Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  *
3  * Authors: Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano (coss@cnb.csic.es)
4  *
5  * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
20  * 02111-1307 USA
21  *
22  * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
23  * e-mail address 'xmipp@cnb.csic.es'
24  ***************************************************************************/
26 #include "projection.h"
27 #include "core/geometry.h"
28 #include "core/metadata_vec.h"
29 #include "core/matrix2d.h"
30 #include "core/xmipp_image.h"
31 #include "core/xmipp_macros.h"
32 #include "core/xmipp_program.h"
33 #include "core/transformations.h"
35 #include "data/basis.h"
37 #define x0 STARTINGX(IMGMATRIX(proj))
38 #define xF FINISHINGX(IMGMATRIX(proj))
39 #define y0 STARTINGY(IMGMATRIX(proj))
40 #define yF FINISHINGY(IMGMATRIX(proj))
41 #define xDim XSIZE(IMGMATRIX(proj))
42 #define yDim YSIZE(IMGMATRIX(proj))
44 // These two structures are needed when projecting and backprojecting using
45 // threads. They make mutual exclusion and synchronization possible.
47 pthread_mutex_t project_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
51 {
52  proj_Xdim = 0;
53  proj_Ydim = 0;
55  axisRot = 0;
56  axisTilt = 0;
57  raxis.initZeros(3);
59  tilt0 = 0;
60  tiltF = 0;
61  tiltStep = 0;
63  Nangle_dev = 0;
64  Nangle_avg = 0;
66  Npixel_dev = 0;
67  Npixel_avg = 0;
69  Ncenter_dev = 0;
70  Ncenter_avg = 0;
71 }
75 {
76  program->addParamsLine(" -i <volume_file> : Volume file to be projected.");
77  program->addParamsLine(" alias --input;");
78  program->addParamsLine(" --oroot <rootname> : Output rootname");
79  program->addParamsLine(" requires --params;");
80  program->addParamsLine("or -o <image_file> : Output image");
81  program->addParamsLine(" alias --output;");
82  program->addParamsLine(" requires --angles;");
83  program->addParamsLine("== Generating a set of projections == ");
84  program->addParamsLine(" [--params <parameters_file>] : File containing projection parameters");
85  program->addParamsLine(" : Check the manual for a description of the parameters");
86  program->addParamsLine(" requires --oroot;");
87  program->addParamsLine("== Generating a single projection == ");
88  program->addParamsLine(" [--angles <tilt> <axisRot=90> <axisTilt=90>] : Tilt angle for a single projection.");
89  program->addParamsLine(" : (axisRot, axisTilt) is the direction of the rotation axis." );
90  program->addParamsLine(" requires -o;");
91  program->addParamsLine("==+ Global projection options== ");
92  program->addParamsLine("[--show_angles] : Print angles value for each projection.");
93  program->addParamsLine("[--only_create_angles] : Projections are not calculated, only the angles values.");
94 }
96 // Read params from command line
98 {
99  fnPhantom = program->getParam("-i");
101  singleProjection = program->checkParam("-o");
103  if (!singleProjection)
104  {
105  fnRoot = program->getParam("--oroot");
106  read(program->getParam("--params"));
107  }
108  else
109  {
110  fnOut = program->getParam("-o");
112  tilt0 = tiltF = program->getDoubleParam("--angles",0);
113  tiltStep = 1;
115  axisRot = program->getDoubleParam("--angles",1);
116  axisTilt = program->getDoubleParam("--angles",2);
118  Image<char> volTemp;
119  volTemp.read(fnPhantom, HEADER);
120  proj_Xdim = XSIZE(VOLMATRIX(volTemp));
121  proj_Ydim = YSIZE(VOLMATRIX(volTemp));
122  }
124  show_angles = program->checkParam("--show_angles");
125  only_create_angles = program->checkParam("--only_create_angles");
126 }
128 /* Read Projection Parameters ============================================== */
130 {
131  if (fn_proj_param.isMetaData())
132  {
133  MetaDataVec MD;
134  size_t objId;
135  MD.read(fn_proj_param);
136  objId = MD.firstRowId();
137  // MD.getValue(MDL_PRJ_VOL, fnPhantom, objId);
138  std::vector<double> vecD;
139  MD.getValue(MDL_PRJ_DIMENSIONS, vecD, objId);
140  proj_Xdim = (int)vecD[0];
141  proj_Ydim = (int)vecD[1];
142  MD.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, axisRot, objId);
143  MD.getValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, axisTilt, objId);
145  raxis.resize(3);
146  if (!MD.getValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, XX(raxis), objId))
147  XX(raxis) = 0;
148  if (!MD.getValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, YY(raxis), objId))
149  YY(raxis) = 0;
150  if (!MD.getValue(MDL_SHIFT_Z, ZZ(raxis), objId))
151  ZZ(raxis) = 0;
153  MD.getValue(MDL_PRJ_TILT_RANGE, vecD, objId);
154  tilt0 = vecD[0];
155  tiltF = vecD[1];
156  tiltStep = vecD[2];
158  if (MD.getValue(MDL_NOISE_ANGLES, vecD, objId))
159  {
160  Nangle_dev = vecD[0];
161  Nangle_avg = (vecD.size()>1)? vecD[1]: 0;
162  }
163  else
164  Nangle_dev = Nangle_avg = 0;
166  if (MD.getValue(MDL_NOISE_PIXEL_LEVEL, vecD, objId))
167  {
168  Npixel_dev = vecD[0];
169  Npixel_avg = (vecD.size()>1)? vecD[1]: 0;
170  }
171  else
172  Npixel_dev = Npixel_avg = 0;
174  if (MD.getValue(MDL_NOISE_PARTICLE_COORD, vecD, objId))
175  {
176  Ncenter_dev = vecD[0];
177  Ncenter_avg = (vecD.size()>1)? vecD[1]: 0;
178  }
179  else
180  Ncenter_dev = Ncenter_avg = 0;
181  }
182  else
183  {
184  FILE *fh_param;
185  char line[201];
186  int lineNo = 0;
187  char *auxstr;
189  if ((fh_param = fopen(fn_proj_param.c_str(), "r")) == nullptr)
191  (std::string)"ParametersProjectionTomography::read: There is a problem "
192  "opening the file " + fn_proj_param);
193  while (fgets(line, 200, fh_param) != nullptr)
194  {
195  if (line[0] == 0)
196  continue;
197  if (line[0] == '#')
198  continue;
199  if (line[0] == '\n')
200  continue;
201  switch (lineNo)
202  {
203  case 0:
204  fnPhantom = firstWord(line);
205  lineNo = 1;
206  break;
207  case 1:
208  fnOut =
209  firstWord(line);
210  // Next two parameters are optional
211  auxstr = nextToken();
212  if (auxstr != nullptr)
213  starting =
214  textToInteger(auxstr);
216  lineNo = 2;
217  break;
218  case 2:
221  lineNo = 3;
222  break;
223  case 3:
224  axisRot = textToFloat(firstToken(line));
226  lineNo = 4;
227  break;
228  case 4:
229  raxis.resize(3);
230  XX(raxis) = textToFloat(firstToken(line));
233  lineNo = 5;
234  break;
235  case 5:
236  tilt0 = textToFloat(firstToken(line));
239  lineNo = 6;
240  break;
241  case 6:
243  auxstr = nextToken();
244  if (auxstr != nullptr)
245  Nangle_avg = textToFloat(auxstr);
246  else
247  Nangle_avg = 0;
248  lineNo = 7;
249  break;
250  case 7:
252  auxstr = nextToken();
253  if (auxstr != nullptr)
254  Npixel_avg = textToFloat(auxstr);
255  else
256  Npixel_avg = 0;
257  lineNo = 8;
258  break;
259  case 8:
261  auxstr = nextToken();
262  if (auxstr != nullptr)
263  Ncenter_avg = textToFloat(auxstr);
264  else
265  Ncenter_avg = 0;
266  lineNo = 9;
267  break;
268  } /* switch end */
269  } /* while end */
270  if (lineNo != 9)
271  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_ARG_MISSING, (std::string)"ParametersProjectionTomography::read: I "
272  "couldn't read all parameters from file " + fn_proj_param);
273  fclose(fh_param);
274  }
275 }
278  const Matrix1D<double> &sinplane)
279 {
280  // Find Euler rotation matrix
283  Matrix2D<double> Raxis;
284  Matrix2D<double> Rinplane;
285  rotation3DMatrix(angle,axis,Raxis,false);
286  rotation3DMatrix(inplaneRot,'Z',Rinplane,false);
287  double rot;
288  double tilt;
289  double psi;
290  Euler_matrix2angles(Rinplane*Raxis, rot, tilt, psi);
298  if (angle * tilt < 0)
299  Euler_another_set(rot, tilt, psi, rot, tilt, psi);
301  rot = realWRAP(rot,-180,180);
302  if (XMIPP_EQUAL_ZERO(rot))
303  rot = 0.;
304  tilt = realWRAP(tilt,-180,180);
305  if (XMIPP_EQUAL_ZERO(tilt))
306  tilt = 0.;
307  psi = realWRAP(psi,-180,180);
308  if (XMIPP_EQUAL_ZERO(psi))
309  psi = 0.;
311  P.setAngles(rot, tilt, psi);
313  // Find displacement because of axis offset and inplane shift
314  Matrix1D<double> roffset = Rinplane*(raxis-Raxis*raxis) + sinplane;
316  P.setShifts(XX(roffset), YY(roffset), ZZ(roffset));
318 #ifdef DEBUG
320  std::cout << "axisRot=" << axisRot << " axisTilt=" << axisTilt
321  << " axis=" << axis.transpose() << std::endl
322  << "angle=" << angle << std::endl
323  << "Raxis\n" << Raxis
324  << "Rinplane\n" << Rinplane
325  << "Raxis*Rinplane\n" << Raxis*Rinplane
326  << "rot=" << rot << " tilt=" << tilt << " psi=" << psi
327  << std::endl;
329  Euler_angles2matrix(rot,tilt,psi,E);
330  std::cout << "E\n" << E << std::endl;
331 #endif
332 }
334 // Projection from a voxel volume ==========================================
335 /* Project a voxel volume -------------------------------------------------- */
336 //#define DEBUG
337 void projectVolume(MultidimArray<double> &V, Projection &P, int Ydim, int Xdim,
338  double rot, double tilt, double psi,
339  const Matrix1D<double> *roffset)
340 {
343  // Initialise projection
344  P.reset(Ydim, Xdim);
345  P.setAngles(rot, tilt, psi);
347  // Compute the distance for this line crossing one voxel
348  int x_0 = STARTINGX(V);
349  int x_F = FINISHINGX(V);
350  int y_0 = STARTINGY(V);
351  int y_F = FINISHINGY(V);
352  int z_0 = STARTINGZ(V);
353  int z_F = FINISHINGZ(V);
355  // Distances in X and Y between the center of the projection pixel begin
356  // computed and each computed ray
357  double step = 1.0 / 3.0;
359  // Avoids divisions by zero and allows orthogonal rays computation
360  if (XX(P.direction) == 0)
362  if (YY(P.direction) == 0)
364  if (ZZ(P.direction) == 0)
367  // Some precalculated variables
368  int x_sign = SGN(XX(P.direction));
369  int y_sign = SGN(YY(P.direction));
370  int z_sign = SGN(ZZ(P.direction));
371  double half_x_sign = 0.5 * x_sign;
372  double half_y_sign = 0.5 * y_sign;
373  double half_z_sign = 0.5 * z_sign;
374  double iXXP_direction=1.0/XX(P.direction);
375  double iYYP_direction=1.0/YY(P.direction);
376  double iZZP_direction=1.0/ZZ(P.direction);
378  MultidimArray<double> &mP = P();
379  Matrix1D<double> v(3);
380  Matrix1D<double> r_p(3); // r_p are the coordinates of the
381  // pixel being projected in the
382  // coordinate system attached to the
383  // projection
384  Matrix1D<double> p1(3); // coordinates of the pixel in the
385  // universal space
386  Matrix1D<double> p1_shifted(3); // shifted half a pixel
388  {
389  double ray_sum = 0.0; // Line integral value
391  // Computes 4 different rays for each pixel.
