (const double net, const ae_int_t k, double &f, double &df, double &d2f)
void mlpprocess (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void mlpprocessi (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
double mlperror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlperror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlperrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlperrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlperrorn (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t ssize)
ae_int_t mlpclserror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
ae_int_t smp_mlpclserror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlprelclserror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlprelclserror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlprelclserrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlprelclserrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpavgce (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlpavgce (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpavgcesparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlpavgcesparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlprmserror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlprmserror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlprmserrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlprmserrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpavgerror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlpavgerror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpavgerrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlpavgerrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpavgrelerror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlpavgrelerror (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpavgrelerrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double smp_mlpavgrelerrorsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
void mlpgrad (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &desiredy, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void mlpgradn (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &desiredy, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void mlpgradbatch (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t ssize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void smp_mlpgradbatch (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t ssize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void mlpgradbatchsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t ssize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void smp_mlpgradbatchsparse (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t ssize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void mlpgradbatchsubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &idx, const ae_int_t subsetsize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void smp_mlpgradbatchsubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &idx, const ae_int_t subsetsize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void mlpgradbatchsparsesubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &idx, const ae_int_t subsetsize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void smp_mlpgradbatchsparsesubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &idx, const ae_int_t subsetsize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void mlpgradnbatch (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t ssize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad)
void mlphessiannbatch (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t ssize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad, real_2d_array &h)
void mlphessianbatch (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t ssize, double &e, real_1d_array &grad, real_2d_array &h)
void mlpallerrorssubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &subset, const ae_int_t subsetsize, modelerrors &rep)
void smp_mlpallerrorssubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &subset, const ae_int_t subsetsize, modelerrors &rep)
void mlpallerrorssparsesubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &subset, const ae_int_t subsetsize, modelerrors &rep)
void smp_mlpallerrorssparsesubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &subset, const ae_int_t subsetsize, modelerrors &rep)
double mlperrorsubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &subset, const ae_int_t subsetsize)
double smp_mlperrorsubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &subset, const ae_int_t subsetsize)
double mlperrorsparsesubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &subset, const ae_int_t subsetsize)
double smp_mlperrorsparsesubset (const multilayerperceptron &network, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t setsize, const integer_1d_array &subset, const ae_int_t subsetsize)
void mnltrainh (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, const ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t &info, logitmodel &lm, mnlreport &rep)
void mnlprocess (const logitmodel &lm, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void mnlprocessi (const logitmodel &lm, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void mnlunpack (const logitmodel &lm, real_2d_array &a, ae_int_t &nvars, ae_int_t &nclasses)
void mnlpack (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t nvars, const ae_int_t nclasses, logitmodel &lm)
double mnlavgce (const logitmodel &lm, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mnlrelclserror (const logitmodel &lm, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mnlrmserror (const logitmodel &lm, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mnlavgerror (const logitmodel &lm, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mnlavgrelerror (const logitmodel &lm, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t ssize)
ae_int_t mnlclserror (const logitmodel &lm, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
void mcpdcreate (const ae_int_t n, mcpdstate &s)
void mcpdcreateentry (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t entrystate, mcpdstate &s)
void mcpdcreateexit (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t exitstate, mcpdstate &s)
void mcpdcreateentryexit (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t entrystate, const ae_int_t exitstate, mcpdstate &s)
void mcpdaddtrack (const mcpdstate &s, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t k)
void mcpdaddtrack (const mcpdstate &s, const real_2d_array &xy)
void mcpdsetec (const mcpdstate &s, const real_2d_array &ec)
void mcpdaddec (const mcpdstate &s, const ae_int_t i, const ae_int_t j, const double c)
void mcpdsetbc (const mcpdstate &s, const real_2d_array &bndl, const real_2d_array &bndu)
void mcpdaddbc (const mcpdstate &s, const ae_int_t i, const ae_int_t j, const double bndl, const double bndu)
void mcpdsetlc (const mcpdstate &s, const real_2d_array &c, const integer_1d_array &ct, const ae_int_t k)
void mcpdsetlc (const mcpdstate &s, const real_2d_array &c, const integer_1d_array &ct)
void mcpdsettikhonovregularizer (const mcpdstate &s, const double v)
void mcpdsetprior (const mcpdstate &s, const real_2d_array &pp)
void mcpdsetpredictionweights (const mcpdstate &s, const real_1d_array &pw)
void mcpdsolve (const mcpdstate &s)
void mcpdresults (const mcpdstate &s, real_2d_array &p, mcpdreport &rep)
void mlpeserialize (mlpensemble &obj, std::string &s_out)
void mlpeunserialize (std::string &s_in, mlpensemble &obj)
void mlpecreate0 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nout, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreate1 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid, const ae_int_t nout, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreate2 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid1, const ae_int_t nhid2, const ae_int_t nout, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreateb0 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nout, const double b, const double d, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreateb1 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid, const ae_int_t nout, const double b, const double d, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreateb2 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid1, const ae_int_t nhid2, const ae_int_t nout, const double b, const double d, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreater0 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nout, const double a, const double b, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreater1 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid, const ae_int_t nout, const double a, const double b, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreater2 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid1, const ae_int_t nhid2, const ae_int_t nout, const double a, const double b, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreatec0 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nout, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreatec1 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid, const ae_int_t nout, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreatec2 (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nhid1, const ae_int_t nhid2, const ae_int_t nout, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpecreatefromnetwork (const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlperandomize (const mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpeproperties (const mlpensemble &ensemble, ae_int_t &nin, ae_int_t &nout)
bool mlpeissoftmax (const mlpensemble &ensemble)
void mlpeprocess (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void mlpeprocessi (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
double mlperelclserror (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpeavgce (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpermserror (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpeavgerror (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
double mlpeavgrelerror (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
void mlptrainlm (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const double decay, const ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t &info, mlpreport &rep)
void mlptrainlbfgs (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const double decay, const ae_int_t restarts, const double wstep, const ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t &info, mlpreport &rep)
void mlptraines (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &trnxy, const ae_int_t trnsize, const real_2d_array &valxy, const ae_int_t valsize, const double decay, const ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t &info, mlpreport &rep)
void mlpkfoldcvlbfgs (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const double decay, const ae_int_t restarts, const double wstep, const ae_int_t maxits, const ae_int_t foldscount, ae_int_t &info, mlpreport &rep, mlpcvreport &cvrep)
void mlpkfoldcvlm (const multilayerperceptron &network, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const double decay, const ae_int_t restarts, const ae_int_t foldscount, ae_int_t &info, mlpreport &rep, mlpcvreport &cvrep)
void mlpkfoldcv (const mlptrainer &s, const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t nrestarts, const ae_int_t foldscount, mlpreport &rep)
void smp_mlpkfoldcv (const mlptrainer &s, const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t nrestarts, const ae_int_t foldscount, mlpreport &rep)
void mlpcreatetrainer (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nout, mlptrainer &s)
void mlpcreatetrainercls (const ae_int_t nin, const ae_int_t nclasses, mlptrainer &s)
void mlpsetdataset (const mlptrainer &s, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
void mlpsetsparsedataset (const mlptrainer &s, const sparsematrix &xy, const ae_int_t npoints)
void mlpsetdecay (const mlptrainer &s, const double decay)
void mlpsetcond (const mlptrainer &s, const double wstep, const ae_int_t maxits)
void mlpsetalgobatch (const mlptrainer &s)
void mlptrainnetwork (const mlptrainer &s, const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t nrestarts, mlpreport &rep)
void smp_mlptrainnetwork (const mlptrainer &s, const multilayerperceptron &network, const ae_int_t nrestarts, mlpreport &rep)
void mlpstarttraining (const mlptrainer &s, const multilayerperceptron &network, const bool randomstart)
bool mlpcontinuetraining (const mlptrainer &s, const multilayerperceptron &network)
bool smp_mlpcontinuetraining (const mlptrainer &s, const multilayerperceptron &network)
void mlpebagginglm (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const double decay, const ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t &info, mlpreport &rep, mlpcvreport &ooberrors)
void mlpebagginglbfgs (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const double decay, const ae_int_t restarts, const double wstep, const ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t &info, mlpreport &rep, mlpcvreport &ooberrors)
void mlpetraines (const mlpensemble &ensemble, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const double decay, const ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t &info, mlpreport &rep)
void mlptrainensemblees (const mlptrainer &s, const mlpensemble &ensemble, const ae_int_t nrestarts, mlpreport &rep)
void smp_mlptrainensemblees (const mlptrainer &s, const mlpensemble &ensemble, const ae_int_t nrestarts, mlpreport &rep)
void pcabuildbasis (const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &s2, real_2d_array &v)
void odesolverrkck (const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t m, const double eps, const double h, odesolverstate &state)
void odesolverrkck (const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &x, const double eps, const double h, odesolverstate &state)
bool odesolveriteration (const odesolverstate &state)
void odesolversolve (odesolverstate &state, void(*diff)(const real_1d_array &y, double x, real_1d_array &dy, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void odesolverresults (const odesolverstate &state, ae_int_t &m, real_1d_array &xtbl, real_2d_array &ytbl, odesolverreport &rep)
void fftc1d (complex_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
void fftc1d (complex_1d_array &a)
void fftc1dinv (complex_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
void fftc1dinv (complex_1d_array &a)
void fftr1d (const real_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &f)
void fftr1d (const real_1d_array &a, complex_1d_array &f)
void fftr1dinv (const complex_1d_array &f, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &a)
void fftr1dinv (const complex_1d_array &f, real_1d_array &a)
void convc1d (const complex_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const complex_1d_array &b, const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &r)
void convc1dinv (const complex_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const complex_1d_array &b, const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &r)
void convc1dcircular (const complex_1d_array &s, const ae_int_t m, const complex_1d_array &r, const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &c)
void convc1dcircularinv (const complex_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const complex_1d_array &b, const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &r)
void convr1d (const real_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &b, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &r)
void convr1dinv (const real_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &b, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &r)
void convr1dcircular (const real_1d_array &s, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &r, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &c)
void convr1dcircularinv (const real_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &b, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &r)
void corrc1d (const complex_1d_array &signal, const ae_int_t n, const complex_1d_array &pattern, const ae_int_t m, complex_1d_array &r)
void corrc1dcircular (const complex_1d_array &signal, const ae_int_t m, const complex_1d_array &pattern, const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &c)
void corrr1d (const real_1d_array &signal, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &pattern, const ae_int_t m, real_1d_array &r)
void corrr1dcircular (const real_1d_array &signal, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &pattern, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &c)
void fhtr1d (real_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
void fhtr1dinv (real_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
void gqgeneraterec (const real_1d_array &alpha, const real_1d_array &beta, const double mu0, const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &w)
void gqgenerategausslobattorec (const real_1d_array &alpha, const real_1d_array &beta, const double mu0, const double a, const double b, const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &w)
void gqgenerategaussradaurec (const real_1d_array &alpha, const real_1d_array &beta, const double mu0, const double a, const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &w)
void gqgenerategausslegendre (const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &w)
void gqgenerategaussjacobi (const ae_int_t n, const double alpha, const double beta, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &w)
void gqgenerategausslaguerre (const ae_int_t n, const double alpha, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &w)
void gqgenerategausshermite (const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &w)
void gkqgeneraterec (const real_1d_array &alpha, const real_1d_array &beta, const double mu0, const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &wkronrod, real_1d_array &wgauss)
void gkqgenerategausslegendre (const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &wkronrod, real_1d_array &wgauss)
void gkqgenerategaussjacobi (const ae_int_t n, const double alpha, const double beta, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &wkronrod, real_1d_array &wgauss)
void gkqlegendrecalc (const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &wkronrod, real_1d_array &wgauss)
void gkqlegendretbl (const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &wkronrod, real_1d_array &wgauss, double &eps)
void autogksmooth (const double a, const double b, autogkstate &state)
void autogksmoothw (const double a, const double b, const double xwidth, autogkstate &state)
void autogksingular (const double a, const double b, const double alpha, const double beta, autogkstate &state)
bool autogkiteration (const autogkstate &state)
void autogkintegrate (autogkstate &state, void(*func)(double x, double xminusa, double bminusx, double &y, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void autogkresults (const autogkstate &state, double &v, autogkreport &rep)
double idwcalc (const idwinterpolant &z, const real_1d_array &x)
void idwbuildmodifiedshepard (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t d, const ae_int_t nq, const ae_int_t nw, idwinterpolant &z)
void idwbuildmodifiedshepardr (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nx, const double r, idwinterpolant &z)
void idwbuildnoisy (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t d, const ae_int_t nq, const ae_int_t nw, idwinterpolant &z)
double barycentriccalc (const barycentricinterpolant &b, const double t)
void barycentricdiff1 (const barycentricinterpolant &b, const double t, double &f, double &df)
void barycentricdiff2 (const barycentricinterpolant &b, const double t, double &f, double &df, double &d2f)
void barycentriclintransx (const barycentricinterpolant &b, const double ca, const double cb)
void barycentriclintransy (const barycentricinterpolant &b, const double ca, const double cb)
void barycentricunpack (const barycentricinterpolant &b, ae_int_t &n, real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y, real_1d_array &w)
void barycentricbuildxyw (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant &b)
void barycentricbuildfloaterhormann (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t d, barycentricinterpolant &b)
void polynomialbar2cheb (const barycentricinterpolant &p, const double a, const double b, real_1d_array &t)
void polynomialcheb2bar (const real_1d_array &t, const ae_int_t n, const double a, const double b, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialcheb2bar (const real_1d_array &t, const double a, const double b, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialbar2pow (const barycentricinterpolant &p, const double c, const double s, real_1d_array &a)
void polynomialbar2pow (const barycentricinterpolant &p, real_1d_array &a)
void polynomialpow2bar (const real_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const double c, const double s, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialpow2bar (const real_1d_array &a, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialbuild (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialbuild (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialbuildeqdist (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialbuildeqdist (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &y, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialbuildcheb1 (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialbuildcheb1 (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &y, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialbuildcheb2 (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant &p)
void polynomialbuildcheb2 (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &y, barycentricinterpolant &p)
double polynomialcalceqdist (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &f, const ae_int_t n, const double t)
double polynomialcalceqdist (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &f, const double t)
double polynomialcalccheb1 (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &f, const ae_int_t n, const double t)
double polynomialcalccheb1 (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &f, const double t)
double polynomialcalccheb2 (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &f, const ae_int_t n, const double t)
double polynomialcalccheb2 (const double a, const double b, const real_1d_array &f, const double t)
void spline1dbuildlinear (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dbuildlinear (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dbuildcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t boundltype, const double boundl, const ae_int_t boundrtype, const double boundr, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dbuildcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dgriddiffcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t boundltype, const double boundl, const ae_int_t boundrtype, const double boundr, real_1d_array &d)
void spline1dgriddiffcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, real_1d_array &d)
void spline1dgriddiff2cubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t boundltype, const double boundl, const ae_int_t boundrtype, const double boundr, real_1d_array &d1, real_1d_array &d2)
void spline1dgriddiff2cubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, real_1d_array &d1, real_1d_array &d2)
void spline1dconvcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t boundltype, const double boundl, const ae_int_t boundrtype, const double boundr, const real_1d_array &x2, const ae_int_t n2, real_1d_array &y2)
void spline1dconvcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &x2, real_1d_array &y2)
void spline1dconvdiffcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t boundltype, const double boundl, const ae_int_t boundrtype, const double boundr, const real_1d_array &x2, const ae_int_t n2, real_1d_array &y2, real_1d_array &d2)
void spline1dconvdiffcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &x2, real_1d_array &y2, real_1d_array &d2)
void spline1dconvdiff2cubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t boundltype, const double boundl, const ae_int_t boundrtype, const double boundr, const real_1d_array &x2, const ae_int_t n2, real_1d_array &y2, real_1d_array &d2, real_1d_array &dd2)
void spline1dconvdiff2cubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &x2, real_1d_array &y2, real_1d_array &d2, real_1d_array &dd2)
void spline1dbuildcatmullrom (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t boundtype, const double tension, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dbuildcatmullrom (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dbuildhermite (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &d, const ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dbuildhermite (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &d, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dbuildakima (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dbuildakima (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, spline1dinterpolant &c)
double spline1dcalc (const spline1dinterpolant &c, const double x)
void spline1ddiff (const spline1dinterpolant &c, const double x, double &s, double &ds, double &d2s)
void spline1dunpack (const spline1dinterpolant &c, ae_int_t &n, real_2d_array &tbl)
void spline1dlintransx (const spline1dinterpolant &c, const double a, const double b)
void spline1dlintransy (const spline1dinterpolant &c, const double a, const double b)
double spline1dintegrate (const spline1dinterpolant &c, const double x)
void spline1dbuildmonotone (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void spline1dbuildmonotone (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, spline1dinterpolant &c)
void polynomialfit (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, barycentricinterpolant &p, polynomialfitreport &rep)
void polynomialfit (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, barycentricinterpolant &p, polynomialfitreport &rep)
void polynomialfitwc (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &xc, const real_1d_array &yc, const integer_1d_array &dc, const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, barycentricinterpolant &p, polynomialfitreport &rep)
void polynomialfitwc (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_1d_array &xc, const real_1d_array &yc, const integer_1d_array &dc, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, barycentricinterpolant &p, polynomialfitreport &rep)
void barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &xc, const real_1d_array &yc, const integer_1d_array &dc, const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, barycentricinterpolant &b, barycentricfitreport &rep)
void barycentricfitfloaterhormann (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, barycentricinterpolant &b, barycentricfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfitpenalized (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const double rho, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfitpenalized (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, const double rho, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfitpenalizedw (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const double rho, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfitpenalizedw (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const ae_int_t m, const double rho, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfitcubicwc (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &xc, const real_1d_array &yc, const integer_1d_array &dc, const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfitcubicwc (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_1d_array &xc, const real_1d_array &yc, const integer_1d_array &dc, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfithermitewc (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &xc, const real_1d_array &yc, const integer_1d_array &dc, const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfithermitewc (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_1d_array &xc, const real_1d_array &yc, const integer_1d_array &dc, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfitcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfitcubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfithermite (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void spline1dfithermite (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, spline1dinterpolant &s, spline1dfitreport &rep)
void lsfitlinearw (const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_2d_array &fmatrix, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &c, lsfitreport &rep)
void lsfitlinearw (const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_2d_array &fmatrix, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &c, lsfitreport &rep)
void lsfitlinearwc (const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_2d_array &fmatrix, const real_2d_array &cmatrix, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t k, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &c, lsfitreport &rep)
void lsfitlinearwc (const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_2d_array &fmatrix, const real_2d_array &cmatrix, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &c, lsfitreport &rep)
void lsfitlinear (const real_1d_array &y, const real_2d_array &fmatrix, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &c, lsfitreport &rep)
void lsfitlinear (const real_1d_array &y, const real_2d_array &fmatrix, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &c, lsfitreport &rep)
void lsfitlinearc (const real_1d_array &y, const real_2d_array &fmatrix, const real_2d_array &cmatrix, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t k, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &c, lsfitreport &rep)
void lsfitlinearc (const real_1d_array &y, const real_2d_array &fmatrix, const real_2d_array &cmatrix, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &c, lsfitreport &rep)
void lsfitcreatewf (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t k, const double diffstep, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatewf (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_1d_array &c, const double diffstep, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatef (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t k, const double diffstep, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatef (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &c, const double diffstep, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatewfg (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t k, const bool cheapfg, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatewfg (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_1d_array &c, const bool cheapfg, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatefg (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t k, const bool cheapfg, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatefg (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &c, const bool cheapfg, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatewfgh (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t k, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatewfgh (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &w, const real_1d_array &c, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatefgh (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t k, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitcreatefgh (const real_2d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_1d_array &c, lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitsetcond (const lsfitstate &state, const double epsf, const double epsx, const ae_int_t maxits)
void lsfitsetstpmax (const lsfitstate &state, const double stpmax)
void lsfitsetxrep (const lsfitstate &state, const bool needxrep)
void lsfitsetscale (const lsfitstate &state, const real_1d_array &s)
void lsfitsetbc (const lsfitstate &state, const real_1d_array &bndl, const real_1d_array &bndu)
bool lsfititeration (const lsfitstate &state)
void lsfitfit (lsfitstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &c, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void lsfitfit (lsfitstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*grad)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &c, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void lsfitfit (lsfitstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*grad)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void(*hess)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, real_2d_array &hess, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &c, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void lsfitresults (const lsfitstate &state, ae_int_t &info, real_1d_array &c, lsfitreport &rep)
void lsfitsetgradientcheck (const lsfitstate &state, const double teststep)
void pspline2build (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t st, const ae_int_t pt, pspline2interpolant &p)
void pspline3build (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t st, const ae_int_t pt, pspline3interpolant &p)
void pspline2buildperiodic (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t st, const ae_int_t pt, pspline2interpolant &p)
void pspline3buildperiodic (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t st, const ae_int_t pt, pspline3interpolant &p)
void pspline2parametervalues (const pspline2interpolant &p, ae_int_t &n, real_1d_array &t)
void pspline3parametervalues (const pspline3interpolant &p, ae_int_t &n, real_1d_array &t)
void pspline2calc (const pspline2interpolant &p, const double t, double &x, double &y)
void pspline3calc (const pspline3interpolant &p, const double t, double &x, double &y, double &z)
void pspline2tangent (const pspline2interpolant &p, const double t, double &x, double &y)
void pspline3tangent (const pspline3interpolant &p, const double t, double &x, double &y, double &z)
void pspline2diff (const pspline2interpolant &p, const double t, double &x, double &dx, double &y, double &dy)
void pspline3diff (const pspline3interpolant &p, const double t, double &x, double &dx, double &y, double &dy, double &z, double &dz)
void pspline2diff2 (const pspline2interpolant &p, const double t, double &x, double &dx, double &d2x, double &y, double &dy, double &d2y)
void pspline3diff2 (const pspline3interpolant &p, const double t, double &x, double &dx, double &d2x, double &y, double &dy, double &d2y, double &z, double &dz, double &d2z)
double pspline2arclength (const pspline2interpolant &p, const double a, const double b)
double pspline3arclength (const pspline3interpolant &p, const double a, const double b)
void rbfserialize (rbfmodel &obj, std::string &s_out)
void rbfunserialize (std::string &s_in, rbfmodel &obj)
void rbfcreate (const ae_int_t nx, const ae_int_t ny, rbfmodel &s)
void rbfsetpoints (const rbfmodel &s, const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t n)
void rbfsetpoints (const rbfmodel &s, const real_2d_array &xy)
void rbfsetalgoqnn (const rbfmodel &s, const double q, const double z)
void rbfsetalgoqnn (const rbfmodel &s)
void rbfsetalgomultilayer (const rbfmodel &s, const double rbase, const ae_int_t nlayers, const double lambdav)
void rbfsetalgomultilayer (const rbfmodel &s, const double rbase, const ae_int_t nlayers)
void rbfsetlinterm (const rbfmodel &s)
void rbfsetconstterm (const rbfmodel &s)
void rbfsetzeroterm (const rbfmodel &s)
void rbfbuildmodel (const rbfmodel &s, rbfreport &rep)
double rbfcalc2 (const rbfmodel &s, const double x0, const double x1)
double rbfcalc3 (const rbfmodel &s, const double x0, const double x1, const double x2)
void rbfcalc (const rbfmodel &s, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void rbfcalcbuf (const rbfmodel &s, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void rbfgridcalc2 (const rbfmodel &s, const real_1d_array &x0, const ae_int_t n0, const real_1d_array &x1, const ae_int_t n1, real_2d_array &y)
void rbfunpack (const rbfmodel &s, ae_int_t &nx, ae_int_t &ny, real_2d_array &xwr, ae_int_t &nc, real_2d_array &v)
double spline2dcalc (const spline2dinterpolant &c, const double x, const double y)
void spline2ddiff (const spline2dinterpolant &c, const double x, const double y, double &f, double &fx, double &fy, double &fxy)
void spline2dlintransxy (const spline2dinterpolant &c, const double ax, const double bx, const double ay, const double by)
void spline2dlintransf (const spline2dinterpolant &c, const double a, const double b)
void spline2dcopy (const spline2dinterpolant &c, spline2dinterpolant &cc)
void spline2dresamplebicubic (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t oldheight, const ae_int_t oldwidth, real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t newheight, const ae_int_t newwidth)
void spline2dresamplebilinear (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t oldheight, const ae_int_t oldwidth, real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t newheight, const ae_int_t newwidth)
void spline2dbuildbilinearv (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &f, const ae_int_t d, spline2dinterpolant &c)
void spline2dbuildbicubicv (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &f, const ae_int_t d, spline2dinterpolant &c)
void spline2dcalcvbuf (const spline2dinterpolant &c, const double x, const double y, real_1d_array &f)
void spline2dcalcv (const spline2dinterpolant &c, const double x, const double y, real_1d_array &f)
void spline2dunpackv (const spline2dinterpolant &c, ae_int_t &m, ae_int_t &n, ae_int_t &d, real_2d_array &tbl)
void spline2dbuildbilinear (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_2d_array &f, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, spline2dinterpolant &c)
void spline2dbuildbicubic (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const real_2d_array &f, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, spline2dinterpolant &c)
void spline2dunpack (const spline2dinterpolant &c, ae_int_t &m, ae_int_t &n, real_2d_array &tbl)
double spline3dcalc (const spline3dinterpolant &c, const double x, const double y, const double z)
void spline3dlintransxyz (const spline3dinterpolant &c, const double ax, const double bx, const double ay, const double by, const double az, const double bz)
void spline3dlintransf (const spline3dinterpolant &c, const double a, const double b)
void spline3dresampletrilinear (const real_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t oldzcount, const ae_int_t oldycount, const ae_int_t oldxcount, const ae_int_t newzcount, const ae_int_t newycount, const ae_int_t newxcount, real_1d_array &b)
void spline3dbuildtrilinearv (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &z, const ae_int_t l, const real_1d_array &f, const ae_int_t d, spline3dinterpolant &c)
void spline3dcalcvbuf (const spline3dinterpolant &c, const double x, const double y, const double z, real_1d_array &f)
void spline3dcalcv (const spline3dinterpolant &c, const double x, const double y, const double z, real_1d_array &f)
void spline3dunpackv (const spline3dinterpolant &c, ae_int_t &n, ae_int_t &m, ae_int_t &l, ae_int_t &d, ae_int_t &stype, real_2d_array &tbl)
void cmatrixtranspose (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, complex_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t ib, const ae_int_t jb)
void rmatrixtranspose (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t ib, const ae_int_t jb)
void rmatrixenforcesymmetricity (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper)
void cmatrixcopy (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, complex_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t ib, const ae_int_t jb)
void rmatrixcopy (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t ib, const ae_int_t jb)
void cmatrixrank1 (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, complex_1d_array &u, const ae_int_t iu, complex_1d_array &v, const ae_int_t iv)
void rmatrixrank1 (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, real_1d_array &u, const ae_int_t iu, real_1d_array &v, const ae_int_t iv)
void cmatrixmv (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t opa, const complex_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t ix, complex_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t iy)
void rmatrixmv (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t opa, const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t ix, real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t iy)
void cmatrixrighttrsm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t j1, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, const ae_int_t optype, const complex_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t i2, const ae_int_t j2)
void smp_cmatrixrighttrsm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t j1, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, const ae_int_t optype, const complex_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t i2, const ae_int_t j2)
void cmatrixlefttrsm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t j1, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, const ae_int_t optype, const complex_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t i2, const ae_int_t j2)
void smp_cmatrixlefttrsm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t j1, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, const ae_int_t optype, const complex_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t i2, const ae_int_t j2)
void rmatrixrighttrsm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t j1, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, const ae_int_t optype, const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t i2, const ae_int_t j2)
void smp_rmatrixrighttrsm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t j1, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, const ae_int_t optype, const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t i2, const ae_int_t j2)
void rmatrixlefttrsm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t j1, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, const ae_int_t optype, const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t i2, const ae_int_t j2)
void smp_rmatrixlefttrsm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t j1, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, const ae_int_t optype, const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t i2, const ae_int_t j2)
void cmatrixsyrk (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k, const double alpha, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t optypea, const double beta, const complex_2d_array &c, const ae_int_t ic, const ae_int_t jc, const bool isupper)
void smp_cmatrixsyrk (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k, const double alpha, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t optypea, const double beta, const complex_2d_array &c, const ae_int_t ic, const ae_int_t jc, const bool isupper)
void rmatrixsyrk (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k, const double alpha, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t optypea, const double beta, const real_2d_array &c, const ae_int_t ic, const ae_int_t jc, const bool isupper)
void smp_rmatrixsyrk (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k, const double alpha, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t optypea, const double beta, const real_2d_array &c, const ae_int_t ic, const ae_int_t jc, const bool isupper)
void cmatrixgemm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k, const alglib::complex alpha, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t optypea, const complex_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t ib, const ae_int_t jb, const ae_int_t optypeb, const alglib::complex beta, const complex_2d_array &c, const ae_int_t ic, const ae_int_t jc)
void smp_cmatrixgemm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k, const alglib::complex alpha, const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t optypea, const complex_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t ib, const ae_int_t jb, const ae_int_t optypeb, const alglib::complex beta, const complex_2d_array &c, const ae_int_t ic, const ae_int_t jc)
void rmatrixgemm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k, const double alpha, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t optypea, const real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t ib, const ae_int_t jb, const ae_int_t optypeb, const double beta, const real_2d_array &c, const ae_int_t ic, const ae_int_t jc)
void smp_rmatrixgemm (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k, const double alpha, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t ia, const ae_int_t ja, const ae_int_t optypea, const real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t ib, const ae_int_t jb, const ae_int_t optypeb, const double beta, const real_2d_array &c, const ae_int_t ic, const ae_int_t jc)
void rmatrixqr (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &tau)
void rmatrixlq (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &tau)
void cmatrixqr (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &tau)
void cmatrixlq (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array &tau)
void rmatrixqrunpackq (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &tau, const ae_int_t qcolumns, real_2d_array &q)
void rmatrixqrunpackr (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, real_2d_array &r)
void rmatrixlqunpackq (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &tau, const ae_int_t qrows, real_2d_array &q)
void rmatrixlqunpackl (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, real_2d_array &l)
void cmatrixqrunpackq (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const complex_1d_array &tau, const ae_int_t qcolumns, complex_2d_array &q)
void cmatrixqrunpackr (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array &r)
void cmatrixlqunpackq (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const complex_1d_array &tau, const ae_int_t qrows, complex_2d_array &q)
void cmatrixlqunpackl (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array &l)
void rmatrixbd (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &tauq, real_1d_array &taup)
void rmatrixbdunpackq (const real_2d_array &qp, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &tauq, const ae_int_t qcolumns, real_2d_array &q)
void rmatrixbdmultiplybyq (const real_2d_array &qp, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &tauq, real_2d_array &z, const ae_int_t zrows, const ae_int_t zcolumns, const bool fromtheright, const bool dotranspose)
void rmatrixbdunpackpt (const real_2d_array &qp, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &taup, const ae_int_t ptrows, real_2d_array &pt)
void rmatrixbdmultiplybyp (const real_2d_array &qp, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &taup, real_2d_array &z, const ae_int_t zrows, const ae_int_t zcolumns, const bool fromtheright, const bool dotranspose)
void rmatrixbdunpackdiagonals (const real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, bool &isupper, real_1d_array &d, real_1d_array &e)
void rmatrixhessenberg (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &tau)
void rmatrixhessenbergunpackq (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &tau, real_2d_array &q)
void rmatrixhessenbergunpackh (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, real_2d_array &h)
void smatrixtd (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, real_1d_array &tau, real_1d_array &d, real_1d_array &e)
void smatrixtdunpackq (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const real_1d_array &tau, real_2d_array &q)
void hmatrixtd (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, complex_1d_array &tau, real_1d_array &d, real_1d_array &e)
void hmatrixtdunpackq (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const complex_1d_array &tau, complex_2d_array &q)
bool rmatrixbdsvd (real_1d_array &d, const real_1d_array &e, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const bool isfractionalaccuracyrequired, real_2d_array &u, const ae_int_t nru, real_2d_array &c, const ae_int_t ncc, real_2d_array &vt, const ae_int_t ncvt)
bool rmatrixsvd (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t uneeded, const ae_int_t vtneeded, const ae_int_t additionalmemory, real_1d_array &w, real_2d_array &u, real_2d_array &vt)
bool smatrixevd (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t zneeded, const bool isupper, real_1d_array &d, real_2d_array &z)
bool smatrixevdr (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t zneeded, const bool isupper, const double b1, const double b2, ae_int_t &m, real_1d_array &w, real_2d_array &z)
bool smatrixevdi (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t zneeded, const bool isupper, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t i2, real_1d_array &w, real_2d_array &z)
bool hmatrixevd (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t zneeded, const bool isupper, real_1d_array &d, complex_2d_array &z)
bool hmatrixevdr (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t zneeded, const bool isupper, const double b1, const double b2, ae_int_t &m, real_1d_array &w, complex_2d_array &z)
bool hmatrixevdi (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t zneeded, const bool isupper, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t i2, real_1d_array &w, complex_2d_array &z)
bool smatrixtdevd (real_1d_array &d, const real_1d_array &e, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t zneeded, real_2d_array &z)
bool smatrixtdevdr (real_1d_array &d, const real_1d_array &e, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t zneeded, const double a, const double b, ae_int_t &m, real_2d_array &z)
bool smatrixtdevdi (real_1d_array &d, const real_1d_array &e, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t zneeded, const ae_int_t i1, const ae_int_t i2, real_2d_array &z)
bool rmatrixevd (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t vneeded, real_1d_array &wr, real_1d_array &wi, real_2d_array &vl, real_2d_array &vr)
void rmatrixrndorthogonal (const ae_int_t n, real_2d_array &a)
void rmatrixrndcond (const ae_int_t n, const double c, real_2d_array &a)
void cmatrixrndorthogonal (const ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array &a)
void cmatrixrndcond (const ae_int_t n, const double c, complex_2d_array &a)
void smatrixrndcond (const ae_int_t n, const double c, real_2d_array &a)
void spdmatrixrndcond (const ae_int_t n, const double c, real_2d_array &a)
void hmatrixrndcond (const ae_int_t n, const double c, complex_2d_array &a)
void hpdmatrixrndcond (const ae_int_t n, const double c, complex_2d_array &a)
void rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n)
void rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n)
void cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n)
void cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n)
void smatrixrndmultiply (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
void hmatrixrndmultiply (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
void rmatrixlu (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, integer_1d_array &pivots)
void cmatrixlu (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, integer_1d_array &pivots)
bool hpdmatrixcholesky (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper)
bool spdmatrixcholesky (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper)
double rmatrixrcond1 (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
double rmatrixrcondinf (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
double spdmatrixrcond (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper)
double rmatrixtrrcond1 (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const bool isunit)
double rmatrixtrrcondinf (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const bool isunit)
double hpdmatrixrcond (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper)
double cmatrixrcond1 (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
double cmatrixrcondinf (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
double rmatrixlurcond1 (const real_2d_array &lua, const ae_int_t n)
double rmatrixlurcondinf (const real_2d_array &lua, const ae_int_t n)
double spdmatrixcholeskyrcond (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper)
double hpdmatrixcholeskyrcond (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper)
double cmatrixlurcond1 (const complex_2d_array &lua, const ae_int_t n)
double cmatrixlurcondinf (const complex_2d_array &lua, const ae_int_t n)
double cmatrixtrrcond1 (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const bool isunit)
double cmatrixtrrcondinf (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const bool isunit)
void rmatrixluinverse (real_2d_array &a, const integer_1d_array &pivots, const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void rmatrixluinverse (real_2d_array &a, const integer_1d_array &pivots, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void rmatrixinverse (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void rmatrixinverse (real_2d_array &a, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void cmatrixluinverse (complex_2d_array &a, const integer_1d_array &pivots, const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void cmatrixluinverse (complex_2d_array &a, const integer_1d_array &pivots, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void cmatrixinverse (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void cmatrixinverse (complex_2d_array &a, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void spdmatrixcholeskyinverse (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void spdmatrixcholeskyinverse (real_2d_array &a, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void spdmatrixinverse (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void spdmatrixinverse (real_2d_array &a, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse (complex_2d_array &a, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void hpdmatrixinverse (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void hpdmatrixinverse (complex_2d_array &a, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void rmatrixtrinverse (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void rmatrixtrinverse (real_2d_array &a, const bool isupper, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void cmatrixtrinverse (complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const bool isunit, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void cmatrixtrinverse (complex_2d_array &a, const bool isupper, ae_int_t &info, matinvreport &rep)
void sparsecreate (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t k, sparsematrix &s)
void sparsecreate (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, sparsematrix &s)
void sparsecreatecrs (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const integer_1d_array &ner, sparsematrix &s)
void sparsecopy (const sparsematrix &s0, sparsematrix &s1)
void sparseadd (const sparsematrix &s, const ae_int_t i, const ae_int_t j, const double v)
void sparseset (const sparsematrix &s, const ae_int_t i, const ae_int_t j, const double v)
double sparseget (const sparsematrix &s, const ae_int_t i, const ae_int_t j)
double sparsegetdiagonal (const sparsematrix &s, const ae_int_t i)
void sparseconverttocrs (const sparsematrix &s)
void sparsemv (const sparsematrix &s, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void sparsemtv (const sparsematrix &s, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void sparsemv2 (const sparsematrix &s, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y0, real_1d_array &y1)
void sparsesmv (const sparsematrix &s, const bool isupper, const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &y)
void sparsemm (const sparsematrix &s, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t k, real_2d_array &b)
void sparsemtm (const sparsematrix &s, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t k, real_2d_array &b)
void sparsemm2 (const sparsematrix &s, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t k, real_2d_array &b0, real_2d_array &b1)
void sparsesmm (const sparsematrix &s, const bool isupper, const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t k, real_2d_array &b)
void sparseresizematrix (const sparsematrix &s)
bool sparseenumerate (const sparsematrix &s, ae_int_t &t0, ae_int_t &t1, ae_int_t &i, ae_int_t &j, double &v)
bool sparserewriteexisting (const sparsematrix &s, const ae_int_t i, const ae_int_t j, const double v)
void sparsegetrow (const sparsematrix &s, const ae_int_t i, real_1d_array &irow)
void sparseconverttohash (const sparsematrix &s)
void sparsecopytohash (const sparsematrix &s0, sparsematrix &s1)
void sparsecopytocrs (const sparsematrix &s0, sparsematrix &s1)
ae_int_t sparsegetmatrixtype (const sparsematrix &s)
bool sparseishash (const sparsematrix &s)
bool sparseiscrs (const sparsematrix &s)
void sparsefree (sparsematrix &s)
ae_int_t sparsegetnrows (const sparsematrix &s)
ae_int_t sparsegetncols (const sparsematrix &s)
void normestimatorcreate (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t nstart, const ae_int_t nits, normestimatorstate &state)
void normestimatorsetseed (const normestimatorstate &state, const ae_int_t seedval)
void normestimatorestimatesparse (const normestimatorstate &state, const sparsematrix &a)
void normestimatorresults (const normestimatorstate &state, double &nrm)
double rmatrixludet (const real_2d_array &a, const integer_1d_array &pivots, const ae_int_t n)
double rmatrixludet (const real_2d_array &a, const integer_1d_array &pivots)
double rmatrixdet (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
double rmatrixdet (const real_2d_array &a)
alglib::complex cmatrixludet (const complex_2d_array &a, const integer_1d_array &pivots, const ae_int_t n)
alglib::complex cmatrixludet (const complex_2d_array &a, const integer_1d_array &pivots)
alglib::complex cmatrixdet (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
alglib::complex cmatrixdet (const complex_2d_array &a)
double spdmatrixcholeskydet (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n)
double spdmatrixcholeskydet (const real_2d_array &a)
double spdmatrixdet (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper)
double spdmatrixdet (const real_2d_array &a)
bool smatrixgevd (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isuppera, const real_2d_array &b, const bool isupperb, const ae_int_t zneeded, const ae_int_t problemtype, real_1d_array &d, real_2d_array &z)
bool smatrixgevdreduce (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isuppera, const real_2d_array &b, const bool isupperb, const ae_int_t problemtype, real_2d_array &r, bool &isupperr)
void rmatrixinvupdatesimple (real_2d_array &inva, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t updrow, const ae_int_t updcolumn, const double updval)
void rmatrixinvupdaterow (real_2d_array &inva, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t updrow, const real_1d_array &v)
void rmatrixinvupdatecolumn (real_2d_array &inva, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t updcolumn, const real_1d_array &u)
void rmatrixinvupdateuv (real_2d_array &inva, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &u, const real_1d_array &v)
bool rmatrixschur (real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, real_2d_array &s)
void mincgcreate (const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &x, mincgstate &state)
void mincgcreate (const real_1d_array &x, mincgstate &state)
void mincgcreatef (const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &x, const double diffstep, mincgstate &state)
void mincgcreatef (const real_1d_array &x, const double diffstep, mincgstate &state)
void mincgsetcond (const mincgstate &state, const double epsg, const double epsf, const double epsx, const ae_int_t maxits)
void mincgsetscale (const mincgstate &state, const real_1d_array &s)
void mincgsetxrep (const mincgstate &state, const bool needxrep)
void mincgsetcgtype (const mincgstate &state, const ae_int_t cgtype)
void mincgsetstpmax (const mincgstate &state, const double stpmax)
void mincgsuggeststep (const mincgstate &state, const double stp)
void mincgsetprecdefault (const mincgstate &state)
void mincgsetprecdiag (const mincgstate &state, const real_1d_array &d)
void mincgsetprecscale (const mincgstate &state)
bool mincgiteration (const mincgstate &state)
void mincgoptimize (mincgstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void mincgoptimize (mincgstate &state, void(*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void mincgresults (const mincgstate &state, real_1d_array &x, mincgreport &rep)
void mincgresultsbuf (const mincgstate &state, real_1d_array &x, mincgreport &rep)
void mincgrestartfrom (const mincgstate &state, const real_1d_array &x)
void mincgsetgradientcheck (const mincgstate &state, const double teststep)
void minbleiccreate (const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &x, minbleicstate &state)
void minbleiccreate (const real_1d_array &x, minbleicstate &state)
void minbleiccreatef (const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &x, const double diffstep, minbleicstate &state)
void minbleiccreatef (const real_1d_array &x, const double diffstep, minbleicstate &state)
void minbleicsetbc (const minbleicstate &state, const real_1d_array &bndl, const real_1d_array &bndu)
void minbleicsetlc (const minbleicstate &state, const real_2d_array &c, const integer_1d_array &ct, const ae_int_t k)
void minbleicsetlc (const minbleicstate &state, const real_2d_array &c, const integer_1d_array &ct)
void minbleicsetcond (const minbleicstate &state, const double epsg, const double epsf, const double epsx, const ae_int_t maxits)
void minbleicsetscale (const minbleicstate &state, const real_1d_array &s)
void minbleicsetprecdefault (const minbleicstate &state)
void minbleicsetprecdiag (const minbleicstate &state, const real_1d_array &d)
void minbleicsetprecscale (const minbleicstate &state)
void minbleicsetxrep (const minbleicstate &state, const bool needxrep)
void minbleicsetstpmax (const minbleicstate &state, const double stpmax)
bool minbleiciteration (const minbleicstate &state)
void minbleicoptimize (minbleicstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minbleicoptimize (minbleicstate &state, void(*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minbleicresults (const minbleicstate &state, real_1d_array &x, minbleicreport &rep)
void minbleicresultsbuf (const minbleicstate &state, real_1d_array &x, minbleicreport &rep)
void minbleicrestartfrom (const minbleicstate &state, const real_1d_array &x)
void minbleicsetgradientcheck (const minbleicstate &state, const double teststep)
void minlbfgscreate (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlbfgsstate &state)
void minlbfgscreate (const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlbfgsstate &state)
void minlbfgscreatef (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, const double diffstep, minlbfgsstate &state)
void minlbfgscreatef (const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, const double diffstep, minlbfgsstate &state)
void minlbfgssetcond (const minlbfgsstate &state, const double epsg, const double epsf, const double epsx, const ae_int_t maxits)
void minlbfgssetxrep (const minlbfgsstate &state, const bool needxrep)
void minlbfgssetstpmax (const minlbfgsstate &state, const double stpmax)
void minlbfgssetscale (const minlbfgsstate &state, const real_1d_array &s)
void minlbfgssetprecdefault (const minlbfgsstate &state)
void minlbfgssetpreccholesky (const minlbfgsstate &state, const real_2d_array &p, const bool isupper)
void minlbfgssetprecdiag (const minlbfgsstate &state, const real_1d_array &d)
void minlbfgssetprecscale (const minlbfgsstate &state)
bool minlbfgsiteration (const minlbfgsstate &state)
void minlbfgsoptimize (minlbfgsstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minlbfgsoptimize (minlbfgsstate &state, void(*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minlbfgsresults (const minlbfgsstate &state, real_1d_array &x, minlbfgsreport &rep)
void minlbfgsresultsbuf (const minlbfgsstate &state, real_1d_array &x, minlbfgsreport &rep)
void minlbfgsrestartfrom (const minlbfgsstate &state, const real_1d_array &x)
void minlbfgssetgradientcheck (const minlbfgsstate &state, const double teststep)
void minqpcreate (const ae_int_t n, minqpstate &state)
void minqpsetlinearterm (const minqpstate &state, const real_1d_array &b)
void minqpsetquadraticterm (const minqpstate &state, const real_2d_array &a, const bool isupper)
void minqpsetquadraticterm (const minqpstate &state, const real_2d_array &a)
void minqpsetquadratictermsparse (const minqpstate &state, const sparsematrix &a, const bool isupper)
void minqpsetstartingpoint (const minqpstate &state, const real_1d_array &x)
void minqpsetorigin (const minqpstate &state, const real_1d_array &xorigin)
void minqpsetscale (const minqpstate &state, const real_1d_array &s)
void minqpsetalgocholesky (const minqpstate &state)
void minqpsetalgobleic (const minqpstate &state, const double epsg, const double epsf, const double epsx, const ae_int_t maxits)
void minqpsetbc (const minqpstate &state, const real_1d_array &bndl, const real_1d_array &bndu)
void minqpsetlc (const minqpstate &state, const real_2d_array &c, const integer_1d_array &ct, const ae_int_t k)
void minqpsetlc (const minqpstate &state, const real_2d_array &c, const integer_1d_array &ct)
void minqpoptimize (const minqpstate &state)
void minqpresults (const minqpstate &state, real_1d_array &x, minqpreport &rep)
void minqpresultsbuf (const minqpstate &state, real_1d_array &x, minqpreport &rep)
void minlmcreatevj (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatevj (const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatev (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, const double diffstep, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatev (const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, const double diffstep, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatefgh (const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatefgh (const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmsetcond (const minlmstate &state, const double epsg, const double epsf, const double epsx, const ae_int_t maxits)
void minlmsetxrep (const minlmstate &state, const bool needxrep)
void minlmsetstpmax (const minlmstate &state, const double stpmax)
void minlmsetscale (const minlmstate &state, const real_1d_array &s)
void minlmsetbc (const minlmstate &state, const real_1d_array &bndl, const real_1d_array &bndu)
void minlmsetacctype (const minlmstate &state, const ae_int_t acctype)
bool minlmiteration (const minlmstate &state)
void minlmoptimize (minlmstate &state, void(*fvec)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minlmoptimize (minlmstate &state, void(*fvec)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr), void(*jac)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minlmoptimize (minlmstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void(*hess)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, real_2d_array &hess, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minlmoptimize (minlmstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*jac)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minlmoptimize (minlmstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void(*jac)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minlmresults (const minlmstate &state, real_1d_array &x, minlmreport &rep)
void minlmresultsbuf (const minlmstate &state, real_1d_array &x, minlmreport &rep)
void minlmrestartfrom (const minlmstate &state, const real_1d_array &x)
void minlmcreatevgj (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatevgj (const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatefgj (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatefgj (const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatefj (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmcreatefj (const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, minlmstate &state)
void minlmsetgradientcheck (const minlmstate &state, const double teststep)
void minlbfgssetdefaultpreconditioner (const minlbfgsstate &state)
void minlbfgssetcholeskypreconditioner (const minlbfgsstate &state, const real_2d_array &p, const bool isupper)
void minbleicsetbarrierwidth (const minbleicstate &state, const double mu)
void minbleicsetbarrierdecay (const minbleicstate &state, const double mudecay)
void minasacreate (const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &bndl, const real_1d_array &bndu, minasastate &state)
void minasacreate (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &bndl, const real_1d_array &bndu, minasastate &state)
void minasasetcond (const minasastate &state, const double epsg, const double epsf, const double epsx, const ae_int_t maxits)
void minasasetxrep (const minasastate &state, const bool needxrep)
void minasasetalgorithm (const minasastate &state, const ae_int_t algotype)
void minasasetstpmax (const minasastate &state, const double stpmax)
bool minasaiteration (const minasastate &state)
void minasaoptimize (minasastate &state, void(*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void minasaresults (const minasastate &state, real_1d_array &x, minasareport &rep)
void minasaresultsbuf (const minasastate &state, real_1d_array &x, minasareport &rep)
void minasarestartfrom (const minasastate &state, const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &bndl, const real_1d_array &bndu)
void rmatrixsolve (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_1d_array &x)
void rmatrixsolvem (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, const bool rfs, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_2d_array &x)
void rmatrixlusolve (const real_2d_array &lua, const integer_1d_array &p, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_1d_array &x)
void rmatrixlusolvem (const real_2d_array &lua, const integer_1d_array &p, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_2d_array &x)
void rmatrixmixedsolve (const real_2d_array &a, const real_2d_array &lua, const integer_1d_array &p, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_1d_array &x)
void rmatrixmixedsolvem (const real_2d_array &a, const real_2d_array &lua, const integer_1d_array &p, const ae_int_t n, const real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_2d_array &x)
void cmatrixsolvem (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, const bool rfs, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_2d_array &x)
void cmatrixsolve (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const complex_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_1d_array &x)
void cmatrixlusolvem (const complex_2d_array &lua, const integer_1d_array &p, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_2d_array &x)
void cmatrixlusolve (const complex_2d_array &lua, const integer_1d_array &p, const ae_int_t n, const complex_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_1d_array &x)
void cmatrixmixedsolvem (const complex_2d_array &a, const complex_2d_array &lua, const integer_1d_array &p, const ae_int_t n, const complex_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_2d_array &x)
void cmatrixmixedsolve (const complex_2d_array &a, const complex_2d_array &lua, const integer_1d_array &p, const ae_int_t n, const complex_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_1d_array &x)
void spdmatrixsolvem (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_2d_array &x)
void spdmatrixsolve (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const real_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_1d_array &x)
void spdmatrixcholeskysolvem (const real_2d_array &cha, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const real_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_2d_array &x)
void spdmatrixcholeskysolve (const real_2d_array &cha, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const real_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, real_1d_array &x)
void hpdmatrixsolvem (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const complex_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_2d_array &x)
void hpdmatrixsolve (const complex_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const complex_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_1d_array &x)
void hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem (const complex_2d_array &cha, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const complex_2d_array &b, const ae_int_t m, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_2d_array &x)
void hpdmatrixcholeskysolve (const complex_2d_array &cha, const ae_int_t n, const bool isupper, const complex_1d_array &b, ae_int_t &info, densesolverreport &rep, complex_1d_array &x)
void rmatrixsolvels (const real_2d_array &a, const ae_int_t nrows, const ae_int_t ncols, const real_1d_array &b, const double threshold, ae_int_t &info, densesolverlsreport &rep, real_1d_array &x)
void linlsqrcreate (const ae_int_t m, const ae_int_t n, linlsqrstate &state)
void linlsqrsetprecunit (const linlsqrstate &state)
void linlsqrsetprecdiag (const linlsqrstate &state)
void linlsqrsetlambdai (const linlsqrstate &state, const double lambdai)
void linlsqrsolvesparse (const linlsqrstate &state, const sparsematrix &a, const real_1d_array &b)
void linlsqrsetcond (const linlsqrstate &state, const double epsa, const double epsb, const ae_int_t maxits)
void linlsqrresults (const linlsqrstate &state, real_1d_array &x, linlsqrreport &rep)
void linlsqrsetxrep (const linlsqrstate &state, const bool needxrep)
void lincgcreate (const ae_int_t n, lincgstate &state)
void lincgsetstartingpoint (const lincgstate &state, const real_1d_array &x)
void lincgsetprecunit (const lincgstate &state)
void lincgsetprecdiag (const lincgstate &state)
void lincgsetcond (const lincgstate &state, const double epsf, const ae_int_t maxits)
void lincgsolvesparse (const lincgstate &state, const sparsematrix &a, const bool isupper, const real_1d_array &b)
void lincgresults (const lincgstate &state, real_1d_array &x, lincgreport &rep)
void lincgsetrestartfreq (const lincgstate &state, const ae_int_t srf)
void lincgsetrupdatefreq (const lincgstate &state, const ae_int_t freq)
void lincgsetxrep (const lincgstate &state, const bool needxrep)
void nleqcreatelm (const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, nleqstate &state)
void nleqcreatelm (const ae_int_t m, const real_1d_array &x, nleqstate &state)
void nleqsetcond (const nleqstate &state, const double epsf, const ae_int_t maxits)
void nleqsetxrep (const nleqstate &state, const bool needxrep)
void nleqsetstpmax (const nleqstate &state, const double stpmax)
bool nleqiteration (const nleqstate &state)
void nleqsolve (nleqstate &state, void(*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void(*jac)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr), void(*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr), void *ptr)
void nleqresults (const nleqstate &state, real_1d_array &x, nleqreport &rep)
void nleqresultsbuf (const nleqstate &state, real_1d_array &x, nleqreport &rep)
void nleqrestartfrom (const nleqstate &state, const real_1d_array &x)
double gammafunction (const double x)
double lngamma (const double x, double &sgngam)
double errorfunction (const double x)
double errorfunctionc (const double x)
double normaldistribution (const double x)
double inverf (const double e)
double invnormaldistribution (const double y0)
double incompletegamma (const double a, const double x)
double incompletegammac (const double a, const double x)
double invincompletegammac (const double a, const double y0)
void airy (const double x, double &ai, double &aip, double &bi, double &bip)
double besselj0 (const double x)
double besselj1 (const double x)
double besseljn (const ae_int_t n, const double x)
double bessely0 (const double x)
double bessely1 (const double x)
double besselyn (const ae_int_t n, const double x)
double besseli0 (const double x)
double besseli1 (const double x)
double besselk0 (const double x)
double besselk1 (const double x)
double besselkn (const ae_int_t nn, const double x)
double beta (const double a, const double b)
double incompletebeta (const double a, const double b, const double x)
double invincompletebeta (const double a, const double b, const double y)
double binomialdistribution (const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t n, const double p)
double binomialcdistribution (const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t n, const double p)
double invbinomialdistribution (const ae_int_t k, const ae_int_t n, const double y)
double chebyshevcalculate (const ae_int_t r, const ae_int_t n, const double x)
double chebyshevsum (const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t r, const ae_int_t n, const double x)
void chebyshevcoefficients (const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &c)
void fromchebyshev (const real_1d_array &a, const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &b)
double chisquaredistribution (const double v, const double x)
double chisquarecdistribution (const double v, const double x)
double invchisquaredistribution (const double v, const double y)
double dawsonintegral (const double x)
double ellipticintegralk (const double m)
double ellipticintegralkhighprecision (const double m1)
double incompleteellipticintegralk (const double phi, const double m)
double ellipticintegrale (const double m)
double incompleteellipticintegrale (const double phi, const double m)
double exponentialintegralei (const double x)
double exponentialintegralen (const double x, const ae_int_t n)
double fdistribution (const ae_int_t a, const ae_int_t b, const double x)
double fcdistribution (const ae_int_t a, const ae_int_t b, const double x)
double invfdistribution (const ae_int_t a, const ae_int_t b, const double y)
void fresnelintegral (const double x, double &c, double &s)
double hermitecalculate (const ae_int_t n, const double x)
double hermitesum (const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, const double x)
void hermitecoefficients (const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &c)
void jacobianellipticfunctions (const double u, const double m, double &sn, double &cn, double &dn, double &ph)
double laguerrecalculate (const ae_int_t n, const double x)
double laguerresum (const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, const double x)
void laguerrecoefficients (const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &c)
double legendrecalculate (const ae_int_t n, const double x)
double legendresum (const real_1d_array &c, const ae_int_t n, const double x)
void legendrecoefficients (const ae_int_t n, real_1d_array &c)
double poissondistribution (const ae_int_t k, const double m)
double poissoncdistribution (const ae_int_t k, const double m)
double invpoissondistribution (const ae_int_t k, const double y)
double psi (const double x)
double studenttdistribution (const ae_int_t k, const double t)
double invstudenttdistribution (const ae_int_t k, const double p)
void sinecosineintegrals (const double x, double &si, double &ci)
void hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals (const double x, double &shi, double &chi)
void samplemoments (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, double &mean, double &variance, double &skewness, double &kurtosis)
void samplemoments (const real_1d_array &x, double &mean, double &variance, double &skewness, double &kurtosis)
double samplemean (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n)
double samplemean (const real_1d_array &x)
double samplevariance (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n)
double samplevariance (const real_1d_array &x)
double sampleskewness (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n)
double sampleskewness (const real_1d_array &x)
double samplekurtosis (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n)
double samplekurtosis (const real_1d_array &x)
void sampleadev (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, double &adev)
void sampleadev (const real_1d_array &x, double &adev)
void samplemedian (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, double &median)
void samplemedian (const real_1d_array &x, double &median)
void samplepercentile (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const double p, double &v)
void samplepercentile (const real_1d_array &x, const double p, double &v)
double cov2 (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n)
double cov2 (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y)
double pearsoncorr2 (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n)
double pearsoncorr2 (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y)
double spearmancorr2 (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n)
double spearmancorr2 (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y)
void covm (const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_covm (const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, real_2d_array &c)
void covm (const real_2d_array &x, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_covm (const real_2d_array &x, real_2d_array &c)
void pearsoncorrm (const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_pearsoncorrm (const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, real_2d_array &c)
void pearsoncorrm (const real_2d_array &x, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_pearsoncorrm (const real_2d_array &x, real_2d_array &c)
void spearmancorrm (const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_spearmancorrm (const real_2d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m, real_2d_array &c)
void spearmancorrm (const real_2d_array &x, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_spearmancorrm (const real_2d_array &x, real_2d_array &c)
void covm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m1, const ae_int_t m2, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_covm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m1, const ae_int_t m2, real_2d_array &c)
void covm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_covm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, real_2d_array &c)
void pearsoncorrm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m1, const ae_int_t m2, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_pearsoncorrm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m1, const ae_int_t m2, real_2d_array &c)
void pearsoncorrm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_pearsoncorrm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, real_2d_array &c)
void spearmancorrm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m1, const ae_int_t m2, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_spearmancorrm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, const ae_int_t n, const ae_int_t m1, const ae_int_t m2, real_2d_array &c)
void spearmancorrm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, real_2d_array &c)
void smp_spearmancorrm2 (const real_2d_array &x, const real_2d_array &y, real_2d_array &c)
void rankdata (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nfeatures)
void smp_rankdata (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nfeatures)
void rankdata (real_2d_array &xy)
void smp_rankdata (real_2d_array &xy)
void rankdatacentered (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nfeatures)
void smp_rankdatacentered (const real_2d_array &xy, const ae_int_t npoints, const ae_int_t nfeatures)
void rankdatacentered (real_2d_array &xy)
void smp_rankdatacentered (real_2d_array &xy)
double pearsoncorrelation (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n)
double spearmanrankcorrelation (const real_1d_array &x, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t n)
void pearsoncorrelationsignificance (const double r, const ae_int_t n, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)
void spearmanrankcorrelationsignificance (const double r, const ae_int_t n, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)
void jarqueberatest (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, double &p)
void mannwhitneyutest (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)
void onesamplesigntest (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const double median, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)
void studentttest1 (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const double mean, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)
void studentttest2 (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)
void unequalvariancettest (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)
void ftest (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const real_1d_array &y, const ae_int_t m, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)
void onesamplevariancetest (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const double variance, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)
void wilcoxonsignedranktest (const real_1d_array &x, const ae_int_t n, const double e, double &bothtails, double &lefttail, double &righttail)


const double machineepsilon = 5E-16
const double maxrealnumber = 1E300
const double minrealnumber = 1E-300
const double fp_nan = alglib::get_aenv_nan()
const double fp_posinf = alglib::get_aenv_posinf()
const double fp_neginf = alglib::get_aenv_neginf()
const ae_int_t endianness = alglib_impl::ae_get_endianness()

Typedef Documentation

◆ ae_int_t

Definition at line 889 of file ap.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _parse_real_delim()

bool alglib::_parse_real_delim ( const char *  s,
const char *  delim,
double *  result,
const char **  new_s 

Definition at line 6984 of file ap.cpp.

6985 {
6986  const char *p;
6987  char *t;
6988  bool has_digits;
6989  char buf[64];
6990  int isign;
6991  lconv *loc;
6993  p = s;
6995  //
6996  // check string structure and decide what to do
6997  //
6998  isign = 1;
6999  if( *s=='-' || *s=='+' )
7000  {
7001  isign = *s=='-' ? -1 : +1;
7002  s++;
7003  }
7004  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
7005  strncpy(buf, s, 3);
7006  if( my_stricmp(buf,"nan")!=0 && my_stricmp(buf,"inf")!=0 )
7007  {
7008  //
7009  // [sign] [ddd] [.] [ddd] [e|E[sign]ddd]
7010  //
7011  has_digits = false;
7012  if( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
7013  {
7014  has_digits = true;
7015  while( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
7016  s++;
7017  }
7018  if( *s=='.' )
7019  s++;
7020  if( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
7021  {
7022  has_digits = true;
7023  while( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
7024  s++;
7025  }
7026  if (!has_digits )
7027  return false;
7028  if( *s=='e' || *s=='E' )
7029  {
7030  s++;
7031  if( *s=='-' || *s=='+' )
7032  s++;
7033  if( *s==0 || strchr("1234567890",*s)==NULL )
7034  return false;
7035  while( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
7036  s++;
7037  }
7038  if( *s==0 || strchr(delim,*s)==NULL )
7039  return false;
7040  *new_s = s;
7042  //
7043  // finite value conversion
7044  //
7045  if( *new_s-p>=(int)sizeof(buf) )
7046  return false;
7047  strncpy(buf, p, (size_t)(*new_s-p));
7048  buf[*new_s-p] = 0;
7049  loc = localeconv();
7050  t = strchr(buf,'.');
7051  if( t!=NULL )
7052  *t = *loc->decimal_point;
7053  *result = atof(buf);
7054  return true;
7055  }
7056  else
7057  {
7058  //
7059  // check delimiter and update *new_s
7060  //
7061  s += 3;
7062  if( *s==0 || strchr(delim,*s)==NULL )
7063  return false;
7064  *new_s = s;
7066  //
7067  // NAN, INF conversion
7068  //
7069  if( my_stricmp(buf,"nan")==0 )
7070  *result = fp_nan;
7071  if( my_stricmp(buf,"inf")==0 )
7072  *result = isign>0 ? fp_posinf : fp_neginf;
7073  return true;
7074  }
7075 }
const double fp_neginf
Definition: ap.cpp:4696
ae_int_t my_stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
Definition: ap.cpp:6794
const double fp_posinf
Definition: ap.cpp:4695
const double fp_nan
Definition: ap.cpp:4694

◆ abscomplex()

double alglib::abscomplex ( const alglib::complex z)

Definition at line 4968 of file ap.cpp.

4969 {
4970  double w;
4971  double xabs;
4972  double yabs;
4973  double v;
4975  xabs = fabs(z.x);
4976  yabs = fabs(z.y);
4977  w = xabs>yabs ? xabs : yabs;
4978  v = xabs<yabs ? xabs : yabs;
4979  if( v==0 )
4980  return w;
4981  else
4982  {
4983  double t = v/w;
4984  return w*sqrt(1+t*t);
4985  }
4986 }
void sqrt(Image< double > &op)
doublereal * w
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ airy()

void alglib::airy ( const double  x,
double &  ai,
double &  aip,
double &  bi,
double &  bip 

Definition at line 496 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

497 {
498  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
499  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
500  try
501  {
502  alglib_impl::airy(x, &ai, &aip, &bi, &bip, &_alglib_env_state);
503  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
504  return;
505  }
507  {
508  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
509  }
510 }
void airy(double x, double *ai, double *aip, double *bi, double *bip, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ arraytostring() [1/4]

std::string alglib::arraytostring ( const bool *  ptr,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 7132 of file ap.cpp.

7133 {
7134  std::string result;
7135  ae_int_t i;
7136  result = "[";
7137  for(i=0; i<n; i++)
7138  {
7139  if( i!=0 )
7140  result += ",";
7141  result += ptr[i] ? "true" : "false";
7142  }
7143  result += "]";
7144  return result;
7145 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ arraytostring() [2/4]

std::string alglib::arraytostring ( const ae_int_t ptr,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 7147 of file ap.cpp.

7148 {
7149  std::string result;
7150  ae_int_t i;
7151  char buf[64];
7152  result = "[";
7153  for(i=0; i<n; i++)
7154  {
7155  if( sprintf(buf, i==0 ? "%ld" : ",%ld", long(ptr[i]))>=(int)sizeof(buf) )
7156  throw ap_error("arraytostring(): buffer overflow");
7157  result += buf;
7158  }
7159  result += "]";
7160  return result;
7161 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ arraytostring() [3/4]

std::string alglib::arraytostring ( const double *  ptr,
ae_int_t  n,
int  dps 

Definition at line 7163 of file ap.cpp.

