Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  *
3  * Authors: Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano (coss@cnb.csic.es)
4  *
5  * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
20  * 02111-1307 USA
21  *
22  * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
23  * e-mail address 'xmipp@cnb.csic.es'
24  ***************************************************************************/
26 #include <queue>
27 #include <list>
28 #include "data/fourier_filter.h"
29 #include "core/histogram.h"
31 #include "core/multidim_array.h"
32 #include "core/transformations.h"
33 #include "core/xmipp_program.h"
34 #include "filters.h"
35 #include "mask.h"
36 #include "morphology.h"
37 #include "wavelet.h"
39 /* Subtract background ---------------------------------------------------- */
41 {
43  I.checkDimension(2);
45  Matrix2D<double> A(3, 3);
49  // Solve the plane 'x'
50  A.initZeros();
51  b.initZeros();
53  {
54  A(0, 0) += j * j;
55  A(0, 1) += j * i;
56  A(0, 2) += j;
57  A(1, 1) += i * i;
58  A(1, 2) += i;
59  A(2, 2) += 1;
60  b(0) += j * A2D_ELEM(I, i, j);
61  b(1) += i * A2D_ELEM(I, i, j);
62  b(2) += A2D_ELEM(I, i, j);
63  }
64  A(1, 0) = A(0, 1);
65  A(2, 0) = A(0, 2);
66  A(2, 1) = A(1, 2);
67  solve(A, b, x);
69  // Now subtract the plane
71  A2D_ELEM(I, i, j) -= x(0) * i + x(1) * j + x(2);
72 }
74 /* Subtract background ---------------------------------------------------- */
76 {
78  I.checkDimension(2);
80  // Build the ball
81  int arcTrimPer;
82  int shrinkFactor;
83  if (radius <= 10)
84  {
85  shrinkFactor = 1;
86  arcTrimPer = 24; // trim 24% in x and y
87  }
88  else if (radius <= 30)
89  {
90  shrinkFactor = 2;
91  arcTrimPer = 24; // trim 24% in x and y
92  }
93  else if (radius <= 100)
94  {
95  shrinkFactor = 4;
96  arcTrimPer = 32; // trim 32% in x and y
97  }
98  else
99  {
100  shrinkFactor = 8;
101  arcTrimPer = 40; // trim 40% in x and y
102  }
104  double smallballradius = radius / shrinkFactor;
105  if (smallballradius < 1)
106  smallballradius = 1;
107  double r2 = smallballradius * smallballradius;
108  int xtrim = (int) (arcTrimPer * smallballradius) / 100; // only use a patch of the rolling ball
109  int halfWidth = ROUND(smallballradius - xtrim);
110  int ballWidth = 2 * halfWidth + 1;
111  MultidimArray<double> ball(ballWidth, ballWidth);
112  ball.setXmippOrigin();
114  {
115  double temp = r2 - i * i - j * j;
116  ball(i, j) = temp > 0. ? sqrt(temp) : 0.;
117  }
119  // Shrink the image: each point in the shrinked image is the
120  // minimum of its neighbourhood
121  int sXdim = (XSIZE(I) + shrinkFactor - 1) / shrinkFactor;
122  int sYdim = (YSIZE(I) + shrinkFactor - 1) / shrinkFactor;
123  MultidimArray<double> shrinkI(sYdim, sXdim);
124  shrinkI.setXmippOrigin();
125  for (int ySmall = 0; ySmall < sYdim; ySmall++)
126  {
127  for (int xSmall = 0; xSmall < sXdim; xSmall++)
128  {
129  double minVal = 1e38;
130  for (int j = 0, y = shrinkFactor * ySmall;
131  j < shrinkFactor && y < (int)YSIZE(I); j++, y++)
132  for (int k = 0, x = shrinkFactor * xSmall;
133  k < shrinkFactor && x < (int)XSIZE(I); k++, x++)
134  {
135  double thispixel = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I,y,x);
136  if (thispixel < minVal)
137  minVal = thispixel;
138  }
139  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(shrinkI,ySmall,xSmall) = minVal;
140  }
141  }
143  // Now roll the ball
144  radius = ballWidth / 2;
145  MultidimArray<double> Irolled;
146  Irolled.resizeNoCopy(shrinkI);
147  Irolled.initConstant(-500);
148  for (int yb = -radius; yb < (int)YSIZE(shrinkI) + radius; yb++)
149  {
150  // Limits of the ball
151  int y0 = yb - radius;
152  if (y0 < 0)
153  y0 = 0;
154  int y0b = y0 - yb + radius; //y coordinate in the ball corresponding to y0
155  int yF = yb + radius;
156  if (yF >= (int)YSIZE(shrinkI))
157  yF = (int)YSIZE(shrinkI) - 1;
159  for (int xb = -radius; xb < (int)XSIZE(shrinkI) + radius; xb++)
160  {
161  // Limits of the ball
162  int x0 = xb - radius;
163  if (x0 < 0)
164  x0 = 0;
165  int x0b = x0 - xb + radius;
166  int xF = xb + radius;
167  if (xF >= (int)XSIZE(shrinkI))
168  xF = (int)XSIZE(shrinkI) - 1;
170  double z = 1e38;
171  for (int yp = y0, ybp = y0b; yp <= yF; yp++, ybp++)
172  for (int xp = x0, xbp = x0b; xp <= xF; xp++, xbp++)
173  {
174  double zReduced = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(shrinkI,yp,xp)
175  - DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(ball,ybp,xbp);
176  if (z > zReduced)
177  z = zReduced;
178  }
179  for (int yp = y0, ybp = y0b; yp <= yF; yp++, ybp++)
180  for (int xp = x0, xbp = x0b; xp <= xF; xp++, xbp++)
181  {
182  double zMin = z + DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(ball,ybp,xbp);
183  if (DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(Irolled,yp,xp) < zMin)
184  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(Irolled,yp,xp) = zMin;
185  }
186  }
187  }
189  // Now rescale the background
190  MultidimArray<double> bgEnlarged;
191  scaleToSize(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR, bgEnlarged, Irolled, XSIZE(I), YSIZE(I));
192  bgEnlarged.copyShape(I);
193  I -= bgEnlarged;
194 }
196 /* Detect background ------------------------------------------------------ */
198  MultidimArray<double> &mask, double alpha, double &final_mean)
199 {
201  // 2.1.-Background detection------------------------------------------
202  MultidimArray<double> bg; // We create the volumen with
203  bg.resizeNoCopy(vol); // -1:not visited 0:mol 1:background
204  bg.initConstant(-1); // -2:in the list
206  // Ponemos las seis caras de esta variable como visitadas e inicializamos
207  // la cola de pixeles por visitar
208  std::queue<int> list_for_compute; // Lista del modo [x1,y1,z1,...,xi,yi,zi]
209  // que contiene los pixeles por procesar
210  std::vector<double> bg_values; // Vector con los valores del background
211  size_t xdim = XSIZE(bg);
212  size_t ydim = YSIZE(bg);
213  size_t zdim = ZSIZE(bg);
215  {
216  if (j == 0 || j == xdim - 1 || i == 0 || i == ydim - 1 || k == 0
217  || k == zdim - 1)
218  { // Visited coord
219  DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(bg,k,i,j) = 1;
220  // We introduce the values of the background
221  bg_values.push_back(DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(vol,k,i,j));
223  }
224  if ((j == 1 || j == xdim - 2) && (i != 0) && (i != ydim - 1) && (k != 0)
225  && (k != zdim - 1))
226  { // Coord for compute for x
227  list_for_compute.push(j);
228  list_for_compute.push(i);
229  list_for_compute.push(k);
230  }
231  if ((i == 1 || i == ydim - 2) && (j > 1) && (j < xdim - 2) && (k != 0)
232  && (k != zdim - 1))
233  { // Coord for compute for y
234  list_for_compute.push(j);
235  list_for_compute.push(i);
236  list_for_compute.push(k);
237  }
238  if ((k == 1 || k == zdim - 2) && (j > 1) && (j < xdim - 2) && (i > 1)
239  && (i < ydim - 2))
240  { // Coord for compute for y
241  list_for_compute.push(j);
242  list_for_compute.push(i);
243  list_for_compute.push(k);
244  }
245  } // end of FOR_ALL_ELEMENTS
247  // We work until the list_for_compute is empty
248  int n = 250; //each 250 pixels renew stats
249  int cont = 250; //We start here for compute stat for first time
250  double A=0; // A and B are numbers such the interval of confidence is [A,B]
251  double B=0; //
252  float z = icdf_gauss(1 - alpha / 2);
253  while (!list_for_compute.empty())
254  {
256  //We compute stat when is needed
257  if (cont == n)
258  {
259  // Compute statistics
260  double avg=0;
261  double stddev=0;
262  computeAvgStddev(bg_values, avg, stddev);
263  final_mean = avg;
264  // Compute confidence interval
265  A = avg - (z * stddev);
266  B = avg + (z * stddev);
267  cont = 0;
268  } // end of if
269  // Now we start to take coords from the list_for_compute
270  int x_coord = list_for_compute.front();
271  list_for_compute.pop();
272  int y_coord = list_for_compute.front();
273  list_for_compute.pop();
274  int z_coord = list_for_compute.front();
275  list_for_compute.pop();
276  // Is visited
277  DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(bg,z_coord,y_coord,x_coord) = -2;
278  //We take the value
279  double value = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(vol,z_coord,y_coord,x_coord);
280  // We see if is background or not
281  if (A <= value && value <= B)
282  {
283  // We now is background
284  DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(bg,z_coord,y_coord,x_coord) = 1;
285  // We introduce the values of the background
286  bg_values.push_back(value);
287  // We update the cont variable
288  cont++;
290  // We add his neighbours in the list_for_compute
291  for (int xx = x_coord - 1; xx <= x_coord + 1; xx++)
292  for (int yy = y_coord - 1; yy <= y_coord + 1; yy++)
293  for (int zz = z_coord - 1; zz <= z_coord + 1; zz++)
294  //We see if it has been visited
295  if (DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(bg,zz,yy,xx) == -1) // not visited
296  {
297  // So we include it in the list
298  list_for_compute.push(xx);
299  list_for_compute.push(yy);
300  list_for_compute.push(zz);
301  // Is in the list
302  DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(bg,zz,yy,xx) = -2;
303  }
304  } // end of if
305  else
306  {
307  // Isn't background
308  DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(bg,z_coord,y_coord,x_coord) = 0;
309  }
310  } // end of while
311  // Now we change not visited for mol
313  if (DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(bg,k,i,j) == -1)
314  DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(bg,k,i,j) = 0;
316  // End of 2.1-----------------------------------------------------------
317  // 2.2.-Matematical Morphology
318  MultidimArray<double> bg_mm; // We create the output volumen
319  bg_mm.initZeros(vol);
320  closing3D(bg, bg_mm, 26, 0, 1);
321  // Output
322  //typeCast(bg_mm,mask);
323  mask = bg_mm;
324 }
326 /* Contranst enhancement --------------------------------------------------- */
328 {
329  (*I)().rangeAdjust(0, 255);
330 }
332 /* Region growing for images ----------------------------------------------- */
333 typedef struct
334 {
335  int ii;
336  int jj;
337 }
341  MultidimArray<double> &I_out, int i, int j, float stop_colour,
342  float filling_colour, bool less, int neighbourhood)
343 {
344  I_in.checkDimension(2);
346  std::list<Coordinate2D> iNeighbours; /* A list for neighbour pixels */
347  int iCurrenti;
348  int iCurrentj; /* Coordinates of the current pixel considered */
350  /* First task is copying the input image into the output one */
351  I_out = I_in;
353  /**** Then the region growing is done ****/
354  /* Insert at the beginning of the list the seed coordinates */
355  Coordinate2D coord;
356  coord.ii = i;
357  coord.jj = j;
358  iNeighbours.push_front(coord);
360  /* Fill the seed coordinates */
361  A2D_ELEM(I_out, i, j) = filling_colour;
363  while (!iNeighbours.empty())
364  {
365  /* Take the current pixel to explore */
366  coord = iNeighbours.front();
367  iNeighbours.pop_front();
368  iCurrenti = coord.ii;
369  iCurrentj = coord.jj;
371 #define CHECK_POINT(i,j) \
372  { \
373  int I=i; \
374  int J=j; \
375  if (INSIDEXY(I_out,J,I)) { \
376  double pixel=A2D_ELEM(I_out,I,J);\
377  if (pixel!=filling_colour) \
378  if ((less && pixel < stop_colour) || \
379  (!less && pixel > stop_colour)) { \
380  coord.ii=I; \
381  coord.jj=J; \
382  A2D_ELEM (I_out,coord.ii,coord.jj)=filling_colour; \
383  iNeighbours.push_front(coord); \
384  } \
385  } \
386  }
388  /* Make the exploration of the pixel's neighbours */
389  CHECK_POINT(iCurrenti, iCurrentj - 1);
390  CHECK_POINT(iCurrenti, iCurrentj + 1);
391  CHECK_POINT(iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj);
392  CHECK_POINT(iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj);
393  if (neighbourhood == 8)
394  {
395  CHECK_POINT(iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj - 1);
396  CHECK_POINT(iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj + 1);
397  CHECK_POINT(iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj - 1);
398  CHECK_POINT(iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj + 1);
399  }
400  }
401 }
403 /* Region growing for volumes ----------------------------------------------- */
404 typedef struct
405 {
406  int ii;
407  int jj;
408  int kk;
409 }
413  MultidimArray<double> &V_out, int k, int i, int j, float stop_colour,
414  float filling_colour, bool less)
415 {
416  V_in.checkDimension(3);
418  std::list<Coordinate3D> iNeighbours; /* A list for neighbour voxels */
419  int iCurrentk;
420  int iCurrenti;
421  int iCurrentj; /* Coordinates of the current voxel considered */
423  /* First task is copying the input volume into the output one */
424  V_out = V_in;
426  /**** Then the region growing is done in output volume ****/
427  /* Insert at the beginning of the list the seed coordinates */
428  Coordinate3D coord;
429  coord.ii = i;
430  coord.jj = j;
431  coord.kk = k;
432  iNeighbours.push_front(coord);
434  /* Fill the seed coordinates */
435  A3D_ELEM(V_out, k, i, j) = filling_colour;
437  while (!iNeighbours.empty())
438  {
439  /* Take the current pixel to explore */
440  coord = iNeighbours.front();
441  iNeighbours.pop_front();
442  iCurrenti = coord.ii;
443  iCurrentj = coord.jj;
444  iCurrentk = coord.kk;
446  /* a macro for doing exploration of a voxel. If the voxel has a value
447  lower than stop_colour, its filled with filling colour and added to the
448  list for exploring its neighbours */
449 #define CHECK_POINT_3D(k,i,j) \
450  {\
451  int I=i; \
452  int J=j; \
453  int K=k; \
454  if (INSIDEXYZ(V_out,J,I,K)) { \
455  double voxel=A3D_ELEM(V_out,K,I,J); \
456  if (voxel!=filling_colour) \
457  if ((less && voxel < stop_colour)|| \
458  (!less &&voxel > stop_colour)) { \
459  coord.ii=I; \
460  coord.jj=J; \
461  coord.kk=K; \
462  A3D_ELEM (V_out,coord.kk,coord.ii,coord.jj)=filling_colour; \
463  iNeighbours.push_front(coord); \
464  } \
465  }\
466  }
468  /* Make the exploration of the pixel neighbours */
469  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti, iCurrentj - 1);
470  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti, iCurrentj + 1);
471  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj);
472  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj - 1);
473  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj + 1);
474  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj);
475  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj - 1);
476  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj + 1);
477  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj);
478  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj - 1);
479  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj + 1);
480  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj);
481  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj - 1);
482  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj + 1);
483  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj);
484  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj - 1);
485  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj + 1);
486  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj);
487  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj - 1);
488  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj + 1);
489  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj + 1);
490  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj - 1);
491  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj + 1);
492  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj + 1);
493  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj - 1);
494  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj + 1);
495  }
496 }
499 void regionGrowing3DEqualValue(const MultidimArray<double> &V_in, MultidimArray<int> &V_out, int filling_value=0)
500 {
501  V_in.checkDimension(3);
503  std::list<Coordinate3D> iNeighbours; /* A list for neighbour voxels */
504  int iCurrentk;
505  int iCurrenti;
506  int iCurrentj; /* Coordinates of the current voxel considered */
508  /* First task is copying the input volume into the output one */
509  V_out.resizeNoCopy(V_in);
510  V_out.initConstant(1);
512  /**** Then the region growing is done in output volume ****/
513  /* Insert at the beginning of the list the seed coordinates */
514  Coordinate3D coord;
515  coord.ii = STARTINGY(V_in);
516  coord.jj = STARTINGX(V_in);
517  coord.kk = STARTINGZ(V_in);
518  iNeighbours.push_front(coord);
520  /* Fill the seed coordinates */
521  double bgColor = A3D_ELEM(V_in, STARTINGZ(V_in), STARTINGY(V_in), STARTINGX(V_in));
522  A3D_ELEM(V_out, STARTINGZ(V_out), STARTINGY(V_out), STARTINGX(V_out)) = 0;
524  while (!iNeighbours.empty())
525  {
526  /* Take the current pixel to explore */
527  coord = iNeighbours.front();
528  iNeighbours.pop_front();
529  iCurrenti = coord.ii;
530  iCurrentj = coord.jj;
531  iCurrentk = coord.kk;
533  /* a macro for doing exploration of a voxel. If the voxel has a value
534  lower than stop_colour, its filled with filling colour and added to the
535  list for exploring its neighbours */
536 #undef CHECK_POINT_3D
537 #define CHECK_POINT_3D(k,i,j) \
538  {\
539  int I=i; \
540  int J=j; \
541  int K=k; \
542  if (INSIDEXYZ(V_out,J,I,K)) { \
543  if (A3D_ELEM(V_in,K,I,J)==bgColor && A3D_ELEM(V_out,K,I,J)==1) { \
544  coord.ii=I; \
545  coord.jj=J; \
546  coord.kk=K; \
547  A3D_ELEM (V_out,coord.kk,coord.ii,coord.jj)=filling_value; \
548  iNeighbours.push_front(coord); \
549  } \
550  }\
551  }\
553  /* Make the exploration of the pixel neighbours */
554  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti, iCurrentj - 1);
555  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti, iCurrentj + 1);
556  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj);
557  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj - 1);
558  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj + 1);
559  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj);
560  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj - 1);
561  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj + 1);
562  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj);