392  for (int rays_per_pixel = 0; rays_per_pixel < 4; rays_per_pixel++)
393  {
394  // universal coordinate system
395  switch (rays_per_pixel)
396  {
397  case 0:
398  VECTOR_R3(r_p, j - step, i - step, 0);
399  break;
400  case 1:
401  VECTOR_R3(r_p, j - step, i + step, 0);
402  break;
403  case 2:
404  VECTOR_R3(r_p, j + step, i - step, 0);
405  break;
406  case 3:
407  VECTOR_R3(r_p, j + step, i + step, 0);
408  break;
409  }
411  // Express r_p in the universal coordinate system
412  if (roffset!=nullptr)
413  r_p-=*roffset;
414  M3x3_BY_V3x1(p1, P.eulert, r_p);
415  XX(p1_shifted)=XX(p1)-half_x_sign;
416  YY(p1_shifted)=YY(p1)-half_y_sign;
417  ZZ(p1_shifted)=ZZ(p1)-half_z_sign;
419  // Compute the minimum and maximum alpha for the ray
420  // intersecting the given volume
421  double alpha_xmin = (x_0 - 0.5 - XX(p1))* iXXP_direction;
422  double alpha_xmax = (x_F + 0.5 - XX(p1))* iXXP_direction;
423  double alpha_ymin = (y_0 - 0.5 - YY(p1))* iYYP_direction;
424  double alpha_ymax = (y_F + 0.5 - YY(p1))* iYYP_direction;
425  double alpha_zmin = (z_0 - 0.5 - ZZ(p1))* iZZP_direction;
426  double alpha_zmax = (z_F + 0.5 - ZZ(p1))* iZZP_direction;
428  double auxMin;
429  double auxMax;
430  if (alpha_xmin<alpha_xmax)
431  {
432  auxMin=alpha_xmin;
433  auxMax=alpha_xmax;
434  }
435  else
436  {
437  auxMin=alpha_xmax;
438  auxMax=alpha_xmin;
439  }
440  double alpha_min=auxMin;
441  double alpha_max=auxMax;
442  if (alpha_ymin<alpha_ymax)
443  {
444  auxMin=alpha_ymin;
445  auxMax=alpha_ymax;
446  }
447  else
448  {
449  auxMin=alpha_ymax;
450  auxMax=alpha_ymin;
451  }
452  alpha_min=fmax(auxMin,alpha_min);
453  alpha_max=fmin(auxMax,alpha_max);
454  if (alpha_zmin<alpha_zmax)
455  {
456  auxMin=alpha_zmin;
457  auxMax=alpha_zmax;
458  }
459  else
460  {
461  auxMin=alpha_zmax;
462  auxMax=alpha_zmin;
463  }
464  alpha_min=fmax(auxMin,alpha_min);
465  alpha_max=fmin(auxMax,alpha_max);
466  if (alpha_max - alpha_min < XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY)
467  continue;
469 #ifdef DEBUG
471  std::cout << "Pixel: " << r_p.transpose() << std::endl
472  << "Univ: " << p1.transpose() << std::endl
473  << "Dir: " << P.direction.transpose() << std::endl
474  << "Alpha x:" << alpha_xmin << " " << alpha_xmax << std::endl
475  << " " << (p1 + alpha_xmin*P.direction).transpose() << std::endl
476  << " " << (p1 + alpha_xmax*P.direction).transpose() << std::endl
477  << "Alpha y:" << alpha_ymin << " " << alpha_ymax << std::endl
478  << " " << (p1 + alpha_ymin*P.direction).transpose() << std::endl
479  << " " << (p1 + alpha_ymax*P.direction).transpose() << std::endl
480  << "Alpha z:" << alpha_zmin << " " << alpha_zmax << std::endl
481  << " " << (p1 + alpha_zmin*P.direction).transpose() << std::endl
482  << " " << (p1 + alpha_zmax*P.direction).transpose() << std::endl
483  << "alpha :" << alpha_min << " " << alpha_max << std::endl
484  << std::endl;
485 #endif
487  // Compute the first point in the volume intersecting the ray
488  double zz_idxd;
489  double yy_idxd;
490  double xx_idxd;
491  int zz_idx;
492  int yy_idx;
493  int xx_idx;
494  V3_BY_CT(v, P.direction, alpha_min);
495  V3_PLUS_V3(v, p1, v);
497  // Compute the index of the first voxel
498  xx_idx = ROUND(XX(v));
499  yy_idx = ROUND(YY(v));
500  zz_idx = ROUND(ZZ(v));
502  xx_idxd = xx_idx = CLIP(xx_idx, x_0, x_F);
503  yy_idxd = yy_idx = CLIP(yy_idx, y_0, y_F);
504  zz_idxd = zz_idx = CLIP(zz_idx, z_0, z_F);
506 #ifdef DEBUG
508  std::cout << "First voxel: " << v.transpose() << std::endl;
509  std::cout << " First index: " << idx.transpose() << std::endl;
510  std::cout << " Alpha_min: " << alpha_min << std::endl;
511 #endif
513  // Follow the ray
514  double alpha = alpha_min;
515  do
516  {
517 #ifdef DEBUG
518  std::cout << " \n\nCurrent Value: " << V(zz_idx, yy_idx, xx_idx) << std::endl;
519 #endif
521  double alpha_x = (xx_idxd - XX(p1_shifted))* iXXP_direction;
522  double alpha_y = (yy_idxd - YY(p1_shifted))* iYYP_direction;
523  double alpha_z = (zz_idxd - ZZ(p1_shifted))* iZZP_direction;
525  // Which dimension will ray move next step into?, it isn't necessary to be only
526  // one.
527  double diffx = fabs(alpha-alpha_x);
528  double diffy = fabs(alpha-alpha_y);
529  double diffz = fabs(alpha-alpha_z);
530  int diff_source=0;
531  double diff_alpha=diffx;
532  if (diffy<diff_alpha)
533  {
534  diff_source=1;
535  diff_alpha=diffy;
536  }
537  if (diffz<diff_alpha)
538  {
539  diff_source=2;
540  diff_alpha=diffz;
541  }
542  ray_sum += diff_alpha * A3D_ELEM(V, zz_idx, yy_idx, xx_idx);
544  switch (diff_source)
545  {
546  case 0:
547  alpha = alpha_x;
548  xx_idx += x_sign;
549  xx_idxd = xx_idx;
550  break;
551  case 1:
552  alpha = alpha_y;
553  yy_idx += y_sign;
554  yy_idxd = yy_idx;
555  break;
556  default:
557  alpha = alpha_z;
558  zz_idx += z_sign;
559  zz_idxd = zz_idx;
560  }
562 #ifdef DEBUG
563  std::cout << "Alpha x,y,z: " << alpha_x << " " << alpha_y
564  << " " << alpha_z << " ---> " << alpha << std::endl;
566  XX(v) += diff_alpha * XX(P.direction);
567  YY(v) += diff_alpha * YY(P.direction);
568  ZZ(v) += diff_alpha * ZZ(P.direction);
570  std::cout << " Next entry point: " << v.transpose() << std::endl
571  << " Index: " << idx.transpose() << std::endl
572  << " diff_alpha: " << diff_alpha << std::endl
573  << " ray_sum: " << ray_sum << std::endl
574  << " Alfa tot: " << alpha << "alpha_max: " << alpha_max <<
575  std::endl;
576 #endif
578  }
579  while ((alpha_max - alpha) > XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY);
580  } // for
582  A2D_ELEM(IMGMATRIX(P), i, j) = ray_sum * 0.25;
583 #ifdef DEBUG
585  std::cout << "Assigning P(" << i << "," << j << ")=" << ray_sum << std::endl;
586 #endif
588  }
589 }
590 #undef DEBUG
592 /* Project a voxel volume with respect to an offcentered axis -------------- */
593 //#define DEBUG
595  int Ydim, int Xdim)
596 {
597  Matrix1D<double> roffset(3);
598  P.getShifts(XX(roffset), YY(roffset), ZZ(roffset));
600  projectVolume(V, P, Ydim, Xdim, P.rot(), P.tilt(), P.psi(), &roffset);
601 }
603 // Perform a backprojection ================================================
604 /* Backproject a single projection ----------------------------------------- */
605 //#define DEBUG
607 // Sjors, 16 May 2005
608 // This routine may give volumes with spurious high frequencies.....
610 {
613  // Compute the distance for this line crossing one voxel
614  int x_0 = STARTINGX(V);
615  int x_F = FINISHINGX(V);
616  int y_0 = STARTINGY(V);
617  int y_F = FINISHINGY(V);
618  int z_0 = STARTINGZ(V);
619  int z_F = FINISHINGZ(V);
621  // Avoids divisions by zero and allows orthogonal rays computation
622  if (XX(P.direction) == 0)
624  if (YY(P.direction) == 0)
626  if (ZZ(P.direction) == 0)
629  // Some precalculated variables
630  int x_sign = SGN(XX(P.direction));
631  int y_sign = SGN(YY(P.direction));
632  int z_sign = SGN(ZZ(P.direction));
633  double half_x_sign = 0.5 * x_sign;
634  double half_y_sign = 0.5 * y_sign;
635  double half_z_sign = 0.5 * z_sign;
637  MultidimArray<double> &mP = P();
638  Matrix1D<double> r_p(3); // r_p are the coordinates of the
639  // pixel being projected in the
640  // coordinate system attached to the
641  // projection
642  Matrix1D<double> p1(3); // coordinates of the pixel in the
643  Matrix1D<double> v(3);
644  Matrix1D<int> idx(3);
646  {
647  // Computes 4 different rays for each pixel.