7164 {
7165  std::string result;
7166  ae_int_t i;
7167  char buf[67];
7168  char mask1[64];
7169  char mask2[66];
7170  int dps = _dps>=0 ? _dps : -_dps;
7171  result = "[";
7172  if( sprintf(mask1, "%%.%d%s", dps, _dps>=0 ? "f" : "e")>=(int)sizeof(mask1) )
7173  throw ap_error("arraytostring(): buffer overflow");
7174  if( sprintf(mask2, ",%s", mask1)>=(int)sizeof(mask2) )
7175  throw ap_error("arraytostring(): buffer overflow");
7176  for(i=0; i<n; i++)
7177  {
7178  buf[0] = 0;
7179  if( fp_isfinite(ptr[i]) )
7180  {
7181  if( sprintf(buf, i==0 ? mask1 : mask2, double(ptr[i]))>=(int)sizeof(buf) )
7182  throw ap_error("arraytostring(): buffer overflow");
7183  }
7184  else if( fp_isnan(ptr[i]) )
7185  strcpy(buf, i==0 ? "NAN" : ",NAN");
7186  else if( fp_isposinf(ptr[i]) )
7187  strcpy(buf, i==0 ? "+INF" : ",+INF");
7188  else if( fp_isneginf(ptr[i]) )
7189  strcpy(buf, i==0 ? "-INF" : ",-INF");
7190  result += buf;
7191  }
7192  result += "]";
7193  return result;
7194 }
bool fp_isneginf(double x)
Definition: ap.cpp:7339
#define i
bool fp_isfinite(double x)
Definition: ap.cpp:7349
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
bool fp_isnan(double x)
Definition: ap.cpp:7329
int * n
bool fp_isposinf(double x)
Definition: ap.cpp:7334

◆ arraytostring() [4/4]

std::string alglib::arraytostring ( const alglib::complex ptr,
ae_int_t  n,
int  dps 

Definition at line 7196 of file ap.cpp.

7197 {
7198  std::string result;
7199  ae_int_t i;
7200  result = "[";
7201  for(i=0; i<n; i++)
7202  {
7203  if( i!=0 )
7204  result += ",";
7205  result += ptr[i].tostring(dps);
7206  }
7207  result += "]";
7208  return result;
7209 }
std::string tostring(int dps) const
Definition: ap.cpp:4838
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ autogkintegrate()

void alglib::autogkintegrate ( autogkstate state,
void(*)(double x, double xminusa, double bminusx, double &y, void *ptr)  func,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 903 of file integration.cpp.

905  {
906  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
907  if( func==NULL )
908  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'autogkintegrate()' (func is NULL)");
909  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
910  try
911  {
912  while( alglib_impl::autogkiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
913  {
914  if( state.needf )
915  {
916  func(state.x, state.xminusa, state.bminusx, state.f, ptr);
917  continue;
918  }
919  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: unexpected error in 'autogkintegrate()'");
920  }
921  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
922  }
924  {
925  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
926  }
927 }
ae_bool autogkiteration(autogkstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ autogkiteration()

bool alglib::autogkiteration ( const autogkstate state)

Definition at line 886 of file integration.cpp.

887 {
888  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
889  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
890  try
891  {
892  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::autogkiteration(const_cast<alglib_impl::autogkstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
893  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
894  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
895  }
897  {
898  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
899  }
900 }
ae_bool autogkiteration(autogkstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ autogkresults()

void alglib::autogkresults ( const autogkstate state,
double &  v,
autogkreport rep 

Definition at line 946 of file integration.cpp.

947 {
948  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
949  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
950  try
951  {
952  alglib_impl::autogkresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::autogkstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &v, const_cast<alglib_impl::autogkreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
953  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
954  return;
955  }
957  {
958  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
959  }
960 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void autogkresults(autogkstate *state, double *v, autogkreport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ autogksingular()

void alglib::autogksingular ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const double  alpha,
const double  beta,
autogkstate state 

Definition at line 865 of file integration.cpp.

866 {
867  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
868  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
869  try
870  {
871  alglib_impl::autogksingular(a, b, alpha, beta, const_cast<alglib_impl::autogkstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
872  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
873  return;
874  }
876  {
877  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
878  }
879 }
double beta(const double a, const double b)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void autogksingular(double a, double b, double alpha, double beta, autogkstate *state, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * a

◆ autogksmooth()

void alglib::autogksmooth ( const double  a,
const double  b,
autogkstate state 

Definition at line 778 of file integration.cpp.

779 {
780  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
781  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
782  try
783  {
784  alglib_impl::autogksmooth(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::autogkstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
785  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
786  return;
787  }
789  {
790  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
791  }
792 }
void autogksmooth(double a, double b, autogkstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ autogksmoothw()

void alglib::autogksmoothw ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const double  xwidth,
autogkstate state 

Definition at line 817 of file integration.cpp.

818 {
819  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
820  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
821  try
822  {
823  alglib_impl::autogksmoothw(a, b, xwidth, const_cast<alglib_impl::autogkstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
824  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
825  return;
826  }
828  {
829  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
830  }
831 }
void autogksmoothw(double a, double b, double xwidth, autogkstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ barycentricbuildfloaterhormann()

void alglib::barycentricbuildfloaterhormann ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  d,
barycentricinterpolant b 

Definition at line 652 of file interpolation.cpp.

653 {
654  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
655  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
656  try
657  {
658  alglib_impl::barycentricbuildfloaterhormann(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, d, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
659  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
660  return;
661  }
663  {
664  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
665  }
666 }
void barycentricbuildfloaterhormann(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t d, barycentricinterpolant *b, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ barycentricbuildxyw()

void alglib::barycentricbuildxyw ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const ae_int_t  n,
barycentricinterpolant b 

Definition at line 609 of file interpolation.cpp.

610 {
611  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
612  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
613  try
614  {
615  alglib_impl::barycentricbuildxyw(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
616  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
617  return;
618  }
620  {
621  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
622  }
623 }
void barycentricbuildxyw(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant *b, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ barycentriccalc()

double alglib::barycentriccalc ( const barycentricinterpolant b,
const double  t 

Definition at line 411 of file interpolation.cpp.

412 {
413  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
414  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
415  try
416  {
417  double result = alglib_impl::barycentriccalc(const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), t, &_alglib_env_state);
418  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
419  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
420  }
422  {
423  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
424  }
425 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double barycentriccalc(barycentricinterpolant *b, double t, ae_state *_state)

◆ barycentricdiff1()

void alglib::barycentricdiff1 ( const barycentricinterpolant b,
const double  t,
double &  f,
double &  df 

Definition at line 449 of file interpolation.cpp.

450 {
451  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
452  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
453  try
454  {
455  alglib_impl::barycentricdiff1(const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), t, &f, &df, &_alglib_env_state);
456  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
457  return;
458  }
460  {
461  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
462  }
463 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void barycentricdiff1(barycentricinterpolant *b, double t, double *f, double *df, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ barycentricdiff2()

void alglib::barycentricdiff2 ( const barycentricinterpolant b,
const double  t,
double &  f,
double &  df,
double &  d2f 

Definition at line 486 of file interpolation.cpp.

487 {
488  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
489  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
490  try
491  {
492  alglib_impl::barycentricdiff2(const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), t, &f, &df, &d2f, &_alglib_env_state);
493  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
494  return;
495  }
497  {
498  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
499  }
500 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void barycentricdiff2(barycentricinterpolant *b, double t, double *f, double *df, double *d2f, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ barycentricfitfloaterhormann()

void alglib::barycentricfitfloaterhormann ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
barycentricinterpolant b,
barycentricfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4144 of file interpolation.cpp.

4145 {
4146  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4147  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4148  try
4149  {
4150  alglib_impl::barycentricfitfloaterhormann(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4151  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4152  return;
4153  }
4155  {
4156  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4157  }
4158 }
void barycentricfitfloaterhormann(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, barycentricinterpolant *b, barycentricfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc()

void alglib::barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array xc,
const real_1d_array yc,
const integer_1d_array dc,
const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
barycentricinterpolant b,
barycentricfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4093 of file interpolation.cpp.

4094 {
4095  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4096  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4097  try
4098  {
4099  alglib_impl::barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(yc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(dc.c_ptr()), k, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4100  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4101  return;
4102  }
4104  {
4105  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4106  }
4107 }
#define yc
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *xc, ae_vector *yc, ae_vector *dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, barycentricinterpolant *b, barycentricfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
#define xc

◆ barycentriclintransx()

void alglib::barycentriclintransx ( const barycentricinterpolant b,
const double  ca,
const double  cb 

Definition at line 515 of file interpolation.cpp.

516 {
517  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
518  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
519  try
520  {
521  alglib_impl::barycentriclintransx(const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), ca, cb, &_alglib_env_state);
522  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
523  return;
524  }
526  {
527  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
528  }
529 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void barycentriclintransx(barycentricinterpolant *b, double ca, double cb, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ barycentriclintransy()

void alglib::barycentriclintransy ( const barycentricinterpolant b,
const double  ca,
const double  cb 

Definition at line 545 of file interpolation.cpp.

546 {
547  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
548  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
549  try
550  {
551  alglib_impl::barycentriclintransy(const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), ca, cb, &_alglib_env_state);
552  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
553  return;
554  }
556  {
557  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
558  }
559 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void barycentriclintransy(barycentricinterpolant *b, double ca, double cb, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ barycentricunpack()

void alglib::barycentricunpack ( const barycentricinterpolant b,
ae_int_t n,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y,
real_1d_array w 

Definition at line 576 of file interpolation.cpp.

577 {
578  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
579  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
580  try
581  {
582  alglib_impl::barycentricunpack(const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(b.c_ptr()), &n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
583  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
584  return;
585  }
587  {
588  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
589  }
590 }
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void barycentricunpack(barycentricinterpolant *b, ae_int_t *n, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_state *_state)

◆ besseli0()

double alglib::besseli0 ( const double  x)

Definition at line 777 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

778 {
779  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
780  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
781  try
782  {
783  double result = alglib_impl::besseli0(x, &_alglib_env_state);
784  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
785  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
786  }
788  {
789  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
790  }
791 }
double besseli0(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ besseli1()

double alglib::besseli1 ( const double  x)

Definition at line 814 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

815 {
816  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
817  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
818  try
819  {
820  double result = alglib_impl::besseli1(x, &_alglib_env_state);
821  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
822  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
823  }
825  {
826  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
827  }
828 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double besseli1(double x, ae_state *_state)

◆ besselj0()

double alglib::besselj0 ( const double  x)

Definition at line 542 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

543 {
544  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
545  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
546  try
547  {
548  double result = alglib_impl::besselj0(x, &_alglib_env_state);
549  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
550  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
551  }
553  {
554  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
555  }
556 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
double besselj0(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ besselj1()

double alglib::besselj1 ( const double  x)

Definition at line 578 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

579 {
580  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
581  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
582  try
583  {
584  double result = alglib_impl::besselj1(x, &_alglib_env_state);
585  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
586  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
587  }
589  {
590  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
591  }
592 }
double besselj1(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ besseljn()

double alglib::besseljn ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 621 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

622 {
623  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
624  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
625  try
626  {
627  double result = alglib_impl::besseljn(n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
628  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
629  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
630  }
632  {
633  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
634  }
635 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double besseljn(ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ besselk0()

double alglib::besselk0 ( const double  x)

Definition at line 851 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

852 {
853  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
854  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
855  try
856  {
857  double result = alglib_impl::besselk0(x, &_alglib_env_state);
858  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
859  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
860  }
862  {
863  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
864  }
865 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
double besselk0(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ besselk1()

double alglib::besselk1 ( const double  x)

Definition at line 886 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

887 {
888  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
889  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
890  try
891  {
892  double result = alglib_impl::besselk1(x, &_alglib_env_state);
893  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
894  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
895  }
897  {
898  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
899  }
900 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double besselk1(double x, ae_state *_state)

◆ besselkn()

double alglib::besselkn ( const ae_int_t  nn,
const double  x 

Definition at line 924 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

925 {
926  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
927  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
928  try
929  {
930  double result = alglib_impl::besselkn(nn, x, &_alglib_env_state);
931  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
932  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
933  }
935  {
936  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
937  }
938 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double besselkn(ae_int_t nn, double x, ae_state *_state)

◆ bessely0()

double alglib::bessely0 ( const double  x)

Definition at line 665 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

666 {
667  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
668  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
669  try
670  {
671  double result = alglib_impl::bessely0(x, &_alglib_env_state);
672  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
673  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
674  }
676  {
677  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
678  }
679 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
double bessely0(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ bessely1()

double alglib::bessely1 ( const double  x)

Definition at line 702 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

703 {
704  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
705  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
706  try
707  {
708  double result = alglib_impl::bessely1(x, &_alglib_env_state);
709  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
710  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
711  }
713  {
714  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
715  }
716 }
double bessely1(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ besselyn()

double alglib::besselyn ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 740 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

741 {
742  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
743  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
744  try
745  {
746  double result = alglib_impl::besselyn(n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
747  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
748  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
749  }
751  {
752  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
753  }
754 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double besselyn(ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ beta()

double alglib::beta ( const double  a,
const double  b 

Definition at line 962 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

963 {
964  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
965  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
966  try
967  {
968  double result = alglib_impl::beta(a, b, &_alglib_env_state);
969  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
970  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
971  }
973  {
974  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
975  }
976 }
double beta(double a, double b, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ binomialcdistribution()

double alglib::binomialcdistribution ( const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  p 

Definition at line 1159 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1160 {
1161  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1162  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1163  try
1164  {
1165  double result = alglib_impl::binomialcdistribution(k, n, p, &_alglib_env_state);
1166  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1167  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1168  }
1170  {
1171  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1172  }
1173 }
double binomialcdistribution(ae_int_t k, ae_int_t n, double p, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ binomialdistribution()

double alglib::binomialdistribution ( const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  p 

Definition at line 1110 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1111 {
1112  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1113  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1114  try
1115  {
1116  double result = alglib_impl::binomialdistribution(k, n, p, &_alglib_env_state);
1117  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1118  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1119  }
1121  {
1122  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1123  }
1124 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double binomialdistribution(ae_int_t k, ae_int_t n, double p, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ chebyshevcalculate()

double alglib::chebyshevcalculate ( const ae_int_t  r,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 1231 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1232 {
1233  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1234  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1235  try
1236  {
1237  double result = alglib_impl::chebyshevcalculate(r, n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
1238  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1239  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1240  }
1242  {
1243  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1244  }
1245 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
double chebyshevcalculate(ae_int_t r, ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ chebyshevcoefficients()

void alglib::chebyshevcoefficients ( const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array c 

Definition at line 1289 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1290 {
1291  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1292  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1293  try
1294  {
1295  alglib_impl::chebyshevcoefficients(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1296  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1297  return;
1298  }
1300  {
1301  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1302  }
1303 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void chebyshevcoefficients(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ chebyshevsum()

double alglib::chebyshevsum ( const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  r,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 1264 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1265 {
1266  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1267  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1268  try
1269  {
1270  double result = alglib_impl::chebyshevsum(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), r, n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
1271  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1272  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1273  }
1275  {
1276  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1277  }
1278 }
double chebyshevsum(ae_vector *c, ae_int_t r, ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ chisquarecdistribution()

double alglib::chisquarecdistribution ( const double  v,
const double  x 

Definition at line 1414 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1415 {
1416  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1417  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1418  try
1419  {
1420  double result = alglib_impl::chisquarecdistribution(v, x, &_alglib_env_state);
1421  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1422  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1423  }
1425  {
1426  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1427  }
1428 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double chisquarecdistribution(double v, double x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ chisquaredistribution()

double alglib::chisquaredistribution ( const double  v,
const double  x 

Definition at line 1367 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1368 {
1369  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1370  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1371  try
1372  {
1373  double result = alglib_impl::chisquaredistribution(v, x, &_alglib_env_state);
1374  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1375  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1376  }
1378  {
1379  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1380  }
1381 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double chisquaredistribution(double v, double x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ clusterizercreate()

void alglib::clusterizercreate ( clusterizerstate s)

Definition at line 452 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

453 {
454  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
455  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
456  try
457  {
458  alglib_impl::clusterizercreate(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
459  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
460  return;
461  }
463  {
464  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
465  }
466 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void clusterizercreate(clusterizerstate *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ clusterizergetdistances()

void alglib::clusterizergetdistances ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nfeatures,
const ae_int_t  disttype,
real_2d_array d 

Definition at line 945 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

946 {
947  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
948  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
949  try
950  {
951  alglib_impl::clusterizergetdistances(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, disttype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(d.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
952  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
953  return;
954  }
956  {
957  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
958  }
959 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void clusterizergetdistances(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_int_t disttype, ae_matrix *d, ae_state *_state)

◆ clusterizergetkclusters()

void alglib::clusterizergetkclusters ( const ahcreport rep,
const ae_int_t  k,
integer_1d_array cidx,
integer_1d_array cz 

Definition at line 1021 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1022 {
1023  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1024  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1025  try
1026  {
1027  alglib_impl::clusterizergetkclusters(const_cast<alglib_impl::ahcreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), k, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(cidx.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(cz.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1028  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1029  return;
1030  }
1032  {
1033  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1034  }
1035 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void clusterizergetkclusters(ahcreport *rep, ae_int_t k, ae_vector *cidx, ae_vector *cz, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ clusterizerrunahc()

void alglib::clusterizerrunahc ( const clusterizerstate s,
ahcreport rep 

Definition at line 804 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

805 {
806  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
807  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
808  try
809  {
810  alglib_impl::clusterizerrunahc(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ahcreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
811  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
812  return;
813  }
815  {
816  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
817  }
818 }
void clusterizerrunahc(clusterizerstate *s, ahcreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ clusterizerrunkmeans()

void alglib::clusterizerrunkmeans ( const clusterizerstate s,
const ae_int_t  k,
kmeansreport rep 

Definition at line 867 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

868 {
869  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
870  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
871  try
872  {
873  alglib_impl::clusterizerrunkmeans(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), k, const_cast<alglib_impl::kmeansreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
874  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
875  return;
876  }
878  {
879  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
880  }
881 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void clusterizerrunkmeans(clusterizerstate *s, ae_int_t k, kmeansreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ clusterizerseparatedbycorr()

void alglib::clusterizerseparatedbycorr ( const ahcreport rep,
const double  r,
ae_int_t k,
integer_1d_array cidx,
integer_1d_array cz 

Definition at line 1151 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1152 {
1153  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1154  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1155  try
1156  {
1157  alglib_impl::clusterizerseparatedbycorr(const_cast<alglib_impl::ahcreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), r, &k, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(cidx.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(cz.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1158  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1159  return;
1160  }
1162  {
1163  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1164  }
1165 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void clusterizerseparatedbycorr(ahcreport *rep, double r, ae_int_t *k, ae_vector *cidx, ae_vector *cz, ae_state *_state)

◆ clusterizerseparatedbydist()

void alglib::clusterizerseparatedbydist ( const ahcreport rep,
const double  r,
ae_int_t k,
integer_1d_array cidx,
integer_1d_array cz 

Definition at line 1086 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1087 {
1088  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1089  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1090  try
1091  {
1092  alglib_impl::clusterizerseparatedbydist(const_cast<alglib_impl::ahcreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), r, &k, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(cidx.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(cz.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1093  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1094  return;
1095  }
1097  {
1098  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1099  }
1100 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void clusterizerseparatedbydist(ahcreport *rep, double r, ae_int_t *k, ae_vector *cidx, ae_vector *cz, ae_state *_state)

◆ clusterizersetahcalgo()

void alglib::clusterizersetahcalgo ( const clusterizerstate s,
const ae_int_t  algo 

Definition at line 713 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

714 {
715  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
716  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
717  try
718  {
719  alglib_impl::clusterizersetahcalgo(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), algo, &_alglib_env_state);
720  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
721  return;
722  }
724  {
725  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
726  }
727 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void clusterizersetahcalgo(clusterizerstate *s, ae_int_t algo, ae_state *_state)

◆ clusterizersetdistances() [1/2]

void alglib::clusterizersetdistances ( const clusterizerstate s,
const real_2d_array d,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 633 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

634 {
635  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
636  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
637  try
638  {
639  alglib_impl::clusterizersetdistances(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(d.c_ptr()), npoints, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
640  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
641  return;
642  }
644  {
645  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
646  }
647 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void clusterizersetdistances(clusterizerstate *s, ae_matrix *d, ae_int_t npoints, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ clusterizersetdistances() [2/2]

void alglib::clusterizersetdistances ( const clusterizerstate s,
const real_2d_array d,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 678 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

679 {
680  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
681  ae_int_t npoints;
682  if( (d.rows()!=d.cols()))
683  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'clusterizersetdistances': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
684  npoints = d.rows();
685  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
686  try
687  {
688  alglib_impl::clusterizersetdistances(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(d.c_ptr()), npoints, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
690  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
691  return;
692  }
694  {
695  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
696  }
697 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void clusterizersetdistances(clusterizerstate *s, ae_matrix *d, ae_int_t npoints, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ clusterizersetkmeanslimits()

void alglib::clusterizersetkmeanslimits ( const clusterizerstate s,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 745 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

746 {
747  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
748  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
749  try
750  {
751  alglib_impl::clusterizersetkmeanslimits(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), restarts, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
752  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
753  return;
754  }
756  {
757  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
758  }
759 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void clusterizersetkmeanslimits(clusterizerstate *s, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)

◆ clusterizersetpoints() [1/2]

void alglib::clusterizersetpoints ( const clusterizerstate s,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nfeatures,
const ae_int_t  disttype 

Definition at line 517 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

518 {
519  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
520  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
521  try
522  {
523  alglib_impl::clusterizersetpoints(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, disttype, &_alglib_env_state);
524  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
525  return;
526  }
528  {
529  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
530  }
531 }
void clusterizersetpoints(clusterizerstate *s, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_int_t disttype, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ clusterizersetpoints() [2/2]

void alglib::clusterizersetpoints ( const clusterizerstate s,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  disttype 

Definition at line 582 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

583 {
584  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
585  ae_int_t npoints;
586  ae_int_t nfeatures;
588  npoints = xy.rows();
589  nfeatures = xy.cols();
590  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
591  try
592  {
593  alglib_impl::clusterizersetpoints(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, disttype, &_alglib_env_state);
595  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
596  return;
597  }
599  {
600  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
601  }
602 }
void clusterizersetpoints(clusterizerstate *s, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_int_t disttype, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ cmatrixcopy()

void alglib::cmatrixcopy ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
complex_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  ib,
const ae_int_t  jb 

Definition at line 137 of file linalg.cpp.

138 {
139  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
140  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
141  try
142  {
143  alglib_impl::cmatrixcopy(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), ib, jb, &_alglib_env_state);
144  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
145  return;
146  }
148  {
149  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
150  }
151 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a
void cmatrixcopy(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:7917

◆ cmatrixdet() [1/2]

alglib::complex alglib::cmatrixdet ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 6499 of file linalg.cpp.

6500 {
6501  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6502  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6503  try
6504  {
6505  alglib_impl::ae_complex result = alglib_impl::cmatrixdet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6506  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6507  return *(reinterpret_cast<alglib::complex*>(&result));
6508  }
6510  {
6511  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6512  }
6513 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_complex cmatrixdet(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32792
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixdet() [2/2]

alglib::complex alglib::cmatrixdet ( const complex_2d_array a)

Definition at line 6531 of file linalg.cpp.

6532 {
6533  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6534  ae_int_t n;
6535  if( (a.rows()!=a.cols()))
6536  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'cmatrixdet': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6537  n = a.rows();
6538  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6539  try
6540  {
6541  alglib_impl::ae_complex result = alglib_impl::cmatrixdet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6543  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6544  return *(reinterpret_cast<alglib::complex*>(&result));
6545  }
6547  {
6548  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6549  }
6550 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_complex cmatrixdet(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32792
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixgemm()

void alglib::cmatrixgemm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k,
const alglib::complex  alpha,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  optypea,
const complex_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  ib,
const ae_int_t  jb,
const ae_int_t  optypeb,
const alglib::complex  beta,
const complex_2d_array c,
const ae_int_t  ic,
const ae_int_t  jc 

Definition at line 554 of file linalg.cpp.

555 {
556  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
557  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
558  try
559  {
560  alglib_impl::cmatrixgemm(m, n, k, *alpha.c_ptr(), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, optypea, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), ib, jb, optypeb, *beta.c_ptr(), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), ic, jc, &_alglib_env_state);
561  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
562  return;
563  }
565  {
566  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
567  }
568 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
alglib_impl::ae_complex * c_ptr()
Definition: ap.cpp:4828
int m
void cmatrixgemm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, ae_complex alpha, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, ae_complex beta, ae_matrix *c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8971
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::cmatrixinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4027 of file linalg.cpp.

4028 {
4029  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4030  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4031  try
4032  {
4033  alglib_impl::cmatrixinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4034  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4035  return;
4036  }
4038  {
4039  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4040  }
4041 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void cmatrixinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27512
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::cmatrixinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4062 of file linalg.cpp.

4063 {
4064  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4065  ae_int_t n;
4066  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()))
4067  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'cmatrixinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4068  n = a.cols();
4069  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4070  try
4071  {
4072  alglib_impl::cmatrixinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4074  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4075  return;
4076  }
4078  {
4079  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4080  }
4081 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void cmatrixinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27512
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixlefttrsm()

void alglib::cmatrixlefttrsm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  j1,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
const ae_int_t  optype,
const complex_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  i2,
const ae_int_t  j2 

Definition at line 374 of file linalg.cpp.

375 {
376  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
377  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
378  try
379  {
380  alglib_impl::cmatrixlefttrsm(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), i1, j1, isupper, isunit, optype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), i2, j2, &_alglib_env_state);
381  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
382  return;
383  }
385  {
386  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
387  }
388 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void cmatrixlefttrsm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8399
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixlq()

void alglib::cmatrixlq ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_1d_array tau 

Definition at line 783 of file linalg.cpp.

784 {
785  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
786  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
787  try
788  {
789  alglib_impl::cmatrixlq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
790  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
791  return;
792  }
794  {
795  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
796  }
797 }
void cmatrixlq(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:10810
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixlqunpackl()

void alglib::cmatrixlqunpackl ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_2d_array l 

Definition at line 1059 of file linalg.cpp.

1060 {
1061  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1062  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1063  try
1064  {
1065  alglib_impl::cmatrixlqunpackl(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(l.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1066  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1067  return;
1068  }
1070  {
1071  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1072  }
1073 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void cmatrixlqunpackl(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *l, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:11707
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixlqunpackq()

void alglib::cmatrixlqunpackq ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_1d_array tau,
const ae_int_t  qrows,
complex_2d_array q 

Definition at line 1027 of file linalg.cpp.

1028 {
1029  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1030  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1031  try
1032  {
1033  alglib_impl::cmatrixlqunpackq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), qrows, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(q.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1034  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1035  return;
1036  }
1038  {
1039  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1040  }
1041 }
void cmatrixlqunpackq(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_int_t qrows, ae_matrix *q, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:11557
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixlu()

void alglib::cmatrixlu ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
integer_1d_array pivots 

Definition at line 2989 of file linalg.cpp.

2990 {
2991  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2992  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2993  try
2994  {
2995  alglib_impl::cmatrixlu(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2996  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2997  return;
2998  }
3000  {
3001  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3002  }
3003 }
void cmatrixlu(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *pivots, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22816
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixludet() [1/2]

alglib::complex alglib::cmatrixludet ( const complex_2d_array a,
const integer_1d_array pivots,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 6426 of file linalg.cpp.

6427 {
6428  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6429  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6430  try
6431  {
6432  alglib_impl::ae_complex result = alglib_impl::cmatrixludet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6433  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6434  return *(reinterpret_cast<alglib::complex*>(&result));
6435  }
6437  {
6438  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6439  }
6440 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_complex cmatrixludet(ae_matrix *a, ae_vector *pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32746
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixludet() [2/2]

alglib::complex alglib::cmatrixludet ( const complex_2d_array a,
const integer_1d_array pivots 

Definition at line 6462 of file linalg.cpp.

6463 {
6464  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6465  ae_int_t n;
6466  if( (a.rows()!=a.cols()) || (a.rows()!=pivots.length()))
6467  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'cmatrixludet': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6468  n = a.rows();
6469  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6470  try
6471  {
6472  alglib_impl::ae_complex result = alglib_impl::cmatrixludet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6474  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6475  return *(reinterpret_cast<alglib::complex*>(&result));
6476  }
6478  {
6479  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6480  }
6481 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_complex cmatrixludet(ae_matrix *a, ae_vector *pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32746
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixluinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::cmatrixluinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
const integer_1d_array pivots,
const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 3948 of file linalg.cpp.

3949 {
3950  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3951  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3952  try
3953  {
3954  alglib_impl::cmatrixluinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3955  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3956  return;
3957  }
3959  {
3960  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3961  }
3962 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void cmatrixluinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_vector *pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27415
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixluinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::cmatrixluinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
const integer_1d_array pivots,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 3987 of file linalg.cpp.

3988 {
3989  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3990  ae_int_t n;
3991  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()) || (a.cols()!=pivots.length()))
3992  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'cmatrixluinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
3993  n = a.cols();
3994  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3995  try
3996  {
3997  alglib_impl::cmatrixluinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3999  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4000  return;
4001  }
4003  {
4004  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4005  }
4006 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void cmatrixluinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_vector *pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27415
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixlurcond1()

double alglib::cmatrixlurcond1 ( const complex_2d_array lua,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 3548 of file linalg.cpp.

3549 {
3550  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3551  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3552  try
3553  {
3554  double result = alglib_impl::cmatrixlurcond1(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
3555  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3556  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3557  }
3559  {
3560  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3561  }
3562 }
double cmatrixlurcond1(ae_matrix *lua, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:25033
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ cmatrixlurcondinf()

double alglib::cmatrixlurcondinf ( const complex_2d_array lua,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 3583 of file linalg.cpp.

3584 {
3585  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3586  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3587  try
3588  {
3589  double result = alglib_impl::cmatrixlurcondinf(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
3590  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3591  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3592  }
3594  {
3595  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3596  }
3597 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double cmatrixlurcondinf(ae_matrix *lua, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:25067
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ cmatrixlusolve()

void alglib::cmatrixlusolve ( const complex_2d_array lua,
const integer_1d_array p,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_1d_array x 

Definition at line 606 of file solvers.cpp.

607 {
608  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
609  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
610  try
611  {
612  alglib_impl::cmatrixlusolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(p.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
613  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
614  return;
615  }
617  {
618  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
619  }
620 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void cmatrixlusolve(ae_matrix *lua, ae_vector *p, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3432
int * n

◆ cmatrixlusolvem()

void alglib::cmatrixlusolvem ( const complex_2d_array lua,
const integer_1d_array p,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_2d_array x 

Definition at line 564 of file solvers.cpp.

565 {
566  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
567  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
568  try
569  {
570  alglib_impl::cmatrixlusolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(p.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
571  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
572  return;
573  }
575  {
576  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
577  }
578 }
void cmatrixlusolvem(ae_matrix *lua, ae_vector *p, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3350
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ cmatrixmixedsolve()

void alglib::cmatrixmixedsolve ( const complex_2d_array a,
const complex_2d_array lua,
const integer_1d_array p,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_1d_array x 

Definition at line 687 of file solvers.cpp.

688 {
689  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
690  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
691  try
692  {
693  alglib_impl::cmatrixmixedsolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(p.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
694  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
695  return;
696  }
698  {
699  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
700  }
701 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void cmatrixmixedsolve(ae_matrix *a, ae_matrix *lua, ae_vector *p, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3567
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixmixedsolvem()

void alglib::cmatrixmixedsolvem ( const complex_2d_array a,
const complex_2d_array lua,
const integer_1d_array p,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_2d_array x 

Definition at line 647 of file solvers.cpp.

648 {
649  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
650  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
651  try
652  {
653  alglib_impl::cmatrixmixedsolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(p.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
654  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
655  return;
656  }
658  {
659  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
660  }
661 }
void cmatrixmixedsolvem(ae_matrix *a, ae_matrix *lua, ae_vector *p, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3492
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixmv()

void alglib::cmatrixmv ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  opa,
const complex_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  ix,
complex_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  iy 

Definition at line 274 of file linalg.cpp.

275 {
276  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
277  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
278  try
279  {
280  alglib_impl::cmatrixmv(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, opa, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), ix, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), iy, &_alglib_env_state);
281  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
282  return;
283  }
285  {
286  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
287  }
288 }
static double * y
void cmatrixmv(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t opa, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t ix, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t iy, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8100
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixqr()

void alglib::cmatrixqr ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_1d_array tau 

Definition at line 746 of file linalg.cpp.

747 {
748  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
749  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
750  try
751  {
752  alglib_impl::cmatrixqr(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
753  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
754  return;
755  }
757  {
758  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
759  }
760 }
void cmatrixqr(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:10668
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixqrunpackq()

void alglib::cmatrixqrunpackq ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_1d_array tau,
const ae_int_t  qcolumns,
complex_2d_array q 

Definition at line 958 of file linalg.cpp.

959 {
960  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
961  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
962  try
963  {
964  alglib_impl::cmatrixqrunpackq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), qcolumns, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(q.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
965  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
966  return;
967  }
969  {
970  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
971  }
972 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void cmatrixqrunpackq(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_int_t qcolumns, ae_matrix *q, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:11353
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixqrunpackr()

void alglib::cmatrixqrunpackr ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_2d_array r 

Definition at line 990 of file linalg.cpp.

991 {
992  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
993  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
994  try
995  {
996  alglib_impl::cmatrixqrunpackr(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
997  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
998  return;
999  }
1001  {
1002  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1003  }
1004 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void cmatrixqrunpackr(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *r, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:11504
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixrank1()

void alglib::cmatrixrank1 ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
complex_1d_array u,
const ae_int_t  iu,
complex_1d_array v,
const ae_int_t  iv 

Definition at line 196 of file linalg.cpp.

197 {
198  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
199  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
200  try
201  {
202  alglib_impl::cmatrixrank1(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(u.c_ptr()), iu, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(v.c_ptr()), iv, &_alglib_env_state);
203  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
204  return;
205  }
207  {
208  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
209  }
210 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void cmatrixrank1(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_vector *u, ae_int_t iu, ae_vector *v, ae_int_t iv, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:7992
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * u
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixrcond1()

double alglib::cmatrixrcond1 ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 3334 of file linalg.cpp.

3335 {
3336  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3337  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3338  try
3339  {
3340  double result = alglib_impl::cmatrixrcond1(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
3341  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3342  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3343  }
3345  {
3346  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3347  }
3348 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double cmatrixrcond1(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24774
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixrcondinf()

double alglib::cmatrixrcondinf ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 3367 of file linalg.cpp.

3368 {
3369  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3370  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3371  try
3372  {
3373  double result = alglib_impl::cmatrixrcondinf(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
3374  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3375  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3376  }
3378  {
3379  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3380  }
3381 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double cmatrixrcondinf(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24837
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixrighttrsm()

void alglib::cmatrixrighttrsm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  j1,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
const ae_int_t  optype,
const complex_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  i2,
const ae_int_t  j2 

Definition at line 338 of file linalg.cpp.

339 {
340  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
341  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
342  try
343  {
344  alglib_impl::cmatrixrighttrsm(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), i1, j1, isupper, isunit, optype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), i2, j2, &_alglib_env_state);
345  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
346  return;
347  }
349  {
350  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
351  }
352 }
void cmatrixrighttrsm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8276
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixrndcond()

void alglib::cmatrixrndcond ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  c,
complex_2d_array a 

Definition at line 2587 of file linalg.cpp.

2588 {
2589  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2590  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2591  try
2592  {
2593  alglib_impl::cmatrixrndcond(n, c, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2594  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2595  return;
2596  }
2598  {
2599  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2600  }
2601 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void cmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:21787
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixrndorthogonal()

void alglib::cmatrixrndorthogonal ( const ae_int_t  n,
complex_2d_array a 

Definition at line 2556 of file linalg.cpp.

2557 {
2558  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2559  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2560  try
2561  {
2562  alglib_impl::cmatrixrndorthogonal(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2563  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2564  return;
2565  }
2567  {
2568  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2569  }
2570 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void cmatrixrndorthogonal(ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:21743
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft()

void alglib::cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 2833 of file linalg.cpp.

2834 {
2835  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2836  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2837  try
2838  {
2839  alglib_impl::cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, &_alglib_env_state);
2840  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2841  return;
2842  }
2844  {
2845  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2846  }
2847 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22465
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright()

void alglib::cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 2802 of file linalg.cpp.

2803 {
2804  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2805  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2806  try
2807  {
2808  alglib_impl::cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, &_alglib_env_state);
2809  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2810  return;
2811  }
2813  {
2814  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2815  }
2816 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22370
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixsolve()

void alglib::cmatrixsolve ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_1d_array x 

Definition at line 521 of file solvers.cpp.

522 {
523  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
524  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
525  try
526  {
527  alglib_impl::cmatrixsolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
528  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
529  return;
530  }
532  {
533  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
534  }
535 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a
void cmatrixsolve(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3289

◆ cmatrixsolvem()

void alglib::cmatrixsolvem ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
const bool  rfs,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_2d_array x 

Definition at line 483 of file solvers.cpp.

484 {
485  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
486  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
487  try
488  {
489  alglib_impl::cmatrixsolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, rfs, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
490  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
491  return;
492  }
494  {
495  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
496  }
497 }
void cmatrixsolvem(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_bool rfs, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3194
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
Definition: queue_bag.h:9
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixsyrk()

void alglib::cmatrixsyrk ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k,
const double  alpha,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  optypea,
const double  beta,
const complex_2d_array c,
const ae_int_t  ic,
const ae_int_t  jc,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 482 of file linalg.cpp.

483 {
484  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
485  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
486  try
487  {
488  alglib_impl::cmatrixsyrk(n, k, alpha, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, optypea, beta, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), ic, jc, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
489  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
490  return;
491  }
493  {
494  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
495  }
496 }
doublereal * c
double beta(const double a, const double b)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void cmatrixsyrk(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix *c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8755
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixtranspose()

void alglib::cmatrixtranspose ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
complex_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  ib,
const ae_int_t  jb 

Definition at line 53 of file linalg.cpp.

54 {
55  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
56  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
57  try
58  {
59  alglib_impl::cmatrixtranspose(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), ib, jb, &_alglib_env_state);
60  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
61  return;
62  }
64  {
65  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
66  }
67 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void cmatrixtranspose(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:7753
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixtrinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::cmatrixtrinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4658 of file linalg.cpp.

4659 {
4660  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4661  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4662  try
4663  {
4664  alglib_impl::cmatrixtrinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, isunit, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4665  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4666  return;
4667  }
4669  {
4670  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4671  }
4672 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void cmatrixtrinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27998
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixtrinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::cmatrixtrinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
const bool  isupper,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4712 of file linalg.cpp.

4713 {
4714  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4715  ae_int_t n;
4716  bool isunit;
4717  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()))
4718  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'cmatrixtrinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4719  n = a.cols();
4720  isunit = false;
4721  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4722  try
4723  {
4724  alglib_impl::cmatrixtrinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, isunit, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4726  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4727  return;
4728  }
4730  {
4731  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4732  }
4733 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void cmatrixtrinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27998
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixtrrcond1()

double alglib::cmatrixtrrcond1 ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit 

Definition at line 3618 of file linalg.cpp.

3619 {
3620  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3621  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3622  try
3623  {
3624  double result = alglib_impl::cmatrixtrrcond1(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, isunit, &_alglib_env_state);
3625  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3626  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3627  }
3629  {
3630  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3631  }
3632 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double cmatrixtrrcond1(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:25101
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ cmatrixtrrcondinf()

double alglib::cmatrixtrrcondinf ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit 

Definition at line 3653 of file linalg.cpp.

3654 {
3655  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3656  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3657  try
3658  {
3659  double result = alglib_impl::cmatrixtrrcondinf(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, isunit, &_alglib_env_state);
3660  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3661  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3662  }
3664  {
3665  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3666  }
3667 }
double cmatrixtrrcondinf(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:25184
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ conj()

alglib::complex alglib::conj ( const alglib::complex z)

Definition at line 4988 of file ap.cpp.

4989 { return alglib::complex(z.x, -z.y); }
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ convc1d()

void alglib::convc1d ( const complex_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const complex_1d_array b,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_1d_array r 

Definition at line 427 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

428 {
429  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
430  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
431  try
432  {
433  alglib_impl::convc1d(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
434  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
435  return;
436  }
438  {
439  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
440  }
441 }
void convc1d(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ convc1dcircular()

void alglib::convc1dcircular ( const complex_1d_array s,
const ae_int_t  m,
const complex_1d_array r,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_1d_array c 

Definition at line 513 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

514 {
515  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
516  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
517  try
518  {
519  alglib_impl::convc1dcircular(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
520  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
521  return;
522  }
524  {
525  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
526  }
527 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void convc1dcircular(ae_vector *s, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *r, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ convc1dcircularinv()

void alglib::convc1dcircularinv ( const complex_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const complex_1d_array b,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_1d_array r 

Definition at line 555 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

556 {
557  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
558  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
559  try
560  {
561  alglib_impl::convc1dcircularinv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
562  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
563  return;
564  }
566  {
567  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
568  }
569 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void convc1dcircularinv(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ convc1dinv()

void alglib::convc1dinv ( const complex_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const complex_1d_array b,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_1d_array r 

Definition at line 469 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

470 {
471  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
472  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
473  try
474  {
475  alglib_impl::convc1dinv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
476  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
477  return;
478  }
480  {
481  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
482  }
483 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void convc1dinv(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ convr1d()

void alglib::convr1d ( const real_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array b,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array r 

Definition at line 593 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

594 {
595  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
596  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
597  try
598  {
599  alglib_impl::convr1d(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
600  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
601  return;
602  }
604  {
605  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
606  }
607 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void convr1d(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ convr1dcircular()

void alglib::convr1dcircular ( const real_1d_array s,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array r,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array c 

Definition at line 673 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

674 {
675  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
676  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
677  try
678  {
679  alglib_impl::convr1dcircular(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
680  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
681  return;
682  }
684  {
685  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
686  }
687 }
doublereal * c
void convr1dcircular(ae_vector *s, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *r, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ convr1dcircularinv()

void alglib::convr1dcircularinv ( const real_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array b,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array r 

Definition at line 715 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

716 {
717  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
718  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
719  try
720  {
721  alglib_impl::convr1dcircularinv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
722  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
723  return;
724  }
726  {
727  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
728  }
729 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void convr1dcircularinv(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ convr1dinv()

void alglib::convr1dinv ( const real_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array b,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array r 

Definition at line 635 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

636 {
637  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
638  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
639  try
640  {
641  alglib_impl::convr1dinv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
642  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
643  return;
644  }
646  {
647  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
648  }
649 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void convr1dinv(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ corrc1d()

void alglib::corrc1d ( const complex_1d_array signal,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_1d_array pattern,
const ae_int_t  m,
complex_1d_array r 

Definition at line 767 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

768 {
769  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
770  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
771  try
772  {
773  alglib_impl::corrc1d(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(signal.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pattern.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
774  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
775  return;
776  }
778  {
779  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
780  }
781 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void corrc1d(ae_vector *signal, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *pattern, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ corrc1dcircular()

void alglib::corrc1dcircular ( const complex_1d_array signal,
const ae_int_t  m,
const complex_1d_array pattern,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_1d_array c 

Definition at line 810 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

811 {
812  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
813  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
814  try
815  {
816  alglib_impl::corrc1dcircular(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(signal.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pattern.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
817  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
818  return;
819  }
821  {
822  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
823  }
824 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void corrc1dcircular(ae_vector *signal, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *pattern, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ corrr1d()

void alglib::corrr1d ( const real_1d_array signal,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array pattern,
const ae_int_t  m,
real_1d_array r 

Definition at line 862 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

863 {
864  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
865  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
866  try
867  {
868  alglib_impl::corrr1d(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(signal.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pattern.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
869  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
870  return;
871  }
873  {
874  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
875  }
876 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void corrr1d(ae_vector *signal, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *pattern, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ corrr1dcircular()

void alglib::corrr1dcircular ( const real_1d_array signal,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array pattern,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array c 

Definition at line 905 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

906 {
907  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
908  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
909  try
910  {
911  alglib_impl::corrr1dcircular(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(signal.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pattern.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
912  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
913  return;
914  }
916  {
917  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
918  }
919 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void corrr1dcircular(ae_vector *signal, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *pattern, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *c, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ cov2() [1/2]

double alglib::cov2 ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 618 of file statistics.cpp.

619 {
620  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
621  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
622  try
623  {
624  double result = alglib_impl::cov2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
625  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
626  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
627  }
629  {
630  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
631  }
632 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double cov2(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ cov2() [2/2]

double alglib::cov2 ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 650 of file statistics.cpp.

651 {
652  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
653  ae_int_t n;
654  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
655  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'cov2': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
656  n = x.length();
657  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
658  try
659  {
660  double result = alglib_impl::cov2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
662  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
663  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
664  }
666  {
667  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
668  }
669 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double cov2(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ covm() [1/2]

void alglib::covm ( const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 852 of file statistics.cpp.

853 {
854  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
855  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
856  try
857  {
858  alglib_impl::covm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
859  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
860  return;
861  }
863  {
864  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
865  }
866 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void covm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ covm() [2/2]

void alglib::covm ( const real_2d_array x,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 924 of file statistics.cpp.

925 {
926  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
927  ae_int_t n;
928  ae_int_t m;
930  n = x.rows();
931  m = x.cols();
932  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
933  try
934  {
935  alglib_impl::covm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
937  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
938  return;
939  }
941  {
942  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
943  }
944 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void covm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ covm2() [1/2]

void alglib::covm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m1,
const ae_int_t  m2,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1326 of file statistics.cpp.

1327 {
1328  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1329  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1330  try
1331  {
1332  alglib_impl::covm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1333  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1334  return;
1335  }
1337  {
1338  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1339  }
1340 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void covm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ covm2() [2/2]

void alglib::covm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1404 of file statistics.cpp.

1405 {
1406  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1407  ae_int_t n;
1408  ae_int_t m1;
1409  ae_int_t m2;
1410  if( (x.rows()!=y.rows()))
1411  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'covm2': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1412  n = x.rows();
1413  m1 = x.cols();
1414  m2 = y.cols();
1415  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1416  try
1417  {
1418  alglib_impl::covm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1420  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1421  return;
1422  }
1424  {
1425  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1426  }
1427 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void covm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ csqr()

alglib::complex alglib::csqr ( const alglib::complex z)

Definition at line 4991 of file ap.cpp.

4992 { return alglib::complex(z.x*z.x-z.y*z.y, 2*z.x*z.y); }
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ dawsonintegral()

double alglib::dawsonintegral ( const double  x)

Definition at line 1491 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1492 {
1493  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1494  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1495  try
1496  {
1497  double result = alglib_impl::dawsonintegral(x, &_alglib_env_state);
1498  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1499  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1500  }
1502  {
1503  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1504  }
1505 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double dawsonintegral(double x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ dfavgce()

double alglib::dfavgce ( const decisionforest df,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 1603 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1604 {
1605  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1606  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1607  try
1608  {
1609  double result = alglib_impl::dfavgce(const_cast<alglib_impl::decisionforest*>(df.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
1610  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1611  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1612  }
1614  {
1615  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1616  }
1617 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double dfavgce(decisionforest *df, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ dfavgerror()

double alglib::dfavgerror ( const decisionforest df,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 1668 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1669 {
1670  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1671  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1672  try
1673  {
1674  double result = alglib_impl::dfavgerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::decisionforest*>(df.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
1675  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1676  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1677  }
1679  {
1680  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1681  }
1682 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double dfavgerror(decisionforest *df, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ dfavgrelerror()

double alglib::dfavgrelerror ( const decisionforest df,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 1700 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1701 {
1702  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1703  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1704  try
1705  {
1706  double result = alglib_impl::dfavgrelerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::decisionforest*>(df.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
1707  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1708  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1709  }
1711  {
1712  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1713  }
1714 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double dfavgrelerror(decisionforest *df, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ dfbuildrandomdecisionforest()

void alglib::dfbuildrandomdecisionforest ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
const ae_int_t  nclasses,
const ae_int_t  ntrees,
const double  r,
ae_int_t info,
decisionforest df,
dfreport rep 

Definition at line 1430 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1431 {
1432  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1433  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1434  try
1435  {
1436  alglib_impl::dfbuildrandomdecisionforest(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, nclasses, ntrees, r, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::decisionforest*>(df.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::dfreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1437  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1438  return;
1439  }
1441  {
1442  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1443  }
1444 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void dfbuildrandomdecisionforest(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t ntrees, double r, ae_int_t *info, decisionforest *df, dfreport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ dfbuildrandomdecisionforestx1()

void alglib::dfbuildrandomdecisionforestx1 ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
const ae_int_t  nclasses,
const ae_int_t  ntrees,
const ae_int_t  nrndvars,
const double  r,
ae_int_t info,
decisionforest df,
dfreport rep 

Definition at line 1482 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1483 {
1484  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1485  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1486  try
1487  {
1488  alglib_impl::dfbuildrandomdecisionforestx1(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, nclasses, ntrees, nrndvars, r, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::decisionforest*>(df.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::dfreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1489  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1490  return;
1491  }
1493  {
1494  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1495  }
1496 }
void dfbuildrandomdecisionforestx1(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t ntrees, ae_int_t nrndvars, double r, ae_int_t *info, decisionforest *df, dfreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ dfprocess()

void alglib::dfprocess ( const decisionforest df,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 1514 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1515 {
1516  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1517  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1518  try
1519  {
1520  alglib_impl::dfprocess(const_cast<alglib_impl::decisionforest*>(df.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1521  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1522  return;
1523  }
1525  {
1526  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1527  }
1528 }
static double * y
void dfprocess(decisionforest *df, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ dfprocessi()

void alglib::dfprocessi ( const decisionforest df,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 1541 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1542 {
1543  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1544  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1545  try
1546  {
1547  alglib_impl::dfprocessi(const_cast<alglib_impl::decisionforest*>(df.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1548  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1549  return;
1550  }
1552  {
1553  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1554  }
1555 }
void dfprocessi(decisionforest *df, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ dfrelclserror()

double alglib::dfrelclserror ( const decisionforest df,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 1572 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1573 {
1574  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1575  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1576  try
1577  {
1578  double result = alglib_impl::dfrelclserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::decisionforest*>(df.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
1579  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1580  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1581  }
1583  {
1584  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1585  }
1586 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double dfrelclserror(decisionforest *df, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ dfrmserror()

double alglib::dfrmserror ( const decisionforest df,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 1636 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1637 {
1638  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1639  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1640  try
1641  {
1642  double result = alglib_impl::dfrmserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::decisionforest*>(df.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
1643  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1644  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1645  }
1647  {
1648  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1649  }
1650 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double dfrmserror(decisionforest *df, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ dfserialize()

void alglib::dfserialize ( decisionforest obj,
std::string &  s_out 

Definition at line 1345 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1346 {
1347  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
1348  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
1349  alglib_impl::ae_int_t ssize;
1352  try
1353  {
1354  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
1356  alglib_impl::dfalloc(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
1357  ssize = alglib_impl::ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(&serializer);
1358  s_out.clear();
1359  s_out.reserve((size_t)(ssize+1));
1360  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_sstart_str(&serializer, &s_out);
1361  alglib_impl::dfserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
1362  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
1363  if( s_out.length()>(size_t)ssize )
1364  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: serialization integrity error");
1365  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_clear(&serializer);
1367  }
1369  {
1370  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
1371  }
1372 }
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
ae_int_t ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3416
void ae_serializer_sstart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3447
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void dfserialize(ae_serializer *s, decisionforest *forest, ae_state *_state)
void dfalloc(ae_serializer *s, decisionforest *forest, ae_state *_state)
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void ae_serializer_alloc_start(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3404
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void(* obj)()

◆ dfunserialize()

void alglib::dfunserialize ( std::string &  s_in,
decisionforest obj 

Definition at line 1376 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1377 {
1378  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
1379  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
1382  try
1383  {
1384  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
1385  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_ustart_str(&serializer, &s_in);
1386  alglib_impl::dfunserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
1387  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
1388  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_clear(&serializer);
1390  }
1392  {
1393  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
1394  }
1395 }
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
void ae_serializer_ustart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, const std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3457
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void(* obj)()
void dfunserialize(ae_serializer *s, decisionforest *forest, ae_state *_state)

◆ dsoptimalsplit2()

void alglib::dsoptimalsplit2 ( const real_1d_array a,
const integer_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
double &  threshold,
double &  pal,
double &  pbl,
double &  par,
double &  pbr,
double &  cve 

Definition at line 67 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

68 {
69  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
70  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
71  try
72  {
73  alglib_impl::dsoptimalsplit2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, &info, &threshold, &pal, &pbl, &par, &pbr, &cve, &_alglib_env_state);
74  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
75  return;
76  }
78  {
79  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
80  }
81 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void threshold(double *phi, unsigned long nvox, double limit)
Definition: lib_vwk.cpp:524
void dsoptimalsplit2(ae_vector *a, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, double *threshold, double *pal, double *pbl, double *par, double *pbr, double *cve, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ dsoptimalsplit2fast()

void alglib::dsoptimalsplit2fast ( real_1d_array a,
integer_1d_array c,
integer_1d_array tiesbuf,
integer_1d_array cntbuf,
real_1d_array bufr,
integer_1d_array bufi,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  nc,
const double  alpha,
ae_int_t info,
double &  threshold,
double &  rms,
double &  cvrms 

Definition at line 107 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

108 {
109  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
110  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
111  try
112  {
113  alglib_impl::dsoptimalsplit2fast(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tiesbuf.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(cntbuf.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bufr.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bufi.c_ptr()), n, nc, alpha, &info, &threshold, &rms, &cvrms, &_alglib_env_state);
114  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
115  return;
116  }
118  {
119  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
120  }
121 }
double rms(const MultidimArray< T > &x, const MultidimArray< T > &y, const MultidimArray< int > *mask=nullptr, MultidimArray< double > *Contributions=nullptr)
Definition: filters.h:725
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void threshold(double *phi, unsigned long nvox, double limit)
Definition: lib_vwk.cpp:524
void dsoptimalsplit2fast(ae_vector *a, ae_vector *c, ae_vector *tiesbuf, ae_vector *cntbuf, ae_vector *bufr, ae_vector *bufi, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nc, double alpha, ae_int_t *info, double *threshold, double *rms, double *cvrms, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ ellipticintegrale()

double alglib::ellipticintegrale ( const double  m)

Definition at line 1681 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1682 {
1683  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1684  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1685  try
1686  {
1687  double result = alglib_impl::ellipticintegrale(m, &_alglib_env_state);
1688  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1689  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1690  }
1692  {
1693  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1694  }
1695 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double ellipticintegrale(double m, ae_state *_state)

◆ ellipticintegralk()

double alglib::ellipticintegralk ( const double  m)

Definition at line 1537 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1538 {
1539  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1540  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1541  try
1542  {
1543  double result = alglib_impl::ellipticintegralk(m, &_alglib_env_state);
1544  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1545  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1546  }
1548  {
1549  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1550  }
1551 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double ellipticintegralk(double m, ae_state *_state)
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ ellipticintegralkhighprecision()

double alglib::ellipticintegralkhighprecision ( const double  m1)

Definition at line 1588 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1589 {
1590  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1591  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1592  try
1593  {
1594  double result = alglib_impl::ellipticintegralkhighprecision(m1, &_alglib_env_state);
1595  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1596  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1597  }
1599  {
1600  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1601  }
1602 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double ellipticintegralkhighprecision(double m1, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ errorfunction()

double alglib::errorfunction ( const double  x)

Definition at line 150 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

151 {
152  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
153  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
154  try
155  {
156  double result = alglib_impl::errorfunction(x, &_alglib_env_state);
157  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
158  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
159  }
161  {
162  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
163  }
164 }
double errorfunction(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ errorfunctionc()

double alglib::errorfunctionc ( const double  x)

Definition at line 193 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

194 {
195  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
196  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
197  try
198  {
199  double result = alglib_impl::errorfunctionc(x, &_alglib_env_state);
200  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
201  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
202  }
204  {
205  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
206  }
207 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double errorfunctionc(double x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ exponentialintegralei()

double alglib::exponentialintegralei ( const double  x)

Definition at line 1768 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1769 {
1770  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1771  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1772  try
1773  {
1774  double result = alglib_impl::exponentialintegralei(x, &_alglib_env_state);
1775  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1776  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1777  }
1779  {
1780  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1781  }
1782 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double exponentialintegralei(double x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ exponentialintegralen()

double alglib::exponentialintegralen ( const double  x,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 1815 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1816 {
1817  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1818  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1819  try
1820  {
1821  double result = alglib_impl::exponentialintegralen(x, n, &_alglib_env_state);
1822  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1823  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1824  }
1826  {
1827  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1828  }
1829 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double exponentialintegralen(double x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ fcdistribution()

double alglib::fcdistribution ( const ae_int_t  a,
const ae_int_t  b,
const double  x 

Definition at line 1915 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1916 {
1917  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1918  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1919  try
1920  {
1921  double result = alglib_impl::fcdistribution(a, b, x, &_alglib_env_state);
1922  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1923  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1924  }
1926  {
1927  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1928  }
1929 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double fcdistribution(ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b, double x, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ fdistribution()

double alglib::fdistribution ( const ae_int_t  a,
const ae_int_t  b,
const double  x 

Definition at line 1863 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1864 {
1865  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1866  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1867  try
1868  {
1869  double result = alglib_impl::fdistribution(a, b, x, &_alglib_env_state);
1870  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1871  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1872  }
1874  {
1875  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1876  }
1877 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double fdistribution(ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b, double x, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ fftc1d() [1/2]

void alglib::fftc1d ( complex_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 69 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

70 {
71  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
72  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
73  try
74  {
75  alglib_impl::fftc1d(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
76  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
77  return;
78  }
80  {
81  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
82  }
83 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void fftc1d(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * a

◆ fftc1d() [2/2]

void alglib::fftc1d ( complex_1d_array a)

Definition at line 114 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

115 {
116  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
117  ae_int_t n;
119  n = a.length();
120  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
121  try
122  {
123  alglib_impl::fftc1d(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
125  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
126  return;
127  }
129  {
130  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
131  }
132 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
void fftc1d(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * a

◆ fftc1dinv() [1/2]

void alglib::fftc1dinv ( complex_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 154 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

155 {
156  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
157  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
158  try
159  {
160  alglib_impl::fftc1dinv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
161  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
162  return;
163  }
165  {
166  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
167  }
168 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void fftc1dinv(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ fftc1dinv() [2/2]

void alglib::fftc1dinv ( complex_1d_array a)

Definition at line 190 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

191 {
192  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
193  ae_int_t n;
195  n = a.length();
196  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
197  try
198  {
199  alglib_impl::fftc1dinv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
201  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
202  return;
203  }
205  {
206  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
207  }
208 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void fftc1dinv(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ fftr1d() [1/2]

void alglib::fftr1d ( const real_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
complex_1d_array f 

Definition at line 233 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

234 {
235  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
236  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
237  try
238  {
239  alglib_impl::fftr1d(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
240  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
241  return;
242  }
244  {
245  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
246  }
247 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void fftr1d(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *f, ae_state *_state)
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ fftr1d() [2/2]

void alglib::fftr1d ( const real_1d_array a,
complex_1d_array f 

Definition at line 272 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

273 {
274  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
275  ae_int_t n;
277  n = a.length();
278  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
279  try
280  {
281  alglib_impl::fftr1d(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
283  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
284  return;
285  }
287  {
288  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
289  }
290 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void fftr1d(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *f, ae_state *_state)
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ fftr1dinv() [1/2]

void alglib::fftr1dinv ( const complex_1d_array f,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array a 

Definition at line 327 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

328 {
329  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
330  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
331  try
332  {
333  alglib_impl::fftr1dinv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
334  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
335  return;
336  }
338  {
339  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
340  }
341 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a
void fftr1dinv(ae_vector *f, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)

◆ fftr1dinv() [2/2]

void alglib::fftr1dinv ( const complex_1d_array f,
real_1d_array a 

Definition at line 378 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

379 {
380  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
381  ae_int_t n;
383  n = f.length();
384  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
385  try
386  {
387  alglib_impl::fftr1dinv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
389  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
390  return;
391  }
393  {
394  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
395  }
396 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a
void fftr1dinv(ae_vector *f, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)

◆ fhtr1d()

void alglib::fhtr1d ( real_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 938 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

939 {
940  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
941  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
942  try
943  {
944  alglib_impl::fhtr1d(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
945  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
946  return;
947  }
949  {
950  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
951  }
952 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void fhtr1d(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * a

◆ fhtr1dinv()

void alglib::fhtr1dinv ( real_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 970 of file fasttransforms.cpp.

971 {
972  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
973  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
974  try
975  {
976  alglib_impl::fhtr1dinv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
977  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
978  return;
979  }
981  {
982  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
983  }
984 }
void fhtr1dinv(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ filter_spaces()

char * alglib::filter_spaces ( const char *  s)

Definition at line 6830 of file ap.cpp.

6831 {
6832  size_t i, n;
6833  char *r;
6834  char *r0;
6835  n = strlen(s);
6836  r = (char*)alglib_impl::ae_malloc(n+1, NULL);
6837  if( r==NULL )
6838  throw ap_error("malloc error");
6839  for(i=0,r0=r; i<=n; i++,s++)
6840  if( !isspace(*s) )
6841  {
6842  *r0 = *s;
6843  r0++;
6844  }
6845  return r;
6846 }
void * ae_malloc(size_t size, ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:222
#define i
int * n

◆ filterema() [1/2]

void alglib::filterema ( real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  alpha 

Definition at line 2332 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2333 {
2334  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2335  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2336  try
2337  {
2338  alglib_impl::filterema(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, alpha, &_alglib_env_state);
2339  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2340  return;
2341  }
2343  {
2344  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2345  }
2346 }
void filterema(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double alpha, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ filterema() [2/2]

void alglib::filterema ( real_1d_array x,
const double  alpha 

Definition at line 2379 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2380 {
2381  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2382  ae_int_t n;
2384  n = x.length();
2385  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2386  try
2387  {
2388  alglib_impl::filterema(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, alpha, &_alglib_env_state);
2390  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2391  return;
2392  }
2394  {
2395  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2396  }
2397 }
void filterema(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double alpha, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ filterlrma() [1/2]

void alglib::filterlrma ( real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 2438 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2439 {
2440  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2441  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2442  try
2443  {
2444  alglib_impl::filterlrma(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, k, &_alglib_env_state);
2445  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2446  return;
2447  }
2449  {
2450  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2451  }
2452 }
void filterlrma(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ filterlrma() [2/2]

void alglib::filterlrma ( real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 2493 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2494 {
2495  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2496  ae_int_t n;
2498  n = x.length();
2499  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2500  try
2501  {
2502  alglib_impl::filterlrma(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, k, &_alglib_env_state);
2504  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2505  return;
2506  }
2508  {
2509  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2510  }
2511 }
void filterlrma(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ filtersma() [1/2]

void alglib::filtersma ( real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 2229 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2230 {
2231  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2232  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2233  try
2234  {
2235  alglib_impl::filtersma(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, k, &_alglib_env_state);
2236  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2237  return;
2238  }
2240  {
2241  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2242  }
2243 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void filtersma(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ filtersma() [2/2]

void alglib::filtersma ( real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 2281 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2282 {
2283  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2284  ae_int_t n;
2286  n = x.length();
2287  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2288  try
2289  {
2290  alglib_impl::filtersma(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, k, &_alglib_env_state);
2292  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2293  return;
2294  }
2296  {
2297  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2298  }
2299 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void filtersma(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ fisherlda()

void alglib::fisherlda ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
const ae_int_t  nclasses,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array w 

Definition at line 2545 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2546 {
2547  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2548  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2549  try
2550  {
2551  alglib_impl::fisherlda(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, nclasses, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2552  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2553  return;
2554  }
2556  {
2557  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2558  }
2559 }
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void fisherlda(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *w, ae_state *_state)

◆ fisherldan()

void alglib::fisherldan ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
const ae_int_t  nclasses,
ae_int_t info,
real_2d_array w 

Definition at line 2596 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2597 {
2598  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2599  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2600  try
2601  {
2602  alglib_impl::fisherldan(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, nclasses, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2603  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2604  return;
2605  }
2607  {
2608  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2609  }
2610 }
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void fisherldan(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t *info, ae_matrix *w, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ fp_eq()

bool alglib::fp_eq ( double  v1,
double  v2 

Definition at line 7283 of file ap.cpp.

7284 {
7285  // IEEE-strict floating point comparison
7286  volatile double x = v1;
7287  volatile double y = v2;
7288  return x==y;
7289 }
static double * y
doublereal * x
double v1

◆ fp_greater()

bool alglib::fp_greater ( double  v1,
double  v2 

Definition at line 7313 of file ap.cpp.

7314 {
7315  // IEEE-strict floating point comparison
7316  volatile double x = v1;
7317  volatile double y = v2;
7318  return x>y;
7319 }
static double * y
doublereal * x
double v1

◆ fp_greater_eq()

bool alglib::fp_greater_eq ( double  v1,
double  v2 

Definition at line 7321 of file ap.cpp.