563  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj - 1);
564  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj + 1);
565  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj);
566  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj - 1);
567  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj + 1);
568  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj);
569  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj - 1);
570  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk - 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj + 1);
571  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj);
572  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj - 1);
573  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti, iCurrentj + 1);
574  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj + 1);
575  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj - 1);
576  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti - 1, iCurrentj + 1);
577  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj + 1);
578  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj - 1);
579  CHECK_POINT_3D(iCurrentk + 1, iCurrenti + 1, iCurrentj + 1);
580  }
581 }
585  bool wrap)
586 {
587  std::list<int> toExplore; /* A list of points to explore */
589  in.checkDimension(2);
591  out.resize(in);
592  out.initConstant(XSIZE(in) + YSIZE(in));
594 #define CHECK_POINT_DIST(i,j,proposedDistance) \
595  { \
596  int ip=i; \
597  int jp=j; \
598  if (wrap) \
599  { \
600  ip=intWRAP(ip,STARTINGY(out),FINISHINGY(out));\
601  jp=intWRAP(jp,STARTINGX(out),FINISHINGX(out));\
602  } \
603  if (ip>=STARTINGY(out) && ip<=FINISHINGY(out) && \
604  jp>=STARTINGX(out) && jp<=FINISHINGX(out)) \
605  if (out(ip,jp)>proposedDistance) \
606  { \
607  out(ip,jp)=proposedDistance; \
608  toExplore.push_back(ip); \
609  toExplore.push_back(jp); \
610  toExplore.push_back(proposedDistance); \
611  } \
612  }
614  // Look for all elements in the binary mask and set the corresponding
615  // distance to 0
617  if (in(i, j))
618  {
619  out(i, j) = 0;
620  CHECK_POINT_DIST(i-1, j, 1);
621  CHECK_POINT_DIST(i+1, j, 1);
622  CHECK_POINT_DIST(i, j-1, 1);
623  CHECK_POINT_DIST(i, j+1, 1);
624  }
626  while (!toExplore.empty())
627  {
628  int i = toExplore.front();
629  toExplore.pop_front();
630  int j = toExplore.front();
631  toExplore.pop_front();
632  int proposedDistance = toExplore.front();
633  toExplore.pop_front();
635  if (proposedDistance == out(i, j))
636  {
637  // If this is the current distance (i.e., it has not
638  // been supersceded by a later value
639  CHECK_POINT_DIST(i-1, j, proposedDistance+1);
640  CHECK_POINT_DIST(i+1, j, proposedDistance+1);
641  CHECK_POINT_DIST(i, j-1, proposedDistance+1);
642  CHECK_POINT_DIST(i, j+1, proposedDistance+1);
643  }
644  }
645 }
647 /* Label image ------------------------------------------------------------ */
649  int neighbourhood)
650 {
651  I.checkDimension(2);
653  label = I;
654  int colour = 32000;
656  {
657  if (label(i, j) != 1)
658  continue;
659  regionGrowing2D(label, label, i, j, 0, colour, false, neighbourhood);
660  colour++;
661  }
663  if (label(i, j) != 0)
664  label(i, j) = label(i, j) - 31999;
665  return colour - 32000;
666 }
668 /* Label volume ------------------------------------------------------------ */
670 {
671  V.checkDimension(3);
673  label = V;
674  int colour = 32000;
676  {
677  if (label(k, i, j) != 1)
678  continue;
679  regionGrowing3D(label, label, k, i, j, 0, colour, false);
680  colour++;
681  }
683  if (A3D_ELEM(label,k, i, j) != 0)
684  A3D_ELEM(label,k, i, j) = A3D_ELEM(label,k, i, j) - 31999;
685  return colour - 32000;
686 }
688 /* Remove small components ------------------------------------------------- */
690  int neighbourhood)
691 {
692  MultidimArray<double> label;
693  int imax;
694  if (ZSIZE(I)==1)
695  imax=labelImage2D(I, label, neighbourhood);
696  else
697  imax=labelImage3D(I, label);
698  MultidimArray<int> nlabel(imax + 1);
700  {
701  int l=(int)DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(label,n);
702  DIRECT_A1D_ELEM(nlabel,l)++;
703  }
705  {
706  int l=(int)DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(label,n);
707  if (DIRECT_A1D_ELEM(nlabel,l)<size)
709  }
710 }
712 /* Keep biggest component -------------------------------------------------- */
713 void keepBiggestComponent(MultidimArray<double> &I, double percentage,
714  int neighbourhood)
715 {
716  MultidimArray<double> label;
717  int imax;
718  if (ZSIZE(I)==1)
719  imax=labelImage2D(I, label, neighbourhood);
720  else
721  imax=labelImage3D(I, label);
722  MultidimArray<int> nlabel(imax + 1);
724  {
725  int l=(int)DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(label,n);
726  if (l>0)
727  A1D_ELEM(nlabel,l)++;
728  }
730  MultidimArray <int> best;
731  nlabel.indexSort(best);
732  best -= 1;
733  int nbest = XSIZE(best) - 1;
734  double total = nlabel.sum();
735  double explained = nlabel(best(nbest));
736  while (explained < percentage * total)
737  {
738  nbest--;
739  explained += nlabel(best(nbest));
740  }
743  {
744  int l=(int)DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(label,n);
745  bool among_the_best = false;
746  for (int k = nbest; k < imax + 1; k++)
747  if (l == A1D_ELEM(best,k))
748  {
749  among_the_best = true;
750  break;
751  }
752  if (!among_the_best)
754  }
755 }
757 /* Fill object ------------------------------------------------------------- */
758 void fillBinaryObject(MultidimArray<double> &I, int neighbourhood)
759 {
760  I.checkDimension(2);
762  MultidimArray<double> label;
764  I(i, j) = 1 - I(i, j);
765  labelImage2D(I, label, neighbourhood);
766  double l0 = label(STARTINGY(I), STARTINGX(I));
768  if (label(i, j) == l0)
769  I(i, j) = 0;
770  else
771  I(i, j) = 1;
772 }
774 /* Variance filter ----------------------------------------------------------*/
775 void varianceFilter(MultidimArray<double> &I, int kernelSize, bool relative)
776 {
777  int kernelSize_2 = kernelSize/2;
778  MultidimArray<double> kernel;
779  kernel.resize(kernelSize,kernelSize);
780  kernel.setXmippOrigin();
782  // std::cout << " Creating the variance matrix " << std::endl;
783  MultidimArray<double> mVar(YSIZE(I),XSIZE(I));
784  mVar.setXmippOrigin();
785  double stdKernel;
786  double avgKernel;
787  double min_val;
788  double max_val;
789  int x0;
790  int y0;
791  int xF;
792  int yF;
794  // I.computeStats(avgImg, stdImg, min_im, max_im);
796  for (int i=kernelSize_2; i<=(int)YSIZE(I)-kernelSize_2; i+=kernelSize_2)
797  for (int j=kernelSize_2; j<=(int)XSIZE(I)-kernelSize_2; j+=kernelSize_2)
798  {
799  x0 = j-kernelSize_2;
800  y0 = i-kernelSize_2;
801  xF = j+kernelSize_2-1;
802  yF = i+kernelSize_2-1;
804  if (x0 < 0)
805  x0 = 0;
806  if (xF > XSIZE(I))
807  xF = XSIZE(I);
808  if (y0 < 0)
809  y0 = 0;
810  if (yF > YSIZE(I))
811  yF = YSIZE(I);
813  I.window(kernel, y0, x0, yF, xF);
814  kernel.computeStats(avgKernel, stdKernel, min_val, max_val);
816  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, i, j) = stdKernel;
817  }
819  // filtering to fill the matrices (convolving with a Gaussian)
820  FourierFilter filter;
821  filter.FilterShape = REALGAUSSIAN;
822  filter.FilterBand = LOWPASS;
823  filter.w1 = kernelSize_2;
824  filter.applyMaskSpace(mVar);
826  if (relative) // normalize to the mean of the variance
827  {
828  double avgVar;
829  double stdVar;
830  double minVar;
831  double maxVar;
832  mVar.computeStats(avgVar, stdVar, minVar, maxVar);
833  mVar = mVar/avgVar;
834  }
836  I = mVar;
838  // filling the borders with the nearest variance value
839  // the corners only are filled once (with Ycoord)
840  for (int i=0; i<YSIZE(I); ++i)
841  for (int j=0; j<kernelSize; j++)
842  {
843  if (i<kernelSize)
844  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I, i, j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, kernelSize, kernelSize);
845  else if (i>YSIZE(I)-kernelSize)
846  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I, i, j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, YSIZE(I)-kernelSize, kernelSize);
847  else
848  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I, i, j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, i, kernelSize);
849  }
850  for (int i=0; i<YSIZE(I); ++i)
851  for (int j=XSIZE(I)-kernelSize; j<XSIZE(I); j++)
852  {
853  if (i<kernelSize)
854  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I, i, j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, kernelSize, XSIZE(I)-kernelSize);
855  else if (i>YSIZE(I)-kernelSize)
856  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I, i, j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, YSIZE(I)-kernelSize, XSIZE(I)-kernelSize);
857  else
858  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I, i, j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, i, XSIZE(I)-kernelSize);
859  }
860  for (int j=kernelSize; j<XSIZE(I)-kernelSize; ++j)
861  for (int i=0; i<kernelSize; i++)
862  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I, i, j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, kernelSize, j);
863  for (int j=kernelSize; j<XSIZE(I)-kernelSize; ++j)
864  for (int i=YSIZE(I)-kernelSize; i<YSIZE(I); i++)
865  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I, i, j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, YSIZE(I)-kernelSize, j);
867 }
869 /* Noise filter (returns a binary mask where both variance and mean are high)*/
870 void noisyZonesFilter(MultidimArray<double> &I, int kernelSize)
871 {
872  int kernelSize_2 = kernelSize/2;
873  MultidimArray<double> kernel;
874  kernel.resize(kernelSize,kernelSize);
875  kernel.setXmippOrigin();
877  MultidimArray<double> mAvg=I;
878  MultidimArray<double> mVar=I;
879  double stdKernel;
880  double varKernel;
881  double avgKernel;
882  double min_val;
883  double max_val;
884  int x0;
885  int y0;
886  int xF;
887  int yF;
889  for (int i=kernelSize_2; i<(int)YSIZE(I); i+=kernelSize_2)
890  for (int j=kernelSize_2; j<(int)XSIZE(I); j+=kernelSize_2)
891  {
892  x0 = j-kernelSize_2;
893  y0 = i-kernelSize_2;
894  xF = j+kernelSize_2-1;
895  yF = i+kernelSize_2-1;
897  if (x0 < 0)
898  x0 = 0;
899  if (xF > XSIZE(I))
900  xF = XSIZE(I);
901  if (y0 < 0)
902  y0 = 0;
903  if (yF > YSIZE(I))
904  yF = YSIZE(I);
906  I.window(kernel, y0, x0, yF, xF);
907  kernel.computeStats(avgKernel, stdKernel, min_val, max_val);
908  varKernel = stdKernel*stdKernel;
910  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mAvg, i, j) = avgKernel*avgKernel;
911  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(mVar, i, j) = varKernel;
912  }
914  // filtering to fill the matrices (convolving with a Gaussian)
915  FourierFilter filter;
916  filter.FilterShape = REALGAUSSIAN;
917  filter.FilterBand = LOWPASS;
918  filter.w1 = kernelSize_2;
919  filter.applyMaskSpace(mAvg);
920  filter.applyMaskSpace(mVar);
922  // // Draw to debug
923  // Image<double> imAvg(mAvg), imVar(mVar);
924  // imAvg.write("AvgFilter.mrc");
925  // imVar.write("VarFilter.mrc");
927  // Working in a auxilary windows to avoid borders bad defined
928  auto ysize = static_cast<int>YSIZE(I);
929  auto xsize = static_cast<int>XSIZE(I);
930  MultidimArray<double> mAvgAux(ysize-kernelSize,xsize-kernelSize);
931  MultidimArray<double> mVarAux(ysize-kernelSize,xsize-kernelSize);
932  mAvgAux.setXmippOrigin();
933  mVarAux.setXmippOrigin();
934  mAvg.window(mAvgAux,STARTINGY(mAvg)+kernelSize_2, STARTINGX(mAvg)+kernelSize_2,
935  FINISHINGY(mAvg)-kernelSize_2, FINISHINGX(mAvg)-kernelSize_2);
936  mVar.window(mVarAux,STARTINGY(mVar)+kernelSize_2, STARTINGX(mVar)+kernelSize_2,
937  FINISHINGY(mVar)-kernelSize_2, FINISHINGX(mVar)-kernelSize_2);
939  // Refiltering to get a smoother distribution
940  // filter.w1 = XSIZE(I)/40;
941  // filter.applyMaskSpace(mAvgAux);
942  // filter.applyMaskSpace(mVarAux);
944  // Binarization
945  MultidimArray<double> mAvgAuxBin = mAvgAux;
946  MultidimArray<double> mVarAuxBin = mVarAux;
947  EntropySegmentation(mVarAuxBin);
948  // EntropySegmentation(mAvgAuxBin);
949  float th = EntropySegmentation(mAvgAuxBin);
950  mAvgAuxBin.binarize(th*0.92);
951  mAvgAuxBin = 1-mAvgAuxBin;
952  // std::cout << "binarize threshold = " << th << std::endl;
954  // Returning to the previous windows size
955  MultidimArray<double> mAvgBin = mAvg;
956  MultidimArray<double> mVarBin = mVar;
957  mAvgAuxBin.window(mAvgBin, STARTINGY(mVar), STARTINGX(mVar),
959  mVarAuxBin.window(mVarBin, STARTINGY(mVar), STARTINGX(mVar),
962  // // Draw to debug
963  // Image<double> imAvgBin(mAvgBin), imVarBin(mVarBin);
964  // imAvgBin.write("noisyZoneFilter_AVGmask.mrc");
965  // imVarBin.write("noisyZoneFilter_VARmask.mrc");
967  // Combining both masks
968  I = 1-(mVarBin*mAvgBin);
969 }
971 /* Gini Coefficient -- (applies a variance filter to the input Image) ------ */
972 double giniCoeff(MultidimArray<double> &I, int varKernelSize)
973 {
974  MultidimArray<double> im = I;
976  // std::cout << " - Starting fft filtering " << std::endl;
978  FourierFilter filter;
979  filter.FilterShape = REALGAUSSIAN;
980  filter.FilterBand = LOWPASS;
981  filter.w1 = 4;
982  filter.applyMaskSpace(im);
984  // Image<double> imG(im);
985  // imG.write("I_Gauss.mrc");
987  // std::cout << " - Calling varianceFilter() " << std::endl;
988  varianceFilter(I, varKernelSize, true);
989  im = I;
991  // std::cout << " - Starting 2nd fft filtering " << std::endl;
992  filter.w1 = varKernelSize/8;
993  filter.applyMaskSpace(I);
995  // Image<double> imGV(im);
996  // imGV.write("I_Gauss_Var.mrc");
998  im -= im.computeMin();
999  im /= im.computeMax();
1001  // Image<double> imGVN(im);
1002  // imGVN.write("I_Gauss_Var_Norm.mrc");
1004  // std::cout << " - Starting histogram analysis " << std::endl;
1005  Histogram1D hist;
1006  hist.clear();
1007  compute_hist(im, hist, 256);
1009  // std::cout << " - Computing Gini coeff " << std::endl;
1010  MultidimArray<double> sortedList=hist;
1011  hist.sort(sortedList);
1012  double height=0;
1013  double area=0;
1014  for (int i=0; i<XSIZE(sortedList); i++)
1015  {
1016  height += DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(sortedList,i);
1017  area += height - DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(sortedList,i)/2.0;
1018  }
1020  double fair_area = height*XSIZE(hist)/2.0;
1022  double giniValue = (fair_area-area)/fair_area;
1024  return giniValue;
1025 }
1027 /* Otsu Segmentation ------------------------------------------------------- */
1029 {
1030  // V.checkDimension(3);
1032  // Compute the probability density function
1033  Histogram1D hist;
1034  hist.clear();
1035  compute_hist(V, hist, 200);
1036  hist /= hist.sum();
1038  // Compute the cumulative 0th and 1st order moments
1039  double x;
1040  MultidimArray<double> mom0;
1041  MultidimArray<double> mom1;
1042  mom0.initZeros(XSIZE(hist));
1043  mom1.initZeros(XSIZE(hist));
1044  mom0(0) = hist(0);
1045  hist.index2val(0, x);
1046  mom1(0) = hist(0) * x;
1047  for (size_t i = 1; i < XSIZE(mom0); i++)
1048  {
1049  mom0(i) = mom0(i - 1) + hist(i);
1050  hist.index2val(i, x);
1051  mom1(i) = mom1(i - 1) + hist(i) * x;
1052  }
1054  // Maximize sigma2B
1055  double bestSigma2B = -1;
1056  int ibestSigma2B = -1;
1057  for (size_t i = 0; i < XSIZE(hist) - 1; i++)
1058  {
1059  double w1 = mom0(i);
1060  double w2 = 1 - mom0(i);
1061  double mu1 = mom1(i);
1062  double mu2 = mom1(XSIZE(mom1) - 1) - mom1(i);
1063  double sigma2B = w1 * w2 * (mu1 - mu2) * (mu1 - mu2);
1064  if (sigma2B > bestSigma2B)
1065  {
1066  bestSigma2B = sigma2B;
1067  ibestSigma2B = i;
1068  }
1069  }
1071  hist.index2val(ibestSigma2B, x);
1072  V.binarize(x);
1074  return x;
1075 }
1077 /* Entropy Segmentation ---------------------------------------------------- */
1079 {
1080  // V.checkDimension(3);
1082  // Compute the probability density function
1083  Histogram1D hist;
1084  hist.clear();
1085  compute_hist(V, hist, 200);
1086  hist /= hist.sum();
1088  // Compute the cumulative 0th and 1st order moments
1089  double x;
1090  MultidimArray<double> mom0;
1091  mom0.initZeros(XSIZE(hist));
1092  mom0(0) = hist(0);
1093  for (size_t i = 1; i < XSIZE(mom0); i++)
1094  mom0(i) = mom0(i - 1) + hist(i);
1096  // Entropy for black and white parts of the histogram
1097  const double epsilon = 1e-15;
1100  h1.initZeros(XSIZE(hist));
1101  h2.initZeros(XSIZE(hist));
1102  for (size_t i = 0; i < XSIZE(hist); i++)
1103  {
1104  // Entropy h1
1105  double w1 = mom0(i);
1106  if (w1 > epsilon)
1107  for (size_t ii = 0; ii <= i; ii++)
1108  if (hist(ii) > epsilon)
1109  {
1110  double aux = hist(ii) / w1;
1111  h1(i) -= aux * log10(aux);
1112  }
1114  // Entropy h2
1115  double w2 = 1 - mom0(i);
1116  if (w2 > epsilon)
1117  for (size_t ii = i + 1; ii < XSIZE(hist); ii++)
1118  if (hist(ii) > epsilon)
1119  {
1120  double aux = hist(ii) / w2;
1121  h2(i) -= aux * log10(aux);
1122  }
1123  }
1125  // Find histogram index with maximum entropy
1126  double Hmax = h1(0) + h2(0);
1127  size_t iHmax = 0;
1128  for (size_t i = 1; i < XSIZE(hist) - 1; i++)
1129  {
1130  double H = h1(i) + h2(i);
1131  if (H > Hmax)
1132  {
1133  Hmax = H;
1134  iHmax = i;
1135  }
1136  }
1138  hist.index2val(iHmax, x);
1139  V.binarize(x);
1141  return x;
1142 }
1144 /* Otsu+Entropy Segmentation ----------------------------------------------- */
1146  bool binarizeVolume)
1147 {
1148  //V.checkDimension(3);
1150  // Compute the probability density function
1151  Histogram1D hist;
1152  hist.clear();
1153  compute_hist(V, hist, 300);
1154  hist /= hist.sum();
1156  // Compute the cumulative 0th and 1st order moments
1157  double x;
1158  MultidimArray<double> mom0;
1159  MultidimArray<double> mom1;
1160  mom0.initZeros(XSIZE(hist));
1161  mom1.initZeros(XSIZE(hist));
1162  mom0(0) = hist(0);
1163  hist.index2val(0, x);
1164  mom1(0) = hist(0) * x;
1165  for (size_t i = 1; i < XSIZE(mom0); i++)
1166  {
1167  mom0(i) = mom0(i - 1) + hist(i);
1168  hist.index2val(i, x);
1169  mom1(i) = mom1(i - 1) + hist(i) * x;
1170  }
1172  // Entropy for black and white parts of the histogram
1173  const double epsilon = 1e-15;
1176  h1.initZeros(XSIZE(hist));
1177  h2.initZeros(XSIZE(hist));
1178  for (size_t i = 0; i < XSIZE(hist); i++)
1179  {