648  VECTOR_R3(r_p, j, i, 0);
650  // Express r_p in the universal coordinate system
651  M3x3_BY_V3x1(p1, P.eulert, r_p);
653  // Compute the minimum and maximum alpha for the ray
654  // intersecting the given volume
655  double alpha_xmin = (x_0 - 0.5 - XX(p1)) / XX(P.direction);
656  double alpha_xmax = (x_F + 0.5 - XX(p1)) / XX(P.direction);
657  double alpha_ymin = (y_0 - 0.5 - YY(p1)) / YY(P.direction);
658  double alpha_ymax = (y_F + 0.5 - YY(p1)) / YY(P.direction);
659  double alpha_zmin = (z_0 - 0.5 - ZZ(p1)) / ZZ(P.direction);
660  double alpha_zmax = (z_F + 0.5 - ZZ(p1)) / ZZ(P.direction);
662  double alpha_min = fmax(fmin(alpha_xmin, alpha_xmax),
663  fmin(alpha_ymin, alpha_ymax));
664  alpha_min = fmax(alpha_min, fmin(alpha_zmin, alpha_zmax));
665  double alpha_max = fmin(fmax(alpha_xmin, alpha_xmax),
666  fmax(alpha_ymin, alpha_ymax));
667  alpha_max = fmin(alpha_max, fmax(alpha_zmin, alpha_zmax));
668  if (alpha_max - alpha_min < XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY)
669  continue;
671  // Compute the first point in the volume intersecting the ray
672  V3_BY_CT(v, P.direction, alpha_min);
673  V3_PLUS_V3(v, p1, v);
675  // Compute the index of the first voxel
676  XX(idx) = CLIP(ROUND(XX(v)), x_0, x_F);
677  YY(idx) = CLIP(ROUND(YY(v)), y_0, y_F);
678  ZZ(idx) = CLIP(ROUND(ZZ(v)), z_0, z_F);
681 #ifdef DEBUG
683  std::cout << "First voxel: " << v.transpose() << std::endl;
684  std::cout << " First index: " << idx.transpose() << std::endl;
685  std::cout << " Alpha_min: " << alpha_min << std::endl;
686 #endif
688  // Follow the ray
689  double alpha = alpha_min;
690  do
691  {
692 #ifdef DEBUG
693  std::cout << " \n\nCurrent Value: " << V(ZZ(idx), YY(idx), XX(idx)) << std::endl;
694 #endif
696  double alpha_x = (XX(idx) + half_x_sign - XX(p1)) / XX(P.direction);
697  double alpha_y = (YY(idx) + half_y_sign - YY(p1)) / YY(P.direction);
698  double alpha_z = (ZZ(idx) + half_z_sign - ZZ(p1)) / ZZ(P.direction);
700  // Which dimension will ray move next step into?, it isn't necessary to be only
701  // one.
702  double diffx = ABS(alpha - alpha_x);
703  double diffy = ABS(alpha - alpha_y);
704  double diffz = ABS(alpha - alpha_z);
706  double diff_alpha = fmin(fmin(diffx, diffy), diffz);
708  A3D_ELEM(V, ZZ(idx), YY(idx), XX(idx)) += diff_alpha * A2D_ELEM(P(), i, j);
710  if (ABS(diff_alpha - diffx) <= XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY)
711  {
712  alpha = alpha_x;
713  XX(idx) += x_sign;
714  }
715  if (ABS(diff_alpha - diffy) <= XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY)
716  {
717  alpha = alpha_y;
718  YY(idx) += y_sign;
719  }
720  if (ABS(diff_alpha - diffz) <= XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY)
721  {
722  alpha = alpha_z;
723  ZZ(idx) += z_sign;
724  }
726  }
727  while ((alpha_max - alpha) > XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY);
728 #ifdef DEBUG
730  std::cout << "Assigning P(" << i << "," << j << ")=" << ray_sum << std::endl;
731 #endif
733  }
734 }
735 #undef DEBUG
737 // Projections from crystals particles #####################################
738 // The projection is not precleaned (set to 0) before projecting and its
739 // angles are supposed to be already written (and all Euler matrices
740 // precalculated
741 // The projection plane is supposed to pass through the Universal coordinate
742 // origin
744 /* Algorithm
745 Compute Eg, proj(ai), proj(bi) and A
746 Compute prjX, prjY, prjZ and prjO which are the projections of the origin
747  and grid axes
748 Compute the blob footprint size in the deformed image space
749  (=deffootprintsize)
750 For each blob in the grid
751  if it is within the unit cell mask
752  // compute actual deformed projection position
753  defactprj=A*(k*projZ+i*projY+j*projX+projO)
754  // compute corners in the deformed image
755  corner1=defactprj-deffootprintsize;
756  corner2=defactprj+ deffootprintsize;
758  for each point (r) in the deformed projection space between (corner1, corner2)
759  compute position (rc) in the undeformed projection space
760  compute position within footprint corresponding to rc (=foot)
761  if it is inside footprint
762  rw=wrap(r);
763  update projection at rw with the data at foot
764 */
766 //#define DEBUG_LITTLE
767 //#define DEBUG
769 #define wrap_as_Crystal(x,y,xw,yw) \
770  xw=(int) intWRAP(x,x0,xF); \
771  yw=(int) intWRAP(y,y0,yF);
774  const Basis &basis,
775  Projection &proj, Projection &norm_proj,
776  const Matrix1D<double> &shift,
777  const Matrix1D<double> &aint, const Matrix1D<double> &bint,
778  const Matrix2D<double> &D, const Matrix2D<double> &Dinv,
779  const MultidimArray<int> &mask, int FORW, int eq_mode)
780 {
781  Matrix1D<double> prjX(3); // Coordinate: Projection of the
782  Matrix1D<double> prjY(3); // 3 grid vectors
783  Matrix1D<double> prjZ(3);
784  Matrix1D<double> prjOrigin(3); // Coordinate: Where in the 2D
785  // projection plane the origin of
786  // the grid projects
787  Matrix1D<double> prjaint(3); // Coordinate: Projection of the
788  Matrix1D<double> prjbint(3); // 2 deformed lattice vectors
789  Matrix1D<double> prjDir; // Direction of projection
790  // in the deformed space
792  Matrix1D<double> actprj(3); // Coord: Actual position inside
793  // the projection plane
794  Matrix1D<double> defactprj(3); // Coord: Actual position inside
795  // the deformed projection plane
796  Matrix1D<double> beginZ(3); // Coord: Plane coordinates of the
797  // projection of the 3D point
798  // (z0,YY(lowest),XX(lowest))
799  Matrix1D<double> beginY(3); // Coord: Plane coordinates of the
800  // projection of the 3D point
801  // (z0,y0,XX(lowest))
802  Matrix1D<double> footprint_size(2); // The footprint is supposed
803  // to be defined between
804  // (-vmax,+vmax) in the Y axis,
805  // and (-umax,+umax) in the X axis
806  // This footprint size is the
807  // R2 vector (umax,vmax).
808  Matrix1D<double> deffootprint_size(2); // The footprint size
809  // in the deformed space
810  int XX_corner2;
811  int XX_corner1; // Coord: Corners of the
812  int YY_corner2;
813  int YY_corner1; // footprint when it is projected
814  // onto the projection plane
815  Matrix1D<double> rc(2);
816  Matrix1D<double> r(2); // Position vector which will
817  // move from corner1 to corner2.
818  // In rc the wrapping is not
819  // considered, while it is in r
820  int foot_V;
821  int foot_U; // Img Coord: coordinate
822  // corresponding to the blobprint
823  // point which matches with this
824  // pixel position
825  double vol_corr=0.; // Correction for a volume element
826  int N_eq; // Number of equations in which
827  // a blob is involved
828  int i;
829  int j;
830  int k; // volume element indexes
831  SPEED_UP_temps01; // Auxiliary variables for
832  // fast multiplications
834  // Check that it is a blob volume .......................................
835  if (basis.type != Basis::blobs)
836  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_VALUE_INCORRECT, "project_Crystal_SimpleGrid: Cannot project other than "
837  "blob volumes");
839  // Compute the deformed direction of projection .........................
840  Matrix2D<double> Eulerg;
841  Eulerg = proj.euler * D;
843  // Compute deformation in the projection space ..........................
844  // The following two vectors are defined in the deformed volume space
845  VECTOR_R3(actprj, XX(aint), YY(aint), 0);
846  grid.Gdir_project_to_plane(actprj, Eulerg, prjaint);
847  VECTOR_R3(actprj, XX(bint), YY(bint), 0);
848  grid.Gdir_project_to_plane(actprj, Eulerg, prjbint);
849  //#define DEBUG_LITTLE
850 #ifdef DEBUG_LITTLE
852  double rot, tilt, psi;
853  Euler_matrix2angles(proj.euler, rot, tilt, psi);
854  std::cout << "rot= " << rot << " tilt= " << tilt
855  << " psi= " << psi << std::endl;
856  std::cout << "D\n" << D << std::endl;
857  std::cout << "Eulerf\n" << proj.euler << std::endl;
858  std::cout << "Eulerg\n" << Eulerg << std::endl;
859  std::cout << "aint " << aint.transpose() << std::endl;
860  std::cout << "bint " << bint.transpose() << std::endl;
861  std::cout << "prjaint " << prjaint.transpose() << std::endl;
862  std::cout << "prjbint " << prjbint.transpose() << std::endl;
863  std::cout.flush();
864 #endif
865  // Project grid axis ....................................................
866  // These vectors ((1,0,0),(0,1,0),...) are referred to the grid
867  // coord. system and the result is a 2D vector in the image plane
868  // The unit size within the image plane is 1, ie, the same as for
869  // the universal grid.