7322 {
7323  // IEEE-strict floating point comparison
7324  volatile double x = v1;
7325  volatile double y = v2;
7326  return x>=y;
7327 }
static double * y
doublereal * x
double v1

◆ fp_isfinite()

bool alglib::fp_isfinite ( double  x)

Definition at line 7349 of file ap.cpp.

7350 {
7352 }
const ae_int_t endianness
Definition: ap.cpp:4693
doublereal * x
ae_bool ae_isfinite_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
Definition: ap.cpp:1359

◆ fp_isinf()

bool alglib::fp_isinf ( double  x)

Definition at line 7344 of file ap.cpp.

7345 {
7347 }
const ae_int_t endianness
Definition: ap.cpp:4693
doublereal * x
ae_bool ae_isinf_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
Definition: ap.cpp:1397

◆ fp_isnan()

bool alglib::fp_isnan ( double  x)

Definition at line 7329 of file ap.cpp.

7330 {
7332 }
const ae_int_t endianness
Definition: ap.cpp:4693
ae_bool ae_isnan_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
Definition: ap.cpp:1375
doublereal * x

◆ fp_isneginf()

bool alglib::fp_isneginf ( double  x)

Definition at line 7339 of file ap.cpp.

7340 {
7342 }
const ae_int_t endianness
Definition: ap.cpp:4693
ae_bool ae_isneginf_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
Definition: ap.cpp:1445
doublereal * x

◆ fp_isposinf()

bool alglib::fp_isposinf ( double  x)

Definition at line 7334 of file ap.cpp.

7335 {
7337 }
const ae_int_t endianness
Definition: ap.cpp:4693
ae_bool ae_isposinf_stateless(double x, ae_int_t endianness)
Definition: ap.cpp:1421
doublereal * x

◆ fp_less()

bool alglib::fp_less ( double  v1,
double  v2 

Definition at line 7297 of file ap.cpp.

7298 {
7299  // IEEE-strict floating point comparison
7300  volatile double x = v1;
7301  volatile double y = v2;
7302  return x<y;
7303 }
static double * y
doublereal * x
double v1

◆ fp_less_eq()

bool alglib::fp_less_eq ( double  v1,
double  v2 

Definition at line 7305 of file ap.cpp.

7306 {
7307  // IEEE-strict floating point comparison
7308  volatile double x = v1;
7309  volatile double y = v2;
7310  return x<=y;
7311 }
static double * y
doublereal * x
double v1

◆ fp_neq()

bool alglib::fp_neq ( double  v1,
double  v2 

Definition at line 7291 of file ap.cpp.

7292 {
7293  // IEEE-strict floating point comparison
7294  return !fp_eq(v1,v2);
7295 }
bool fp_eq(double v1, double v2)
Definition: ap.cpp:7283
double v1

◆ fresnelintegral()

void alglib::fresnelintegral ( const double  x,
double &  c,
double &  s 

Definition at line 2024 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2025 {
2026  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2027  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2028  try
2029  {
2030  alglib_impl::fresnelintegral(x, &c, &s, &_alglib_env_state);
2031  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2032  return;
2033  }
2035  {
2036  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2037  }
2038 }
doublereal * c
void fresnelintegral(double x, double *c, double *s, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ fromchebyshev()

void alglib::fromchebyshev ( const real_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array b 

Definition at line 1318 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1319 {
1320  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1321  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1322  try
1323  {
1324  alglib_impl::fromchebyshev(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1325  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1326  return;
1327  }
1329  {
1330  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1331  }
1332 }
void fromchebyshev(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *b, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ ftest()

void alglib::ftest ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2521 of file statistics.cpp.

2522 {
2523  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2524  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2525  try
2526  {
2527  alglib_impl::ftest(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), m, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2528  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2529  return;
2530  }
2532  {
2533  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2534  }
2535 }
static double * y
void ftest(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t m, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ gammafunction()

double alglib::gammafunction ( const double  x)

Definition at line 60 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

61 {
62  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
63  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
64  try
65  {
66  double result = alglib_impl::gammafunction(x, &_alglib_env_state);
67  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
68  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
69  }
71  {
72  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
73  }
74 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
double gammafunction(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ get_aenv_nan()

double alglib::get_aenv_nan ( )

Definition at line 6764 of file ap.cpp.

6765 {
6766  double r;
6767  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6768  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6769  r = _alglib_env_state.v_nan;
6770  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6771  return r;
6772 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double v_nan
Definition: ap.h:355
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309

◆ get_aenv_neginf()

double alglib::get_aenv_neginf ( )

Definition at line 6784 of file ap.cpp.

6785 {
6786  double r;
6787  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6788  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6789  r = _alglib_env_state.v_neginf;
6790  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6791  return r;
6792 }
double v_neginf
Definition: ap.h:365
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309

◆ get_aenv_posinf()

double alglib::get_aenv_posinf ( )

Definition at line 6774 of file ap.cpp.

6775 {
6776  double r;
6777  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6778  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6779  r = _alglib_env_state.v_posinf;
6780  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6781  return r;
6782 }
double v_posinf
Definition: ap.h:360
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309

◆ gkqgenerategaussjacobi()

void alglib::gkqgenerategaussjacobi ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  alpha,
const double  beta,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array wkronrod,
real_1d_array wgauss 

Definition at line 509 of file integration.cpp.

510 {
511  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
512  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
513  try
514  {
515  alglib_impl::gkqgenerategaussjacobi(n, alpha, beta, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wkronrod.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wgauss.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
516  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
517  return;
518  }
520  {
521  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
522  }
523 }
double beta(const double a, const double b)
void gkqgenerategaussjacobi(ae_int_t n, double alpha, double beta, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *wkronrod, ae_vector *wgauss, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ gkqgenerategausslegendre()

void alglib::gkqgenerategausslegendre ( const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array wkronrod,
real_1d_array wgauss 

Definition at line 457 of file integration.cpp.

458 {
459  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
460  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
461  try
462  {
463  alglib_impl::gkqgenerategausslegendre(n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wkronrod.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wgauss.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
464  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
465  return;
466  }
468  {
469  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
470  }
471 }
void gkqgenerategausslegendre(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *wkronrod, ae_vector *wgauss, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ gkqgeneraterec()

void alglib::gkqgeneraterec ( const real_1d_array alpha,
const real_1d_array beta,
const double  mu0,
const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array wkronrod,
real_1d_array wgauss 

Definition at line 412 of file integration.cpp.

413 {
414  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
415  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
416  try
417  {
418  alglib_impl::gkqgeneraterec(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(alpha.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(beta.c_ptr()), mu0, n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wkronrod.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wgauss.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
419  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
420  return;
421  }
423  {
424  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
425  }
426 }
void gkqgeneraterec(ae_vector *alpha, ae_vector *beta, double mu0, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *wkronrod, ae_vector *wgauss, ae_state *_state)
double beta(const double a, const double b)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ gkqlegendrecalc()

void alglib::gkqlegendrecalc ( const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array wkronrod,
real_1d_array wgauss 

Definition at line 551 of file integration.cpp.

552 {
553  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
554  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
555  try
556  {
557  alglib_impl::gkqlegendrecalc(n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wkronrod.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wgauss.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
558  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
559  return;
560  }
562  {
563  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
564  }
565 }
void gkqlegendrecalc(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *wkronrod, ae_vector *wgauss, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ gkqlegendretbl()

void alglib::gkqlegendretbl ( const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array wkronrod,
real_1d_array wgauss,
double &  eps 

Definition at line 589 of file integration.cpp.

590 {
591  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
592  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
593  try
594  {
595  alglib_impl::gkqlegendretbl(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wkronrod.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wgauss.c_ptr()), &eps, &_alglib_env_state);
596  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
597  return;
598  }
600  {
601  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
602  }
603 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
cmache_1 eps
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void gkqlegendretbl(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *wkronrod, ae_vector *wgauss, double *eps, ae_state *_state)

◆ gqgenerategausshermite()

void alglib::gqgenerategausshermite ( const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array w 

Definition at line 350 of file integration.cpp.

351 {
352  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
353  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
354  try
355  {
356  alglib_impl::gqgenerategausshermite(n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
357  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
358  return;
359  }
361  {
362  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
363  }
364 }
void gqgenerategausshermite(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *w, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ gqgenerategaussjacobi()

void alglib::gqgenerategaussjacobi ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  alpha,
const double  beta,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array w 

Definition at line 269 of file integration.cpp.

270 {
271  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
272  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
273  try
274  {
275  alglib_impl::gqgenerategaussjacobi(n, alpha, beta, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
276  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
277  return;
278  }
280  {
281  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
282  }
283 }
double beta(const double a, const double b)
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void gqgenerategaussjacobi(ae_int_t n, double alpha, double beta, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *w, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ gqgenerategausslaguerre()

void alglib::gqgenerategausslaguerre ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  alpha,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array w 

Definition at line 311 of file integration.cpp.

312 {
313  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
314  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
315  try
316  {
317  alglib_impl::gqgenerategausslaguerre(n, alpha, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
318  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
319  return;
320  }
322  {
323  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
324  }
325 }
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void gqgenerategausslaguerre(ae_int_t n, double alpha, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *w, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ gqgenerategausslegendre()

void alglib::gqgenerategausslegendre ( const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array w 

Definition at line 226 of file integration.cpp.

227 {
228  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
229  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
230  try
231  {
232  alglib_impl::gqgenerategausslegendre(n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
233  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
234  return;
235  }
237  {
238  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
239  }
240 }
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void gqgenerategausslegendre(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *w, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ gqgenerategausslobattorec()

void alglib::gqgenerategausslobattorec ( const real_1d_array alpha,
const real_1d_array beta,
const double  mu0,
const double  a,
const double  b,
const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array w 

Definition at line 131 of file integration.cpp.

132 {
133  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
134  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
135  try
136  {
137  alglib_impl::gqgenerategausslobattorec(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(alpha.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(beta.c_ptr()), mu0, a, b, n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
138  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
139  return;
140  }
142  {
143  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
144  }
145 }
double beta(const double a, const double b)
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void gqgenerategausslobattorec(ae_vector *alpha, ae_vector *beta, double mu0, double a, double b, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *w, ae_state *_state)
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ gqgenerategaussradaurec()

void alglib::gqgenerategaussradaurec ( const real_1d_array alpha,
const real_1d_array beta,
const double  mu0,
const double  a,
const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array w 

Definition at line 186 of file integration.cpp.

187 {
188  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
189  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
190  try
191  {
192  alglib_impl::gqgenerategaussradaurec(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(alpha.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(beta.c_ptr()), mu0, a, n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
193  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
194  return;
195  }
197  {
198  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
199  }
200 }
double beta(const double a, const double b)
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void gqgenerategaussradaurec(ae_vector *alpha, ae_vector *beta, double mu0, double a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *w, ae_state *_state)
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ gqgeneraterec()

void alglib::gqgeneraterec ( const real_1d_array alpha,
const real_1d_array beta,
const double  mu0,
const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array w 

Definition at line 76 of file integration.cpp.

77 {
78  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
79  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
80  try
81  {
82  alglib_impl::gqgeneraterec(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(alpha.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(beta.c_ptr()), mu0, n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
83  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
84  return;
85  }
87  {
88  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
89  }
90 }
void gqgeneraterec(ae_vector *alpha, ae_vector *beta, double mu0, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *w, ae_state *_state)
double beta(const double a, const double b)
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ hermitecalculate()

double alglib::hermitecalculate ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 2050 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2051 {
2052  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2053  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2054  try
2055  {
2056  double result = alglib_impl::hermitecalculate(n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
2057  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2058  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2059  }
2061  {
2062  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2063  }
2064 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double hermitecalculate(ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ hermitecoefficients()

void alglib::hermitecoefficients ( const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array c 

Definition at line 2104 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2105 {
2106  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2107  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2108  try
2109  {
2110  alglib_impl::hermitecoefficients(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2111  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2112  return;
2113  }
2115  {
2116  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2117  }
2118 }
doublereal * c
void hermitecoefficients(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ hermitesum()

double alglib::hermitesum ( const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 2079 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2080 {
2081  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2082  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2083  try
2084  {
2085  double result = alglib_impl::hermitesum(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
2086  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2087  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2088  }
2090  {
2091  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2092  }
2093 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double hermitesum(ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ hmatrixevd()

bool alglib::hmatrixevd ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
const bool  isupper,
real_1d_array d,
complex_2d_array z 

Definition at line 2062 of file linalg.cpp.

2063 {
2064  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2065  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2066  try
2067  {
2068  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::hmatrixevd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, zneeded, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2069  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2070  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2071  }
2073  {
2074  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2075  }
2076 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool hmatrixevd(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *d, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:15687
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hmatrixevdi()

bool alglib::hmatrixevdi ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
const bool  isupper,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  i2,
real_1d_array w,
complex_2d_array z 

Definition at line 2182 of file linalg.cpp.

2183 {
2184  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2185  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2186  try
2187  {
2188  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::hmatrixevdi(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, zneeded, isupper, i1, i2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2189  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2190  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2191  }
2193  {
2194  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2195  }
2196 }
ae_bool hmatrixevdi(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_vector *w, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:15977
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hmatrixevdr()

bool alglib::hmatrixevdr ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
const bool  isupper,
const double  b1,
const double  b2,
ae_int_t m,
real_1d_array w,
complex_2d_array z 

Definition at line 2123 of file linalg.cpp.

2124 {
2125  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2126  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2127  try
2128  {
2129  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::hmatrixevdr(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, zneeded, isupper, b1, b2, &m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2130  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2131  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2132  }
2134  {
2135  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2136  }
2137 }
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool hmatrixevdr(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_bool isupper, double b1, double b2, ae_int_t *m, ae_vector *w, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:15831
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hmatrixrndcond()

void alglib::hmatrixrndcond ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  c,
complex_2d_array a 

Definition at line 2680 of file linalg.cpp.

2681 {
2682  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2683  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2684  try
2685  {
2686  alglib_impl::hmatrixrndcond(n, c, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2687  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2688  return;
2689  }
2691  {
2692  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2693  }
2694 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void hmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22003
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hmatrixrndmultiply()

void alglib::hmatrixrndmultiply ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 2895 of file linalg.cpp.

2896 {
2897  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2898  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2899  try
2900  {
2901  alglib_impl::hmatrixrndmultiply(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
2902  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2903  return;
2904  }
2906  {
2907  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2908  }
2909 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void hmatrixrndmultiply(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22656
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hmatrixtd()

void alglib::hmatrixtd ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
complex_1d_array tau,
real_1d_array d,
real_1d_array e 

Definition at line 1655 of file linalg.cpp.

1656 {
1657  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1658  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1659  try
1660  {
1661  alglib_impl::hmatrixtd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(e.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1662  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1663  return;
1664  }
1666  {
1667  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1668  }
1669 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
void hmatrixtd(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *tau, ae_vector *d, ae_vector *e, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:13181
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hmatrixtdunpackq()

void alglib::hmatrixtdunpackq ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const complex_1d_array tau,
complex_2d_array q 

Definition at line 1688 of file linalg.cpp.

1689 {
1690  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1691  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1692  try
1693  {
1694  alglib_impl::hmatrixtdunpackq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(q.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1695  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1696  return;
1697  }
1699  {
1700  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1701  }
1702 }
void hmatrixtdunpackq(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *tau, ae_matrix *q, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:13368
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixcholesky()

bool alglib::hpdmatrixcholesky ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 3034 of file linalg.cpp.

3035 {
3036  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3037  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3038  try
3039  {
3040  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::hpdmatrixcholesky(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
3041  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3042  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
3043  }
3045  {
3046  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3047  }
3048 }
ae_bool hpdmatrixcholesky(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22860
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4325 of file linalg.cpp.

4326 {
4327  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4328  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4329  try
4330  {
4331  alglib_impl::hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4332  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4333  return;
4334  }
4336  {
4337  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4338  }
4339 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27733
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4372 of file linalg.cpp.

4373 {
4374  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4375  ae_int_t n;
4376  bool isupper;
4377  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()))
4378  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4379  n = a.cols();
4380  isupper = false;
4381  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4382  try
4383  {
4384  alglib_impl::hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4386  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4387  return;
4388  }
4390  {
4391  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4392  }
4393 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27733
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixcholeskyrcond()

double alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskyrcond ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 3514 of file linalg.cpp.

3515 {
3516  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3517  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3518  try
3519  {
3520  double result = alglib_impl::hpdmatrixcholeskyrcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
3521  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3522  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3523  }
3525  {
3526  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3527  }
3528 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
double hpdmatrixcholeskyrcond(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:25000
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixcholeskysolve()

void alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskysolve ( const complex_2d_array cha,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const complex_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_1d_array x 

Definition at line 1058 of file solvers.cpp.

1059 {
1060  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1061  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1062  try
1063  {
1064  alglib_impl::hpdmatrixcholeskysolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(cha.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1065  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1066  return;
1067  }
1069  {
1070  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1071  }
1072 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void hpdmatrixcholeskysolve(ae_matrix *cha, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:4289
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem()

void alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem ( const complex_2d_array cha,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const complex_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_2d_array x 

Definition at line 1012 of file solvers.cpp.

1013 {
1014  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1015  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1016  try
1017  {
1018  alglib_impl::hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(cha.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1019  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1020  return;
1021  }
1023  {
1024  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1025  }
1026 }
void hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem(ae_matrix *cha, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:4191
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ hpdmatrixinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::hpdmatrixinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4429 of file linalg.cpp.

4430 {
4431  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4432  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4433  try
4434  {
4435  alglib_impl::hpdmatrixinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4436  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4437  return;
4438  }
4440  {
4441  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4442  }
4443 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void hpdmatrixinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27841
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::hpdmatrixinverse ( complex_2d_array a,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4479 of file linalg.cpp.

4480 {
4481  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4482  ae_int_t n;
4483  bool isupper;
4484  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()))
4485  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'hpdmatrixinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4486  if( !alglib_impl::ae_is_hermitian(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr())) )
4487  throw ap_error("'a' parameter is not Hermitian matrix");
4488  n = a.cols();
4489  isupper = false;
4490  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4491  try
4492  {
4493  alglib_impl::hpdmatrixinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4494  if( !alglib_impl::ae_force_hermitian(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr())) )
4495  throw ap_error("Internal error while forcing Hermitian properties of 'a' parameter");
4496  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4497  return;
4498  }
4500  {
4501  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4502  }
4503 }
ae_bool ae_force_hermitian(ae_matrix *a)
Definition: ap.cpp:2272
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void hpdmatrixinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27841
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
ae_bool ae_is_hermitian(ae_matrix *a)
Definition: ap.cpp:2256
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixrcond()

double alglib::hpdmatrixrcond ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 3301 of file linalg.cpp.

3302 {
3303  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3304  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3305  try
3306  {
3307  double result = alglib_impl::hpdmatrixrcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
3308  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3309  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3310  }
3312  {
3313  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3314  }
3315 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double hpdmatrixrcond(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24687
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixrndcond()

void alglib::hpdmatrixrndcond ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  c,
complex_2d_array a 

Definition at line 2711 of file linalg.cpp.

2712 {
2713  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2714  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2715  try
2716  {
2717  alglib_impl::hpdmatrixrndcond(n, c, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2718  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2719  return;
2720  }
2722  {
2723  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2724  }
2725 }
void hpdmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22083
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixsolve()

void alglib::hpdmatrixsolve ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const complex_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_1d_array x 

Definition at line 965 of file solvers.cpp.

966 {
967  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
968  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
969  try
970  {
971  alglib_impl::hpdmatrixsolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
972  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
973  return;
974  }
976  {
977  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
978  }
979 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void hpdmatrixsolve(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:4125
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hpdmatrixsolvem()

void alglib::hpdmatrixsolvem ( const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const complex_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
complex_2d_array x 

Definition at line 919 of file solvers.cpp.

920 {
921  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
922  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
923  try
924  {
925  alglib_impl::hpdmatrixsolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
926  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
927  return;
928  }
930  {
931  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
932  }
933 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void hpdmatrixsolvem(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3994
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ hqrndcontinuous()

double alglib::hqrndcontinuous ( const hqrndstate state,
const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 364 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

365 {
366  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
367  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
368  try
369  {
370  double result = alglib_impl::hqrndcontinuous(const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
371  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
372  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
373  }
375  {
376  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
377  }
378 }
double hqrndcontinuous(hqrndstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ hqrnddiscrete()

double alglib::hqrnddiscrete ( const hqrndstate state,
const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 329 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

330 {
331  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
332  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
333  try
334  {
335  double result = alglib_impl::hqrnddiscrete(const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
336  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
337  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
338  }
340  {
341  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
342  }
343 }
double hqrnddiscrete(hqrndstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ hqrndexponential()

double alglib::hqrndexponential ( const hqrndstate state,
const double  lambdav 

Definition at line 297 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

298 {
299  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
300  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
301  try
302  {
303  double result = alglib_impl::hqrndexponential(const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), lambdav, &_alglib_env_state);
304  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
305  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
306  }
308  {
309  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
310  }
311 }
double hqrndexponential(hqrndstate *state, double lambdav, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ hqrndnormal()

double alglib::hqrndnormal ( const hqrndstate state)

Definition at line 222 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

223 {
224  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
225  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
226  try
227  {
228  double result = alglib_impl::hqrndnormal(const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
229  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
230  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
231  }
233  {
234  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
235  }
236 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double hqrndnormal(hqrndstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ hqrndnormal2()

void alglib::hqrndnormal2 ( const hqrndstate state,
double &  x1,
double &  x2 

Definition at line 273 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

274 {
275  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
276  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
277  try
278  {
279  alglib_impl::hqrndnormal2(const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &x1, &x2, &_alglib_env_state);
280  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
281  return;
282  }
284  {
285  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
286  }
287 }
void hqrndnormal2(hqrndstate *state, double *x1, double *x2, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ hqrndrandomize()

void alglib::hqrndrandomize ( hqrndstate state)

Definition at line 120 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

121 {
122  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
123  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
124  try
125  {
126  alglib_impl::hqrndrandomize(const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
127  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
128  return;
129  }
131  {
132  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
133  }
134 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void hqrndrandomize(hqrndstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ hqrndseed()

void alglib::hqrndseed ( const ae_int_t  s1,
const ae_int_t  s2,
hqrndstate state 

Definition at line 142 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

143 {
144  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
145  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
146  try
147  {
148  alglib_impl::hqrndseed(s1, s2, const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
149  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
150  return;
151  }
153  {
154  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
155  }
156 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void hqrndseed(ae_int_t s1, ae_int_t s2, hqrndstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ hqrnduniformi()

ae_int_t alglib::hqrnduniformi ( const hqrndstate state,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 195 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

196 {
197  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
198  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
199  try
200  {
201  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::hqrnduniformi(const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
202  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
203  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
204  }
206  {
207  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
208  }
209 }
ae_int_t hqrnduniformi(hqrndstate *state, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ hqrnduniformr()

double alglib::hqrnduniformr ( const hqrndstate state)

Definition at line 167 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

168 {
169  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
170  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
171  try
172  {
173  double result = alglib_impl::hqrnduniformr(const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
174  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
175  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
176  }
178  {
179  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
180  }
181 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double hqrnduniformr(hqrndstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ hqrndunit2()

void alglib::hqrndunit2 ( const hqrndstate state,
double &  x,
double &  y 

Definition at line 246 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

247 {
248  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
249  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
250  try
251  {
252  alglib_impl::hqrndunit2(const_cast<alglib_impl::hqrndstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &x, &y, &_alglib_env_state);
253  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
254  return;
255  }
257  {
258  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
259  }
260 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void hqrndunit2(hqrndstate *state, double *x, double *y, ae_state *_state)

◆ hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals()

void alglib::hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals ( const double  x,
double &  shi,
double &  chi 

Definition at line 2693 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2694 {
2695  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2696  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2697  try
2698  {
2699  alglib_impl::hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals(x, &shi, &chi, &_alglib_env_state);
2700  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2701  return;
2702  }
2704  {
2705  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2706  }
2707 }
void hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals(double x, double *shi, double *chi, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ iceil()

int alglib::iceil ( double  x)

Definition at line 7254 of file ap.cpp.

7255 { return int(ceil(x)); }
doublereal * x

◆ idwbuildmodifiedshepard()

void alglib::idwbuildmodifiedshepard ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  nx,
const ae_int_t  d,
const ae_int_t  nq,
const ae_int_t  nw,
idwinterpolant z 

Definition at line 191 of file interpolation.cpp.

192 {
193  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
194  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
195  try
196  {
197  alglib_impl::idwbuildmodifiedshepard(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, nx, d, nq, nw, const_cast<alglib_impl::idwinterpolant*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
198  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
199  return;
200  }
202  {
203  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
204  }
205 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void idwbuildmodifiedshepard(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t d, ae_int_t nq, ae_int_t nw, idwinterpolant *z, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ idwbuildmodifiedshepardr()

void alglib::idwbuildmodifiedshepardr ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  nx,
const double  r,
idwinterpolant z 

Definition at line 234 of file interpolation.cpp.

235 {
236  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
237  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
238  try
239  {
240  alglib_impl::idwbuildmodifiedshepardr(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, nx, r, const_cast<alglib_impl::idwinterpolant*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
241  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
242  return;
243  }
245  {
246  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
247  }
248 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void idwbuildmodifiedshepardr(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, double r, idwinterpolant *z, ae_state *_state)
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ idwbuildnoisy()

void alglib::idwbuildnoisy ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  nx,
const ae_int_t  d,
const ae_int_t  nq,
const ae_int_t  nw,
idwinterpolant z 

Definition at line 313 of file interpolation.cpp.

314 {
315  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
316  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
317  try
318  {
319  alglib_impl::idwbuildnoisy(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, nx, d, nq, nw, const_cast<alglib_impl::idwinterpolant*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
320  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
321  return;
322  }
324  {
325  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
326  }
327 }
void idwbuildnoisy(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t d, ae_int_t nq, ae_int_t nw, idwinterpolant *z, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ idwcalc()

double alglib::idwcalc ( const idwinterpolant z,
const real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 120 of file interpolation.cpp.

121 {
122  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
123  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
124  try
125  {
126  double result = alglib_impl::idwcalc(const_cast<alglib_impl::idwinterpolant*>(z.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
127  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
128  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
129  }
131  {
132  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
133  }
134 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double idwcalc(idwinterpolant *z, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ ifloor()

int alglib::ifloor ( double  x)

Definition at line 7251 of file ap.cpp.

7252 { return int(floor(x)); }
__host__ __device__ float2 floor(const float2 v)
doublereal * x

◆ incompletebeta()

double alglib::incompletebeta ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const double  x 

Definition at line 1019 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1020 {
1021  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1022  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1023  try
1024  {
1025  double result = alglib_impl::incompletebeta(a, b, x, &_alglib_env_state);
1026  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1027  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1028  }
1030  {
1031  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1032  }
1033 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double incompletebeta(double a, double b, double x, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ incompleteellipticintegrale()

double alglib::incompleteellipticintegrale ( const double  phi,
const double  m 

Definition at line 1727 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1728 {
1729  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1730  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1731  try
1732  {
1733  double result = alglib_impl::incompleteellipticintegrale(phi, m, &_alglib_env_state);
1734  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1735  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1736  }
1738  {
1739  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1740  }
1741 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double incompleteellipticintegrale(double phi, double m, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ incompleteellipticintegralk()

double alglib::incompleteellipticintegralk ( const double  phi,
const double  m 

Definition at line 1638 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1639 {
1640  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1641  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1642  try
1643  {
1644  double result = alglib_impl::incompleteellipticintegralk(phi, m, &_alglib_env_state);
1645  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1646  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1647  }
1649  {
1650  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1651  }
1652 }
double incompleteellipticintegralk(double phi, double m, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ incompletegamma()

double alglib::incompletegamma ( const double  a,
const double  x 

Definition at line 347 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

348 {
349  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
350  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
351  try
352  {
353  double result = alglib_impl::incompletegamma(a, x, &_alglib_env_state);
354  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
355  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
356  }
358  {
359  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
360  }
361 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double incompletegamma(double a, double x, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * a

◆ incompletegammac()

double alglib::incompletegammac ( const double  a,
const double  x 

Definition at line 396 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

397 {
398  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
399  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
400  try
401  {
402  double result = alglib_impl::incompletegammac(a, x, &_alglib_env_state);
403  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
404  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
405  }
407  {
408  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
409  }
410 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double incompletegammac(double a, double x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ invbinomialdistribution()

double alglib::invbinomialdistribution ( const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  y 

Definition at line 1203 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1204 {
1205  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1206  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1207  try
1208  {
1209  double result = alglib_impl::invbinomialdistribution(k, n, y, &_alglib_env_state);
1210  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1211  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1212  }
1214  {
1215  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1216  }
1217 }
double invbinomialdistribution(ae_int_t k, ae_int_t n, double y, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ invchisquaredistribution()

double alglib::invchisquaredistribution ( const double  v,
const double  y 

Definition at line 1450 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1451 {
1452  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1453  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1454  try
1455  {
1456  double result = alglib_impl::invchisquaredistribution(v, y, &_alglib_env_state);
1457  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1458  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1459  }
1461  {
1462  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1463  }
1464 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double invchisquaredistribution(double v, double y, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ inverf()

double alglib::inverf ( const double  e)

Definition at line 261 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

262 {
263  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
264  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
265  try
266  {
267  double result = alglib_impl::inverf(e, &_alglib_env_state);
268  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
269  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
270  }
272  {
273  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
274  }
275 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double inverf(double e, ae_state *_state)

◆ invfdistribution()

double alglib::invfdistribution ( const ae_int_t  a,
const ae_int_t  b,
const double  y 

Definition at line 1966 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1967 {
1968  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1969  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1970  try
1971  {
1972  double result = alglib_impl::invfdistribution(a, b, y, &_alglib_env_state);
1973  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1974  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1975  }
1977  {
1978  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1979  }
1980 }
double invfdistribution(ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b, double y, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ invincompletebeta()

double alglib::invincompletebeta ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const double  y 

Definition at line 1063 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

1064 {
1065  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1066  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1067  try
1068  {
1069  double result = alglib_impl::invincompletebeta(a, b, y, &_alglib_env_state);
1070  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1071  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1072  }
1074  {
1075  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1076  }
1077 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
double invincompletebeta(double a, double b, double y, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ invincompletegammac()

double alglib::invincompletegammac ( const double  a,
const double  y0 

Definition at line 448 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

449 {
450  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
451  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
452  try
453  {
454  double result = alglib_impl::invincompletegammac(a, y0, &_alglib_env_state);
455  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
456  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
457  }
459  {
460  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
461  }
462 }
double invincompletegammac(double a, double y0, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define y0
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ invnormaldistribution()

double alglib::invnormaldistribution ( const double  y0)

Definition at line 302 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

303 {
304  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
305  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
306  try
307  {
308  double result = alglib_impl::invnormaldistribution(y0, &_alglib_env_state);
309  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
310  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
311  }
313  {
314  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
315  }
316 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define y0
Definition: ap.h:201
double invnormaldistribution(double y0, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ invpoissondistribution()

double alglib::invpoissondistribution ( const ae_int_t  k,
const double  y 

Definition at line 2437 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2438 {
2439  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2440  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2441  try
2442  {
2443  double result = alglib_impl::invpoissondistribution(k, y, &_alglib_env_state);
2444  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2445  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2446  }
2448  {
2449  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2450  }
2451 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
double invpoissondistribution(ae_int_t k, double y, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ invstudenttdistribution()

double alglib::invstudenttdistribution ( const ae_int_t  k,
const double  p 

Definition at line 2582 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2583 {
2584  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2585  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2586  try
2587  {
2588  double result = alglib_impl::invstudenttdistribution(k, p, &_alglib_env_state);
2589  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2590  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2591  }
2593  {
2594  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2595  }
2596 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
double invstudenttdistribution(ae_int_t k, double p, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ jacobianellipticfunctions()

void alglib::jacobianellipticfunctions ( const double  u,
const double  m,
double &  sn,
double &  cn,
double &  dn,
double &  ph 

Definition at line 2160 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2161 {
2162  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2163  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2164  try
2165  {
2166  alglib_impl::jacobianellipticfunctions(u, m, &sn, &cn, &dn, &ph, &_alglib_env_state);
2167  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2168  return;
2169  }
2171  {
2172  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2173  }
2174 }
void jacobianellipticfunctions(double u, double m, double *sn, double *cn, double *dn, double *ph, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * u

◆ jarqueberatest()

void alglib::jarqueberatest ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
double &  p 

Definition at line 2159 of file statistics.cpp.

2160 {
2161  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2162  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2163  try
2164  {
2165  alglib_impl::jarqueberatest(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &p, &_alglib_env_state);
2166  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2167  return;
2168  }
2170  {
2171  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2172  }
2173 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void jarqueberatest(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double *p, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ kdtreebuild() [1/2]

void alglib::kdtreebuild ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  nx,
const ae_int_t  ny,
const ae_int_t  normtype,
kdtree kdt 

Definition at line 554 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

555 {
556  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
557  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
558  try
559  {
560  alglib_impl::kdtreebuild(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, nx, ny, normtype, const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
561  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
562  return;
563  }
565  {
566  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
567  }
568 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void kdtreebuild(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree *kdt, ae_state *_state)

◆ kdtreebuild() [2/2]

void alglib::kdtreebuild ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  nx,
const ae_int_t  ny,
const ae_int_t  normtype,
kdtree kdt 

Definition at line 605 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

606 {
607  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
608  ae_int_t n;
610  n = xy.rows();
611  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
612  try
613  {
614  alglib_impl::kdtreebuild(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, nx, ny, normtype, const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
616  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
617  return;
618  }
620  {
621  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
622  }
623 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
void kdtreebuild(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree *kdt, ae_state *_state)

◆ kdtreebuildtagged() [1/2]

void alglib::kdtreebuildtagged ( const real_2d_array xy,
const integer_1d_array tags,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  nx,
const ae_int_t  ny,
const ae_int_t  normtype,
kdtree kdt 

Definition at line 662 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

663 {
664  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
665  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
666  try
667  {
668  alglib_impl::kdtreebuildtagged(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tags.c_ptr()), n, nx, ny, normtype, const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
669  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
670  return;
671  }
673  {
674  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
675  }
676 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void kdtreebuildtagged(ae_matrix *xy, ae_vector *tags, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree *kdt, ae_state *_state)

◆ kdtreebuildtagged() [2/2]

void alglib::kdtreebuildtagged ( const real_2d_array xy,
const integer_1d_array tags,
const ae_int_t  nx,
const ae_int_t  ny,
const ae_int_t  normtype,
kdtree kdt 

Definition at line 715 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

716 {
717  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
718  ae_int_t n;
719  if( (xy.rows()!=tags.length()))
720  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'kdtreebuildtagged': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
721  n = xy.rows();
722  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
723  try
724  {
725  alglib_impl::kdtreebuildtagged(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tags.c_ptr()), n, nx, ny, normtype, const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
727  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
728  return;
729  }
731  {
732  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
733  }
734 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
void kdtreebuildtagged(ae_matrix *xy, ae_vector *tags, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree *kdt, ae_state *_state)

◆ kdtreequeryaknn() [1/2]

ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryaknn ( const kdtree kdt,
const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  k,
const bool  selfmatch,
const double  eps 

Definition at line 955 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

956 {
957  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
958  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
959  try
960  {
961  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::kdtreequeryaknn(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), k, selfmatch, eps, &_alglib_env_state);
962  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
963  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
964  }
966  {
967  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
968  }
969 }
ae_int_t kdtreequeryaknn(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t k, ae_bool selfmatch, double eps, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
cmache_1 eps
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ kdtreequeryaknn() [2/2]

ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryaknn ( const kdtree kdt,
const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  k,
const double  eps 

Definition at line 1006 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

1007 {
1008  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1009  bool selfmatch;
1011  selfmatch = true;
1012  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1013  try
1014  {
1015  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::kdtreequeryaknn(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), k, selfmatch, eps, &_alglib_env_state);
1017  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1018  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
1019  }
1021  {
1022  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1023  }
1024 }
ae_int_t kdtreequeryaknn(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t k, ae_bool selfmatch, double eps, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
cmache_1 eps
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ kdtreequeryknn() [1/2]

ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryknn ( const kdtree kdt,
const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  k,
const bool  selfmatch 

Definition at line 764 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

765 {
766  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
767  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
768  try
769  {
770  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::kdtreequeryknn(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), k, selfmatch, &_alglib_env_state);
771  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
772  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
773  }
775  {
776  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
777  }
778 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
ae_int_t kdtreequeryknn(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t k, ae_bool selfmatch, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ kdtreequeryknn() [2/2]

ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryknn ( const kdtree kdt,
const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 808 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

809 {
810  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
811  bool selfmatch;
813  selfmatch = true;
814  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
815  try
816  {
817  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::kdtreequeryknn(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), k, selfmatch, &_alglib_env_state);
819  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
820  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
821  }
823  {
824  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
825  }
826 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
ae_int_t kdtreequeryknn(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t k, ae_bool selfmatch, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ kdtreequeryresultsdistances()

void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsdistances ( const kdtree kdt,
real_1d_array r 

Definition at line 1192 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

1193 {
1194  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1195  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1196  try
1197  {
1198  alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsdistances(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1199  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1200  return;
1201  }
1203  {
1204  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1205  }
1206 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void kdtreequeryresultsdistances(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi()

void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi ( const kdtree kdt,
real_1d_array r 

Definition at line 1304 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

1305 {
1306  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1307  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1308  try
1309  {
1310  alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1311  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1312  return;
1313  }
1315  {
1316  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1317  }
1318 }
void kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *r, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ kdtreequeryresultstags()

void alglib::kdtreequeryresultstags ( const kdtree kdt,
integer_1d_array tags 

Definition at line 1147 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

1148 {
1149  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1150  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1151  try
1152  {
1153  alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultstags(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tags.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1154  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1155  return;
1156  }
1158  {
1159  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1160  }
1161 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void kdtreequeryresultstags(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *tags, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ kdtreequeryresultstagsi()

void alglib::kdtreequeryresultstagsi ( const kdtree kdt,
integer_1d_array tags 

Definition at line 1276 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

1277 {
1278  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1279  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1280  try
1281  {
1282  alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultstagsi(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tags.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1283  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1284  return;
1285  }
1287  {
1288  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1289  }
1290 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void kdtreequeryresultstagsi(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *tags, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ kdtreequeryresultsx()

void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsx ( const kdtree kdt,
real_2d_array x 

Definition at line 1055 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

1056 {
1057  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1058  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1059  try
1060  {
1061  alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsx(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1062  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1063  return;
1064  }
1066  {
1067  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1068  }
1069 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void kdtreequeryresultsx(kdtree *kdt, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)

◆ kdtreequeryresultsxi()

void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsxi ( const kdtree kdt,
real_2d_array x 

Definition at line 1220 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

1221 {
1222  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1223  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1224  try
1225  {
1226  alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsxi(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1227  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1228  return;
1229  }
1231  {
1232  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1233  }
1234 }
void kdtreequeryresultsxi(kdtree *kdt, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ kdtreequeryresultsxy()

void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsxy ( const kdtree kdt,
real_2d_array xy 

Definition at line 1101 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

1102 {
1103  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1104  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1105  try
1106  {
1107  alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsxy(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1108  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1109  return;
1110  }
1112  {
1113  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1114  }
1115 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void kdtreequeryresultsxy(kdtree *kdt, ae_matrix *xy, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ kdtreequeryresultsxyi()

void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsxyi ( const kdtree kdt,
real_2d_array xy 

Definition at line 1248 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

1249 {
1250  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1251  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1252  try
1253  {
1254  alglib_impl::kdtreequeryresultsxyi(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1255  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1256  return;
1257  }
1259  {
1260  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1261  }
1262 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void kdtreequeryresultsxyi(kdtree *kdt, ae_matrix *xy, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ kdtreequeryrnn() [1/2]

ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryrnn ( const kdtree kdt,
const real_1d_array x,
const double  r,
const bool  selfmatch 

Definition at line 856 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

857 {
858  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
859  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
860  try
861  {
862  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::kdtreequeryrnn(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), r, selfmatch, &_alglib_env_state);
863  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
864  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
865  }
867  {
868  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
869  }
870 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnn(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *x, double r, ae_bool selfmatch, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ kdtreequeryrnn() [2/2]

ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryrnn ( const kdtree kdt,
const real_1d_array x,
const double  r 

Definition at line 900 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

901 {
902  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
903  bool selfmatch;
905  selfmatch = true;
906  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
907  try
908  {
909  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::kdtreequeryrnn(const_cast<alglib_impl::kdtree*>(kdt.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), r, selfmatch, &_alglib_env_state);
911  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
912  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
913  }
915  {
916  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
917  }
918 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ae_int_t kdtreequeryrnn(kdtree *kdt, ae_vector *x, double r, ae_bool selfmatch, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ kdtreeserialize()

void alglib::kdtreeserialize ( kdtree obj,
std::string &  s_out 

Definition at line 467 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

468 {
469  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
470  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
471  alglib_impl::ae_int_t ssize;
474  try
475  {
476  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
478  alglib_impl::kdtreealloc(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
479  ssize = alglib_impl::ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(&serializer);
480  s_out.clear();
481  s_out.reserve((size_t)(ssize+1));
482  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_sstart_str(&serializer, &s_out);
483  alglib_impl::kdtreeserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
484  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
485  if( s_out.length()>(size_t)ssize )
486  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: serialization integrity error");
489  }
491  {
492  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
493  }
494 }
void kdtreeserialize(ae_serializer *s, kdtree *tree, ae_state *_state)
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
ae_int_t ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3416
void ae_serializer_sstart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3447
void kdtreealloc(ae_serializer *s, kdtree *tree, ae_state *_state)
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void ae_serializer_alloc_start(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3404
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void(* obj)()

◆ kdtreeunserialize()

void alglib::kdtreeunserialize ( std::string &  s_in,
kdtree obj 

Definition at line 498 of file alglibmisc.cpp.

499 {
500  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
501  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
504  try
505  {
506  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
507  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_ustart_str(&serializer, &s_in);
508  alglib_impl::kdtreeunserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
509  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
512  }
514  {
515  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
516  }
517 }
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
void ae_serializer_ustart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, const std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3457
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
Definition: ap.h:201
void kdtreeunserialize(ae_serializer *s, kdtree *tree, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void(* obj)()

◆ kmeansgenerate()

void alglib::kmeansgenerate ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
ae_int_t info,
real_2d_array c,
integer_1d_array xyc 

Definition at line 1175 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1176 {
1177  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1178  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1179  try
1180  {
1181  alglib_impl::kmeansgenerate(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, k, restarts, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xyc.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1182  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1183  return;
1184  }
1186  {
1187  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1188  }
1189 }
doublereal * c
void kmeansgenerate(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t *info, ae_matrix *c, ae_vector *xyc, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ laguerrecalculate()

double alglib::laguerrecalculate ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 2186 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2187 {
2188  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2189  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2190  try
2191  {
2192  double result = alglib_impl::laguerrecalculate(n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
2193  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2194  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2195  }
2197  {
2198  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2199  }
2200 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double laguerrecalculate(ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ laguerrecoefficients()

void alglib::laguerrecoefficients ( const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array c 

Definition at line 2239 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2240 {
2241  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2242  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2243  try
2244  {
2245  alglib_impl::laguerrecoefficients(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2246  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2247  return;
2248  }
2250  {
2251  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2252  }
2253 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void laguerrecoefficients(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ laguerresum()

double alglib::laguerresum ( const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 2214 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2215 {
2216  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2217  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2218  try
2219  {
2220  double result = alglib_impl::laguerresum(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
2221  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2222  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2223  }
2225  {
2226  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2227  }
2228 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
double laguerresum(ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)

◆ legendrecalculate()

double alglib::legendrecalculate ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 2265 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2266 {
2267  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2268  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2269  try
2270  {
2271  double result = alglib_impl::legendrecalculate(n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
2272  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2273  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2274  }
2276  {
2277  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2278  }
2279 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
double legendrecalculate(ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)

◆ legendrecoefficients()

void alglib::legendrecoefficients ( const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array c 

Definition at line 2319 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2320 {
2321  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2322  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2323  try
2324  {
2325  alglib_impl::legendrecoefficients(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2326  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2327  return;
2328  }
2330  {
2331  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2332  }
2333 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void legendrecoefficients(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *c, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ legendresum()

double alglib::legendresum ( const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  x 

Definition at line 2294 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2295 {
2296  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2297  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2298  try
2299  {
2300  double result = alglib_impl::legendresum(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, x, &_alglib_env_state);
2301  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2302  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2303  }
2305  {
2306  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2307  }
2308 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
double legendresum(ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, double x, ae_state *_state)

◆ lincgcreate()

void alglib::lincgcreate ( const ae_int_t  n,
lincgstate state 

Definition at line 1699 of file solvers.cpp.

1700 {
1701  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1702  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1703  try
1704  {
1705  alglib_impl::lincgcreate(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1706  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1707  return;
1708  }
1710  {
1711  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1712  }
1713 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void lincgcreate(ae_int_t n, lincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:6786
int * n

◆ lincgresults()

void alglib::lincgresults ( const lincgstate state,
real_1d_array x,
lincgreport rep 

Definition at line 1903 of file solvers.cpp.

1904 {
1905  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1906  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1907  try
1908  {
1909  alglib_impl::lincgresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1910  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1911  return;
1912  }
1914  {
1915  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1916  }
1917 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void lincgresults(lincgstate *state, ae_vector *x, lincgreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:7576

◆ lincgsetcond()

void alglib::lincgsetcond ( const lincgstate state,
const double  epsf,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 1818 of file solvers.cpp.

1819 {
1820  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1821  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1822  try
1823  {
1824  alglib_impl::lincgsetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsf, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
1825  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1826  return;
1827  }
1829  {
1830  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1831  }
1832 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void lincgsetcond(lincgstate *state, double epsf, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:6947
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lincgsetprecdiag()

void alglib::lincgsetprecdiag ( const lincgstate state)

Definition at line 1783 of file solvers.cpp.

1784 {
1785  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1786  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1787  try
1788  {
1789  alglib_impl::lincgsetprecdiag(const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1790  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1791  return;
1792  }
1794  {
1795  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1796  }
1797 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void lincgsetprecdiag(lincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:6919
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lincgsetprecunit()

void alglib::lincgsetprecunit ( const lincgstate state)

Definition at line 1756 of file solvers.cpp.

1757 {
1758  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1759  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1760  try
1761  {
1762  alglib_impl::lincgsetprecunit(const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1763  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1764  return;
1765  }
1767  {
1768  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1769  }
1770 }
void lincgsetprecunit(lincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:6899
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lincgsetrestartfreq()

void alglib::lincgsetrestartfreq ( const lincgstate state,
const ae_int_t  srf 

Definition at line 1926 of file solvers.cpp.

1927 {
1928  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1929  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1930  try
1931  {
1932  alglib_impl::lincgsetrestartfreq(const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), srf, &_alglib_env_state);
1933  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1934  return;
1935  }
1937  {
1938  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1939  }
1940 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void lincgsetrestartfreq(lincgstate *state, ae_int_t srf, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:7605

◆ lincgsetrupdatefreq()

void alglib::lincgsetrupdatefreq ( const lincgstate state,
const ae_int_t  freq 

Definition at line 1960 of file solvers.cpp.

1961 {
1962  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1963  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1964  try
1965  {
1966  alglib_impl::lincgsetrupdatefreq(const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), freq, &_alglib_env_state);
1967  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1968  return;
1969  }
1971  {
1972  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1973  }
1974 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void lincgsetrupdatefreq(lincgstate *state, ae_int_t freq, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:7635

◆ lincgsetstartingpoint()

void alglib::lincgsetstartingpoint ( const lincgstate state,
const real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 1728 of file solvers.cpp.

1729 {
1730  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1731  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1732  try
1733  {
1734  alglib_impl::lincgsetstartingpoint(const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1735  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1736  return;
1737  }
1739  {
1740  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1741  }
1742 }
void lincgsetstartingpoint(lincgstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:6849
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lincgsetxrep()

void alglib::lincgsetxrep ( const lincgstate state,
const bool  needxrep 

Definition at line 1989 of file solvers.cpp.

1990 {
1991  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1992  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1993  try
1994  {
1995  alglib_impl::lincgsetxrep(const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), needxrep, &_alglib_env_state);
1996  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1997  return;
1998  }
2000  {
2001  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2002  }
2003 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void lincgsetxrep(lincgstate *state, ae_bool needxrep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:7660

◆ lincgsolvesparse()

void alglib::lincgsolvesparse ( const lincgstate state,
const sparsematrix a,
const bool  isupper,
const real_1d_array b 

Definition at line 1861 of file solvers.cpp.

1862 {
1863  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1864  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1865  try
1866  {
1867  alglib_impl::lincgsolvesparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::lincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(a.c_ptr()), isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1868  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1869  return;
1870  }
1872  {
1873  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1874  }
1875 }
void lincgsolvesparse(lincgstate *state, sparsematrix *a, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *b, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:7463
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ linlsqrcreate()

void alglib::linlsqrcreate ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
linlsqrstate state 

Definition at line 1295 of file solvers.cpp.

1296 {
1297  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1298  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1299  try
1300  {
1301  alglib_impl::linlsqrcreate(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::linlsqrstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1302  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1303  return;
1304  }
1306  {
1307  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1308  }
1309 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void linlsqrcreate(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, linlsqrstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:5679
int * n

◆ linlsqrresults()

void alglib::linlsqrresults ( const linlsqrstate state,
real_1d_array x,
linlsqrreport rep 

Definition at line 1492 of file solvers.cpp.

1493 {
1494  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1495  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1496  try
1497  {
1498  alglib_impl::linlsqrresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::linlsqrstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::linlsqrreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1499  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1500  return;
1501  }
1503  {
1504  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1505  }
1506 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void linlsqrresults(linlsqrstate *state, ae_vector *x, linlsqrreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:6486

◆ linlsqrsetcond()

void alglib::linlsqrsetcond ( const linlsqrstate state,
const double  epsa,
const double  epsb,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 1452 of file solvers.cpp.

1453 {
1454  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1455  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1456  try
1457  {
1458  alglib_impl::linlsqrsetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::linlsqrstate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsa, epsb, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
1459  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1460  return;
1461  }
1463  {
1464  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1465  }
1466 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void linlsqrsetcond(linlsqrstate *state, double epsa, double epsb, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:6435

◆ linlsqrsetlambdai()

void alglib::linlsqrsetlambdai ( const linlsqrstate state,
const double  lambdai 

Definition at line 1379 of file solvers.cpp.

1380 {
1381  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1382  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1383  try
1384  {
1385  alglib_impl::linlsqrsetlambdai(const_cast<alglib_impl::linlsqrstate*>(state.c_ptr()), lambdai, &_alglib_env_state);
1386  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1387  return;
1388  }
1390  {
1391  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1392  }
1393 }
void linlsqrsetlambdai(linlsqrstate *state, double lambdai, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:5819
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ linlsqrsetprecdiag()

void alglib::linlsqrsetprecdiag ( const linlsqrstate state)

Definition at line 1350 of file solvers.cpp.

1351 {
1352  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1353  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1354  try
1355  {
1356  alglib_impl::linlsqrsetprecdiag(const_cast<alglib_impl::linlsqrstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1357  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1358  return;
1359  }
1361  {
1362  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1363  }
1364 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void linlsqrsetprecdiag(linlsqrstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:5797
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ linlsqrsetprecunit()

void alglib::linlsqrsetprecunit ( const linlsqrstate state)

Definition at line 1323 of file solvers.cpp.

1324 {
1325  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1326  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1327  try
1328  {
1329  alglib_impl::linlsqrsetprecunit(const_cast<alglib_impl::linlsqrstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1330  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1331  return;
1332  }
1334  {
1335  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1336  }
1337 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void linlsqrsetprecunit(linlsqrstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:5777

◆ linlsqrsetxrep()

void alglib::linlsqrsetxrep ( const linlsqrstate state,
const bool  needxrep 

Definition at line 1521 of file solvers.cpp.

1522 {
1523  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1524  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1525  try
1526  {
1527  alglib_impl::linlsqrsetxrep(const_cast<alglib_impl::linlsqrstate*>(state.c_ptr()), needxrep, &_alglib_env_state);
1528  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1529  return;
1530  }
1532  {
1533  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1534  }
1535 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void linlsqrsetxrep(linlsqrstate *state, ae_bool needxrep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:6520
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ linlsqrsolvesparse()

void alglib::linlsqrsolvesparse ( const linlsqrstate state,
const sparsematrix a,
const real_1d_array b 

Definition at line 1418 of file solvers.cpp.

1419 {
1420  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1421  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1422  try
1423  {
1424  alglib_impl::linlsqrsolvesparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::linlsqrstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1425  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1426  return;
1427  }
1429  {
1430  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1431  }
1432 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
void linlsqrsolvesparse(linlsqrstate *state, sparsematrix *a, ae_vector *b, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:6314
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ lngamma()

double alglib::lngamma ( const double  x,
double &  sgngam 

Definition at line 108 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

109 {
110  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
111  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
112  try
113  {
114  double result = alglib_impl::lngamma(x, &sgngam, &_alglib_env_state);
115  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
116  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
117  }
119  {
120  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
121  }
122 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double lngamma(double x, double *sgngam, ae_state *_state)

◆ lravgerror()

double alglib::lravgerror ( const linearmodel lm,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 2147 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2148 {
2149  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2150  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2151  try
2152  {
2153  double result = alglib_impl::lravgerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
2154  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2155  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2156  }
2158  {
2159  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2160  }
2161 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double lravgerror(linearmodel *lm, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ lravgrelerror()

double alglib::lravgrelerror ( const linearmodel lm,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 2177 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2178 {
2179  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2180  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2181  try
2182  {
2183  double result = alglib_impl::lravgrelerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
2184  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2185  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2186  }
2188  {
2189  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2190  }
2191 }
double lravgrelerror(linearmodel *lm, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lrbuild()

void alglib::lrbuild ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
ae_int_t info,
linearmodel lm,
lrreport ar 

Definition at line 1899 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1900 {
1901  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1902  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1903  try
1904  {
1905  alglib_impl::lrbuild(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lrreport*>(ar.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1906  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1907  return;
1908  }
1910  {
1911  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1912  }
1913 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void lrbuild(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t *info, linearmodel *lm, lrreport *ar, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lrbuilds()

void alglib::lrbuilds ( const real_2d_array xy,
const real_1d_array s,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
ae_int_t info,
linearmodel lm,
lrreport ar 

Definition at line 1945 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1946 {
1947  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1948  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1949  try
1950  {
1951  alglib_impl::lrbuilds(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lrreport*>(ar.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1952  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1953  return;
1954  }
1956  {
1957  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1958  }
1959 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void lrbuilds(ae_matrix *xy, ae_vector *s, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t *info, linearmodel *lm, lrreport *ar, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lrbuildz()

void alglib::lrbuildz ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
ae_int_t info,
linearmodel lm,
lrreport ar 

Definition at line 1997 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1998 {
1999  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2000  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2001  try
2002  {
2003  alglib_impl::lrbuildz(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lrreport*>(ar.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2004  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2005  return;
2006  }
2008  {
2009  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2010  }
2011 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void lrbuildz(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t *info, linearmodel *lm, lrreport *ar, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lrbuildzs()

void alglib::lrbuildzs ( const real_2d_array xy,
const real_1d_array s,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
ae_int_t info,
linearmodel lm,
lrreport ar 

Definition at line 1971 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

1972 {
1973  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1974  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1975  try
1976  {
1977  alglib_impl::lrbuildzs(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lrreport*>(ar.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1978  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1979  return;
1980  }
1982  {
1983  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1984  }
1985 }
void lrbuildzs(ae_matrix *xy, ae_vector *s, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t *info, linearmodel *lm, lrreport *ar, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lrpack()

void alglib::lrpack ( const real_1d_array v,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
linearmodel lm 

Definition at line 2058 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2059 {
2060  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2061  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2062  try
2063  {
2064  alglib_impl::lrpack(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(v.c_ptr()), nvars, const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2065  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2066  return;
2067  }
2069  {
2070  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2071  }
2072 }
void lrpack(ae_vector *v, ae_int_t nvars, linearmodel *lm, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lrprocess()

double alglib::lrprocess ( const linearmodel lm,
const real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 2087 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2088 {
2089  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2090  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2091  try
2092  {
2093  double result = alglib_impl::lrprocess(const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2094  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2095  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2096  }
2098  {
2099  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2100  }
2101 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
double lrprocess(linearmodel *lm, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lrrmserror()

double alglib::lrrmserror ( const linearmodel lm,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 2117 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2118 {
2119  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2120  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2121  try
2122  {
2123  double result = alglib_impl::lrrmserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
2124  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2125  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2126  }
2128  {
2129  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2130  }
2131 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double lrrmserror(linearmodel *lm, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ lrunpack()

void alglib::lrunpack ( const linearmodel lm,
real_1d_array v,
ae_int_t nvars 

Definition at line 2028 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2029 {
2030  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2031  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2032  try
2033  {
2034  alglib_impl::lrunpack(const_cast<alglib_impl::linearmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(v.c_ptr()), &nvars, &_alglib_env_state);
2035  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2036  return;
2037  }
2039  {
2040  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2041  }
2042 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void lrunpack(linearmodel *lm, ae_vector *v, ae_int_t *nvars, ae_state *_state)

◆ lsfitcreatef() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatef ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  k,
const double  diffstep,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6044 of file interpolation.cpp.

6045 {
6046  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6047  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6048  try
6049  {
6050  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatef(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6051  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6052  return;
6053  }
6055  {
6056  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6057  }
6058 }
void lsfitcreatef(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, double diffstep, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatef() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatef ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array c,
const double  diffstep,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6097 of file interpolation.cpp.

6098 {
6099  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6100  ae_int_t n;
6101  ae_int_t m;
6102  ae_int_t k;
6103  if( (x.rows()!=y.length()))
6104  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitcreatef': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6105  n = x.rows();
6106  m = x.cols();
6107  k = c.length();
6108  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6109  try
6110  {
6111  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatef(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6113  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6114  return;
6115  }
6117  {
6118  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6119  }
6120 }
void lsfitcreatef(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, double diffstep, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatefg() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatefg ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  k,
const bool  cheapfg,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6291 of file interpolation.cpp.

6292 {
6293  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6294  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6295  try
6296  {
6297  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatefg(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, cheapfg, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6298  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6299  return;
6300  }
6302  {
6303  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6304  }
6305 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void lsfitcreatefg(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_bool cheapfg, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatefg() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatefg ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array c,
const bool  cheapfg,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6345 of file interpolation.cpp.

6346 {
6347  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6348  ae_int_t n;
6349  ae_int_t m;
6350  ae_int_t k;
6351  if( (x.rows()!=y.length()))
6352  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitcreatefg': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6353  n = x.rows();
6354  m = x.cols();
6355  k = c.length();
6356  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6357  try
6358  {
6359  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatefg(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, cheapfg, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6361  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6362  return;
6363  }
6365  {
6366  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6367  }
6368 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void lsfitcreatefg(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_bool cheapfg, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatefgh() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatefgh ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  k,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6504 of file interpolation.cpp.

6505 {
6506  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6507  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6508  try
6509  {
6510  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatefgh(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6511  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6512  return;
6513  }
6515  {
6516  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6517  }
6518 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void lsfitcreatefgh(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatefgh() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatefgh ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array c,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6551 of file interpolation.cpp.

6552 {
6553  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6554  ae_int_t n;
6555  ae_int_t m;
6556  ae_int_t k;
6557  if( (x.rows()!=y.length()))
6558  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitcreatefgh': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6559  n = x.rows();
6560  m = x.cols();
6561  k = c.length();
6562  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6563  try
6564  {
6565  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatefgh(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6567  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6568  return;
6569  }
6571  {
6572  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6573  }
6574 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void lsfitcreatefgh(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatewf() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatewf ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  k,
const double  diffstep,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 5928 of file interpolation.cpp.

5929 {
5930  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5931  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5932  try
5933  {
5934  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatewf(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5935  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5936  return;
5937  }
5939  {
5940  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5941  }
5942 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void lsfitcreatewf(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, double diffstep, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatewf() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatewf ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_1d_array c,
const double  diffstep,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 5982 of file interpolation.cpp.

5983 {
5984  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5985  ae_int_t n;
5986  ae_int_t m;
5987  ae_int_t k;
5988  if( (x.rows()!=y.length()) || (x.rows()!=w.length()))
5989  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitcreatewf': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
5990  n = x.rows();
5991  m = x.cols();
5992  k = c.length();
5993  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5994  try
5995  {
5996  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatewf(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5998  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5999  return;
6000  }
6002  {
6003  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6004  }
6005 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void lsfitcreatewf(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, double diffstep, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatewfg() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatewfg ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  k,
const bool  cheapfg,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6167 of file interpolation.cpp.

6168 {
6169  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6170  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6171  try
6172  {
6173  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatewfg(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, cheapfg, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6174  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6175  return;
6176  }
6178  {
6179  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6180  }
6181 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void lsfitcreatewfg(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_bool cheapfg, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatewfg() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatewfg ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_1d_array c,
const bool  cheapfg,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6228 of file interpolation.cpp.

6229 {
6230  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6231  ae_int_t n;
6232  ae_int_t m;
6233  ae_int_t k;
6234  if( (x.rows()!=y.length()) || (x.rows()!=w.length()))
6235  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitcreatewfg': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6236  n = x.rows();
6237  m = x.cols();
6238  k = c.length();
6239  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6240  try
6241  {
6242  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatewfg(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, cheapfg, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6244  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6245  return;
6246  }
6248  {
6249  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6250  }
6251 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void lsfitcreatewfg(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_bool cheapfg, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatewfgh() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatewfgh ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_1d_array c,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  k,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6401 of file interpolation.cpp.

6402 {
6403  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6404  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6405  try
6406  {
6407  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatewfgh(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6408  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6409  return;
6410  }
6412  {
6413  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6414  }
6415 }
doublereal * c
void lsfitcreatewfgh(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ lsfitcreatewfgh() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitcreatewfgh ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_1d_array c,
lsfitstate state 

Definition at line 6448 of file interpolation.cpp.

6449 {
6450  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6451  ae_int_t n;
6452  ae_int_t m;
6453  ae_int_t k;
6454  if( (x.rows()!=y.length()) || (x.rows()!=w.length()))
6455  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitcreatewfgh': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6456  n = x.rows();
6457  m = x.cols();
6458  k = c.length();
6459  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6460  try
6461  {
6462  alglib_impl::lsfitcreatewfgh(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), n, m, k, const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6464  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6465  return;
6466  }
6468  {
6469  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6470  }
6471 }
doublereal * c
void lsfitcreatewfgh(ae_matrix *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_vector *c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ lsfitfit() [1/3]

void alglib::lsfitfit ( lsfitstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &c, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 6797 of file interpolation.cpp.

6801 {
6802  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6803  if( func==NULL )
6804  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'lsfitfit()' (func is NULL)");
6805  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6806  try
6807  {
6808  while( alglib_impl::lsfititeration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
6809  {
6810  if( state.needf )
6811  {
6812  func(state.c, state.x, state.f, ptr);
6813  continue;
6814  }
6815  if( state.xupdated )
6816  {
6817  if( rep!=NULL )
6818  rep(state.c, state.f, ptr);
6819  continue;
6820  }
6821  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'lsfitfit' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
6822  }
6823  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6824  }
6826  {
6827  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6828  }
6829 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool lsfititeration(lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ lsfitfit() [2/3]

void alglib::lsfitfit ( lsfitstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr)  grad,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &c, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 6832 of file interpolation.cpp.

6837 {
6838  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6839  if( func==NULL )
6840  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'lsfitfit()' (func is NULL)");
6841  if( grad==NULL )
6842  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'lsfitfit()' (grad is NULL)");
6843  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6844  try
6845  {
6846  while( alglib_impl::lsfititeration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
6847  {
6848  if( state.needf )
6849  {
6850  func(state.c, state.x, state.f, ptr);
6851  continue;
6852  }
6853  if( state.needfg )
6854  {
6855  grad(state.c, state.x, state.f, state.g, ptr);
6856  continue;
6857  }
6858  if( state.xupdated )
6859  {
6860  if( rep!=NULL )
6861  rep(state.c, state.f, ptr);
6862  continue;
6863  }
6864  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'lsfitfit' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
6865  }
6866  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6867  }
6869  {
6870  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6871  }
6872 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool lsfititeration(lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ lsfitfit() [3/3]

void alglib::lsfitfit ( lsfitstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr)  grad,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, real_2d_array &hess, void *ptr)  hess,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &c, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 6875 of file interpolation.cpp.

6881 {
6882  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6883  if( func==NULL )
6884  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'lsfitfit()' (func is NULL)");
6885  if( grad==NULL )
6886  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'lsfitfit()' (grad is NULL)");
6887  if( hess==NULL )
6888  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'lsfitfit()' (hess is NULL)");
6889  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6890  try
6891  {
6892  while( alglib_impl::lsfititeration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
6893  {
6894  if( state.needf )
6895  {
6896  func(state.c, state.x, state.f, ptr);
6897  continue;
6898  }
6899  if( state.needfg )
6900  {
6901  grad(state.c, state.x, state.f, state.g, ptr);
6902  continue;
6903  }
6904  if( state.needfgh )
6905  {
6906  hess(state.c, state.x, state.f, state.g, state.h, ptr);
6907  continue;
6908  }
6909  if( state.xupdated )
6910  {
6911  if( rep!=NULL )
6912  rep(state.c, state.f, ptr);
6913  continue;
6914  }
6915  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'lsfitfit' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
6916  }
6917  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6918  }
6920  {
6921  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6922  }
6923 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double ** hess
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool lsfititeration(lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ lsfititeration()

bool alglib::lsfititeration ( const lsfitstate state)

Definition at line 6780 of file interpolation.cpp.