1180  // Entropy h1
1181  double w1 = mom0(i);
1182  if (w1 > epsilon)
1183  for (size_t ii = 0; ii <= i; ii++)
1184  if (hist(ii) > epsilon)
1185  {
1186  double aux = hist(ii) / w1;
1187  h1(i) -= aux * log10(aux);
1188  }
1190  // Entropy h2
1191  double w2 = 1 - mom0(i);
1192  if (w2 > epsilon)
1193  for (size_t ii = i + 1; ii < XSIZE(hist); ii++)
1194  if (hist(ii) > epsilon)
1195  {
1196  double aux = hist(ii) / w2;
1197  h2(i) -= aux * log10(aux);
1198  }
1199  }
1201  // Compute sigma2B and H
1202  MultidimArray<double> sigma2B;
1204  MultidimArray<double> HSigma2B;
1205  sigma2B.initZeros(XSIZE(hist) - 1);
1206  H.initZeros(XSIZE(hist) - 1);
1207  HSigma2B.initZeros(XSIZE(hist) - 1);
1208  for (size_t i = 0; i < XSIZE(hist) - 1; i++)
1209  {
1210  double w1 = mom0(i);
1211  double w2 = 1 - mom0(i);
1212  double mu1 = mom1(i);
1213  double mu2 = mom1(XSIZE(mom1) - 1) - mom1(i);
1214  sigma2B(i) = w1 * w2 * (mu1 - mu2) * (mu1 - mu2);
1215  H(i) = h1(i) + h2(i);
1216  HSigma2B(i) = -log10(sigma2B(i)) / H(i);
1217  // The logic behind this expression is
1218  // Otsu: max sigma2B -> max log10(sigma2B) -> min -log10(sigma2B)
1219  // Entropy: max H -> max H -> min 1/H
1220  }
1222  // Sort HSigma2B and take a given percentage of it
1223  MultidimArray<double> HSigma2Bsorted;
1224  HSigma2B.sort(HSigma2Bsorted);
1225  int iTh = ROUND(XSIZE(HSigma2B)*percentil);
1226  double threshold = HSigma2Bsorted(iTh);
1228  // Find the first value within HSigma2B falling below this threshold
1229  iTh = 0;
1230  while (A1D_ELEM(HSigma2B,iTh) >= threshold)
1231  iTh++;
1232  iTh--;
1233  if (iTh <= 0)
1234  x = threshold;
1235  else
1236  hist.index2val(iTh, x);
1238  if (binarizeVolume)
1239  V.binarize(x);
1240  return x;
1241 }
1243 /* Fast correntropy -------------------------------------------------------- */
1245  const MultidimArray<double> &y, double sigma,
1246  const GaussianInterpolator &G, const MultidimArray<int> &mask)
1247 {
1248  double retvalxy = 0;
1249  double isigma = 1.0 / sigma;
1250  int maskSum = 0;
1252  {
1253  if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(mask,n))
1254  {
1255  retvalxy += G.getValue(
1256  isigma
1258  - DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(y,n)));
1259  ++maskSum;
1260  }
1261  }
1262  if (0 == maskSum) {
1263  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_NUMERICAL, "maskSum is zero (0), which would lead to division by zero");
1264  }
1265  return (retvalxy / maskSum);
1266 }
1268 /* Imed distance ---------------------------------------------------------- */
1270 {
1271  // [x,y]=meshgrid([-3:1:3],[-3:1:3])
1272  // format long // w=1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*(x.*x+y.*y))
1273  double *refW;
1274  double w[49]={
1275  0.000049233388666, 0.000599785460091, 0.002688051941039, 0.004431848411938, 0.002688051941039, 0.000599785460091, 0.000049233388666,
1276  0.000599785460091, 0.007306882745281, 0.032747176537767, 0.053990966513188, 0.032747176537767, 0.007306882745281, 0.000599785460091,
1277  0.002688051941039, 0.032747176537767, 0.146762663173740, 0.241970724519143, 0.146762663173740, 0.032747176537767, 0.002688051941039,
1278  0.004431848411938, 0.053990966513188, 0.241970724519143, 0.398942280401433, 0.241970724519143, 0.053990966513188, 0.004431848411938,
1279  0.002688051941039, 0.032747176537767, 0.146762663173740, 0.241970724519143, 0.146762663173740, 0.032747176537767, 0.002688051941039,
1280  0.000599785460091, 0.007306882745281, 0.032747176537767, 0.053990966513188, 0.032747176537767, 0.007306882745281, 0.000599785460091,
1281  0.000049233388666, 0.000599785460091, 0.002688051941039, 0.004431848411938, 0.002688051941039, 0.000599785460091, 0.000049233388666};
1283  MultidimArray<double> diffImage = I1 - I2;
1284  double imed = 0;
1285  int imiddle=YSIZE(I1)/2;
1286  int jmiddle=XSIZE(I1)/2;
1287  int R2max=imiddle*imiddle;
1288  int ysize=(int)YSIZE(I1);
1289  int xsize=(int)XSIZE(I1);
1290  for (int i=3; i<ysize-3; ++i)
1291  {
1292  int i2=(i-imiddle)*(i-imiddle);
1293  for (int j=3; j<xsize-3; ++j)
1294  {
1295  int j2=(j-jmiddle)*(j-jmiddle);
1296  if (i2+j2>R2max) // Measure only within the maximum circle
1297  continue;
1298  double diffi=DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(diffImage,i,j);
1299  int index=0;
1300  for (int ii=-3; ii<=3; ++ii)
1301  {
1302  refW = &w[index];
1303  index = index + 7;
1304  double *diffj=&DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(diffImage,i+ii,j-3);
1305  double imedAux=(*refW++)*(*diffj++);
1306  imedAux+=(*refW++)*(*diffj++);
1307  imedAux+=(*refW++)*(*diffj++);
1308  imedAux+=(*refW++)*(*diffj++);
1309  imedAux+=(*refW++)*(*diffj++);
1310  imedAux+=(*refW++)*(*diffj++);
1311  imedAux+=(*refW++)*(*diffj++);
1313  imed+=imedAux*diffi;
1314  }
1315  }
1316  }
1317  return sqrt(imed);
1318 }
1320 /* Imed distance ---------------------------------------------------------- */
1322 {
1323  // [x,y]=meshgrid([-3:1:3],[-3:1:3])
1324  // format long
1325  // w=1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*(x.*x+y.*y))
1326  const double w[7][7]={
1327  {0.000049233388666, 0.000599785460091, 0.002688051941039, 0.004431848411938, 0.002688051941039, 0.000599785460091, 0.000049233388666},
1328  {0.000599785460091, 0.007306882745281, 0.032747176537767, 0.053990966513188, 0.032747176537767, 0.007306882745281, 0.000599785460091},
1329  {0.002688051941039, 0.032747176537767, 0.146762663173740, 0.241970724519143, 0.146762663173740, 0.032747176537767, 0.002688051941039},
1330  {0.004431848411938, 0.053990966513188, 0.241970724519143, 0.398942280401433, 0.241970724519143, 0.053990966513188, 0.004431848411938},
1331  {0.002688051941039, 0.032747176537767, 0.146762663173740, 0.241970724519143, 0.146762663173740, 0.032747176537767, 0.002688051941039},
1332  {0.000599785460091, 0.007306882745281, 0.032747176537767, 0.053990966513188, 0.032747176537767, 0.007306882745281, 0.000599785460091},
1333  {0.000049233388666, 0.000599785460091, 0.002688051941039, 0.004431848411938, 0.002688051941039, 0.000599785460091, 0.000049233388666}
1334  };
1335  int imiddle=YSIZE(I1)/2;
1336  int jmiddle=XSIZE(I1)/2;
1337  int R2max=imiddle*imiddle;
1338  // Measure the average of both images
1339  double avg1=0;
1340  double avg2=0;
1341  double N=0;
1342  int ydim=YSIZE(I1);
1343  int xdim=XSIZE(I1);
1344  for (int i=3; i<ydim-3; ++i)
1345  {
1346  int i2=(i-imiddle)*(i-imiddle);
1347  for (int j=3; j<xdim-3; ++j)
1348  {
1349  int j2=(j-jmiddle)*(j-jmiddle);
1350  if (i2+j2>R2max) // Measure only within the maximum circle
1351  continue;
1352  avg1+=DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I1,i,j);
1353  avg2+=DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I2,i,j);
1354  ++N;
1355  }
1356  }
1357  avg1/=N;
1358  avg2/=N;
1359  double diffAvg=avg1-avg2;
1361  double imed = 0;
1362  double imed1=0;
1363  double imed2=0;
1364  for (int i=3; i<ydim-3; ++i)
1365  {
1366  int i2=(i-imiddle)*(i-imiddle);
1367  for (int j=3; j<xdim-3; ++j)
1368  {
1369  int j2=(j-jmiddle)*(j-jmiddle);
1370  if (i2+j2>R2max) // Measure only within the maximum circle
1371  continue;
1372  double subtractedI1ij=DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I1,i,j)-avg1;
1373  double subtractedI2ij=DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I2,i,j)-avg2;
1374  double diffi=DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I1,i,j)-DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I2,i,j)-diffAvg;
1375  for (int ii=-3; ii<=3; ++ii)
1376  {
1377  int i_ii=i+ii;
1378  for (int jj=-3; jj<=3; ++jj)
1379  {
1380  int j_jj=j+jj;
1381  //double diffj=DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I1,i_ii,j_jj)-DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I2,i_ii,j_jj)-diffAvg;
1382  double diffj=DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I1,i,j)-DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I2,i_ii,j_jj)-diffAvg;
1383  double wiijj=w[ii+3][jj+3];
1384  imed+=wiijj*diffi*diffj;
1385  imed1+=wiijj*subtractedI1ij*(DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I1,i_ii,j_jj)-avg1);
1386  imed2+=wiijj*subtractedI2ij*(DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(I2,i_ii,j_jj)-avg2);
1387  }
1388  }
1389  }
1390  }
1391  return imed/sqrt((imed1+imed2)/2);
1392 }
1396 /* Correlation measured inside a mask defined by the standard deviation value of the pixels of first image ---- */
1398 {
1399  double mean1;
1400  double std1;
1401  double th1;
1402  I1.computeAvgStdev(mean1,std1);
1403  th1 = std1;
1405  // Estimate the mean and stddev within the mask
1406  double N1=0;
1407  double sumMI1=0;
1408  double sumMI2=0;
1410  {
1411  double p1=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(I1,n);
1412  double p2=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(I2,n);
1413  if(p1>=th1){
1414  sumMI1+=p1;
1415  sumMI2+=p2;
1416  N1+=1.0;
1417  }
1418  }
1420  double sumMI1I2=0.0;
1421  double sumMI1I1=0.0;
1422  double sumMI2I2=0.0;
1423  double iN1=1;
1424  double avgM1=0;
1425  double avgM2=0;
1426  double corrM1M2;
1427  if (N1>0){
1428  iN1=1.0/N1;
1429  avgM1=sumMI1*iN1;
1430  avgM2=sumMI2*iN1;
1431  }
1432  else
1433  return 0;
1435  double p1a;
1436  double p2a;
1438  {
1439  double p1=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(I1,n);
1440  double p2=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(I2,n);
1441  if (p1>th1){
1442  p1a=p1-avgM1;
1443  p2a=p2-avgM2;
1444  sumMI1I1 +=p1a*p1a;
1445  sumMI2I2 +=p2a*p2a;
1446  sumMI1I2+=p1a*p2a;
1447  }
1448  }
1449  corrM1M2=sumMI1I2/sqrt(sumMI1I1*sumMI2I2);
1451  return corrM1M2;
1452 }
1456 /* Weighted correlation measured with a weight defined by the difference between both images ---- */
1458 {
1460  MultidimArray<double> Idiff;
1461  MultidimArray<double> I2Aligned;
1462  Matrix2D<double> M;
1464  I1.setXmippOrigin();
1465  I2.setXmippOrigin();
1466  I2Aligned=I2;
1467  alignImages(I1, I2Aligned, M, false);
1468  Idiff=I1;
1469  Idiff-=I2Aligned;
1471  double mean;
1472  double std;
1473  Idiff.computeAvgStdev(mean,std);
1474  Idiff.selfABS();
1475  double threshold=std;
1477  // Estimate the mean and stddev within the mask
1478  double N=0;
1479  double sumWI1=0;
1480  double sumWI2=0;
1482  {
1483  if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(Idiff,n)>threshold)
1484  {
1485  double p1=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(I1,n);
1486  double p2Alg=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(I2Aligned,n);
1487  sumWI1+=p1;
1488  sumWI2+=p2Alg;
1489  N+=1.0;
1490  }
1491  }
1493  double sumWI1I2=0.0;
1494  double sumWI1I1=0.0;
1495  double sumWI2I2=0.0;
1496  double iN;
1497  double avgW1;
1498  double avgW2;
1499  double corrW1W2;
1500  if(N>0){
1501  iN=1.0/N;
1502  avgW1=sumWI1*iN;
1503  avgW2=sumWI2*iN;
1504  }
1505  else
1506  return -1;
1507  double p1a;
1508  double p2a;
1510  {
1511  if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(Idiff,n)>threshold)
1512  {
1513  double p1=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(I1,n);
1514  double p2Alg=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(I2Aligned,n);
1515  p1a=p1-avgW1;
1516  p2a=p2Alg-avgW2;
1518  double w=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(Idiff,n);
1519  double wp1a=w*p1a;
1520  double wp2a=w*p2a;
1522  sumWI1I1 +=wp1a*p1a;
1523  sumWI2I2 +=wp2a*p2a;
1524  sumWI1I2 +=wp1a*p2a;
1525  }
1526  }
1527  corrW1W2=sumWI1I2/sqrt(sumWI1I1*sumWI2I2);
1529  return corrW1W2;
1530 }
1536 {
1537  // Copy input images into matrix2Ds
1538  Matrix2D<double> mI1;
1539  Matrix2D<double> mI2;
1540  I1.copy(mI1);
1541  I2.copy(mI2);
1543  // SVD Decomposition of I1
1544  Matrix2D<double> U1;
1545  Matrix2D<double> V1;
1546  Matrix1D<double> W1;
1547  svdcmp(mI1,U1,W1,V1);
1549  // Express I2 in the basis of I1
1550  Matrix2D<double> aux;
1551  Matrix2D<double> W2;
1552  matrixOperation_AB(mI2,V1,aux);
1553  matrixOperation_AtB(U1,aux,W2);
1555  // Make W2 to be diagonal
1557  if (i!=j)
1558  MAT_ELEM(W2,i,j)=0.0;
1560  // Recover I2p
1561  matrixOperation_ABt(W2,V1,aux);
1562  matrixOperation_AB(U1,aux,mI2);
1564  // Measure correlation
1566  I2p=mI2;
1567 // Image<double> save;
1568 // save()=I1;
1569 // save.write("PPPI1.xmp");
1570 // save()=I2;
1571 // save.write("PPPI2.xmp");
1572 // save()=I2p;
1573 // save.write("PPPI2p.xmp");
1574 // std::cout << "Correlation= " << correlationIndex(I1,I2p,mask) << std::endl;
1575 // std::cout << "Press any key\n";
1576 // char c; std::cin >> c;
1577  // double ratio=I2p.computeStddev()/I2.computeStddev();
1578  return correlationIndex(I1,I2p,mask); //*ratio;
1579 }
1581 /* Covariance matrix ------------------------------------------------------ */
1583 {
1584  Matrix2D<double> mI;
1585  I.copy(mI);
1586  subtractColumnMeans(mI);
1587  matrixOperation_AtA(mI,C);
1588  C*=1.0/(YSIZE(I)-1.0);
1589 }
1591 /* Best shift -------------------------------------------------------------- */
1592 template float bestShift(MultidimArray<float>&, float&, float&, const MultidimArray<int>*, int);
1593 template<typename T>
1595  T &shiftX, T &shiftY, const MultidimArray<int> *mask, int maxShift)
1596 {
1597  int imax = INT_MIN;
1598  int jmax;
1599  int i_actual;
1600  int j_actual;
1601  double xmax;
1602  double ymax;
1603  double avecorr;
1604  double stdcorr;
1605  double dummy;
1606  bool neighbourhood = true;
1608  /*
1609  Warning: for masks with a small number of non-zero pixels, this routine is NOT reliable...
1610  Anyway, maybe using a mask is not a good idea at al...
1611  */
1613  // Adjust statistics within shiftmask to average 0 and stddev 1
1614  if (mask != nullptr)
1615  {
1616  if ((*mask).sum() < 2)
1617  {
1618  shiftX = shiftY = 0.;
1619  return -1;
1620  }
1621  else
1622  {
1623  computeStats_within_binary_mask(*mask, Mcorr, dummy, dummy, avecorr,
1624  stdcorr);
1625  double istdcorr = 1.0 / stdcorr;
1627  if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(*mask, n))
1628  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(Mcorr, n) =
1629  (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(Mcorr, n) - avecorr)
1630  * istdcorr;
1631  else
1632  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(Mcorr, n) = 0.;
1633  }
1634  }
1635  else
1636  Mcorr.statisticsAdjust((T)0, (T)1);
1638  // Look for maximum shift
1639  if (maxShift==-1)
1640  Mcorr.maxIndex(imax, jmax);
1641  else
1642  {
1643  int maxShift2=maxShift*maxShift;
1644  double bestCorr=std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
1645  for (int i=-maxShift; i<=maxShift; i++)
1646  for (int j=-maxShift; j<=maxShift; j++)
1647  {
1648  if (i*i+j*j>maxShift2) // continue if the Euclidean distance is too far
1649  continue;
1650  else if (A2D_ELEM(Mcorr, i, j)>bestCorr)
1651  {
1652  imax=i;
1653  jmax=j;
1654  bestCorr=A2D_ELEM(Mcorr, imax, jmax);
1655  }
1656  }
1657  }
1658  double max = A2D_ELEM(Mcorr, imax, jmax);
1660  // Estimate n_max around the maximum
1661  int n_max = -1;
1662  while (neighbourhood)
1663  {
1664  n_max++;
1665  for (int i = -n_max; i <= n_max && neighbourhood; i++)
1666  {
1667  i_actual = i + imax;
1668  if (i_actual < STARTINGY(Mcorr) || i_actual > FINISHINGY(Mcorr))
1669  {
1670  neighbourhood = false;
1671  break;
1672  }
1673  for (int j = -n_max; j <= n_max && neighbourhood; j++)
1674  {
1675  j_actual = j + jmax;
1676  if (j_actual < STARTINGX(Mcorr) || j_actual > FINISHINGX(Mcorr))
1677  {
1678  neighbourhood = false;
1679  break;
1680  }
1681  else if (max / 1.414 > A2D_ELEM(Mcorr, i_actual, j_actual))
1682  {
1683  neighbourhood = false;
1684  break;
1685  }
1686  }
1687  }
1688  }
1690  // We have the neighbourhood => looking for the gravity centre
1691  xmax = ymax = 0.;
1692  double sumcorr = 0.;
1693  if (imax-n_max<STARTINGY(Mcorr))
1694  n_max=std::min(imax-STARTINGY(Mcorr),n_max);
1695  if (imax+n_max>FINISHINGY(Mcorr))
1696  n_max=std::min(FINISHINGY(Mcorr)-imax,n_max);
1697  if (jmax-n_max<STARTINGY(Mcorr))
1698  n_max=std::min(jmax-STARTINGX(Mcorr),n_max);
1699  if (jmax+n_max>FINISHINGY(Mcorr))
1700  n_max=std::min(FINISHINGX(Mcorr)-jmax,n_max);
1701  for (int i = -n_max; i <= n_max; i++)
1702  {
1703  i_actual = i + imax;
1704  for (int j = -n_max; j <= n_max; j++)
1705  {
1706  j_actual = j + jmax;
1707  double val = A2D_ELEM(Mcorr, i_actual, j_actual);
1708  ymax += i_actual * val;
1709  xmax += j_actual * val;
1710  sumcorr += val;
1711  }
1712  }
1713  if (sumcorr != 0)
1714  {
1715  shiftX = xmax / sumcorr;
1716  shiftY = ymax / sumcorr;
1717  }
1718  return max;
1719 }
1721 double bestShift(const MultidimArray<double> &I1, const MultidimArray< std::complex<double> > &FFTI1,
1722  const MultidimArray<double> &I2,
1723  double &shiftX, double &shiftY, CorrelationAux &aux,
1724  const MultidimArray<int> *mask, int maxShift)
1725 {
1726  I1.checkDimension(2);
1727  I2.checkDimension(2);
1729  MultidimArray<double> Mcorr;
1731  correlation_matrix(FFTI1, I2, Mcorr, aux);
1732  return bestShift(Mcorr, shiftX, shiftY, mask, maxShift);
1733 }
1736  double &shiftX, double &shiftY, CorrelationAux &aux,
1737  const MultidimArray<int> *mask, int maxShift)
1738 {
1740  return bestShift(I1,aux.FFT1,I2,shiftX,shiftY,aux,mask,maxShift);
1741 }
1744 double bestShift(const MultidimArray< std::complex<double> > &FFTI1,
1745  const MultidimArray< std::complex<double> > &FFTI2,
1746  MultidimArray<double> &Mcorr,
1747  double &shiftX, double &shiftY, CorrelationAux &aux,
1748  const MultidimArray<int> *mask, int maxShift)
1749 {
1750  correlation_matrix(FFTI1, FFTI2, Mcorr, aux);
1751  return bestShift(Mcorr, shiftX, shiftY, mask, maxShift);
1752 }
1754 /* Best shift -------------------------------------------------------------- */
1756  double &shiftX, double &shiftY, double &shiftZ, CorrelationAux &aux,
1757  const MultidimArray<int> *mask)
1758 {
1759  I1.checkDimension(3);
1760  I2.checkDimension(3);
1762  int imax;
1763  int jmax;
1764  int kmax;
1765  int i_actual;
1766  int j_actual;
1767  int k_actual;
1768  double max;
1769  double xmax;
1770  double ymax;
1771  double zmax;
1772  double sumcorr;
1773  double avecorr;
1774  double stdcorr;
1775  double dummy;
1776  bool neighbourhood = true;
1777  MultidimArray<double> Mcorr;
1779  correlation_matrix(I1, I2, Mcorr, aux);