870  // Be careful that these grid vectors are defined in the deformed
871  // volume space, and the projection are defined in the deformed
872  // projections,
873  VECTOR_R3(actprj, 1, 0, 0);
874  grid.Gdir_project_to_plane(actprj, Eulerg, prjX);
875  VECTOR_R3(actprj, 0, 1, 0);
876  grid.Gdir_project_to_plane(actprj, Eulerg, prjY);
877  VECTOR_R3(actprj, 0, 0, 1);
878  grid.Gdir_project_to_plane(actprj, Eulerg, prjZ);
880  // This time the origin of the grid is in the universal coord system
881  // but in the deformed space
882  Uproject_to_plane(grid.origin, Eulerg, prjOrigin);
884  // This is a correction used by the crystallographic symmetries
885  prjOrigin += XX(shift) * prjaint + YY(shift) * prjbint;
887 #ifdef DEBUG_LITTLE
889  std::cout << "prjX " << prjX.transpose() << std::endl;
890  std::cout << "prjY " << prjY.transpose() << std::endl;
891  std::cout << "prjZ " << prjZ.transpose() << std::endl;
892  std::cout << "prjOrigin " << prjOrigin.transpose() << std::endl;
893  std::cout.flush();
894 #endif
896  // Now I will impose that prja becomes (Xdim,0) and prjb, (0,Ydim)
897  // A is a matrix such that
898  // A*prjaint=(Xdim,0)'
899  // A*prjbint=(0,Ydim)'
900  Matrix2D<double> A(2, 2);
901  Matrix2D<double> Ainv(2, 2);
902  A(0, 0) = YY(prjbint) * xDim;
903  A(0, 1) = -XX(prjbint) * xDim;
904  A(1, 0) = -YY(prjaint) * yDim;
905  A(1, 1) = XX(prjaint) * yDim;
906  double nor = 1 / (XX(prjaint) * YY(prjbint) - XX(prjbint) * YY(prjaint));
907  M2x2_BY_CT(A, A, nor);
908  M2x2_INV(Ainv, A);
910 #ifdef DEBUG_LITTLE
912  std::cout << "A\n" << A << std::endl;
913  std::cout << "Ainv\n" << Ainv << std::endl;
914  std::cout << "Check that A*prjaint=(Xdim,0) "
915  << (A*vectorR2(XX(prjaint), YY(prjaint))).transpose() << std::endl;
916  std::cout << "Check that A*prjbint=(0,Ydim) "
917  << (A*vectorR2(XX(prjbint), YY(prjbint))).transpose() << std::endl;
918  std::cout << "Check that Ainv*(Xdim,0)=prjaint "
919  << (Ainv*vectorR2(xDim, 0)).transpose() << std::endl;
920  std::cout << "Check that Ainv*(0,Ydim)=prjbint "
921  << (Ainv*vectorR2(0, yDim)).transpose() << std::endl;
922  std::cout.flush();
923 #endif
925  // Footprint size .......................................................
926  // The following vectors are integer valued vectors, but they are
927  // stored as real ones to make easier operations with other vectors.
928  // Look out that this footprint size is in the deformed projection,
929  // that is why it is not a square footprint but a parallelogram
930  // and we have to look for the smaller rectangle which surrounds it
931  XX(footprint_size) = basis.blobprint.umax();
932  YY(footprint_size) = basis.blobprint.vmax();
933  N_eq = (2 * basis.blobprint.umax() + 1) * (2 * basis.blobprint.vmax() + 1);
934  Matrix1D<double> c1(3);
935  Matrix1D<double> c2(3);
936  XX(c1) = XX(footprint_size);
937  YY(c1) = YY(footprint_size);
938  XX(c2) = -XX(c1);
939  YY(c2) = YY(c1);
940  M2x2_BY_V2x1(c1, A, c1);
941  M2x2_BY_V2x1(c2, A, c2);
942  XX(deffootprint_size) = fmax(fabs(XX(c1)), fabs(XX(c2)));
943  YY(deffootprint_size) = fmax(fabs(YY(c1)), fabs(YY(c2)));
945 #ifdef DEBUG_LITTLE
947  std::cout << "Footprint_size " << footprint_size.transpose() << std::endl;
948  std::cout << "c1: " << c1.transpose() << std::endl;
949  std::cout << "c2: " << c2.transpose() << std::endl;
950  std::cout << "Deformed Footprint_size " << deffootprint_size.transpose()
951  << std::endl;
952  std::cout.flush();
953 #endif
955  // This type conversion gives more speed
956  auto ZZ_lowest = (int) ZZ(grid.lowest);
957  int YY_lowest = XMIPP_MAX((int) YY(grid.lowest), STARTINGY(mask));
958  int XX_lowest = XMIPP_MAX((int) XX(grid.lowest), STARTINGX(mask));
959  auto ZZ_highest = (int) ZZ(grid.highest);
960  int YY_highest = XMIPP_MIN((int) YY(grid.highest), FINISHINGY(mask));
961  int XX_highest = XMIPP_MIN((int) XX(grid.highest), FINISHINGX(mask));
963  // Project the whole grid ...............................................
964  // Corner of the plane defined by Z. These coordinates try to be within
965  // the valid indexes of the projection (defined between STARTING and
966  // FINISHING values, but it could be that they may lie outside.
967  // These coordinates need not to be integer, in general, they are
968  // real vectors.
969  // The vectors returned by the projection routines are R3 but we
970  // are only interested in their first 2 components, ie, in the
971  // in-plane components
972  beginZ = (double)XX_lowest * prjX + (double)YY_lowest * prjY + (double)ZZ_lowest * prjZ + prjOrigin;
974 #ifdef DEBUG_LITTLE
976  std::cout << "BeginZ " << beginZ.transpose() << std::endl;
977  std::cout << "Mask ";
978  mask.printShape();
979  std::cout << std::endl;
980  std::cout << "Vol ";
981  vol().printShape();
982  std::cout << std::endl;
983  std::cout << "Proj ";
984  proj().printShape();
985  std::cout << std::endl;
986  std::cout << "Norm Proj ";
987  norm_proj().printShape();
988  std::cout << std::endl;
989  //std::cout << "Footprint ";
990  //footprint().printShape();
991  //std::cout << std::endl;
992  //std::cout << "Footprint2 ";
993  //footprint2().printShape();
994  //std::cout << std::endl;
995 #endif
997  Matrix1D<double> grid_index(3);
998  for (k = ZZ_lowest; k <= ZZ_highest; k++)
999  {
1000  // Corner of the row defined by Y
1001  beginY = beginZ;
1002  for (i = YY_lowest; i <= YY_highest; i++)
1003  {
1004  // First point in the row
1005  actprj = beginY;
1006  for (j = XX_lowest; j <= XX_highest; j++)
1007  {
1008  VECTOR_R3(grid_index, j, i, k);
1009 #ifdef DEBUG
1011  std::cout << "Visiting " << i << " " << j << std::endl;
1012 #endif
1014  // Be careful that you cannot skip any blob, although its
1015  // value be 0, because it is useful for norm_proj
1016  // unless it doesn't belong to the reconstruction mask
1017  if (A2D_ELEM(mask, i, j) && grid.is_interesting(grid_index))
1018  {
1019  // Look for the position in the deformed projection
1020  M2x2_BY_V2x1(defactprj, A, actprj);
1022  // Search for integer corners for this blob
1023  XX_corner1 = CEIL(XX(defactprj) - XX(deffootprint_size));
1024  YY_corner1 = CEIL(YY(defactprj) - YY(deffootprint_size));
1025  XX_corner2 = FLOOR(XX(defactprj) + XX(deffootprint_size));
1026  YY_corner2 = FLOOR(YY(defactprj) + YY(deffootprint_size));
1028 #ifdef DEBUG
1030  std::cout << " k= " << k << " i= " << i << " j= " << j << std::endl;
1031  std::cout << " Actual position: " << actprj.transpose() << std::endl;
1032  std::cout << " Deformed position: " << defactprj.transpose() << std::endl;
1033  std::cout << " Blob corners: (" << XX_corner1 << "," << YY_corner1
1034  << ") (" << XX_corner2 << "," << YY_corner2 << ")\n";
1035  std::cout.flush();
1036 #endif
1038  // Now there is no way that both corners collapse into a line,
1039  // since the projection points are wrapped
1041  if (!FORW)
1042  vol_corr = 0;
1044  // Effectively project this blob
1045  // (xc,yc) is the position of the considered pixel
1046  // in the crystal undeformed projection
1047  // When wrapping and deformation are considered then x and
1048  // y are used
1049 #define xc XX(rc)
1050 #define yc YY(rc)
1051 #define x XX(r)
1052 #define y YY(r)
1054  for (y = YY_corner1; y <= YY_corner2; y++)
1055  for (x = XX_corner1; x <= XX_corner2; x++)
1056  {
1057  // Compute position in undeformed space and
1058  // corresponding sample in the blob footprint
1059  M2x2_BY_V2x1(rc, Ainv, r);
1060  OVER2IMG(basis.blobprint, yc - YY(actprj), xc - XX(actprj),
1061  foot_V, foot_U);
1063 #ifdef DEBUG
1065  std::cout << " Studying: " << r.transpose()
1066  << "--> " << rc.transpose()
1067  << "dist (" << xc - XX(actprj)
1068  << "," << yc - YY(actprj) << ") --> "
1069  << foot_U << " " << foot_V << std::endl;
1070  std::cout.flush();
1071 #endif
1073  if (IMGMATRIX(basis.blobprint).outside(foot_V, foot_U))
1074  continue;
1076  // Wrap positions
1077  int yw;
1078  int xw;
1079  wrap_as_Crystal(x, y, xw, yw);
1080 #ifdef DEBUG
1082  std::cout << " After wrapping " << xw << " " << yw << std::endl;
1083  std::cout << " Value added = " << VOLVOXEL(vol, k, i, j) *
1084  IMGPIXEL(basis.blobprint, foot_V, foot_U) << " Blob value = "
1085  << IMGPIXEL(basis.blobprint, foot_V, foot_U)
1086  << " Blob^2 " << IMGPIXEL(basis.blobprint2, foot_V, foot_U)
1087  << std::endl;
1088  std::cout.flush();
1089 #endif
1091  if (FORW)
1092  {
1093  IMGPIXEL(proj, yw, xw) += VOLVOXEL(vol, k, i, j) *
1094  IMGPIXEL(basis.blobprint, foot_V, foot_U);
1095  switch (eq_mode)
1096  {
1097  case CAVARTK:
1098  case ARTK:
1099  IMGPIXEL(norm_proj, yw, xw) +=
1100  IMGPIXEL(basis.blobprint2, foot_V, foot_U);
1101  break;
1102  }
1103  }
1104  else
1105  {
1106  vol_corr += IMGPIXEL(norm_proj, yw, xw) *
1107  IMGPIXEL(basis.blobprint, foot_V, foot_U);
1108  }
1110  }
1113  proj.write("inter.xmp");
1114  norm_proj.write("inter_norm.xmp");
1115  std::cout << "Press any key\n";
1116  char c;
1117  std::cin >> c;
1118 #endif
1120  if (!FORW)
1121  switch (eq_mode)
1122  {
1123  case ARTK:
1124  VOLVOXEL(vol, k, i, j) += vol_corr;
1125  break;
1126  case CAVARTK:
1127  VOLVOXEL(vol, k, i, j) += vol_corr / N_eq;
1128  break;
1129  }
1130  }
1132  // Prepare for next iteration
1133  V2_PLUS_V2(actprj, actprj, prjX);
1134  }
1135  V2_PLUS_V2(beginY, beginY, prjY);
1136  }
1137  V2_PLUS_V2(beginZ, beginZ, prjZ);
1138  }
1139  //#define DEBUG_AT_THE_END
1140 #ifdef DEBUG_AT_THE_END
1141  proj.write("inter.xmp");
1142  norm_proj.write("inter_norm.xmp");
1143  std::cout << "Press any key\n";
1144  char c;
1145  std::cin >> c;