6781 {
6782  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6783  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6784  try
6785  {
6786  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::lsfititeration(const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6787  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6788  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
6789  }
6791  {
6792  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6793  }
6794 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool lsfititeration(lsfitstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ lsfitlinear() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitlinear ( const real_1d_array y,
const real_2d_array fmatrix,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array c,
lsfitreport rep 

Definition at line 5549 of file interpolation.cpp.

5550 {
5551  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5552  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5553  try
5554  {
5555  alglib_impl::lsfitlinear(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(fmatrix.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5556  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5557  return;
5558  }
5560  {
5561  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5562  }
5563 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void lsfitlinear(ae_vector *y, ae_matrix *fmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *c, lsfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ lsfitlinear() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitlinear ( const real_1d_array y,
const real_2d_array fmatrix,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array c,
lsfitreport rep 

Definition at line 5640 of file interpolation.cpp.

5641 {
5642  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5643  ae_int_t n;
5644  ae_int_t m;
5645  if( (y.length()!=fmatrix.rows()))
5646  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitlinear': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
5647  n = y.length();
5648  m = fmatrix.cols();
5649  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5650  try
5651  {
5652  alglib_impl::lsfitlinear(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(fmatrix.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5654  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5655  return;
5656  }
5658  {
5659  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5660  }
5661 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
void lsfitlinear(ae_vector *y, ae_matrix *fmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *c, lsfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ lsfitlinearc() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitlinearc ( const real_1d_array y,
const real_2d_array fmatrix,
const real_2d_array cmatrix,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  k,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array c,
lsfitreport rep 

Definition at line 5755 of file interpolation.cpp.

5756 {
5757  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5758  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5759  try
5760  {
5761  alglib_impl::lsfitlinearc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(fmatrix.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(cmatrix.c_ptr()), n, m, k, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5762  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5763  return;
5764  }
5766  {
5767  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5768  }
5769 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void lsfitlinearc(ae_vector *y, ae_matrix *fmatrix, ae_matrix *cmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *c, lsfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ lsfitlinearc() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitlinearc ( const real_1d_array y,
const real_2d_array fmatrix,
const real_2d_array cmatrix,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array c,
lsfitreport rep 

Definition at line 5863 of file interpolation.cpp.

5864 {
5865  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5866  ae_int_t n;
5867  ae_int_t m;
5868  ae_int_t k;
5869  if( (y.length()!=fmatrix.rows()))
5870  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitlinearc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
5871  if( (fmatrix.cols()!=cmatrix.cols()-1))
5872  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitlinearc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
5873  n = y.length();
5874  m = fmatrix.cols();
5875  k = cmatrix.rows();
5876  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5877  try
5878  {
5879  alglib_impl::lsfitlinearc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(fmatrix.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(cmatrix.c_ptr()), n, m, k, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5881  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5882  return;
5883  }
5885  {
5886  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5887  }
5888 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void lsfitlinearc(ae_vector *y, ae_matrix *fmatrix, ae_matrix *cmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *c, lsfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ lsfitlinearw() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitlinearw ( const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_2d_array fmatrix,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array c,
lsfitreport rep 

Definition at line 5120 of file interpolation.cpp.

5121 {
5122  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5123  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5124  try
5125  {
5126  alglib_impl::lsfitlinearw(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(fmatrix.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5127  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5128  return;
5129  }
5131  {
5132  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5133  }
5134 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void lsfitlinearw(ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_matrix *fmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *c, lsfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ lsfitlinearw() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitlinearw ( const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_2d_array fmatrix,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array c,
lsfitreport rep 

Definition at line 5216 of file interpolation.cpp.

5217 {
5218  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5219  ae_int_t n;
5220  ae_int_t m;
5221  if( (y.length()!=w.length()) || (y.length()!=fmatrix.rows()))
5222  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitlinearw': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
5223  n = y.length();
5224  m = fmatrix.cols();
5225  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5226  try
5227  {
5228  alglib_impl::lsfitlinearw(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(fmatrix.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5230  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5231  return;
5232  }
5234  {
5235  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5236  }
5237 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void lsfitlinearw(ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_matrix *fmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *c, lsfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ lsfitlinearwc() [1/2]

void alglib::lsfitlinearwc ( const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_2d_array fmatrix,
const real_2d_array cmatrix,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  k,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array c,
lsfitreport rep 

Definition at line 5335 of file interpolation.cpp.

5336 {
5337  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5338  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5339  try
5340  {
5341  alglib_impl::lsfitlinearwc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(fmatrix.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(cmatrix.c_ptr()), n, m, k, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5342  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5343  return;
5344  }
5346  {
5347  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5348  }
5349 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void lsfitlinearwc(ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_matrix *fmatrix, ae_matrix *cmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *c, lsfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ lsfitlinearwc() [2/2]

void alglib::lsfitlinearwc ( const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_2d_array fmatrix,
const real_2d_array cmatrix,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array c,
lsfitreport rep 

Definition at line 5447 of file interpolation.cpp.

5448 {
5449  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5450  ae_int_t n;
5451  ae_int_t m;
5452  ae_int_t k;
5453  if( (y.length()!=w.length()) || (y.length()!=fmatrix.rows()))
5454  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitlinearwc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
5455  if( (fmatrix.cols()!=cmatrix.cols()-1))
5456  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'lsfitlinearwc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
5457  n = y.length();
5458  m = fmatrix.cols();
5459  k = cmatrix.rows();
5460  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5461  try
5462  {
5463  alglib_impl::lsfitlinearwc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(fmatrix.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(cmatrix.c_ptr()), n, m, k, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5465  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5466  return;
5467  }
5469  {
5470  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5471  }
5472 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void lsfitlinearwc(ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_matrix *fmatrix, ae_matrix *cmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *c, lsfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ lsfitresults()

void alglib::lsfitresults ( const lsfitstate state,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array c,
lsfitreport rep 

Definition at line 7001 of file interpolation.cpp.

7002 {
7003  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7004  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7005  try
7006  {
7007  alglib_impl::lsfitresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7008  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7009  return;
7010  }
7012  {
7013  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7014  }
7015 }
doublereal * c
void lsfitresults(lsfitstate *state, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *c, lsfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lsfitsetbc()

void alglib::lsfitsetbc ( const lsfitstate state,
const real_1d_array bndl,
const real_1d_array bndu 

Definition at line 6759 of file interpolation.cpp.

6760 {
6761  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6762  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6763  try
6764  {
6765  alglib_impl::lsfitsetbc(const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndu.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6766  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6767  return;
6768  }
6770  {
6771  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6772  }
6773 }
void lsfitsetbc(lsfitstate *state, ae_vector *bndl, ae_vector *bndu, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lsfitsetcond()

void alglib::lsfitsetcond ( const lsfitstate state,
const double  epsf,
const double  epsx,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 6605 of file interpolation.cpp.

6606 {
6607  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6608  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6609  try
6610  {
6611  alglib_impl::lsfitsetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsf, epsx, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
6612  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6613  return;
6614  }
6616  {
6617  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6618  }
6619 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void lsfitsetcond(lsfitstate *state, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lsfitsetgradientcheck()

void alglib::lsfitsetgradientcheck ( const lsfitstate state,
const double  teststep 

Definition at line 7068 of file interpolation.cpp.

7069 {
7070  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7071  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7072  try
7073  {
7074  alglib_impl::lsfitsetgradientcheck(const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), teststep, &_alglib_env_state);
7075  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7076  return;
7077  }
7079  {
7080  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7081  }
7082 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void lsfitsetgradientcheck(lsfitstate *state, double teststep, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lsfitsetscale()

void alglib::lsfitsetscale ( const lsfitstate state,
const real_1d_array s 

Definition at line 6715 of file interpolation.cpp.

6716 {
6717  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6718  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6719  try
6720  {
6721  alglib_impl::lsfitsetscale(const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6722  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6723  return;
6724  }
6726  {
6727  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6728  }
6729 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void lsfitsetscale(lsfitstate *state, ae_vector *s, ae_state *_state)

◆ lsfitsetstpmax()

void alglib::lsfitsetstpmax ( const lsfitstate state,
const double  stpmax 

Definition at line 6642 of file interpolation.cpp.

6643 {
6644  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6645  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6646  try
6647  {
6648  alglib_impl::lsfitsetstpmax(const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), stpmax, &_alglib_env_state);
6649  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6650  return;
6651  }
6653  {
6654  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6655  }
6656 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void lsfitsetstpmax(lsfitstate *state, double stpmax, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ lsfitsetxrep()

void alglib::lsfitsetxrep ( const lsfitstate state,
const bool  needxrep 

Definition at line 6672 of file interpolation.cpp.

6673 {
6674  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6675  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6676  try
6677  {
6678  alglib_impl::lsfitsetxrep(const_cast<alglib_impl::lsfitstate*>(state.c_ptr()), needxrep, &_alglib_env_state);
6679  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6680  return;
6681  }
6683  {
6684  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6685  }
6686 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void lsfitsetxrep(lsfitstate *state, ae_bool needxrep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mannwhitneyutest()

void alglib::mannwhitneyutest ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2239 of file statistics.cpp.

2240 {
2241  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2242  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2243  try
2244  {
2245  alglib_impl::mannwhitneyutest(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), m, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2246  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2247  return;
2248  }
2250  {
2251  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2252  }
2253 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void mannwhitneyutest(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t m, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ maxint()

int alglib::maxint ( int  m1,
int  m2 

Definition at line 7263 of file ap.cpp.

7264 {
7265  return m1>m2 ? m1 : m2;
7266 }

◆ maxreal()

double alglib::maxreal ( double  m1,
double  m2 

Definition at line 7273 of file ap.cpp.

7274 {
7275  return m1>m2 ? m1 : m2;
7276 }

◆ mcpdaddbc()

void alglib::mcpdaddbc ( const mcpdstate s,
const ae_int_t  i,
const ae_int_t  j,
const double  bndl,
const double  bndu 

Definition at line 7135 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7136 {
7137  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7138  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7139  try
7140  {
7141  alglib_impl::mcpdaddbc(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), i, j, bndl, bndu, &_alglib_env_state);
7142  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7143  return;
7144  }
7146  {
7147  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7148  }
7149 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
void mcpdaddbc(mcpdstate *s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double bndl, double bndu, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
#define j
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mcpdaddec()

void alglib::mcpdaddec ( const mcpdstate s,
const ae_int_t  i,
const ae_int_t  j,
const double  c 

Definition at line 7007 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7008 {
7009  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7010  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7011  try
7012  {
7013  alglib_impl::mcpdaddec(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), i, j, c, &_alglib_env_state);
7014  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7015  return;
7016  }
7018  {
7019  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7020  }
7021 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
Definition: ap.h:201
void mcpdaddec(mcpdstate *s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double c, ae_state *_state)
#define j
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mcpdaddtrack() [1/2]

void alglib::mcpdaddtrack ( const mcpdstate s,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 6815 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6816 {
6817  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6818  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6819  try
6820  {
6821  alglib_impl::mcpdaddtrack(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), k, &_alglib_env_state);
6822  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6823  return;
6824  }
6826  {
6827  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6828  }
6829 }
void mcpdaddtrack(mcpdstate *s, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mcpdaddtrack() [2/2]

void alglib::mcpdaddtrack ( const mcpdstate s,
const real_2d_array xy 

Definition at line 6863 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6864 {
6865  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6866  ae_int_t k;
6868  k = xy.rows();
6869  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6870  try
6871  {
6872  alglib_impl::mcpdaddtrack(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), k, &_alglib_env_state);
6874  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6875  return;
6876  }
6878  {
6879  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6880  }
6881 }
void mcpdaddtrack(mcpdstate *s, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ mcpdcreate()

void alglib::mcpdcreate ( const ae_int_t  n,
mcpdstate s 

Definition at line 6570 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6571 {
6572  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6573  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6574  try
6575  {
6576  alglib_impl::mcpdcreate(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6577  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6578  return;
6579  }
6581  {
6582  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6583  }
6584 }
void mcpdcreate(ae_int_t n, mcpdstate *s, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ mcpdcreateentry()

void alglib::mcpdcreateentry ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  entrystate,
mcpdstate s 

Definition at line 6632 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6633 {
6634  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6635  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6636  try
6637  {
6638  alglib_impl::mcpdcreateentry(n, entrystate, const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6639  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6640  return;
6641  }
6643  {
6644  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6645  }
6646 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mcpdcreateentry(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t entrystate, mcpdstate *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ mcpdcreateentryexit()

void alglib::mcpdcreateentryexit ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  entrystate,
const ae_int_t  exitstate,
mcpdstate s 

Definition at line 6767 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6768 {
6769  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6770  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6771  try
6772  {
6773  alglib_impl::mcpdcreateentryexit(n, entrystate, exitstate, const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6774  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6775  return;
6776  }
6778  {
6779  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6780  }
6781 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mcpdcreateentryexit(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t entrystate, ae_int_t exitstate, mcpdstate *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ mcpdcreateexit()

void alglib::mcpdcreateexit ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  exitstate,
mcpdstate s 

Definition at line 6694 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6695 {
6696  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6697  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6698  try
6699  {
6700  alglib_impl::mcpdcreateexit(n, exitstate, const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6701  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6702  return;
6703  }
6705  {
6706  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6707  }
6708 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void mcpdcreateexit(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t exitstate, mcpdstate *s, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ mcpdresults()

void alglib::mcpdresults ( const mcpdstate s,
real_2d_array p,
mcpdreport rep 

Definition at line 7429 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7430 {
7431  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7432  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7433  try
7434  {
7435  alglib_impl::mcpdresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(p.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7436  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7437  return;
7438  }
7440  {
7441  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7442  }
7443 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mcpdresults(mcpdstate *s, ae_matrix *p, mcpdreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mcpdsetbc()

void alglib::mcpdsetbc ( const mcpdstate s,
const real_2d_array bndl,
const real_2d_array bndu 

Definition at line 7071 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7072 {
7073  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7074  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7075  try
7076  {
7077  alglib_impl::mcpdsetbc(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(bndl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(bndu.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7078  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7079  return;
7080  }
7082  {
7083  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7084  }
7085 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mcpdsetbc(mcpdstate *s, ae_matrix *bndl, ae_matrix *bndu, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mcpdsetec()

void alglib::mcpdsetec ( const mcpdstate s,
const real_2d_array ec 

Definition at line 6939 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6940 {
6941  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6942  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6943  try
6944  {
6945  alglib_impl::mcpdsetec(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(ec.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6946  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6947  return;
6948  }
6950  {
6951  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6952  }
6953 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mcpdsetec(mcpdstate *s, ae_matrix *ec, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mcpdsetlc() [1/2]

void alglib::mcpdsetlc ( const mcpdstate s,
const real_2d_array c,
const integer_1d_array ct,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 7192 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7193 {
7194  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7195  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7196  try
7197  {
7198  alglib_impl::mcpdsetlc(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(ct.c_ptr()), k, &_alglib_env_state);
7199  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7200  return;
7201  }
7203  {
7204  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7205  }
7206 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mcpdsetlc(mcpdstate *s, ae_matrix *c, ae_vector *ct, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)

◆ mcpdsetlc() [2/2]

void alglib::mcpdsetlc ( const mcpdstate s,
const real_2d_array c,
const integer_1d_array ct 

Definition at line 7249 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7250 {
7251  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7252  ae_int_t k;
7253  if( (c.rows()!=ct.length()))
7254  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'mcpdsetlc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
7255  k = c.rows();
7256  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7257  try
7258  {
7259  alglib_impl::mcpdsetlc(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(ct.c_ptr()), k, &_alglib_env_state);
7261  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7262  return;
7263  }
7265  {
7266  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7267  }
7268 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void mcpdsetlc(mcpdstate *s, ae_matrix *c, ae_vector *ct, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)

◆ mcpdsetpredictionweights()

void alglib::mcpdsetpredictionweights ( const mcpdstate s,
const real_1d_array pw 

Definition at line 7369 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7370 {
7371  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7372  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7373  try
7374  {
7375  alglib_impl::mcpdsetpredictionweights(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pw.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7376  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7377  return;
7378  }
7380  {
7381  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7382  }
7383 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mcpdsetpredictionweights(mcpdstate *s, ae_vector *pw, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mcpdsetprior()

void alglib::mcpdsetprior ( const mcpdstate s,
const real_2d_array pp 

Definition at line 7328 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7329 {
7330  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7331  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7332  try
7333  {
7334  alglib_impl::mcpdsetprior(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(pp.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7335  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7336  return;
7337  }
7339  {
7340  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7341  }
7342 }
#define pp(s, x)
Definition: ml2d.cpp:473
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mcpdsetprior(mcpdstate *s, ae_matrix *pp, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mcpdsettikhonovregularizer()

void alglib::mcpdsettikhonovregularizer ( const mcpdstate s,
const double  v 

Definition at line 7290 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7291 {
7292  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7293  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7294  try
7295  {
7296  alglib_impl::mcpdsettikhonovregularizer(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), v, &_alglib_env_state);
7297  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7298  return;
7299  }
7301  {
7302  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7303  }
7304 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mcpdsettikhonovregularizer(mcpdstate *s, double v, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mcpdsolve()

void alglib::mcpdsolve ( const mcpdstate s)

Definition at line 7394 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7395 {
7396  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7397  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7398  try
7399  {
7400  alglib_impl::mcpdsolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::mcpdstate*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7401  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7402  return;
7403  }
7405  {
7406  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7407  }
7408 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mcpdsolve(mcpdstate *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minasacreate() [1/2]

void alglib::minasacreate ( const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array bndl,
const real_1d_array bndu,
minasastate state 

Definition at line 5641 of file optimization.cpp.

5642 {
5643  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5644  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5645  try
5646  {
5647  alglib_impl::minasacreate(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndu.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5648  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5649  return;
5650  }
5652  {
5653  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5654  }
5655 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minasacreate(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *bndl, ae_vector *bndu, minasastate *state, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ minasacreate() [2/2]

void alglib::minasacreate ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array bndl,
const real_1d_array bndu,
minasastate state 

Definition at line 5664 of file optimization.cpp.

5665 {
5666  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5667  ae_int_t n;
5668  if( (x.length()!=bndl.length()) || (x.length()!=bndu.length()))
5669  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'minasacreate': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
5670  n = x.length();
5671  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5672  try
5673  {
5674  alglib_impl::minasacreate(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndu.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5676  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5677  return;
5678  }
5680  {
5681  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5682  }
5683 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minasacreate(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *bndl, ae_vector *bndu, minasastate *state, ae_state *_state)
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minasaiteration()

bool alglib::minasaiteration ( const minasastate state)

Definition at line 5782 of file optimization.cpp.

5783 {
5784  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5785  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5786  try
5787  {
5788  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::minasaiteration(const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5789  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5790  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
5791  }
5793  {
5794  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5795  }
5796 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool minasaiteration(minasastate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ minasaoptimize()

void alglib::minasaoptimize ( minasastate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr)  grad,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 5799 of file optimization.cpp.

5803 {
5804  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5805  if( grad==NULL )
5806  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minasaoptimize()' (grad is NULL)");
5807  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5808  try
5809  {
5810  while( alglib_impl::minasaiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
5811  {
5812  if( state.needfg )
5813  {
5814  grad(state.x, state.f, state.g, ptr);
5815  continue;
5816  }
5817  if( state.xupdated )
5818  {
5819  if( rep!=NULL )
5820  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
5821  continue;
5822  }
5823  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minasaoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
5824  }
5825  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5826  }
5828  {
5829  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5830  }
5831 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool minasaiteration(minasastate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ minasarestartfrom()

void alglib::minasarestartfrom ( const minasastate state,
const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array bndl,
const real_1d_array bndu 

Definition at line 5888 of file optimization.cpp.

5889 {
5890  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5891  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5892  try
5893  {
5894  alglib_impl::minasarestartfrom(const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndu.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5895  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5896  return;
5897  }
5899  {
5900  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5901  }
5902 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minasarestartfrom(minasastate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *bndl, ae_vector *bndu, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minasaresults()

void alglib::minasaresults ( const minasastate state,
real_1d_array x,
minasareport rep 

Definition at line 5842 of file optimization.cpp.

5843 {
5844  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5845  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5846  try
5847  {
5848  alglib_impl::minasaresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minasareport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5849  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5850  return;
5851  }
5853  {
5854  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5855  }
5856 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minasaresults(minasastate *state, ae_vector *x, minasareport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minasaresultsbuf()

void alglib::minasaresultsbuf ( const minasastate state,
real_1d_array x,
minasareport rep 

Definition at line 5865 of file optimization.cpp.

5866 {
5867  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5868  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5869  try
5870  {
5871  alglib_impl::minasaresultsbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minasareport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5872  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5873  return;
5874  }
5876  {
5877  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5878  }
5879 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minasaresultsbuf(minasastate *state, ae_vector *x, minasareport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ minasasetalgorithm()

void alglib::minasasetalgorithm ( const minasastate state,
const ae_int_t  algotype 

Definition at line 5738 of file optimization.cpp.

5739 {
5740  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5741  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5742  try
5743  {
5744  alglib_impl::minasasetalgorithm(const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), algotype, &_alglib_env_state);
5745  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5746  return;
5747  }
5749  {
5750  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5751  }
5752 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void minasasetalgorithm(minasastate *state, ae_int_t algotype, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minasasetcond()

void alglib::minasasetcond ( const minasastate state,
const double  epsg,
const double  epsf,
const double  epsx,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 5692 of file optimization.cpp.

5693 {
5694  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5695  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5696  try
5697  {
5698  alglib_impl::minasasetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
5699  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5700  return;
5701  }
5703  {
5704  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5705  }
5706 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minasasetcond(minasastate *state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)

◆ minasasetstpmax()

void alglib::minasasetstpmax ( const minasastate state,
const double  stpmax 

Definition at line 5761 of file optimization.cpp.

5762 {
5763  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5764  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5765  try
5766  {
5767  alglib_impl::minasasetstpmax(const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), stpmax, &_alglib_env_state);
5768  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5769  return;
5770  }
5772  {
5773  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5774  }
5775 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minasasetstpmax(minasastate *state, double stpmax, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minasasetxrep()

void alglib::minasasetxrep ( const minasastate state,
const bool  needxrep 

Definition at line 5715 of file optimization.cpp.

5716 {
5717  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5718  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5719  try
5720  {
5721  alglib_impl::minasasetxrep(const_cast<alglib_impl::minasastate*>(state.c_ptr()), needxrep, &_alglib_env_state);
5722  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5723  return;
5724  }
5726  {
5727  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5728  }
5729 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minasasetxrep(minasastate *state, ae_bool needxrep, ae_state *_state)

◆ minbleiccreate() [1/2]

void alglib::minbleiccreate ( const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array x,
minbleicstate state 

Definition at line 1237 of file optimization.cpp.

1238 {
1239  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1240  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1241  try
1242  {
1243  alglib_impl::minbleiccreate(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1244  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1245  return;
1246  }
1248  {
1249  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1250  }
1251 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minbleiccreate(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, minbleicstate *state, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ minbleiccreate() [2/2]

void alglib::minbleiccreate ( const real_1d_array x,
minbleicstate state 

Definition at line 1312 of file optimization.cpp.

1313 {
1314  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1315  ae_int_t n;
1317  n = x.length();
1318  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1319  try
1320  {
1321  alglib_impl::minbleiccreate(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1323  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1324  return;
1325  }
1327  {
1328  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1329  }
1330 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minbleiccreate(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, minbleicstate *state, ae_state *_state)
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minbleiccreatef() [1/2]

void alglib::minbleiccreatef ( const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array x,
const double  diffstep,
minbleicstate state 

Definition at line 1374 of file optimization.cpp.

1375 {
1376  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1377  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1378  try
1379  {
1380  alglib_impl::minbleiccreatef(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1381  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1382  return;
1383  }
1385  {
1386  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1387  }
1388 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minbleiccreatef(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, double diffstep, minbleicstate *state, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ minbleiccreatef() [2/2]

void alglib::minbleiccreatef ( const real_1d_array x,
const double  diffstep,
minbleicstate state 

Definition at line 1432 of file optimization.cpp.

1433 {
1434  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1435  ae_int_t n;
1437  n = x.length();
1438  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1439  try
1440  {
1441  alglib_impl::minbleiccreatef(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1443  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1444  return;
1445  }
1447  {
1448  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1449  }
1450 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minbleiccreatef(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, double diffstep, minbleicstate *state, ae_state *_state)
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minbleiciteration()

bool alglib::minbleiciteration ( const minbleicstate state)

Definition at line 1873 of file optimization.cpp.

1874 {
1875  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1876  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1877  try
1878  {
1879  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::minbleiciteration(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1880  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1881  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
1882  }
1884  {
1885  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1886  }
1887 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool minbleiciteration(minbleicstate *state, ae_state *_state)
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicoptimize() [1/2]

void alglib::minbleicoptimize ( minbleicstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 1890 of file optimization.cpp.

1894 {
1895  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1896  if( func==NULL )
1897  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minbleicoptimize()' (func is NULL)");
1898  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1899  try
1900  {
1901  while( alglib_impl::minbleiciteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
1902  {
1903  if( state.needf )
1904  {
1905  func(state.x, state.f, ptr);
1906  continue;
1907  }
1908  if( state.xupdated )
1909  {
1910  if( rep!=NULL )
1911  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
1912  continue;
1913  }
1914  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minbleicoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
1915  }
1916  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1917  }
1919  {
1920  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1921  }
1922 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool minbleiciteration(minbleicstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicoptimize() [2/2]

void alglib::minbleicoptimize ( minbleicstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr)  grad,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 1925 of file optimization.cpp.

1929 {
1930  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1931  if( grad==NULL )
1932  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minbleicoptimize()' (grad is NULL)");
1933  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1934  try
1935  {
1936  while( alglib_impl::minbleiciteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
1937  {
1938  if( state.needfg )
1939  {
1940  grad(state.x, state.f, state.g, ptr);
1941  continue;
1942  }
1943  if( state.xupdated )
1944  {
1945  if( rep!=NULL )
1946  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
1947  continue;
1948  }
1949  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minbleicoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
1950  }
1951  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1952  }
1954  {
1955  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1956  }
1957 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool minbleiciteration(minbleicstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicrestartfrom()

void alglib::minbleicrestartfrom ( const minbleicstate state,
const real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 2044 of file optimization.cpp.

2045 {
2046  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2047  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2048  try
2049  {
2050  alglib_impl::minbleicrestartfrom(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2051  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2052  return;
2053  }
2055  {
2056  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2057  }
2058 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minbleicrestartfrom(minbleicstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicresults()

void alglib::minbleicresults ( const minbleicstate state,
real_1d_array x,
minbleicreport rep 

Definition at line 1987 of file optimization.cpp.

1988 {
1989  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1990  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1991  try
1992  {
1993  alglib_impl::minbleicresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1994  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1995  return;
1996  }
1998  {
1999  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2000  }
2001 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minbleicresults(minbleicstate *state, ae_vector *x, minbleicreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicresultsbuf()

void alglib::minbleicresultsbuf ( const minbleicstate state,
real_1d_array x,
minbleicreport rep 

Definition at line 2014 of file optimization.cpp.

2015 {
2016  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2017  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2018  try
2019  {
2020  alglib_impl::minbleicresultsbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2021  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2022  return;
2023  }
2025  {
2026  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2027  }
2028 }
void minbleicresultsbuf(minbleicstate *state, ae_vector *x, minbleicreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicsetbarrierdecay()

void alglib::minbleicsetbarrierdecay ( const minbleicstate state,
const double  mudecay 

Definition at line 5618 of file optimization.cpp.

5619 {
5620  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5621  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5622  try
5623  {
5624  alglib_impl::minbleicsetbarrierdecay(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), mudecay, &_alglib_env_state);
5625  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5626  return;
5627  }
5629  {
5630  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5631  }
5632 }
void minbleicsetbarrierdecay(minbleicstate *state, double mudecay, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicsetbarrierwidth()

void alglib::minbleicsetbarrierwidth ( const minbleicstate state,
const double  mu 

Definition at line 5595 of file optimization.cpp.

5596 {
5597  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5598  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5599  try
5600  {
5601  alglib_impl::minbleicsetbarrierwidth(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), mu, &_alglib_env_state);
5602  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5603  return;
5604  }
5606  {
5607  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5608  }
5609 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minbleicsetbarrierwidth(minbleicstate *state, double mu, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int mu

◆ minbleicsetbc()

void alglib::minbleicsetbc ( const minbleicstate state,
const real_1d_array bndl,
const real_1d_array bndu 

Definition at line 1479 of file optimization.cpp.

1480 {
1481  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1482  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1483  try
1484  {
1485  alglib_impl::minbleicsetbc(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndu.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1486  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1487  return;
1488  }
1490  {
1491  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1492  }
1493 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minbleicsetbc(minbleicstate *state, ae_vector *bndl, ae_vector *bndu, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicsetcond()

void alglib::minbleicsetcond ( const minbleicstate state,
const double  epsg,
const double  epsf,
const double  epsx,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 1640 of file optimization.cpp.

1641 {
1642  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1643  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1644  try
1645  {
1646  alglib_impl::minbleicsetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
1647  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1648  return;
1649  }
1651  {
1652  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1653  }
1654 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minbleicsetcond(minbleicstate *state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)

◆ minbleicsetgradientcheck()

void alglib::minbleicsetgradientcheck ( const minbleicstate state,
const double  teststep 

Definition at line 2108 of file optimization.cpp.

2109 {
2110  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2111  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2112  try
2113  {
2114  alglib_impl::minbleicsetgradientcheck(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), teststep, &_alglib_env_state);
2115  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2116  return;
2117  }
2119  {
2120  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2121  }
2122 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minbleicsetgradientcheck(minbleicstate *state, double teststep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicsetlc() [1/2]

void alglib::minbleicsetlc ( const minbleicstate state,
const real_2d_array c,
const integer_1d_array ct,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 1531 of file optimization.cpp.

1532 {
1533  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1534  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1535  try
1536  {
1537  alglib_impl::minbleicsetlc(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(ct.c_ptr()), k, &_alglib_env_state);
1538  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1539  return;
1540  }
1542  {
1543  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1544  }
1545 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void minbleicsetlc(minbleicstate *state, ae_matrix *c, ae_vector *ct, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicsetlc() [2/2]

void alglib::minbleicsetlc ( const minbleicstate state,
const real_2d_array c,
const integer_1d_array ct 

Definition at line 1583 of file optimization.cpp.

1584 {
1585  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1586  ae_int_t k;
1587  if( (c.rows()!=ct.length()))
1588  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'minbleicsetlc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1589  k = c.rows();
1590  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1591  try
1592  {
1593  alglib_impl::minbleicsetlc(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(ct.c_ptr()), k, &_alglib_env_state);
1595  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1596  return;
1597  }
1599  {
1600  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1601  }
1602 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void minbleicsetlc(minbleicstate *state, ae_matrix *c, ae_vector *ct, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ minbleicsetprecdefault()

void alglib::minbleicsetprecdefault ( const minbleicstate state)

Definition at line 1712 of file optimization.cpp.

1713 {
1714  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1715  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1716  try
1717  {
1718  alglib_impl::minbleicsetprecdefault(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1719  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1720  return;
1721  }
1723  {
1724  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1725  }
1726 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minbleicsetprecdefault(minbleicstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicsetprecdiag()

void alglib::minbleicsetprecdiag ( const minbleicstate state,
const real_1d_array d 

Definition at line 1744 of file optimization.cpp.

1745 {
1746  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1747  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1748  try
1749  {
1750  alglib_impl::minbleicsetprecdiag(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1751  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1752  return;
1753  }
1755  {
1756  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1757  }
1758 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
void minbleicsetprecdiag(minbleicstate *state, ae_vector *d, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicsetprecscale()

void alglib::minbleicsetprecscale ( const minbleicstate state)

Definition at line 1782 of file optimization.cpp.

1783 {
1784  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1785  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1786  try
1787  {
1788  alglib_impl::minbleicsetprecscale(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1789  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1790  return;
1791  }
1793  {
1794  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1795  }
1796 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minbleicsetprecscale(minbleicstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ minbleicsetscale()

void alglib::minbleicsetscale ( const minbleicstate state,
const real_1d_array s 

Definition at line 1687 of file optimization.cpp.

1688 {
1689  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1690  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1691  try
1692  {
1693  alglib_impl::minbleicsetscale(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1694  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1695  return;
1696  }
1698  {
1699  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1700  }
1701 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void minbleicsetscale(minbleicstate *state, ae_vector *s, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicsetstpmax()

void alglib::minbleicsetstpmax ( const minbleicstate state,
const double  stpmax 

Definition at line 1852 of file optimization.cpp.

1853 {
1854  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1855  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1856  try
1857  {
1858  alglib_impl::minbleicsetstpmax(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), stpmax, &_alglib_env_state);
1859  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1860  return;
1861  }
1863  {
1864  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1865  }
1866 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void minbleicsetstpmax(minbleicstate *state, double stpmax, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minbleicsetxrep()

void alglib::minbleicsetxrep ( const minbleicstate state,
const bool  needxrep 

Definition at line 1811 of file optimization.cpp.

1812 {
1813  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1814  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1815  try
1816  {
1817  alglib_impl::minbleicsetxrep(const_cast<alglib_impl::minbleicstate*>(state.c_ptr()), needxrep, &_alglib_env_state);
1818  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1819  return;
1820  }
1822  {
1823  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1824  }
1825 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minbleicsetxrep(minbleicstate *state, ae_bool needxrep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgcreate() [1/2]

void alglib::mincgcreate ( const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array x,
mincgstate state 

Definition at line 224 of file optimization.cpp.

225 {
226  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
227  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
228  try
229  {
230  alglib_impl::mincgcreate(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
231  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
232  return;
233  }
235  {
236  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
237  }
238 }
void mincgcreate(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, mincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ mincgcreate() [2/2]

void alglib::mincgcreate ( const real_1d_array x,
mincgstate state 

Definition at line 281 of file optimization.cpp.

282 {
283  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
284  ae_int_t n;
286  n = x.length();
287  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
288  try
289  {
290  alglib_impl::mincgcreate(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
292  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
293  return;
294  }
296  {
297  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
298  }
299 }
void mincgcreate(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, mincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ mincgcreatef() [1/2]

void alglib::mincgcreatef ( const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array x,
const double  diffstep,
mincgstate state 

Definition at line 343 of file optimization.cpp.

344 {
345  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
346  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
347  try
348  {
349  alglib_impl::mincgcreatef(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
350  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
351  return;
352  }
354  {
355  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
356  }
357 }
void mincgcreatef(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, double diffstep, mincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ mincgcreatef() [2/2]

void alglib::mincgcreatef ( const real_1d_array x,
const double  diffstep,
mincgstate state 

Definition at line 401 of file optimization.cpp.

402 {
403  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
404  ae_int_t n;
406  n = x.length();
407  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
408  try
409  {
410  alglib_impl::mincgcreatef(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
412  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
413  return;
414  }
416  {
417  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
418  }
419 }
void mincgcreatef(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, double diffstep, mincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ mincgiteration()

bool alglib::mincgiteration ( const mincgstate state)

Definition at line 763 of file optimization.cpp.

764 {
765  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
766  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
767  try
768  {
769  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::mincgiteration(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
770  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
771  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
772  }
774  {
775  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
776  }
777 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool mincgiteration(mincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ mincgoptimize() [1/2]

void alglib::mincgoptimize ( mincgstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 780 of file optimization.cpp.

784 {
785  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
786  if( func==NULL )
787  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'mincgoptimize()' (func is NULL)");
788  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
789  try
790  {
791  while( alglib_impl::mincgiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
792  {
793  if( state.needf )
794  {
795  func(state.x, state.f, ptr);
796  continue;
797  }
798  if( state.xupdated )
799  {
800  if( rep!=NULL )
801  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
802  continue;
803  }
804  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'mincgoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
805  }
806  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
807  }
809  {
810  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
811  }
812 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool mincgiteration(mincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ mincgoptimize() [2/2]

void alglib::mincgoptimize ( mincgstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr)  grad,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 815 of file optimization.cpp.

819 {
820  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
821  if( grad==NULL )
822  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'mincgoptimize()' (grad is NULL)");
823  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
824  try
825  {
826  while( alglib_impl::mincgiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
827  {
828  if( state.needfg )
829  {
830  grad(state.x, state.f, state.g, ptr);
831  continue;
832  }
833  if( state.xupdated )
834  {
835  if( rep!=NULL )
836  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
837  continue;
838  }
839  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'mincgoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
840  }
841  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
842  }
844  {
845  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
846  }
847 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool mincgiteration(mincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ mincgrestartfrom()

void alglib::mincgrestartfrom ( const mincgstate state,
const real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 935 of file optimization.cpp.

936 {
937  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
938  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
939  try
940  {
941  alglib_impl::mincgrestartfrom(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
942  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
943  return;
944  }
946  {
947  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
948  }
949 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mincgrestartfrom(mincgstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)

◆ mincgresults()

void alglib::mincgresults ( const mincgstate state,
real_1d_array x,
mincgreport rep 

Definition at line 878 of file optimization.cpp.

879 {
880  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
881  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
882  try
883  {
884  alglib_impl::mincgresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
885  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
886  return;
887  }
889  {
890  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
891  }
892 }
void mincgresults(mincgstate *state, ae_vector *x, mincgreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgresultsbuf()

void alglib::mincgresultsbuf ( const mincgstate state,
real_1d_array x,
mincgreport rep 

Definition at line 905 of file optimization.cpp.

906 {
907  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
908  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
909  try
910  {
911  alglib_impl::mincgresultsbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
912  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
913  return;
914  }
916  {
917  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
918  }
919 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void mincgresultsbuf(mincgstate *state, ae_vector *x, mincgreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgsetcgtype()

void alglib::mincgsetcgtype ( const mincgstate state,
const ae_int_t  cgtype 

Definition at line 557 of file optimization.cpp.

558 {
559  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
560  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
561  try
562  {
563  alglib_impl::mincgsetcgtype(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), cgtype, &_alglib_env_state);
564  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
565  return;
566  }
568  {
569  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
570  }
571 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mincgsetcgtype(mincgstate *state, ae_int_t cgtype, ae_state *_state)

◆ mincgsetcond()

void alglib::mincgsetcond ( const mincgstate state,
const double  epsg,
const double  epsf,
const double  epsx,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 453 of file optimization.cpp.

454 {
455  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
456  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
457  try
458  {
459  alglib_impl::mincgsetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
460  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
461  return;
462  }
464  {
465  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
466  }
467 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void mincgsetcond(mincgstate *state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgsetgradientcheck()

void alglib::mincgsetgradientcheck ( const mincgstate state,
const double  teststep 

Definition at line 999 of file optimization.cpp.

1000 {
1001  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1002  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1003  try
1004  {
1005  alglib_impl::mincgsetgradientcheck(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), teststep, &_alglib_env_state);
1006  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1007  return;
1008  }
1010  {
1011  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1012  }
1013 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mincgsetgradientcheck(mincgstate *state, double teststep, ae_state *_state)

◆ mincgsetprecdefault()

void alglib::mincgsetprecdefault ( const mincgstate state)

Definition at line 667 of file optimization.cpp.

668 {
669  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
670  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
671  try
672  {
673  alglib_impl::mincgsetprecdefault(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
674  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
675  return;
676  }
678  {
679  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
680  }
681 }
void mincgsetprecdefault(mincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgsetprecdiag()

void alglib::mincgsetprecdiag ( const mincgstate state,
const real_1d_array d 

Definition at line 702 of file optimization.cpp.

703 {
704  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
705  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
706  try
707  {
708  alglib_impl::mincgsetprecdiag(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
709  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
710  return;
711  }
713  {
714  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
715  }
716 }
void mincgsetprecdiag(mincgstate *state, ae_vector *d, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgsetprecscale()

void alglib::mincgsetprecscale ( const mincgstate state)

Definition at line 742 of file optimization.cpp.

743 {
744  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
745  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
746  try
747  {
748  alglib_impl::mincgsetprecscale(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
749  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
750  return;
751  }
753  {
754  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
755  }
756 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void mincgsetprecscale(mincgstate *state, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgsetscale()

void alglib::mincgsetscale ( const mincgstate state,
const real_1d_array s 

Definition at line 499 of file optimization.cpp.

500 {
501  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
502  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
503  try
504  {
505  alglib_impl::mincgsetscale(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
506  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
507  return;
508  }
510  {
511  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
512  }
513 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mincgsetscale(mincgstate *state, ae_vector *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgsetstpmax()

void alglib::mincgsetstpmax ( const mincgstate state,
const double  stpmax 

Definition at line 590 of file optimization.cpp.

591 {
592  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
593  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
594  try
595  {
596  alglib_impl::mincgsetstpmax(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), stpmax, &_alglib_env_state);
597  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
598  return;
599  }
601  {
602  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
603  }
604 }
void mincgsetstpmax(mincgstate *state, double stpmax, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgsetxrep()

void alglib::mincgsetxrep ( const mincgstate state,
const bool  needxrep 

Definition at line 528 of file optimization.cpp.

529 {
530  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
531  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
532  try
533  {
534  alglib_impl::mincgsetxrep(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), needxrep, &_alglib_env_state);
535  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
536  return;
537  }
539  {
540  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
541  }
542 }
void mincgsetxrep(mincgstate *state, ae_bool needxrep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mincgsuggeststep()

void alglib::mincgsuggeststep ( const mincgstate state,
const double  stp 

Definition at line 639 of file optimization.cpp.

640 {
641  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
642  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
643  try
644  {
645  alglib_impl::mincgsuggeststep(const_cast<alglib_impl::mincgstate*>(state.c_ptr()), stp, &_alglib_env_state);
646  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
647  return;
648  }
650  {
651  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
652  }
653 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void mincgsuggeststep(mincgstate *state, double stp, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minint()

int alglib::minint ( int  m1,
int  m2 

Definition at line 7268 of file ap.cpp.

7269 {
7270  return m1>m2 ? m2 : m1;
7271 }

◆ minlbfgscreate() [1/2]

void alglib::minlbfgscreate ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlbfgsstate state 

Definition at line 2312 of file optimization.cpp.

2313 {
2314  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2315  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2316  try
2317  {
2318  alglib_impl::minlbfgscreate(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2319  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2320  return;
2321  }
2323  {
2324  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2325  }
2326 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlbfgscreate(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ minlbfgscreate() [2/2]

void alglib::minlbfgscreate ( const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlbfgsstate state 

Definition at line 2383 of file optimization.cpp.

2384 {
2385  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2386  ae_int_t n;
2388  n = x.length();
2389  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2390  try
2391  {
2392  alglib_impl::minlbfgscreate(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2394  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2395  return;
2396  }
2398  {
2399  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2400  }
2401 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlbfgscreate(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minlbfgscreatef() [1/2]

void alglib::minlbfgscreatef ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
const double  diffstep,
minlbfgsstate state 

Definition at line 2450 of file optimization.cpp.

2451 {
2452  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2453  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2454  try
2455  {
2456  alglib_impl::minlbfgscreatef(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2457  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2458  return;
2459  }
2461  {
2462  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2463  }
2464 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlbfgscreatef(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, double diffstep, minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ minlbfgscreatef() [2/2]

void alglib::minlbfgscreatef ( const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
const double  diffstep,
minlbfgsstate state 

Definition at line 2513 of file optimization.cpp.

2514 {
2515  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2516  ae_int_t n;
2518  n = x.length();
2519  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2520  try
2521  {
2522  alglib_impl::minlbfgscreatef(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2524  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2525  return;
2526  }
2528  {
2529  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2530  }
2531 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlbfgscreatef(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, double diffstep, minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minlbfgsiteration()

bool alglib::minlbfgsiteration ( const minlbfgsstate state)

Definition at line 2837 of file optimization.cpp.

2838 {
2839  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2840  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2841  try
2842  {
2843  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::minlbfgsiteration(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2844  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2845  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2846  }
2848  {
2849  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2850  }
2851 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool minlbfgsiteration(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgsoptimize() [1/2]

void alglib::minlbfgsoptimize ( minlbfgsstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 2854 of file optimization.cpp.

2858 {
2859  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2860  if( func==NULL )
2861  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlbfgsoptimize()' (func is NULL)");
2862  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2863  try
2864  {
2865  while( alglib_impl::minlbfgsiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
2866  {
2867  if( state.needf )
2868  {
2869  func(state.x, state.f, ptr);
2870  continue;
2871  }
2872  if( state.xupdated )
2873  {
2874  if( rep!=NULL )
2875  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
2876  continue;
2877  }
2878  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlbfgsoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
2879  }
2880  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2881  }
2883  {
2884  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2885  }
2886 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool minlbfgsiteration(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgsoptimize() [2/2]

void alglib::minlbfgsoptimize ( minlbfgsstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr)  grad,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 2889 of file optimization.cpp.

2893 {
2894  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2895  if( grad==NULL )
2896  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlbfgsoptimize()' (grad is NULL)");
2897  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2898  try
2899  {
2900  while( alglib_impl::minlbfgsiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
2901  {
2902  if( state.needfg )
2903  {
2904  grad(state.x, state.f, state.g, ptr);
2905  continue;
2906  }
2907  if( state.xupdated )
2908  {
2909  if( rep!=NULL )
2910  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
2911  continue;
2912  }
2913  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlbfgsoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
2914  }
2915  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2916  }
2918  {
2919  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2920  }
2921 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool minlbfgsiteration(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgsrestartfrom()

void alglib::minlbfgsrestartfrom ( const minlbfgsstate state,
const real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 3010 of file optimization.cpp.

3011 {
3012  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3013  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3014  try
3015  {
3016  alglib_impl::minlbfgsrestartfrom(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3017  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3018  return;
3019  }
3021  {
3022  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3023  }
3024 }
void minlbfgsrestartfrom(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgsresults()

void alglib::minlbfgsresults ( const minlbfgsstate state,
real_1d_array x,
minlbfgsreport rep 

Definition at line 2953 of file optimization.cpp.

2954 {
2955  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2956  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2957  try
2958  {
2959  alglib_impl::minlbfgsresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2960  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2961  return;
2962  }
2964  {
2965  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2966  }
2967 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minlbfgsresults(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_vector *x, minlbfgsreport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ minlbfgsresultsbuf()

void alglib::minlbfgsresultsbuf ( const minlbfgsstate state,
real_1d_array x,
minlbfgsreport rep 

Definition at line 2980 of file optimization.cpp.

2981 {
2982  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2983  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2984  try
2985  {
2986  alglib_impl::minlbfgsresultsbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2987  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2988  return;
2989  }
2991  {
2992  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2993  }
2994 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlbfgsresultsbuf(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_vector *x, minlbfgsreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetcholeskypreconditioner()

void alglib::minlbfgssetcholeskypreconditioner ( const minlbfgsstate state,
const real_2d_array p,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 5572 of file optimization.cpp.

5573 {
5574  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5575  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5576  try
5577  {
5578  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetcholeskypreconditioner(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(p.c_ptr()), isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
5579  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5580  return;
5581  }
5583  {
5584  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5585  }
5586 }
void minlbfgssetcholeskypreconditioner(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_matrix *p, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetcond()

void alglib::minlbfgssetcond ( const minlbfgsstate state,
const double  epsg,
const double  epsf,
const double  epsx,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 2565 of file optimization.cpp.

2566 {
2567  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2568  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2569  try
2570  {
2571  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
2572  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2573  return;
2574  }
2576  {
2577  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2578  }
2579 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minlbfgssetcond(minlbfgsstate *state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetdefaultpreconditioner()

void alglib::minlbfgssetdefaultpreconditioner ( const minlbfgsstate state)

Definition at line 5550 of file optimization.cpp.

5551 {
5552  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5553  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5554  try
5555  {
5556  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetdefaultpreconditioner(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5557  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5558  return;
5559  }
5561  {
5562  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5563  }
5564 }
void minlbfgssetdefaultpreconditioner(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetgradientcheck()

void alglib::minlbfgssetgradientcheck ( const minlbfgsstate state,
const double  teststep 

Definition at line 3074 of file optimization.cpp.

3075 {
3076  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3077  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3078  try
3079  {
3080  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetgradientcheck(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), teststep, &_alglib_env_state);
3081  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3082  return;
3083  }
3085  {
3086  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3087  }
3088 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void minlbfgssetgradientcheck(minlbfgsstate *state, double teststep, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetpreccholesky()

void alglib::minlbfgssetpreccholesky ( const minlbfgsstate state,
const real_2d_array p,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 2743 of file optimization.cpp.

2744 {
2745  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2746  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2747  try
2748  {
2749  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetpreccholesky(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(p.c_ptr()), isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
2750  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2751  return;
2752  }
2754  {
2755  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2756  }
2757 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minlbfgssetpreccholesky(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_matrix *p, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetprecdefault()

void alglib::minlbfgssetprecdefault ( const minlbfgsstate state)

Definition at line 2704 of file optimization.cpp.

2705 {
2706  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2707  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2708  try
2709  {
2710  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetprecdefault(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2711  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2712  return;
2713  }
2715  {
2716  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2717  }
2718 }
void minlbfgssetprecdefault(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetprecdiag()

void alglib::minlbfgssetprecdiag ( const minlbfgsstate state,
const real_1d_array d 

Definition at line 2778 of file optimization.cpp.

2779 {
2780  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2781  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2782  try
2783  {
2784  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetprecdiag(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2785  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2786  return;
2787  }
2789  {
2790  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2791  }
2792 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minlbfgssetprecdiag(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_vector *d, ae_state *_state)

◆ minlbfgssetprecscale()

void alglib::minlbfgssetprecscale ( const minlbfgsstate state)

Definition at line 2816 of file optimization.cpp.

2817 {
2818  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2819  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2820  try
2821  {
2822  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetprecscale(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2823  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2824  return;
2825  }
2827  {
2828  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2829  }
2830 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minlbfgssetprecscale(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetscale()

void alglib::minlbfgssetscale ( const minlbfgsstate state,
const real_1d_array s 

Definition at line 2675 of file optimization.cpp.

2676 {
2677  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2678  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2679  try
2680  {
2681  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetscale(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2682  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2683  return;
2684  }
2686  {
2687  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2688  }
2689 }
void minlbfgssetscale(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_vector *s, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetstpmax()

void alglib::minlbfgssetstpmax ( const minlbfgsstate state,
const double  stpmax 

Definition at line 2628 of file optimization.cpp.

2629 {
2630  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2631  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2632  try
2633  {
2634  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetstpmax(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), stpmax, &_alglib_env_state);
2635  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2636  return;
2637  }
2639  {
2640  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2641  }
2642 }
void minlbfgssetstpmax(minlbfgsstate *state, double stpmax, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlbfgssetxrep()

void alglib::minlbfgssetxrep ( const minlbfgsstate state,
const bool  needxrep 

Definition at line 2595 of file optimization.cpp.

2596 {
2597  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2598  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2599  try
2600  {
2601  alglib_impl::minlbfgssetxrep(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlbfgsstate*>(state.c_ptr()), needxrep, &_alglib_env_state);
2602  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2603  return;
2604  }
2606  {
2607  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2608  }
2609 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minlbfgssetxrep(minlbfgsstate *state, ae_bool needxrep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmcreatefgh() [1/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatefgh ( const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 4493 of file optimization.cpp.

4494 {
4495  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4496  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4497  try
4498  {
4499  alglib_impl::minlmcreatefgh(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4500  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4501  return;
4502  }
4504  {
4505  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4506  }
4507 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlmcreatefgh(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ minlmcreatefgh() [2/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatefgh ( const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 4571 of file optimization.cpp.

4572 {
4573  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4574  ae_int_t n;
4576  n = x.length();
4577  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4578  try
4579  {
4580  alglib_impl::minlmcreatefgh(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4582  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4583  return;
4584  }
4586  {
4587  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4588  }
4589 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlmcreatefgh(ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minlmcreatefgj() [1/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatefgj ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 5251 of file optimization.cpp.

5252 {
5253  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5254  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5255  try
5256  {
5257  alglib_impl::minlmcreatefgj(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5258  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5259  return;
5260  }
5262  {
5263  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5264  }
5265 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlmcreatefgj(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ minlmcreatefgj() [2/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatefgj ( const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 5275 of file optimization.cpp.

5276 {
5277  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5278  ae_int_t n;
5280  n = x.length();
5281  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5282  try
5283  {
5284  alglib_impl::minlmcreatefgj(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5286  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5287  return;
5288  }
5290  {
5291  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5292  }
5293 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlmcreatefgj(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minlmcreatefj() [1/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatefj ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 5303 of file optimization.cpp.

5304 {
5305  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5306  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5307  try
5308  {
5309  alglib_impl::minlmcreatefj(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5310  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5311  return;
5312  }
5314  {
5315  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5316  }
5317 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlmcreatefj(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ minlmcreatefj() [2/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatefj ( const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 5327 of file optimization.cpp.

5328 {
5329  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5330  ae_int_t n;
5332  n = x.length();
5333  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5334  try
5335  {
5336  alglib_impl::minlmcreatefj(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5338  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5339  return;
5340  }
5342  {
5343  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5344  }
5345 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minlmcreatefj(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minlmcreatev() [1/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatev ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
const double  diffstep,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 4334 of file optimization.cpp.

4335 {
4336  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4337  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4338  try
4339  {
4340  alglib_impl::minlmcreatev(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4341  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4342  return;
4343  }
4345  {
4346  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4347  }
4348 }
void minlmcreatev(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, double diffstep, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ minlmcreatev() [2/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatev ( const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
const double  diffstep,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 4411 of file optimization.cpp.

4412 {
4413  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4414  ae_int_t n;
4416  n = x.length();
4417  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4418  try
4419  {
4420  alglib_impl::minlmcreatev(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), diffstep, const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4422  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4423  return;
4424  }
4426  {
4427  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4428  }
4429 }
void minlmcreatev(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, double diffstep, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minlmcreatevgj() [1/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatevgj ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 5199 of file optimization.cpp.

5200 {
5201  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5202  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5203  try
5204  {
5205  alglib_impl::minlmcreatevgj(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5206  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5207  return;
5208  }
5210  {
5211  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5212  }
5213 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void minlmcreatevgj(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ minlmcreatevgj() [2/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatevgj ( const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 5223 of file optimization.cpp.

5224 {
5225  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5226  ae_int_t n;
5228  n = x.length();
5229  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5230  try
5231  {
5232  alglib_impl::minlmcreatevgj(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5234  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5235  return;
5236  }
5238  {
5239  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5240  }
5241 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void minlmcreatevgj(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minlmcreatevj() [1/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatevj ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 4176 of file optimization.cpp.

4177 {
4178  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4179  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4180  try
4181  {
4182  alglib_impl::minlmcreatevj(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4183  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4184  return;
4185  }
4187  {
4188  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4189  }
4190 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void minlmcreatevj(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ minlmcreatevj() [2/2]

void alglib::minlmcreatevj ( const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
minlmstate state 

Definition at line 4253 of file optimization.cpp.

4254 {
4255  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4256  ae_int_t n;
4258  n = x.length();
4259  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4260  try
4261  {
4262  alglib_impl::minlmcreatevj(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4264  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4265  return;
4266  }
4268  {
4269  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4270  }
4271 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void minlmcreatevj(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ minlmiteration()

bool alglib::minlmiteration ( const minlmstate state)

Definition at line 4862 of file optimization.cpp.

4863 {
4864  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4865  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4866  try
4867  {
4868  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::minlmiteration(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4869  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4870  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
4871  }
4873  {
4874  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4875  }
4876 }
ae_bool minlmiteration(minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmoptimize() [1/5]

void alglib::minlmoptimize ( minlmstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr)  fvec,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 4879 of file optimization.cpp.

4883 {
4884  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4885  if( fvec==NULL )
4886  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (fvec is NULL)");
4887  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4888  try
4889  {
4890  while( alglib_impl::minlmiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
4891  {
4892  if( state.needfi )
4893  {
4894  fvec(state.x, state.fi, ptr);
4895  continue;
4896  }
4897  if( state.xupdated )
4898  {
4899  if( rep!=NULL )
4900  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
4901  continue;
4902  }
4903  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
4904  }
4905  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4906  }
4908  {
4909  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4910  }
4911 }
ae_bool minlmiteration(minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmoptimize() [2/5]

void alglib::minlmoptimize ( minlmstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr)  fvec,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr)  jac,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 4914 of file optimization.cpp.

4919 {
4920  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4921  if( fvec==NULL )
4922  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (fvec is NULL)");
4923  if( jac==NULL )
4924  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (jac is NULL)");
4925  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4926  try
4927  {
4928  while( alglib_impl::minlmiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
4929  {
4930  if( state.needfi )
4931  {
4932  fvec(state.x, state.fi, ptr);
4933  continue;
4934  }
4935  if( state.needfij )
4936  {
4937  jac(state.x, state.fi, state.j, ptr);
4938  continue;
4939  }
4940  if( state.xupdated )
4941  {
4942  if( rep!=NULL )
4943  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
4944  continue;
4945  }
4946  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
4947  }
4948  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4949  }
4951  {
4952  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4953  }
4954 }
ae_bool minlmiteration(minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmoptimize() [3/5]

void alglib::minlmoptimize ( minlmstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr)  grad,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, real_2d_array &hess, void *ptr)  hess,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 4957 of file optimization.cpp.

4963 {
4964  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4965  if( func==NULL )
4966  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (func is NULL)");
4967  if( grad==NULL )
4968  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (grad is NULL)");
4969  if( hess==NULL )
4970  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (hess is NULL)");
4971  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4972  try
4973  {
4974  while( alglib_impl::minlmiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
4975  {
4976  if( state.needf )
4977  {
4978  func(state.x, state.f, ptr);
4979  continue;
4980  }
4981  if( state.needfg )
4982  {
4983  grad(state.x, state.f, state.g, ptr);
4984  continue;
4985  }
4986  if( state.needfgh )
4987  {
4988  hess(state.x, state.f, state.g, state.h, ptr);
4989  continue;
4990  }
4991  if( state.xupdated )
4992  {
4993  if( rep!=NULL )
4994  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
4995  continue;
4996  }
4997  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
4998  }
4999  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5000  }
5002  {
5003  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5004  }
5005 }
doublereal * grad
ae_bool minlmiteration(minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double ** hess
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmoptimize() [4/5]

void alglib::minlmoptimize ( minlmstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr)  jac,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 5008 of file optimization.cpp.

5013 {
5014  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5015  if( func==NULL )
5016  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (func is NULL)");
5017  if( jac==NULL )
5018  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (jac is NULL)");
5019  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5020  try
5021  {
5022  while( alglib_impl::minlmiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
5023  {
5024  if( state.needf )
5025  {
5026  func(state.x, state.f, ptr);
5027  continue;
5028  }
5029  if( state.needfij )
5030  {
5031  jac(state.x, state.fi, state.j, ptr);
5032  continue;
5033  }
5034  if( state.xupdated )
5035  {
5036  if( rep!=NULL )
5037  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
5038  continue;
5039  }
5040  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
5041  }
5042  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5043  }
5045  {
5046  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5047  }
5048 }
ae_bool minlmiteration(minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmoptimize() [5/5]

void alglib::minlmoptimize ( minlmstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr)  grad,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr)  jac,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 5051 of file optimization.cpp.

5057 {
5058  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5059  if( func==NULL )
5060  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (func is NULL)");
5061  if( grad==NULL )
5062  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (grad is NULL)");
5063  if( jac==NULL )
5064  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize()' (jac is NULL)");
5065  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5066  try
5067  {
5068  while( alglib_impl::minlmiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
5069  {
5070  if( state.needf )
5071  {
5072  func(state.x, state.f, ptr);
5073  continue;
5074  }
5075  if( state.needfg )
5076  {
5077  grad(state.x, state.f, state.g, ptr);
5078  continue;
5079  }
5080  if( state.needfij )
5081  {
5082  jac(state.x, state.fi, state.j, ptr);
5083  continue;
5084  }
5085  if( state.xupdated )
5086  {
5087  if( rep!=NULL )
5088  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
5089  continue;
5090  }
5091  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'minlmoptimize' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
5092  }
5093  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5094  }
5096  {
5097  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5098  }
5099 }
doublereal * grad
ae_bool minlmiteration(minlmstate *state, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmrestartfrom()

void alglib::minlmrestartfrom ( const minlmstate state,
const real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 5175 of file optimization.cpp.

5176 {
5177  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5178  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5179  try
5180  {
5181  alglib_impl::minlmrestartfrom(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5182  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5183  return;
5184  }
5186  {
5187  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5188  }
5189 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minlmrestartfrom(minlmstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmresults()

void alglib::minlmresults ( const minlmstate state,
real_1d_array x,
minlmreport rep 

Definition at line 5117 of file optimization.cpp.

5118 {
5119  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5120  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5121  try
5122  {
5123  alglib_impl::minlmresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5124  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5125  return;
5126  }
5128  {
5129  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5130  }
5131 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minlmresults(minlmstate *state, ae_vector *x, minlmreport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ minlmresultsbuf()

void alglib::minlmresultsbuf ( const minlmstate state,
real_1d_array x,
minlmreport rep 

Definition at line 5144 of file optimization.cpp.

5145 {
5146  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5147  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5148  try
5149  {
5150  alglib_impl::minlmresultsbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5151  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5152  return;
5153  }
5155  {
5156  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5157  }
5158 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minlmresultsbuf(minlmstate *state, ae_vector *x, minlmreport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ minlmsetacctype()

void alglib::minlmsetacctype ( const minlmstate state,
const ae_int_t  acctype 

Definition at line 4841 of file optimization.cpp.

4842 {
4843  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4844  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4845  try
4846  {
4847  alglib_impl::minlmsetacctype(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), acctype, &_alglib_env_state);
4848  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4849  return;
4850  }
4852  {
4853  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4854  }
4855 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minlmsetacctype(minlmstate *state, ae_int_t acctype, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmsetbc()

void alglib::minlmsetbc ( const minlmstate state,
const real_1d_array bndl,
const real_1d_array bndu 

Definition at line 4781 of file optimization.cpp.

4782 {
4783  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4784  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4785  try
4786  {
4787  alglib_impl::minlmsetbc(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndu.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4788  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4789  return;
4790  }
4792  {
4793  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4794  }
4795 }
void minlmsetbc(minlmstate *state, ae_vector *bndl, ae_vector *bndu, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmsetcond()

void alglib::minlmsetcond ( const minlmstate state,
const double  epsg,
const double  epsf,
const double  epsx,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 4627 of file optimization.cpp.

4628 {
4629  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4630  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4631  try
4632  {
4633  alglib_impl::minlmsetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
4634  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4635  return;
4636  }
4638  {
4639  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4640  }
4641 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void minlmsetcond(minlmstate *state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmsetgradientcheck()

void alglib::minlmsetgradientcheck ( const minlmstate state,
const double  teststep 

Definition at line 5395 of file optimization.cpp.

5396 {
5397  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5398  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5399  try
5400  {
5401  alglib_impl::minlmsetgradientcheck(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), teststep, &_alglib_env_state);
5402  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5403  return;
5404  }
5406  {
5407  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5408  }
5409 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minlmsetgradientcheck(minlmstate *state, double teststep, ae_state *_state)

◆ minlmsetscale()

void alglib::minlmsetscale ( const minlmstate state,
const real_1d_array s 

Definition at line 4737 of file optimization.cpp.

4738 {
4739  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4740  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4741  try
4742  {
4743  alglib_impl::minlmsetscale(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4744  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4745  return;
4746  }
4748  {
4749  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4750  }
4751 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minlmsetscale(minlmstate *state, ae_vector *s, ae_state *_state)

◆ minlmsetstpmax()

void alglib::minlmsetstpmax ( const minlmstate state,
const double  stpmax 

Definition at line 4694 of file optimization.cpp.

4695 {
4696  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4697  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4698  try
4699  {
4700  alglib_impl::minlmsetstpmax(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), stpmax, &_alglib_env_state);
4701  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4702  return;
4703  }
4705  {
4706  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4707  }
4708 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minlmsetstpmax(minlmstate *state, double stpmax, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minlmsetxrep()

void alglib::minlmsetxrep ( const minlmstate state,
const bool  needxrep 

Definition at line 4657 of file optimization.cpp.

4658 {
4659  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4660  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4661  try
4662  {
4663  alglib_impl::minlmsetxrep(const_cast<alglib_impl::minlmstate*>(state.c_ptr()), needxrep, &_alglib_env_state);
4664  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4665  return;
4666  }
4668  {
4669  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4670  }
4671 }
void minlmsetxrep(minlmstate *state, ae_bool needxrep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minqpcreate()

void alglib::minqpcreate ( const ae_int_t  n,
minqpstate state 

Definition at line 3268 of file optimization.cpp.

3269 {
3270  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3271  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3272  try
3273  {
3274  alglib_impl::minqpcreate(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3275  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3276  return;
3277  }
3279  {
3280  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3281  }
3282 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minqpcreate(ae_int_t n, minqpstate *state, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ minqpoptimize()

void alglib::minqpoptimize ( const minqpstate state)

Definition at line 3860 of file optimization.cpp.