1781  /*
1782  Warning: for masks with a small number of non-zero pixels, this routine is NOT reliable...
1783  Anyway, maybe using a mask is not a good idea at al...
1784  */
1786  // Adjust statistics within shiftmask to average 0 and stddev 1
1787  if (mask != nullptr)
1788  {
1789  if ((*mask).sum() < 2)
1790  {
1791  shiftX = shiftY = shiftZ = 0.;
1792  return;
1793  }
1794  else
1795  {
1796  computeStats_within_binary_mask(*mask, Mcorr, dummy, dummy, avecorr,
1797  stdcorr);
1798  double istdcorr = 1.0 / stdcorr;
1800  if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(*mask, n))
1801  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(Mcorr, n) =
1802  (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(Mcorr, n) - avecorr)
1803  * istdcorr;
1804  else
1805  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(Mcorr, n) = 0.;
1806  }
1807  }
1808  else
1809  Mcorr.statisticsAdjust(0., 1.);
1810  Mcorr.maxIndex(kmax, imax, jmax);
1811  max = A3D_ELEM(Mcorr, kmax, imax, jmax);
1813  // Estimate n_max around the maximum
1814  int n_max = -1;
1815  while (neighbourhood)
1816  {
1817  n_max++;
1818  for (int k = -n_max; k <= n_max && neighbourhood; k++)
1819  {
1820  k_actual = k + kmax;
1821  if (k_actual < STARTINGZ(Mcorr) || k_actual > FINISHINGZ(Mcorr))
1822  {
1823  neighbourhood = false;
1824  break;
1825  }
1826  for (int i = -n_max; i <= n_max && neighbourhood; i++)
1827  {
1828  i_actual = i + imax;
1829  if (i_actual < STARTINGY(Mcorr) || i_actual > FINISHINGY(Mcorr))
1830  {
1831  neighbourhood = false;
1832  break;
1833  }
1834  for (int j = -n_max; j <= n_max && neighbourhood; j++)
1835  {
1836  j_actual = j + jmax;
1837  if (j_actual < STARTINGX(Mcorr)
1838  || j_actual > FINISHINGX(Mcorr))
1839  {
1840  neighbourhood = false;
1841  break;
1842  }
1843  else if (max
1844  / 1.414 > A3D_ELEM(Mcorr, k_actual, i_actual, j_actual))
1845  {
1846  neighbourhood = false;
1847  break;
1848  }
1849  }
1850  }
1851  }
1852  }
1854  // We have the neighbourhood => looking for the gravity centre
1855  zmax = xmax = ymax = sumcorr = 0.;
1856  if (kmax-n_max<STARTINGZ(Mcorr))
1857  n_max=std::min(kmax-STARTINGZ(Mcorr),n_max);
1858  if (kmax+n_max>FINISHINGZ(Mcorr))
1859  n_max=std::min(FINISHINGZ(Mcorr)-kmax,n_max);
1860  if (imax-n_max<STARTINGY(Mcorr))
1861  n_max=std::min(imax-STARTINGY(Mcorr),n_max);
1862  if (imax+n_max>FINISHINGY(Mcorr))
1863  n_max=std::min(FINISHINGY(Mcorr)-imax,n_max);
1864  if (jmax-n_max<STARTINGY(Mcorr))
1865  n_max=std::min(jmax-STARTINGX(Mcorr),n_max);
1866  if (jmax+n_max>FINISHINGY(Mcorr))
1867  n_max=std::min(FINISHINGX(Mcorr)-jmax,n_max);
1868  for (int k = -n_max; k <= n_max; k++)
1869  {
1870  k_actual = k + kmax;
1871  for (int i = -n_max; i <= n_max; i++)
1872  {
1873  i_actual = i + imax;
1874  for (int j = -n_max; j <= n_max; j++)
1875  {
1876  j_actual = j + jmax;
1877  double val = A3D_ELEM(Mcorr, k_actual, i_actual, j_actual);
1878  zmax += k_actual * val;
1879  ymax += i_actual * val;
1880  xmax += j_actual * val;
1881  sumcorr += val;
1882  }
1883  }
1884  }
1885  if (sumcorr != 0)
1886  {
1887  shiftX = xmax / sumcorr;
1888  shiftY = ymax / sumcorr;
1889  shiftZ = zmax / sumcorr;
1890  }
1891 }
1893 /* Best non-wrapping shift ------------------------------------------------- */
1894 //#define DEBUG
1896  const MultidimArray<double> &I2, double &shiftX, double &shiftY,
1897  CorrelationAux &aux)
1898 {
1900  bestNonwrappingShift(I1,aux.FFT1,I2,shiftX,shiftY,aux);
1901 }
1903 void bestNonwrappingShift(const MultidimArray<double> &I1, const MultidimArray< std::complex<double> >&FFTI1,
1904  const MultidimArray<double> &I2, double &shiftX, double &shiftY,
1905  CorrelationAux &aux)
1906 {
1907  I1.checkDimension(2);
1908  I2.checkDimension(2);
1910  bestShift(I1, FFTI1, I2, shiftX, shiftY, aux);
1911  double bestCorr;
1912  double corr;
1913  MultidimArray<double> Iaux;
1915  translate(1, Iaux, I1, vectorR2(-shiftX, -shiftY), xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP);
1916  //I1.translate(vectorR2(-shiftX,-shiftY),Iaux, DONT_WRAP);
1917  bestCorr = corr = fastCorrelation(I2, Iaux);
1918  double finalX = shiftX;
1919  double finalY = shiftY;
1920 #ifdef DEBUG
1922  std::cout << "shiftX=" << shiftX << " shiftY=" << shiftY
1923  << " corr=" << corr << std::endl;
1924  ImageXmipp save;
1925  save()=I1;
1926  save.write("PPPI1.xmp");
1927  save()=I2;
1928  save.write("PPPI2.xmp");
1929  save()=Iaux;
1930  save.write("PPPpp.xmp");
1931 #endif
1933  Iaux.initZeros();
1934  double testX = (shiftX > 0) ? (shiftX - XSIZE(I1)) : (shiftX + XSIZE(I1));
1935  double testY = shiftY;
1936  translate(1, Iaux, I1, vectorR2(-testX, -testY), xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP);
1937  //I1.translate(vectorR2(-testX,-testY),Iaux,DONT_WRAP);
1938  corr = fastCorrelation(I2, Iaux);
1939  if (corr > bestCorr)
1940  finalX = testX;
1941 #ifdef DEBUG
1943  std::cout << "shiftX=" << testX << " shiftY=" << testY
1944  << " corr=" << corr << std::endl;
1945  save()=Iaux;
1946  save.write("PPPmp.xmp");
1947 #endif
1949  Iaux.initZeros();
1950  testX = shiftX;
1951  testY = (shiftY > 0) ? (shiftY - YSIZE(I1)) : (shiftY + YSIZE(I1));
1952  translate(1, Iaux, I1, vectorR2(-testX, -testY), xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP);
1953  //I1.translate(vectorR2(-testX,-testY),Iaux,DONT_WRAP);
1954  corr = fastCorrelation(I2, Iaux);
1955  if (corr > bestCorr)
1956  finalY = testY;
1957 #ifdef DEBUG
1959  std::cout << "shiftX=" << testX << " shiftY=" << testY
1960  << " corr=" << corr << std::endl;
1961  save()=Iaux;
1962  save.write("PPPpm.xmp");
1963 #endif
1965  Iaux.initZeros();
1966  testX = (shiftX > 0) ? (shiftX - XSIZE(I1)) : (shiftX + XSIZE(I1));
1967  testY = (shiftY > 0) ? (shiftY - YSIZE(I1)) : (shiftY + YSIZE(I1));
1968  translate(1, Iaux, I1, vectorR2(-testX, -testY), xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP);
1969  //I1.translate(vectorR2(-testX,-testY),Iaux,DONT_WRAP);
1970  corr = fastCorrelation(I2, Iaux);
1971  if (corr > bestCorr)
1972  {
1973  finalX = testX;
1974  finalY = testY;
1975  }
1976 #ifdef DEBUG
1977  std::cout << "shiftX=" << testX << " shiftY=" << testY
1978  << " corr=" << corr << std::endl;
1979  save()=Iaux;
1980  save.write("PPPmm.xmp");
1981 #endif
1983  shiftX = finalX;
1984  shiftY = finalY;
1985 }
1986 #undef DEBUG
1988 /* Best shift -------------------------------------------------------------- */
1990  double &shiftX, double &shiftY,
1991  const MultidimArray<int> *mask, int maxShift, double shiftStep)
1992 {
1993  I1.checkDimension(2);
1994  I2.checkDimension(2);
1996  double bestCorr=-1e38;
1998  MultidimArray<double> alignedI2;
1999  MultidimArray<double> bestI2;
2000  int maxShift2=maxShift*maxShift;
2001  Matrix1D<double> shift(2);
2002  for (double y=-maxShift; y<=maxShift; y+=shiftStep)
2003  for (double x=-maxShift; x<=maxShift; x+=shiftStep)
2004  {
2005  if (y*y+x*x>maxShift2)
2006  continue;
2007  YY(shift)=y;
2008  XX(shift)=x;
2009  translate(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR,alignedI2,I2,shift,xmipp_transformation::DONT_WRAP,0.0);
2011  double corr=correlationIndex(I1,alignedI2,mask);
2012  if (corr>bestCorr)
2013  {
2014  bestI2=alignedI2;
2015  bestCorr=corr;
2016  shiftY=y;
2017  shiftX=x;
2018  }
2019  }
2020  I2=bestI2;
2022  return bestCorr;
2023 }
2025 /* Align two images -------------------------------------------------------- */
2027 {
2028  plans = nullptr;
2029 }
2031 {
2032  delete plans;
2033 }
2036  AlignmentAux &aux, CorrelationAux &aux2)
2037 {
2038  aux2.transformer1.FourierTransform((MultidimArray<double> &)I, ITransforms.FFTI, false);
2039  polarFourierTransform<true>(I, ITransforms.polarFourierI, false, XSIZE(I) / 5, XSIZE(I) / 2, aux.plans, 1);
2040 }
2042 constexpr double SHIFT_THRESHOLD = 0.95; // Shift threshold in pixels.
2043 constexpr float ROTATE_THRESHOLD = 1.0 ; // Rotate threshold in degrees.
2044 constexpr double INITIAL_SHIFT_THRESHOLD = SHIFT_THRESHOLD + 1.0; // Shift threshold in pixels.
2045 constexpr float INITIAL_ROTATE_THRESHOLD = ROTATE_THRESHOLD + 1.0 ; // Rotate threshold in degrees.
2047 double alignImages(const MultidimArray<double>& Iref, const AlignmentTransforms& IrefTransforms, MultidimArray<double>& I,
2048  Matrix2D<double>&M, bool wrap, AlignmentAux &aux, CorrelationAux &aux2,
2050 {
2051  I.checkDimension(2);
2053  aux.ARS.initIdentity(3);
2054  aux.ASR.initIdentity(3);
2055  aux.IauxSR = I;
2056  aux.IauxRS = I;
2058  aux.rotationalCorr.resize(2 * IrefTransforms.polarFourierI.getSampleNoOuterRing() - 1);
2068  // Align the image with the reference
2069  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
2070  {
2071  // Shift then rotate
2072  if (((shiftXSR > SHIFT_THRESHOLD) || (shiftXSR < (-SHIFT_THRESHOLD))) ||
2073  ((shiftYSR > SHIFT_THRESHOLD) || (shiftYSR < (-SHIFT_THRESHOLD))))
2074  {
2075  bestNonwrappingShift(Iref, IrefTransforms.FFTI, aux.IauxSR, shiftXSR, shiftYSR, aux2);
2076  MAT_ELEM(aux.ASR,0,2) += shiftXSR;
2077  MAT_ELEM(aux.ASR,1,2) += shiftYSR;
2078  applyGeometry(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR, aux.IauxSR, I, aux.ASR, xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, wrap);
2079  }
2081  if (bestRotSR > ROTATE_THRESHOLD)
2082  {
2084  XSIZE(Iref) / 5, XSIZE(Iref) / 2, aux.plans, 1);
2086  bestRotSR = best_rotation(IrefTransforms.polarFourierI, aux.polarFourierI, aux3);
2087  rotation2DMatrix(bestRotSR, aux.R);
2088  aux.ASR = aux.R * aux.ASR;
2089  applyGeometry(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR, aux.IauxSR, I, aux.ASR, xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, wrap);
2090  }
2092  // Rotate then shift
2093  if (bestRotRS > ROTATE_THRESHOLD)
2094  {
2096  XSIZE(Iref) / 5, XSIZE(Iref) / 2, aux.plans, 1);
2097  bestRotRS = best_rotation(IrefTransforms.polarFourierI, aux.polarFourierI, aux3);
2098  rotation2DMatrix(bestRotRS, aux.R);
2099  aux.ARS = aux.R * aux.ARS;
2100  applyGeometry(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR, aux.IauxRS, I, aux.ARS, xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, wrap);
2101  }
2103  if (((shiftXRS > SHIFT_THRESHOLD) || (shiftXRS < (-SHIFT_THRESHOLD))) ||
2104  ((shiftYRS > SHIFT_THRESHOLD) || (shiftYRS < (-SHIFT_THRESHOLD))))
2105  {
2106  bestNonwrappingShift(Iref, IrefTransforms.FFTI, aux.IauxRS, shiftXRS, shiftYRS, aux2);
2107  MAT_ELEM(aux.ARS,0,2) += shiftXRS;
2108  MAT_ELEM(aux.ARS,1,2) += shiftYRS;
2109  applyGeometry(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR, aux.IauxRS, I, aux.ARS, xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, wrap);
2110  }
2111  }
2113  double corrRS = correlationIndex(aux.IauxRS, Iref);
2114  double corrSR = correlationIndex(aux.IauxSR, Iref);
2115  double corr;
2116  if (corrRS > corrSR)
2117  {
2118  I = aux.IauxRS;
2119  M = aux.ARS;
2120  corr = corrRS;
2121  }
2122  else
2123  {
2124  I = aux.IauxSR;
2125  M = aux.ASR;
2126  corr = corrSR;
2127  }
2128  return corr;
2129 }
2132  Matrix2D<double>&M, bool wrap, AlignmentAux &aux, CorrelationAux &aux2,
2134 {
2135  Iref.checkDimension(2);
2136  AlignmentTransforms IrefTransforms;
2137  computeAlignmentTransforms(Iref,IrefTransforms, aux, aux2);
2138  return alignImages(Iref, IrefTransforms, I, M, wrap, aux, aux2, aux3);
2139 }
2142  Matrix2D<double>&M, bool wrap)
2143 {
2144  AlignmentAux aux;
2145  CorrelationAux aux2;
2147  return alignImages(Iref, I, M, wrap, aux, aux2, aux3);
2148 }
2152  CorrelationAux& aux2, RotationalCorrelationAux &aux3, bool wrap,
2153  const MultidimArray<int>* mask)
2154 {
2155  MultidimArray<double> Imirror;
2156  Matrix2D<double> Mmirror;
2157  Imirror = I;
2158  Imirror.selfReverseX();
2159  Imirror.setXmippOrigin();
2161  double corr=alignImages(Iref, IrefTransforms, I, M, wrap, aux, aux2, aux3);
2162  double corrMirror=alignImages(Iref, IrefTransforms, Imirror, Mmirror, wrap, aux, aux2, aux3);
2163  if (mask!=nullptr)
2164  {
2165  corr = correlationIndex(Iref, I, mask);
2166  corrMirror = correlationIndex(Iref, Imirror, mask);
2167  }
2168  double bestCorr = corr;
2169  if (corrMirror > bestCorr)
2170  {
2171  bestCorr = corrMirror;
2172  I = Imirror;
2173  M = Mmirror;
2174  MAT_ELEM(M,0,0) *= -1;
2175  MAT_ELEM(M,1,0) *= -1;
2176  }
2177  return bestCorr;
2178 }
2181  Matrix2D<double>&M, bool wrap)
2182 {
2183  AlignmentAux aux;
2184  CorrelationAux aux2;
2186  return alignImagesConsideringMirrors(Iref, I, M, aux, aux2, aux3, wrap, nullptr);
2187 }
2191  CorrelationAux& aux2, RotationalCorrelationAux &aux3, bool wrap,
2192  const MultidimArray<int>* mask)
2193 {
2194  AlignmentTransforms IrefTransforms;
2195  computeAlignmentTransforms(Iref,IrefTransforms, aux, aux2);
2196  return alignImagesConsideringMirrors(Iref, IrefTransforms, I, M, aux, aux2, aux3, wrap, mask);
2197 }
2200  bool considerMirror)
2201 {
2202  Image<double> I;
2203  MultidimArray<double> InewAvg;
2204  FileName fnImg;
2205  AlignmentAux aux;
2206  CorrelationAux aux2;
2208  Matrix2D<double> M;
2209  size_t Nimgs;
2210  size_t Xdim;
2211  size_t Ydim;
2212  size_t Zdim;
2213  getImageSize(MD, Xdim, Ydim, Zdim, Nimgs);
2214  for (int n = 0; n < Niter; ++n)
2215  {
2216  bool lastIteration = (n == (Niter - 1));
2217  InewAvg.initZeros(Ydim, Xdim);
2218  InewAvg.setXmippOrigin();
2219  for (size_t objId : MD.ids())
2220  {
2221  MD.getValue(MDL_IMAGE, fnImg, objId);
2222  I.read(fnImg);
2223  I().setXmippOrigin();
2224  double corr;
2225  if (considerMirror)
2226  corr = alignImagesConsideringMirrors(Iavg, I(), M, aux, aux2,
2227  aux3, xmipp_transformation::WRAP);
2228  else
2229  corr = alignImages(Iavg, I(), M, xmipp_transformation::WRAP, aux, aux2, aux3);
2230  InewAvg += I();
2231  if (n == 0)
2232  Iavg = InewAvg;
2233  if (lastIteration)
2234  {
2235  double scale;
2236  double shiftx;
2237  double shifty;
2238  double psi;
2239  bool flip;
2240  transformationMatrix2Parameters2D(M, flip, scale, shiftx,
2241  shifty, psi);
2242  MD.setValue(MDL_FLIP, flip, objId);
2243  MD.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, shiftx, objId);
2244  MD.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, shifty, objId);
2245  MD.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, psi, objId);
2246  MD.setValue(MDL_MAXCC, corr, objId);