1146 #endif
1148 #undef xc
1149 #undef yc
1150 #undef x
1151 #undef y
1152 #undef wrap_as_Crystal
1153 }
1155 /* Project a Grid Volume --------------------------------------------------- */
1156 //#define DEBUG
1158  GridVolume &vol, // Volume
1159  const Basis &basis, // Basis
1160  Projection &proj, // Projection
1161  Projection &norm_proj, // Projection of a unitary volume
1162  int Ydim, // Dimensions of the projection
1163  int Xdim,
1164  double rot, double tilt, double psi, // Euler angles
1165  const Matrix1D<double> &shift, // Shift to apply to projections
1166  const Matrix1D<double> &aint, // First lattice vector (2x1) in voxels
1167  const Matrix1D<double> &bint, // Second lattice vector (2x1) in voxels
1168  const Matrix2D<double> &D, // volume deformation matrix
1169  const Matrix2D<double> &Dinv, // volume deformation matrix
1170  const MultidimArray<int> &mask, // volume mask
1171  int FORW, // 1 if we are projecting a volume
1172  // norm_proj is calculated
1173  // 0 if we are backprojecting
1174  // norm_proj must be valid
1175  int eq_mode) // ARTK, CAVARTK, CAVK or CAV
1176 {
1177  // If projecting forward initialise projections
1178  if (FORW)
1179  {
1180  proj.reset(Ydim, Xdim);
1181  proj.setAngles(rot, tilt, psi);
1182  norm_proj().resize(proj());
1183  }
1185  // Project each subvolume
1186  for (size_t i = 0; i < vol.VolumesNo(); i++)
1187  {
1188  project_Crystal_SimpleGrid(vol(i), vol.grid(i), basis,
1189  proj, norm_proj, shift, aint, bint, D, Dinv, mask, FORW, eq_mode);
1191 #ifdef DEBUG
1193  Image<double> save;
1194  save = norm_proj;
1195  if (FORW)
1196  save.write((std::string)"PPPnorm_FORW" + (char)(48 + i));
1197  else
1198  save.write((std::string)"PPPnorm_BACK" + (char)(48 + i));
1199 #endif
1201  }
1202 }
1203 #undef DEBUG
1205 /* Count equations in a grid volume --------------------------------------- */
1207  const Basis &basis, Projection &read_proj)
1208 {
1209  for (size_t i = 0; i < GVNeq.VolumesNo(); i++)
1210  project_SimpleGrid(&(GVNeq(i)), &(GVNeq.grid(i)), &basis,
1211  &read_proj, &read_proj, FORWARD, COUNT_EQ, NULL, NULL);
1212 }
1214 template <class T>
1215 void *project_SimpleGridThread( void * params )
1216 {
1217  auto * thread_data = (project_thread_params *)params;
1219  Image<T> * vol;
1220  const SimpleGrid * grid;
1222  int thread_id = thread_data->thread_id;
1223  int threads_count = thread_data->threads_count;
1225  const Basis * basis;
1227  Projection * proj;
1228  Projection * norm_proj;
1230  auto * forw_proj = new Projection();
1231  auto * forw_norm_proj = new Projection();
1233  Projection * global_proj;
1234  Projection * global_norm_proj;
1236  int FORW;
1237  int eq_mode;
1238  const Image<int> *VNeq=NULL;
1239  Matrix2D<double> *M=NULL;
1240  const MultidimArray<int> *mask=NULL;
1241  double ray_length;
1243  double rot;
1244  double tilt;
1245  double psi;
1247  do
1248  {
1249  barrier_wait( &project_barrier );
1251  if( thread_data->destroy == true )
1252  break;
1254  vol = thread_data->vol;
1255  grid = thread_data->grid;
1256  basis = thread_data->basis;
1257  FORW = thread_data->FORW;
1258  eq_mode = thread_data->eq_mode;
1259  VNeq = thread_data->VNeq;
1260  M = thread_data->M;
1261  mask = thread_data->mask;
1262  ray_length = thread_data->ray_length;
1263  global_proj = thread_data->global_proj;
1264  global_norm_proj = thread_data->global_norm_proj;
1266  rot = thread_data->rot;
1267  tilt = thread_data->tilt;
1268  psi = thread_data->psi;
1270  if( FORW )
1271  {
1272  proj = forw_proj;
1273  norm_proj = forw_norm_proj;
1275  proj->reset(YSIZE( (*global_proj)() ), XSIZE( (*global_proj)() ));
1276  proj->setAngles(rot, tilt, psi);
1277  (*norm_proj)().initZeros((*proj)());
1278  }
1279  else
1280  {
1281  proj = global_proj;
1282  norm_proj = global_norm_proj;
1283  }
1285  project_SimpleGrid( vol, grid,
1286  basis,
1287  proj,
1288  norm_proj, FORW, eq_mode,
1289  VNeq, M, mask,
1290  ray_length,
1291  thread_id,
1292  threads_count
1293  );
1295  if( FORW )
1296  {
1298  pthread_mutex_lock( &project_mutex );
1300  (*global_proj)() = (*global_proj)() + (*proj)();
1301  (*global_norm_proj)() = (*global_norm_proj)() + (*norm_proj)();
1303  pthread_mutex_unlock( &project_mutex );
1304  }
1306  barrier_wait( &project_barrier );
1307  }
1308  while(1);
1310  return (void *)NULL;
1311 }
1313 template <class T>
1314 void project_SimpleGrid(Image<T> *vol, const SimpleGrid *grid,
1315  const Basis *basis,
1316  Projection *proj, Projection *norm_proj, int FORW, int eq_mode,
1317  const Image<int> *VNeq, Matrix2D<double> *M,
1318  const MultidimArray<int> *mask,
1319  double ray_length,
1320  int thread_id, int numthreads)
1321 {
1322  Matrix1D<double> zero(3); // Origin (0,0,0)
1323  Matrix1D<double> prjPix(3); // Position of the pixel within the projection
1324  Matrix1D<double> prjX(3); // Coordinate: Projection of the
1325  Matrix1D<double> prjY(3); // 3 grid vectors
1326  Matrix1D<double> prjZ(3);
1327  Matrix1D<double> prjOrigin(3); // Coordinate: Where in the 2D
1328  // projection plane the origin of
1329  // the grid projects
1330  Matrix1D<double> prjDir(3); // Projection direction
1332  Matrix1D<double> actprj(3); // Coord: Actual position inside
1333  // the projection plane
1334  Matrix1D<double> beginZ(3); // Coord: Plane coordinates of the
1335  // projection of the 3D point
1336  // (z0,YY(lowest),XX(lowest))
1337  Matrix1D<double> univ_beginY(3); // Coord: coordinates of the
1338  // grid point
1339  // (z0,y0,XX(lowest))
1340  Matrix1D<double> univ_beginZ(3); // Coord: coordinates of the
1341  // grid point
1342  // (z0,YY(lowest),XX(lowest))
1343  Matrix1D<double> beginY(3); // Coord: Plane coordinates of the
1344  // projection of the 3D point
1345  // (z0,y0,XX(lowest))
1346  double XX_footprint_size=0.; // The footprint is supposed
1347  double YY_footprint_size=0.; // to be defined between
1348  double ZZ_footprint_size=0.;
1349  // (-vmax,+vmax) in the Y axis,
1350  // and (-umax,+umax) in the X axis
1351  // This footprint size is the
1352  // R2 vector (umax,vmax).
1354  int XX_corner2;
1355  int XX_corner1; // Coord: Corners of the
1356  int YY_corner2;
1357  int YY_corner1; // footprint when it is projected
1358  // onto the projection plane
1359  int foot_V1=0;
1360  int foot_U1=0; // Img Coord: coordinate (in
1361  // an image fashion, not in an
1362  // oversampled image fashion)
1363  // inside the blobprint of the
1364  // corner1
1365  int foot_V;
1366  int foot_U; // Img Coord: coordinate
1367  int foot_W = 0;
1368  // corresponding to the blobprint
1369  // point which matches with this
1370  // pixel position
1371  int Vsampling=0;
1372  int Usampling=0; // Sampling rate in Y and X
1373  // directions respectively
1374  // inside the blobprint
1375  double vol_corr=0.; // Correction for a volume element
1376  int N_eq; // Number of equations in which
1377  // a blob is involved
1378  int i;
1379  int j;
1380  int k; // volume element indexes
1381  bool isVolPSF = false; // Blob footprint is VolumePSF
1383  // Prepare system matrix for printing ...................................
1384  if (M != NULL)
1385  M->initZeros(YSIZE((*proj)())*XSIZE((*proj)()), grid->get_number_of_samples());
1387  // Project grid axis ....................................................
1388  // These vectors ((1,0,0),(0,1,0),...) are referred to the grid
1389  // coord. system and the result is a 2D vector in the image plane
1390  // The unit size within the image plane is 1, ie, the same as for
1391  // the universal grid.
1392  // actprj is reused with a different purpose
1393  VECTOR_R3(actprj, 1, 0, 0);
1394  grid->Gdir_project_to_plane(actprj, proj->euler, prjX);
1395  VECTOR_R3(actprj, 0, 1, 0);
1396  grid->Gdir_project_to_plane(actprj, proj->euler, prjY);
1397  VECTOR_R3(actprj, 0, 0, 1);
1398  grid->Gdir_project_to_plane(actprj, proj->euler, prjZ);
1400  // This time the origin of the grid is in the universal coord system
1401  Uproject_to_plane(grid->origin, proj->euler, prjOrigin);
1403  // Get the projection direction .........................................
1404  proj->euler.getRow(2, prjDir);
1406  // Footprint size .......................................................
1407  // The following vectors are integer valued vectors, but they are
1408  // stored as real ones to make easier operations with other vectors
1409  if (basis->type == Basis::blobs)
1410  {
1411  XX_footprint_size = basis->blobprint.umax();
1412  YY_footprint_size = basis->blobprint.vmax();
1413  Usampling = basis->blobprint.Ustep();
1414  Vsampling = basis->blobprint.Vstep();
1416  // Set the limit for grid points out of PSF
1417  if (basis->VolPSF != NULL)
1418  {
1419  isVolPSF = true;
1420  ZZ_footprint_size = basis->blobprint.wmax();
1421  }
1422  }
1423  else if (basis->type == Basis::voxels || basis->type == Basis::splines)
1424  {
1425  YY_footprint_size = XX_footprint_size = CEIL(basis->maxLength());
1426  Usampling = Vsampling = 0;
1427  }
1428  XX_footprint_size += XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY;
1429  YY_footprint_size += XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY;
1431  // Project the whole grid ...............................................
1432  // Corner of the plane defined by Z. These coordinates try to be within
1433  // the valid indexes of the projection (defined between STARTING and
1434  // FINISHING values, but it could be that they may lie outside.
1435  // These coordinates need not to be integer, in general, they are
1436  // real vectors.