3861 {
3862  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3863  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3864  try
3865  {
3866  alglib_impl::minqpoptimize(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3867  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3868  return;
3869  }
3871  {
3872  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3873  }
3874 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minqpoptimize(minqpstate *state, ae_state *_state)

◆ minqpresults()

void alglib::minqpresults ( const minqpstate state,
real_1d_array x,
minqpreport rep 

Definition at line 3916 of file optimization.cpp.

3917 {
3918  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3919  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3920  try
3921  {
3922  alglib_impl::minqpresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3923  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3924  return;
3925  }
3927  {
3928  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3929  }
3930 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void minqpresults(minqpstate *state, ae_vector *x, minqpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minqpresultsbuf()

void alglib::minqpresultsbuf ( const minqpstate state,
real_1d_array x,
minqpreport rep 

Definition at line 3943 of file optimization.cpp.

3944 {
3945  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3946  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3947  try
3948  {
3949  alglib_impl::minqpresultsbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3950  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3951  return;
3952  }
3954  {
3955  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3956  }
3957 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minqpresultsbuf(minqpstate *state, ae_vector *x, minqpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minqpsetalgobleic()

void alglib::minqpsetalgobleic ( const minqpstate state,
const double  epsg,
const double  epsf,
const double  epsx,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 3696 of file optimization.cpp.

3697 {
3698  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3699  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3700  try
3701  {
3702  alglib_impl::minqpsetalgobleic(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
3703  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3704  return;
3705  }
3707  {
3708  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3709  }
3710 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minqpsetalgobleic(minqpstate *state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)

◆ minqpsetalgocholesky()

void alglib::minqpsetalgocholesky ( const minqpstate state)

Definition at line 3607 of file optimization.cpp.

3608 {
3609  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3610  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3611  try
3612  {
3613  alglib_impl::minqpsetalgocholesky(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3614  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3615  return;
3616  }
3618  {
3619  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3620  }
3621 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minqpsetalgocholesky(minqpstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minqpsetbc()

void alglib::minqpsetbc ( const minqpstate state,
const real_1d_array bndl,
const real_1d_array bndu 

Definition at line 3736 of file optimization.cpp.

3737 {
3738  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3739  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3740  try
3741  {
3742  alglib_impl::minqpsetbc(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(bndu.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3743  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3744  return;
3745  }
3747  {
3748  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3749  }
3750 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void minqpsetbc(minqpstate *state, ae_vector *bndl, ae_vector *bndu, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minqpsetlc() [1/2]

void alglib::minqpsetlc ( const minqpstate state,
const real_2d_array c,
const integer_1d_array ct,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 3780 of file optimization.cpp.

3781 {
3782  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3783  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3784  try
3785  {
3786  alglib_impl::minqpsetlc(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(ct.c_ptr()), k, &_alglib_env_state);
3787  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3788  return;
3789  }
3791  {
3792  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3793  }
3794 }
doublereal * c
void minqpsetlc(minqpstate *state, ae_matrix *c, ae_vector *ct, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minqpsetlc() [2/2]

void alglib::minqpsetlc ( const minqpstate state,
const real_2d_array c,
const integer_1d_array ct 

Definition at line 3824 of file optimization.cpp.

3825 {
3826  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3827  ae_int_t k;
3828  if( (c.rows()!=ct.length()))
3829  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'minqpsetlc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
3830  k = c.rows();
3831  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3832  try
3833  {
3834  alglib_impl::minqpsetlc(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(ct.c_ptr()), k, &_alglib_env_state);
3836  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3837  return;
3838  }
3840  {
3841  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3842  }
3843 }
doublereal * c
void minqpsetlc(minqpstate *state, ae_matrix *c, ae_vector *ct, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ minqpsetlinearterm()

void alglib::minqpsetlinearterm ( const minqpstate state,
const real_1d_array b 

Definition at line 3296 of file optimization.cpp.

3297 {
3298  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3299  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3300  try
3301  {
3302  alglib_impl::minqpsetlinearterm(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3303  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3304  return;
3305  }
3307  {
3308  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3309  }
3310 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minqpsetlinearterm(minqpstate *state, ae_vector *b, ae_state *_state)

◆ minqpsetorigin()

void alglib::minqpsetorigin ( const minqpstate state,
const real_1d_array xorigin 

Definition at line 3514 of file optimization.cpp.

3515 {
3516  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3517  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3518  try
3519  {
3520  alglib_impl::minqpsetorigin(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xorigin.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3521  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3522  return;
3523  }
3525  {
3526  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3527  }
3528 }
void minqpsetorigin(minqpstate *state, ae_vector *xorigin, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minqpsetquadraticterm() [1/2]

void alglib::minqpsetquadraticterm ( const minqpstate state,
const real_2d_array a,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 3345 of file optimization.cpp.

3346 {
3347  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3348  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3349  try
3350  {
3351  alglib_impl::minqpsetquadraticterm(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
3352  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3353  return;
3354  }
3356  {
3357  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3358  }
3359 }
void minqpsetquadraticterm(minqpstate *state, ae_matrix *a, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ minqpsetquadraticterm() [2/2]

void alglib::minqpsetquadraticterm ( const minqpstate state,
const real_2d_array a 

Definition at line 3394 of file optimization.cpp.

3395 {
3396  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3397  bool isupper;
3398  if( !alglib_impl::ae_is_symmetric(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr())) )
3399  throw ap_error("'a' parameter is not symmetric matrix");
3400  isupper = false;
3401  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3402  try
3403  {
3404  alglib_impl::minqpsetquadraticterm(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
3406  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3407  return;
3408  }
3410  {
3411  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3412  }
3413 }
ae_bool ae_is_symmetric(ae_matrix *a)
Definition: ap.cpp:2248
void minqpsetquadraticterm(minqpstate *state, ae_matrix *a, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ minqpsetquadratictermsparse()

void alglib::minqpsetquadratictermsparse ( const minqpstate state,
const sparsematrix a,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 3453 of file optimization.cpp.

3454 {
3455  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3456  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3457  try
3458  {
3459  alglib_impl::minqpsetquadratictermsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(a.c_ptr()), isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
3460  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3461  return;
3462  }
3464  {
3465  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3466  }
3467 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minqpsetquadratictermsparse(minqpstate *state, sparsematrix *a, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * a

◆ minqpsetscale()

void alglib::minqpsetscale ( const minqpstate state,
const real_1d_array s 

Definition at line 3551 of file optimization.cpp.

3552 {
3553  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3554  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3555  try
3556  {
3557  alglib_impl::minqpsetscale(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3558  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3559  return;
3560  }
3562  {
3563  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3564  }
3565 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void minqpsetscale(minqpstate *state, ae_vector *s, ae_state *_state)

◆ minqpsetstartingpoint()

void alglib::minqpsetstartingpoint ( const minqpstate state,
const real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 3481 of file optimization.cpp.

3482 {
3483  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3484  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3485  try
3486  {
3487  alglib_impl::minqpsetstartingpoint(const_cast<alglib_impl::minqpstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3488  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3489  return;
3490  }
3492  {
3493  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3494  }
3495 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void minqpsetstartingpoint(minqpstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ minreal()

double alglib::minreal ( double  m1,
double  m2 

Definition at line 7278 of file ap.cpp.

7279 {
7280  return m1>m2 ? m2 : m1;
7281 }

◆ mlpactivationfunction()

void alglib::mlpactivationfunction ( const double  net,
const ae_int_t  k,
double &  f,
double &  df,
double &  d2f 

Definition at line 3627 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3628 {
3629  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3630  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3631  try
3632  {
3633  alglib_impl::mlpactivationfunction(net, k, &f, &df, &d2f, &_alglib_env_state);
3634  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3635  return;
3636  }
3638  {
3639  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3640  }
3641 }
void mlpactivationfunction(double net, ae_int_t k, double *f, double *df, double *d2f, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpallerrorssparsesubset()

void alglib::mlpallerrorssparsesubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array subset,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize,
modelerrors rep 

Definition at line 5657 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5658 {
5659  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5660  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5661  try
5662  {
5663  alglib_impl::mlpallerrorssparsesubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(subset.c_ptr()), subsetsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::modelerrors*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5664  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5665  return;
5666  }
5668  {
5669  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5670  }
5671 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void mlpallerrorssparsesubset(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *subset, ae_int_t subsetsize, modelerrors *rep, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpallerrorssubset()

void alglib::mlpallerrorssubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array subset,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize,
modelerrors rep 

Definition at line 5575 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5576 {
5577  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5578  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5579  try
5580  {
5581  alglib_impl::mlpallerrorssubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(subset.c_ptr()), subsetsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::modelerrors*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5582  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5583  return;
5584  }
5586  {
5587  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5588  }
5589 }
void mlpallerrorssubset(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *subset, ae_int_t subsetsize, modelerrors *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpavgce()

double alglib::mlpavgce ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4267 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4268 {
4269  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4270  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4271  try
4272  {
4273  double result = alglib_impl::mlpavgce(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4274  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4275  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4276  }
4278  {
4279  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4280  }
4281 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double mlpavgce(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpavgcesparse()

double alglib::mlpavgcesparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4367 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4368 {
4369  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4370  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4371  try
4372  {
4373  double result = alglib_impl::mlpavgcesparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4374  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4375  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4376  }
4378  {
4379  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4380  }
4381 }
double mlpavgcesparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpavgerror()

double alglib::mlpavgerror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4658 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4659 {
4660  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4661  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4662  try
4663  {
4664  double result = alglib_impl::mlpavgerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4665  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4666  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4667  }
4669  {
4670  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4671  }
4672 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlpavgerror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpavgerrorsparse()

double alglib::mlpavgerrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4757 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4758 {
4759  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4760  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4761  try
4762  {
4763  double result = alglib_impl::mlpavgerrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4764  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4765  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4766  }
4768  {
4769  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4770  }
4771 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlpavgerrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpavgrelerror()

double alglib::mlpavgrelerror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4853 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4854 {
4855  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4856  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4857  try
4858  {
4859  double result = alglib_impl::mlpavgrelerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4860  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4861  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4862  }
4864  {
4865  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4866  }
4867 }
double mlpavgrelerror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpavgrelerrorsparse()

double alglib::mlpavgrelerrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4953 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4954 {
4955  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4956  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4957  try
4958  {
4959  double result = alglib_impl::mlpavgrelerrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4960  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4961  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4962  }
4964  {
4965  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4966  }
4967 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double mlpavgrelerrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpclserror()

ae_int_t alglib::mlpclserror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 3981 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3982 {
3983  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3984  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3985  try
3986  {
3987  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::mlpclserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
3988  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3989  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
3990  }
3992  {
3993  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3994  }
3995 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_int_t mlpclserror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ mlpcontinuetraining()

bool alglib::mlpcontinuetraining ( const mlptrainer s,
const multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 9262 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9263 {
9264  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9265  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9266  try
9267  {
9268  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::mlpcontinuetraining(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9269  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9270  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
9271  }
9273  {
9274  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9275  }
9276 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool mlpcontinuetraining(mlptrainer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpcreate0()

void alglib::mlpcreate0 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nout,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 2836 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2837 {
2838  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2839  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2840  try
2841  {
2842  alglib_impl::mlpcreate0(nin, nout, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2843  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2844  return;
2845  }
2847  {
2848  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2849  }
2850 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpcreate0(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpcreate1()

void alglib::mlpcreate1 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid,
const ae_int_t  nout,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 2859 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2860 {
2861  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2862  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2863  try
2864  {
2865  alglib_impl::mlpcreate1(nin, nhid, nout, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2866  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2867  return;
2868  }
2870  {
2871  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2872  }
2873 }
void mlpcreate1(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpcreate2()

void alglib::mlpcreate2 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid1,
const ae_int_t  nhid2,
const ae_int_t  nout,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 2883 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2884 {
2885  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2886  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2887  try
2888  {
2889  alglib_impl::mlpcreate2(nin, nhid1, nhid2, nout, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2890  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2891  return;
2892  }
2894  {
2895  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2896  }
2897 }
void mlpcreate2(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpcreateb0()

void alglib::mlpcreateb0 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  b,
const double  d,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 2916 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2917 {
2918  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2919  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2920  try
2921  {
2922  alglib_impl::mlpcreateb0(nin, nout, b, d, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2923  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2924  return;
2925  }
2927  {
2928  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2929  }
2930 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlpcreateb0(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpcreateb1()

void alglib::mlpcreateb1 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  b,
const double  d,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 2938 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2939 {
2940  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2941  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2942  try
2943  {
2944  alglib_impl::mlpcreateb1(nin, nhid, nout, b, d, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2945  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2946  return;
2947  }
2949  {
2950  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2951  }
2952 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlpcreateb1(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpcreateb2()

void alglib::mlpcreateb2 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid1,
const ae_int_t  nhid2,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  b,
const double  d,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 2960 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2961 {
2962  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2963  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2964  try
2965  {
2966  alglib_impl::mlpcreateb2(nin, nhid1, nhid2, nout, b, d, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2967  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2968  return;
2969  }
2971  {
2972  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2973  }
2974 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
void mlpcreateb2(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpcreatec0()

void alglib::mlpcreatec0 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nout,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 3053 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3054 {
3055  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3056  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3057  try
3058  {
3059  alglib_impl::mlpcreatec0(nin, nout, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3060  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3061  return;
3062  }
3064  {
3065  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3066  }
3067 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpcreatec0(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpcreatec1()

void alglib::mlpcreatec1 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid,
const ae_int_t  nout,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 3075 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3076 {
3077  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3078  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3079  try
3080  {
3081  alglib_impl::mlpcreatec1(nin, nhid, nout, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3082  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3083  return;
3084  }
3086  {
3087  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3088  }
3089 }
void mlpcreatec1(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpcreatec2()

void alglib::mlpcreatec2 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid1,
const ae_int_t  nhid2,
const ae_int_t  nout,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 3097 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3098 {
3099  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3100  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3101  try
3102  {
3103  alglib_impl::mlpcreatec2(nin, nhid1, nhid2, nout, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3104  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3105  return;
3106  }
3108  {
3109  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3110  }
3111 }
void mlpcreatec2(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpcreater0()

void alglib::mlpcreater0 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  a,
const double  b,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 2984 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2985 {
2986  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2987  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2988  try
2989  {
2990  alglib_impl::mlpcreater0(nin, nout, a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2991  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2992  return;
2993  }
2995  {
2996  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2997  }
2998 }
void mlpcreater0(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ mlpcreater1()

void alglib::mlpcreater1 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  a,
const double  b,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 3006 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3007 {
3008  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3009  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3010  try
3011  {
3012  alglib_impl::mlpcreater1(nin, nhid, nout, a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3013  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3014  return;
3015  }
3017  {
3018  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3019  }
3020 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a
void mlpcreater1(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpcreater2()

void alglib::mlpcreater2 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid1,
const ae_int_t  nhid2,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  a,
const double  b,
multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 3028 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3029 {
3030  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3031  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3032  try
3033  {
3034  alglib_impl::mlpcreater2(nin, nhid1, nhid2, nout, a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3035  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3036  return;
3037  }
3039  {
3040  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3041  }
3042 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpcreater2(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * a

◆ mlpcreatetrainer()

void alglib::mlpcreatetrainer ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nout,
mlptrainer s 

Definition at line 8753 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8754 {
8755  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8756  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8757  try
8758  {
8759  alglib_impl::mlpcreatetrainer(nin, nout, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8760  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8761  return;
8762  }
8764  {
8765  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8766  }
8767 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpcreatetrainer(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, mlptrainer *s, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpcreatetrainercls()

void alglib::mlpcreatetrainercls ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nclasses,
mlptrainer s 

Definition at line 8784 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8785 {
8786  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8787  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8788  try
8789  {
8790  alglib_impl::mlpcreatetrainercls(nin, nclasses, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8791  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8792  return;
8793  }
8795  {
8796  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8797  }
8798 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpcreatetrainercls(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nclasses, mlptrainer *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpeavgce()

double alglib::mlpeavgce ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 8045 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8046 {
8047  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8048  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8049  try
8050  {
8051  double result = alglib_impl::mlpeavgce(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
8052  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8053  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
8054  }
8056  {
8057  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8058  }
8059 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlpeavgce(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpeavgerror()

double alglib::mlpeavgerror ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 8108 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8109 {
8110  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8111  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8112  try
8113  {
8114  double result = alglib_impl::mlpeavgerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
8115  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8116  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
8117  }
8119  {
8120  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8121  }
8122 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlpeavgerror(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpeavgrelerror()

double alglib::mlpeavgrelerror ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 8139 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8140 {
8141  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8142  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8143  try
8144  {
8145  double result = alglib_impl::mlpeavgrelerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
8146  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8147  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
8148  }
8150  {
8151  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8152  }
8153 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlpeavgrelerror(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpebagginglbfgs()

void alglib::mlpebagginglbfgs ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const double  decay,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
const double  wstep,
const ae_int_t  maxits,
ae_int_t info,
mlpreport rep,
mlpcvreport ooberrors 

Definition at line 9364 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9365 {
9366  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9367  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9368  try
9369  {
9370  alglib_impl::mlpebagginglbfgs(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, decay, restarts, wstep, maxits, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpcvreport*>(ooberrors.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9371  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9372  return;
9373  }
9375  {
9376  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9377  }
9378 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpebagginglbfgs(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t *info, mlpreport *rep, mlpcvreport *ooberrors, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpebagginglm()

void alglib::mlpebagginglm ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const double  decay,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
ae_int_t info,
mlpreport rep,
mlpcvreport ooberrors 

Definition at line 9320 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9321 {
9322  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9323  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9324  try
9325  {
9326  alglib_impl::mlpebagginglm(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, decay, restarts, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpcvreport*>(ooberrors.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9327  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9328  return;
9329  }
9331  {
9332  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9333  }
9334 }
void mlpebagginglm(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t *info, mlpreport *rep, mlpcvreport *ooberrors, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpecreate0()

void alglib::mlpecreate0 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7590 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7591 {
7592  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7593  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7594  try
7595  {
7596  alglib_impl::mlpecreate0(nin, nout, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7597  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7598  return;
7599  }
7601  {
7602  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7603  }
7604 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpecreate0(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpecreate1()

void alglib::mlpecreate1 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7612 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7613 {
7614  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7615  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7616  try
7617  {
7618  alglib_impl::mlpecreate1(nin, nhid, nout, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7619  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7620  return;
7621  }
7623  {
7624  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7625  }
7626 }
void mlpecreate1(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpecreate2()

void alglib::mlpecreate2 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid1,
const ae_int_t  nhid2,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7634 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7635 {
7636  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7637  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7638  try
7639  {
7640  alglib_impl::mlpecreate2(nin, nhid1, nhid2, nout, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7641  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7642  return;
7643  }
7645  {
7646  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7647  }
7648 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpecreate2(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpecreateb0()

void alglib::mlpecreateb0 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  b,
const double  d,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7656 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7657 {
7658  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7659  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7660  try
7661  {
7662  alglib_impl::mlpecreateb0(nin, nout, b, d, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7663  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7664  return;
7665  }
7667  {
7668  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7669  }
7670 }
void mlpecreateb0(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpecreateb1()

void alglib::mlpecreateb1 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  b,
const double  d,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7678 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7679 {
7680  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7681  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7682  try
7683  {
7684  alglib_impl::mlpecreateb1(nin, nhid, nout, b, d, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7685  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7686  return;
7687  }
7689  {
7690  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7691  }
7692 }
void mlpecreateb1(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpecreateb2()

void alglib::mlpecreateb2 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid1,
const ae_int_t  nhid2,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  b,
const double  d,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7700 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7701 {
7702  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7703  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7704  try
7705  {
7706  alglib_impl::mlpecreateb2(nin, nhid1, nhid2, nout, b, d, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7707  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7708  return;
7709  }
7711  {
7712  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7713  }
7714 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
void mlpecreateb2(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpecreatec0()

void alglib::mlpecreatec0 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7788 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7789 {
7790  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7791  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7792  try
7793  {
7794  alglib_impl::mlpecreatec0(nin, nout, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7795  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7796  return;
7797  }
7799  {
7800  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7801  }
7802 }
void mlpecreatec0(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpecreatec1()

void alglib::mlpecreatec1 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7810 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7811 {
7812  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7813  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7814  try
7815  {
7816  alglib_impl::mlpecreatec1(nin, nhid, nout, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7817  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7818  return;
7819  }
7821  {
7822  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7823  }
7824 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpecreatec1(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpecreatec2()

void alglib::mlpecreatec2 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid1,
const ae_int_t  nhid2,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7832 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7833 {
7834  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7835  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7836  try
7837  {
7838  alglib_impl::mlpecreatec2(nin, nhid1, nhid2, nout, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7839  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7840  return;
7841  }
7843  {
7844  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7845  }
7846 }
void mlpecreatec2(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpecreatefromnetwork()

void alglib::mlpecreatefromnetwork ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7854 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7855 {
7856  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7857  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7858  try
7859  {
7860  alglib_impl::mlpecreatefromnetwork(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7861  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7862  return;
7863  }
7865  {
7866  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7867  }
7868 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpecreatefromnetwork(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpecreater0()

void alglib::mlpecreater0 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  a,
const double  b,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7722 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7723 {
7724  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7725  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7726  try
7727  {
7728  alglib_impl::mlpecreater0(nin, nout, a, b, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7729  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7730  return;
7731  }
7733  {
7734  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7735  }
7736 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpecreater0(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ mlpecreater1()

void alglib::mlpecreater1 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  a,
const double  b,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7744 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7745 {
7746  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7747  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7748  try
7749  {
7750  alglib_impl::mlpecreater1(nin, nhid, nout, a, b, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7751  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7752  return;
7753  }
7755  {
7756  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7757  }
7758 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpecreater1(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ mlpecreater2()

void alglib::mlpecreater2 ( const ae_int_t  nin,
const ae_int_t  nhid1,
const ae_int_t  nhid2,
const ae_int_t  nout,
const double  a,
const double  b,
const ae_int_t  ensemblesize,
mlpensemble ensemble 

Definition at line 7766 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7767 {
7768  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7769  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7770  try
7771  {
7772  alglib_impl::mlpecreater2(nin, nhid1, nhid2, nout, a, b, ensemblesize, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7773  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7774  return;
7775  }
7777  {
7778  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7779  }
7780 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpecreater2(ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * a

◆ mlpeissoftmax()

bool alglib::mlpeissoftmax ( const mlpensemble ensemble)

Definition at line 7920 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7921 {
7922  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7923  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7924  try
7925  {
7926  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::mlpeissoftmax(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7927  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7928  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
7929  }
7931  {
7932  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7933  }
7934 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool mlpeissoftmax(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpeprocess()

void alglib::mlpeprocess ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 7954 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7955 {
7956  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7957  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7958  try
7959  {
7960  alglib_impl::mlpeprocess(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7961  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7962  return;
7963  }
7965  {
7966  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7967  }
7968 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlpeprocess(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpeprocessi()

void alglib::mlpeprocessi ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 7982 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7983 {
7984  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7985  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7986  try
7987  {
7988  alglib_impl::mlpeprocessi(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7989  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7990  return;
7991  }
7993  {
7994  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7995  }
7996 }
static double * y
void mlpeprocessi(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpeproperties()

void alglib::mlpeproperties ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
ae_int_t nin,
ae_int_t nout 

Definition at line 7898 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7899 {
7900  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7901  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7902  try
7903  {
7904  alglib_impl::mlpeproperties(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &nin, &nout, &_alglib_env_state);
7905  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7906  return;
7907  }
7909  {
7910  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7911  }
7912 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpeproperties(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_int_t *nin, ae_int_t *nout, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlperandomize()

void alglib::mlperandomize ( const mlpensemble ensemble)

Definition at line 7876 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7877 {
7878  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7879  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7880  try
7881  {
7882  alglib_impl::mlperandomize(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7883  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7884  return;
7885  }
7887  {
7888  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7889  }
7890 }
void mlperandomize(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlperelclserror()

double alglib::mlperelclserror ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 8014 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8015 {
8016  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8017  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8018  try
8019  {
8020  double result = alglib_impl::mlperelclserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
8021  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8022  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
8023  }
8025  {
8026  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8027  }
8028 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlperelclserror(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpermserror()

double alglib::mlpermserror ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 8077 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8078 {
8079  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8080  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8081  try
8082  {
8083  double result = alglib_impl::mlpermserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
8084  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8085  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
8086  }
8088  {
8089  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8090  }
8091 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlpermserror(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlperror()

double alglib::mlperror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 3764 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3765 {
3766  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3767  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3768  try
3769  {
3770  double result = alglib_impl::mlperror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
3771  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3772  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3773  }
3775  {
3776  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3777  }
3778 }
double mlperror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlperrorn()

double alglib::mlperrorn ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  ssize 

Definition at line 3904 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3905 {
3906  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3907  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3908  try
3909  {
3910  double result = alglib_impl::mlperrorn(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), ssize, &_alglib_env_state);
3911  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3912  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3913  }
3915  {
3916  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3917  }
3918 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlperrorn(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t ssize, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlperrorsparse()

double alglib::mlperrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 3862 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3863 {
3864  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3865  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3866  try
3867  {
3868  double result = alglib_impl::mlperrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
3869  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3870  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3871  }
3873  {
3874  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3875  }
3876 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double mlperrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlperrorsparsesubset()

double alglib::mlperrorsparsesubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array subset,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize 

Definition at line 5854 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5855 {
5856  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5857  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5858  try
5859  {
5860  double result = alglib_impl::mlperrorsparsesubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(subset.c_ptr()), subsetsize, &_alglib_env_state);
5861  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5862  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
5863  }
5865  {
5866  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5867  }
5868 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double mlperrorsparsesubset(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *subset, ae_int_t subsetsize, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlperrorsubset()

double alglib::mlperrorsubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array subset,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize 

Definition at line 5753 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5754 {
5755  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5756  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5757  try
5758  {
5759  double result = alglib_impl::mlperrorsubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(subset.c_ptr()), subsetsize, &_alglib_env_state);
5760  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5761  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
5762  }
5764  {
5765  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5766  }
5767 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlperrorsubset(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *subset, ae_int_t subsetsize, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpeserialize()

void alglib::mlpeserialize ( mlpensemble obj,
std::string &  s_out 

Definition at line 7532 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7533 {
7534  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
7535  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
7536  alglib_impl::ae_int_t ssize;
7539  try
7540  {
7541  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
7543  alglib_impl::mlpealloc(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
7544  ssize = alglib_impl::ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(&serializer);
7545  s_out.clear();
7546  s_out.reserve((size_t)(ssize+1));
7547  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_sstart_str(&serializer, &s_out);
7548  alglib_impl::mlpeserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
7549  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
7550  if( s_out.length()>(size_t)ssize )
7551  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: serialization integrity error");
7552  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_clear(&serializer);
7554  }
7556  {
7557  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
7558  }
7559 }
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
void mlpealloc(ae_serializer *s, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3416
void ae_serializer_sstart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3447
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlpeserialize(ae_serializer *s, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void ae_serializer_alloc_start(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3404
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void(* obj)()

◆ mlpetraines()

void alglib::mlpetraines ( const mlpensemble ensemble,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const double  decay,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
ae_int_t info,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 9404 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9405 {
9406  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9407  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9408  try
9409  {
9410  alglib_impl::mlpetraines(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, decay, restarts, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9411  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9412  return;
9413  }
9415  {
9416  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9417  }
9418 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpetraines(mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t *info, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpeunserialize()

void alglib::mlpeunserialize ( std::string &  s_in,
mlpensemble obj 

Definition at line 7563 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

7564 {
7565  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
7566  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
7569  try
7570  {
7571  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
7572  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_ustart_str(&serializer, &s_in);
7573  alglib_impl::mlpeunserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
7574  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
7575  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_clear(&serializer);
7577  }
7579  {
7580  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
7581  }
7582 }
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
void ae_serializer_ustart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, const std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3457
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpeunserialize(ae_serializer *s, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_state *_state)
void(* obj)()

◆ mlpgetinputscaling()

void alglib::mlpgetinputscaling ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  i,
double &  mean,
double &  sigma 

Definition at line 3338 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3339 {
3340  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3341  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3342  try
3343  {
3344  alglib_impl::mlpgetinputscaling(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), i, &mean, &sigma, &_alglib_env_state);
3345  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3346  return;
3347  }
3349  {
3350  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3351  }
3352 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
void mlpgetinputscaling(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t i, double *mean, double *sigma, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpgetinputscount()

ae_int_t alglib::mlpgetinputscount ( const multilayerperceptron network)

Definition at line 3186 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3187 {
3188  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3189  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3190  try
3191  {
3192  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::mlpgetinputscount(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3193  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3194  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
3195  }
3197  {
3198  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3199  }
3200 }
ae_int_t mlpgetinputscount(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ mlpgetlayerscount()

ae_int_t alglib::mlpgetlayerscount ( const multilayerperceptron network)

Definition at line 3275 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3276 {
3277  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3278  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3279  try
3280  {
3281  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::mlpgetlayerscount(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3282  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3283  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
3284  }
3286  {
3287  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3288  }
3289 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_int_t mlpgetlayerscount(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ mlpgetlayersize()

ae_int_t alglib::mlpgetlayersize ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  k 

Definition at line 3303 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3304 {
3305  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3306  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3307  try
3308  {
3309  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::mlpgetlayersize(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), k, &_alglib_env_state);
3310  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3311  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
3312  }
3314  {
3315  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3316  }
3317 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
ae_int_t mlpgetlayersize(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t k, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpgetneuroninfo()

void alglib::mlpgetneuroninfo ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  i,
ae_int_t fkind,
double &  threshold 

Definition at line 3410 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3411 {
3412  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3413  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3414  try
3415  {
3416  alglib_impl::mlpgetneuroninfo(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), k, i, &fkind, &threshold, &_alglib_env_state);
3417  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3418  return;
3419  }
3421  {
3422  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3423  }
3424 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void threshold(double *phi, unsigned long nvox, double limit)
Definition: lib_vwk.cpp:524
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlpgetneuroninfo(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t *fkind, double *threshold, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpgetoutputscaling()

void alglib::mlpgetoutputscaling ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  i,
double &  mean,
double &  sigma 

Definition at line 3374 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3375 {
3376  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3377  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3378  try
3379  {
3380  alglib_impl::mlpgetoutputscaling(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), i, &mean, &sigma, &_alglib_env_state);
3381  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3382  return;
3383  }
3385  {
3386  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3387  }
3388 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
void mlpgetoutputscaling(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t i, double *mean, double *sigma, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpgetoutputscount()

ae_int_t alglib::mlpgetoutputscount ( const multilayerperceptron network)

Definition at line 3208 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3209 {
3210  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3211  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3212  try
3213  {
3214  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::mlpgetoutputscount(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3215  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3216  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
3217  }
3219  {
3220  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3221  }
3222 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
ae_int_t mlpgetoutputscount(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpgetweight()

double alglib::mlpgetweight ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  k0,
const ae_int_t  i0,
const ae_int_t  k1,
const ae_int_t  i1 

Definition at line 3447 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3448 {
3449  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3450  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3451  try
3452  {
3453  double result = alglib_impl::mlpgetweight(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), k0, i0, k1, i1, &_alglib_env_state);
3454  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3455  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3456  }
3458  {
3459  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3460  }
3461 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlpgetweight(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t k0, ae_int_t i0, ae_int_t k1, ae_int_t i1, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpgetweightscount()

ae_int_t alglib::mlpgetweightscount ( const multilayerperceptron network)

Definition at line 3230 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3231 {
3232  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3233  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3234  try
3235  {
3236  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::mlpgetweightscount(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3237  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3238  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
3239  }
3241  {
3242  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3243  }
3244 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
ae_int_t mlpgetweightscount(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpgrad()

void alglib::mlpgrad ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array desiredy,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5005 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5006 {
5007  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5008  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5009  try
5010  {
5011  alglib_impl::mlpgrad(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(desiredy.c_ptr()), &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5012  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5013  return;
5014  }
5016  {
5017  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5018  }
5019 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void mlpgrad(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *desiredy, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpgradbatch()

void alglib::mlpgradbatch ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  ssize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5109 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5110 {
5111  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5112  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5113  try
5114  {
5115  alglib_impl::mlpgradbatch(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), ssize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5116  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5117  return;
5118  }
5120  {
5121  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5122  }
5123 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpgradbatch(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t ssize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpgradbatchsparse()

void alglib::mlpgradbatchsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  ssize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5196 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5197 {
5198  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5199  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5200  try
5201  {
5202  alglib_impl::mlpgradbatchsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), ssize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5203  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5204  return;
5205  }
5207  {
5208  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5209  }
5210 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpgradbatchsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t ssize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpgradbatchsparsesubset()

void alglib::mlpgradbatchsparsesubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array idx,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5399 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5400 {
5401  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5402  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5403  try
5404  {
5405  alglib_impl::mlpgradbatchsparsesubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(idx.c_ptr()), subsetsize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5406  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5407  return;
5408  }
5410  {
5411  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5412  }
5413 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpgradbatchsparsesubset(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *idx, ae_int_t subsetsize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpgradbatchsubset()

void alglib::mlpgradbatchsubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array idx,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5295 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5296 {
5297  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5298  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5299  try
5300  {
5301  alglib_impl::mlpgradbatchsubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(idx.c_ptr()), subsetsize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5302  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5303  return;
5304  }
5306  {
5307  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5308  }
5309 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlpgradbatchsubset(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *idx, ae_int_t subsetsize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpgradn()

void alglib::mlpgradn ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array desiredy,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5041 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5042 {
5043  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5044  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5045  try
5046  {
5047  alglib_impl::mlpgradn(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(desiredy.c_ptr()), &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5048  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5049  return;
5050  }
5052  {
5053  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5054  }
5055 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void mlpgradn(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *desiredy, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpgradnbatch()

void alglib::mlpgradnbatch ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  ssize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5455 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5456 {
5457  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5458  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5459  try
5460  {
5461  alglib_impl::mlpgradnbatch(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), ssize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5462  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5463  return;
5464  }
5466  {
5467  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5468  }
5469 }
void mlpgradnbatch(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t ssize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlphessianbatch()

void alglib::mlphessianbatch ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  ssize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad,
real_2d_array h 

Definition at line 5511 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5512 {
5513  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5514  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5515  try
5516  {
5517  alglib_impl::mlphessianbatch(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), ssize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(h.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5518  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5519  return;
5520  }
5522  {
5523  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5524  }
5525 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlphessianbatch(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t ssize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_matrix *h, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlphessiannbatch()

void alglib::mlphessiannbatch ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  ssize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad,
real_2d_array h 

Definition at line 5483 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5484 {
5485  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5486  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5487  try
5488  {
5489  alglib_impl::mlphessiannbatch(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), ssize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(h.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5490  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5491  return;
5492  }
5494  {
5495  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5496  }
5497 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlphessiannbatch(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t ssize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_matrix *h, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpissoftmax()

bool alglib::mlpissoftmax ( const multilayerperceptron network)

Definition at line 3252 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3253 {
3254  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3255  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3256  try
3257  {
3258  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::mlpissoftmax(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3259  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3260  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
3261  }
3263  {
3264  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3265  }
3266 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
ae_bool mlpissoftmax(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpkfoldcv()

void alglib::mlpkfoldcv ( const mlptrainer s,
const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  nrestarts,
const ae_int_t  foldscount,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 8705 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8706 {
8707  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8708  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8709  try
8710  {
8711  alglib_impl::mlpkfoldcv(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), nrestarts, foldscount, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8712  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8713  return;
8714  }
8716  {
8717  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8718  }
8719 }
void mlpkfoldcv(mlptrainer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t nrestarts, ae_int_t foldscount, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpkfoldcvlbfgs()

void alglib::mlpkfoldcvlbfgs ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const double  decay,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
const double  wstep,
const ae_int_t  maxits,
const ae_int_t  foldscount,
ae_int_t info,
mlpreport rep,
mlpcvreport cvrep 

Definition at line 8566 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8567 {
8568  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8569  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8570  try
8571  {
8572  alglib_impl::mlpkfoldcvlbfgs(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, decay, restarts, wstep, maxits, foldscount, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpcvreport*>(cvrep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8573  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8574  return;
8575  }
8577  {
8578  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8579  }
8580 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlpkfoldcvlbfgs(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t foldscount, ae_int_t *info, mlpreport *rep, mlpcvreport *cvrep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpkfoldcvlm()

void alglib::mlpkfoldcvlm ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const double  decay,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
const ae_int_t  foldscount,
ae_int_t info,
mlpreport rep,
mlpcvreport cvrep 

Definition at line 8609 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8610 {
8611  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8612  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8613  try
8614  {
8615  alglib_impl::mlpkfoldcvlm(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, decay, restarts, foldscount, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpcvreport*>(cvrep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8616  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8617  return;
8618  }
8620  {
8621  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8622  }
8623 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpkfoldcvlm(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t foldscount, ae_int_t *info, mlpreport *rep, mlpcvreport *cvrep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpprocess()

void alglib::mlpprocess ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 3659 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3660 {
3661  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3662  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3663  try
3664  {
3665  alglib_impl::mlpprocess(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3666  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3667  return;
3668  }
3670  {
3671  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3672  }
3673 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpprocess(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpprocessi()

void alglib::mlpprocessi ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 3687 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3688 {
3689  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3690  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3691  try
3692  {
3693  alglib_impl::mlpprocessi(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3694  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3695  return;
3696  }
3698  {
3699  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3700  }
3701 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlpprocessi(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpproperties()

void alglib::mlpproperties ( const multilayerperceptron network,
ae_int_t nin,
ae_int_t nout,
ae_int_t wcount 

Definition at line 3164 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3165 {
3166  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3167  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3168  try
3169  {
3170  alglib_impl::mlpproperties(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &nin, &nout, &wcount, &_alglib_env_state);
3171  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3172  return;
3173  }
3175  {
3176  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3177  }
3178 }
void mlpproperties(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t *nin, ae_int_t *nout, ae_int_t *wcount, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlprandomize()

void alglib::mlprandomize ( const multilayerperceptron network)

Definition at line 3119 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3120 {
3121  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3122  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3123  try
3124  {
3125  alglib_impl::mlprandomize(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3126  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3127  return;
3128  }
3130  {
3131  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3132  }
3133 }
void mlprandomize(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlprandomizefull()

void alglib::mlprandomizefull ( const multilayerperceptron network)

Definition at line 3141 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3142 {
3143  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3144  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3145  try
3146  {
3147  alglib_impl::mlprandomizefull(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3148  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3149  return;
3150  }
3152  {
3153  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3154  }
3155 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlprandomizefull(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlprelclserror()

double alglib::mlprelclserror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4076 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4077 {
4078  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4079  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4080  try
4081  {
4082  double result = alglib_impl::mlprelclserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4083  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4084  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4085  }
4087  {
4088  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4089  }
4090 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlprelclserror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlprelclserrorsparse()

double alglib::mlprelclserrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4172 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4173 {
4174  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4175  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4176  try
4177  {
4178  double result = alglib_impl::mlprelclserrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4179  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4180  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4181  }
4183  {
4184  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4185  }
4186 }
double mlprelclserrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlprmserror()

double alglib::mlprmserror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4463 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4464 {
4465  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4466  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4467  try
4468  {
4469  double result = alglib_impl::mlprmserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4470  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4471  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4472  }
4474  {
4475  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4476  }
4477 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mlprmserror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlprmserrorsparse()

double alglib::mlprmserrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4563 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4564 {
4565  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4566  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4567  try
4568  {
4569  double result = alglib_impl::mlprmserrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4570  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4571  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4572  }
4574  {
4575  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4576  }
4577 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double mlprmserrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpserialize()

void alglib::mlpserialize ( multilayerperceptron obj,
std::string &  s_out 

Definition at line 2776 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2777 {
2778  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
2779  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
2780  alglib_impl::ae_int_t ssize;
2783  try
2784  {
2785  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
2787  alglib_impl::mlpalloc(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
2788  ssize = alglib_impl::ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(&serializer);
2789  s_out.clear();
2790  s_out.reserve((size_t)(ssize+1));
2791  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_sstart_str(&serializer, &s_out);
2792  alglib_impl::mlpserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
2793  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
2794  if( s_out.length()>(size_t)ssize )
2795  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: serialization integrity error");
2796  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_clear(&serializer);
2798  }
2800  {
2801  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
2802  }
2803 }
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
void mlpserialize(ae_serializer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
ae_int_t ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3416
void ae_serializer_sstart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3447
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void ae_serializer_alloc_start(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3404
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void(* obj)()
void mlpalloc(ae_serializer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpsetalgobatch()

void alglib::mlpsetalgobatch ( const mlptrainer s)

Definition at line 8992 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8993 {
8994  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8995  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8996  try
8997  {
8998  alglib_impl::mlpsetalgobatch(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8999  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9000  return;
9001  }
9003  {
9004  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9005  }
9006 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpsetalgobatch(mlptrainer *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpsetcond()

void alglib::mlpsetcond ( const mlptrainer s,
const double  wstep,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 8959 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8960 {
8961  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8962  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8963  try
8964  {
8965  alglib_impl::mlpsetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), wstep, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
8966  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8967  return;
8968  }
8970  {
8971  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8972  }
8973 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpsetcond(mlptrainer *s, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpsetdataset()

void alglib::mlpsetdataset ( const mlptrainer s,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 8834 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8835 {
8836  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8837  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8838  try
8839  {
8840  alglib_impl::mlpsetdataset(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
8841  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8842  return;
8843  }
8845  {
8846  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8847  }
8848 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpsetdataset(mlptrainer *s, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpsetdecay()

void alglib::mlpsetdecay ( const mlptrainer s,
const double  decay 

Definition at line 8917 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8918 {
8919  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8920  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8921  try
8922  {
8923  alglib_impl::mlpsetdecay(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), decay, &_alglib_env_state);
8924  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8925  return;
8926  }
8928  {
8929  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8930  }
8931 }
void mlpsetdecay(mlptrainer *s, double decay, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpsetinputscaling()

void alglib::mlpsetinputscaling ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  i,
const double  mean,
const double  sigma 

Definition at line 3480 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3481 {
3482  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3483  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3484  try
3485  {
3486  alglib_impl::mlpsetinputscaling(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), i, mean, sigma, &_alglib_env_state);
3487  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3488  return;
3489  }
3491  {
3492  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3493  }
3494 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpsetinputscaling(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t i, double mean, double sigma, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpsetneuroninfo()

void alglib::mlpsetneuroninfo ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  i,
const ae_int_t  fkind,
const double  threshold 

Definition at line 3559 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3560 {
3561  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3562  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3563  try
3564  {
3565  alglib_impl::mlpsetneuroninfo(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), k, i, fkind, threshold, &_alglib_env_state);
3566  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3567  return;
3568  }
3570  {
3571  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3572  }
3573 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void threshold(double *phi, unsigned long nvox, double limit)
Definition: lib_vwk.cpp:524
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlpsetneuroninfo(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t fkind, double threshold, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpsetoutputscaling()

void alglib::mlpsetoutputscaling ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  i,
const double  mean,
const double  sigma 

Definition at line 3517 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3518 {
3519  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3520  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3521  try
3522  {
3523  alglib_impl::mlpsetoutputscaling(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), i, mean, sigma, &_alglib_env_state);
3524  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3525  return;
3526  }
3528  {
3529  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3530  }
3531 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpsetoutputscaling(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t i, double mean, double sigma, ae_state *_state)
#define i
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpsetsparsedataset()

void alglib::mlpsetsparsedataset ( const mlptrainer s,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 8885 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8886 {
8887  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8888  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8889  try
8890  {
8891  alglib_impl::mlpsetsparsedataset(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
8892  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8893  return;
8894  }
8896  {
8897  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8898  }
8899 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlpsetsparsedataset(mlptrainer *s, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlpsetweight()

void alglib::mlpsetweight ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  k0,
const ae_int_t  i0,
const ae_int_t  k1,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const double  w 

Definition at line 3596 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3597 {
3598  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3599  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3600  try
3601  {
3602  alglib_impl::mlpsetweight(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), k0, i0, k1, i1, w, &_alglib_env_state);
3603  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3604  return;
3605  }
3607  {
3608  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3609  }
3610 }
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlpsetweight(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t k0, ae_int_t i0, ae_int_t k1, ae_int_t i1, double w, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpstarttraining()

void alglib::mlpstarttraining ( const mlptrainer s,
const multilayerperceptron network,
const bool  randomstart 

Definition at line 9155 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9156 {
9157  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9158  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9159  try
9160  {
9161  alglib_impl::mlpstarttraining(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), randomstart, &_alglib_env_state);
9162  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9163  return;
9164  }
9166  {
9167  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9168  }
9169 }
void mlpstarttraining(mlptrainer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_bool randomstart, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlptrainensemblees()

void alglib::mlptrainensemblees ( const mlptrainer s,
const mlpensemble ensemble,
const ae_int_t  nrestarts,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 9485 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9486 {
9487  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9488  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9489  try
9490  {
9491  alglib_impl::mlptrainensemblees(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), nrestarts, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9492  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9493  return;
9494  }
9496  {
9497  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9498  }
9499 }
void mlptrainensemblees(mlptrainer *s, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_int_t nrestarts, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlptraines()

void alglib::mlptraines ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array trnxy,
const ae_int_t  trnsize,
const real_2d_array valxy,
const ae_int_t  valsize,
const double  decay,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
ae_int_t info,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 8521 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8522 {
8523  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8524  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8525  try
8526  {
8527  alglib_impl::mlptraines(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(trnxy.c_ptr()), trnsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(valxy.c_ptr()), valsize, decay, restarts, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8528  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8529  return;
8530  }
8532  {
8533  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8534  }
8535 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mlptraines(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *trnxy, ae_int_t trnsize, ae_matrix *valxy, ae_int_t valsize, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t *info, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ mlptrainlbfgs()

void alglib::mlptrainlbfgs ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const double  decay,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
const double  wstep,
const ae_int_t  maxits,
ae_int_t info,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 8455 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8456 {
8457  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8458  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8459  try
8460  {
8461  alglib_impl::mlptrainlbfgs(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, decay, restarts, wstep, maxits, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8462  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8463  return;
8464  }
8466  {
8467  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8468  }
8469 }
void mlptrainlbfgs(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t *info, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlptrainlm()

void alglib::mlptrainlm ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const double  decay,
const ae_int_t  restarts,
ae_int_t info,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 8402 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8403 {
8404  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8405  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8406  try
8407  {
8408  alglib_impl::mlptrainlm(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, decay, restarts, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8409  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8410  return;
8411  }
8413  {
8414  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8415  }
8416 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void mlptrainlm(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t *info, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlptrainnetwork()

void alglib::mlptrainnetwork ( const mlptrainer s,
const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  nrestarts,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 9070 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9071 {
9072  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9073  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9074  try
9075  {
9076  alglib_impl::mlptrainnetwork(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), nrestarts, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9077  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9078  return;
9079  }
9081  {
9082  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9083  }
9084 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mlptrainnetwork(mlptrainer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t nrestarts, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mlpunserialize()

void alglib::mlpunserialize ( std::string &  s_in,
multilayerperceptron obj 

Definition at line 2807 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

2808 {
2809  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
2810  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
2813  try
2814  {
2815  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
2816  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_ustart_str(&serializer, &s_in);
2817  alglib_impl::mlpunserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
2818  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
2819  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_clear(&serializer);
2821  }
2823  {
2824  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
2825  }
2826 }
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
void ae_serializer_ustart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, const std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3457
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
void mlpunserialize(ae_serializer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void(* obj)()

◆ mnlavgce()

double alglib::mnlavgce ( const logitmodel lm,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 6206 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6207 {
6208  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6209  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6210  try
6211  {
6212  double result = alglib_impl::mnlavgce(const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
6213  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6214  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6215  }
6217  {
6218  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6219  }
6220 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double mnlavgce(logitmodel *lm, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mnlavgerror()

double alglib::mnlavgerror ( const logitmodel lm,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 6296 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6297 {
6298  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6299  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6300  try
6301  {
6302  double result = alglib_impl::mnlavgerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
6303  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6304  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6305  }
6307  {
6308  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6309  }
6310 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mnlavgerror(logitmodel *lm, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mnlavgrelerror()

double alglib::mnlavgrelerror ( const logitmodel lm,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  ssize 

Definition at line 6326 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6327 {
6328  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6329  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6330  try
6331  {
6332  double result = alglib_impl::mnlavgrelerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), ssize, &_alglib_env_state);
6333  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6334  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6335  }
6337  {
6338  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6339  }
6340 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double mnlavgrelerror(logitmodel *lm, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t ssize, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mnlclserror()

ae_int_t alglib::mnlclserror ( const logitmodel lm,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 6348 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6349 {
6350  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6351  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6352  try
6353  {
6354  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::mnlclserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
6355  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6356  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
6357  }
6359  {
6360  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6361  }
6362 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
ae_int_t mnlclserror(logitmodel *lm, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ mnlpack()

void alglib::mnlpack ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
const ae_int_t  nclasses,
logitmodel lm 

Definition at line 6176 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6177 {
6178  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6179  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6180  try
6181  {
6182  alglib_impl::mnlpack(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), nvars, nclasses, const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6183  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6184  return;
6185  }
6187  {
6188  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6189  }
6190 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void mnlpack(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, logitmodel *lm, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * a

◆ mnlprocess()

void alglib::mnlprocess ( const logitmodel lm,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 6083 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6084 {
6085  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6086  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6087  try
6088  {
6089  alglib_impl::mnlprocess(const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6090  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6091  return;
6092  }
6094  {
6095  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6096  }
6097 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void mnlprocess(logitmodel *lm, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mnlprocessi()

void alglib::mnlprocessi ( const logitmodel lm,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 6111 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6112 {
6113  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6114  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6115  try
6116  {
6117  alglib_impl::mnlprocessi(const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6118  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6119  return;
6120  }
6122  {
6123  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6124  }
6125 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void mnlprocessi(logitmodel *lm, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mnlrelclserror()

double alglib::mnlrelclserror ( const logitmodel lm,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 6236 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6237 {
6238  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6239  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6240  try
6241  {
6242  double result = alglib_impl::mnlrelclserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
6243  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6244  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6245  }
6247  {
6248  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6249  }
6250 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double mnlrelclserror(logitmodel *lm, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ mnlrmserror()

double alglib::mnlrmserror ( const logitmodel lm,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 6266 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6267 {
6268  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6269  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6270  try
6271  {
6272  double result = alglib_impl::mnlrmserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
6273  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6274  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6275  }
6277  {
6278  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6279  }
6280 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double mnlrmserror(logitmodel *lm, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mnltrainh()

void alglib::mnltrainh ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
const ae_int_t  nclasses,
ae_int_t info,
logitmodel lm,
mnlreport rep 

Definition at line 6048 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6049 {
6050  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6051  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6052  try
6053  {
6054  alglib_impl::mnltrainh(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, nclasses, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mnlreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6055  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6056  return;
6057  }
6059  {
6060  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6061  }
6062 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void mnltrainh(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t *info, logitmodel *lm, mnlreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ mnlunpack()

void alglib::mnlunpack ( const logitmodel lm,
real_2d_array a,
ae_int_t nvars,
ae_int_t nclasses 

Definition at line 6145 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

6146 {
6147  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6148  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6149  try
6150  {
6151  alglib_impl::mnlunpack(const_cast<alglib_impl::logitmodel*>(lm.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &nvars, &nclasses, &_alglib_env_state);
6152  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6153  return;
6154  }
6156  {
6157  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6158  }
6159 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void mnlunpack(logitmodel *lm, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t *nvars, ae_int_t *nclasses, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ my_stricmp()

alglib::ae_int_t alglib::my_stricmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 

Definition at line 6794 of file ap.cpp.

6795 {
6796  int c1, c2;
6798  //
6799  // handle special cases
6800  //
6801  if(s1==NULL && s2!=NULL)
6802  return -1;
6803  if(s1!=NULL && s2==NULL)
6804  return +1;
6805  if(s1==NULL && s2==NULL)
6806  return 0;
6808  //
6809  // compare
6810  //
6811  for (;;)
6812  {
6813  c1 = *s1;
6814  c2 = *s2;
6815  s1++;
6816  s2++;
6817  if( c1==0 )
6818  return c2==0 ? 0 : -1;
6819  if( c2==0 )
6820  return c1==0 ? 0 : +1;
6821  c1 = tolower(c1);
6822  c2 = tolower(c2);
6823  if( c1<c2 )
6824  return -1;
6825  if( c1>c2 )
6826  return +1;
6827  }
6828 }

◆ nleqcreatelm() [1/2]

void alglib::nleqcreatelm ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
nleqstate state 

Definition at line 2208 of file solvers.cpp.

2209 {
2210  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2211  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2212  try
2213  {
2214  alglib_impl::nleqcreatelm(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2215  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2216  return;
2217  }
2219  {
2220  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2221  }
2222 }
void nleqcreatelm(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, nleqstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:7956
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ nleqcreatelm() [2/2]

void alglib::nleqcreatelm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array x,
nleqstate state 

Definition at line 2294 of file solvers.cpp.

2295 {
2296  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2297  ae_int_t n;
2299  n = x.length();
2300  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2301  try
2302  {
2303  alglib_impl::nleqcreatelm(n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2305  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2306  return;
2307  }
2309  {
2310  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2311  }
2312 }
void nleqcreatelm(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *x, nleqstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:7956
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ nleqiteration()

bool alglib::nleqiteration ( const nleqstate state)

Definition at line 2416 of file solvers.cpp.

2417 {
2418  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2419  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2420  try
2421  {
2422  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::nleqiteration(const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2423  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2424  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2425  }
2427  {
2428  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2429  }
2430 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool nleqiteration(nleqstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:8079
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ nleqrestartfrom()

void alglib::nleqrestartfrom ( const nleqstate state,
const real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 2562 of file solvers.cpp.

2563 {
2564  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2565  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2566  try
2567  {
2568  alglib_impl::nleqrestartfrom(const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2569  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2570  return;
2571  }
2573  {
2574  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2575  }
2576 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void nleqrestartfrom(nleqstate *state, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:8492
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ nleqresults()

void alglib::nleqresults ( const nleqstate state,
real_1d_array x,
nleqreport rep 

Definition at line 2502 of file solvers.cpp.

2503 {
2504  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2505  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2506  try
2507  {
2508  alglib_impl::nleqresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2509  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2510  return;
2511  }
2513  {
2514  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2515  }
2516 }
void nleqresults(nleqstate *state, ae_vector *x, nleqreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:8432
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ nleqresultsbuf()

void alglib::nleqresultsbuf ( const nleqstate state,
real_1d_array x,
nleqreport rep 

Definition at line 2529 of file solvers.cpp.

2530 {
2531  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2532  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2533  try
2534  {
2535  alglib_impl::nleqresultsbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2536  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2537  return;
2538  }
2540  {
2541  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2542  }
2543 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void nleqresultsbuf(nleqstate *state, ae_vector *x, nleqreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:8456
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ nleqsetcond()

void alglib::nleqsetcond ( const nleqstate state,
const double  epsf,
const ae_int_t  maxits 

Definition at line 2333 of file solvers.cpp.

2334 {
2335  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2336  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2337  try
2338  {
2339  alglib_impl::nleqsetcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqstate*>(state.c_ptr()), epsf, maxits, &_alglib_env_state);
2340  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2341  return;
2342  }
2344  {
2345  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2346  }
2347 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void nleqsetcond(nleqstate *state, double epsf, ae_int_t maxits, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:8007
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ nleqsetstpmax()

void alglib::nleqsetstpmax ( const nleqstate state,
const double  stpmax 

Definition at line 2395 of file solvers.cpp.

2396 {
2397  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2398  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2399  try
2400  {
2401  alglib_impl::nleqsetstpmax(const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqstate*>(state.c_ptr()), stpmax, &_alglib_env_state);
2402  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2403  return;
2404  }
2406  {
2407  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2408  }
2409 }
void nleqsetstpmax(nleqstate *state, double stpmax, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:8064
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ nleqsetxrep()

void alglib::nleqsetxrep ( const nleqstate state,
const bool  needxrep 

Definition at line 2362 of file solvers.cpp.

2363 {
2364  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2365  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2366  try
2367  {
2368  alglib_impl::nleqsetxrep(const_cast<alglib_impl::nleqstate*>(state.c_ptr()), needxrep, &_alglib_env_state);
2369  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2370  return;
2371  }
2373  {
2374  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2375  }
2376 }
void nleqsetxrep(nleqstate *state, ae_bool needxrep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:8039
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ nleqsolve()

void alglib::nleqsolve ( nleqstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr)  func,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr)  jac,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr)  rep,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 2433 of file solvers.cpp.

2438 {
2439  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2440  if( func==NULL )
2441  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'nleqsolve()' (func is NULL)");
2442  if( jac==NULL )
2443  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'nleqsolve()' (jac is NULL)");
2444  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2445  try
2446  {
2447  while( alglib_impl::nleqiteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
2448  {
2449  if( state.needf )
2450  {
2451  func(state.x, state.f, ptr);
2452  continue;
2453  }
2454  if( state.needfij )
2455  {
2456  jac(state.x, state.fi, state.j, ptr);
2457  continue;
2458  }
2459  if( state.xupdated )
2460  {
2461  if( rep!=NULL )
2462  rep(state.x, state.f, ptr);
2463  continue;
2464  }
2465  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'nleqsolve' (some derivatives were not provided?)");
2466  }
2467  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2468  }
2470  {
2471  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2472  }
2473 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool nleqiteration(nleqstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:8079
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ normaldistribution()

double alglib::normaldistribution ( const double  x)

Definition at line 239 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

240 {
241  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
242  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
243  try
244  {
245  double result = alglib_impl::normaldistribution(x, &_alglib_env_state);
246  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
247  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
248  }
250  {
251  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
252  }
253 }
double normaldistribution(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ normestimatorcreate()

void alglib::normestimatorcreate ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  nstart,
const ae_int_t  nits,
normestimatorstate state 

Definition at line 6152 of file linalg.cpp.

6153 {
6154  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6155  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6156  try
6157  {
6158  alglib_impl::normestimatorcreate(m, n, nstart, nits, const_cast<alglib_impl::normestimatorstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6159  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6160  return;
6161  }
6163  {
6164  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6165  }
6166 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void normestimatorcreate(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nstart, ae_int_t nits, normestimatorstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32220
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ normestimatorestimatesparse()

void alglib::normestimatorestimatesparse ( const normestimatorstate state,
const sparsematrix a 

Definition at line 6216 of file linalg.cpp.

6217 {
6218  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6219  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6220  try
6221  {
6222  alglib_impl::normestimatorestimatesparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::normestimatorstate*>(state.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6223  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6224  return;
6225  }
6227  {
6228  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6229  }
6230 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a
void normestimatorestimatesparse(normestimatorstate *state, sparsematrix *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32476

◆ normestimatorresults()

void alglib::normestimatorresults ( const normestimatorstate state,
double &  nrm 

Definition at line 6244 of file linalg.cpp.

6245 {
6246  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6247  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6248  try
6249  {
6250  alglib_impl::normestimatorresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::normestimatorstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &nrm, &_alglib_env_state);
6251  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6252  return;
6253  }
6255  {
6256  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6257  }
6258 }
void normestimatorresults(normestimatorstate *state, double *nrm, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32511
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ normestimatorsetseed()

void alglib::normestimatorsetseed ( const normestimatorstate state,
const ae_int_t  seedval 

Definition at line 6185 of file linalg.cpp.

6186 {
6187  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6188  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6189  try
6190  {
6191  alglib_impl::normestimatorsetseed(const_cast<alglib_impl::normestimatorstate*>(state.c_ptr()), seedval, &_alglib_env_state);
6192  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6193  return;
6194  }
6196  {
6197  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6198  }
6199 }
void normestimatorsetseed(normestimatorstate *state, ae_int_t seedval, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32270
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ odesolveriteration()

bool alglib::odesolveriteration ( const odesolverstate state)

Definition at line 310 of file diffequations.cpp.

311 {
312  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
313  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
314  try
315  {
316  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::odesolveriteration(const_cast<alglib_impl::odesolverstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
317  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
318  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
319  }
321  {
322  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
323  }
324 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool odesolveriteration(odesolverstate *state, ae_state *_state)
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ odesolverresults()

void alglib::odesolverresults ( const odesolverstate state,
ae_int_t m,
real_1d_array xtbl,
real_2d_array ytbl,
odesolverreport rep 

Definition at line 378 of file diffequations.cpp.

379 {
380  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
381  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
382  try
383  {
384  alglib_impl::odesolverresults(const_cast<alglib_impl::odesolverstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xtbl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(ytbl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::odesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
385  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
386  return;
387  }
389  {
390  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
391  }
392 }
void odesolverresults(odesolverstate *state, ae_int_t *m, ae_vector *xtbl, ae_matrix *ytbl, odesolverreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ odesolverrkck() [1/2]

void alglib::odesolverrkck ( const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  m,
const double  eps,
const double  h,
odesolverstate state 

Definition at line 220 of file diffequations.cpp.

221 {
222  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
223  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
224  try
225  {
226  alglib_impl::odesolverrkck(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), m, eps, h, const_cast<alglib_impl::odesolverstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
227  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
228  return;
229  }
231  {
232  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
233  }
234 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
cmache_1 eps
doublereal * x
void odesolverrkck(ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t m, double eps, double h, odesolverstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ odesolverrkck() [2/2]

void alglib::odesolverrkck ( const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array x,
const double  eps,
const double  h,
odesolverstate state 

Definition at line 283 of file diffequations.cpp.

284 {
285  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
286  ae_int_t n;
287  ae_int_t m;
289  n = y.length();
290  m = x.length();
291  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
292  try
293  {
294  alglib_impl::odesolverrkck(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), m, eps, h, const_cast<alglib_impl::odesolverstate*>(state.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
296  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
297  return;
298  }
300  {
301  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
302  }
303 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
cmache_1 eps
doublereal * x
void odesolverrkck(ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t m, double eps, double h, odesolverstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ odesolversolve()

void alglib::odesolversolve ( odesolverstate state,
void(*)(const real_1d_array &y, double x, real_1d_array &dy, void *ptr)  diff,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 327 of file diffequations.cpp.

329  {
330  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
331  if( diff==NULL )
332  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: error in 'odesolversolve()' (diff is NULL)");
333  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
334  try
335  {
336  while( alglib_impl::odesolveriteration(state.c_ptr(), &_alglib_env_state) )
337  {
338  if( state.needdy )
339  {
340  diff(state.y, state.x, state.dy, ptr);
341  continue;
342  }
343  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: unexpected error in 'odesolversolve'");
344  }
345  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
346  }
348  {
349  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
350  }
351 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool odesolveriteration(odesolverstate *state, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ onesamplesigntest()

void alglib::onesamplesigntest ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  median,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2295 of file statistics.cpp.

2296 {
2297  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2298  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2299  try
2300  {
2301  alglib_impl::onesamplesigntest(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, median, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2302  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2303  return;
2304  }
2306  {
2307  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2308  }
2309 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void median(MultidimArray< T > &x, MultidimArray< T > &y, T &m)
Definition: filters.h:1055
Definition: ap.h:201
void onesamplesigntest(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double median, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ onesamplevariancetest()

void alglib::onesamplevariancetest ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  variance,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2571 of file statistics.cpp.

2572 {
2573  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2574  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2575  try
2576  {
2577  alglib_impl::onesamplevariancetest(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, variance, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2578  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2579  return;
2580  }
2582  {
2583  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2584  }
2585 }
void onesamplevariancetest(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double variance, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ operator!=()

const bool alglib::operator!= ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4885 of file ap.cpp.

4886 { return !(lhs==rhs); }

◆ operator*() [1/3]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator* ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4912 of file ap.cpp.

4913 { return alglib::complex(lhs.x*rhs.x - lhs.y*rhs.y, lhs.x*rhs.y + lhs.y*rhs.x); }
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ operator*() [2/3]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator* ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const double &  rhs 

Definition at line 4915 of file ap.cpp.

4916 { return alglib::complex(lhs.x*rhs, lhs.y*rhs); }
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ operator*() [3/3]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator* ( const double &  lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4918 of file ap.cpp.

4919 { return alglib::complex(lhs*rhs.x, lhs*rhs.y); }
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ operator+() [1/4]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator+ ( const alglib::complex lhs)

Definition at line 4888 of file ap.cpp.

4889 { return lhs; }

◆ operator+() [2/4]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator+ ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4894 of file ap.cpp.

4895 { alglib::complex r = lhs; r += rhs; return r; }

◆ operator+() [3/4]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator+ ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const double &  rhs 

Definition at line 4897 of file ap.cpp.

4898 { alglib::complex r = lhs; r += rhs; return r; }

◆ operator+() [4/4]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator+ ( const double &  lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4900 of file ap.cpp.

4901 { alglib::complex r = rhs; r += lhs; return r; }

◆ operator-() [1/4]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator- ( const alglib::complex lhs)

Definition at line 4891 of file ap.cpp.

4892 { return alglib::complex(-lhs.x, -lhs.y); }
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ operator-() [2/4]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator- ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4903 of file ap.cpp.

4904 { alglib::complex r = lhs; r -= rhs; return r; }

◆ operator-() [3/4]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator- ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const double &  rhs 

Definition at line 4906 of file ap.cpp.

4907 { alglib::complex r = lhs; r -= rhs; return r; }

◆ operator-() [4/4]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator- ( const double &  lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4909 of file ap.cpp.