2247  }
2248  }
2249  InewAvg /= Nimgs;
2250  Iavg = InewAvg;
2251  centerImage(Iavg, aux2, aux3, 4);
2252  }
2253 }
2256  const MultidimArray<double>& Icyl, CorrelationAux &aux,
2257  VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2, double deltaAng)
2258 {
2259  correlation_matrix(IrefCyl, Icyl, aux2.corr, aux, false);
2260  STARTINGZ(aux2.corr) = STARTINGY(aux2.corr) = STARTINGX(aux2.corr) = 0;
2261  double bestCorr = A3D_ELEM(aux2.corr,0,STARTINGY(aux2.corr),0);
2262  double bestAngle = 0;
2263  for (int i = STARTINGY(aux2.corr) + 1; i <= FINISHINGY(aux2.corr); i++)
2264  {
2265  double corr = A3D_ELEM(aux2.corr,0,i,0);
2266  if (corr > bestCorr)
2267  {
2268  bestCorr = corr;
2269  bestAngle = i;
2270  }
2271  }
2272  bestAngle *= deltaAng * 180.0 / PI;
2273  return -bestAngle;
2274 }
2277  const MultidimArray<double>& I, CorrelationAux &aux,
2278  VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
2279 {
2280  double deltaAng = atan(2.0 / XSIZE(I));
2281  Matrix1D<double> v(3);
2282  XX(v) = 0;
2283  YY(v) = 0;
2284  ZZ(v) = 1;
2285  volume_convertCartesianToCylindrical(I, aux2.Icyl, 3, XSIZE(I) / 2, 1, 0,
2286  2 * PI, deltaAng, v);
2287  return fastBestRotation(IrefCyl,aux2.Icyl,aux,aux2,deltaAng);
2288 }
2291  const MultidimArray<double>& I, CorrelationAux &aux,
2292  VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
2293 {
2294  double deltaAng = atan(2.0 / XSIZE(I));
2295  Matrix1D<double> v(3);
2296  XX(v) = 0;
2297  YY(v) = 1;
2298  ZZ(v) = 0;
2299  volume_convertCartesianToCylindrical(I, aux2.Icyl, 3, XSIZE(I) / 2, 1, 0,
2300  2 * PI, deltaAng, v);
2301  return -fastBestRotation(IrefCyl,aux2.Icyl,aux,aux2,deltaAng);
2302 }
2305  const MultidimArray<double>& I, CorrelationAux &aux,
2306  VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
2307 {
2308  double deltaAng = atan(2.0 / XSIZE(I));
2309  Matrix1D<double> v(3);
2310  XX(v) = 1;
2311  YY(v) = 0;
2312  ZZ(v) = 0;
2313  volume_convertCartesianToCylindrical(I, aux2.Icyl, 3, XSIZE(I) / 2, 1, 0,
2314  2 * PI, deltaAng, v);
2315  return fastBestRotation(IrefCyl,aux2.Icyl,aux,aux2,deltaAng);
2316 }
2319  const MultidimArray<double>& IrefCylY,
2320  const MultidimArray<double>& IrefCylX,
2321  const MultidimArray<double>& I,
2322  const MultidimArray<double>& Icurrent,
2323  MultidimArray<double>& Ifinal,
2324  char axis,
2326  CorrelationAux &aux, VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
2327 {
2328  double bestAngle;
2329  if (axis=='Z')
2330  bestAngle = fastBestRotationAroundZ(IrefCylZ, Icurrent, aux, aux2);
2331  else if (axis=='Y')
2332  bestAngle = fastBestRotationAroundY(IrefCylY, Icurrent, aux, aux2);
2333  else
2334  bestAngle = fastBestRotationAroundX(IrefCylX, Icurrent, aux, aux2);
2335  Matrix2D<double> Raux;
2336  rotation3DMatrix(bestAngle, axis, Raux);
2337  R=Raux*R;
2338  applyGeometry(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR, Ifinal, I, R, xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::WRAP);
2339 }
2342  const MultidimArray<double>& IrefCylY,
2343  const MultidimArray<double>& IrefCylX,
2345  const String &eulerAngles,
2347  CorrelationAux &aux, VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
2348 {
2349  R.initIdentity(4);
2350  fastBestRotation(IrefCylZ,IrefCylY,IrefCylX,I,I,aux2.I1,eulerAngles[0],R, aux,aux2);
2351  fastBestRotation(IrefCylZ,IrefCylY,IrefCylX,I,aux2.I1,aux2.I12,eulerAngles[1],R,aux,aux2);
2352  fastBestRotation(IrefCylZ,IrefCylY,IrefCylX,I,aux2.I12,aux2.I123,eulerAngles[2],R,aux,aux2);
2353  I=aux2.I123;
2354 }
2357  const MultidimArray<double>& I, CorrelationAux &aux,
2358  VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
2359 {
2360  Iref.checkDimension(3);
2361  I.checkDimension(3);
2362  if (!I.sameShape(Iref))
2364  "Both volumes should be of the same shape");
2366  double deltaAng = atan(2.0 / XSIZE(I));
2367  Matrix1D<double> v(3);
2368  XX(v) = 0;
2369  YY(v) = 0;
2370  ZZ(v) = 1;
2371  volume_convertCartesianToCylindrical(Iref, aux2.IrefCyl, 3, XSIZE(I) / 2, 1,
2372  0, 2 * PI, deltaAng, v);
2373  return fastBestRotationAroundZ(aux2.IrefCyl, I, aux, aux2);
2374 }
2376 /* Estimate 2D Gaussian ---------------------------------------------------- */
2377 /* See Brandle, Chen, Bischof, Lapp. Robust parametric and semi-parametric
2378  spot fitting for spot array images. 2000 */
2380  const Matrix1D<double> &mu, const Matrix2D<double> &sigmainv)
2381 {
2382  double x = XX(r) - XX(mu);
2383  double y = YY(r) - YY(mu);
2384  return exp(
2385  -0.5
2386  * (sigmainv(0, 0) * x * x + 2 * sigmainv(0, 1) * x * y
2387  + sigmainv(1, 1) * y * y));
2388 }
2390 void estimateGaussian2D(const MultidimArray<double> &I, double &a, double &b,
2391  Matrix1D<double> &mu, Matrix2D<double> &sigma, bool estimateMu,
2392  int iterations)
2393 {
2394  I.checkDimension(2);
2398  // Estimate b
2399  Histogram1D hist;
2400  compute_hist(z, hist, 100);
2401  b = hist.percentil(5);
2403  // Iteratively estimate all parameters
2404  for (int n = 0; n < iterations; n++)
2405  {
2406  // Reestimate z
2408  z(i, j) = XMIPP_MAX(I(i,j)-b,0);
2410  // Sum of z
2411  double T = z.sum();
2413  // Estimate center
2414  mu.initZeros(2);
2415  if (estimateMu)
2416  {
2418  {
2419  double val = z(i, j);
2420  XX(mu) += val * j;
2421  YY(mu) += val * i;
2422  }
2423  mu /= T;
2424  }
2426  // Estimate sigma
2427  sigma.initZeros(2, 2);
2429  {
2430  double val = z(i, j);
2431  double j_mu = j - XX(mu);
2432  double i_mu = i - YY(mu);
2433  sigma(0, 0) += val * j_mu * j_mu;
2434  sigma(0, 1) += val * i_mu * j_mu;
2435  sigma(1, 1) += val * i_mu * i_mu;
2436  }
2437  sigma(1, 0) = sigma(0, 1);
2438  sigma /= T;
2440  // Estimate amplitude
2441  Matrix2D<double> sigmainv = sigma.inv();
2442  Matrix1D<double> r(2);
2443  double G2 = 0;
2444  a = 0;
2446  {
2447  XX(r) = j;
2448  YY(r) = i;
2449  double G = unnormalizedGaussian2D(r, mu, sigmainv);
2450  a += z(i, j) * G;
2451  G2 += G * G;
2452  }
2453  a /= G2;
2455  // Reestimate b
2457  {
2458  XX(r) = j;
2459  YY(r) = i;
2460  double G = unnormalizedGaussian2D(r, mu, sigmainv);
2461  z(i, j) = I(i, j) - a * G;
2462  }
2463  compute_hist(z, hist, 100);
2464  b = hist.percentil(5);
2465  }
2466 }
2468 /* Fourier-Bessel decomposition. ------------------------------------------- */
2470  double r2, int k1, int k2)
2471 {
2472  img_in.checkDimension(2);
2474  for (int k = k1; k <= k2; k++)
2475  {
2476  int k_1 = k - 1;
2478  // Compute h and a,b coefficients
2479  double h = 0;
2480  double my5 = 0;
2481  if (k_1 != 0)
2482  {
2483  double my = 1 + PI * r2 / 2 / k_1;
2484  double my4 = my * k_1;
2485  double ntot = 4 * my4;
2486  h = 2 * PI / ntot;
2487  }
2488  else
2489  {
2490  double my = 1 + PI * r2 / 2;
2491  double my4 = my;
2492  double ntot = 4 * my4;
2493  h = 2 * PI / ntot;
2494  }
2496  MultidimArray<double> sine(CEIL(my5));
2498  sine(i) = sin((i + 1) * h);
2500  }
2501 }
2503 /* Harmonic decomposition. ------------------------------------------------- */
2504 //void harmonicDecomposition(const MultidimArray<double> &img_in,
2505 // MultidimArray<double> &v_out)
2506 //{}
2509 /* Shah energy ------------------------------------------------------------- */
2510 /* This function computes the current functional energy */
2512  const MultidimArray<double> &surface_strength,
2513  const MultidimArray<double> &edge_strength, double K,
2514  const Matrix1D<double> &W)
2515 {
2516  img.checkDimension(2);
2518  int Ydim1 = YSIZE(img) - 1;
2519  int Xdim1 = XSIZE(img) - 1;
2521  double Kinv = 1.0 / K;
2523  /* Calculate surface energy */
2524  double E1 = 0.0;
2525  double E2 = 0.0;
2526  double E3 = 0.0;
2527  double E4 = 0.0;
2528  double w0 = VEC_ELEM(W,0);
2529  double w1 = VEC_ELEM(W,1);
2530  double w2 = VEC_ELEM(W,2);
2531  double w3 = VEC_ELEM(W,3);
2532  for (int i = 1; i < Ydim1; i++)
2533  {
2534  int ip1 = i + 1;
2535  int im1 = i - 1;
2536  for (int j = 1; j < Xdim1; j++)
2537  {
2538  int jp1 = j + 1;
2539  int jm1 = j - 1;
2540  /* Calculate data matching terms */
2541  double D = dAij(img, i, j);
2542  double F = dAij(surface_strength, i, j);
2543  double S = dAij(edge_strength, i, j);
2544  double diff = D - F;
2545  E1 += w0 * diff * diff;
2546  E3 += w2 * K * S * S;
2548  /* Calculate first derivative terms */
2549  double Fx = 0.5
2550  * (dAij(surface_strength, i, jp1)
2551  - dAij(surface_strength, i, jm1));
2552  double Fy = 0.5
2553  * (dAij(surface_strength, ip1, j)
2554  - dAij(surface_strength, im1, j));
2555  double Sx =
2556  0.5
2557  * (dAij(edge_strength, i, jp1)
2558  - dAij(edge_strength, i, jm1));
2559  double Sy =
2560  0.5
2561  * (dAij(edge_strength, ip1, j)
2562  - dAij(edge_strength, im1, j));
2563  double S_1 = 1 - S;
2564  E2 += w1 * S_1 * S_1 * (Fx * Fx + Fy * Fy);
2565  E4 += w3 * Kinv * (Sx * Sx + Sy * Sy);
2566  }
2567  }
2569  return E1 + E2 + E3 + E4; // Total energy
2570 }
2572 /* Update Surface Shah ----------------------------------------------------- */
2573 /* This routine performs one update to the edge estimate based
2574  on a finite differences solution to the following equation:
2575  0 = dE/df = dF/df - d(dF/dfx)/dx - d(dF/dfy)/dy
2576  + dd(dF/dfxx)/dxx + dd(dF/dfxy)/dxy + dd(dF/dfyy)/dyy */
2578  MultidimArray<double> &surface_strength,
2579  MultidimArray<double> &edge_strength, const Matrix1D<double> &W)
2580 {
2581  img.checkDimension(2);
2583  double Diff = 0.0;
2584  double Norm = 0.0;
2585  size_t Ydim1 = YSIZE(img) - 1;
2586  size_t Xdim1 = XSIZE(img) - 1;
2588  /* Update surface estimate */
2589  double w0 = VEC_ELEM(W,0);
2590  double w1 = VEC_ELEM(W,1);
2591  for (size_t i = 1; i < Ydim1; i++)
2592  {
2593  int ip1 = i + 1;
2594  int im1 = i - 1;
2595  for (size_t j = 1; j < Xdim1; j++)
2596  {
2597  int jp1 = j + 1;
2598  int jm1 = j - 1;
2599  /* Calculate edge partial derivative terms */
2600  double S = dAij(edge_strength, i, j);
2601  double Sx =
2602  0.5
2603  * (dAij(edge_strength, i, jp1)
2604  - dAij(edge_strength, i, jm1));
2605  double Sy =
2606  0.5
2607  * (dAij(edge_strength, ip1, j)
2608  - dAij(edge_strength, im1, j));
2610  double nS = 1 - S;
2611  double nS2 = nS * nS;
2613  /* Calculate surface partial derivative terms (excluding central pixel) */
2614  double F;
2615  double D;
2616  F = D = dAij(img, i, j);
2617  double SS_i_jp1 = dAij(surface_strength, i, jp1);
2618  double SS_i_jm1 = dAij(surface_strength, i, jm1);
2619  double SS_ip1_j = dAij(surface_strength, ip1, j);
2620  double SS_im1_j = dAij(surface_strength, im1, j);
2621  double Fx = 0.5 * (SS_i_jp1 - SS_i_jm1);
2622  double Fy = 0.5 * (SS_ip1_j - SS_im1_j);
2623  double Fxx = SS_i_jp1 + SS_i_jm1;
2624  double Fyy = SS_ip1_j + SS_im1_j;
2626  /* Calculate surface partial derivative weights */
2627  double wFx = 4 * w1 * nS * Sx;
2628  double wFy = 4 * w1 * nS * Sy;
2629  double wFxx = -2 * w1 * nS2;
2630  double wFyy = -2 * w1 * nS2;
2632  /* Calculate new surface value */
2633  double Constant = -2 * w0 * D;
2634  double Central = -2 * w0 + 2 * wFxx + 2 * wFyy;
2635  double Neighbors = wFx * Fx + wFy * Fy + wFxx * Fxx + wFyy * Fyy;
2637  if (fabs(Central) > XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY)
2638  F = (Constant + Neighbors) / Central;
2639  F = CLIP(F, 0, 1);
2641  // Compute the difference.
2642  double SS_i_j = dAij(surface_strength, i, j);
2643  Diff += fabs(SS_i_j - F);
2644  Norm += fabs(SS_i_j);
2646  // Update the new value.
2647  dAij(surface_strength, i, j) = F;
2648  }
2649  }
2650  return Diff / Norm; // Return the relative difference.
2651 }
2653 /* Update Edge Shah -------------------------------------------------------- */
2654 /* This routine performs one update to the edge estimate based
2655  on a finite differences solution to the following equation:
2656  0 = dE/ds = dF/ds - d(dF/dsx)/dx - d(dF/dsy)/dy */
2658  MultidimArray<double> &surface_strength,
2659  MultidimArray<double> &edge_strength, double K,
2660  const Matrix1D<double> &W)
2661 {
2662  img.checkDimension(2);
2664  double Diff = 0.0;
2665  double Norm = 0.0;
2666  size_t Ydim1 = YSIZE(img) - 1;
2667  size_t Xdim1 = XSIZE(img) - 1;
2668  double Kinv = 1.0 / K;
2670  /* Update edge estimate */
2671  double w1 = VEC_ELEM(W,1);
2672  double w2 = VEC_ELEM(W,2);
2673  double w3 = VEC_ELEM(W,3);
2674  for (size_t i = 1; i < Ydim1; i++)
2675  {
2676  int ip1 = i + 1;
2677  int im1 = i - 1;
2678  for (size_t j = 1; j < Xdim1; j++)
2679  {
2680  int jp1 = j + 1;
2681  int jm1 = j - 1;
2683  /* Calculate first and second derivative terms */
2684  double Fx = 0.5
2685  * (dAij(surface_strength, i, jp1)
2686  - dAij(surface_strength, i, jm1));
2687  double Fy = 0.5
2688  * (dAij(surface_strength, ip1, j)
2689  - dAij(surface_strength, im1, j));
2690  double Constant = w1 * (Fx * Fx + Fy * Fy);
2692  /* Calculate weights for central pixel and neighbors */
2693  double Central = w2 * K + w3 * Kinv * 4;
2694  double Neighbors = w3 * Kinv
2695  * (dAij(edge_strength, im1, j) + dAij(edge_strength, ip1, j)
2696  + dAij(edge_strength, i, jm1)
2697  + dAij(edge_strength, i, jp1));
2699  /* Calculate new S value */
2700  double Old_edge_strength = dAij(edge_strength, i, j);
2701  double S = (Constant + Neighbors) / (Constant + Central);
2702  if (S < 0)
2703  dAij(edge_strength, i, j) *= 0.5;
2704  else if (S > 1)
2705  dAij(edge_strength, i, j) = 0.5
2706  * (dAij(edge_strength, i, j) + 1);
2707  else
2708  dAij(edge_strength, i, j) = S;
2710  // Compute the difference.
2711  Diff += fabs(dAij(edge_strength, i, j) - Old_edge_strength);
2712  Norm += fabs(Old_edge_strength);
2713  }
2714  }
2715  return Diff / Norm; // Return the relative difference.
2716 }
2718 /* Smoothing Shah ---------------------------------------------------------- */
2719 constexpr double SHAH_CONVERGENCE_THRESHOLD = 0.0001;
2721  MultidimArray<double> &surface_strength,
2722  MultidimArray<double> &edge_strength, const Matrix1D<double> &W,
2723  int OuterLoops, int InnerLoops, int RefinementLoops,
2724  bool adjust_range)
2725 {
2727  img.checkDimension(2);
2729  typeCast(img, surface_strength);
2730  if (adjust_range)
2731  surface_strength.rangeAdjust(0, 1);
2732  edge_strength.resizeNoCopy(img);
2734  for (int k = 1; k <= RefinementLoops; k++)
2735  {
2736  // Initialize Edge Image.