1437  // The vectors returned by the projection routines are R3 but we
1438  // are only interested in their first 2 components, ie, in the
1439  // in-plane components
1441  // This type conversion gives more speed
1443  auto ZZ_lowest = (int) ZZ(grid->lowest);
1445  if( thread_id != -1 )
1446  ZZ_lowest += thread_id;
1448  auto YY_lowest = (int) YY(grid->lowest);
1449  auto XX_lowest = (int) XX(grid->lowest);
1450  auto ZZ_highest = (int) ZZ(grid->highest);
1451  auto YY_highest = (int) YY(grid->highest);
1452  auto XX_highest = (int) XX(grid->highest);
1454  beginZ = (double)XX_lowest * prjX + (double)YY_lowest * prjY + (double)ZZ_lowest * prjZ + prjOrigin;
1456  // Check if in VSSNR
1457  bool VSSNR_mode = (ray_length == basis->maxLength());
1459 #ifdef DEBUG_LITTLE
1461  int condition;
1462  condition = thread_id==1;
1463  if (condition || numthreads==1)
1464  {
1465  std::cout << "Equation mode " << eq_mode << std::endl;
1466  std::cout << "Footprint size " << YY_footprint_size << "x"
1467  << XX_footprint_size << std::endl;
1468  std::cout << "rot=" << proj->rot() << " tilt=" << proj->tilt()
1469  << " psi=" << proj->psi() << std::endl;
1470  std::cout << "Euler matrix " << proj->euler;
1471  std::cout << "Projection direction " << prjDir << std::endl;
1472  std::cout << *grid;
1473  std::cout << "image limits (" << x0 << "," << y0 << ") (" << xF << ","
1474  << yF << ")\n";
1475  std::cout << "prjX " << prjX.transpose() << std::endl;
1476  std::cout << "prjY " << prjY.transpose() << std::endl;
1477  std::cout << "prjZ " << prjZ.transpose() << std::endl;
1478  std::cout << "prjOrigin " << prjOrigin.transpose() << std::endl;
1479  std::cout << "beginZ(coord) " << beginZ.transpose() << std::endl;
1480  std::cout << "lowest " << XX_lowest << " " << YY_lowest
1481  << " " << XX_lowest << std::endl;
1482  std::cout << "highest " << XX_highest << " " << YY_highest
1483  << " " << XX_highest << std::endl;
1484  std::cout << "Stats of input basis volume ";
1485  (*vol)().printStats();
1486  std::cout << std::endl;
1487  std::cout.flush();
1488  }
1489 #endif
1491  // Compute the grid lattice vectors in space ............................
1492  Matrix2D<double> grid_basis(3, 3);
1493  grid_basis = grid->basis * grid->relative_size;
1494  Matrix1D<double> gridX(3); // Direction of the grid lattice vectors
1495  Matrix1D<double> gridY(3); // in universal coordinates
1496  Matrix1D<double> gridZ(3);
1497  Matrix1D<double> univ_position(3);
1499  grid_basis.getCol(0, gridX);
1500  grid_basis.getCol(1, gridY);
1501  grid_basis.getCol(2, gridZ);
1503  univ_beginZ = (double)XX_lowest * gridX + (double)YY_lowest * gridY + (double)ZZ_lowest * gridZ + grid->origin;
1505  int number_of_basis = 0;
1507  for (k = ZZ_lowest; k <= ZZ_highest; k += numthreads)
1508  {
1509  // Corner of the row defined by Y
1510  beginY = beginZ;
1511  univ_beginY = univ_beginZ;
1512  for (i = YY_lowest; i <= YY_highest; i++)
1513  {
1514  // First point in the row
1515  actprj = beginY;
1516  univ_position = univ_beginY;
1517  for (j = XX_lowest; j <= XX_highest; j++)
1518  {
1519  // Ray length interesting
1520  bool ray_length_interesting = true;
1521  double zCenterDist;
1522  double z = 0; // z = 0 standard value for non 3D blobprints
1524  if (ray_length != -1 || isVolPSF)
1525  {
1526  zCenterDist = point_plane_distance_3D(univ_position, zero,
1527  proj->direction);
1528  if (ray_length != -1)
1529  ray_length_interesting = (ABS(zCenterDist) <= ray_length);
1531  // Points out of 3DPSF
1532  if (isVolPSF && ray_length_interesting)
1533  {
1534  ray_length_interesting = (ABS(zCenterDist) <= ZZ_footprint_size);
1535  // There is still missing the shift of the volume from focal plane
1536  z = zCenterDist; // + shiftZ
1537  }
1538  }
1540  if (grid->is_interesting(univ_position) &&
1541  ray_length_interesting)
1542  {
1543  // Be careful that you cannot skip any basis, although its
1544  // value be 0, because it is useful for norm_proj
1545 #ifdef DEBUG
1546  condition = thread_id == 1;
1547  if (condition)
1548  {
1549  printf("\nProjecting grid coord (%d,%d,%d) ", j, i, k);
1550  std::cout << "Vol there = " << VOLVOXEL(*vol, k, i, j) << std::endl;
1551  printf(" 3D universal position (%f,%f,%f) \n",
1552  XX(univ_position), YY(univ_position), ZZ(univ_position));
1553  std::cout << " Center of the basis proj (2D) " << XX(actprj) << "," << YY(actprj) << std::endl;
1554  Matrix1D<double> aux;
1555  Uproject_to_plane(univ_position, proj->euler, aux);
1556  std::cout << " Center of the basis proj (more accurate) " << aux.transpose() << std::endl;
1557  }
1558 #endif
1560  // Search for integer corners for this basis
1561  XX_corner1 = CEIL(XMIPP_MAX(STARTINGX(IMGMATRIX(*proj)), XX(actprj) - XX_footprint_size));
1562  YY_corner1 = CEIL(XMIPP_MAX(STARTINGY(IMGMATRIX(*proj)), YY(actprj) - YY_footprint_size));
1563  XX_corner2 = FLOOR(XMIPP_MIN(FINISHINGX(IMGMATRIX(*proj)), XX(actprj) + XX_footprint_size));
1564  YY_corner2 = FLOOR(XMIPP_MIN(FINISHINGY(IMGMATRIX(*proj)), YY(actprj) + YY_footprint_size));
1566 #ifdef DEBUG
1568  if (condition)
1569  {
1570  std::cout << "Clipped and rounded Corner 1 " << XX_corner1
1571  << " " << YY_corner1 << " " << std::endl;
1572  std::cout << "Clipped and rounded Corner 2 " << XX_corner2
1573  << " " << YY_corner2 << " " << std::endl;
1574  }
1575 #endif
1577  // Check if the basis falls outside the projection plane
1578  // COSS: I have changed here
1579  if (XX_corner1 <= XX_corner2 && YY_corner1 <= YY_corner2)
1580  {
1581  // Compute the index of the basis for corner1
1582  if (basis->type == Basis::blobs)
1583  {
1584  OVER2IMG(basis->blobprint, (double)YY_corner1 - YY(actprj),
1585  (double)XX_corner1 - XX(actprj), foot_V1, foot_U1);
1586  if (isVolPSF != false)
1587  OVER2IMG_Z(basis->blobprint, z, foot_W);
1588  }
1590  if (!FORW)
1591  vol_corr = 0;
1593  // Effectively project this basis
1594  // N_eq=(YY_corner2-YY_corner1+1)*(XX_corner2-XX_corner1+1);
1595  N_eq = 0;
1596  foot_V = foot_V1;
1597  for (int y = YY_corner1; y <= YY_corner2; y++)
1598  {
1599  foot_U = foot_U1;
1600  for (int x = XX_corner1; x <= XX_corner2; x++)
1601  {
1602  if (!((mask != NULL) && A2D_ELEM(*mask,y,x)<0.5))
1603  {
1604 #ifdef DEBUG
1605  if (condition)
1606  {
1607  std::cout << "Position in projection (" << x << ","
1608  << y << ") ";
1609  double y, x;
1610  if (basis->type == Basis::blobs)
1611  {
1612  std::cout << "in footprint ("
1613  << foot_U << "," << foot_V << ")";
1614  IMG2OVER(basis->blobprint, foot_V, foot_U, y, x);
1615  std::cout << " (d= " << sqrt(y*y + x*x) << ") ";
1616  fflush(stdout);
1617  }
1618  }
1619 #endif
1620  double a;
1621  double a2;
1622  // Check if volumetric interpolation (i.e., SSNR)
1623  if (VSSNR_mode)
1624  {
1625  // This is the VSSNR case
1626  // Get the pixel position in the universal coordinate
1627  // system
1629  VECTOR_R3(prjPix, x, y, z);
1630  M3x3_BY_V3x1(prjPix, proj->eulert, prjPix);
1631  V3_MINUS_V3(prjPix, prjPix, univ_position);
1632  a = basis->valueAt(prjPix);
1633  a2 = a * a;
1634  }
1635  else
1636  {
1637  // This is normal reconstruction from projections
1638  if (basis->type == Basis::blobs)
1639  {
1640  // Projection of a blob
1641  a = VOLVOXEL(basis->blobprint, foot_W, foot_V, foot_U);
1642  a2 = VOLVOXEL(basis->blobprint2, foot_W, foot_V, foot_U);
1644  }
1645  else
1646  {
1647  // Projection of other bases
1648  // If the basis is big enough, then
1649  // it is not necessary to integrate at several
1650  // places. Big enough is being greater than
1651  // 1.41 which is the maximum separation
1652  // between two pixels
1653  if (XX_footprint_size > 1.41)
1654  {
1655  // Get the pixel in universal coordinates
1657  VECTOR_R3(prjPix, x, y, 0);
1658  // Express the point in a local coordinate system
1659  M3x3_BY_V3x1(prjPix, proj->eulert, prjPix);
1660 #ifdef DEBUG
1662  if (condition)
1663  std::cout << " in volume coord ("
1664  << prjPix.transpose() << ")";
1665 #endif
1667  V3_MINUS_V3(prjPix, prjPix, univ_position);
1668 #ifdef DEBUG
1670  if (condition)
1671  std::cout << " in voxel coord ("
1672  << prjPix.transpose() << ")";
1673 #endif
1675  a = basis->projectionAt(prjDir, prjPix);
1676  a2 = a * a;
1677  }
1678  else
1679  {
1680  // If the basis is too small (of the
1681  // range of the voxel), then it is
1682  // necessary to sample in a few places
1683  const double p0 = 1.0 / (2 * ART_PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING) - 0.5;
1684  const double pStep = 1.0 / ART_PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING;
1685  const double pAvg = 1.0 / (ART_PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING * ART_PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING);
1686  int ii;
1687  int jj;
1688  double px;
1689  double py;
1690  a = 0;
1691 #ifdef DEBUG
1693  if (condition)
1694  std::cout << std::endl;
1695 #endif
1697  for (ii = 0, px = p0; ii < ART_PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING; ii++, px += pStep)
1698  for (jj = 0, py = p0; jj < ART_PIXEL_SUBSAMPLING; jj++, py += pStep)
1699  {
1700 #ifdef DEBUG
1701  if (condition)
1702  std::cout << " subsampling (" << ii << ","