4910 { alglib::complex r = lhs; r -= rhs; return r; }

◆ operator/() [1/3]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator/ ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4921 of file ap.cpp.

4922 {
4923  alglib::complex result;
4924  double e;
4925  double f;
4926  if( fabs(rhs.y)<fabs(rhs.x) )
4927  {
4928  e = rhs.y/rhs.x;
4929  f = rhs.x+rhs.y*e;
4930  result.x = (lhs.x+lhs.y*e)/f;
4931  result.y = (lhs.y-lhs.x*e)/f;
4932  }
4933  else
4934  {
4935  e = rhs.x/rhs.y;
4936  f = rhs.y+rhs.x*e;
4937  result.x = (lhs.y+lhs.x*e)/f;
4938  result.y = (-lhs.x+lhs.y*e)/f;
4939  }
4940  return result;
4941 }
double * f
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ operator/() [2/3]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator/ ( const double &  lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4943 of file ap.cpp.

4944 {
4945  alglib::complex result;
4946  double e;
4947  double f;
4948  if( fabs(rhs.y)<fabs(rhs.x) )
4949  {
4950  e = rhs.y/rhs.x;
4951  f = rhs.x+rhs.y*e;
4952  result.x = lhs/f;
4953  result.y = -lhs*e/f;
4954  }
4955  else
4956  {
4957  e = rhs.x/rhs.y;
4958  f = rhs.y+rhs.x*e;
4959  result.x = lhs*e/f;
4960  result.y = -lhs/f;
4961  }
4962  return result;
4963 }
double * f
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ operator/() [3/3]

const alglib::complex alglib::operator/ ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const double &  rhs 

Definition at line 4965 of file ap.cpp.

4966 { return alglib::complex(lhs.x/rhs, lhs.y/rhs); }
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ operator==()

const bool alglib::operator== ( const alglib::complex lhs,
const alglib::complex rhs 

Definition at line 4876 of file ap.cpp.

4877 {
4878  volatile double x1 = lhs.x;
4879  volatile double x2 = rhs.x;
4880  volatile double y1 = lhs.y;
4881  volatile double y2 = rhs.y;
4882  return x1==x2 && y1==y2;
4883 }
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ parse_bool_delim()

ae_bool alglib::parse_bool_delim ( const char *  s,
const char *  delim 

Definition at line 6921 of file ap.cpp.

6922 {
6923  const char *p;
6924  char buf[8];
6926  // try to parse false
6927  p = "false";
6928  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
6929  strncpy(buf, s, strlen(p));
6930  if( my_stricmp(buf, p)==0 )
6931  {
6932  if( s[strlen(p)]==0 || strchr(delim,s[strlen(p)])==NULL )
6933  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
6934  return ae_false;
6935  }
6937  // try to parse true
6938  p = "true";
6939  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
6940  strncpy(buf, s, strlen(p));
6941  if( my_stricmp(buf, p)==0 )
6942  {
6943  if( s[strlen(p)]==0 || strchr(delim,s[strlen(p)])==NULL )
6944  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
6945  return ae_true;
6946  }
6948  // error
6949  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
6950 }
#define ae_false
Definition: ap.h:196
ae_int_t my_stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
Definition: ap.cpp:6794
#define ae_true
Definition: ap.h:195

◆ parse_complex_delim()

alglib::complex alglib::parse_complex_delim ( const char *  s,
const char *  delim 

Definition at line 7086 of file ap.cpp.

7087 {
7088  double d_result;
7089  const char *new_s;
7090  alglib::complex c_result;
7092  // parse as real value
7093  if( _parse_real_delim(s, delim, &d_result, &new_s) )
7094  return d_result;
7096  // parse as "a+bi" or "a-bi"
7097  if( _parse_real_delim(s, "+-", &c_result.x, &new_s) )
7098  {
7099  s = new_s;
7100  if( !_parse_real_delim(s, "i", &c_result.y, &new_s) )
7101  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
7102  s = new_s+1;
7103  if( *s==0 || strchr(delim,*s)==NULL )
7104  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
7105  return c_result;
7106  }
7108  // parse as complex value "bi+a" or "bi-a"
7109  if( _parse_real_delim(s, "i", &c_result.y, &new_s) )
7110  {
7111  s = new_s+1;
7112  if( *s==0 )
7113  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
7114  if( strchr(delim,*s)!=NULL )
7115  {
7116  c_result.x = 0;
7117  return c_result;
7118  }
7119  if( strchr("+-",*s)!=NULL )
7120  {
7121  if( !_parse_real_delim(s, delim, &c_result.x, &new_s) )
7122  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
7123  return c_result;
7124  }
7125  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
7126  }
7128  // error
7129  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
7130 }
bool _parse_real_delim(const char *s, const char *delim, double *result, const char **new_s)
Definition: ap.cpp:6984
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ parse_int_delim()

alglib::ae_int_t alglib::parse_int_delim ( const char *  s,
const char *  delim 

Definition at line 6952 of file ap.cpp.

6953 {
6954  const char *p;
6955  long long_val;
6956  volatile ae_int_t ae_val;
6958  p = s;
6960  //
6961  // check string structure:
6962  // * leading sign
6963  // * at least one digit
6964  // * delimiter
6965  //
6966  if( *s=='-' || *s=='+' )
6967  s++;
6968  if( *s==0 || strchr("1234567890",*s)==NULL)
6969  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
6970  while( *s!=0 && strchr("1234567890",*s)!=NULL )
6971  s++;
6972  if( *s==0 || strchr(delim,*s)==NULL )
6973  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
6975  // convert and ensure that value fits into ae_int_t
6976  s = p;
6977  long_val = atol(s);
6978  ae_val = long_val;
6979  if( ae_val!=long_val )
6980  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
6981  return ae_val;
6982 }
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ parse_real_delim()

double alglib::parse_real_delim ( const char *  s,
const char *  delim 

Definition at line 7077 of file ap.cpp.

7078 {
7079  double result;
7080  const char *new_s;
7081  if( !_parse_real_delim(s, delim, &result, &new_s) )
7082  throw alglib::ap_error("Cannot parse value");
7083  return result;
7084 }
bool _parse_real_delim(const char *s, const char *delim, double *result, const char **new_s)
Definition: ap.cpp:6984

◆ pcabuildbasis()

void alglib::pcabuildbasis ( const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nvars,
ae_int_t info,
real_1d_array s2,
real_2d_array v 

Definition at line 9547 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9548 {
9549  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9550  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9551  try
9552  {
9553  alglib_impl::pcabuildbasis(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), npoints, nvars, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(s2.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(v.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9554  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9555  return;
9556  }
9558  {
9559  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9560  }
9561 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void pcabuildbasis(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t *info, ae_vector *s2, ae_matrix *v, ae_state *_state)

◆ pearsoncorr2() [1/2]

double alglib::pearsoncorr2 ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 688 of file statistics.cpp.

689 {
690  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
691  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
692  try
693  {
694  double result = alglib_impl::pearsoncorr2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
695  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
696  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
697  }
699  {
700  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
701  }
702 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
double pearsoncorr2(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ pearsoncorr2() [2/2]

double alglib::pearsoncorr2 ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 721 of file statistics.cpp.

722 {
723  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
724  ae_int_t n;
725  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
726  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'pearsoncorr2': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
727  n = x.length();
728  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
729  try
730  {
731  double result = alglib_impl::pearsoncorr2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
733  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
734  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
735  }
737  {
738  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
739  }
740 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
double pearsoncorr2(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ pearsoncorrelation()

double alglib::pearsoncorrelation ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 1977 of file statistics.cpp.

1978 {
1979  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1980  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1981  try
1982  {
1983  double result = alglib_impl::pearsoncorrelation(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
1984  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1985  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1986  }
1988  {
1989  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1990  }
1991 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
double pearsoncorrelation(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ pearsoncorrelationsignificance()

void alglib::pearsoncorrelationsignificance ( const double  r,
const ae_int_t  n,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2051 of file statistics.cpp.

2052 {
2053  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2054  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2055  try
2056  {
2057  alglib_impl::pearsoncorrelationsignificance(r, n, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2058  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2059  return;
2060  }
2062  {
2063  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2064  }
2065 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void pearsoncorrelationsignificance(double r, ae_int_t n, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)

◆ pearsoncorrm() [1/2]

void alglib::pearsoncorrm ( const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1008 of file statistics.cpp.

1009 {
1010  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1011  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1012  try
1013  {
1014  alglib_impl::pearsoncorrm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1015  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1016  return;
1017  }
1019  {
1020  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1021  }
1022 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void pearsoncorrm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ pearsoncorrm() [2/2]

void alglib::pearsoncorrm ( const real_2d_array x,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1080 of file statistics.cpp.

1081 {
1082  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1083  ae_int_t n;
1084  ae_int_t m;
1086  n = x.rows();
1087  m = x.cols();
1088  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1089  try
1090  {
1091  alglib_impl::pearsoncorrm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1093  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1094  return;
1095  }
1097  {
1098  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1099  }
1100 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void pearsoncorrm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ pearsoncorrm2() [1/2]

void alglib::pearsoncorrm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m1,
const ae_int_t  m2,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1500 of file statistics.cpp.

1501 {
1502  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1503  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1504  try
1505  {
1506  alglib_impl::pearsoncorrm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1507  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1508  return;
1509  }
1511  {
1512  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1513  }
1514 }
void pearsoncorrm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ pearsoncorrm2() [2/2]

void alglib::pearsoncorrm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1578 of file statistics.cpp.

1579 {
1580  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1581  ae_int_t n;
1582  ae_int_t m1;
1583  ae_int_t m2;
1584  if( (x.rows()!=y.rows()))
1585  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'pearsoncorrm2': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1586  n = x.rows();
1587  m1 = x.cols();
1588  m2 = y.cols();
1589  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1590  try
1591  {
1592  alglib_impl::pearsoncorrm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1594  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1595  return;
1596  }
1598  {
1599  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1600  }
1601 }
void pearsoncorrm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ pi()

double alglib::pi ( )

Definition at line 7257 of file ap.cpp.

7258 { return 3.14159265358979323846; }

◆ poissoncdistribution()

double alglib::poissoncdistribution ( const ae_int_t  k,
const double  m 

Definition at line 2402 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2403 {
2404  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2405  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2406  try
2407  {
2408  double result = alglib_impl::poissoncdistribution(k, m, &_alglib_env_state);
2409  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2410  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2411  }
2413  {
2414  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2415  }
2416 }
double poissoncdistribution(ae_int_t k, double m, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ poissondistribution()

double alglib::poissondistribution ( const ae_int_t  k,
const double  m 

Definition at line 2360 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2361 {
2362  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2363  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2364  try
2365  {
2366  double result = alglib_impl::poissondistribution(k, m, &_alglib_env_state);
2367  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2368  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2369  }
2371  {
2372  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2373  }
2374 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double poissondistribution(ae_int_t k, double m, ae_state *_state)

◆ polynomialbar2cheb()

void alglib::polynomialbar2cheb ( const barycentricinterpolant p,
const double  a,
const double  b,
real_1d_array t 

Definition at line 692 of file interpolation.cpp.

693 {
694  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
695  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
696  try
697  {
698  alglib_impl::polynomialbar2cheb(const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(t.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
699  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
700  return;
701  }
703  {
704  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
705  }
706 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
void polynomialbar2cheb(barycentricinterpolant *p, double a, double b, ae_vector *t, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialbar2pow() [1/2]

void alglib::polynomialbar2pow ( const barycentricinterpolant p,
const double  c,
const double  s,
real_1d_array a 

Definition at line 824 of file interpolation.cpp.

825 {
826  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
827  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
828  try
829  {
830  alglib_impl::polynomialbar2pow(const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), c, s, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
831  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
832  return;
833  }
835  {
836  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
837  }
838 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void polynomialbar2pow(barycentricinterpolant *p, double c, double s, ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialbar2pow() [2/2]

void alglib::polynomialbar2pow ( const barycentricinterpolant p,
real_1d_array a 

Definition at line 880 of file interpolation.cpp.

881 {
882  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
883  double c;
884  double s;
886  c = 0;
887  s = 1;
888  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
889  try
890  {
891  alglib_impl::polynomialbar2pow(const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), c, s, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
893  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
894  return;
895  }
897  {
898  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
899  }
900 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void polynomialbar2pow(barycentricinterpolant *p, double c, double s, ae_vector *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialbuild() [1/2]

void alglib::polynomialbuild ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 1031 of file interpolation.cpp.

1032 {
1033  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1034  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1035  try
1036  {
1037  alglib_impl::polynomialbuild(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1038  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1039  return;
1040  }
1042  {
1043  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1044  }
1045 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void polynomialbuild(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ polynomialbuild() [2/2]

void alglib::polynomialbuild ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 1064 of file interpolation.cpp.

1065 {
1066  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1067  ae_int_t n;
1068  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
1069  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'polynomialbuild': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1070  n = x.length();
1071  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1072  try
1073  {
1074  alglib_impl::polynomialbuild(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1076  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1077  return;
1078  }
1080  {
1081  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1082  }
1083 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void polynomialbuild(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ polynomialbuildcheb1() [1/2]

void alglib::polynomialbuildcheb1 ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 1179 of file interpolation.cpp.

1180 {
1181  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1182  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1183  try
1184  {
1185  alglib_impl::polynomialbuildcheb1(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1186  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1187  return;
1188  }
1190  {
1191  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1192  }
1193 }
void polynomialbuildcheb1(double a, double b, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialbuildcheb1() [2/2]

void alglib::polynomialbuildcheb1 ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array y,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 1215 of file interpolation.cpp.

1216 {
1217  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1218  ae_int_t n;
1220  n = y.length();
1221  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1222  try
1223  {
1224  alglib_impl::polynomialbuildcheb1(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1226  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1227  return;
1228  }
1230  {
1231  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1232  }
1233 }
void polynomialbuildcheb1(double a, double b, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialbuildcheb2() [1/2]

void alglib::polynomialbuildcheb2 ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 1255 of file interpolation.cpp.

1256 {
1257  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1258  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1259  try
1260  {
1261  alglib_impl::polynomialbuildcheb2(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1262  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1263  return;
1264  }
1266  {
1267  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1268  }
1269 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void polynomialbuildcheb2(double a, double b, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialbuildcheb2() [2/2]

void alglib::polynomialbuildcheb2 ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array y,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 1291 of file interpolation.cpp.

1292 {
1293  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1294  ae_int_t n;
1296  n = y.length();
1297  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1298  try
1299  {
1300  alglib_impl::polynomialbuildcheb2(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1302  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1303  return;
1304  }
1306  {
1307  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1308  }
1309 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void polynomialbuildcheb2(double a, double b, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialbuildeqdist() [1/2]

void alglib::polynomialbuildeqdist ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 1104 of file interpolation.cpp.

1105 {
1106  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1107  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1108  try
1109  {
1110  alglib_impl::polynomialbuildeqdist(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1111  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1112  return;
1113  }
1115  {
1116  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1117  }
1118 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void polynomialbuildeqdist(double a, double b, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialbuildeqdist() [2/2]

void alglib::polynomialbuildeqdist ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array y,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 1139 of file interpolation.cpp.

1140 {
1141  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1142  ae_int_t n;
1144  n = y.length();
1145  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1146  try
1147  {
1148  alglib_impl::polynomialbuildeqdist(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1150  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1151  return;
1152  }
1154  {
1155  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1156  }
1157 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void polynomialbuildeqdist(double a, double b, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialcalccheb1() [1/2]

double alglib::polynomialcalccheb1 ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array f,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  t 

Definition at line 1421 of file interpolation.cpp.

1422 {
1423  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1424  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1425  try
1426  {
1427  double result = alglib_impl::polynomialcalccheb1(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), n, t, &_alglib_env_state);
1428  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1429  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1430  }
1432  {
1433  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1434  }
1435 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
double polynomialcalccheb1(double a, double b, ae_vector *f, ae_int_t n, double t, ae_state *_state)
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialcalccheb1() [2/2]

double alglib::polynomialcalccheb1 ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array f,
const double  t 

Definition at line 1463 of file interpolation.cpp.

1464 {
1465  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1466  ae_int_t n;
1468  n = f.length();
1469  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1470  try
1471  {
1472  double result = alglib_impl::polynomialcalccheb1(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), n, t, &_alglib_env_state);
1474  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1475  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1476  }
1478  {
1479  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1480  }
1481 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
double polynomialcalccheb1(double a, double b, ae_vector *f, ae_int_t n, double t, ae_state *_state)
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialcalccheb2() [1/2]

double alglib::polynomialcalccheb2 ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array f,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  t 

Definition at line 1509 of file interpolation.cpp.

1510 {
1511  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1512  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1513  try
1514  {
1515  double result = alglib_impl::polynomialcalccheb2(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), n, t, &_alglib_env_state);
1516  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1517  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1518  }
1520  {
1521  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1522  }
1523 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
double polynomialcalccheb2(double a, double b, ae_vector *f, ae_int_t n, double t, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialcalccheb2() [2/2]

double alglib::polynomialcalccheb2 ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array f,
const double  t 

Definition at line 1551 of file interpolation.cpp.

1552 {
1553  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1554  ae_int_t n;
1556  n = f.length();
1557  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1558  try
1559  {
1560  double result = alglib_impl::polynomialcalccheb2(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), n, t, &_alglib_env_state);
1562  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1563  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1564  }
1566  {
1567  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1568  }
1569 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
double polynomialcalccheb2(double a, double b, ae_vector *f, ae_int_t n, double t, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialcalceqdist() [1/2]

double alglib::polynomialcalceqdist ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array f,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  t 

Definition at line 1335 of file interpolation.cpp.

1336 {
1337  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1338  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1339  try
1340  {
1341  double result = alglib_impl::polynomialcalceqdist(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), n, t, &_alglib_env_state);
1342  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1343  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1344  }
1346  {
1347  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1348  }
1349 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double polynomialcalceqdist(double a, double b, ae_vector *f, ae_int_t n, double t, ae_state *_state)
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialcalceqdist() [2/2]

double alglib::polynomialcalceqdist ( const double  a,
const double  b,
const real_1d_array f,
const double  t 

Definition at line 1375 of file interpolation.cpp.

1376 {
1377  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1378  ae_int_t n;
1380  n = f.length();
1381  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1382  try
1383  {
1384  double result = alglib_impl::polynomialcalceqdist(a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), n, t, &_alglib_env_state);
1386  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1387  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
1388  }
1390  {
1391  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1392  }
1393 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double polynomialcalceqdist(double a, double b, ae_vector *f, ae_int_t n, double t, ae_state *_state)
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialcheb2bar() [1/2]

void alglib::polynomialcheb2bar ( const real_1d_array t,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  a,
const double  b,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 728 of file interpolation.cpp.

729 {
730  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
731  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
732  try
733  {
734  alglib_impl::polynomialcheb2bar(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(t.c_ptr()), n, a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
735  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
736  return;
737  }
739  {
740  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
741  }
742 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void polynomialcheb2bar(ae_vector *t, ae_int_t n, double a, double b, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialcheb2bar() [2/2]

void alglib::polynomialcheb2bar ( const real_1d_array t,
const double  a,
const double  b,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 764 of file interpolation.cpp.

765 {
766  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
767  ae_int_t n;
769  n = t.length();
770  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
771  try
772  {
773  alglib_impl::polynomialcheb2bar(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(t.c_ptr()), n, a, b, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
775  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
776  return;
777  }
779  {
780  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
781  }
782 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void polynomialcheb2bar(ae_vector *t, ae_int_t n, double a, double b, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialfit() [1/2]

void alglib::polynomialfit ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
barycentricinterpolant p,
polynomialfitreport rep 

Definition at line 3732 of file interpolation.cpp.

3733 {
3734  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3735  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3736  try
3737  {
3738  alglib_impl::polynomialfit(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::polynomialfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3739  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3740  return;
3741  }
3743  {
3744  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3745  }
3746 }
static double * y
void polynomialfit(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, barycentricinterpolant *p, polynomialfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ polynomialfit() [2/2]

void alglib::polynomialfit ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
barycentricinterpolant p,
polynomialfitreport rep 

Definition at line 3789 of file interpolation.cpp.

3790 {
3791  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3792  ae_int_t n;
3793  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
3794  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'polynomialfit': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
3795  n = x.length();
3796  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3797  try
3798  {
3799  alglib_impl::polynomialfit(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::polynomialfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3801  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3802  return;
3803  }
3805  {
3806  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3807  }
3808 }
static double * y
void polynomialfit(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, barycentricinterpolant *p, polynomialfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ polynomialfitwc() [1/2]

void alglib::polynomialfitwc ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array xc,
const real_1d_array yc,
const integer_1d_array dc,
const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
barycentricinterpolant p,
polynomialfitreport rep 

Definition at line 3889 of file interpolation.cpp.

3890 {
3891  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3892  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3893  try
3894  {
3895  alglib_impl::polynomialfitwc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(yc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(dc.c_ptr()), k, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::polynomialfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3896  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3897  return;
3898  }
3900  {
3901  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3902  }
3903 }
#define yc
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void polynomialfitwc(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *xc, ae_vector *yc, ae_vector *dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, barycentricinterpolant *p, polynomialfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
#define xc

◆ polynomialfitwc() [2/2]

void alglib::polynomialfitwc ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_1d_array xc,
const real_1d_array yc,
const integer_1d_array dc,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
barycentricinterpolant p,
polynomialfitreport rep 

Definition at line 3984 of file interpolation.cpp.

3985 {
3986  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3987  ae_int_t n;
3988  ae_int_t k;
3989  if( (x.length()!=y.length()) || (x.length()!=w.length()))
3990  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'polynomialfitwc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
3991  if( (xc.length()!=yc.length()) || (xc.length()!=dc.length()))
3992  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'polynomialfitwc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
3993  n = x.length();
3994  k = xc.length();
3995  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3996  try
3997  {
3998  alglib_impl::polynomialfitwc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(yc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(dc.c_ptr()), k, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::polynomialfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4000  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4001  return;
4002  }
4004  {
4005  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4006  }
4007 }
#define yc
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void polynomialfitwc(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *xc, ae_vector *yc, ae_vector *dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, barycentricinterpolant *p, polynomialfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
#define xc

◆ polynomialpow2bar() [1/2]

void alglib::polynomialpow2bar ( const real_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  c,
const double  s,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 938 of file interpolation.cpp.

939 {
940  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
941  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
942  try
943  {
944  alglib_impl::polynomialpow2bar(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, c, s, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
945  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
946  return;
947  }
949  {
950  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
951  }
952 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void polynomialpow2bar(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, double c, double s, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ polynomialpow2bar() [2/2]

void alglib::polynomialpow2bar ( const real_1d_array a,
barycentricinterpolant p 

Definition at line 990 of file interpolation.cpp.

991 {
992  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
993  ae_int_t n;
994  double c;
995  double s;
997  n = a.length();
998  c = 0;
999  s = 1;
1000  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1001  try
1002  {
1003  alglib_impl::polynomialpow2bar(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), n, c, s, const_cast<alglib_impl::barycentricinterpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1005  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1006  return;
1007  }
1009  {
1010  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1011  }
1012 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void polynomialpow2bar(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t n, double c, double s, barycentricinterpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ psi()

double alglib::psi ( const double  x)

Definition at line 2492 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2493 {
2494  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2495  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2496  try
2497  {
2498  double result = alglib_impl::psi(x, &_alglib_env_state);
2499  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2500  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2501  }
2503  {
2504  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2505  }
2506 }
double psi(double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ pspline2arclength()

double alglib::pspline2arclength ( const pspline2interpolant p,
const double  a,
const double  b 

Definition at line 7771 of file interpolation.cpp.

7772 {
7773  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7774  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7775  try
7776  {
7777  double result = alglib_impl::pspline2arclength(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline2interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), a, b, &_alglib_env_state);
7778  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7779  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
7780  }
7782  {
7783  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7784  }
7785 }
double pspline2arclength(pspline2interpolant *p, double a, double b, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ pspline2build()

void alglib::pspline2build ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  st,
const ae_int_t  pt,
pspline2interpolant p 

Definition at line 7255 of file interpolation.cpp.

7256 {
7257  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7258  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7259  try
7260  {
7261  alglib_impl::pspline2build(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, st, pt, const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline2interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7262  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7263  return;
7264  }
7266  {
7267  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7268  }
7269 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void pspline2build(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, pspline2interpolant *p, ae_state *_state)

◆ pspline2buildperiodic()

void alglib::pspline2buildperiodic ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  st,
const ae_int_t  pt,
pspline2interpolant p 

Definition at line 7331 of file interpolation.cpp.

7332 {
7333  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7334  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7335  try
7336  {
7337  alglib_impl::pspline2buildperiodic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, st, pt, const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline2interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7338  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7339  return;
7340  }
7342  {
7343  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7344  }
7345 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void pspline2buildperiodic(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, pspline2interpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ pspline2calc()

void alglib::pspline2calc ( const pspline2interpolant p,
const double  t,
double &  x,
double &  y 

Definition at line 7460 of file interpolation.cpp.

7461 {
7462  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7463  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7464  try
7465  {
7466  alglib_impl::pspline2calc(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline2interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), t, &x, &y, &_alglib_env_state);
7467  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7468  return;
7469  }
7471  {
7472  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7473  }
7474 }
void pspline2calc(pspline2interpolant *p, double t, double *x, double *y, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ pspline2diff()

void alglib::pspline2diff ( const pspline2interpolant p,
const double  t,
double &  x,
double &  dx,
double &  y,
double &  dy 

Definition at line 7615 of file interpolation.cpp.

7616 {
7617  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7618  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7619  try
7620  {
7621  alglib_impl::pspline2diff(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline2interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), t, &x, &dx, &y, &dy, &_alglib_env_state);
7622  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7623  return;
7624  }
7626  {
7627  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7628  }
7629 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double dx
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void pspline2diff(pspline2interpolant *p, double t, double *x, double *dx, double *y, double *dy, ae_state *_state)

◆ pspline2diff2()

void alglib::pspline2diff2 ( const pspline2interpolant p,
const double  t,
double &  x,
double &  dx,
double &  d2x,
double &  y,
double &  dy,
double &  d2y 

Definition at line 7695 of file interpolation.cpp.

7696 {
7697  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7698  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7699  try
7700  {
7701  alglib_impl::pspline2diff2(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline2interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), t, &x, &dx, &d2x, &y, &dy, &d2y, &_alglib_env_state);
7702  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7703  return;
7704  }
7706  {
7707  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7708  }
7709 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void pspline2diff2(pspline2interpolant *p, double t, double *x, double *dx, double *d2x, double *y, double *dy, double *d2y, ae_state *_state)
double dx
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ pspline2parametervalues()

void alglib::pspline2parametervalues ( const pspline2interpolant p,
ae_int_t n,
real_1d_array t 

Definition at line 7399 of file interpolation.cpp.

7400 {
7401  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7402  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7403  try
7404  {
7405  alglib_impl::pspline2parametervalues(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline2interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(t.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7406  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7407  return;
7408  }
7410  {
7411  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7412  }
7413 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void pspline2parametervalues(pspline2interpolant *p, ae_int_t *n, ae_vector *t, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ pspline2tangent()

void alglib::pspline2tangent ( const pspline2interpolant p,
const double  t,
double &  x,
double &  y 

Definition at line 7537 of file interpolation.cpp.

7538 {
7539  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7540  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7541  try
7542  {
7543  alglib_impl::pspline2tangent(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline2interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), t, &x, &y, &_alglib_env_state);
7544  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7545  return;
7546  }
7548  {
7549  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7550  }
7551 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void pspline2tangent(pspline2interpolant *p, double t, double *x, double *y, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ pspline3arclength()

double alglib::pspline3arclength ( const pspline3interpolant p,
const double  a,
const double  b 

Definition at line 7804 of file interpolation.cpp.

7805 {
7806  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7807  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7808  try
7809  {
7810  double result = alglib_impl::pspline3arclength(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline3interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), a, b, &_alglib_env_state);
7811  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7812  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
7813  }
7815  {
7816  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7817  }
7818 }
double pspline3arclength(pspline3interpolant *p, double a, double b, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ pspline3build()

void alglib::pspline3build ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  st,
const ae_int_t  pt,
pspline3interpolant p 

Definition at line 7281 of file interpolation.cpp.

7282 {
7283  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7284  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7285  try
7286  {
7287  alglib_impl::pspline3build(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, st, pt, const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline3interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7288  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7289  return;
7290  }
7292  {
7293  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7294  }
7295 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void pspline3build(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, pspline3interpolant *p, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ pspline3buildperiodic()

void alglib::pspline3buildperiodic ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  st,
const ae_int_t  pt,
pspline3interpolant p 

Definition at line 7358 of file interpolation.cpp.

7359 {
7360  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7361  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7362  try
7363  {
7364  alglib_impl::pspline3buildperiodic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, st, pt, const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline3interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7365  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7366  return;
7367  }
7369  {
7370  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7371  }
7372 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void pspline3buildperiodic(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, pspline3interpolant *p, ae_state *_state)

◆ pspline3calc()

void alglib::pspline3calc ( const pspline3interpolant p,
const double  t,
double &  x,
double &  y,
double &  z 

Definition at line 7498 of file interpolation.cpp.

7499 {
7500  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7501  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7502  try
7503  {
7504  alglib_impl::pspline3calc(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline3interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), t, &x, &y, &z, &_alglib_env_state);
7505  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7506  return;
7507  }
7509  {
7510  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7511  }
7512 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void pspline3calc(pspline3interpolant *p, double t, double *x, double *y, double *z, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ pspline3diff()

void alglib::pspline3diff ( const pspline3interpolant p,
const double  t,
double &  x,
double &  dx,
double &  y,
double &  dy,
double &  z,
double &  dz 

Definition at line 7655 of file interpolation.cpp.

7656 {
7657  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7658  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7659  try
7660  {
7661  alglib_impl::pspline3diff(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline3interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), t, &x, &dx, &y, &dy, &z, &dz, &_alglib_env_state);
7662  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7663  return;
7664  }
7666  {
7667  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7668  }
7669 }
static double * y
void pspline3diff(pspline3interpolant *p, double t, double *x, double *dx, double *y, double *dy, double *z, double *dz, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double dx
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ pspline3diff2()

void alglib::pspline3diff2 ( const pspline3interpolant p,
const double  t,
double &  x,
double &  dx,
double &  d2x,
double &  y,
double &  dy,
double &  d2y,
double &  z,
double &  dz,
double &  d2z 

Definition at line 7738 of file interpolation.cpp.

7739 {
7740  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7741  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7742  try
7743  {
7744  alglib_impl::pspline3diff2(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline3interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), t, &x, &dx, &d2x, &y, &dy, &d2y, &z, &dz, &d2z, &_alglib_env_state);
7745  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7746  return;
7747  }
7749  {
7750  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7751  }
7752 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double dx
void pspline3diff2(pspline3interpolant *p, double t, double *x, double *dx, double *d2x, double *y, double *dy, double *d2y, double *z, double *dz, double *d2z, ae_state *_state)
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ pspline3parametervalues()

void alglib::pspline3parametervalues ( const pspline3interpolant p,
ae_int_t n,
real_1d_array t 

Definition at line 7423 of file interpolation.cpp.

7424 {
7425  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7426  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7427  try
7428  {
7429  alglib_impl::pspline3parametervalues(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline3interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), &n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(t.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7430  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7431  return;
7432  }
7434  {
7435  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7436  }
7437 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void pspline3parametervalues(pspline3interpolant *p, ae_int_t *n, ae_vector *t, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ pspline3tangent()

void alglib::pspline3tangent ( const pspline3interpolant p,
const double  t,
double &  x,
double &  y,
double &  z 

Definition at line 7577 of file interpolation.cpp.

7578 {
7579  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7580  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7581  try
7582  {
7583  alglib_impl::pspline3tangent(const_cast<alglib_impl::pspline3interpolant*>(p.c_ptr()), t, &x, &y, &z, &_alglib_env_state);
7584  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7585  return;
7586  }
7588  {
7589  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7590  }
7591 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void pspline3tangent(pspline3interpolant *p, double t, double *x, double *y, double *z, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ randominteger()

alglib::ae_int_t alglib::randominteger ( alglib::ae_int_t  maxv)

Definition at line 7236 of file ap.cpp.

7237 {
7238 #ifdef AE_DEBUGRNG
7239  return ((alglib::ae_int_t)(alglib_impl::ae_debugrng()-1))%maxv;
7240 #else
7241  return ((alglib::ae_int_t)rand())%maxv;
7242 #endif
7243 }
alglib_impl::ae_int_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:889

◆ randomreal()

double alglib::randomreal ( )

Definition at line 7222 of file ap.cpp.

7223 {
7224 #ifdef AE_DEBUGRNG
7225  return alglib_impl::ae_debugrng()/2147483563.0;
7226 #else
7227  int i1 = rand();
7228  int i2 = rand();
7229  double mx = (double)(RAND_MAX)+1.0;
7230  volatile double tmp0 = i2/mx;
7231  volatile double tmp1 = i1+tmp0;
7232  return tmp1/mx;
7233 #endif
7234 }

◆ rankdata() [1/2]

void alglib::rankdata ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nfeatures 

Definition at line 1806 of file statistics.cpp.

1807 {
1808  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1809  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1810  try
1811  {
1812  alglib_impl::rankdata(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, &_alglib_env_state);
1813  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1814  return;
1815  }
1817  {
1818  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1819  }
1820 }
void rankdata(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rankdata() [2/2]

void alglib::rankdata ( real_2d_array xy)

Definition at line 1842 of file statistics.cpp.

1843 {
1844  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1845  ae_int_t npoints;
1846  ae_int_t nfeatures;
1848  npoints = xy.rows();
1849  nfeatures = xy.cols();
1850  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1851  try
1852  {
1853  alglib_impl::rankdata(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, &_alglib_env_state);
1855  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1856  return;
1857  }
1859  {
1860  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1861  }
1862 }
void rankdata(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ rankdatacentered() [1/2]

void alglib::rankdatacentered ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nfeatures 

Definition at line 1890 of file statistics.cpp.

1891 {
1892  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1893  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1894  try
1895  {
1896  alglib_impl::rankdatacentered(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, &_alglib_env_state);
1897  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1898  return;
1899  }
1901  {
1902  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1903  }
1904 }
void rankdatacentered(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rankdatacentered() [2/2]

void alglib::rankdatacentered ( real_2d_array xy)

Definition at line 1926 of file statistics.cpp.

1927 {
1928  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1929  ae_int_t npoints;
1930  ae_int_t nfeatures;
1932  npoints = xy.rows();
1933  nfeatures = xy.cols();
1934  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1935  try
1936  {
1937  alglib_impl::rankdatacentered(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, &_alglib_env_state);
1939  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1940  return;
1941  }
1943  {
1944  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1945  }
1946 }
void rankdatacentered(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ rbfbuildmodel()

void alglib::rbfbuildmodel ( const rbfmodel s,
rbfreport rep 

Definition at line 8671 of file interpolation.cpp.

8672 {
8673  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8674  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8675  try
8676  {
8677  alglib_impl::rbfbuildmodel(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8678  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8679  return;
8680  }
8682  {
8683  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8684  }
8685 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void rbfbuildmodel(rbfmodel *s, rbfreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfcalc()

void alglib::rbfcalc ( const rbfmodel s,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 8797 of file interpolation.cpp.

8798 {
8799  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8800  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8801  try
8802  {
8803  alglib_impl::rbfcalc(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8804  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8805  return;
8806  }
8808  {
8809  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8810  }
8811 }
void rbfcalc(rbfmodel *s, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfcalc2()

double alglib::rbfcalc2 ( const rbfmodel s,
const double  x0,
const double  x1 

Definition at line 8715 of file interpolation.cpp.

8716 {
8717  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8718  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8719  try
8720  {
8721  double result = alglib_impl::rbfcalc2(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), x0, x1, &_alglib_env_state);
8722  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8723  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
8724  }
8726  {
8727  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8728  }
8729 }
double rbfcalc2(rbfmodel *s, double x0, double x1, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define x0
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfcalc3()

double alglib::rbfcalc3 ( const rbfmodel s,
const double  x0,
const double  x1,
const double  x2 

Definition at line 8756 of file interpolation.cpp.

8757 {
8758  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8759  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8760  try
8761  {
8762  double result = alglib_impl::rbfcalc3(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), x0, x1, x2, &_alglib_env_state);
8763  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8764  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
8765  }
8767  {
8768  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8769  }
8770 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define x0
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double rbfcalc3(rbfmodel *s, double x0, double x1, double x2, ae_state *_state)

◆ rbfcalcbuf()

void alglib::rbfcalcbuf ( const rbfmodel s,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 8833 of file interpolation.cpp.

8834 {
8835  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8836  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8837  try
8838  {
8839  alglib_impl::rbfcalcbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8840  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8841  return;
8842  }
8844  {
8845  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8846  }
8847 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void rbfcalcbuf(rbfmodel *s, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfcreate()

void alglib::rbfcreate ( const ae_int_t  nx,
const ae_int_t  ny,
rbfmodel s 

Definition at line 8080 of file interpolation.cpp.

8081 {
8082  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8083  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8084  try
8085  {
8086  alglib_impl::rbfcreate(nx, ny, const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8087  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8088  return;
8089  }
8091  {
8092  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8093  }
8094 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void rbfcreate(ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, rbfmodel *s, ae_state *_state)

◆ rbfgridcalc2()

void alglib::rbfgridcalc2 ( const rbfmodel s,
const real_1d_array x0,
const ae_int_t  n0,
const real_1d_array x1,
const ae_int_t  n1,
real_2d_array y 

Definition at line 8873 of file interpolation.cpp.

8874 {
8875  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8876  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8877  try
8878  {
8879  alglib_impl::rbfgridcalc2(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x0.c_ptr()), n0, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x1.c_ptr()), n1, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8880  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8881  return;
8882  }
8884  {
8885  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8886  }
8887 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rbfgridcalc2(rbfmodel *s, ae_vector *x0, ae_int_t n0, ae_vector *x1, ae_int_t n1, ae_matrix *y, ae_state *_state)
#define x0
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfserialize()

void alglib::rbfserialize ( rbfmodel obj,
std::string &  s_out 

Definition at line 7979 of file interpolation.cpp.

7980 {
7981  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
7982  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
7983  alglib_impl::ae_int_t ssize;
7986  try
7987  {
7988  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
7990  alglib_impl::rbfalloc(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
7991  ssize = alglib_impl::ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(&serializer);
7992  s_out.clear();
7993  s_out.reserve((size_t)(ssize+1));
7994  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_sstart_str(&serializer, &s_out);
7995  alglib_impl::rbfserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
7996  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
7997  if( s_out.length()>(size_t)ssize )
7998  throw ap_error("ALGLIB: serialization integrity error");
7999  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_clear(&serializer);
8001  }
8003  {
8004  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
8005  }
8006 }
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
ae_int_t ae_serializer_get_alloc_size(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3416
void ae_serializer_sstart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3447
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
void rbfalloc(ae_serializer *s, rbfmodel *model, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void ae_serializer_alloc_start(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3404
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void rbfserialize(ae_serializer *s, rbfmodel *model, ae_state *_state)
void(* obj)()

◆ rbfsetalgomultilayer() [1/2]

void alglib::rbfsetalgomultilayer ( const rbfmodel s,
const double  rbase,
const ae_int_t  nlayers,
const double  lambdav 

Definition at line 8418 of file interpolation.cpp.

8419 {
8420  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8421  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8422  try
8423  {
8424  alglib_impl::rbfsetalgomultilayer(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), rbase, nlayers, lambdav, &_alglib_env_state);
8425  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8426  return;
8427  }
8429  {
8430  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8431  }
8432 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void rbfsetalgomultilayer(rbfmodel *s, double rbase, ae_int_t nlayers, double lambdav, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfsetalgomultilayer() [2/2]

void alglib::rbfsetalgomultilayer ( const rbfmodel s,
const double  rbase,
const ae_int_t  nlayers 

Definition at line 8524 of file interpolation.cpp.

8525 {
8526  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8527  double lambdav;
8529  lambdav = 0.01;
8530  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8531  try
8532  {
8533  alglib_impl::rbfsetalgomultilayer(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), rbase, nlayers, lambdav, &_alglib_env_state);
8535  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8536  return;
8537  }
8539  {
8540  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8541  }
8542 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void rbfsetalgomultilayer(rbfmodel *s, double rbase, ae_int_t nlayers, double lambdav, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfsetalgoqnn() [1/2]

void alglib::rbfsetalgoqnn ( const rbfmodel s,
const double  q,
const double  z 

Definition at line 8237 of file interpolation.cpp.

8238 {
8239  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8240  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8241  try
8242  {
8243  alglib_impl::rbfsetalgoqnn(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), q, z, &_alglib_env_state);
8244  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8245  return;
8246  }
8248  {
8249  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8250  }
8251 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void rbfsetalgoqnn(rbfmodel *s, double q, double z, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfsetalgoqnn() [2/2]

void alglib::rbfsetalgoqnn ( const rbfmodel s)

Definition at line 8306 of file interpolation.cpp.

8307 {
8308  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8309  double q;
8310  double z;
8312  q = 1.0;
8313  z = 5.0;
8314  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8315  try
8316  {
8317  alglib_impl::rbfsetalgoqnn(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), q, z, &_alglib_env_state);
8319  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8320  return;
8321  }
8323  {
8324  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8325  }
8326 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void rbfsetalgoqnn(rbfmodel *s, double q, double z, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfsetconstterm()

void alglib::rbfsetconstterm ( const rbfmodel s)

Definition at line 8590 of file interpolation.cpp.

8591 {
8592  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8593  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8594  try
8595  {
8596  alglib_impl::rbfsetconstterm(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8597  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8598  return;
8599  }
8601  {
8602  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8603  }
8604 }
void rbfsetconstterm(rbfmodel *s, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ rbfsetlinterm()

void alglib::rbfsetlinterm ( const rbfmodel s)

Definition at line 8559 of file interpolation.cpp.

8560 {
8561  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8562  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8563  try
8564  {
8565  alglib_impl::rbfsetlinterm(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8566  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8567  return;
8568  }
8570  {
8571  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8572  }
8573 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void rbfsetlinterm(rbfmodel *s, ae_state *_state)

◆ rbfsetpoints() [1/2]

void alglib::rbfsetpoints ( const rbfmodel s,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 8122 of file interpolation.cpp.

8123 {
8124  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8125  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8126  try
8127  {
8128  alglib_impl::rbfsetpoints(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
8129  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8130  return;
8131  }
8133  {
8134  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8135  }
8136 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rbfsetpoints(rbfmodel *s, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ rbfsetpoints() [2/2]

void alglib::rbfsetpoints ( const rbfmodel s,
const real_2d_array xy 

Definition at line 8164 of file interpolation.cpp.

8165 {
8166  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8167  ae_int_t n;
8169  n = xy.rows();
8170  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8171  try
8172  {
8173  alglib_impl::rbfsetpoints(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
8175  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8176  return;
8177  }
8179  {
8180  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8181  }
8182 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rbfsetpoints(rbfmodel *s, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ rbfsetzeroterm()

void alglib::rbfsetzeroterm ( const rbfmodel s)

Definition at line 8621 of file interpolation.cpp.

8622 {
8623  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8624  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8625  try
8626  {
8627  alglib_impl::rbfsetzeroterm(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8628  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8629  return;
8630  }
8632  {
8633  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8634  }
8635 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void rbfsetzeroterm(rbfmodel *s, ae_state *_state)

◆ rbfunpack()

void alglib::rbfunpack ( const rbfmodel s,
ae_int_t nx,
ae_int_t ny,
real_2d_array xwr,
ae_int_t nc,
real_2d_array v 

Definition at line 8914 of file interpolation.cpp.

8915 {
8916  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8917  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8918  try
8919  {
8920  alglib_impl::rbfunpack(const_cast<alglib_impl::rbfmodel*>(s.c_ptr()), &nx, &ny, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xwr.c_ptr()), &nc, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(v.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8921  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8922  return;
8923  }
8925  {
8926  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8927  }
8928 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void rbfunpack(rbfmodel *s, ae_int_t *nx, ae_int_t *ny, ae_matrix *xwr, ae_int_t *nc, ae_matrix *v, ae_state *_state)

◆ rbfunserialize()

void alglib::rbfunserialize ( std::string &  s_in,
rbfmodel obj 

Definition at line 8010 of file interpolation.cpp.

8011 {
8012  alglib_impl::ae_state state;
8013  alglib_impl::ae_serializer serializer;
8016  try
8017  {
8018  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_init(&serializer);
8019  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_ustart_str(&serializer, &s_in);
8020  alglib_impl::rbfunserialize(&serializer, obj.c_ptr(), &state);
8021  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_stop(&serializer);
8022  alglib_impl::ae_serializer_clear(&serializer);
8024  }
8026  {
8027  throw ap_error(state.error_msg);
8028  }
8029 }
void ae_serializer_init(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3393
void ae_serializer_ustart_str(ae_serializer *serializer, const std::string *buf)
Definition: ap.cpp:3457
void ae_serializer_stop(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3599
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void ae_serializer_clear(ae_serializer *serializer)
Definition: ap.cpp:3400
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void(* obj)()
void rbfunserialize(ae_serializer *s, rbfmodel *model, ae_state *_state)

◆ rmatrixbd()

void alglib::rmatrixbd ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array tauq,
real_1d_array taup 

Definition at line 1132 of file linalg.cpp.

1133 {
1134  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1135  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1136  try
1137  {
1138  alglib_impl::rmatrixbd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tauq.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(taup.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1139  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1140  return;
1141  }
1143  {
1144  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1145  }
1146 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void rmatrixbd(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tauq, ae_vector *taup, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:11896
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixbdmultiplybyp()

void alglib::rmatrixbdmultiplybyp ( const real_2d_array qp,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array taup,
real_2d_array z,
const ae_int_t  zrows,
const ae_int_t  zcolumns,
const bool  fromtheright,
const bool  dotranspose 

Definition at line 1300 of file linalg.cpp.

1301 {
1302  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1303  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1304  try
1305  {
1306  alglib_impl::rmatrixbdmultiplybyp(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(qp.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(taup.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), zrows, zcolumns, fromtheright, dotranspose, &_alglib_env_state);
1307  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1308  return;
1309  }
1311  {
1312  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1313  }
1314 }
void rmatrixbdmultiplybyp(ae_matrix *qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *taup, ae_matrix *z, ae_int_t zrows, ae_int_t zcolumns, ae_bool fromtheright, ae_bool dotranspose, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:12368
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ rmatrixbdmultiplybyq()

void alglib::rmatrixbdmultiplybyq ( const real_2d_array qp,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array tauq,
real_2d_array z,
const ae_int_t  zrows,
const ae_int_t  zcolumns,
const bool  fromtheright,
const bool  dotranspose 

Definition at line 1216 of file linalg.cpp.

1217 {
1218  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1219  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1220  try
1221  {
1222  alglib_impl::rmatrixbdmultiplybyq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(qp.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tauq.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), zrows, zcolumns, fromtheright, dotranspose, &_alglib_env_state);
1223  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1224  return;
1225  }
1227  {
1228  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1229  }
1230 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void rmatrixbdmultiplybyq(ae_matrix *qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tauq, ae_matrix *z, ae_int_t zrows, ae_int_t zcolumns, ae_bool fromtheright, ae_bool dotranspose, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:12132
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ rmatrixbdsvd()

bool alglib::rmatrixbdsvd ( real_1d_array d,
const real_1d_array e,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isfractionalaccuracyrequired,
real_2d_array u,
const ae_int_t  nru,
real_2d_array c,
const ae_int_t  ncc,
real_2d_array vt,
const ae_int_t  ncvt 

Definition at line 1783 of file linalg.cpp.

1784 {
1785  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1786  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1787  try
1788  {
1789  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::rmatrixbdsvd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(e.c_ptr()), n, isupper, isfractionalaccuracyrequired, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(u.c_ptr()), nru, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), ncc, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(vt.c_ptr()), ncvt, &_alglib_env_state);
1790  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1791  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
1792  }
1794  {
1795  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1796  }
1797 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool rmatrixbdsvd(ae_vector *d, ae_vector *e, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isfractionalaccuracyrequired, ae_matrix *u, ae_int_t nru, ae_matrix *c, ae_int_t ncc, ae_matrix *vt, ae_int_t ncvt, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:13854
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * u
int * n

◆ rmatrixbdunpackdiagonals()

void alglib::rmatrixbdunpackdiagonals ( const real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
bool &  isupper,
real_1d_array d,
real_1d_array e 

Definition at line 1339 of file linalg.cpp.

1340 {
1341  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1342  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1343  try
1344  {
1345  alglib_impl::rmatrixbdunpackdiagonals(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, n, &isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(e.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1346  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1347  return;
1348  }
1350  {
1351  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1352  }
1353 }
void rmatrixbdunpackdiagonals(ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_bool *isupper, ae_vector *d, ae_vector *e, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:12529
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ rmatrixbdunpackpt()

void alglib::rmatrixbdunpackpt ( const real_2d_array qp,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array taup,
const ae_int_t  ptrows,
real_2d_array pt 

Definition at line 1254 of file linalg.cpp.

1255 {
1256  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1257  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1258  try
1259  {
1260  alglib_impl::rmatrixbdunpackpt(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(qp.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(taup.c_ptr()), ptrows, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(pt.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1261  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1262  return;
1263  }
1265  {
1266  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1267  }
1268 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void rmatrixbdunpackpt(ae_matrix *qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *taup, ae_int_t ptrows, ae_matrix *pt, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:12292
int * n

◆ rmatrixbdunpackq()

void alglib::rmatrixbdunpackq ( const real_2d_array qp,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array tauq,
const ae_int_t  qcolumns,
real_2d_array q 

Definition at line 1170 of file linalg.cpp.

1171 {
1172  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1173  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1174  try
1175  {
1176  alglib_impl::rmatrixbdunpackq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(qp.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tauq.c_ptr()), qcolumns, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(q.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1177  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1178  return;
1179  }
1181  {
1182  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1183  }
1184 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixbdunpackq(ae_matrix *qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tauq, ae_int_t qcolumns, ae_matrix *q, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:12056
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ rmatrixcopy()

void alglib::rmatrixcopy ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  ib,
const ae_int_t  jb 

Definition at line 166 of file linalg.cpp.

167 {
168  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
169  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
170  try
171  {
172  alglib_impl::rmatrixcopy(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), ib, jb, &_alglib_env_state);
173  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
174  return;
175  }
177  {
178  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
179  }
180 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
void rmatrixcopy(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:7954
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixdet() [1/2]

double alglib::rmatrixdet ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 6353 of file linalg.cpp.

6354 {
6355  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6356  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6357  try
6358  {
6359  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixdet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6360  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6361  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6362  }
6364  {
6365  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6366  }
6367 }
double rmatrixdet(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32701
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixdet() [2/2]

double alglib::rmatrixdet ( const real_2d_array a)

Definition at line 6385 of file linalg.cpp.

6386 {
6387  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6388  ae_int_t n;
6389  if( (a.rows()!=a.cols()))
6390  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'rmatrixdet': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6391  n = a.rows();
6392  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6393  try
6394  {
6395  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixdet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6397  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6398  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6399  }
6401  {
6402  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6403  }
6404 }
double rmatrixdet(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32701
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixenforcesymmetricity()

void alglib::rmatrixenforcesymmetricity ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 108 of file linalg.cpp.

109 {
110  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
111  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
112  try
113  {
114  alglib_impl::rmatrixenforcesymmetricity(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
115  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
116  return;
117  }
119  {
120  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
121  }
122 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixenforcesymmetricity(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:7872
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixevd()

bool alglib::rmatrixevd ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  vneeded,
real_1d_array wr,
real_1d_array wi,
real_2d_array vl,
real_2d_array vr 

Definition at line 2468 of file linalg.cpp.

2469 {
2470  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2471  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2472  try
2473  {
2474  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::rmatrixevd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, vneeded, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wr.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(wi.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(vl.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(vr.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2475  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2476  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2477  }
2479  {
2480  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2481  }
2482 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool rmatrixevd(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t vneeded, ae_vector *wr, ae_vector *wi, ae_matrix *vl, ae_matrix *vr, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:16878
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixgemm()

void alglib::rmatrixgemm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k,
const double  alpha,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  optypea,
const real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  ib,
const ae_int_t  jb,
const ae_int_t  optypeb,
const double  beta,
const real_2d_array c,
const ae_int_t  ic,
const ae_int_t  jc 

Definition at line 590 of file linalg.cpp.

591 {
592  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
593  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
594  try
595  {
596  alglib_impl::rmatrixgemm(m, n, k, alpha, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, optypea, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), ib, jb, optypeb, beta, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), ic, jc, &_alglib_env_state);
597  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
598  return;
599  }
601  {
602  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
603  }
604 }
void rmatrixgemm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, double beta, ae_matrix *c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:9104
doublereal * c
double beta(const double a, const double b)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixhessenberg()

void alglib::rmatrixhessenberg ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array tau 

Definition at line 1389 of file linalg.cpp.

1390 {
1391  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1392  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1393  try
1394  {
1395  alglib_impl::rmatrixhessenberg(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1396  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1397  return;
1398  }
1400  {
1401  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1402  }
1403 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixhessenberg(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:12607
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixhessenbergunpackh()

void alglib::rmatrixhessenbergunpackh ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_2d_array h 

Definition at line 1452 of file linalg.cpp.

1453 {
1454  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1455  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1456  try
1457  {
1458  alglib_impl::rmatrixhessenbergunpackh(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(h.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1459  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1460  return;
1461  }
1463  {
1464  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1465  }
1466 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixhessenbergunpackh(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *h, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:12754
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixhessenbergunpackq()

void alglib::rmatrixhessenbergunpackq ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array tau,
real_2d_array q 

Definition at line 1422 of file linalg.cpp.

1423 {
1424  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1425  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1426  try
1427  {
1428  alglib_impl::rmatrixhessenbergunpackq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(q.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1429  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1430  return;
1431  }
1433  {
1434  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1435  }
1436 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void rmatrixhessenbergunpackq(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_matrix *q, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:12679
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::rmatrixinverse ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 3865 of file linalg.cpp.

3866 {
3867  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3868  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3869  try
3870  {
3871  alglib_impl::rmatrixinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3872  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3873  return;
3874  }
3876  {
3877  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3878  }
3879 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27368
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::rmatrixinverse ( real_2d_array a,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 3904 of file linalg.cpp.

3905 {
3906  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3907  ae_int_t n;
3908  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()))
3909  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'rmatrixinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
3910  n = a.cols();
3911  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3912  try
3913  {
3914  alglib_impl::rmatrixinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3916  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3917  return;
3918  }
3920  {
3921  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3922  }
3923 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27368
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixinvupdatecolumn()

void alglib::rmatrixinvupdatecolumn ( real_2d_array inva,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  updcolumn,
const real_1d_array u 

Definition at line 6957 of file linalg.cpp.

6958 {
6959  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6960  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6961  try
6962  {
6963  alglib_impl::rmatrixinvupdatecolumn(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(inva.c_ptr()), n, updcolumn, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(u.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6964  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6965  return;
6966  }
6968  {
6969  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6970  }
6971 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixinvupdatecolumn(ae_matrix *inva, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t updcolumn, ae_vector *u, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:33572
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * u
int * n

◆ rmatrixinvupdaterow()

void alglib::rmatrixinvupdaterow ( real_2d_array inva,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  updrow,
const real_1d_array v 

Definition at line 6920 of file linalg.cpp.

6921 {
6922  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6923  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6924  try
6925  {
6926  alglib_impl::rmatrixinvupdaterow(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(inva.c_ptr()), n, updrow, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(v.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6927  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6928  return;
6929  }
6931  {
6932  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6933  }
6934 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixinvupdaterow(ae_matrix *inva, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t updrow, ae_vector *v, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:33502
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ rmatrixinvupdatesimple()

void alglib::rmatrixinvupdatesimple ( real_2d_array inva,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  updrow,
const ae_int_t  updcolumn,
const double  updval 

Definition at line 6883 of file linalg.cpp.

6884 {
6885  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6886  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6887  try
6888  {
6889  alglib_impl::rmatrixinvupdatesimple(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(inva.c_ptr()), n, updrow, updcolumn, updval, &_alglib_env_state);
6890  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6891  return;
6892  }
6894  {
6895  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6896  }
6897 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixinvupdatesimple(ae_matrix *inva, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t updrow, ae_int_t updcolumn, double updval, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:33430
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ rmatrixinvupdateuv()

void alglib::rmatrixinvupdateuv ( real_2d_array inva,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array u,
const real_1d_array v 

Definition at line 6994 of file linalg.cpp.

6995 {
6996  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6997  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6998  try
6999  {
7000  alglib_impl::rmatrixinvupdateuv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(inva.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(u.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(v.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7001  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7002  return;
7003  }
7005  {
7006  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7007  }
7008 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixinvupdateuv(ae_matrix *inva, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *u, ae_vector *v, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:33641
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * u
int * n

◆ rmatrixlefttrsm()

void alglib::rmatrixlefttrsm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  j1,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
const ae_int_t  optype,
const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  i2,
const ae_int_t  j2 

Definition at line 446 of file linalg.cpp.

447 {
448  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
449  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
450  try
451  {
452  alglib_impl::rmatrixlefttrsm(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), i1, j1, isupper, isunit, optype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), i2, j2, &_alglib_env_state);
453  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
454  return;
455  }
457  {
458  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
459  }
460 }
void rmatrixlefttrsm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8639
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixlq()

void alglib::rmatrixlq ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array tau 

Definition at line 709 of file linalg.cpp.

710 {
711  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
712  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
713  try
714  {
715  alglib_impl::rmatrixlq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
716  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
717  return;
718  }
720  {
721  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
722  }
723 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void rmatrixlq(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:10527
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixlqunpackl()

void alglib::rmatrixlqunpackl ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_2d_array l 

Definition at line 921 of file linalg.cpp.

922 {
923  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
924  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
925  try
926  {
927  alglib_impl::rmatrixlqunpackl(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(l.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
928  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
929  return;
930  }
932  {
933  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
934  }
935 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixlqunpackl(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *l, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:11300
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixlqunpackq()

void alglib::rmatrixlqunpackq ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array tau,
const ae_int_t  qrows,
real_2d_array q 

Definition at line 889 of file linalg.cpp.

890 {
891  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
892  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
893  try
894  {
895  alglib_impl::rmatrixlqunpackq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), qrows, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(q.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
896  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
897  return;
898  }
900  {
901  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
902  }
903 }
void rmatrixlqunpackq(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_int_t qrows, ae_matrix *q, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:11152
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixlu()

void alglib::rmatrixlu ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
integer_1d_array pivots 

Definition at line 2942 of file linalg.cpp.

2943 {
2944  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2945  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2946  try
2947  {
2948  alglib_impl::rmatrixlu(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2949  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2950  return;
2951  }
2953  {
2954  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2955  }
2956 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixlu(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *pivots, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22770
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixludet() [1/2]

double alglib::rmatrixludet ( const real_2d_array a,
const integer_1d_array pivots,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 6280 of file linalg.cpp.

6281 {
6282  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6283  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6284  try
6285  {
6286  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixludet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6287  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6288  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6289  }
6291  {
6292  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6293  }
6294 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double rmatrixludet(ae_matrix *a, ae_vector *pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32655
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixludet() [2/2]

double alglib::rmatrixludet ( const real_2d_array a,
const integer_1d_array pivots 

Definition at line 6316 of file linalg.cpp.

6317 {
6318  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6319  ae_int_t n;
6320  if( (a.rows()!=a.cols()) || (a.rows()!=pivots.length()))
6321  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'rmatrixludet': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6322  n = a.rows();
6323  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6324  try
6325  {
6326  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixludet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6328  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6329  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6330  }
6332  {
6333  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6334  }
6335 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double rmatrixludet(ae_matrix *a, ae_vector *pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32655
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixluinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::rmatrixluinverse ( real_2d_array a,
const integer_1d_array pivots,
const ae_int_t  n,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 3771 of file linalg.cpp.

3772 {
3773  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3774  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3775  try
3776  {
3777  alglib_impl::rmatrixluinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3778  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3779  return;
3780  }
3782  {
3783  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3784  }
3785 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void rmatrixluinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_vector *pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27267
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixluinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::rmatrixluinverse ( real_2d_array a,
const integer_1d_array pivots,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 3821 of file linalg.cpp.

3822 {
3823  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3824  ae_int_t n;
3825  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()) || (a.cols()!=pivots.length()))
3826  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'rmatrixluinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
3827  n = a.cols();
3828  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3829  try
3830  {
3831  alglib_impl::rmatrixluinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(pivots.c_ptr()), n, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3833  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3834  return;
3835  }
3837  {
3838  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3839  }
3840 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void rmatrixluinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_vector *pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27267
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixlurcond1()

double alglib::rmatrixlurcond1 ( const real_2d_array lua,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 3401 of file linalg.cpp.

3402 {
3403  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3404  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3405  try
3406  {
3407  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixlurcond1(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
3408  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3409  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3410  }
3412  {
3413  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3414  }
3415 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double rmatrixlurcond1(ae_matrix *lua, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24892
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ rmatrixlurcondinf()

double alglib::rmatrixlurcondinf ( const real_2d_array lua,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 3436 of file linalg.cpp.

3437 {
3438  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3439  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3440  try
3441  {
3442  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixlurcondinf(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
3443  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3444  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3445  }
3447  {
3448  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3449  }
3450 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double rmatrixlurcondinf(ae_matrix *lua, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24925
int * n

◆ rmatrixlusolve()

void alglib::rmatrixlusolve ( const real_2d_array lua,
const integer_1d_array p,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 305 of file solvers.cpp.

306 {
307  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
308  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
309  try
310  {
311  alglib_impl::rmatrixlusolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(p.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
312  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
313  return;
314  }
316  {
317  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
318  }
319 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void rmatrixlusolve(ae_matrix *lua, ae_vector *p, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:2902
int * n

◆ rmatrixlusolvem()

void alglib::rmatrixlusolvem ( const real_2d_array lua,
const integer_1d_array p,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_2d_array x 

Definition at line 351 of file solvers.cpp.

352 {
353  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
354  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
355  try
356  {
357  alglib_impl::rmatrixlusolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(p.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
358  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
359  return;
360  }
362  {
363  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
364  }
365 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void rmatrixlusolvem(ae_matrix *lua, ae_vector *p, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:2967
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ rmatrixmixedsolve()

void alglib::rmatrixmixedsolve ( const real_2d_array a,
const real_2d_array lua,
const integer_1d_array p,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 395 of file solvers.cpp.

396 {
397  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
398  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
399  try
400  {
401  alglib_impl::rmatrixmixedsolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(p.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
402  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
403  return;
404  }
406  {
407  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
408  }
409 }
void rmatrixmixedsolve(ae_matrix *a, ae_matrix *lua, ae_vector *p, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3051
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixmixedsolvem()

void alglib::rmatrixmixedsolvem ( const real_2d_array a,
const real_2d_array lua,
const integer_1d_array p,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_2d_array x 

Definition at line 439 of file solvers.cpp.

440 {
441  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
442  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
443  try
444  {
445  alglib_impl::rmatrixmixedsolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(lua.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(p.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
446  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
447  return;
448  }
450  {
451  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
452  }
453 }
void rmatrixmixedsolvem(ae_matrix *a, ae_matrix *lua, ae_vector *p, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3115
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixmv()

void alglib::rmatrixmv ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  opa,
const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  ix,
real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  iy 

Definition at line 319 of file linalg.cpp.

320 {
321  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
322  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
323  try
324  {
325  alglib_impl::rmatrixmv(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, opa, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), ix, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), iy, &_alglib_env_state);
326  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
327  return;
328  }
330  {
331  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
332  }
333 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void rmatrixmv(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t opa, ae_vector *x, ae_int_t ix, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t iy, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8211
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixqr()

void alglib::rmatrixqr ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_1d_array tau 

Definition at line 658 of file linalg.cpp.

659 {
660  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
661  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
662  try
663  {
664  alglib_impl::rmatrixqr(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
665  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
666  return;
667  }
669  {
670  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
671  }
672 }
void rmatrixqr(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:10371
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixqrunpackq()

void alglib::rmatrixqrunpackq ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array tau,
const ae_int_t  qcolumns,
real_2d_array q 

Definition at line 820 of file linalg.cpp.

821 {
822  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
823  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
824  try
825  {
826  alglib_impl::rmatrixqrunpackq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), qcolumns, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(q.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
827  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
828  return;
829  }
831  {
832  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
833  }
834 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void rmatrixqrunpackq(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *tau, ae_int_t qcolumns, ae_matrix *q, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:10951
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixqrunpackr()

void alglib::rmatrixqrunpackr ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_2d_array r 

Definition at line 852 of file linalg.cpp.

853 {
854  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
855  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
856  try
857  {
858  alglib_impl::rmatrixqrunpackr(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(r.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
859  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
860  return;
861  }
863  {
864  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
865  }
866 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void rmatrixqrunpackr(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *r, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:11099
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixrank1()

void alglib::rmatrixrank1 ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
real_1d_array u,
const ae_int_t  iu,
real_1d_array v,
const ae_int_t  iv 

Definition at line 226 of file linalg.cpp.