2737  edge_strength.initZeros();
2739  double diffsurface = MAXFLOAT; // Reset surface difference
2740  for (int i = 0;
2741  ((i < OuterLoops) && OuterLoops)
2742  || ((diffsurface > SHAH_CONVERGENCE_THRESHOLD)
2743  && !OuterLoops); i++)
2744  {
2746  /* std::cout << "Iteration ..." << i+1;*/
2747  /* Iteratively update surface estimate */
2748  for (int j = 0; j < InnerLoops; j++)
2749  diffsurface = Update_surface_Shah(img, surface_strength,
2750  edge_strength, W);
2752  /* Iteratively update edge estimate */
2753  for (int j = 0; j < InnerLoops; j++)
2754  Update_edge_Shah(img, surface_strength, edge_strength, k, W);
2756  /* Calculate new functional energy */
2757  Shah_energy(img, surface_strength, edge_strength, k, W);
2758  }
2759  }
2760 }
2762 /* Tomographic diffusion --------------------------------------------------- */
2763 //#define DEBUG
2765  const Matrix1D<double>& alpha, double lambda)
2766 {
2767  V.checkDimension(3);
2769  double alphax = XX(alpha);
2770  double alphay = YY(alpha);
2771  double alphaz = ZZ(alpha);
2772  double diffx;
2773  double diffy;
2774  double diffz;
2776  // Compute regularization error
2777  double regError = 0;
2778  for (size_t z = 1; z < ZSIZE(V) - 1; z++)
2779  for (size_t y = 1; y < YSIZE(V) - 1; y++)
2780  for (size_t x = 1; x < XSIZE(V) - 1; x++)
2781  {
2782  diffx = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y,x+1) - DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y,x-1);
2783  diffy = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y+1,x) - DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y-1,x);
2784  diffz = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z+1,y,x) - DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z-1,y,x);
2785  regError += sqrt(
2786  alphax * diffx * diffx + alphay * diffy * diffy
2787  + alphaz * diffz * diffz);
2788  }
2789  regError *= 0.5;
2791  // Compute the gradient of the regularization error
2792  MultidimArray<double> gradient;
2793  gradient.initZeros(V);
2794  for (size_t z = 2; z < ZSIZE(V) - 2; z++)
2795  for (size_t y = 2; y < YSIZE(V) - 2; y++)
2796  for (size_t x = 2; x < XSIZE(V) - 2; x++)
2797  {
2798  // First term
2799  double V000 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y,x);
2800  double V_200 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y,x-2);
2801  double V_110 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y+1,x-1);
2802  double V_1_10 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y-1,x-1);
2803  double V_101 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z+1,y,x-1);
2804  double V_10_1 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z-1,y,x-1);
2805  diffx = V000 - V_200;
2806  diffy = V_110 - V_1_10;
2807  diffz = V_101 - V_10_1;
2808  double t1 = diffx
2809  / sqrt(
2810  alphax * diffx * diffx + alphay * diffy * diffy
2811  + alphaz * diffz * diffz);
2813  // Second term
2814  double V200 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y,x+2);
2815  double V110 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y+1,x+1);
2816  double V1_10 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y-1,x+1);
2817  double V101 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z+1,y,x+1);
2818  double V10_1 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z-1,y,x+1);
2819  diffx = V200 - V000;
2820  diffy = V110 - V1_10;
2821  diffz = V101 - V10_1;
2822  double t2 = diffx
2823  / sqrt(
2824  alphax * diffx * diffx + alphay * diffy * diffy
2825  + alphaz * diffz * diffz);
2827  // Third term
2828  double V0_20 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y-2,x);
2829  double V0_11 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z+1,y-1,x);
2830  double V0_1_1 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z-1,y-1,x);
2831  diffx = V1_10 - V_1_10;
2832  diffy = V000 - V0_20;
2833  diffz = V0_11 - V0_1_1;
2834  double t3 = diffy
2835  / sqrt(
2836  alphax * diffx * diffx + alphay * diffy * diffy
2837  + alphaz * diffz * diffz);
2839  // Fourth term
2840  double V020 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y+2,x);
2841  double V011 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z+1,y+1,x);
2842  double V01_1 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z-1,y+1,x);
2843  diffx = V110 - V_110;
2844  diffy = V020 - V000;
2845  diffz = V011 - V01_1;
2846  double t4 = diffy
2847  / sqrt(
2848  alphax * diffx * diffx + alphay * diffy * diffy
2849  + alphaz * diffz * diffz);
2851  // Fifth term
2852  double V00_2 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z-2,y,x);
2853  diffx = V10_1 - V_10_1;
2854  diffy = V01_1 - V0_1_1;
2855  diffz = V000 - V00_2;
2856  double t5 = diffz
2857  / sqrt(
2858  alphax * diffx * diffx + alphay * diffy * diffy
2859  + alphaz * diffz * diffz);
2861  // Sixth term
2862  double V002 = DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z+2,y,x);
2863  diffx = V101 - V_101;
2864  diffy = V011 - V0_11;
2865  diffz = V002 - V000;
2866  double t6 = diffz
2867  / sqrt(
2868  alphax * diffx * diffx + alphay * diffy * diffy
2869  + alphaz * diffz * diffz);
2871  // Compute gradient
2872  DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(gradient,z,y,x) = 0.5
2873  * (alphax * (t1 - t2) + alphay * (t3 - t4)
2874  + alphaz * (t5 - t6));
2875  }
2876 #ifdef DEBUG
2877  VolumeXmipp save;
2878  save()=V;
2879  save.write("PPPvolume.vol");
2880  save()=gradient;
2881  save.write("PPPgradient.vol");
2882  std::cout << "Press any key\n";
2883  char c;
2884  std::cin >> c;
2885 #endif
2887  // Update volume
2888  for (size_t z = 2; z < ZSIZE(V) - 2; z++)
2889  for (size_t y = 2; y < YSIZE(V) - 2; y++)
2890  for (size_t x = 2; x < XSIZE(V) - 2; x++)
2891  DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(V,z,y,x) -= lambda
2892  * DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(gradient,z,y,x);
2894  // Finish
2895  return regError;
2896 }
2897 #undef DEBUG
2899 /* Rotational invariant moments -------------------------------------------- */
2901  const MultidimArray<int> *mask, MultidimArray<double> &v_out)
2902 {
2903  img.checkDimension(2);
2905  // Prepare some variables
2906  double m_11 = 0;
2907  double m_02 = 0;
2908  double m_20 = 0;
2909  double m_12 = 0;
2910  double m_21 = 0;
2911  double m_03 = 0;
2912  double m_30 = 0;
2913  double normalize_x = 2.0 / XSIZE(img);
2914  double normalize_y = 2.0 / YSIZE(img);
2916  // Compute low-level moments
2918  {
2919  if (mask != nullptr)
2920  if (!(*mask)(i, j))
2921  continue;
2922  double val = img(i, j);
2923  double dx = j * normalize_x;
2924  double dy = i * normalize_y;
2925  double dx2 = dx * dx;
2926  double dx3 = dx2 * dx;
2927  double dy2 = dy * dy;
2928  double dy3 = dy2 * dy;
2929  // m_00+=val;
2930  m_11 += val * dx * dy;
2931  m_02 += val * dy2;
2932  m_20 += val * dx2;
2933  m_12 += val * dx * dy2;
2934  m_21 += val * dx2 * dy;
2935  m_03 += val * dy3;
2936  m_30 += val * dx3;
2937  }
2938  //m_11/=m_00; m_02/=m_00; m_20/=m_00;
2939  //m_12/=m_00; m_21/=m_00; m_03/=m_00; m_30/=m_00;
2941  // Compute high-level rotational invariant moments
2942  v_out.resize(5);
2943  v_out(0) = m_20 + m_02;
2944  v_out(1) = (m_20 - m_02) * (m_20 - m_02) + 4 * m_11 * m_11;
2945  v_out(2) = (m_30 - 3 * m_12) * (m_30 - 3 * m_12)
2946  + (3 * m_21 - m_03) * (3 * m_21 - m_03);
2947  v_out(3) = (m_30 + m_12) * (m_30 + m_12) + (m_21 + m_03) * (m_21 + m_03);
2948  v_out(4) =
2949  (m_30 - 3 * m_12) * (m_30 + m_12)
2950  * ((m_30 + m_12) * (m_30 + m_12)
2951  - 3 * (m_21 + m_03) * (m_21 + m_03))
2952  + (3 * m_21 - m_03) * (m_21 + m_03)
2953  * (3 * (m_30 + m_12) * (m_30 + m_12)
2954  - (m_21 + m_03) * (m_21 + m_03));
2955  /*
2956  v_out( 5)=(m_20+m_02)*(
2957  (m_30+m_12)*(m_30+m_12)
2958  -3*(m_21+m_03)*(m_21+m_03))
2959  +4*m_11*(m_30+m_12)*(m_03+m_21);
2960  v_out( 6)=(3*m_21-m_03)*(m_12+m_30)*(
2961  (m_30+m_12)*(m_30+m_12)
2962  -3*(m_21+m_03)*(m_21+m_03))
2963  -(m_30-3*m_12)*(m_12+m_03)*(
2964  3*(m_30+m_12)*(m_30+m_12)
2965  -(m_21+m_03)*(m_21+m_03));
2966  */
2967 }
2969 /* Inertia moments --------------------------------------------------------- */
2971  const MultidimArray<int> *mask, Matrix1D<double> &v_out,
2973 {
2974  img.checkDimension(2);
2976  // Prepare some variables
2977  double m_11 = 0;
2978  double m_02 = 0;
2979  double m_20 = 0;
2980  double normalize_x = 2.0 / XSIZE(img);
2981  double normalize_y = 2.0 / YSIZE(img);
2983  // Compute low-level moments
2985  {
2986  if (mask != nullptr)
2987  if (!(*mask)(i, j))
2988  continue;
2989  double val = img(i, j);
2990  double dx = j * normalize_x;
2991  double dy = i * normalize_y;
2992  double dx2 = dx * dx;
2993  double dy2 = dy * dy;
2994  m_11 += val * dx * dy;
2995  m_02 += val * dy2;
2996  m_20 += val * dx2;
2997  }
2999  // Compute the eigen values of the inertia matrix
3000  // [m_02 m_11
3001  // m_11 m_20]
3002  Matrix2D<double> A(2, 2);
3003  A(0, 0) = m_02;
3004  A(0, 1) = A(1, 0) = m_11;
3005  A(1, 1) = m_20;
3006  Matrix2D<double> v;
3007  svdcmp(A, u, v_out, v);
3008  v_out = v_out.sort();
3009 }
3011 /* Fill triangle ----------------------------------------------------------- */
3012 void fillTriangle(MultidimArray<double> &img, int *tx, int *ty, double color)
3013 {
3014  img.checkDimension(2);
3016  /*
3017  * Order in y values
3018  */
3019  int y1 = 0;
3020  while (!y1)
3021  {
3022  y1 = 1;
3023  for (int y2 = 0; y2 < 2; y2++)
3024  {
3025  if (ty[y2] > ty[y2 + 1]
3026  || (ty[y2] == ty[y2 + 1] && tx[y2] < tx[y2 + 1]))
3027  {
3028  int x1 = ty[y2];
3029  ty[y2] = ty[y2 + 1];
3030  ty[y2 + 1] = x1;
3031  x1 = tx[y2];
3032  tx[y2] = tx[y2 + 1];
3033  tx[y2 + 1] = x1;
3034  y1 = 0;
3035  }
3036  }
3037  }
3039  int dx1 = tx[1] - tx[0];
3040  int dx2 = tx[2] - tx[0];
3041  int dy1 = ty[1] - ty[0];
3042  int dy2 = ty[2] - ty[0];
3044  int sx1 = SGN0(dx1);
3045  int sx2 = SGN0(dx2);
3046  int sy1 = SGN0(dy1);
3048  int ix1 = ABS(dx1);
3049  int ix2 = ABS(dx2);
3050  int iy1 = ABS(dy1);
3051  int iy2 = ABS(dy2);
3053  int inc1 = XMIPP_MAX(ix1, iy1);
3054  int inc2 = XMIPP_MAX(ix2, iy2);
3056  int x1;
3057  int x2;
3058  int y2;
3059  int xl;
3060  int xr;
3061  x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = 0;
3062  xl = xr = tx[0];
3063  int y = ty[0];
3065  while (y != ty[1])
3066  {
3067  int doit1 = 0;
3068  int doit2 = 0;
3070  while (!doit1)
3071  { /* Wait until y changes */
3072  x1 += ix1;
3073  y1 += iy1;
3074  if (x1 > inc1)
3075  {
3076  x1 -= inc1;
3077  xl += sx1;
3078  }
3079  if (y1 > inc1)
3080  {
3081  y1 -= inc1;
3082  y += sy1;
3083  doit1 = 1;
3084  }
3085  }
3087  while (!doit2)
3088  { /* Wait until y changes */
3089  x2 += ix2;
3090  y2 += iy2;
3091  if (x2 > inc2)
3092  {
3093  x2 -= inc2;
3094  xr += sx2;
3095  }
3096  if (y2 > inc2)
3097  {
3098  y2 -= inc2;
3099  doit2 = 1;
3100  }
3101  }
3103  for (int myx = xl; myx <= xr; myx++)
3104  img(y, myx) = color;
3105  }
3107  dx1 = tx[2] - tx[1];
3108  dy1 = ty[2] - ty[1];
3110  sx1 = SGN0(dx1);
3111  sy1 = SGN0(dy1);
3113  ix1 = ABS(dx1);
3114  iy1 = ABS(dy1);
3116  inc1 = XMIPP_MAX(ix1, iy1);
3117  xl = tx[1];
3118  x1 = 0;
3120  while (y != ty[2])
3121  {
3122  int doit1 = 0;
3123  int doit2 = 0;
3125  while (!doit1)
3126  { /* Wait until y changes */
3127  x1 += ix1;
3128  y1 += iy1;
3129  if (x1 > inc1)
3130  {
3131  x1 -= inc1;
3132  xl += sx1;
3133  }
3134  if (y1 > inc1)
3135  {
3136  y1 -= inc1;
3137  y += sy1;
3138  doit1 = 1;
3139  }
3140  }
3142  while (!doit2)
3143  { /* Wait until y changes */
3144  x2 += ix2;
3145  y2 += iy2;
3146  if (x2 > inc2)
3147  {
3148  x2 -= inc2;
3149  xr += sx2;
3150  }
3151  if (y2 > inc2)
3152  {
3153  y2 -= inc2;
3154  doit2 = 1;
3155  }
3156  }
3158  for (int myx = xl; myx <= xr; myx++)
3159  img(y, myx) = color;
3160  }
3161 }
3163 /* Local thresholding ------------------------------------------------------ */
3164 void localThresholding(MultidimArray<double> &img, double C, double dimLocal,
3165  MultidimArray<int> &result, MultidimArray<int> *mask)
3166 {
3168  // Convolve the input image with the kernel
3169  MultidimArray<double> convolved;
3170  convolved.initZeros(img);
3171  FOR_ALL_ELEMENTS_IN_ARRAY2D(convolved)
3172  {
3173  if (mask != nullptr)
3174  if (!(*mask)(i, j))
3175  continue;
3176  int ii0 = XMIPP_MAX(STARTINGY(convolved), FLOOR(i - dimLocal));
3177  int jj0 = XMIPP_MAX(STARTINGX(convolved), FLOOR(j - dimLocal));
3178  int iiF = XMIPP_MIN(FINISHINGY(convolved), CEIL(i + dimLocal));
3179  int jjF = XMIPP_MIN(FINISHINGX(convolved), CEIL(j + dimLocal));
3180  double N = 0;
3181  for (int ii = ii0; ii <= iiF; ii++)
3182  for (int jj = jj0; jj <= jjF; jj++)
3183  {
3184  if (mask == nullptr)
3185  {
3186  convolved(i, j) += img(ii, jj);
3187  ++N;
3188  }
3189  else if ((*mask)(i, j))
3190  {
3191  convolved(i, j) += img(ii, jj);
3192  ++N;
3193  }
3194  }
3195  if (N != 0)
3196  convolved(i, j) /= N;
3197  }
3199  // Subtract the original from the convolved image and threshold
3200  result.initZeros(img);
3201  FOR_ALL_ELEMENTS_IN_ARRAY2D(convolved)
3202  {
3203  if (mask != nullptr)
3204  if (!(*mask)(i, j))
3205  continue;
3206  if (img(i, j) - convolved(i, j) > C)
3207  result(i, j) = 1;
3208  }
3209 }
3211 /* Center translationally -------------------------------------------------- */
3213 {
3214  I.checkDimension(2);
3216  MultidimArray<double> Ix = I;
3217  Ix.selfReverseX();
3218  Ix.setXmippOrigin();
3219  MultidimArray<double> Iy = I;
3220  Iy.selfReverseY();
3221  Iy.setXmippOrigin();
3222  MultidimArray<double> Ixy = Ix;
3223  Ixy.selfReverseY();
3224  Ixy.setXmippOrigin();
3226  double meanShiftX = 0;
3227  double meanShiftY = 0;
3228  double shiftX;
3229  double shiftY;
3230  bestNonwrappingShift(I, Ix, meanShiftX, meanShiftY, aux);
3231  bestNonwrappingShift(I, Iy, shiftX, shiftY, aux);
3232  meanShiftX += shiftX;
3233  meanShiftY += shiftY;
3234  bestNonwrappingShift(I, Ixy, shiftX, shiftY, aux);
3235  meanShiftX += shiftX;
3236  meanShiftY += shiftY;
3237  meanShiftX /= 3;
3238  meanShiftY /= 3;
3240  Matrix1D<double> shift(2);
3241  VECTOR_R2(shift, -meanShiftX, -meanShiftY);
3242  MultidimArray<double> aux2 = I;
3243  translate(3, I, aux2, shift);
3244  //I.selfTranslateBSpline(3,shift);
3245 }
3247 /* Center rotationally ----------------------------------------------------- */
3250 {
3251  I.checkDimension(2);
3253  MultidimArray<double> Ix = I;
3254  Ix.selfReverseX();
3255  Ix.setXmippOrigin();
3257  Polar_fftw_plans *plans = nullptr;
3259  Polar<std::complex<double> > polarFourierIx;
3260  polarFourierTransform<true>(Ix, polarFourierIx, false, XSIZE(Ix) / 5,
3261  XSIZE(Ix) / 2, plans);
3263  XSIZE(I) / 2, plans);
3266  rotationalCorr.resize(2 * polarFourierI.getSampleNoOuterRing() - 1);
3267  aux.local_transformer.setReal(rotationalCorr);
3268  double bestRot = best_rotation(polarFourierIx, polarFourierI, aux);
3270  MultidimArray<double> auxI = I;
3271  rotate(3, I, auxI, -bestRot / 2, xmipp_transformation::WRAP);
3272  //I.selfRotateBSpline(3,-bestRot/2,WRAP);
3273 }
3275 /* Center both rotationally and translationally ---------------------------- */
3276 //#define DEBUG
3278  RotationalCorrelationAux &aux2, int Niter, bool limitShift)
3279 {
3280  I.checkDimension(2);
3282  I.setXmippOrigin();
3283  double avg = I.computeAvg();
3284  I -= avg;
3289  MultidimArray<double> Iaux;
3290  Matrix2D<double> A;
3291  A.initIdentity(3);
3292  Iaux = I;
3294  MultidimArray<int> mask;
3295  mask.initZeros(I);
3296  BinaryCircularMask(mask, XSIZE(I) / 2);
3298  MultidimArray<double> lineY;
3299  MultidimArray<double> lineX;
3300  lineY.initZeros(YSIZE(I));
3302  lineX.initZeros(XSIZE(I));
3305  Polar_fftw_plans *plans = nullptr;
3307  Polar<std::complex<double> > polarFourierIx;
3310  for (int i = 0; i < Niter; i++)
3311  {
3312  // Mask Iaux
3314  if (!A2D_ELEM(mask,i,j))
3315  A2D_ELEM(Iaux,i,j) = 0;
3317  // Center translationally
3318  Ix = Iaux;
3319  Ix.selfReverseX();
3320  Ix.setXmippOrigin();
3321  Iy = Iaux;
3322  Iy.selfReverseY();
3323  Iy.setXmippOrigin();
3324  Ixy = Ix;
3325  Ixy.selfReverseY();
3326  Ixy.setXmippOrigin();
3328  double meanShiftX = 0;
3329  double meanShiftY = 0;
3330  double shiftX;
3331  double shiftY;
3332  double Nx = 0;
3333  double Ny = 0;
3334  bestNonwrappingShift(Iaux, Ix, shiftX, shiftY, aux);
3335 #ifdef DEBUG
3337  ImageXmipp save;
3338  save()=Ix;
3339  save.write("PPPx.xmp");
3340  std::cout << "con Ix: " << shiftX << " " << shiftY << std::endl;
3341 #endif
3343  if (fabs(shiftX) < XSIZE(I) / 3 || !limitShift)
3344  {
3345  meanShiftX += shiftX;
3346  Nx++;
3347  }
3348  if (fabs(shiftY) < YSIZE(I) / 3 || !limitShift)
3349  {
3350  meanShiftY += shiftY;
3351  Ny++;
3352  }
3353  bestNonwrappingShift(Iaux, Iy, shiftX, shiftY, aux);
3354 #ifdef DEBUG
3356  save()=Iy;
3357  save.write("PPPy.xmp");
3358  std::cout << "con Iy: " << shiftX << " " << shiftY << std::endl;
3359 #endif
3361  if (fabs(shiftX) < XSIZE(I) / 3 || !limitShift)
3362  {
3363  meanShiftX += shiftX;
3364  Nx++;
3365  }
3366  if (fabs(shiftY) < YSIZE(I) / 3 || !limitShift)
3367  {
3368  meanShiftY += shiftY;
3369  Ny++;
3370  }
3371  bestNonwrappingShift(Iaux, Ixy, shiftX, shiftY, aux);
3372 #ifdef DEBUG
3374  save()=Ixy;
3375  save.write("PPPxy.xmp");
3376  std::cout << "con Ixy: " << shiftX << " " << shiftY << std::endl;
3377 #endif
3379  if (fabs(shiftX) < XSIZE(I) / 3 || !limitShift)
3380  {
3381  meanShiftX += shiftX;
3382  Nx++;
3383  }
3384  if (fabs(shiftY) < YSIZE(I) / 3 || !limitShift)
3385  {
3386  meanShiftY += shiftY;
3387  Ny++;
3388  }
3389  if (Nx > 0)
3390  meanShiftX /= Nx;
3391  if (Ny > 0)
3392  meanShiftY /= Ny;
3394  MAT_ELEM(A,0,2) += -meanShiftX / 2;
3395  MAT_ELEM(A,1,2) += -meanShiftY / 2;
3396  Iaux.initZeros();
3397  applyGeometry(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR, Iaux, I, A, xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::WRAP);
3399  if (!A2D_ELEM(mask,i,j))
3400  A2D_ELEM(Iaux,i,j) = 0;
3402 #ifdef DEBUG
3404  std::cout << "Iter " << i << std::endl;
3405  std::cout << "shift=" << -meanShiftX << "," << -meanShiftY << std::endl;
3406  save()=I;
3407  save.write("PPP.xmp");
3408  save()=Iaux;
3409  save.write("PPPshift.xmp");
3410 #endif
3412  // Center rotationally
3413  Ix = Iaux;
3414  Ix.selfReverseX();
3415  Ix.setXmippOrigin();
3417  polarFourierTransform<true>(Iaux, polarFourierI, true, XSIZE(I) / 5,
3418  XSIZE(I) / 2, plans);
3419  rotationalCorr.resizeNoCopy(
3420  2 * polarFourierI.getSampleNoOuterRing() - 1);
3421  aux2.local_transformer.setReal(rotationalCorr);
3423  polarFourierTransform<true>(Ix, polarFourierIx, false,
3424  XSIZE(Ix) / 5, XSIZE(Ix) / 2, plans);