1703  << jj << ") ";
1704 #endif
1707  // Get the pixel in universal coordinates
1708  VECTOR_R3(prjPix, x + px, y + py, 0);
1709  // Express the point in a local coordinate system
1710  M3x3_BY_V3x1(prjPix, proj->eulert, prjPix);
1711 #ifdef DEBUG
1713  if (condition)
1714  std::cout << " in volume coord ("
1715  << prjPix.transpose() << ")";
1716 #endif
1718  V3_MINUS_V3(prjPix, prjPix, univ_position);
1719 #ifdef DEBUG
1721  if (condition)
1722  std::cout << " in voxel coord ("
1723  << prjPix.transpose() << ")";
1724 #endif
1726  a += basis->projectionAt(prjDir, prjPix);
1727 #ifdef DEBUG
1729  if (condition)
1730  std::cout << " partial a="
1731  << basis->projectionAt(prjDir, prjPix)
1732  << std::endl;
1733 #endif
1735  }
1736  a *= pAvg;
1737  a2 = a * a;
1738 #ifdef DEBUG
1740  if (condition)
1741  std::cout << " Finally ";
1742 #endif
1744  }
1745  }
1746  }
1747 #ifdef DEBUG
1748  if (condition)
1749  std::cout << "=" << a << " , " << a2;
1750 #endif
1752  if (FORW)
1753  {
1754  switch (eq_mode)
1755  {
1756  case CAVARTK:
1757  case ARTK:
1758  IMGPIXEL(*proj, y, x) += VOLVOXEL(*vol, k, i, j) * a;
1759  IMGPIXEL(*norm_proj, y, x) += a2;
1760  if (M != NULL)
1761  {
1762  int py;
1763  int px;
1764  (*proj)().toPhysical(y, x, py, px);
1765  int number_of_pixel = py * XSIZE((*proj)()) + px;
1766  dMij(*M, number_of_pixel, number_of_basis) = a;
1767  }
1768  break;
1769  case CAVK:
1770  IMGPIXEL(*proj, y, x) += VOLVOXEL(*vol, k, i, j) * a;
1771  IMGPIXEL(*norm_proj, y, x) += a2 * N_eq;
1772  break;
1773  case COUNT_EQ:
1774  VOLVOXEL(*vol, k, i, j)++;
1775  break;
1776  case CAV:
1777  IMGPIXEL(*proj, y, x) += VOLVOXEL(*vol, k, i, j) * a;
1778  IMGPIXEL(*norm_proj, y, x) += a2 *
1779  VOLVOXEL(*VNeq, k, i, j);
1780  break;
1781  }
1783 #ifdef DEBUG
1784  if (condition)
1785  {
1786  std::cout << " proj= " << IMGPIXEL(*proj, y, x)
1787  << " norm_proj=" << IMGPIXEL(*norm_proj, y, x) << std::endl;
1788  std::cout.flush();
1789  }
1790 #endif
1792  }
1793  else
1794  {
1795  vol_corr += IMGPIXEL(*norm_proj, y, x) * a;
1796  if (a != 0)
1797  N_eq++;
1798 #ifdef DEBUG
1800  if (condition)
1801  {
1802  std::cout << " corr_img= " << IMGPIXEL(*norm_proj, y, x)
1803  << " correction=" << vol_corr << std::endl;
1804  std::cout.flush();
1805  }
1806 #endif
1808  }
1809  }
1810  // Prepare for next operation
1811  foot_U += Usampling;
1812  }
1813  foot_V += Vsampling;
1814  } // Project this basis
1816  if (!FORW)
1817  {
1818  T correction = 0;
1819  switch (eq_mode)
1820  {
1821  case ARTK:
1822  correction = (T) vol_corr;
1823  break;
1824  case CAVARTK:
1825  if (N_eq != 0)
1826  correction = (T)(vol_corr / N_eq);
1827  break;
1828  case CAVK:
1829  case CAV:
1830  correction = (T) vol_corr;
1831  break;
1832  }
1833  VOLVOXEL(*vol, k, i, j) += correction;
1835 #ifdef DEBUG
1837  if (condition)
1838  {
1839  printf("\nFinal value at (%d,%d,%d) ", j, i, k);
1840  std::cout << " = " << VOLVOXEL(*vol, k, i, j) << std::endl;
1841  std::cout.flush();
1842  }
1843 #endif
1845  }
1846  } // If not collapsed
1847  number_of_basis++;
1848  } // If interesting
1850  // Prepare for next iteration
1851  V2_PLUS_V2(actprj, actprj, prjX);
1852  V3_PLUS_V3(univ_position, univ_position, gridX);
1853  }
1854  V2_PLUS_V2(beginY, beginY, prjY);
1855  V3_PLUS_V3(univ_beginY, univ_beginY, gridY);
1856  }
1857  V2_PLUS_V2(beginZ, beginZ, prjZ * numthreads );
1858  V3_PLUS_V3(univ_beginZ, univ_beginZ, gridZ * numthreads);
1859  }
1860 }
1862 template <class T>
1864  GridVolumeT<T> &vol, // Volume
1865  const Basis &basis, // Basis
1866  Projection &proj, // Projection
1867  Projection &norm_proj, // Projection of a unitary volume
1868  int Ydim, // Dimensions of the projection
1869  int Xdim,
1870  double rot, double tilt, double psi, // Euler angles
1871  int FORW, // 1 if we are projecting a volume
1872  // norm_proj is calculated
1873  // 0 if we are backprojecting
1874  // norm_proj must be valid
1875  int eq_mode, // ARTK, CAVARTK, CAVK or CAV
1876  GridVolumeT<int> *GVNeq, // Number of equations per blob
1877  Matrix2D<double> *M, // System matrix
1878  const MultidimArray<int> *mask, // mask(i,j)=0 => do not update this pixel
1879  double ray_length, // Ray length of the projection
1880  int threads)
1881 {
1883  // If projecting forward initialize projections
1884  if (FORW)
1885  {
1886  proj.reset(Ydim, Xdim);
1887  proj.setAngles(rot, tilt, psi);
1888  norm_proj().initZeros(proj());
1889  }
1891  if( threads > 1 )
1892  {
1893  for( int c = 0 ; c < threads ; c++ )
1894  {
1895  project_threads[c].global_proj = &proj;
1896  project_threads[c].global_norm_proj = &norm_proj;
1897  project_threads[c].FORW = FORW;
1898  project_threads[c].eq_mode = eq_mode;
1899  project_threads[c].basis = &basis;
1900  project_threads[c].M = M;
1901  project_threads[c].rot = rot;
1902  project_threads[c].tilt = tilt;
1903  project_threads[c].psi = psi;
1904  project_threads[c].ray_length = ray_length;
1905  }
1906  }
1909 #ifdef DEBUG_LITTLE
1910  if (FORW)
1911  {
1912  std::cout << "Number of volumes: " << vol.VolumesNo() << std::endl
1913  << "YdimxXdim: " << Ydim << "x" << Xdim << std::endl;
1914  for (int i = 0; i < vol.VolumesNo(); i++)
1915  std::cout << "Volume " << i << std::endl << vol.grid(i) << std::endl;
1916  }
1918 #endif
1920  // Project each subvolume
1921  for (size_t i = 0; i < vol.VolumesNo(); i++)
1922  {
1923  Image<int> *VNeq;
1924  if (GVNeq != NULL)
1925  VNeq = &((*GVNeq)(i));
1926  else
1927  VNeq = NULL;
1929  if( threads > 1 )
1930  {
1931  for( int c = 0 ; c < threads ; c++ )
1932  {
1933  project_threads[c].vol = &(vol(i));
1934  project_threads[c].grid = &(vol.grid(i));
1935  project_threads[c].VNeq = VNeq;
1936  project_threads[c].mask = mask;
1937  }
1939  barrier_wait( &project_barrier );
1941  // Here is being processed the volume by the threads
1943  barrier_wait( &project_barrier );
1944  }
1945  else
1946  {
1947  // create no thread to do the job
1948  project_SimpleGrid(&(vol(i)), &(vol.grid(i)), &basis,
1949  &proj, &norm_proj, FORW, eq_mode,
1950  VNeq, M, mask, ray_length);
1951  }
1953 #ifdef DEBUG
1954  Image<double> save;
1955  save = norm_proj;
1956  if (FORW)
1957  save.write((std::string)"PPPnorm_FORW" + (char)(48 + i));
1958  else
1959  save.write((std::string)"PPPnorm_BACK" + (char)(48 + i));
1960 #endif
1962  }
1963 }
1965 // explicit instantiation
1966 template void* project_SimpleGridThread<double>(void*);
1967 template void project_GridVolume<double>(GridVolumeT<double>&, Basis const&, Projection&, Projection&, int, int, double, double, double, int, int, GridVolumeT<int>*, Matrix2D<double>*, MultidimArray<int> const*, double, int);
Argument missing.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:114
const MultidimArray< int > * mask
Definition: projection.h:150
bool only_create_angles
Only create angles, do not project.
Definition: projection.h:81
Matrix2D< double > eulert
void defineParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: projection.cpp:74
template void * project_SimpleGridThread< double >(void *)
#define yc
Rotation angle of an image (double,degrees)
char * firstWord(char *str)
#define YSIZE(v)
#define A2D_ELEM(v, i, j)
double Npixel_dev
Standard deviation of the noise to be added to each pixel grey value.
Definition: projection.h:101
#define yDim
Definition: projection.cpp:42
void reset(int Ydim, int Xdim)
#define VOLVOXEL(V, k, i, j)
#define XMIPP_MAX(x, y)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:193
Matrix1D< double > highest
Definition: grids.h:161
FileName fnOut
Output filename (used for a singleProjection)
Definition: projection.h:67
double getDoubleParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
void read(const FileName &inFile, const std::vector< MDLabel > *desiredLabels=nullptr, bool decomposeStack=true) override
#define FINISHINGX(v)
std::string fn_projection_extension
Extension for projection filenames. This is optional.
Definition: projection.h:73
constexpr int COUNT_EQ
Definition: projection.h:179
void printShape(std::ostream &out=std::cout) const
#define REPORT_ERROR(nerr, ErrormMsg)
Definition: xmipp_error.h:211
double psi(const size_t n=0) const
#define xDim
Definition: projection.cpp:41
void Euler_angles2matrix(T alpha, T beta, T gamma, Matrix2D< T > &A, bool homogeneous)
Definition: geometry.cpp:624
doublereal * c
void Euler_direction(double alpha, double beta, double gamma, Matrix1D< double > &v)
Definition: geometry.cpp:721
Projection * global_norm_proj
Definition: projection.h:145
< Type of randomness for Tilt (std::string)
double projectionAt(const Matrix1D< double > &u, const Matrix1D< double > &r) const
Definition: basis.cpp:367
void project_Crystal_SimpleGrid(Image< double > &vol, const SimpleGrid &grid, const Basis &basis, Projection &proj, Projection &norm_proj, const Matrix1D< double > &shift, const Matrix1D< double > &aint, const Matrix1D< double > &bint, const Matrix2D< double > &D, const Matrix2D< double > &Dinv, const MultidimArray< int > &mask, int FORW, int eq_mode)
Definition: projection.cpp:773
#define VOLMATRIX(V)
const SimpleGrid * grid
Definition: projection.h:142
double tilt0
Minimum tilt around this axis.