227 {
228  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
229  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
230  try
231  {
232  alglib_impl::rmatrixrank1(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(u.c_ptr()), iu, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(v.c_ptr()), iv, &_alglib_env_state);
233  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
234  return;
235  }
237  {
238  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
239  }
240 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixrank1(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_vector *u, ae_int_t iu, ae_vector *v, ae_int_t iv, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8037
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * u
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixrcond1()

double alglib::rmatrixrcond1 ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 3112 of file linalg.cpp.

3113 {
3114  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3115  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3116  try
3117  {
3118  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixrcond1(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
3119  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3120  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3121  }
3123  {
3124  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3125  }
3126 }
double rmatrixrcond1(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24306
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixrcondinf()

double alglib::rmatrixrcondinf ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 3145 of file linalg.cpp.

3146 {
3147  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3148  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3149  try
3150  {
3151  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixrcondinf(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
3152  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3153  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3154  }
3156  {
3157  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3158  }
3159 }
double rmatrixrcondinf(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24369
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixrighttrsm()

void alglib::rmatrixrighttrsm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  j1,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
const ae_int_t  optype,
const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  i2,
const ae_int_t  j2 

Definition at line 410 of file linalg.cpp.

411 {
412  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
413  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
414  try
415  {
416  alglib_impl::rmatrixrighttrsm(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), i1, j1, isupper, isunit, optype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), i2, j2, &_alglib_env_state);
417  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
418  return;
419  }
421  {
422  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
423  }
424 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a
void rmatrixrighttrsm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8516

◆ rmatrixrndcond()

void alglib::rmatrixrndcond ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  c,
real_2d_array a 

Definition at line 2527 of file linalg.cpp.

2528 {
2529  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2530  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2531  try
2532  {
2533  alglib_impl::rmatrixrndcond(n, c, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2534  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2535  return;
2536  }
2538  {
2539  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2540  }
2541 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:21680
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixrndorthogonal()

void alglib::rmatrixrndorthogonal ( const ae_int_t  n,
real_2d_array a 

Definition at line 2497 of file linalg.cpp.

2498 {
2499  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2500  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2501  try
2502  {
2503  alglib_impl::rmatrixrndorthogonal(n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2504  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2505  return;
2506  }
2508  {
2509  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2510  }
2511 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixrndorthogonal(ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:21637
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft()

void alglib::rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 2771 of file linalg.cpp.

2772 {
2773  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2774  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2775  try
2776  {
2777  alglib_impl::rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, &_alglib_env_state);
2778  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2779  return;
2780  }
2782  {
2783  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2784  }
2785 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22267
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright()

void alglib::rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 2741 of file linalg.cpp.

2742 {
2743  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2744  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2745  try
2746  {
2747  alglib_impl::rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, &_alglib_env_state);
2748  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2749  return;
2750  }
2752  {
2753  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2754  }
2755 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a
void rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22166

◆ rmatrixschur()

bool alglib::rmatrixschur ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
real_2d_array s 

Definition at line 7050 of file linalg.cpp.

7051 {
7052  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
7053  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
7054  try
7055  {
7056  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::rmatrixschur(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
7057  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
7058  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
7059  }
7061  {
7062  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
7063  }
7064 }
ae_bool rmatrixschur(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:33736
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixsolve()

void alglib::rmatrixsolve ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 213 of file solvers.cpp.

214 {
215  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
216  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
217  try
218  {
219  alglib_impl::rmatrixsolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
220  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
221  return;
222  }
224  {
225  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
226  }
227 }
void rmatrixsolve(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:2735
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixsolvels()

void alglib::rmatrixsolvels ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  nrows,
const ae_int_t  ncols,
const real_1d_array b,
const double  threshold,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverlsreport rep,
real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 1119 of file solvers.cpp.

1120 {
1121  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1122  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1123  try
1124  {
1125  alglib_impl::rmatrixsolvels(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), nrows, ncols, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), threshold, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverlsreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1126  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1127  return;
1128  }
1130  {
1131  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1132  }
1133 }
int nrows
void rmatrixsolvels(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t nrows, ae_int_t ncols, ae_vector *b, double threshold, ae_int_t *info, densesolverlsreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:4369
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void threshold(double *phi, unsigned long nvox, double limit)
Definition: lib_vwk.cpp:524
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixsolvem()

void alglib::rmatrixsolvem ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
const bool  rfs,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_2d_array x 

Definition at line 260 of file solvers.cpp.

261 {
262  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
263  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
264  try
265  {
266  alglib_impl::rmatrixsolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, rfs, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
267  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
268  return;
269  }
271  {
272  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
273  }
274 }
void rmatrixsolvem(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_bool rfs, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:2800
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
Definition: queue_bag.h:9
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixsvd()

bool alglib::rmatrixsvd ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  uneeded,
const ae_int_t  vtneeded,
const ae_int_t  additionalmemory,
real_1d_array w,
real_2d_array u,
real_2d_array vt 

Definition at line 1851 of file linalg.cpp.

1852 {
1853  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1854  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1855  try
1856  {
1857  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::rmatrixsvd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), m, n, uneeded, vtneeded, additionalmemory, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(u.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(vt.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1858  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1859  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
1860  }
1862  {
1863  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1864  }
1865 }
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
ae_bool rmatrixsvd(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t uneeded, ae_int_t vtneeded, ae_int_t additionalmemory, ae_vector *w, ae_matrix *u, ae_matrix *vt, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:15147
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * u
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixsyrk()

void alglib::rmatrixsyrk ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k,
const double  alpha,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  optypea,
const double  beta,
const real_2d_array c,
const ae_int_t  ic,
const ae_int_t  jc,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 518 of file linalg.cpp.

519 {
520  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
521  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
522  try
523  {
524  alglib_impl::rmatrixsyrk(n, k, alpha, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, optypea, beta, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), ic, jc, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
525  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
526  return;
527  }
529  {
530  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
531  }
532 }
doublereal * c
double beta(const double a, const double b)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void rmatrixsyrk(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix *c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8857
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixtranspose()

void alglib::rmatrixtranspose ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  ib,
const ae_int_t  jb 

Definition at line 82 of file linalg.cpp.

83 {
84  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
85  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
86  try
87  {
88  alglib_impl::rmatrixtranspose(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), ib, jb, &_alglib_env_state);
89  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
90  return;
91  }
93  {
94  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
95  }
96 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
void rmatrixtranspose(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:7814
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixtrinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::rmatrixtrinverse ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4543 of file linalg.cpp.

4544 {
4545  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4546  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4547  try
4548  {
4549  alglib_impl::rmatrixtrinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, isunit, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4550  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4551  return;
4552  }
4554  {
4555  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4556  }
4557 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixtrinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27906
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixtrinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::rmatrixtrinverse ( real_2d_array a,
const bool  isupper,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4597 of file linalg.cpp.

4598 {
4599  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4600  ae_int_t n;
4601  bool isunit;
4602  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()))
4603  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'rmatrixtrinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4604  n = a.cols();
4605  isunit = false;
4606  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4607  try
4608  {
4609  alglib_impl::rmatrixtrinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, isunit, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4611  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4612  return;
4613  }
4615  {
4616  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4617  }
4618 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void rmatrixtrinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27906
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixtrrcond1()

double alglib::rmatrixtrrcond1 ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit 

Definition at line 3223 of file linalg.cpp.

3224 {
3225  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3226  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3227  try
3228  {
3229  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixtrrcond1(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, isunit, &_alglib_env_state);
3230  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3231  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3232  }
3234  {
3235  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3236  }
3237 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double rmatrixtrrcond1(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24522
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ rmatrixtrrcondinf()

double alglib::rmatrixtrrcondinf ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit 

Definition at line 3258 of file linalg.cpp.

3259 {
3260  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3261  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3262  try
3263  {
3264  double result = alglib_impl::rmatrixtrrcondinf(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, isunit, &_alglib_env_state);
3265  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3266  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3267  }
3269  {
3270  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3271  }
3272 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double rmatrixtrrcondinf(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24605
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ round()

int alglib::round ( double  x)

Definition at line 7245 of file ap.cpp.

7246 { return int(floor(x+0.5)); }
__host__ __device__ float2 floor(const float2 v)
doublereal * x

◆ sampleadev() [1/2]

void alglib::sampleadev ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
double &  adev 

Definition at line 417 of file statistics.cpp.

418 {
419  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
420  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
421  try
422  {
423  alglib_impl::sampleadev(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &adev, &_alglib_env_state);
424  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
425  return;
426  }
428  {
429  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
430  }
431 }
void sampleadev(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double *adev, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ sampleadev() [2/2]

void alglib::sampleadev ( const real_1d_array x,
double &  adev 

Definition at line 448 of file statistics.cpp.

449 {
450  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
451  ae_int_t n;
453  n = x.length();
454  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
455  try
456  {
457  alglib_impl::sampleadev(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &adev, &_alglib_env_state);
459  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
460  return;
461  }
463  {
464  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
465  }
466 }
void sampleadev(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double *adev, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ samplekurtosis() [1/2]

double alglib::samplekurtosis ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 348 of file statistics.cpp.

349 {
350  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
351  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
352  try
353  {
354  double result = alglib_impl::samplekurtosis(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
355  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
356  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
357  }
359  {
360  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
361  }
362 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double samplekurtosis(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ samplekurtosis() [2/2]

double alglib::samplekurtosis ( const real_1d_array x)

Definition at line 382 of file statistics.cpp.

383 {
384  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
385  ae_int_t n;
387  n = x.length();
388  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
389  try
390  {
391  double result = alglib_impl::samplekurtosis(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
393  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
394  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
395  }
397  {
398  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
399  }
400 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double samplekurtosis(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ samplemean() [1/2]

double alglib::samplemean ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 132 of file statistics.cpp.

133 {
134  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
135  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
136  try
137  {
138  double result = alglib_impl::samplemean(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
139  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
140  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
141  }
143  {
144  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
145  }
146 }
double samplemean(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ samplemean() [2/2]

double alglib::samplemean ( const real_1d_array x)

Definition at line 166 of file statistics.cpp.

167 {
168  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
169  ae_int_t n;
171  n = x.length();
172  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
173  try
174  {
175  double result = alglib_impl::samplemean(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
177  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
178  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
179  }
181  {
182  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
183  }
184 }
double samplemean(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ samplemedian() [1/2]

void alglib::samplemedian ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
double &  median 

Definition at line 483 of file statistics.cpp.

484 {
485  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
486  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
487  try
488  {
489  alglib_impl::samplemedian(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &median, &_alglib_env_state);
490  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
491  return;
492  }
494  {
495  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
496  }
497 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void median(MultidimArray< T > &x, MultidimArray< T > &y, T &m)
Definition: filters.h:1055
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void samplemedian(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double *median, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ samplemedian() [2/2]

void alglib::samplemedian ( const real_1d_array x,
double &  median 

Definition at line 514 of file statistics.cpp.

515 {
516  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
517  ae_int_t n;
519  n = x.length();
520  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
521  try
522  {
523  alglib_impl::samplemedian(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &median, &_alglib_env_state);
525  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
526  return;
527  }
529  {
530  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
531  }
532 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void median(MultidimArray< T > &x, MultidimArray< T > &y, T &m)
Definition: filters.h:1055
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void samplemedian(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double *median, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ samplemoments() [1/2]

void alglib::samplemoments ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
double &  mean,
double &  variance,
double &  skewness,
double &  kurtosis 

Definition at line 59 of file statistics.cpp.

60 {
61  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
62  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
63  try
64  {
65  alglib_impl::samplemoments(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &mean, &variance, &skewness, &kurtosis, &_alglib_env_state);
66  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
67  return;
68  }
70  {
71  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
72  }
73 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void samplemoments(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double *mean, double *variance, double *skewness, double *kurtosis, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ samplemoments() [2/2]

void alglib::samplemoments ( const real_1d_array x,
double &  mean,
double &  variance,
double &  skewness,
double &  kurtosis 

Definition at line 94 of file statistics.cpp.

95 {
96  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
97  ae_int_t n;
99  n = x.length();
100  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
101  try
102  {
103  alglib_impl::samplemoments(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &mean, &variance, &skewness, &kurtosis, &_alglib_env_state);
105  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
106  return;
107  }
109  {
110  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
111  }
112 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void samplemoments(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double *mean, double *variance, double *skewness, double *kurtosis, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ samplepercentile() [1/2]

void alglib::samplepercentile ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  p,
double &  v 

Definition at line 550 of file statistics.cpp.

551 {
552  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
553  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
554  try
555  {
556  alglib_impl::samplepercentile(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, p, &v, &_alglib_env_state);
557  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
558  return;
559  }
561  {
562  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
563  }
564 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void samplepercentile(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double p, double *v, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ samplepercentile() [2/2]

void alglib::samplepercentile ( const real_1d_array x,
const double  p,
double &  v 

Definition at line 582 of file statistics.cpp.

583 {
584  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
585  ae_int_t n;
587  n = x.length();
588  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
589  try
590  {
591  alglib_impl::samplepercentile(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, p, &v, &_alglib_env_state);
593  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
594  return;
595  }
597  {
598  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
599  }
600 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void samplepercentile(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double p, double *v, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ sampleskewness() [1/2]

double alglib::sampleskewness ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 276 of file statistics.cpp.

277 {
278  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
279  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
280  try
281  {
282  double result = alglib_impl::sampleskewness(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
283  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
284  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
285  }
287  {
288  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
289  }
290 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double sampleskewness(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ sampleskewness() [2/2]

double alglib::sampleskewness ( const real_1d_array x)

Definition at line 310 of file statistics.cpp.

311 {
312  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
313  ae_int_t n;
315  n = x.length();
316  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
317  try
318  {
319  double result = alglib_impl::sampleskewness(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
321  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
322  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
323  }
325  {
326  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
327  }
328 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
double sampleskewness(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ samplevariance() [1/2]

double alglib::samplevariance ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 204 of file statistics.cpp.

205 {
206  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
207  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
208  try
209  {
210  double result = alglib_impl::samplevariance(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
211  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
212  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
213  }
215  {
216  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
217  }
218 }
double samplevariance(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ samplevariance() [2/2]

double alglib::samplevariance ( const real_1d_array x)

Definition at line 238 of file statistics.cpp.

239 {
240  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
241  ae_int_t n;
243  n = x.length();
244  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
245  try
246  {
247  double result = alglib_impl::samplevariance(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
249  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
250  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
251  }
253  {
254  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
255  }
256 }
double samplevariance(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ setnworkers()

void alglib::setnworkers ( alglib::ae_int_t  nworkers)

Definition at line 4994 of file ap.cpp.

4995 {
4996 #ifdef AE_HPC
4997  alglib_impl::ae_set_cores_to_use(nworkers);
4998 #endif
4999 }

◆ sign()

int alglib::sign ( double  x)

Definition at line 7215 of file ap.cpp.

7216 {
7217  if( x>0 ) return 1;
7218  if( x<0 ) return -1;
7219  return 0;
7220 }
doublereal * x

◆ sinecosineintegrals()

void alglib::sinecosineintegrals ( const double  x,
double &  si,
double &  ci 

Definition at line 2637 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2638 {
2639  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2640  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2641  try
2642  {
2643  alglib_impl::sinecosineintegrals(x, &si, &ci, &_alglib_env_state);
2644  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2645  return;
2646  }
2648  {
2649  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2650  }
2651 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void sinecosineintegrals(double x, double *si, double *ci, ae_state *_state)

◆ smatrixevd()

bool alglib::smatrixevd ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
const bool  isupper,
real_1d_array d,
real_2d_array z 

Definition at line 1900 of file linalg.cpp.

1901 {
1902  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1903  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1904  try
1905  {
1906  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::smatrixevd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, zneeded, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1907  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1908  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
1909  }
1911  {
1912  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1913  }
1914 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a
ae_bool smatrixevd(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *d, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:15465

◆ smatrixevdi()

bool alglib::smatrixevdi ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
const bool  isupper,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  i2,
real_1d_array w,
real_2d_array z 

Definition at line 2009 of file linalg.cpp.

2010 {
2011  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2012  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2013  try
2014  {
2015  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::smatrixevdi(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, zneeded, isupper, i1, i2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2016  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2017  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2018  }
2020  {
2021  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2022  }
2023 }
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
ae_bool smatrixevdi(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_vector *w, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:15614
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smatrixevdr()

bool alglib::smatrixevdr ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
const bool  isupper,
const double  b1,
const double  b2,
ae_int_t m,
real_1d_array w,
real_2d_array z 

Definition at line 1956 of file linalg.cpp.

1957 {
1958  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1959  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1960  try
1961  {
1962  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::smatrixevdr(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, zneeded, isupper, b1, b2, &m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1963  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1964  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
1965  }
1967  {
1968  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1969  }
1970 }
ae_bool smatrixevdr(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_bool isupper, double b1, double b2, ae_int_t *m, ae_vector *w, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:15539
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smatrixgevd()

bool alglib::smatrixgevd ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isuppera,
const real_2d_array b,
const bool  isupperb,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
const ae_int_t  problemtype,
real_1d_array d,
real_2d_array z 

Definition at line 6778 of file linalg.cpp.

6779 {
6780  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6781  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6782  try
6783  {
6784  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::smatrixgevd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isuppera, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), isupperb, zneeded, problemtype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6785  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6786  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
6787  }
6789  {
6790  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6791  }
6792 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool smatrixgevd(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isuppera, ae_matrix *b, ae_bool isupperb, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_int_t problemtype, ae_vector *d, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32971
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smatrixgevdreduce()

bool alglib::smatrixgevdreduce ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isuppera,
const real_2d_array b,
const bool  isupperb,
const ae_int_t  problemtype,
real_2d_array r,
bool &  isupperr 

Definition at line 6846 of file linalg.cpp.

6847 {
6848  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6849  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6850  try
6851  {
6852  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::smatrixgevdreduce(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isuppera, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), isupperb, problemtype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(r.c_ptr()), &isupperr, &_alglib_env_state);
6853  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6854  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
6855  }
6857  {
6858  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6859  }
6860 }
ae_bool smatrixgevdreduce(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isuppera, ae_matrix *b, ae_bool isupperb, ae_int_t problemtype, ae_matrix *r, ae_bool *isupperr, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:33129
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smatrixrndcond()

void alglib::smatrixrndcond ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  c,
real_2d_array a 

Definition at line 2618 of file linalg.cpp.

2619 {
2620  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2621  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2622  try
2623  {
2624  alglib_impl::smatrixrndcond(n, c, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2625  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2626  return;
2627  }
2629  {
2630  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2631  }
2632 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void smatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:21855
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smatrixrndmultiply()

void alglib::smatrixrndmultiply ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 2864 of file linalg.cpp.

2865 {
2866  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2867  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2868  try
2869  {
2870  alglib_impl::smatrixrndmultiply(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
2871  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2872  return;
2873  }
2875  {
2876  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2877  }
2878 }
void smatrixrndmultiply(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22561
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smatrixtd()

void alglib::smatrixtd ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
real_1d_array tau,
real_1d_array d,
real_1d_array e 

Definition at line 1537 of file linalg.cpp.

1538 {
1539  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1540  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1541  try
1542  {
1543  alglib_impl::smatrixtd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(e.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1544  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1545  return;
1546  }
1548  {
1549  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1550  }
1551 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void smatrixtd(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *tau, ae_vector *d, ae_vector *e, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:12858
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smatrixtdevd()

bool alglib::smatrixtdevd ( real_1d_array d,
const real_1d_array e,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
real_2d_array z 

Definition at line 2247 of file linalg.cpp.

2248 {
2249  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2250  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2251  try
2252  {
2253  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::smatrixtdevd(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(e.c_ptr()), n, zneeded, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2254  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2255  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2256  }
2258  {
2259  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2260  }
2261 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool smatrixtdevd(ae_vector *d, ae_vector *e, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:16129
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ smatrixtdevdi()

bool alglib::smatrixtdevdi ( real_1d_array d,
const real_1d_array e,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  i2,
real_2d_array z 

Definition at line 2385 of file linalg.cpp.

2386 {
2387  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2388  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2389  try
2390  {
2391  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::smatrixtdevdi(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(e.c_ptr()), n, zneeded, i1, i2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2392  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2393  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2394  }
2396  {
2397  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2398  }
2399 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool smatrixtdevdi(ae_vector *d, ae_vector *e, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:16568
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ smatrixtdevdr()

bool alglib::smatrixtdevdr ( real_1d_array d,
const real_1d_array e,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  zneeded,
const double  a,
const double  b,
ae_int_t m,
real_2d_array z 

Definition at line 2316 of file linalg.cpp.

2317 {
2318  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2319  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2320  try
2321  {
2322  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::smatrixtdevdr(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(e.c_ptr()), n, zneeded, a, b, &m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(z.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2323  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2324  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
2325  }
2327  {
2328  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2329  }
2330 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
doublereal * b
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ae_bool smatrixtdevdr(ae_vector *d, ae_vector *e, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, double a, double b, ae_int_t *m, ae_matrix *z, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:16273
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smatrixtdunpackq()

void alglib::smatrixtdunpackq ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const real_1d_array tau,
real_2d_array q 

Definition at line 1570 of file linalg.cpp.

1571 {
1572  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1573  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1574  try
1575  {
1576  alglib_impl::smatrixtdunpackq(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(tau.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(q.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1577  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1578  return;
1579  }
1581  {
1582  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1583  }
1584 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a
void smatrixtdunpackq(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *tau, ae_matrix *q, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:13034

◆ smp_clusterizergetdistances()

void alglib::smp_clusterizergetdistances ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nfeatures,
const ae_int_t  disttype,
real_2d_array d 

Definition at line 962 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

963 {
964  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
965  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
966  try
967  {
968  alglib_impl::_pexec_clusterizergetdistances(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, disttype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(d.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
969  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
970  return;
971  }
973  {
974  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
975  }
976 }
void _pexec_clusterizergetdistances(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_int_t disttype, ae_matrix *d, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_clusterizerrunahc()

void alglib::smp_clusterizerrunahc ( const clusterizerstate s,
ahcreport rep 

Definition at line 821 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

822 {
823  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
824  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
825  try
826  {
827  alglib_impl::_pexec_clusterizerrunahc(const_cast<alglib_impl::clusterizerstate*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ahcreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
828  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
829  return;
830  }
832  {
833  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
834  }
835 }
void _pexec_clusterizerrunahc(clusterizerstate *s, ahcreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_cmatrixgemm()

void alglib::smp_cmatrixgemm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k,
const alglib::complex  alpha,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  optypea,
const complex_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  ib,
const ae_int_t  jb,
const ae_int_t  optypeb,
const alglib::complex  beta,
const complex_2d_array c,
const ae_int_t  ic,
const ae_int_t  jc 

Definition at line 571 of file linalg.cpp.

572 {
573  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
574  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
575  try
576  {
577  alglib_impl::_pexec_cmatrixgemm(m, n, k, *alpha.c_ptr(), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, optypea, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), ib, jb, optypeb, *beta.c_ptr(), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), ic, jc, &_alglib_env_state);
578  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
579  return;
580  }
582  {
583  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
584  }
585 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
doublereal * b
void _pexec_cmatrixgemm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, ae_complex alpha, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, ae_complex beta, ae_matrix *c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:9083
Definition: ap.h:201
alglib_impl::ae_complex * c_ptr()
Definition: ap.cpp:4828
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smp_cmatrixlefttrsm()

void alglib::smp_cmatrixlefttrsm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  j1,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
const ae_int_t  optype,
const complex_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  i2,
const ae_int_t  j2 

Definition at line 391 of file linalg.cpp.

392 {
393  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
394  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
395  try
396  {
397  alglib_impl::_pexec_cmatrixlefttrsm(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), i1, j1, isupper, isunit, optype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), i2, j2, &_alglib_env_state);
398  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
399  return;
400  }
402  {
403  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
404  }
405 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void _pexec_cmatrixlefttrsm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8500
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smp_cmatrixrighttrsm()

void alglib::smp_cmatrixrighttrsm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  j1,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
const ae_int_t  optype,
const complex_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  i2,
const ae_int_t  j2 

Definition at line 355 of file linalg.cpp.

356 {
357  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
358  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
359  try
360  {
361  alglib_impl::_pexec_cmatrixrighttrsm(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), i1, j1, isupper, isunit, optype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), i2, j2, &_alglib_env_state);
362  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
363  return;
364  }
366  {
367  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
368  }
369 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void _pexec_cmatrixrighttrsm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8383
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smp_cmatrixsyrk()

void alglib::smp_cmatrixsyrk ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k,
const double  alpha,
const complex_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  optypea,
const double  beta,
const complex_2d_array c,
const ae_int_t  ic,
const ae_int_t  jc,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 499 of file linalg.cpp.

500 {
501  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
502  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
503  try
504  {
505  alglib_impl::_pexec_cmatrixsyrk(n, k, alpha, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, optypea, beta, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), ic, jc, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
506  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
507  return;
508  }
510  {
511  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
512  }
513 }
doublereal * c
double beta(const double a, const double b)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void _pexec_cmatrixsyrk(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix *c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8840
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smp_covm() [1/2]

void alglib::smp_covm ( const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 869 of file statistics.cpp.

870 {
871  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
872  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
873  try
874  {
875  alglib_impl::_pexec_covm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
876  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
877  return;
878  }
880  {
881  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
882  }
883 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void _pexec_covm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ smp_covm() [2/2]

void alglib::smp_covm ( const real_2d_array x,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 947 of file statistics.cpp.

948 {
949  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
950  ae_int_t n;
951  ae_int_t m;
953  n = x.rows();
954  m = x.cols();
955  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
956  try
957  {
958  alglib_impl::_pexec_covm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
960  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
961  return;
962  }
964  {
965  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
966  }
967 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void _pexec_covm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ smp_covm2() [1/2]

void alglib::smp_covm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m1,
const ae_int_t  m2,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1343 of file statistics.cpp.

1344 {
1345  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1346  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1347  try
1348  {
1349  alglib_impl::_pexec_covm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1350  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1351  return;
1352  }
1354  {
1355  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1356  }
1357 }
void _pexec_covm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ smp_covm2() [2/2]

void alglib::smp_covm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1430 of file statistics.cpp.

1431 {
1432  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1433  ae_int_t n;
1434  ae_int_t m1;
1435  ae_int_t m2;
1436  if( (x.rows()!=y.rows()))
1437  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'covm2': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1438  n = x.rows();
1439  m1 = x.cols();
1440  m2 = y.cols();
1441  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1442  try
1443  {
1444  alglib_impl::_pexec_covm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1446  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1447  return;
1448  }
1450  {
1451  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1452  }
1453 }
void _pexec_covm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ smp_mlpallerrorssparsesubset()

void alglib::smp_mlpallerrorssparsesubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array subset,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize,
modelerrors rep 

Definition at line 5674 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5675 {
5676  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5677  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5678  try
5679  {
5680  alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpallerrorssparsesubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(subset.c_ptr()), subsetsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::modelerrors*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5681  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5682  return;
5683  }
5685  {
5686  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5687  }
5688 }
void _pexec_mlpallerrorssparsesubset(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *subset, ae_int_t subsetsize, modelerrors *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpallerrorssubset()

void alglib::smp_mlpallerrorssubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array subset,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize,
modelerrors rep 

Definition at line 5592 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5593 {
5594  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5595  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5596  try
5597  {
5598  alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpallerrorssubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(subset.c_ptr()), subsetsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::modelerrors*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5599  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5600  return;
5601  }
5603  {
5604  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5605  }
5606 }
void _pexec_mlpallerrorssubset(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *subset, ae_int_t subsetsize, modelerrors *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpavgce()

double alglib::smp_mlpavgce ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4284 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4285 {
4286  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4287  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4288  try
4289  {
4290  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpavgce(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4291  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4292  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4293  }
4295  {
4296  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4297  }
4298 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double _pexec_mlpavgce(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ smp_mlpavgcesparse()

double alglib::smp_mlpavgcesparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4384 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4385 {
4386  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4387  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4388  try
4389  {
4390  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpavgcesparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4391  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4392  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4393  }
4395  {
4396  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4397  }
4398 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double _pexec_mlpavgcesparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)

◆ smp_mlpavgerror()

double alglib::smp_mlpavgerror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4675 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4676 {
4677  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4678  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4679  try
4680  {
4681  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpavgerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4682  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4683  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4684  }
4686  {
4687  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4688  }
4689 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double _pexec_mlpavgerror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpavgerrorsparse()

double alglib::smp_mlpavgerrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4774 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4775 {
4776  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4777  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4778  try
4779  {
4780  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpavgerrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4781  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4782  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4783  }
4785  {
4786  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4787  }
4788 }
double _pexec_mlpavgerrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpavgrelerror()

double alglib::smp_mlpavgrelerror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4870 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4871 {
4872  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4873  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4874  try
4875  {
4876  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpavgrelerror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4877  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4878  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4879  }
4881  {
4882  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4883  }
4884 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
double _pexec_mlpavgrelerror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpavgrelerrorsparse()

double alglib::smp_mlpavgrelerrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4970 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4971 {
4972  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4973  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4974  try
4975  {
4976  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpavgrelerrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4977  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4978  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4979  }
4981  {
4982  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4983  }
4984 }
double _pexec_mlpavgrelerrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpclserror()

ae_int_t alglib::smp_mlpclserror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 3998 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3999 {
4000  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4001  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4002  try
4003  {
4004  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpclserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4005  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4006  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
4007  }
4009  {
4010  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4011  }
4012 }
ae_int_t _pexec_mlpclserror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ smp_mlpcontinuetraining()

bool alglib::smp_mlpcontinuetraining ( const mlptrainer s,
const multilayerperceptron network 

Definition at line 9279 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9280 {
9281  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9282  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9283  try
9284  {
9285  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpcontinuetraining(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9286  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9287  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
9288  }
9290  {
9291  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9292  }
9293 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool _pexec_mlpcontinuetraining(mlptrainer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlperror()

double alglib::smp_mlperror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 3781 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3782 {
3783  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3784  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3785  try
3786  {
3787  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlperror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
3788  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3789  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3790  }
3792  {
3793  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3794  }
3795 }
double _pexec_mlperror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlperrorsparse()

double alglib::smp_mlperrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 3879 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

3880 {
3881  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3882  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3883  try
3884  {
3885  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlperrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
3886  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3887  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3888  }
3890  {
3891  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3892  }
3893 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double _pexec_mlperrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlperrorsparsesubset()

double alglib::smp_mlperrorsparsesubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array subset,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize 

Definition at line 5871 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5872 {
5873  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5874  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5875  try
5876  {
5877  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlperrorsparsesubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(subset.c_ptr()), subsetsize, &_alglib_env_state);
5878  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5879  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
5880  }
5882  {
5883  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5884  }
5885 }
double _pexec_mlperrorsparsesubset(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *subset, ae_int_t subsetsize, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlperrorsubset()

double alglib::smp_mlperrorsubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array subset,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize 

Definition at line 5770 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5771 {
5772  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5773  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5774  try
5775  {
5776  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlperrorsubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(subset.c_ptr()), subsetsize, &_alglib_env_state);
5777  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5778  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
5779  }
5781  {
5782  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5783  }
5784 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double _pexec_mlperrorsubset(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *subset, ae_int_t subsetsize, ae_state *_state)

◆ smp_mlpgradbatch()

void alglib::smp_mlpgradbatch ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  ssize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5126 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5127 {
5128  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5129  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5130  try
5131  {
5132  alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpgradbatch(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), ssize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5133  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5134  return;
5135  }
5137  {
5138  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5139  }
5140 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void _pexec_mlpgradbatch(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t ssize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpgradbatchsparse()

void alglib::smp_mlpgradbatchsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  ssize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5213 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5214 {
5215  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5216  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5217  try
5218  {
5219  alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpgradbatchsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), ssize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5220  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5221  return;
5222  }
5224  {
5225  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5226  }
5227 }
void _pexec_mlpgradbatchsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t ssize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpgradbatchsparsesubset()

void alglib::smp_mlpgradbatchsparsesubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array idx,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5416 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5417 {
5418  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5419  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5420  try
5421  {
5422  alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpgradbatchsparsesubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(idx.c_ptr()), subsetsize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5423  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5424  return;
5425  }
5427  {
5428  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5429  }
5430 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void _pexec_mlpgradbatchsparsesubset(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *idx, ae_int_t subsetsize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpgradbatchsubset()

void alglib::smp_mlpgradbatchsubset ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  setsize,
const integer_1d_array idx,
const ae_int_t  subsetsize,
double &  e,
real_1d_array grad 

Definition at line 5312 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

5313 {
5314  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5315  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5316  try
5317  {
5318  alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpgradbatchsubset(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), setsize, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(idx.c_ptr()), subsetsize, &e, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(grad.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5319  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5320  return;
5321  }
5323  {
5324  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5325  }
5326 }
doublereal * grad
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void _pexec_mlpgradbatchsubset(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t setsize, ae_vector *idx, ae_int_t subsetsize, double *e, ae_vector *grad, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlpkfoldcv()

void alglib::smp_mlpkfoldcv ( const mlptrainer s,
const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  nrestarts,
const ae_int_t  foldscount,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 8722 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

8723 {
8724  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
8725  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
8726  try
8727  {
8728  alglib_impl::_pexec_mlpkfoldcv(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), nrestarts, foldscount, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
8729  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
8730  return;
8731  }
8733  {
8734  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
8735  }
8736 }
void _pexec_mlpkfoldcv(mlptrainer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t nrestarts, ae_int_t foldscount, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlprelclserror()

double alglib::smp_mlprelclserror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4093 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4094 {
4095  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4096  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4097  try
4098  {
4099  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlprelclserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4100  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4101  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4102  }
4104  {
4105  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4106  }
4107 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
double _pexec_mlprelclserror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlprelclserrorsparse()

double alglib::smp_mlprelclserrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4189 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4190 {
4191  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4192  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4193  try
4194  {
4195  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlprelclserrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4196  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4197  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4198  }
4200  {
4201  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4202  }
4203 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
double _pexec_mlprelclserrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlprmserror()

double alglib::smp_mlprmserror ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4480 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4481 {
4482  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4483  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4484  try
4485  {
4486  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlprmserror(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4487  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4488  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4489  }
4491  {
4492  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4493  }
4494 }
double _pexec_mlprmserror(multilayerperceptron *network, ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlprmserrorsparse()

double alglib::smp_mlprmserrorsparse ( const multilayerperceptron network,
const sparsematrix xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints 

Definition at line 4580 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

4581 {
4582  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4583  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4584  try
4585  {
4586  double result = alglib_impl::_pexec_mlprmserrorsparse(const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, &_alglib_env_state);
4587  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4588  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
4589  }
4591  {
4592  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4593  }
4594 }
double _pexec_mlprmserrorsparse(multilayerperceptron *network, sparsematrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlptrainensemblees()

void alglib::smp_mlptrainensemblees ( const mlptrainer s,
const mlpensemble ensemble,
const ae_int_t  nrestarts,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 9502 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9503 {
9504  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9505  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9506  try
9507  {
9508  alglib_impl::_pexec_mlptrainensemblees(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpensemble*>(ensemble.c_ptr()), nrestarts, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9509  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9510  return;
9511  }
9513  {
9514  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9515  }
9516 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void _pexec_mlptrainensemblees(mlptrainer *s, mlpensemble *ensemble, ae_int_t nrestarts, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_mlptrainnetwork()

void alglib::smp_mlptrainnetwork ( const mlptrainer s,
const multilayerperceptron network,
const ae_int_t  nrestarts,
mlpreport rep 

Definition at line 9087 of file dataanalysis.cpp.

9088 {
9089  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9090  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9091  try
9092  {
9093  alglib_impl::_pexec_mlptrainnetwork(const_cast<alglib_impl::mlptrainer*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::multilayerperceptron*>(network.c_ptr()), nrestarts, const_cast<alglib_impl::mlpreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9094  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9095  return;
9096  }
9098  {
9099  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9100  }
9101 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void _pexec_mlptrainnetwork(mlptrainer *s, multilayerperceptron *network, ae_int_t nrestarts, mlpreport *rep, ae_state *_state)

◆ smp_pearsoncorrm() [1/2]

void alglib::smp_pearsoncorrm ( const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1025 of file statistics.cpp.

1026 {
1027  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1028  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1029  try
1030  {
1031  alglib_impl::_pexec_pearsoncorrm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1032  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1033  return;
1034  }
1036  {
1037  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1038  }
1039 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void _pexec_pearsoncorrm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ smp_pearsoncorrm() [2/2]

void alglib::smp_pearsoncorrm ( const real_2d_array x,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1103 of file statistics.cpp.

1104 {
1105  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1106  ae_int_t n;
1107  ae_int_t m;
1109  n = x.rows();
1110  m = x.cols();
1111  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1112  try
1113  {
1114  alglib_impl::_pexec_pearsoncorrm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1116  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1117  return;
1118  }
1120  {
1121  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1122  }
1123 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void _pexec_pearsoncorrm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ smp_pearsoncorrm2() [1/2]

void alglib::smp_pearsoncorrm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m1,
const ae_int_t  m2,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1517 of file statistics.cpp.

1518 {
1519  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1520  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1521  try
1522  {
1523  alglib_impl::_pexec_pearsoncorrm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1524  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1525  return;
1526  }
1528  {
1529  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1530  }
1531 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void _pexec_pearsoncorrm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ smp_pearsoncorrm2() [2/2]

void alglib::smp_pearsoncorrm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1604 of file statistics.cpp.

1605 {
1606  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1607  ae_int_t n;
1608  ae_int_t m1;
1609  ae_int_t m2;
1610  if( (x.rows()!=y.rows()))
1611  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'pearsoncorrm2': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1612  n = x.rows();
1613  m1 = x.cols();
1614  m2 = y.cols();
1615  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1616  try
1617  {
1618  alglib_impl::_pexec_pearsoncorrm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1620  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1621  return;
1622  }
1624  {
1625  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1626  }
1627 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void _pexec_pearsoncorrm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ smp_rankdata() [1/2]

void alglib::smp_rankdata ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nfeatures 

Definition at line 1823 of file statistics.cpp.

1824 {
1825  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1826  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1827  try
1828  {
1829  alglib_impl::_pexec_rankdata(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, &_alglib_env_state);
1830  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1831  return;
1832  }
1834  {
1835  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1836  }
1837 }
void _pexec_rankdata(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_rankdata() [2/2]

void alglib::smp_rankdata ( real_2d_array xy)

Definition at line 1865 of file statistics.cpp.

1866 {
1867  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1868  ae_int_t npoints;
1869  ae_int_t nfeatures;
1871  npoints = xy.rows();
1872  nfeatures = xy.cols();
1873  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1874  try
1875  {
1876  alglib_impl::_pexec_rankdata(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, &_alglib_env_state);
1878  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1879  return;
1880  }
1882  {
1883  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1884  }
1885 }
void _pexec_rankdata(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ smp_rankdatacentered() [1/2]

void alglib::smp_rankdatacentered ( const real_2d_array xy,
const ae_int_t  npoints,
const ae_int_t  nfeatures 

Definition at line 1907 of file statistics.cpp.

1908 {
1909  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1910  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1911  try
1912  {
1913  alglib_impl::_pexec_rankdatacentered(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, &_alglib_env_state);
1914  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1915  return;
1916  }
1918  {
1919  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1920  }
1921 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void _pexec_rankdatacentered(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ smp_rankdatacentered() [2/2]

void alglib::smp_rankdatacentered ( real_2d_array xy)

Definition at line 1949 of file statistics.cpp.

1950 {
1951  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1952  ae_int_t npoints;
1953  ae_int_t nfeatures;
1955  npoints = xy.rows();
1956  nfeatures = xy.cols();
1957  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1958  try
1959  {
1960  alglib_impl::_pexec_rankdatacentered(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(xy.c_ptr()), npoints, nfeatures, &_alglib_env_state);
1962  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1963  return;
1964  }
1966  {
1967  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1968  }
1969 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void _pexec_rankdatacentered(ae_matrix *xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ smp_rmatrixgemm()

void alglib::smp_rmatrixgemm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k,
const double  alpha,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  optypea,
const real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  ib,
const ae_int_t  jb,
const ae_int_t  optypeb,
const double  beta,
const real_2d_array c,
const ae_int_t  ic,
const ae_int_t  jc 

Definition at line 607 of file linalg.cpp.

608 {
609  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
610  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
611  try
612  {
613  alglib_impl::_pexec_rmatrixgemm(m, n, k, alpha, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, optypea, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), ib, jb, optypeb, beta, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), ic, jc, &_alglib_env_state);
614  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
615  return;
616  }
618  {
619  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
620  }
621 }
doublereal * c
double beta(const double a, const double b)
void _pexec_rmatrixgemm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, double beta, ae_matrix *c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:9233
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smp_rmatrixlefttrsm()

void alglib::smp_rmatrixlefttrsm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  j1,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
const ae_int_t  optype,
const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  i2,
const ae_int_t  j2 

Definition at line 463 of file linalg.cpp.

464 {
465  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
466  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
467  try
468  {
469  alglib_impl::_pexec_rmatrixlefttrsm(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), i1, j1, isupper, isunit, optype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), i2, j2, &_alglib_env_state);
470  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
471  return;
472  }
474  {
475  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
476  }
477 }
void _pexec_rmatrixlefttrsm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8739
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smp_rmatrixrighttrsm()

void alglib::smp_rmatrixrighttrsm ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  i1,
const ae_int_t  j1,
const bool  isupper,
const bool  isunit,
const ae_int_t  optype,
const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  i2,
const ae_int_t  j2 

Definition at line 427 of file linalg.cpp.

428 {
429  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
430  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
431  try
432  {
433  alglib_impl::_pexec_rmatrixrighttrsm(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), i1, j1, isupper, isunit, optype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), i2, j2, &_alglib_env_state);
434  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
435  return;
436  }
438  {
439  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
440  }
441 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void _pexec_rmatrixrighttrsm(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, ae_bool isupper, ae_bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8623
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smp_rmatrixsyrk()

void alglib::smp_rmatrixsyrk ( const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k,
const double  alpha,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  ia,
const ae_int_t  ja,
const ae_int_t  optypea,
const double  beta,
const real_2d_array c,
const ae_int_t  ic,
const ae_int_t  jc,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 535 of file linalg.cpp.

536 {
537  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
538  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
539  try
540  {
541  alglib_impl::_pexec_rmatrixsyrk(n, k, alpha, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), ia, ja, optypea, beta, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), ic, jc, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
542  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
543  return;
544  }
546  {
547  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
548  }
549 }
doublereal * c
double beta(const double a, const double b)
void _pexec_rmatrixsyrk(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix *c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:8954
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ smp_spearmancorrm() [1/2]

void alglib::smp_spearmancorrm ( const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1181 of file statistics.cpp.

1182 {
1183  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1184  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1185  try
1186  {
1187  alglib_impl::_pexec_spearmancorrm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1188  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1189  return;
1190  }
1192  {
1193  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1194  }
1195 }
void _pexec_spearmancorrm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ smp_spearmancorrm() [2/2]

void alglib::smp_spearmancorrm ( const real_2d_array x,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1259 of file statistics.cpp.

1260 {
1261  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1262  ae_int_t n;
1263  ae_int_t m;
1265  n = x.rows();
1266  m = x.cols();
1267  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1268  try
1269  {
1270  alglib_impl::_pexec_spearmancorrm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1272  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1273  return;
1274  }
1276  {
1277  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1278  }
1279 }
void _pexec_spearmancorrm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ smp_spearmancorrm2() [1/2]

void alglib::smp_spearmancorrm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m1,
const ae_int_t  m2,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1691 of file statistics.cpp.

1692 {
1693  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1694  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1695  try
1696  {
1697  alglib_impl::_pexec_spearmancorrm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1698  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1699  return;
1700  }
1702  {
1703  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1704  }
1705 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void _pexec_spearmancorrm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ smp_spearmancorrm2() [2/2]

void alglib::smp_spearmancorrm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1778 of file statistics.cpp.

1779 {
1780  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1781  ae_int_t n;
1782  ae_int_t m1;
1783  ae_int_t m2;
1784  if( (x.rows()!=y.rows()))
1785  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spearmancorrm2': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1786  n = x.rows();
1787  m1 = x.cols();
1788  m2 = y.cols();
1789  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1790  try
1791  {
1792  alglib_impl::_pexec_spearmancorrm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1794  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1795  return;
1796  }
1798  {
1799  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1800  }
1801 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void _pexec_spearmancorrm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ sparseadd()

void alglib::sparseadd ( const sparsematrix s,
const ae_int_t  i,
const ae_int_t  j,
const double  v 

Definition at line 5124 of file linalg.cpp.

5125 {
5126  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5127  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5128  try
5129  {
5130  alglib_impl::sparseadd(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), i, j, v, &_alglib_env_state);
5131  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5132  return;
5133  }
5135  {
5136  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5137  }
5138 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
void sparseadd(sparsematrix *s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double v, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29339
Definition: ap.h:201
#define j
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparseconverttocrs()

void alglib::sparseconverttocrs ( const sparsematrix s)

Definition at line 5270 of file linalg.cpp.

5271 {
5272  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5273  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5274  try
5275  {
5276  alglib_impl::sparseconverttocrs(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5277  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5278  return;
5279  }
5281  {
5282  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5283  }
5284 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void sparseconverttocrs(sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29687
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparseconverttohash()

void alglib::sparseconverttohash ( const sparsematrix s)

Definition at line 5805 of file linalg.cpp.

5806 {
5807  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5808  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5809  try
5810  {
5811  alglib_impl::sparseconverttohash(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5812  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5813  return;
5814  }
5816  {
5817  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5818  }
5819 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void sparseconverttohash(sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30878
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparsecopy()

void alglib::sparsecopy ( const sparsematrix s0,
sparsematrix s1 

Definition at line 5084 of file linalg.cpp.

5085 {
5086  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5087  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5088  try
5089  {
5090  alglib_impl::sparsecopy(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s0.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s1.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5091  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5092  return;
5093  }
5095  {
5096  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5097  }
5098 }
void sparsecopy(sparsematrix *s0, sparsematrix *s1, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29262
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparsecopytocrs()

void alglib::sparsecopytocrs ( const sparsematrix s0,
sparsematrix s1 

Definition at line 5867 of file linalg.cpp.

5868 {
5869  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5870  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5871  try
5872  {
5873  alglib_impl::sparsecopytocrs(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s0.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s1.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5874  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5875  return;
5876  }
5878  {
5879  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5880  }
5881 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void sparsecopytocrs(sparsematrix *s0, sparsematrix *s1, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30987

◆ sparsecopytohash()

void alglib::sparsecopytohash ( const sparsematrix s0,
sparsematrix s1 

Definition at line 5836 of file linalg.cpp.

5837 {
5838  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5839  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5840  try
5841  {
5842  alglib_impl::sparsecopytohash(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s0.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s1.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5843  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5844  return;
5845  }
5847  {
5848  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5849  }
5850 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void sparsecopytohash(sparsematrix *s0, sparsematrix *s1, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30942
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparsecreate() [1/2]

void alglib::sparsecreate ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  k,
sparsematrix s 

Definition at line 4878 of file linalg.cpp.

4879 {
4880  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4881  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4882  try
4883  {
4884  alglib_impl::sparsecreate(m, n, k, const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4885  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4886  return;
4887  }
4889  {
4890  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4891  }
4892 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void sparsecreate(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29118
int * n

◆ sparsecreate() [2/2]

void alglib::sparsecreate ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
sparsematrix s 

Definition at line 4968 of file linalg.cpp.

4969 {
4970  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4971  ae_int_t k;
4973  k = 0;
4974  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4975  try
4976  {
4977  alglib_impl::sparsecreate(m, n, k, const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4979  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4980  return;
4981  }
4983  {
4984  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4985  }
4986 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void sparsecreate(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29118
int * n

◆ sparsecreatecrs()

void alglib::sparsecreatecrs ( const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
const integer_1d_array ner,
sparsematrix s 

Definition at line 5059 of file linalg.cpp.

5060 {
5061  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5062  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5063  try
5064  {
5065  alglib_impl::sparsecreatecrs(m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(ner.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5066  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5067  return;
5068  }
5070  {
5071  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5072  }
5073 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void sparsecreatecrs(ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *ner, sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29217
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ sparseenumerate()

bool alglib::sparseenumerate ( const sparsematrix s,
ae_int_t t0,
ae_int_t t1,
ae_int_t i,
ae_int_t j,
double &  v 

Definition at line 5696 of file linalg.cpp.

5697 {
5698  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5699  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5700  try
5701  {
5702  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::sparseenumerate(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &t0, &t1, &i, &j, &v, &_alglib_env_state);
5703  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5704  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
5705  }
5707  {
5708  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5709  }
5710 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool sparseenumerate(sparsematrix *s, ae_int_t *t0, ae_int_t *t1, ae_int_t *i, ae_int_t *j, double *v, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30650
#define j
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparsefree()

void alglib::sparsefree ( sparsematrix s)

Definition at line 5987 of file linalg.cpp.

5988 {
5989  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5990  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5991  try
5992  {
5993  alglib_impl::sparsefree(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5994  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5995  return;
5996  }
5998  {
5999  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6000  }
6001 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void sparsefree(sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:31173

◆ sparseget()

double alglib::sparseget ( const sparsematrix s,
const ae_int_t  i,
const ae_int_t  j 

Definition at line 5201 of file linalg.cpp.

5202 {
5203  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5204  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5205  try
5206  {
5207  double result = alglib_impl::sparseget(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), i, j, &_alglib_env_state);
5208  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5209  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
5210  }
5212  {
5213  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5214  }
5215 }
double sparseget(sparsematrix *s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29561
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
Definition: ap.h:201
#define j
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparsegetdiagonal()

double alglib::sparsegetdiagonal ( const sparsematrix s,
const ae_int_t  i 

Definition at line 5236 of file linalg.cpp.

5237 {
5238  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5239  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5240  try
5241  {
5242  double result = alglib_impl::sparsegetdiagonal(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), i, &_alglib_env_state);
5243  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5244  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
5245  }
5247  {
5248  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5249  }
5250 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
double sparsegetdiagonal(sparsematrix *s, ae_int_t i, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29643

◆ sparsegetmatrixtype()

ae_int_t alglib::sparsegetmatrixtype ( const sparsematrix s)

Definition at line 5901 of file linalg.cpp.

5902 {
5903  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5904  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5905  try
5906  {
5907  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::sparsegetmatrixtype(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5908  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5909  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
5910  }
5912  {
5913  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5914  }
5915 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_int_t sparsegetmatrixtype(sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:31102
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ sparsegetncols()

ae_int_t alglib::sparsegetncols ( const sparsematrix s)

Definition at line 6035 of file linalg.cpp.

6036 {
6037  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6038  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6039  try
6040  {
6041  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::sparsegetncols(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6042  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6043  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
6044  }
6046  {
6047  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6048  }
6049 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_int_t sparsegetncols(sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:31212
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ sparsegetnrows()

ae_int_t alglib::sparsegetnrows ( const sparsematrix s)

Definition at line 6011 of file linalg.cpp.

6012 {
6013  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6014  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6015  try
6016  {
6017  alglib_impl::ae_int_t result = alglib_impl::sparsegetnrows(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
6018  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6019  return *(reinterpret_cast<ae_int_t*>(&result));
6020  }
6022  {
6023  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6024  }
6025 }
ae_int_t sparsegetnrows(sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:31194
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186

◆ sparsegetrow()

void alglib::sparsegetrow ( const sparsematrix s,
const ae_int_t  i,
real_1d_array irow 

Definition at line 5773 of file linalg.cpp.

5774 {
5775  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5776  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5777  try
5778  {
5779  alglib_impl::sparsegetrow(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), i, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(irow.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5780  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5781  return;
5782  }
5784  {
5785  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5786  }
5787 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
void sparsegetrow(sparsematrix *s, ae_int_t i, ae_vector *irow, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30840
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparseiscrs()

bool alglib::sparseiscrs ( const sparsematrix s)

Definition at line 5961 of file linalg.cpp.

5962 {
5963  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5964  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5965  try
5966  {
5967  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::sparseiscrs(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5968  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5969  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
5970  }
5972  {
5973  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5974  }
5975 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
ae_bool sparseiscrs(sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:31152
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparseishash()

bool alglib::sparseishash ( const sparsematrix s)

Definition at line 5931 of file linalg.cpp.

5932 {
5933  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5934  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5935  try
5936  {
5937  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::sparseishash(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5938  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5939  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
5940  }
5942  {
5943  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5944  }
5945 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool sparseishash(sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:31127
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparsemm()

void alglib::sparsemm ( const sparsematrix s,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  k,
real_2d_array b 

Definition at line 5484 of file linalg.cpp.

5485 {
5486  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5487  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5488  try
5489  {
5490  alglib_impl::sparsemm(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), k, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5491  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5492  return;
5493  }
5495  {
5496  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5497  }
5498 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
doublereal * b
void sparsemm(sparsematrix *s, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t k, ae_matrix *b, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30090
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ sparsemm2()

void alglib::sparsemm2 ( const sparsematrix s,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  k,
real_2d_array b0,
real_2d_array b1 

Definition at line 5572 of file linalg.cpp.

5573 {
5574  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5575  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5576  try
5577  {
5578  alglib_impl::sparsemm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), k, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b0.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b1.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5579  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5580  return;
5581  }
5583  {
5584  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5585  }
5586 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a
void sparsemm2(sparsematrix *s, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t k, ae_matrix *b0, ae_matrix *b1, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30269

◆ sparsemtm()

void alglib::sparsemtm ( const sparsematrix s,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  k,
real_2d_array b 

Definition at line 5525 of file linalg.cpp.

5526 {
5527  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5528  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5529  try
5530  {
5531  alglib_impl::sparsemtm(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), k, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5532  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5533  return;
5534  }
5536  {
5537  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5538  }
5539 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void sparsemtm(sparsematrix *s, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t k, ae_matrix *b, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30177
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ sparsemtv()

void alglib::sparsemtv ( const sparsematrix s,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 5350 of file linalg.cpp.

5351 {
5352  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5353  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5354  try
5355  {
5356  alglib_impl::sparsemtv(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5357  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5358  return;
5359  }
5361  {
5362  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5363  }
5364 }
static double * y
void sparsemtv(sparsematrix *s, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29858
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparsemv()

void alglib::sparsemv ( const sparsematrix s,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 5310 of file linalg.cpp.

5311 {
5312  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5313  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5314  try
5315  {
5316  alglib_impl::sparsemv(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5317  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5318  return;
5319  }
5321  {
5322  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5323  }
5324 }
void sparsemv(sparsematrix *s, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29804
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparsemv2()

void alglib::sparsemv2 ( const sparsematrix s,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y0,
real_1d_array y1 

Definition at line 5396 of file linalg.cpp.

5397 {
5398  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5399  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5400  try
5401  {
5402  alglib_impl::sparsemv2(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y0.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y1.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5403  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5404  return;
5405  }
5407  {
5408  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5409  }
5410 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
#define y0
void sparsemv2(sparsematrix *s, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y0, ae_vector *y1, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29923
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparseresizematrix()

void alglib::sparseresizematrix ( const sparsematrix s)

Definition at line 5644 of file linalg.cpp.

5645 {
5646  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5647  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5648  try
5649  {
5650  alglib_impl::sparseresizematrix(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5651  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5652  return;
5653  }
5655  {
5656  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5657  }
5658 }
void sparseresizematrix(sparsematrix *s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30498
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparserewriteexisting()

bool alglib::sparserewriteexisting ( const sparsematrix s,
const ae_int_t  i,
const ae_int_t  j,
const double  v 

Definition at line 5737 of file linalg.cpp.

5738 {
5739  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5740  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5741  try
5742  {
5743  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::sparserewriteexisting(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), i, j, v, &_alglib_env_state);
5744  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5745  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
5746  }
5748  {
5749  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5750  }
5751 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool sparserewriteexisting(sparsematrix *s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double v, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30748
#define i
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
#define j
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparseset()

void alglib::sparseset ( const sparsematrix s,
const ae_int_t  i,
const ae_int_t  j,
const double  v 

Definition at line 5166 of file linalg.cpp.

5167 {
5168  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5169  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5170  try
5171  {
5172  alglib_impl::sparseset(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), i, j, v, &_alglib_env_state);
5173  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5174  return;
5175  }
5177  {
5178  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5179  }
5180 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define i
void sparseset(sparsematrix *s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double v, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:29440
Definition: ap.h:201
#define j
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ sparsesmm()

void alglib::sparsesmm ( const sparsematrix s,
const bool  isupper,
const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  k,
real_2d_array b 

Definition at line 5620 of file linalg.cpp.

5621 {
5622  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5623  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5624  try
5625  {
5626  alglib_impl::sparsesmm(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), k, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5627  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5628  return;
5629  }
5631  {
5632  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5633  }
5634 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void sparsesmm(sparsematrix *s, ae_bool isupper, ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t k, ae_matrix *b, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30377
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ sparsesmv()

void alglib::sparsesmv ( const sparsematrix s,
const bool  isupper,
const real_1d_array x,
real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 5443 of file linalg.cpp.

5444 {
5445  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5446  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5447  try
5448  {
5449  alglib_impl::sparsesmv(const_cast<alglib_impl::sparsematrix*>(s.c_ptr()), isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5450  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5451  return;
5452  }
5454  {
5455  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5456  }
5457 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void sparsesmv(sparsematrix *s, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:30000

◆ spdmatrixcholesky()

bool alglib::spdmatrixcholesky ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 3079 of file linalg.cpp.

3080 {
3081  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3082  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3083  try
3084  {
3085  ae_bool result = alglib_impl::spdmatrixcholesky(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
3086  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3087  return *(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&result));
3088  }
3090  {
3091  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3092  }
3093 }
ae_bool spdmatrixcholesky(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:22913
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
#define ae_bool
Definition: ap.h:194
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixcholeskydet() [1/2]

double alglib::spdmatrixcholeskydet ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 6574 of file linalg.cpp.

6575 {
6576  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6577  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6578  try
6579  {
6580  double result = alglib_impl::spdmatrixcholeskydet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6581  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6582  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6583  }
6585  {
6586  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6587  }
6588 }
double spdmatrixcholeskydet(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32839
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixcholeskydet() [2/2]

double alglib::spdmatrixcholeskydet ( const real_2d_array a)

Definition at line 6612 of file linalg.cpp.

6613 {
6614  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6615  ae_int_t n;
6616  if( (a.rows()!=a.cols()))
6617  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spdmatrixcholeskydet': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6618  n = a.rows();
6619  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6620  try
6621  {
6622  double result = alglib_impl::spdmatrixcholeskydet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
6624  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6625  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6626  }
6628  {
6629  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6630  }
6631 }
double spdmatrixcholeskydet(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32839
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixcholeskyinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::spdmatrixcholeskyinverse ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4114 of file linalg.cpp.

4115 {
4116  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4117  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4118  try
4119  {
4120  alglib_impl::spdmatrixcholeskyinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4121  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4122  return;
4123  }
4125  {
4126  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4127  }
4128 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a
void spdmatrixcholeskyinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27567

◆ spdmatrixcholeskyinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::spdmatrixcholeskyinverse ( real_2d_array a,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4161 of file linalg.cpp.

4162 {
4163  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4164  ae_int_t n;
4165  bool isupper;
4166  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()))
4167  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spdmatrixcholeskyinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4168  n = a.cols();
4169  isupper = false;
4170  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4171  try
4172  {
4173  alglib_impl::spdmatrixcholeskyinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4175  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4176  return;
4177  }
4179  {
4180  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4181  }
4182 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a
void spdmatrixcholeskyinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27567

◆ spdmatrixcholeskyrcond()

double alglib::spdmatrixcholeskyrcond ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 3475 of file linalg.cpp.

3476 {
3477  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3478  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3479  try
3480  {
3481  double result = alglib_impl::spdmatrixcholeskyrcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
3482  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3483  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3484  }
3486  {
3487  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3488  }
3489 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
double spdmatrixcholeskyrcond(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24962
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixcholeskysolve()

void alglib::spdmatrixcholeskysolve ( const real_2d_array cha,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const real_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 872 of file solvers.cpp.

873 {
874  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
875  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
876  try
877  {
878  alglib_impl::spdmatrixcholeskysolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(cha.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
879  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
880  return;
881  }
883  {
884  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
885  }
886 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spdmatrixcholeskysolve(ae_matrix *cha, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3928
int * n

◆ spdmatrixcholeskysolvem()

void alglib::spdmatrixcholeskysolvem ( const real_2d_array cha,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_2d_array x 

Definition at line 826 of file solvers.cpp.

827 {
828  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
829  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
830  try
831  {
832  alglib_impl::spdmatrixcholeskysolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(cha.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
833  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
834  return;
835  }
837  {
838  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
839  }
840 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spdmatrixcholeskysolvem(ae_matrix *cha, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3830
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spdmatrixdet() [1/2]

double alglib::spdmatrixdet ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 6660 of file linalg.cpp.

6661 {
6662  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6663  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6664  try
6665  {
6666  double result = alglib_impl::spdmatrixdet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
6667  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6668  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6669  }
6671  {
6672  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6673  }
6674 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double spdmatrixdet(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32893
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixdet() [2/2]

double alglib::spdmatrixdet ( const real_2d_array a)

Definition at line 6703 of file linalg.cpp.

6704 {
6705  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
6706  ae_int_t n;
6707  bool isupper;
6708  if( (a.rows()!=a.cols()))
6709  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spdmatrixdet': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
6710  if( !alglib_impl::ae_is_symmetric(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr())) )
6711  throw ap_error("'a' parameter is not symmetric matrix");
6712  n = a.rows();
6713  isupper = false;
6714  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
6715  try
6716  {
6717  double result = alglib_impl::spdmatrixdet(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
6719  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
6720  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
6721  }
6723  {
6724  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
6725  }
6726 }
ae_bool ae_is_symmetric(ae_matrix *a)
Definition: ap.cpp:2248
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
double spdmatrixdet(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:32893
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixinverse() [1/2]

void alglib::spdmatrixinverse ( real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4218 of file linalg.cpp.

4219 {
4220  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4221  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4222  try
4223  {
4224  alglib_impl::spdmatrixinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4225  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4226  return;
4227  }
4229  {
4230  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4231  }
4232 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void spdmatrixinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27675
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixinverse() [2/2]

void alglib::spdmatrixinverse ( real_2d_array a,
ae_int_t info,
matinvreport rep 

Definition at line 4268 of file linalg.cpp.

4269 {
4270  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4271  ae_int_t n;
4272  bool isupper;
4273  if( (a.cols()!=a.rows()))
4274  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spdmatrixinverse': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4275  if( !alglib_impl::ae_is_symmetric(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr())) )
4276  throw ap_error("'a' parameter is not symmetric matrix");
4277  n = a.cols();
4278  isupper = false;
4279  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4280  try
4281  {
4282  alglib_impl::spdmatrixinverse(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::matinvreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4283  if( !alglib_impl::ae_force_symmetric(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr())) )
4284  throw ap_error("Internal error while forcing symmetricity of 'a' parameter");
4285  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4286  return;
4287  }
4289  {
4290  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4291  }
4292 }
ae_bool ae_is_symmetric(ae_matrix *a)
Definition: ap.cpp:2248
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ae_bool ae_force_symmetric(ae_matrix *a)
Definition: ap.cpp:2264
void spdmatrixinverse(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_int_t *info, matinvreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:27675
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixrcond()

double alglib::spdmatrixrcond ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper 

Definition at line 3188 of file linalg.cpp.

3189 {
3190  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3191  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3192  try
3193  {
3194  double result = alglib_impl::spdmatrixrcond(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, &_alglib_env_state);
3195  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3196  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3197  }
3199  {
3200  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3201  }
3202 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
double spdmatrixrcond(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:24433
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixrndcond()

void alglib::spdmatrixrndcond ( const ae_int_t  n,
const double  c,
real_2d_array a 

Definition at line 2649 of file linalg.cpp.

2650 {
2651  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2652  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2653  try
2654  {
2655  alglib_impl::spdmatrixrndcond(n, c, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2656  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2657  return;
2658  }
2660  {
2661  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2662  }
2663 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void spdmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix *a, ae_state *_state)
Definition: linalg.cpp:21927
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixsolve()

void alglib::spdmatrixsolve ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const real_1d_array b,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_1d_array x 

Definition at line 779 of file solvers.cpp.

780 {
781  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
782  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
783  try
784  {
785  alglib_impl::spdmatrixsolve(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
786  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
787  return;
788  }
790  {
791  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
792  }
793 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
void spdmatrixsolve(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_vector *b, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_vector *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3764
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spdmatrixsolvem()

void alglib::spdmatrixsolvem ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  n,
const bool  isupper,
const real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
densesolverreport rep,
real_2d_array x 

Definition at line 734 of file solvers.cpp.

735 {
736  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
737  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
738  try
739  {
740  alglib_impl::spdmatrixsolvem(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), n, isupper, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::densesolverreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
741  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
742  return;
743  }
745  {
746  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
747  }
748 }
void spdmatrixsolvem(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t n, ae_bool isupper, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, densesolverreport *rep, ae_matrix *x, ae_state *_state)
Definition: solvers.cpp:3634
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
doublereal * a

◆ spearmancorr2() [1/2]

double alglib::spearmancorr2 ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 759 of file statistics.cpp.

760 {
761  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
762  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
763  try
764  {
765  double result = alglib_impl::spearmancorr2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
766  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
767  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
768  }
770  {
771  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
772  }
773 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double spearmancorr2(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spearmancorr2() [2/2]

double alglib::spearmancorr2 ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y 

Definition at line 792 of file statistics.cpp.