3425  double bestRot = best_rotation(polarFourierIx, polarFourierI, aux2);
3426  bestRot = realWRAP(bestRot,0,180);
3427  if (bestRot > 90)
3428  bestRot = bestRot - 180;
3430  rotation2DMatrix(bestRot / 2, R);
3431  A = R * A;
3432  Iaux.initZeros();
3433  applyGeometry(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR, Iaux, I, A, xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::WRAP);
3435  if (!A2D_ELEM(mask,i,j))
3436  A2D_ELEM(Iaux,i,j) = 0;
3438 #ifdef DEBUG
3440  std::cout << "rot=" << -bestRot/2 << std::endl;
3441  save()=Iaux;
3442  save.write("PPProt.xmp");
3443 #endif
3445  // Remove horizontal/vertical ambiguity
3446  lineX.initZeros();
3447  lineY.initZeros();
3449  {
3450  double val = A2D_ELEM(Iaux,i,j);
3451  if (j == 0)
3452  lineY(i) = val;
3453  else if (lineY(i) < val)
3454  lineY(i) = val;
3455  if (i == 0)
3456  lineX(j) = val;
3457  else if (lineX(j) < val)
3458  lineX(j) = val;
3459  }
3461  double thX = lineX.computeMin()
3462  + 0.75 * (lineX.computeMax() - lineX.computeMin());
3463  double thY = lineY.computeMin()
3464  + 0.75 * (lineY.computeMax() - lineY.computeMin());
3465  int x0 = STARTINGX(lineX);
3466  while (lineX(x0) < thX)
3467  x0++;
3468  int y0 = STARTINGX(lineY);
3469  while (lineY(y0) < thY)
3470  y0++;
3471  int xF = FINISHINGX(lineX);
3472  while (lineX(xF) < thX)
3473  xF--;
3474  int yF = FINISHINGX(lineY);
3475  while (lineY(yF) < thY)
3476  yF--;
3477  if ((xF - x0) > (yF - y0))
3478  {
3479  rotation2DMatrix(-90., R);
3480  A = R * A;
3481  }
3482  applyGeometry(xmipp_transformation::LINEAR, Iaux, I, A, xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::WRAP);
3483 #ifdef DEBUG
3485  lineX.write("PPPlineX.txt");
3486  lineY.write("PPPlineY.txt");
3487  std::cout << "dev X=" << xF-x0 << std::endl;
3488  std::cout << "dev Y=" << yF-y0 << std::endl;
3489  save()=Iaux;
3490  save.write("PPPhorver.xmp");
3491  std::cout << "Press any key\n";
3492  char c;
3493  std::cin >> c;
3494 #endif
3496  }
3497  applyGeometry(xmipp_transformation::BSPLINE3, Iaux, I, A, xmipp_transformation::IS_NOT_INV, xmipp_transformation::WRAP);
3498  I = Iaux;
3499  I += avg;
3500  delete plans;
3501  return A;
3502 }
3503 #undef DEBUG
3507 {
3508  MultidimArray<char> mask(ZSIZE(V), YSIZE(V), XSIZE(V));
3510  {
3511  double x = DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(V, n);
3512  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(mask, n) = (x <= 0);
3513  }
3514  boundMedianFilter(V, mask);
3515 }
3518  MultidimArray<double> &vol_edge)
3519 {
3520  MultidimArray<double> BSpline_coefs;
3521  BSpline_coefs.initZeros(vol);
3522  produceSplineCoefficients(3, BSpline_coefs, vol);
3523  vol_edge.initZeros(vol);
3526  {
3527  double V_dx;
3528  double V_dy;
3529  double V_dz;
3530  V_dx = interpolatedElementBSplineDiffX(BSpline_coefs, j, i, k, 3);
3531  V_dy = interpolatedElementBSplineDiffY(BSpline_coefs, j, i, k, 3);
3532  V_dz = interpolatedElementBSplineDiffZ(BSpline_coefs, j, i, k, 3);
3533  A3D_ELEM(vol_edge,k,i,j) = sqrt(
3534  (V_dx * V_dx) + (V_dy * V_dy) + (V_dz * V_dz));
3536  }
3537 }
3540 {
3541  int size0=XSIZE(V);
3542  int sizeF=(int)NEXT_POWER_OF_2(size0);
3543  selfScaleToSize(xmipp_transformation::BSPLINE3,V,sizeF,sizeF,sizeF);
3544  MultidimArray<double> vol_wavelets;
3545  MultidimArray<double> vol_wavelets_abs;
3547  DWT(V,vol_wavelets);
3548  vol_wavelets_abs=vol_wavelets;
3549  vol_wavelets_abs.selfABS();
3550  double *begin=MULTIDIM_ARRAY(vol_wavelets_abs);
3551  double *end=MULTIDIM_ARRAY(vol_wavelets_abs)+MULTIDIM_SIZE(vol_wavelets_abs);
3552  std::sort(begin,end);
3553  double threshold1=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(vol_wavelets_abs,
3554  (long int)((1.0-eps)*MULTIDIM_SIZE(vol_wavelets_abs)));
3555  vol_wavelets.threshold("abs_below", threshold1, 0.0);
3556  IDWT(vol_wavelets,V);
3557  selfScaleToSize(xmipp_transformation::BSPLINE3,V,size0, size0, size0);
3558 }
3564 {
3565  program->addParamsLine("== Bad pixels ==");
3566  program->addParamsLine(
3567  " [ --bad_pixels <type>] : Applied filters on bad pixels of the image.");
3568  program->addParamsLine(" where <type> ");
3569  program->addParamsLine(
3570  " negative : Applied at those negative values. Positive values are untouched.");
3571  program->addParamsLine(
3572  " mask <mask_file> : Applied at those pixels given by mask.");
3573  program->addParamsLine(
3574  " outliers <factor> : Applied at those pixels out of the range [mean - factor*std, mean + factor*std].");
3575  program->addParamsLine(" alias -b; ");
3576 }
3580 {
3581  type = NEGATIVE;
3582  // Check operation to do
3583  String typeStr = program->getParam("--bad_pixels");
3584  if (typeStr == "negative")
3585  ; //nothing to do type already equal to NEGATIVE
3586  else if (typeStr == "mask")
3587  {
3588  mask = new Image<char>;
3589  mask->read(program->getParam("--bad_pixels", "mask"));
3590  type = MASK;
3591  }
3592  else if (typeStr == "outliers")
3593  {
3594  factor = program->getDoubleParam("--bad_pixels", "outliers");
3595  type = OUTLIER;
3596  }
3597 }
3601 {
3602  switch (type)
3603  {
3604  case NEGATIVE:
3605  forcePositive(img);
3606  break;
3607  case MASK:
3608  boundMedianFilter(img, mask->data);
3609  break;
3610  case OUTLIER:
3611  pixelDesvFilter(img, factor);
3612  break;
3614  }
3615 }
3618 {
3619  program->addParamsLine("== Log filter (for scanners) uses equation fa-fb*log(x+fc) ==");
3620  program->addParamsLine(" [--log]");
3621  program->addParamsLine(" [--fa <a>]");
3622  program->addParamsLine(" [--fb <b>]");
3623  program->addParamsLine(" [--fc <c>]");
3624 }
3628 {
3629  a = program->getDoubleParam("--fa");
3630  b = program->getDoubleParam("--fb");
3631  c = program->getDoubleParam("--fc");
3632 }
3636 {
3637  logFilter(img, a,b,c);
3638 }
3641 {
3642  program->addParamsLine("== Total Variation Denoising method for micrographs ==");
3643  program->addParamsLine(" [--denoiseTV]");
3644  program->addParamsLine(" [--maxIterTV <maxIter>]");
3645 }
3649 {
3650  maxIter = program->getIntParam("--maxIterTV");
3651 }
3655 {
3656  denoiseTVFilter(img, maxIter);
3657 }
3661 {
3662  program->addParamsLine("== Background removal ==");
3663  program->addParamsLine(
3664  " [ --background <type=plane> ] : Filters to remove the background.");
3665  program->addParamsLine(" where <type> ");
3666  program->addParamsLine(
3667  " plane : Remove the plane that best fits the pixels.");
3668  program->addParamsLine(
3669  " rollingball <radius> : The background is computed as a rolling ball operation.");
3670  program->addParamsLine(" alias -g; ");
3671 }
3675 {
3676  type = PLANE;
3677  // Check operation to do
3678  String typeStr = program->getParam("--background");
3679  if (typeStr == "plane") //Nothing to do, plane by default
3680  ;
3681  else if (typeStr == "rollingball")
3682  {
3683  type = ROLLINGBALL;
3684  radius = program->getIntParam("--background", "rollingball");
3685  }
3686 }
3690 {
3691  switch (type)
3692  {
3693  case PLANE:
3695  break;
3696  case ROLLINGBALL:
3697  substractBackgroundRollingBall(img, radius);
3698  break;
3700  }
3701 }
3705 {
3706  program->addParamsLine("== Median ==");
3707  program->addParamsLine(" [ --median ] : Use median filter.");
3708  program->addParamsLine(" alias -m; ");
3709 }
3713 { //Do nothing by now
3714 }
3718 {
3719  static MultidimArray<double> tmp;
3720  tmp = img;
3721  medianFilter3x3(tmp, img);
3722 }
3726 {
3727  program->addParamsLine("== Anisotropic diffusion ==");
3728  program->addParamsLine(
3729  " [--diffusion] : Use anisotropic diffusion filter.");
3730  program->addParamsLine(
3731  " [--shah_iter+ <outer=10> <inner=1> <refinement=1>] : Diffusion outer, inner and refinement iterations");
3732  program->addParamsLine(" requires --diffusion;");
3733  program->addParamsLine(
3734  " [--shah_weight+ <w0=0> <w1=50> <w2=50> <w3=0.02>]:Diffusion weights");
3735  program->addParamsLine(
3736  " : w0 = data matching ");
3737  program->addParamsLine(
3738  " : w1 = 1st derivative smooth ");
3739  program->addParamsLine(
3740  " : w2 = edge strength ");
3741  program->addParamsLine(
3742  " : w3 = edge smoothness ");
3743  program->addParamsLine(" requires --diffusion;");
3744  program->addParamsLine(
3745  " [--shah_only_edge+] : Produce the edge image of the diffusion");
3746  program->addParamsLine(" requires --diffusion;");
3747 }
3751 {
3752  Shah_weight.resizeNoCopy(4);
3753  Shah_outer = program->getIntParam("--shah_iter", 0);
3754  Shah_inner = program->getIntParam("--shah_iter", 1);
3755  Shah_refinement = program->getIntParam("--shah_iter", 2);
3756  Shah_weight(0) = program->getDoubleParam("--shah_weight", 0);
3757  Shah_weight(1) = program->getDoubleParam("--shah_weight", 1);
3758  Shah_weight(2) = program->getDoubleParam("--shah_weight", 2);
3759  Shah_weight(3) = program->getDoubleParam("--shah_weight", 3);
3760  Shah_edge = program->checkParam("--shah_only_edge");
3761 }
3764 {
3765  std::cout << " Shah difussion\n" << " Outer iterations " << Shah_outer
3766  << std::endl << " Inner iterations " << Shah_inner << std::endl
3767  << " Refinement interations " << Shah_refinement << std::endl
3768  << " Weight " << Shah_weight.transpose() << std::endl;
3769  if (Shah_edge)
3770  std::cout << " Generating edge image\n";
3772 }
3776 {
3777  MultidimArray<double> surface_strength;
3778  MultidimArray<double> edge_strength;
3779  smoothingShah(img, surface_strength, edge_strength, Shah_weight, Shah_outer,
3780  Shah_inner, Shah_refinement);
3781  if (Shah_edge)
3782  img = edge_strength;
3783  else
3784  img = surface_strength;
3785 }
3789 {
3790  program->addParamsLine("== Basis filter ==");
3791  program->addParamsLine(
3792  " [--basis <file> <N=-1>] : Stack file with the basis, N is the number of elements to consider");
3793 }
3797 {
3798  fnBasis = program->getParam("--basis");
3799  Nbasis = program->getIntParam("--basis", 1);
3800  basis.read(fnBasis);
3801  if (Nbasis > 0)
3802  basis().resize(Nbasis, 1, YSIZE(basis()), XSIZE(basis()));
3803 }
3806 {
3807  std::cout << " Basis filter\n" << " Basis file " << fnBasis << std::endl
3808  << " Number of basis " << Nbasis << std::endl;
3809 }
3813 {
3814  const MultidimArray<double> &mBasis = basis();
3815  if (XSIZE(img) != XSIZE(mBasis) || YSIZE(img) != YSIZE(mBasis))
3817  "Images and basis are of different size");
3819  MultidimArray<double> result;
3820  result.initZeros(img);
3821  for (size_t nn = 0; nn < NSIZE(mBasis); ++nn)
3822  {
3823  double cnn = 0;
3824  double *ptrBasis = &NZYX_ELEM(mBasis,nn,0,0,0);
3826  cnn += DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(img,n) * (*ptrBasis++);
3827  ptrBasis = &NZYX_ELEM(mBasis,nn,0,0,0);
3829  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(result,n) += cnn * (*ptrBasis++);
3830  }
3831  img = result;
3832 }
3836 {
3837  program->addParamsLine("== Retinex ==");
3838  program->addParamsLine(
3839  " [ --retinex <percentile=0.9> <mask_file=\"\"> <eps=1>] : Retinex filter, remove a given percentile of the");
3840  program->addParamsLine(" : Laplacian within the mask, epsilon controls the behaviour at low frequency");
3841 }
3845 {
3846  percentile = program->getDoubleParam("--retinex",0);
3847  String fnMask = program->getParam("--retinex",1);
3848  if (fnMask=="")
3849  mask = nullptr;
3850  else
3851  {
3852  mask = new Image<int>;
3853  mask->read(fnMask);
3854  }
3855  eps = program->getDoubleParam("--retinex",2);
3856 }
3858  MultidimArray< std::complex<double> > &fimg, bool direct)
3859 {
3860  if (ZSIZE(img)>1)
3861  {
3862  Matrix1D<double> w(3);
3863  for (size_t k=0; k<ZSIZE(fimg); k++)
3864  {
3865  FFT_IDX2DIGFREQ(k,ZSIZE(img),ZZ(w));
3866  double filter_k=6+eps-2*cos(TWOPI*ZZ(w));
3867  for (size_t i=0; i<YSIZE(fimg); i++)
3868  {
3869  FFT_IDX2DIGFREQ(i,YSIZE(img),YY(w));
3870  double filter_ki=filter_k-2*cos(TWOPI*YY(w));
3871  for (size_t j=0; j<XSIZE(fimg); j++)
3872  {
3873  FFT_IDX2DIGFREQ(j,XSIZE(img),XX(w));
3874  double filter_kij=filter_ki-2*cos(TWOPI*XX(w));
3875  if (!direct && filter_kij>0)
3876  filter_kij=1.0/filter_kij;
3877  DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(fimg,k,i,j)*=filter_kij;
3878  }
3879  }
3880  }
3881  }
3882  else
3883  {
3884  Matrix1D<double> w(2);
3885  for (size_t i=0; i<YSIZE(fimg); i++)
3886  {
3887  FFT_IDX2DIGFREQ(i,YSIZE(img),YY(w));
3888  double filter_i=4+eps-2*cos(TWOPI*YY(w));
3889  for (size_t j=0; j<XSIZE(fimg); j++)
3890  {
3891  FFT_IDX2DIGFREQ(j,XSIZE(img),XX(w));
3892  double filter_ij=filter_i-2*cos(TWOPI*XX(w));
3893  if (!direct && filter_ij>0)
3894  filter_ij=1.0/filter_ij;
3895  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(fimg,i,j)*=filter_ij;
3896  }
3897  }
3898  }
3899 }
3903 {
3904  FourierTransformer fft;
3907  // Apply forward Laplacian
3908  fft.FourierTransform(img,fimg,false);
3909  laplacian(img,fimg,true);
3912  // Compute the threshold outside the mask
3913  double *sortedValues=nullptr;
3914  size_t Nsorted=0;
3915  if (mask==nullptr)
3916  {
3917  Nsorted=MULTIDIM_SIZE(img);
3918  sortedValues=new double[Nsorted];
3920  sortedValues[n]=fabs(DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(img,n));
3921  }
3922  else
3923  {
3924  const MultidimArray<int> &mmask=(*mask)();
3926  if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(mmask,n)==0)
3927  Nsorted+=1;
3929  sortedValues=new double[Nsorted];
3930  size_t i=0;
3932  if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(mmask,n)==0)
3933  sortedValues[i++]=fabs(DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(img,n));
3934  }
3935  std::sort(sortedValues,sortedValues+Nsorted);
3936  double threshold=sortedValues[(size_t)(percentile*Nsorted)];
3937  delete[] sortedValues;
3939  // Apply threshold
3941  if (fabs(DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(img,n))<threshold)
3942  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(img,n)=0.0;
3944  fft.FourierTransform(img,fimg,false);
3945  laplacian(img,fimg,false);
3947 }
3949 // Denoising using Spectral Projected Gradient (SPG) optimization
3959 double denoiseTVenergy(double mu,
3960  const MultidimArray<double>& X,
3961  const MultidimArray<double>& Y,
3962  double s,
3963  double q,
3964  double lambda,
3965  double sigmag,
3966  double g)
3967 {
3968  // parameter beta which role is to prevent division with zeros
3969  const double beta = 0.00001;
3970  const double beta2 = beta*beta;
3972  double m = 0;
3973  double tv = 0;
3974  const double K1 = ((3.0/8.0)*lambda*lambda + sigmag*sigmag - lambda*g) / (s*s);
3975  const double K2 = lambda * (q/(s*s));
3976  const double K3 = 2.0 / lambda;
3977  double Xij;
3978  double Yij;
3979  double dXx;
3980  double dXy;
3981  double d;
3982  double msqrt;
3983  int i1;
3984  int j1;
3987  {
3988  Xij = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j);
3989  Yij = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(Y,i,j);
3990  i1 = i + 1;
3991  if (i1==YSIZE(X))
3992  i1 = 0;
3993  j1 = j + 1;
3994  if (j1==XSIZE(X))
3995  j1 = 0;
3997  dXx = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j1) - Xij;
3998  dXy = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i1,j) - Xij;
3999  tv += sqrt(dXx*dXx + dXy*dXy + beta2);
4001  d = K2*Xij + K1;
4002  msqrt = K3 * sqrt(std::max(0.0, d)) - Yij;
4003  m += msqrt*msqrt;
4004  }
4005  return 0.5*m + mu*tv;
4006 }
4017 void denoiseTVgradient(double mu,
4018  const MultidimArray<double>& X,
4019  const MultidimArray<double>& Y,
4020  double s,
4021  double q,
4022  double lambda,
4023  double sigmag,
4024  double g,
4025  MultidimArray<double>& gradientI
4026  )
4027 {
4028  // parameter beta which role is to prevent division with zeros
4029  const double beta = 0.00001;
4030  const double beta2 = beta*beta;
4033  double K1 = ((3.0/8.0)*lambda*lambda + sigmag*sigmag - lambda*g) / (s*s);
4034  double K2 = lambda * (q/s*s);
4035  double K3 = (2.0 / (lambda*lambda)) * (q / (s*s)) * lambda;
4036  double Xij;
4037  double Yij;
4038  double dXx;
4039  double dXy;
4040  double dij;
4041  double d_left;
4042  double d_up;
4043  double X_left;
4044  double X_right;
4045  double X_up;
4046  double X_down;
4047  double dTV;
4048  double dE;
4049  int i1;
4050  int j1;
4051  int i_1;
4052  int j_1;
4055  {
4056  Xij = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j);
4057  i1 = i + 1;
4058  if (i1==YSIZE(X))
4059  i1 = 0;
4060  j1 = j + 1;
4061  if (j1==XSIZE(X))
4062  j1 = 0;
4064  dXx = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j1) - Xij;
4065  dXy = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i1,j) - Xij;
4066  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(d,i,j) = 1.0 / sqrt(dXx*dXx + dXy*dXy + beta2);
4067  }
4070  {
4071  dij = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(d,i,j);
4072  Xij = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j);
4073  Yij = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(Y,i,j);
4074  i1 = i + 1;
4075  if (i1==YSIZE(d))
4076  i1 = 0;
4077  j1 = j + 1;
4078  if (j1==XSIZE(d))
4079  j1 = 0;
4080  i_1 = i - 1;
4081  if (i_1==-1)
4082  i_1 = YSIZE(d) - 1;
4083  j_1 = j - 1;
4084  if (j_1==-1)
4085  j_1 = XSIZE(d) - 1;
4087  d_left = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(d,i,j_1);
4088  d_up = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(d,i_1,j);
4089  X_left = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j_1);
4090  X_right = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j1);
4091  X_up = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i_1,j);
4092  X_down = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i1,j);
4094  dTV = Xij * (2.0*dij + d_left + d_up) - X_left*d_left - X_up*d_up - dij*(X_right + X_down);
4096  if (K2*Xij + K1 > 0)
4097  dE = K3 - (q / (s*s)) * Yij / sqrt(Xij * (q / (s*s)) * lambda + K1);
4098  else
4099  dE = 0;
4101  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(gradientI,i,j) = dE + mu*dTV;
4102  }
4103 }
4109  const MultidimArray<double>& Y,
4110  double theta,
4111  MultidimArray<double>& dold)
4112 {
4113  double div;
4115  {
4116  div = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j) - (DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(Y,i,j)*theta);
4117  if (div < 0)
4118  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(dold,i,j) = 0 - DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j);
4119  else if (div > 1)
4120  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(dold,i,j) = 1 - DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j);
4121  else