Definition: projection.h:92
void Euler_another_set(double rot, double tilt, double psi, double &newrot, double &newtilt, double &newpsi)
Definition: geometry.cpp:1002
void sqrt(Image< double > &op)
Tilting angle of an image (double,degrees)
Shift for the image in the X axis (double)
Matrix2D< double > euler
void write(const FileName &name="", size_t select_img=ALL_IMAGES, bool isStack=false, int mode=WRITE_OVERWRITE, CastWriteMode castMode=CW_CAST, int _swapWrite=0)
#define V3_MINUS_V3(a, b, c)
Definition: matrix1d.h:202
void * project_SimpleGridThread(void *params)
int umax() const
constexpr int ARTK
Definition: projection.h:177
void readParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: projection.cpp:97
Noise description for projected angles.
tBasisFunction type
Basis function to use.
Definition: basis.h:52
#define x
double rot(const size_t n=0) const
double maxLength() const
Definition: basis.cpp:242
ImageOver blobprint2
Square of the footprint.
Definition: basis.h:74
void singleWBP(MultidimArray< double > &V, Projection &P)
Definition: projection.cpp:609
#define FINISHINGZ(v)
bool is_interesting(const Matrix1D< double > &uv) const
Definition: grids.h:361
#define IMGMATRIX(I)
Matrix1D< double > lowest
Definition: grids.h:158
int Vstep() const
#define xF
Definition: projection.cpp:38
int Ustep() const
#define V2_PLUS_V2(a, b, c)
Definition: matrix1d.h:134
Matrix2D< double > basis
Definition: grids.h:148
#define STARTINGX(v)
double tiltF
Maximum tilt around this axis.
Definition: projection.h:94
#define i
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
Matrix1D< T > transpose() const
Definition: matrix1d.cpp:644
void rotation3DMatrix(double ang, char axis, Matrix2D< double > &result, bool homogeneous)
double tilt(const size_t n=0) const
#define STARTINGY(v)
#define CLIP(x, x0, xF)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:260
const Image< int > * VNeq
Definition: projection.h:148
Matrix1D< double > raxis
Offset of the tilt axis.
Definition: projection.h:90
#define A3D_ELEM(V, k, i, j)
void setShifts(double xoff, double yoff, double zoff=0., const size_t n=0)
double Npixel_avg
Bias to be applied to each pixel grey value */.
Definition: projection.h:99
int proj_Ydim
Projection Ydim.
Definition: projection.h:78
Definition: projection.h:296
#define V3_BY_CT(a, b, c)
Definition: matrix1d.h:238
int vmax() const
size_t VolumesNo() const
Definition: grids.h:1003
#define FLOOR(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:240
void project_SimpleGrid(Image< T > *vol, const SimpleGrid *grid, const Basis *basis, Projection *proj, Projection *norm_proj, int FORW, int eq_mode, const Image< int > *VNeq, Matrix2D< double > *M, const MultidimArray< int > *mask, double ray_length, int thread_id, int numthreads)
char axis
const char * getParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
#define XX(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:85
MultidimArray< double > * VolPSF
Footprint is convolved with a volume PSF // At this moment only used with blobs.
Definition: basis.h:55
#define M2x2_BY_V2x1(a, M, b)
Definition: matrix2d.h:225
void transpose(double *array, int size)
double point_plane_distance_3D(const Matrix1D< double > &p, const Matrix1D< double > &a, const Matrix1D< double > &v)
Definition: geometry.h:171
double Ncenter_avg
Bias to apply to the image center.
Definition: projection.h:104
#define CEIL(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:225
float textToFloat(const char *str)
void projectVolume(MultidimArray< double > &V, Projection &P, int Ydim, int Xdim, double rot, double tilt, double psi, const Matrix1D< double > *roffset)
Definition: projection.cpp:337
double Ncenter_dev
Standard deviation of the image center.
Definition: projection.h:106
void project_GridVolume(GridVolumeT< T > &vol, const Basis &basis, Projection &proj, Projection &norm_proj, int Ydim, int Xdim, double rot, double tilt, double psi, int FORW, int eq_mode, GridVolumeT< int > *GVNeq, Matrix2D< double > *M, const MultidimArray< int > *mask, double ray_length, int threads)
Definition: basis.h:45
#define dMij(m, i, j)
Definition: matrix2d.h:139
size_t firstRowId() const override
pthread_mutex_t project_mutex
Definition: projection.cpp:47
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:119
#define IMG2OVER(IO, iv, iu, v, u)
void resize(size_t Xdim, bool copy=true)
Definition: matrix1d.h:410
< Number of non-redundant projections directions (size_t)
#define XSIZE(v)
#define SPEED_UP_temps01
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:398
#define ABS(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:142
#define yF
Definition: projection.cpp:40
double z
Noise description for pixels&#39; gray level (when projecting)
double Nangle_dev
Standard deviation of the angles.
Definition: projection.h:111
#define ROUND(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:210
Matrix1D< double > vectorR2(double x, double y)
Definition: matrix1d.cpp:884
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:123
int proj_Xdim
Projection Xdim.
Definition: projection.h:76
void project_Crystal_Volume(GridVolume &vol, const Basis &basis, Projection &proj, Projection &norm_proj, int Ydim, int Xdim, double rot, double tilt, double psi, const Matrix1D< double > &shift, const Matrix1D< double > &aint, const Matrix1D< double > &bint, const Matrix2D< double > &D, const Matrix2D< double > &Dinv, const MultidimArray< int > &mask, int FORW, int eq_mode)
void calculateProjectionAngles(Projection &P, double angle, double inplaneRot, const Matrix1D< double > &sinplane)
Definition: projection.cpp:277
void initZeros()
Definition: matrix1d.h:592
double relative_size
Measuring unit in the grid coordinate system.
Definition: grids.h:163
double axisRot
Rotational angle of the tilt axis.
Definition: projection.h:86
Matrix1D< double > direction
#define XMIPP_MIN(x, y)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:181
template void project_GridVolume< double >(GridVolumeT< double > &, Basis const &, Projection &, Projection &, int, int, double, double, double, int, int, GridVolumeT< int > *, Matrix2D< double > *, MultidimArray< int > const *, double, int)
FileName fnRoot
Root filename (used for a stack)
Definition: projection.h:65
double valueAt(const Matrix1D< double > &r) const
Definition: basis.cpp:332
#define M2x2_BY_CT(M2, M1, k)
Definition: matrix2d.h:237
#define j
#define FORWARD
Definition: blobs.cpp:1091
double axisTilt
Tilt angle of the tilt axis.
Definition: projection.h:88
#define M3x3_BY_V3x1(a, M, b)
Definition: matrix2d.h:170
#define YY(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:93
void getCol(size_t j, Matrix1D< T > &v) const
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:890
#define x0
Definition: projection.cpp:37
bool getValue(MDObject &mdValueOut, size_t id) const override
constexpr int CAV
Definition: projection.h:180
File cannot be open.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:137
barrier_t project_barrier
Definition: projection.cpp:46
#define FINISHINGY(v)
constexpr int CAVARTK
Definition: projection.h:181
Image< double > * vol
Definition: projection.h:141
bool isMetaData(bool failIfNotExists=true) const
Matrix2D< double > * M
Definition: projection.h:149
bool singleProjection
Only project a single image.
Definition: projection.h:69
#define y
Matrix1D< double > origin
Origin of the grid in the Universal coordinate system.
Definition: grids.h:165
constexpr int CAVK
Definition: projection.h:178
const SimpleGrid & grid(size_t n) const
Definition: grids.h:978
double psi(const double x)
void Euler_matrix2angles(const Matrix2D< double > &A, double &alpha, double &beta, double &gamma, bool homogeneous)
Definition: geometry.cpp:839
#define VECTOR_R3(v, x, y, z)
Definition: matrix1d.h:124
project_thread_params * project_threads
Definition: projection.cpp:48
int get_number_of_samples() const
Definition: grids.cpp:69
#define OVER2IMG(IO, v, u, iv, iu)
Shift for the image in the Z axis (double)
void initZeros()
Definition: matrix2d.h:626
int textToInteger(const char *str)
#define realWRAP(x, x0, xF)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:304
char * firstToken(const char *str)
Projection * global_proj
Definition: projection.h:144
bool checkParam(const char *param)
void read(const FileName &fn_proj_param)
Definition: projection.cpp:129
int read(const FileName &name, DataMode datamode=DATA, size_t select_img=ALL_IMAGES, bool mapData=false, int mode=WRITE_READONLY)
double tiltStep
Step in tilt.
Definition: projection.h:96
void Gdir_project_to_plane(const Matrix1D< double > &gr, double rot, double tilt, double psi, Matrix1D< double > &result) const
Definition: grids.h:432
#define wrap_as_Crystal(x, y, xw, yw)
Definition: projection.cpp:769
void projectVolumeOffCentered(MultidimArray< double > &V, Projection &P, int Ydim, int Xdim)
Definition: projection.cpp:594
Shift for the image in the Y axis (double)
void setAngles(double _rot, double _tilt, double _psi)
#define M2x2_INV(Ainv, A)
Definition: matrix2d.h:286
int barrier_wait(barrier_t *barrier)
String nextToken(const String &str, size_t &i)
Incorrect value received.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:195
void getRow(size_t i, Matrix1D< T > &v) const
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:871
void Uproject_to_plane(const Matrix1D< double > &point, const Matrix1D< double > &direction, double distance, Matrix1D< double > &result)
Definition: geometry.cpp:39
void count_eqs_in_projection(GridVolumeT< int > &GVNeq, const Basis &basis, Projection &read_proj)
double fmax
#define SGN(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:155
#define STARTINGZ(v)
#define ZZ(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:101
doublereal * a
int starting
First projection number. By default, 1.
Definition: projection.h:71
void addParamsLine(const String &line)
double Nangle_avg
Bias to apply to the angles.
Definition: projection.h:109
ql0001_ & zero(ctemp+1),(cvec+1),(a+1),(b+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(w+1), &iout, ifail, &zero,(w+3), &lwar2,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
const Basis * basis
Definition: projection.h:143
#define y0
Definition: projection.cpp:39
#define V3_PLUS_V3(a, b, c)
Definition: matrix1d.h:190
#define IMGPIXEL(I, i, j)
void getShifts(double &xoff, double &yoff, double &zoff, const size_t n=0) const
#define SPEED_UP_temps012
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:403
ImageOver blobprint
Blob footprint.
Definition: basis.h:71
Noise description for particle&#39;s center coordenates (when projecting)
int wmax() const
#define OVER2IMG_Z(IO, w, iw)
#define xc