793 {
794  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
795  ae_int_t n;
796  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
797  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spearmancorr2': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
798  n = x.length();
799  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
800  try
801  {
802  double result = alglib_impl::spearmancorr2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
804  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
805  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
806  }
808  {
809  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
810  }
811 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double spearmancorr2(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spearmancorrm() [1/2]

void alglib::spearmancorrm ( const real_2d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1164 of file statistics.cpp.

1165 {
1166  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1167  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1168  try
1169  {
1170  alglib_impl::spearmancorrm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1171  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1172  return;
1173  }
1175  {
1176  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1177  }
1178 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spearmancorrm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spearmancorrm() [2/2]

void alglib::spearmancorrm ( const real_2d_array x,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1236 of file statistics.cpp.

1237 {
1238  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1239  ae_int_t n;
1240  ae_int_t m;
1242  n = x.rows();
1243  m = x.cols();
1244  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1245  try
1246  {
1247  alglib_impl::spearmancorrm(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), n, m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1249  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1250  return;
1251  }
1253  {
1254  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1255  }
1256 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spearmancorrm(ae_matrix *x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spearmancorrm2() [1/2]

void alglib::spearmancorrm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m1,
const ae_int_t  m2,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1674 of file statistics.cpp.

1675 {
1676  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1677  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1678  try
1679  {
1680  alglib_impl::spearmancorrm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1681  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1682  return;
1683  }
1685  {
1686  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1687  }
1688 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spearmancorrm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ spearmancorrm2() [2/2]

void alglib::spearmancorrm2 ( const real_2d_array x,
const real_2d_array y,
real_2d_array c 

Definition at line 1752 of file statistics.cpp.

1753 {
1754  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1755  ae_int_t n;
1756  ae_int_t m1;
1757  ae_int_t m2;
1758  if( (x.rows()!=y.rows()))
1759  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spearmancorrm2': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1760  n = x.rows();
1761  m1 = x.cols();
1762  m2 = y.cols();
1763  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1764  try
1765  {
1766  alglib_impl::spearmancorrm2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m1, m2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1768  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1769  return;
1770  }
1772  {
1773  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1774  }
1775 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void spearmancorrm2(ae_matrix *x, ae_matrix *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix *c, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ spearmanrankcorrelation()

double alglib::spearmanrankcorrelation ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 1999 of file statistics.cpp.

2000 {
2001  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2002  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2003  try
2004  {
2005  double result = alglib_impl::spearmanrankcorrelation(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, &_alglib_env_state);
2006  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2007  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2008  }
2010  {
2011  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2012  }
2013 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
double spearmanrankcorrelation(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spearmanrankcorrelationsignificance()

void alglib::spearmanrankcorrelationsignificance ( const double  r,
const ae_int_t  n,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2105 of file statistics.cpp.

2106 {
2107  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2108  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2109  try
2110  {
2111  alglib_impl::spearmanrankcorrelationsignificance(r, n, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2112  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2113  return;
2114  }
2116  {
2117  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2118  }
2119 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spearmanrankcorrelationsignificance(double r, ae_int_t n, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildakima() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildakima ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 2981 of file interpolation.cpp.

2982 {
2983  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2984  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2985  try
2986  {
2987  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildakima(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2988  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2989  return;
2990  }
2992  {
2993  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2994  }
2995 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void spline1dbuildakima(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildakima() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildakima ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 3020 of file interpolation.cpp.

3021 {
3022  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3023  ae_int_t n;
3024  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
3025  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dbuildakima': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
3026  n = x.length();
3027  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3028  try
3029  {
3030  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildakima(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3032  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3033  return;
3034  }
3036  {
3037  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3038  }
3039 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void spline1dbuildakima(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildcatmullrom() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildcatmullrom ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  boundtype,
const double  tension,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 2792 of file interpolation.cpp.

2793 {
2794  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2795  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2796  try
2797  {
2798  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildcatmullrom(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundtype, tension, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2799  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2800  return;
2801  }
2803  {
2804  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2805  }
2806 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spline1dbuildcatmullrom(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundtype, double tension, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildcatmullrom() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildcatmullrom ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 2848 of file interpolation.cpp.

2849 {
2850  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2851  ae_int_t n;
2852  ae_int_t boundtype;
2853  double tension;
2854  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
2855  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dbuildcatmullrom': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
2856  n = x.length();
2857  boundtype = 0;
2858  tension = 0;
2859  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2860  try
2861  {
2862  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildcatmullrom(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundtype, tension, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2864  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2865  return;
2866  }
2868  {
2869  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2870  }
2871 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void spline1dbuildcatmullrom(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundtype, double tension, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildcubic() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  boundltype,
const double  boundl,
const ae_int_t  boundrtype,
const double  boundr,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 1773 of file interpolation.cpp.

1774 {
1775  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1776  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1777  try
1778  {
1779  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1780  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1781  return;
1782  }
1784  {
1785  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1786  }
1787 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void spline1dbuildcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildcubic() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 1842 of file interpolation.cpp.

1843 {
1844  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1845  ae_int_t n;
1846  ae_int_t boundltype;
1847  double boundl;
1848  ae_int_t boundrtype;
1849  double boundr;
1850  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
1851  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dbuildcubic': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1852  n = x.length();
1853  boundltype = 0;
1854  boundl = 0;
1855  boundrtype = 0;
1856  boundr = 0;
1857  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1858  try
1859  {
1860  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1862  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1863  return;
1864  }
1866  {
1867  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1868  }
1869 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void spline1dbuildcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildhermite() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildhermite ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array d,
const ae_int_t  n,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 2897 of file interpolation.cpp.

2898 {
2899  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2900  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2901  try
2902  {
2903  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildhermite(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2904  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2905  return;
2906  }
2908  {
2909  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2910  }
2911 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void spline1dbuildhermite(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *d, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildhermite() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildhermite ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array d,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 2937 of file interpolation.cpp.

2938 {
2939  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2940  ae_int_t n;
2941  if( (x.length()!=y.length()) || (x.length()!=d.length()))
2942  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dbuildhermite': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
2943  n = x.length();
2944  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2945  try
2946  {
2947  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildhermite(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2949  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2950  return;
2951  }
2953  {
2954  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2955  }
2956 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void spline1dbuildhermite(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *d, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildlinear() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildlinear ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 1660 of file interpolation.cpp.

1661 {
1662  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1663  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1664  try
1665  {
1666  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildlinear(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1667  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1668  return;
1669  }
1671  {
1672  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1673  }
1674 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void spline1dbuildlinear(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)

◆ spline1dbuildlinear() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildlinear ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 1699 of file interpolation.cpp.

1700 {
1701  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1702  ae_int_t n;
1703  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
1704  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dbuildlinear': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
1705  n = x.length();
1706  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1707  try
1708  {
1709  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildlinear(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1711  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1712  return;
1713  }
1715  {
1716  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1717  }
1718 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
void spline1dbuildlinear(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)

◆ spline1dbuildmonotone() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildmonotone ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 3250 of file interpolation.cpp.

3251 {
3252  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3253  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3254  try
3255  {
3256  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildmonotone(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3257  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3258  return;
3259  }
3261  {
3262  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3263  }
3264 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void spline1dbuildmonotone(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dbuildmonotone() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dbuildmonotone ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
spline1dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 3286 of file interpolation.cpp.

3287 {
3288  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3289  ae_int_t n;
3290  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
3291  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dbuildmonotone': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
3292  n = x.length();
3293  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3294  try
3295  {
3296  alglib_impl::spline1dbuildmonotone(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3298  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3299  return;
3300  }
3302  {
3303  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3304  }
3305 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void spline1dbuildmonotone(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dcalc()

double alglib::spline1dcalc ( const spline1dinterpolant c,
const double  x 

Definition at line 3054 of file interpolation.cpp.

3055 {
3056  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3057  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3058  try
3059  {
3060  double result = alglib_impl::spline1dcalc(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, &_alglib_env_state);
3061  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3062  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3063  }
3065  {
3066  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3067  }
3068 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
double spline1dcalc(spline1dinterpolant *c, double x, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline1dconvcubic() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dconvcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  boundltype,
const double  boundl,
const ae_int_t  boundrtype,
const double  boundr,
const real_1d_array x2,
const ae_int_t  n2,
real_1d_array y2 

Definition at line 2273 of file interpolation.cpp.

2274 {
2275  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2276  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2277  try
2278  {
2279  alglib_impl::spline1dconvcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x2.c_ptr()), n2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y2.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2280  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2281  return;
2282  }
2284  {
2285  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2286  }
2287 }
void spline1dconvcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector *y2, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dconvcubic() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dconvcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array x2,
real_1d_array y2 

Definition at line 2355 of file interpolation.cpp.

2356 {
2357  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2358  ae_int_t n;
2359  ae_int_t boundltype;
2360  double boundl;
2361  ae_int_t boundrtype;
2362  double boundr;
2363  ae_int_t n2;
2364  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
2365  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dconvcubic': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
2366  n = x.length();
2367  boundltype = 0;
2368  boundl = 0;
2369  boundrtype = 0;
2370  boundr = 0;
2371  n2 = x2.length();
2372  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2373  try
2374  {
2375  alglib_impl::spline1dconvcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x2.c_ptr()), n2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y2.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2377  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2378  return;
2379  }
2381  {
2382  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2383  }
2384 }
void spline1dconvcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector *y2, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dconvdiff2cubic() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dconvdiff2cubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  boundltype,
const double  boundl,
const ae_int_t  boundrtype,
const double  boundr,
const real_1d_array x2,
const ae_int_t  n2,
real_1d_array y2,
real_1d_array d2,
real_1d_array dd2 

Definition at line 2636 of file interpolation.cpp.

2637 {
2638  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2639  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2640  try
2641  {
2642  alglib_impl::spline1dconvdiff2cubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x2.c_ptr()), n2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y2.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d2.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(dd2.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2643  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2644  return;
2645  }
2647  {
2648  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2649  }
2650 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spline1dconvdiff2cubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector *y2, ae_vector *d2, ae_vector *dd2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dconvdiff2cubic() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dconvdiff2cubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array x2,
real_1d_array y2,
real_1d_array d2,
real_1d_array dd2 

Definition at line 2721 of file interpolation.cpp.

2722 {
2723  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2724  ae_int_t n;
2725  ae_int_t boundltype;
2726  double boundl;
2727  ae_int_t boundrtype;
2728  double boundr;
2729  ae_int_t n2;
2730  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
2731  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dconvdiff2cubic': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
2732  n = x.length();
2733  boundltype = 0;
2734  boundl = 0;
2735  boundrtype = 0;
2736  boundr = 0;
2737  n2 = x2.length();
2738  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2739  try
2740  {
2741  alglib_impl::spline1dconvdiff2cubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x2.c_ptr()), n2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y2.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d2.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(dd2.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2743  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2744  return;
2745  }
2747  {
2748  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2749  }
2750 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spline1dconvdiff2cubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector *y2, ae_vector *d2, ae_vector *dd2, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dconvdiffcubic() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dconvdiffcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  boundltype,
const double  boundl,
const ae_int_t  boundrtype,
const double  boundr,
const real_1d_array x2,
const ae_int_t  n2,
real_1d_array y2,
real_1d_array d2 

Definition at line 2453 of file interpolation.cpp.

2454 {
2455  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2456  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2457  try
2458  {
2459  alglib_impl::spline1dconvdiffcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x2.c_ptr()), n2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y2.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d2.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2460  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2461  return;
2462  }
2464  {
2465  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2466  }
2467 }
void spline1dconvdiffcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector *y2, ae_vector *d2, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dconvdiffcubic() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dconvdiffcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array x2,
real_1d_array y2,
real_1d_array d2 

Definition at line 2536 of file interpolation.cpp.

2537 {
2538  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2539  ae_int_t n;
2540  ae_int_t boundltype;
2541  double boundl;
2542  ae_int_t boundrtype;
2543  double boundr;
2544  ae_int_t n2;
2545  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
2546  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dconvdiffcubic': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
2547  n = x.length();
2548  boundltype = 0;
2549  boundl = 0;
2550  boundrtype = 0;
2551  boundr = 0;
2552  n2 = x2.length();
2553  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2554  try
2555  {
2556  alglib_impl::spline1dconvdiffcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x2.c_ptr()), n2, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y2.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d2.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2558  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2559  return;
2560  }
2562  {
2563  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2564  }
2565 }
void spline1dconvdiffcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector *y2, ae_vector *d2, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1ddiff()

void alglib::spline1ddiff ( const spline1dinterpolant c,
const double  x,
double &  s,
double &  ds,
double &  d2s 

Definition at line 3085 of file interpolation.cpp.

3086 {
3087  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3088  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3089  try
3090  {
3091  alglib_impl::spline1ddiff(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, &s, &ds, &d2s, &_alglib_env_state);
3092  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3093  return;
3094  }
3096  {
3097  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3098  }
3099 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spline1ddiff(spline1dinterpolant *c, double x, double *s, double *ds, double *d2s, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline1dfitcubic() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dfitcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4934 of file interpolation.cpp.

4935 {
4936  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4937  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4938  try
4939  {
4940  alglib_impl::spline1dfitcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4941  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4942  return;
4943  }
4945  {
4946  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4947  }
4948 }
void spline1dfitcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dfitcubic() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dfitcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4960 of file interpolation.cpp.

4961 {
4962  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4963  ae_int_t n;
4964  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
4965  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dfitcubic': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4966  n = x.length();
4967  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4968  try
4969  {
4970  alglib_impl::spline1dfitcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4972  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4973  return;
4974  }
4976  {
4977  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4978  }
4979 }
void spline1dfitcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dfitcubicwc() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dfitcubicwc ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array xc,
const real_1d_array yc,
const integer_1d_array dc,
const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4535 of file interpolation.cpp.

4536 {
4537  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4538  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4539  try
4540  {
4541  alglib_impl::spline1dfitcubicwc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(yc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(dc.c_ptr()), k, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4542  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4543  return;
4544  }
4546  {
4547  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4548  }
4549 }
#define yc
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spline1dfitcubicwc(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *xc, ae_vector *yc, ae_vector *dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
int * n
#define xc

◆ spline1dfitcubicwc() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dfitcubicwc ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_1d_array xc,
const real_1d_array yc,
const integer_1d_array dc,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4650 of file interpolation.cpp.

4651 {
4652  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4653  ae_int_t n;
4654  ae_int_t k;
4655  if( (x.length()!=y.length()) || (x.length()!=w.length()))
4656  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dfitcubicwc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4657  if( (xc.length()!=yc.length()) || (xc.length()!=dc.length()))
4658  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dfitcubicwc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4659  n = x.length();
4660  k = xc.length();
4661  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4662  try
4663  {
4664  alglib_impl::spline1dfitcubicwc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(yc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(dc.c_ptr()), k, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4666  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4667  return;
4668  }
4670  {
4671  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4672  }
4673 }
#define yc
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void spline1dfitcubicwc(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *xc, ae_vector *yc, ae_vector *dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
int * n
#define xc

◆ spline1dfithermite() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dfithermite ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4992 of file interpolation.cpp.

4993 {
4994  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4995  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4996  try
4997  {
4998  alglib_impl::spline1dfithermite(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4999  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5000  return;
5001  }
5003  {
5004  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5005  }
5006 }
void spline1dfithermite(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dfithermite() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dfithermite ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 5019 of file interpolation.cpp.

5020 {
5021  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
5022  ae_int_t n;
5023  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
5024  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dfithermite': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
5025  n = x.length();
5026  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
5027  try
5028  {
5029  alglib_impl::spline1dfithermite(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
5031  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
5032  return;
5033  }
5035  {
5036  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
5037  }
5038 }
void spline1dfithermite(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dfithermitewc() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dfithermitewc ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array xc,
const real_1d_array yc,
const integer_1d_array dc,
const ae_int_t  k,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4779 of file interpolation.cpp.

4780 {
4781  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4782  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4783  try
4784  {
4785  alglib_impl::spline1dfithermitewc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(yc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(dc.c_ptr()), k, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4786  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4787  return;
4788  }
4790  {
4791  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4792  }
4793 }
#define yc
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void spline1dfithermitewc(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *xc, ae_vector *yc, ae_vector *dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
#define xc

◆ spline1dfithermitewc() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dfithermitewc ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const real_1d_array xc,
const real_1d_array yc,
const integer_1d_array dc,
const ae_int_t  m,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4899 of file interpolation.cpp.

4900 {
4901  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4902  ae_int_t n;
4903  ae_int_t k;
4904  if( (x.length()!=y.length()) || (x.length()!=w.length()))
4905  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dfithermitewc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4906  if( (xc.length()!=yc.length()) || (xc.length()!=dc.length()))
4907  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dfithermitewc': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4908  n = x.length();
4909  k = xc.length();
4910  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4911  try
4912  {
4913  alglib_impl::spline1dfithermitewc(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(xc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(yc.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(dc.c_ptr()), k, m, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4915  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4916  return;
4917  }
4919  {
4920  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4921  }
4922 }
#define yc
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
void spline1dfithermitewc(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *xc, ae_vector *yc, ae_vector *dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
#define xc

◆ spline1dfitpenalized() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dfitpenalized ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const double  rho,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4195 of file interpolation.cpp.

4196 {
4197  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4198  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4199  try
4200  {
4201  alglib_impl::spline1dfitpenalized(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m, rho, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4202  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4203  return;
4204  }
4206  {
4207  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4208  }
4209 }
double rho
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spline1dfitpenalized(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dfitpenalized() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dfitpenalized ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
const double  rho,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4246 of file interpolation.cpp.

4247 {
4248  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4249  ae_int_t n;
4250  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
4251  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dfitpenalized': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4252  n = x.length();
4253  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4254  try
4255  {
4256  alglib_impl::spline1dfitpenalized(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, m, rho, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4258  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4259  return;
4260  }
4262  {
4263  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4264  }
4265 }
double rho
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spline1dfitpenalized(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dfitpenalizedw() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dfitpenalizedw ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  m,
const double  rho,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4333 of file interpolation.cpp.

4334 {
4335  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4336  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4337  try
4338  {
4339  alglib_impl::spline1dfitpenalizedw(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, m, rho, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4340  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4341  return;
4342  }
4344  {
4345  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4346  }
4347 }
double rho
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spline1dfitpenalizedw(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dfitpenalizedw() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dfitpenalizedw ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_1d_array w,
const ae_int_t  m,
const double  rho,
ae_int_t info,
spline1dinterpolant s,
spline1dfitreport rep 

Definition at line 4415 of file interpolation.cpp.

4416 {
4417  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
4418  ae_int_t n;
4419  if( (x.length()!=y.length()) || (x.length()!=w.length()))
4420  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dfitpenalizedw': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
4421  n = x.length();
4422  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
4423  try
4424  {
4425  alglib_impl::spline1dfitpenalizedw(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(w.c_ptr()), n, m, rho, &info, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(s.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dfitreport*>(rep.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
4427  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
4428  return;
4429  }
4431  {
4432  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
4433  }
4434 }
double rho
static double * y
doublereal * w
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spline1dfitpenalizedw(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_vector *w, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t *info, spline1dinterpolant *s, spline1dfitreport *rep, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dgriddiff2cubic() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dgriddiff2cubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  boundltype,
const double  boundl,
const ae_int_t  boundrtype,
const double  boundr,
real_1d_array d1,
real_1d_array d2 

Definition at line 2100 of file interpolation.cpp.

2101 {
2102  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2103  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2104  try
2105  {
2106  alglib_impl::spline1dgriddiff2cubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d1.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d2.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2107  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2108  return;
2109  }
2111  {
2112  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2113  }
2114 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void spline1dgriddiff2cubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *d1, ae_vector *d2, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline1dgriddiff2cubic() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dgriddiff2cubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
real_1d_array d1,
real_1d_array d2 

Definition at line 2178 of file interpolation.cpp.

2179 {
2180  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2181  ae_int_t n;
2182  ae_int_t boundltype;
2183  double boundl;
2184  ae_int_t boundrtype;
2185  double boundr;
2186  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
2187  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dgriddiff2cubic': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
2188  n = x.length();
2189  boundltype = 0;
2190  boundl = 0;
2191  boundrtype = 0;
2192  boundr = 0;
2193  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2194  try
2195  {
2196  alglib_impl::spline1dgriddiff2cubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d1.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d2.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2198  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2199  return;
2200  }
2202  {
2203  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2204  }
2205 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void spline1dgriddiff2cubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *d1, ae_vector *d2, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ spline1dgriddiffcubic() [1/2]

void alglib::spline1dgriddiffcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  n,
const ae_int_t  boundltype,
const double  boundl,
const ae_int_t  boundrtype,
const double  boundr,
real_1d_array d 

Definition at line 1932 of file interpolation.cpp.

1933 {
1934  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
1935  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
1936  try
1937  {
1938  alglib_impl::spline1dgriddiffcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
1939  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
1940  return;
1941  }
1943  {
1944  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
1945  }
1946 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spline1dgriddiffcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *d, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ spline1dgriddiffcubic() [2/2]

void alglib::spline1dgriddiffcubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
real_1d_array d 

Definition at line 2009 of file interpolation.cpp.

2010 {
2011  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2012  ae_int_t n;
2013  ae_int_t boundltype;
2014  double boundl;
2015  ae_int_t boundrtype;
2016  double boundr;
2017  if( (x.length()!=y.length()))
2018  throw ap_error("Error while calling 'spline1dgriddiffcubic': looks like one of arguments has wrong size");
2019  n = x.length();
2020  boundltype = 0;
2021  boundl = 0;
2022  boundrtype = 0;
2023  boundr = 0;
2024  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2025  try
2026  {
2027  alglib_impl::spline1dgriddiffcubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), n, boundltype, boundl, boundrtype, boundr, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(d.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
2029  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2030  return;
2031  }
2033  {
2034  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2035  }
2036 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
void spline1dgriddiffcubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector *d, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ spline1dintegrate()

double alglib::spline1dintegrate ( const spline1dinterpolant c,
const double  x 

Definition at line 3214 of file interpolation.cpp.

3215 {
3216  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3217  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3218  try
3219  {
3220  double result = alglib_impl::spline1dintegrate(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, &_alglib_env_state);
3221  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3222  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
3223  }
3225  {
3226  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3227  }
3228 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
double spline1dintegrate(spline1dinterpolant *c, double x, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline1dlintransx()

void alglib::spline1dlintransx ( const spline1dinterpolant c,
const double  a,
const double  b 

Definition at line 3157 of file interpolation.cpp.

3158 {
3159  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3160  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3161  try
3162  {
3163  alglib_impl::spline1dlintransx(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), a, b, &_alglib_env_state);
3164  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3165  return;
3166  }
3168  {
3169  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3170  }
3171 }
void spline1dlintransx(spline1dinterpolant *c, double a, double b, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ spline1dlintransy()

void alglib::spline1dlintransy ( const spline1dinterpolant c,
const double  a,
const double  b 

Definition at line 3185 of file interpolation.cpp.

3186 {
3187  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3188  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3189  try
3190  {
3191  alglib_impl::spline1dlintransy(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), a, b, &_alglib_env_state);
3192  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3193  return;
3194  }
3196  {
3197  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3198  }
3199 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void spline1dlintransy(spline1dinterpolant *c, double a, double b, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ spline1dunpack()

void alglib::spline1dunpack ( const spline1dinterpolant c,
ae_int_t n,
real_2d_array tbl 

Definition at line 3129 of file interpolation.cpp.

3130 {
3131  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
3132  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
3133  try
3134  {
3135  alglib_impl::spline1dunpack(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline1dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(tbl.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
3136  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
3137  return;
3138  }
3140  {
3141  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
3142  }
3143 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spline1dunpack(spline1dinterpolant *c, ae_int_t *n, ae_matrix *tbl, ae_state *_state)
int * n

◆ spline2dbuildbicubic()

void alglib::spline2dbuildbicubic ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_2d_array f,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
spline2dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 9443 of file interpolation.cpp.

9444 {
9445  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9446  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9447  try
9448  {
9449  alglib_impl::spline2dbuildbicubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(f.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9450  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9451  return;
9452  }
9454  {
9455  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9456  }
9457 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spline2dbuildbicubic(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_matrix *f, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, spline2dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline2dbuildbicubicv()

void alglib::spline2dbuildbicubicv ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array f,
const ae_int_t  d,
spline2dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 9272 of file interpolation.cpp.

9273 {
9274  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9275  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9276  try
9277  {
9278  alglib_impl::spline2dbuildbicubicv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), d, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9279  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9280  return;
9281  }
9283  {
9284  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9285  }
9286 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * d
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n
void spline2dbuildbicubicv(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *f, ae_int_t d, spline2dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)

◆ spline2dbuildbilinear()

void alglib::spline2dbuildbilinear ( const real_1d_array x,
const real_1d_array y,
const real_2d_array f,
const ae_int_t  m,
const ae_int_t  n,
spline2dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 9418 of file interpolation.cpp.

9419 {
9420  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9421  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9422  try
9423  {
9424  alglib_impl::spline2dbuildbilinear(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(f.c_ptr()), m, n, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9425  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9426  return;
9427  }
9429  {
9430  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9431  }
9432 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void spline2dbuildbilinear(ae_vector *x, ae_vector *y, ae_matrix *f, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, spline2dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline2dbuildbilinearv()

void alglib::spline2dbuildbilinearv ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array f,
const ae_int_t  d,
spline2dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 9236 of file interpolation.cpp.

9237 {
9238  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9239  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9240  try
9241  {
9242  alglib_impl::spline2dbuildbilinearv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), d, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9243  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9244  return;
9245  }
9247  {
9248  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9249  }
9250 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void spline2dbuildbilinearv(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *f, ae_int_t d, spline2dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * d
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline2dcalc()

double alglib::spline2dcalc ( const spline2dinterpolant c,
const double  x,
const double  y 

Definition at line 9011 of file interpolation.cpp.

9012 {
9013  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9014  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9015  try
9016  {
9017  double result = alglib_impl::spline2dcalc(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, y, &_alglib_env_state);
9018  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9019  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
9020  }
9022  {
9023  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9024  }
9025 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
double spline2dcalc(spline2dinterpolant *c, double x, double y, ae_state *_state)
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline2dcalcv()

void alglib::spline2dcalcv ( const spline2dinterpolant c,
const double  x,
const double  y,
real_1d_array f 

Definition at line 9339 of file interpolation.cpp.

9340 {
9341  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9342  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9343  try
9344  {
9345  alglib_impl::spline2dcalcv(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, y, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9346  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9347  return;
9348  }
9350  {
9351  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9352  }
9353 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spline2dcalcv(spline2dinterpolant *c, double x, double y, ae_vector *f, ae_state *_state)

◆ spline2dcalcvbuf()

void alglib::spline2dcalcvbuf ( const spline2dinterpolant c,
const double  x,
const double  y,
real_1d_array f 

Definition at line 9305 of file interpolation.cpp.

9306 {
9307  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9308  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9309  try
9310  {
9311  alglib_impl::spline2dcalcvbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, y, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9312  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9313  return;
9314  }
9316  {
9317  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9318  }
9319 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spline2dcalcvbuf(spline2dinterpolant *c, double x, double y, ae_vector *f, ae_state *_state)

◆ spline2dcopy()

void alglib::spline2dcopy ( const spline2dinterpolant c,
spline2dinterpolant cc 

Definition at line 9130 of file interpolation.cpp.

9131 {
9132  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9133  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9134  try
9135  {
9136  alglib_impl::spline2dcopy(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(cc.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9137  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9138  return;
9139  }
9141  {
9142  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9143  }
9144 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void spline2dcopy(spline2dinterpolant *c, spline2dinterpolant *cc, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline2ddiff()

void alglib::spline2ddiff ( const spline2dinterpolant c,
const double  x,
const double  y,
double &  f,
double &  fx,
double &  fy,
double &  fxy 

Definition at line 9044 of file interpolation.cpp.

9045 {
9046  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9047  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9048  try
9049  {
9050  alglib_impl::spline2ddiff(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, y, &f, &fx, &fy, &fxy, &_alglib_env_state);
9051  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9052  return;
9053  }
9055  {
9056  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9057  }
9058 }
void spline2ddiff(spline2dinterpolant *c, double x, double y, double *f, double *fx, double *fy, double *fxy, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double * f
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline2dlintransf()

void alglib::spline2dlintransf ( const spline2dinterpolant c,
const double  a,
const double  b 

Definition at line 9102 of file interpolation.cpp.

9103 {
9104  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9105  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9106  try
9107  {
9108  alglib_impl::spline2dlintransf(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), a, b, &_alglib_env_state);
9109  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9110  return;
9111  }
9113  {
9114  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9115  }
9116 }
doublereal * c
void spline2dlintransf(spline2dinterpolant *c, double a, double b, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ spline2dlintransxy()

void alglib::spline2dlintransxy ( const spline2dinterpolant c,
const double  ax,
const double  bx,
const double  ay,
const double  by 

Definition at line 9073 of file interpolation.cpp.

9074 {
9075  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9076  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9077  try
9078  {
9079  alglib_impl::spline2dlintransxy(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), ax, bx, ay, by, &_alglib_env_state);
9080  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9081  return;
9082  }
9084  {
9085  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9086  }
9087 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void spline2dlintransxy(spline2dinterpolant *c, double ax, double bx, double ay, double by, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline2dresamplebicubic()

void alglib::spline2dresamplebicubic ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  oldheight,
const ae_int_t  oldwidth,
real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  newheight,
const ae_int_t  newwidth 

Definition at line 9165 of file interpolation.cpp.

9166 {
9167  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9168  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9169  try
9170  {
9171  alglib_impl::spline2dresamplebicubic(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), oldheight, oldwidth, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), newheight, newwidth, &_alglib_env_state);
9172  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9173  return;
9174  }
9176  {
9177  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9178  }
9179 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void spline2dresamplebicubic(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t oldheight, ae_int_t oldwidth, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t newheight, ae_int_t newwidth, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ spline2dresamplebilinear()

void alglib::spline2dresamplebilinear ( const real_2d_array a,
const ae_int_t  oldheight,
const ae_int_t  oldwidth,
real_2d_array b,
const ae_int_t  newheight,
const ae_int_t  newwidth 

Definition at line 9200 of file interpolation.cpp.

9201 {
9202  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9203  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9204  try
9205  {
9206  alglib_impl::spline2dresamplebilinear(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(a.c_ptr()), oldheight, oldwidth, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(b.c_ptr()), newheight, newwidth, &_alglib_env_state);
9207  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9208  return;
9209  }
9211  {
9212  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9213  }
9214 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void spline2dresamplebilinear(ae_matrix *a, ae_int_t oldheight, ae_int_t oldwidth, ae_matrix *b, ae_int_t newheight, ae_int_t newwidth, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ spline2dunpack()

void alglib::spline2dunpack ( const spline2dinterpolant c,
ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
real_2d_array tbl 

Definition at line 9468 of file interpolation.cpp.

9469 {
9470  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9471  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9472  try
9473  {
9474  alglib_impl::spline2dunpack(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &m, &n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(tbl.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9475  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9476  return;
9477  }
9479  {
9480  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9481  }
9482 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void spline2dunpack(spline2dinterpolant *c, ae_int_t *m, ae_int_t *n, ae_matrix *tbl, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline2dunpackv()

void alglib::spline2dunpackv ( const spline2dinterpolant c,
ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t d,
real_2d_array tbl 

Definition at line 9393 of file interpolation.cpp.

9394 {
9395  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9396  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9397  try
9398  {
9399  alglib_impl::spline2dunpackv(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline2dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &m, &n, &d, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(tbl.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9400  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9401  return;
9402  }
9404  {
9405  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9406  }
9407 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
void spline2dunpackv(spline2dinterpolant *c, ae_int_t *m, ae_int_t *n, ae_int_t *d, ae_matrix *tbl, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline3dbuildtrilinearv()

void alglib::spline3dbuildtrilinearv ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
const real_1d_array z,
const ae_int_t  l,
const real_1d_array f,
const ae_int_t  d,
spline3dinterpolant c 

Definition at line 9725 of file interpolation.cpp.

9726 {
9727  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9728  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9729  try
9730  {
9731  alglib_impl::spline3dbuildtrilinearv(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), m, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(z.c_ptr()), l, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), d, const_cast<alglib_impl::spline3dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9732  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9733  return;
9734  }
9736  {
9737  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9738  }
9739 }
void spline3dbuildtrilinearv(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t m, ae_vector *z, ae_int_t l, ae_vector *f, ae_int_t d, spline3dinterpolant *c, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
doublereal * d
double * f
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ spline3dcalc()

double alglib::spline3dcalc ( const spline3dinterpolant c,
const double  x,
const double  y,
const double  z 

Definition at line 9566 of file interpolation.cpp.

9567 {
9568  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9569  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9570  try
9571  {
9572  double result = alglib_impl::spline3dcalc(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline3dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, y, z, &_alglib_env_state);
9573  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9574  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
9575  }
9577  {
9578  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9579  }
9580 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
double spline3dcalc(spline3dinterpolant *c, double x, double y, double z, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline3dcalcv()

void alglib::spline3dcalcv ( const spline3dinterpolant c,
const double  x,
const double  y,
const double  z,
real_1d_array f 

Definition at line 9794 of file interpolation.cpp.

9795 {
9796  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9797  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9798  try
9799  {
9800  alglib_impl::spline3dcalcv(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline3dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, y, z, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9801  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9802  return;
9803  }
9805  {
9806  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9807  }
9808 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void spline3dcalcv(spline3dinterpolant *c, double x, double y, double z, ae_vector *f, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double * f
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline3dcalcvbuf()

void alglib::spline3dcalcvbuf ( const spline3dinterpolant c,
const double  x,
const double  y,
const double  z,
real_1d_array f 

Definition at line 9759 of file interpolation.cpp.

9760 {
9761  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9762  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9763  try
9764  {
9765  alglib_impl::spline3dcalcvbuf(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline3dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), x, y, z, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(f.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9766  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9767  return;
9768  }
9770  {
9771  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9772  }
9773 }
doublereal * c
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
double * f
void spline3dcalcvbuf(spline3dinterpolant *c, double x, double y, double z, ae_vector *f, ae_state *_state)
double z
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ spline3dlintransf()

void alglib::spline3dlintransf ( const spline3dinterpolant c,
const double  a,
const double  b 

Definition at line 9626 of file interpolation.cpp.

9627 {
9628  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9629  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9630  try
9631  {
9632  alglib_impl::spline3dlintransf(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline3dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), a, b, &_alglib_env_state);
9633  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9634  return;
9635  }
9637  {
9638  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9639  }
9640 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void spline3dlintransf(spline3dinterpolant *c, double a, double b, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ spline3dlintransxyz()

void alglib::spline3dlintransxyz ( const spline3dinterpolant c,
const double  ax,
const double  bx,
const double  ay,
const double  by,
const double  az,
const double  bz 

Definition at line 9597 of file interpolation.cpp.

9598 {
9599  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9600  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9601  try
9602  {
9603  alglib_impl::spline3dlintransxyz(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline3dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), ax, bx, ay, by, az, bz, &_alglib_env_state);
9604  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9605  return;
9606  }
9608  {
9609  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9610  }
9611 }
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
void spline3dlintransxyz(spline3dinterpolant *c, double ax, double bx, double ay, double by, double az, double bz, ae_state *_state)

◆ spline3dresampletrilinear()

void alglib::spline3dresampletrilinear ( const real_1d_array a,
const ae_int_t  oldzcount,
const ae_int_t  oldycount,
const ae_int_t  oldxcount,
const ae_int_t  newzcount,
const ae_int_t  newycount,
const ae_int_t  newxcount,
real_1d_array b 

Definition at line 9677 of file interpolation.cpp.

9678 {
9679  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9680  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9681  try
9682  {
9683  alglib_impl::spline3dresampletrilinear(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(a.c_ptr()), oldzcount, oldycount, oldxcount, newzcount, newycount, newxcount, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(b.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9684  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9685  return;
9686  }
9688  {
9689  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9690  }
9691 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void spline3dresampletrilinear(ae_vector *a, ae_int_t oldzcount, ae_int_t oldycount, ae_int_t oldxcount, ae_int_t newzcount, ae_int_t newycount, ae_int_t newxcount, ae_vector *b, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * b
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
doublereal * a

◆ spline3dunpackv()

void alglib::spline3dunpackv ( const spline3dinterpolant c,
ae_int_t n,
ae_int_t m,
ae_int_t l,
ae_int_t d,
ae_int_t stype,
real_2d_array tbl 

Definition at line 9859 of file interpolation.cpp.

9860 {
9861  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
9862  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
9863  try
9864  {
9865  alglib_impl::spline3dunpackv(const_cast<alglib_impl::spline3dinterpolant*>(c.c_ptr()), &n, &m, &l, &d, &stype, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_matrix*>(tbl.c_ptr()), &_alglib_env_state);
9866  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
9867  return;
9868  }
9870  {
9871  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
9872  }
9873 }
void spline3dunpackv(spline3dinterpolant *c, ae_int_t *n, ae_int_t *m, ae_int_t *l, ae_int_t *d, ae_int_t *stype, ae_matrix *tbl, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * c
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * d
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ sqr()

double alglib::sqr ( double  x)

Definition at line 7260 of file ap.cpp.

7261 { return x*x; }
doublereal * x

◆ str_matrix_create()

void alglib::str_matrix_create ( const char *  src,
std::vector< std::vector< const char *> > *  p_mat 

Definition at line 6881 of file ap.cpp.

6882 {
6883  p_mat->clear();
6885  //
6886  // Try to handle "[[]]" string
6887  //
6888  if( strcmp(src, "[[]]")==0 )
6889  return;
6891  //
6892  // Parse non-empty string
6893  //
6894  if( *src!='[' )
6895  throw alglib::ap_error("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
6896  src++;
6897  for(;;)
6898  {
6899  p_mat->push_back(std::vector<const char*>());
6900  str_vector_create(src, false, &p_mat->back());
6901  if( p_mat->back().size()==0 || p_mat->back().size()!=(*p_mat)[0].size() )
6902  throw alglib::ap_error("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
6903  src = strchr(src, ']');
6904  if( src==NULL )
6905  throw alglib::ap_error("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
6906  src++;
6907  if( *src==',' )
6908  {
6909  src++;
6910  continue;
6911  }
6912  if( *src==']' )
6913  break;
6914  throw alglib::ap_error("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
6915  }
6916  src++;
6917  if( *src!=0 )
6918  throw alglib::ap_error("Incorrect initializer for matrix");
6919 }
void str_vector_create(const char *src, bool match_head_only, std::vector< const char *> *p_vec)
Definition: ap.cpp:6848

◆ str_vector_create()

void alglib::str_vector_create ( const char *  src,
bool  match_head_only,
std::vector< const char *> *  p_vec 

Definition at line 6848 of file ap.cpp.

6849 {
6850  //
6851  // parse beginning of the string.
6852  // try to handle "[]" string
6853  //
6854  p_vec->clear();
6855  if( *src!='[' )
6856  throw alglib::ap_error("Incorrect initializer for vector");
6857  src++;
6858  if( *src==']' )
6859  return;
6860  p_vec->push_back(src);
6861  for(;;)
6862  {
6863  if( *src==0 )
6864  throw alglib::ap_error("Incorrect initializer for vector");
6865  if( *src==']' )
6866  {
6867  if( src[1]==0 || !match_head_only)
6868  return;
6869  throw alglib::ap_error("Incorrect initializer for vector");
6870  }
6871  if( *src==',' )
6872  {
6873  p_vec->push_back(src+1);
6874  src++;
6875  continue;
6876  }
6877  src++;
6878  }
6879 }

◆ studenttdistribution()

double alglib::studenttdistribution ( const ae_int_t  k,
const double  t 

Definition at line 2549 of file specialfunctions.cpp.

2550 {
2551  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2552  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2553  try
2554  {
2555  double result = alglib_impl::studenttdistribution(k, t, &_alglib_env_state);
2556  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2557  return *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(&result));
2558  }
2560  {
2561  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2562  }
2563 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
double studenttdistribution(ae_int_t k, double t, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389

◆ studentttest1()

void alglib::studentttest1 ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  mean,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2353 of file statistics.cpp.

2354 {
2355  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2356  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2357  try
2358  {
2359  alglib_impl::studentttest1(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, mean, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2360  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2361  return;
2362  }
2364  {
2365  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2366  }
2367 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
void studentttest1(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double mean, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ studentttest2()

void alglib::studentttest2 ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2410 of file statistics.cpp.

2411 {
2412  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2413  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2414  try
2415  {
2416  alglib_impl::studentttest2(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), m, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2417  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2418  return;
2419  }
2421  {
2422  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2423  }
2424 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
int m
void studentttest2(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t m, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ trunc()

int alglib::trunc ( double  x)

Definition at line 7248 of file ap.cpp.

7249 { return int(x>0 ? floor(x) : ceil(x)); }
__host__ __device__ float2 floor(const float2 v)
doublereal * x

◆ unequalvariancettest()

void alglib::unequalvariancettest ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const real_1d_array y,
const ae_int_t  m,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2469 of file statistics.cpp.

2470 {
2471  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2472  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2473  try
2474  {
2475  alglib_impl::unequalvariancettest(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(y.c_ptr()), m, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2476  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2477  return;
2478  }
2480  {
2481  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2482  }
2483 }
static double * y
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void unequalvariancettest(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector *y, ae_int_t m, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)
int m
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

◆ vadd() [1/10]

void alglib::vadd ( double *  vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5416 of file ap.cpp.

5417 {
5418  ae_int_t i;
5419  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5420  {
5421  //
5422  // general unoptimized case
5423  //
5424  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5425  *vdst += *vsrc;
5426  }
5427  else
5428  {
5429  //
5430  // optimized case
5431  //
5432  ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
5433  for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
5434  {
5435  vdst[0] += vsrc[0];
5436  vdst[1] += vsrc[1];
5437  }
5438  if( n%2!=0 )
5439  vdst[0] += vsrc[0];
5440  }
5441 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ vadd() [2/10]

void alglib::vadd ( double *  vdst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5443 of file ap.cpp.

5444 {
5445  vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N);
5446 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416

◆ vadd() [3/10]

void alglib::vadd ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5448 of file ap.cpp.

5449 {
5450  bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
5451  ae_int_t i;
5452  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5453  {
5454  //
5455  // general unoptimized case
5456  //
5457  if( bconj )
5458  {
5459  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5460  {
5461  vdst->x += vsrc->x;
5462  vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
5463  }
5464  }
5465  else
5466  {
5467  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5468  {
5469  vdst->x += vsrc->x;
5470  vdst->y += vsrc->y;
5471  }
5472  }
5473  }
5474  else
5475  {
5476  //
5477  // optimized case
5478  //
5479  if( bconj )
5480  {
5481  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5482  {
5483  vdst->x += vsrc->x;
5484  vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
5485  }
5486  }
5487  else
5488  {
5489  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5490  {
5491  vdst->x += vsrc->x;
5492  vdst->y += vsrc->y;
5493  }
5494  }
5495  }
5496 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vadd() [4/10]

void alglib::vadd ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5498 of file ap.cpp.

5499 {
5500  vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N);
5501 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416

◆ vadd() [5/10]

void alglib::vadd ( double *  vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
ae_int_t  n,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5503 of file ap.cpp.

5504 {
5505  ae_int_t i;
5506  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5507  {
5508  //
5509  // general unoptimized case
5510  //
5511  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5512  *vdst += alpha*(*vsrc);
5513  }
5514  else
5515  {
5516  //
5517  // optimized case
5518  //
5519  ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
5520  for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
5521  {
5522  vdst[0] += alpha*vsrc[0];
5523  vdst[1] += alpha*vsrc[1];
5524  }
5525  if( n%2!=0 )
5526  vdst[0] += alpha*vsrc[0];
5527  }
5528 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ vadd() [6/10]

void alglib::vadd ( double *  vdst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  N,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5530 of file ap.cpp.

5531 {
5532  vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N, alpha);
5533 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416

◆ vadd() [7/10]

void alglib::vadd ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5535 of file ap.cpp.

5536 {
5537  bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
5538  ae_int_t i;
5539  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5540  {
5541  //
5542  // general unoptimized case
5543  //
5544  if( bconj )
5545  {
5546  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5547  {
5548  vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
5549  vdst->y -= alpha*vsrc->y;
5550  }
5551  }
5552  else
5553  {
5554  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5555  {
5556  vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
5557  vdst->y += alpha*vsrc->y;
5558  }
5559  }
5560  }
5561  else
5562  {
5563  //
5564  // optimized case
5565  //
5566  if( bconj )
5567  {
5568  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5569  {
5570  vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
5571  vdst->y -= alpha*vsrc->y;
5572  }
5573  }
5574  else
5575  {
5576  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5577  {
5578  vdst->x += alpha*vsrc->x;
5579  vdst->y += alpha*vsrc->y;
5580  }
5581  }
5582  }
5583 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vadd() [8/10]

void alglib::vadd ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5585 of file ap.cpp.

5586 {
5587  vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N, alpha);
5588 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416

◆ vadd() [9/10]

void alglib::vadd ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n,
alglib::complex  alpha 

Definition at line 5590 of file ap.cpp.

5591 {
5592  bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
5593  ae_int_t i;
5594  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5595  {
5596  //
5597  // general unoptimized case
5598  //
5599  double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
5600  if( bconj )
5601  {
5602  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5603  {
5604  vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
5605  vdst->y -= ax*vsrc->y-ay*vsrc->x;
5606  }
5607  }
5608  else
5609  {
5610  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5611  {
5612  vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
5613  vdst->y += ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
5614  }
5615  }
5616  }
5617  else
5618  {
5619  //
5620  // optimized case
5621  //
5622  double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
5623  if( bconj )
5624  {
5625  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5626  {
5627  vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
5628  vdst->y -= ax*vsrc->y-ay*vsrc->x;
5629  }
5630  }
5631  else
5632  {
5633  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5634  {
5635  vdst->x += ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
5636  vdst->y += ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
5637  }
5638  }
5639  }
5640 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vadd() [10/10]

void alglib::vadd ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N,
alglib::complex  alpha 

Definition at line 5642 of file ap.cpp.

5643 {
5644  vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N, alpha);
5645 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416

◆ vdotproduct() [1/4]

double alglib::vdotproduct ( const double *  v0,
ae_int_t  stride0,
const double *  v1,
ae_int_t  stride1,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5004 of file ap.cpp.

5005 {
5006  double result = 0;
5007  ae_int_t i;
5008  if( stride0!=1 || stride1!=1 )
5009  {
5010  //
5011  // slow general code
5012  //
5013  for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
5014  result += (*v0)*(*v1);
5015  }
5016  else
5017  {
5018  //
5019  // optimized code for stride=1
5020  //
5021  ae_int_t n4 = n/4;
5022  ae_int_t nleft = n%4;
5023  for(i=0; i<n4; i++, v0+=4, v1+=4)
5024  result += v0[0]*v1[0]+v0[1]*v1[1]+v0[2]*v1[2]+v0[3]*v1[3];
5025  for(i=0; i<nleft; i++, v0++, v1++)
5026  result += v0[0]*v1[0];
5027  }
5028  return result;
5029 }
#define i
double v1
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
double v0
int * n

◆ vdotproduct() [2/4]

double alglib::vdotproduct ( const double *  v1,
const double *  v2,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5031 of file ap.cpp.

5032 {
5033  return vdotproduct(v1, 1, v2, 1, N);
5034 }
double v1
double vdotproduct(const double *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const double *v1, ae_int_t stride1, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5004

◆ vdotproduct() [3/4]

alglib::complex alglib::vdotproduct ( const alglib::complex v0,
ae_int_t  stride0,
const char *  conj0,
const alglib::complex v1,
ae_int_t  stride1,
const char *  conj1,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5036 of file ap.cpp.

5037 {
5038  double rx = 0, ry = 0;
5039  ae_int_t i;
5040  bool bconj0 = !((conj0[0]=='N') || (conj0[0]=='n'));
5041  bool bconj1 = !((conj1[0]=='N') || (conj1[0]=='n'));
5042  if( bconj0 && bconj1 )
5043  {
5044  double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
5045  for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
5046  {
5047  v0x = v0->x;
5048  v0y = -v0->y;
5049  v1x = v1->x;
5050  v1y = -v1->y;
5051  rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
5052  ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
5053  }
5054  }
5055  if( !bconj0 && bconj1 )
5056  {
5057  double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
5058  for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
5059  {
5060  v0x = v0->x;
5061  v0y = v0->y;
5062  v1x = v1->x;
5063  v1y = -v1->y;
5064  rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
5065  ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
5066  }
5067  }
5068  if( bconj0 && !bconj1 )
5069  {
5070  double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
5071  for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
5072  {
5073  v0x = v0->x;
5074  v0y = -v0->y;
5075  v1x = v1->x;
5076  v1y = v1->y;
5077  rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
5078  ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
5079  }
5080  }
5081  if( !bconj0 && !bconj1 )
5082  {
5083  double v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y;
5084  for(i=0; i<n; i++, v0+=stride0, v1+=stride1)
5085  {
5086  v0x = v0->x;
5087  v0y = v0->y;
5088  v1x = v1->x;
5089  v1y = v1->y;
5090  rx += v0x*v1x-v0y*v1y;
5091  ry += v0x*v1y+v0y*v1x;
5092  }
5093  }
5094  return alglib::complex(rx,ry);
5095 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ vdotproduct() [4/4]

alglib::complex alglib::vdotproduct ( const alglib::complex v1,
const alglib::complex v2,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5097 of file ap.cpp.

5098 {
5099  return vdotproduct(v1, 1, "N", v2, 1, "N", N);
5100 }
double vdotproduct(const double *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const double *v1, ae_int_t stride1, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5004

◆ vlen()

alglib::ae_int_t alglib::vlen ( ae_int_t  n1,
ae_int_t  n2 

Definition at line 7770 of file ap.cpp.

7771 {
7772  return n2-n1+1;
7773 }

◆ vmove() [1/10]

void alglib::vmove ( double *  vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5102 of file ap.cpp.

5103 {
5104  ae_int_t i;
5105  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5106  {
5107  //
5108  // general unoptimized case
5109  //
5110  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5111  *vdst = *vsrc;
5112  }
5113  else
5114  {
5115  //
5116  // optimized case
5117  //
5118  ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
5119  for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
5120  {
5121  vdst[0] = vsrc[0];
5122  vdst[1] = vsrc[1];
5123  }
5124  if( n%2!=0 )
5125  vdst[0] = vsrc[0];
5126  }
5127 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ vmove() [2/10]

void alglib::vmove ( double *  vdst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5129 of file ap.cpp.

5130 {
5131  vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N);
5132 }
void vmove(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5102

◆ vmove() [3/10]

void alglib::vmove ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5134 of file ap.cpp.

5135 {
5136  bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
5137  ae_int_t i;
5138  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5139  {
5140  //
5141  // general unoptimized case
5142  //
5143  if( bconj )
5144  {
5145  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5146  {
5147  vdst->x = vsrc->x;
5148  vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
5149  }
5150  }
5151  else
5152  {
5153  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5154  *vdst = *vsrc;
5155  }
5156  }
5157  else
5158  {
5159  //
5160  // optimized case
5161  //
5162  if( bconj )
5163  {
5164  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5165  {
5166  vdst->x = vsrc->x;
5167  vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
5168  }
5169  }
5170  else
5171  {
5172  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5173  *vdst = *vsrc;
5174  }
5175  }
5176 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vmove() [4/10]

void alglib::vmove ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5178 of file ap.cpp.

5179 {
5180  vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N);
5181 }
void vmove(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5102

◆ vmove() [5/10]

void alglib::vmove ( double *  vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
ae_int_t  n,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5270 of file ap.cpp.

5271 {
5272  ae_int_t i;
5273  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5274  {
5275  //
5276  // general unoptimized case
5277  //
5278  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5279  *vdst = alpha*(*vsrc);
5280  }
5281  else
5282  {
5283  //
5284  // optimized case
5285  //
5286  ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
5287  for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
5288  {
5289  vdst[0] = alpha*vsrc[0];
5290  vdst[1] = alpha*vsrc[1];
5291  }
5292  if( n%2!=0 )
5293  vdst[0] = alpha*vsrc[0];
5294  }
5295 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ vmove() [6/10]

void alglib::vmove ( double *  vdst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  N,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5297 of file ap.cpp.

5298 {
5299  vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N, alpha);
5300 }
void vmove(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5102

◆ vmove() [7/10]

void alglib::vmove ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5302 of file ap.cpp.

5303 {
5304  bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
5305  ae_int_t i;
5306  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5307  {
5308  //
5309  // general unoptimized case
5310  //
5311  if( bconj )
5312  {
5313  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5314  {
5315  vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
5316  vdst->y = -alpha*vsrc->y;
5317  }
5318  }
5319  else
5320  {
5321  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5322  {
5323  vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
5324  vdst->y = alpha*vsrc->y;
5325  }
5326  }
5327  }
5328  else
5329  {
5330  //
5331  // optimized case
5332  //
5333  if( bconj )
5334  {
5335  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5336  {
5337  vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
5338  vdst->y = -alpha*vsrc->y;
5339  }
5340  }
5341  else
5342  {
5343  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5344  {
5345  vdst->x = alpha*vsrc->x;
5346  vdst->y = alpha*vsrc->y;
5347  }
5348  }
5349  }
5350 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vmove() [8/10]

void alglib::vmove ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5352 of file ap.cpp.

5353 {
5354  vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N, alpha);
5355 }
void vmove(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5102

◆ vmove() [9/10]

void alglib::vmove ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n,
alglib::complex  alpha 

Definition at line 5357 of file ap.cpp.

5358 {
5359  bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
5360  ae_int_t i;
5361  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5362  {
5363  //
5364  // general unoptimized case
5365  //
5366  if( bconj )
5367  {
5368  double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
5369  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5370  {
5371  vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
5372  vdst->y = -ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
5373  }
5374  }
5375  else
5376  {
5377  double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
5378  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5379  {
5380  vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
5381  vdst->y = ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
5382  }
5383  }
5384  }
5385  else
5386  {
5387  //
5388  // optimized case
5389  //
5390  if( bconj )
5391  {
5392  double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
5393  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5394  {
5395  vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x+ay*vsrc->y;
5396  vdst->y = -ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
5397  }
5398  }
5399  else
5400  {
5401  double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
5402  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5403  {
5404  vdst->x = ax*vsrc->x-ay*vsrc->y;
5405  vdst->y = ax*vsrc->y+ay*vsrc->x;
5406  }
5407  }
5408  }
5409 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vmove() [10/10]

void alglib::vmove ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N,
alglib::complex  alpha 

Definition at line 5411 of file ap.cpp.

5412 {
5413  vmove(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N, alpha);
5414 }
void vmove(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5102

◆ vmoveneg() [1/4]

void alglib::vmoveneg ( double *  vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5183 of file ap.cpp.

5184 {
5185  ae_int_t i;
5186  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5187  {
5188  //
5189  // general unoptimized case
5190  //
5191  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5192  *vdst = -*vsrc;
5193  }
5194  else
5195  {
5196  //
5197  // optimized case
5198  //
5199  ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
5200  for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
5201  {
5202  vdst[0] = -vsrc[0];
5203  vdst[1] = -vsrc[1];
5204  }
5205  if( n%2!=0 )
5206  vdst[0] = -vsrc[0];
5207  }
5208 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ vmoveneg() [2/4]

void alglib::vmoveneg ( double *  vdst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5210 of file ap.cpp.

5211 {
5212  vmoveneg(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N);
5213 }
void vmoveneg(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5183

◆ vmoveneg() [3/4]

void alglib::vmoveneg ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5215 of file ap.cpp.

5216 {
5217  bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
5218  ae_int_t i;
5219  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5220  {
5221  //
5222  // general unoptimized case
5223  //
5224  if( bconj )
5225  {
5226  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5227  {
5228  vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
5229  vdst->y = vsrc->y;
5230  }
5231  }
5232  else
5233  {
5234  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5235  {
5236  vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
5237  vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
5238  }
5239  }
5240  }
5241  else
5242  {
5243  //
5244  // optimized case
5245  //
5246  if( bconj )
5247  {
5248  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5249  {
5250  vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
5251  vdst->y = vsrc->y;
5252  }
5253  }
5254  else
5255  {
5256  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5257  {
5258  vdst->x = -vsrc->x;
5259  vdst->y = -vsrc->y;
5260  }
5261  }
5262  }
5263 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vmoveneg() [4/4]

void alglib::vmoveneg ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5265 of file ap.cpp.

5266 {
5267  vmoveneg(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N);
5268 }
void vmoveneg(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5183

◆ vmul() [1/6]

void alglib::vmul ( double *  vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
ae_int_t  n,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5763 of file ap.cpp.

5764 {
5765  ae_int_t i;
5766  if( stride_dst!=1 )
5767  {
5768  //
5769  // general unoptimized case
5770  //
5771  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst)
5772  *vdst *= alpha;
5773  }
5774  else
5775  {
5776  //
5777  // optimized case
5778  //
5779  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++)
5780  *vdst *= alpha;
5781  }
5782 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ vmul() [2/6]

void alglib::vmul ( double *  vdst,
ae_int_t  N,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5784 of file ap.cpp.

5785 {
5786  vmul(vdst, 1, N, alpha);
5787 }
void vmul(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
Definition: ap.cpp:5763

◆ vmul() [3/6]

void alglib::vmul ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
ae_int_t  n,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5789 of file ap.cpp.

5790 {
5791  ae_int_t i;
5792  if( stride_dst!=1 )
5793  {
5794  //
5795  // general unoptimized case
5796  //
5797  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst)
5798  {
5799  vdst->x *= alpha;
5800  vdst->y *= alpha;
5801  }
5802  }
5803  else
5804  {
5805  //
5806  // optimized case
5807  //
5808  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++)
5809  {
5810  vdst->x *= alpha;
5811  vdst->y *= alpha;
5812  }
5813  }
5814 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vmul() [4/6]

void alglib::vmul ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  N,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5816 of file ap.cpp.

5817 {
5818  vmul(vdst, 1, N, alpha);
5819 }
void vmul(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
Definition: ap.cpp:5763

◆ vmul() [5/6]

void alglib::vmul ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
ae_int_t  n,
alglib::complex  alpha 

Definition at line 5821 of file ap.cpp.

5822 {
5823  ae_int_t i;
5824  if( stride_dst!=1 )
5825  {
5826  //
5827  // general unoptimized case
5828  //
5829  double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
5830  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst)
5831  {
5832  double dstx = vdst->x, dsty = vdst->y;
5833  vdst->x = ax*dstx-ay*dsty;
5834  vdst->y = ax*dsty+ay*dstx;
5835  }
5836  }
5837  else
5838  {
5839  //
5840  // optimized case
5841  //
5842  double ax = alpha.x, ay = alpha.y;
5843  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++)
5844  {
5845  double dstx = vdst->x, dsty = vdst->y;
5846  vdst->x = ax*dstx-ay*dsty;
5847  vdst->y = ax*dsty+ay*dstx;
5848  }
5849  }
5850 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vmul() [6/6]

void alglib::vmul ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  N,
alglib::complex  alpha 

Definition at line 5852 of file ap.cpp.

5853 {
5854  vmul(vdst, 1, N, alpha);
5855 }
void vmul(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha)
Definition: ap.cpp:5763

◆ vsub() [1/10]

void alglib::vsub ( double *  vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5647 of file ap.cpp.

5648 {
5649  ae_int_t i;
5650  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5651  {
5652  //
5653  // general unoptimized case
5654  //
5655  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5656  *vdst -= *vsrc;
5657  }
5658  else
5659  {
5660  //
5661  // optimized case
5662  //
5663  ae_int_t n2 = n/2;
5664  for(i=0; i<n2; i++, vdst+=2, vsrc+=2)
5665  {
5666  vdst[0] -= vsrc[0];
5667  vdst[1] -= vsrc[1];
5668  }
5669  if( n%2!=0 )
5670  vdst[0] -= vsrc[0];
5671  }
5672 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n

◆ vsub() [2/10]

void alglib::vsub ( double *  vdst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5674 of file ap.cpp.

5675 {
5676  vsub(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N);
5677 }
void vsub(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5647

◆ vsub() [3/10]

void alglib::vsub ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n 

Definition at line 5679 of file ap.cpp.

5680 {
5681  bool bconj = !((conj_src[0]=='N') || (conj_src[0]=='n'));
5682  ae_int_t i;
5683  if( stride_dst!=1 || stride_src!=1 )
5684  {
5685  //
5686  // general unoptimized case
5687  //
5688  if( bconj )
5689  {
5690  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5691  {
5692  vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
5693  vdst->y += vsrc->y;
5694  }
5695  }
5696  else
5697  {
5698  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst+=stride_dst, vsrc+=stride_src)
5699  {
5700  vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
5701  vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
5702  }
5703  }
5704  }
5705  else
5706  {
5707  //
5708  // optimized case
5709  //
5710  if( bconj )
5711  {
5712  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5713  {
5714  vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
5715  vdst->y += vsrc->y;
5716  }
5717  }
5718  else
5719  {
5720  for(i=0; i<n; i++, vdst++, vsrc++)
5721  {
5722  vdst->x -= vsrc->x;
5723  vdst->y -= vsrc->y;
5724  }
5725  }
5726  }
5727 }
#define i
ptrdiff_t ae_int_t
Definition: ap.h:186
int * n
double y
Definition: ap.h:941
double x
Definition: ap.h:941

◆ vsub() [4/10]

void alglib::vsub ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N 

Definition at line 5729 of file ap.cpp.

5730 {
5731  vsub(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", N);
5732 }
void vsub(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5647

◆ vsub() [5/10]

void alglib::vsub ( double *  vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
ae_int_t  n,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5734 of file ap.cpp.

5735 {
5736  vadd(vdst, stride_dst, vsrc, stride_src, n, -alpha);
5737 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416
int * n

◆ vsub() [6/10]

void alglib::vsub ( double *  vdst,
const double *  vsrc,
ae_int_t  N,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5739 of file ap.cpp.

5740 {
5741  vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, N, -alpha);
5742 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416

◆ vsub() [7/10]

void alglib::vsub ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5744 of file ap.cpp.

5745 {
5746  vadd(vdst, stride_dst, vsrc, stride_src, conj_src, n, -alpha);
5747 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416
int * n

◆ vsub() [8/10]

void alglib::vsub ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N,
double  alpha 

Definition at line 5749 of file ap.cpp.

5750 {
5751  vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", n, -alpha);
5752 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416
int * n

◆ vsub() [9/10]

void alglib::vsub ( alglib::complex vdst,
ae_int_t  stride_dst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  stride_src,
const char *  conj_src,
ae_int_t  n,
alglib::complex  alpha 

Definition at line 5754 of file ap.cpp.

5755 {
5756  vadd(vdst, stride_dst, vsrc, stride_src, conj_src, n, -alpha);
5757 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416
int * n

◆ vsub() [10/10]

void alglib::vsub ( alglib::complex vdst,
const alglib::complex vsrc,
ae_int_t  N,
alglib::complex  alpha 

Definition at line 5759 of file ap.cpp.

5760 {
5761  vadd(vdst, 1, vsrc, 1, "N", n, -alpha);
5762 }
void vadd(double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n)
Definition: ap.cpp:5416
int * n

◆ wilcoxonsignedranktest()

void alglib::wilcoxonsignedranktest ( const real_1d_array x,
const ae_int_t  n,
const double  e,
double &  bothtails,
double &  lefttail,
double &  righttail 

Definition at line 2636 of file statistics.cpp.

2637 {
2638  alglib_impl::ae_state _alglib_env_state;
2639  alglib_impl::ae_state_init(&_alglib_env_state);
2640  try
2641  {
2642  alglib_impl::wilcoxonsignedranktest(const_cast<alglib_impl::ae_vector*>(x.c_ptr()), n, e, &bothtails, &lefttail, &righttail, &_alglib_env_state);
2643  alglib_impl::ae_state_clear(&_alglib_env_state);
2644  return;
2645  }
2647  {
2648  throw ap_error(_alglib_env_state.error_msg);
2649  }
2650 }
void ae_state_clear(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:373
void wilcoxonsignedranktest(ae_vector *x, ae_int_t n, double e, double *bothtails, double *lefttail, double *righttail, ae_state *_state)
doublereal * x
Definition: ap.h:201
void ae_state_init(ae_state *state)
Definition: ap.cpp:309
const char *volatile error_msg
Definition: ap.h:389
int * n

Variable Documentation

◆ endianness

const alglib::ae_int_t alglib::endianness = alglib_impl::ae_get_endianness()

Definition at line 4693 of file ap.cpp.

◆ fp_nan

const double alglib::fp_nan = alglib::get_aenv_nan()

Definition at line 4694 of file ap.cpp.

◆ fp_neginf

const double alglib::fp_neginf = alglib::get_aenv_neginf()

Definition at line 4696 of file ap.cpp.

◆ fp_posinf

const double alglib::fp_posinf = alglib::get_aenv_posinf()

Definition at line 4695 of file ap.cpp.

◆ machineepsilon

const double alglib::machineepsilon = 5E-16

Definition at line 4690 of file ap.cpp.

◆ maxrealnumber

const double alglib::maxrealnumber = 1E300

Definition at line 4691 of file ap.cpp.

◆ minrealnumber

const double alglib::minrealnumber = 1E-300

Definition at line 4692 of file ap.cpp.