4122  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(dold,i,j) = div - DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(X,i,j);
4123  }
4124 }
4130 {
4131  // parameters for denoising
4132  double lambda = 1.0; // Poisson scaling factor
4133  double sigmag = 5.8; // Gaussian component N(g,sigma^2)
4134  double g = 0.0;
4136  // *** Anscombe transformation of input image ***
4137  double q = 255.0;
4139  double xnewmin = xnew.computeMin();
4140  double xnewscale = 255.0 / (xnew.computeMax() - xnewmin);
4142  // apply generalized Anscombe VST tranformation
4143  double K1 = ((3.0/8.0)*lambda*lambda + sigmag*sigmag - lambda*g);
4145  {
4146  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(xnew, n) = (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(xnew, n) - xnewmin) * xnewscale;
4147  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(xnew, n) = 2.0 / lambda * sqrt(std::max(0.0, lambda*DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(xnew, n) + K1));
4148  }
4150  double mx = xnew.computeMax();
4152  // xold = initial degraded image
4153  MultidimArray<double> xold = xnew;
4154  MultidimArray<double> grold = xnew;
4155  MultidimArray<double> grnew = xnew;
4156  MultidimArray<double> dold = xnew;
4158  {
4159  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xold,i,j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xnew,i,j) / mx;
4160  }
4161  MultidimArray<double> origInput = xold;
4163  // *** Spectral Projected Gradient (SPG) optimization ***
4164  // parameters of optimization
4165  double tol = 0;
4166  double theta;
4167  double thetamin = 0.001;
4168  double thetamax = 1000;
4169  double gamma = 0.0001;
4170  double sigma1 = 0.1;
4171  double sigma2 = 0.9;
4172  double mu = 0.03;
4174  // initial objective function value of xold
4175  double fold = denoiseTVenergy(mu, xold, origInput, mx, q, lambda, sigmag, g);
4177  // gradient of objective function
4178  denoiseTVgradient(mu, xold, origInput, mx, q, lambda, sigmag, g, grold);
4180  denoiseTVproj(xold, grold, 1.0, dold);
4182  double delta;
4183  double ksi;
4184  double fnew;
4185  double s_norm;
4186  double p;
4187  double s2;
4188  double xij;
4189  for (int kk=1; kk <= maxIter; kk++)
4190  {
4191  delta = 0;
4193  // make a step
4195  {
4196  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xnew,i,j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xold,i,j) + DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(dold,i,j);
4197  delta += DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(grold,i,j) * DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(dold,i,j);
4198  }
4200  // objective function of xnew
4201  fnew = denoiseTVenergy(mu, xnew, origInput, mx, q, lambda, sigmag, g);
4203  ksi = 1.0;
4205  while (fnew > fold + gamma*ksi*delta)
4206  {
4207  double ksitsl = -0.5 * (ksi*ksi) * delta / (fnew - fold - ksi*delta);
4208  if ((ksitsl >= sigma1) && (ksitsl <= sigma2*ksi))
4209  ksi = ksitsl;
4210  else
4211  ksi = ksi / 2.0;
4214  {
4215  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xnew,i,j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xold,i,j) + ksi*DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(dold,i,j);
4216  }
4218  // because we updated xnew, update also function value
4219  fnew = denoiseTVenergy(mu, xnew, origInput, mx, q, lambda, sigmag, g);
4220  }
4222  denoiseTVgradient(mu, xnew, origInput, mx, q, lambda, sigmag, g, grnew);
4224  s_norm = -100;
4225  p = 0;
4226  s2 = 0;
4228  {
4229  xij = (DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xnew,i,j) - DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xold,i,j));
4230  p += xij * (DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(grnew,i,j) - DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(grold,i,j));
4231  s2 += xij * xij;
4232  if (xij > s_norm) s_norm = xij;
4233  }
4235  if (s_norm < tol)
4236  break;
4238  if (p <= 0)
4239  theta = thetamax;
4240  else
4241  theta = std::min(thetamax, std::max(thetamin, s2/p));
4243  denoiseTVproj(xnew, grnew, theta, dold);
4246  {
4247  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xold,i,j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(xnew,i,j);
4248  DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(grold,i,j) = DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(grnew,i,j);
4249  }
4251  // we already computed it, let's use it for next round
4252  fold = fnew;
4253  }
4254 }
4258 {
4259  if (VEC_ELEM(A,0)!=1.0)
4260  {
4261  A/=VEC_ELEM(A,0);
4262  B/=VEC_ELEM(B,0);
4263  }
4265  size_t input_size = XSIZE(X);
4266  size_t filter_order = std::max(VEC_XSIZE(A),VEC_XSIZE(B));
4267  if (VEC_XSIZE(B)!=filter_order)
4268  B.resize(filter_order);
4269  if (VEC_XSIZE(A)!=filter_order)
4270  A.resize(filter_order);
4271  Y.resize(input_size);
4272  Z.initZeros(filter_order);
4274  for (size_t i = 0; i < input_size; ++i)
4275  {
4276  size_t order = filter_order - 1;
4277  while (order)
4278  {
4279  if (i >= order)
4280  {
4281  DIRECT_A1D_ELEM(Z,order - 1) = VEC_ELEM(B,order) * DIRECT_A1D_ELEM(X,i - order) -
4282  VEC_ELEM(A,order) * DIRECT_A1D_ELEM(Y,i - order) + DIRECT_A1D_ELEM(Z,order);
4283  }
4284  --order;
4285  }
4287  }
4288 }
4290 template <typename T>
4292  const MultidimArray< T >& y,
4293  int nx,
4294  int ny,
4295  const MultidimArray< int >* mask)
4296 {
4299  long n = 0;
4300  Histogram1D histx;
4301  Histogram1D histy;
4302  Histogram2D histxy;
4303  MultidimArray< T > aux_x;
4304  MultidimArray< T > aux_y;
4308  int xdim;
4309  int ydim;
4310  int zdim;
4311  double retval = 0.0;
4313  xdim=XSIZE(x);
4314  ydim=YSIZE(x);
4315  zdim=ZSIZE(x);
4316  aux_x.resize(xdim * ydim * zdim);
4317  xdim=XSIZE(y);
4318  ydim=YSIZE(y);
4319  zdim=ZSIZE(y);
4320  aux_y.resize(xdim * ydim * zdim);
4323  {
4324  if (mask != nullptr)
4325  if (!(*mask)(k, i, j))
4326  continue;
4328  aux_x(n) = A3D_ELEM(x, k, i, j);
4329  aux_y(n) = A3D_ELEM(y, k, i, j);
4330  n++;
4331  }
4333  aux_x.resize(n);
4334  aux_y.resize(n);
4336  if (n != 0)
4337  {
4338  if (nx == 0)
4339  //Assume Gaussian distribution
4340  nx = (int)((log((double) n) / LOG2) + 1);
4342  if (ny == 0)
4343  //Assume Gaussian distribution
4344  ny = (int)((log((double) n) / LOG2) + 1);
4346  compute_hist(aux_x, histx, nx);
4347  compute_hist(aux_y, histy, ny);
4348  compute_hist(aux_x, aux_y, histxy, nx, ny);
4350  mx = histx;
4351  my = histy;
4352  mxy = histxy;
4353  for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
4354  {
4355  double histxi = (histx(i)) / n;
4356  for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
4357  {
4358  double histyj = (histy(j)) / n;
4359  double histxyij = (histxy(i, j)) / n;
4360  if (histxyij > 0)
4361  retval += histxyij * log(histxyij / (histxi * histyj)) /
4362  LOG2;
4363  }
4364  }
4366  return retval;
4367  }
4368  else
4369  return 0;
4370 }
static void defineParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3640
Definition: matrix2d.h:104
#define NSIZE(v)
#define VECTOR_R2(v, x, y)
Definition: matrix1d.h:112
static void defineParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3725
double Shah_energy(const MultidimArray< double > &img, const MultidimArray< double > &surface_strength, const MultidimArray< double > &edge_strength, double K, const Matrix1D< double > &W)
Definition: filters.cpp:2511
void denoiseTVFilter(MultidimArray< double > &xnew, int maxIter)
Definition: filters.cpp:4129
void clear()
Definition: histogram.cpp:40
void centerImageRotationally(MultidimArray< double > &I, RotationalCorrelationAux &aux)
Definition: filters.cpp:3248
#define YSIZE(v)
double imedNormalizedDistance(const MultidimArray< double > &I1, const MultidimArray< double > &I2)
Definition: filters.cpp:1321
void min(Image< double > &op1, const Image< double > &op2)
#define A2D_ELEM(v, i, j)
#define VEC_ELEM(v, i)
Definition: matrix1d.h:245
FourierTransformer transformer1
Definition: xmipp_fftw.h:555
void set_DWT_type(int DWT_type)
Definition: wavelet.cpp:154
void resize(size_t Ndim, size_t Zdim, size_t Ydim, size_t Xdim, bool copy=true)
#define XMIPP_MAX(x, y)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:193
double giniCoeff(MultidimArray< double > &I, int varKernelSize)
Definition: filters.cpp:972
MultidimArray< double > IauxRS
Definition: filters.h:512
void centerImageTranslationally(MultidimArray< double > &I, CorrelationAux &aux)
Definition: filters.cpp:3212
double getDoubleParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
void threshold(const String &type, T a, T b=0, MultidimArray< int > *mask=NULL)
MultidimArray< std::complex< double > > FFTI
Definition: filters.h:526
void subtractColumnMeans(Matrix2D< double > &A)
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:230
Definition: filters.cpp:2045
void readParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3627
void inverseFourierTransform()
Definition: xmipp_fftw.cpp:329
void forcePositive(MultidimArray< double > &V)
Definition: filters.cpp:3506
void transformationMatrix2Parameters2D(const Matrix2D< T > &A, bool &flip, T &scale, T &shiftX, T &shiftY, T &psi)
#define FINISHINGX(v)
double alignImages(const MultidimArray< double > &Iref, const AlignmentTransforms &IrefTransforms, MultidimArray< double > &I, Matrix2D< double > &M, bool wrap, AlignmentAux &aux, CorrelationAux &aux2, RotationalCorrelationAux &aux3)
Definition: filters.cpp:2047
#define REPORT_ERROR(nerr, ErrormMsg)
Definition: xmipp_error.h:211
void sort(MultidimArray< T > &result) const
void apply(MultidimArray< double > &img)
Definition: filters.cpp:3635
double fastBestRotationAroundY(const MultidimArray< double > &IrefCyl, const MultidimArray< double > &I, CorrelationAux &aux, VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
Definition: filters.cpp:2290
Matrix2D< double > ASR
Definition: filters.h:509
MultidimArray< double > Icyl
Definition: filters.h:571
#define VEC_XSIZE(m)
Definition: matrix1d.h:77
doublereal * c
doublereal * g
#define MULTIDIM_SIZE(v)
double interpolatedElementBSplineDiffZ(MultidimArray< double > &vol, double x, double y, double z, int SplineDegree)
void matrixOperation_AB(const Matrix2D< double > &A, const Matrix2D< double > &B, Matrix2D< double > &C)
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:411
void resizeNoCopy(const MultidimArray< T1 > &v)
double correlationMasked(const MultidimArray< double > &I1, const MultidimArray< double > &I2)
Definition: filters.cpp:1397
#define dAij(M, i, j)
double OtsuSegmentation(MultidimArray< double > &V)
Definition: filters.cpp:1028
void readParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3796
void rotationalInvariantMoments(const MultidimArray< double > &img, const MultidimArray< int > *mask, MultidimArray< double > &v_out)
Definition: filters.cpp:2900
doublereal * xl
double beta(const double a, const double b)
#define SGN0(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:169
void sqrt(Image< double > &op)
void BinaryCircularMask(MultidimArray< int > &mask, double radius, int mode, double x0, double y0, double z0)
Definition: mask.cpp:193
MultidimArray< double > IauxSR
Definition: filters.h:511
int getSampleNoOuterRing() const
Definition: polar.h:386
void show()
Definition: filters.cpp:3805
void computeStats(double &avg, double &stddev, T &minval, T &maxval) const
static double * y
void apply(MultidimArray< double > &img)
Definition: filters.cpp:3600
Shift for the image in the X axis (double)
void applyGeometry(int SplineDegree, MultidimArray< std::complex< double > > &V2, const MultidimArray< std::complex< double > > &V1, const Matrix2D< double > &A, bool inv, bool wrap, std::complex< double > outside, MultidimArray< double > *BcoeffsPtr)
#define DIRECT_A2D_ELEM(v, i, j)
void readParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3844
double correlationIndex(const MultidimArray< T > &x, const MultidimArray< T > &y, const MultidimArray< int > *mask=NULL, MultidimArray< double > *Contributions=NULL)
#define A1D_ELEM(v, i)
Polar_fftw_plans * plans
Definition: filters.h:514
void getImageSize(const MetaData &md, size_t &Xdim, size_t &Ydim, size_t &Zdim, size_t &Ndim, MDLabel image_label)
void computeAvgStdev(U &avg, U &stddev) const
void correlation_matrix(const MultidimArray< double > &m1, const MultidimArray< double > &m2, MultidimArray< double > &R, CorrelationAux &aux, bool center)
Definition: xmipp_fftw.cpp:869
void maxIndex(int &jmax) const
double icdf_gauss(double p)
void rangeAdjust(T minF, T maxF)
double fastBestRotationAroundZ(const MultidimArray< double > &IrefCyl, const MultidimArray< double > &I, CorrelationAux &aux, VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
Definition: filters.cpp:2276
#define TWOPI
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:111
void inv(Matrix2D< T > &result) const
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:663
Special label to be used when gathering MDs in MpiMetadataPrograms.
doublereal * w
void initConstant(T val)
static void defineParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3563
double fastCorrentropy(const MultidimArray< double > &x, const MultidimArray< double > &y, double sigma, const GaussianInterpolator &G, const MultidimArray< int > &mask)
Definition: filters.cpp:1244
double percentil(double percent_mass)
Definition: histogram.cpp:160
#define CHECK_POINT_DIST(i, j, proposedDistance)
void readParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3750
void readParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3648
Incorrect MultidimArray size.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:174
#define FINISHINGZ(v)
void estimateGaussian2D(const MultidimArray< double > &I, double &a, double &b, Matrix1D< double > &mu, Matrix2D< double > &sigma, bool estimateMu, int iterations)
Definition: filters.cpp:2390
virtual IdIteratorProxy< false > ids()
cmache_1 eps
static void defineParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3704
void fourierBesselDecomposition(const MultidimArray< double > &img_in, double r2, int k1, int k2)
Definition: filters.cpp:2469
double * gamma
void matrixOperation_AtA(const Matrix2D< double > &A, Matrix2D< double > &B)
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:436
#define STARTINGX(v)
void bestNonwrappingShift(const MultidimArray< double > &I1, const MultidimArray< double > &I2, double &shiftX, double &shiftY, CorrelationAux &aux)
Definition: filters.cpp:1895
virtual bool getValue(MDObject &mdValueOut, size_t id) const =0
doublereal * x
#define i
void selfScaleToSize(int SplineDegree, MultidimArrayGeneric &V1, int Xdim, int Ydim, int Zdim)
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
#define rotate(a, i, j, k, l)
void computeStats_within_binary_mask(const MultidimArray< T1 > &mask, const MultidimArray< T > &m, double &min_val, double &max_val, double &avg, double &stddev)
Definition: mask.h:799
doublereal * d
double theta
#define CHECK_POINT_3D(k, i, j)
void rotation3DMatrix(double ang, char axis, Matrix2D< double > &result, bool homogeneous)
double mutualInformation(const MultidimArray< T > &x, const MultidimArray< T > &y, int nx, int ny, const MultidimArray< int > *mask)
Definition: filters.cpp:4291
#define STARTINGY(v)
Matrix2D< double > centerImage(MultidimArray< double > &I, CorrelationAux &aux, RotationalCorrelationAux &aux2, int Niter, bool limitShift)
Definition: filters.cpp:3277
void detectBackground(const MultidimArray< double > &vol, MultidimArray< double > &mask, double alpha, double &final_mean)
Definition: filters.cpp:197
void laplacian(const MultidimArray< double > &img, MultidimArray< std::complex< double > > &fimg, bool direct)
Definition: filters.cpp:3857
#define CLIP(x, x0, xF)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:260
#define MAT_ELEM(m, i, j)
Definition: matrix2d.h:116
void threshold(double *phi, unsigned long nvox, double limit)
Definition: lib_vwk.cpp:524
#define A3D_ELEM(V, k, i, j)
double Update_edge_Shah(MultidimArray< double > &img, MultidimArray< double > &surface_strength, MultidimArray< double > &edge_strength, double K, const Matrix1D< double > &W)
Definition: filters.cpp:2657
constexpr float ROTATE_THRESHOLD
Definition: filters.cpp:2043
void varianceFilter(MultidimArray< double > &I, int kernelSize, bool relative)
Definition: filters.cpp:775
void solve(const Matrix2D< T > &A, const Matrix2D< T > &b, Matrix2D< T > &result)
#define DIRECT_A1D_ELEM(v, i)
double best_rotation(const Polar< std::complex< double > > &I1, const Polar< std::complex< double > > &I2, RotationalCorrelationAux &aux)
Definition: polar.cpp:212
doublereal * b
void closing3D(const MultidimArray< double > &in, MultidimArray< double > &out, int neig, int count, int size)
Definition: morphology.cpp:422
int ntot
void index2val(double i, double &v) const
Definition: histogram.h:295
#define FLOOR(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:240
void log(Image< double > &op)
T computeMin() const
void window(MultidimArray< T1 > &result, int n0, int z0, int y0, int x0, int nF, int zF, int yF, int xF, T1 init_value=0) const
void computeAlignmentTransforms(const MultidimArray< double > &I, AlignmentTransforms &ITransforms, AlignmentAux &aux, CorrelationAux &aux2)
Definition: filters.cpp:2035
#define y0
char axis
const char * getParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
#define DAUB12
Definition: wavelet.h:39
void compute_hist(const MultidimArrayGeneric &array, Histogram1D &hist, int no_steps)
Definition: histogram.cpp:572
double * lambda
#define x0
#define XX(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:85
MultidimArray< double > I12
Definition: filters.h:574
void setReal(MultidimArray< double > &img)
Definition: xmipp_fftw.cpp:129
double unnormalizedGaussian2D(const Matrix1D< double > &r, const Matrix1D< double > &mu, const Matrix2D< double > &sigmainv)
Definition: filters.cpp:2379
void distanceTransform(const MultidimArray< int > &in, MultidimArray< int > &out, bool wrap)
Definition: filters.cpp:584
void binarize(double val=0, double accuracy=XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY, MultidimArray< int > *mask=NULL)
viol index
viol type
#define CEIL(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:225
static void defineParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3617
int in
void DWT(const MultidimArray< T > &v, MultidimArray< double > &result, int isign=1)
Definition: wavelet.h:83
double correlationWeighted(MultidimArray< double > &I1, MultidimArray< double > &I2)
Definition: filters.cpp:1457
void matrixOperation_AtB(const Matrix2D< double > &A, const Matrix2D< double > &B, Matrix2D< double > &C)
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:475
int mu1
double EntropyOtsuSegmentation(MultidimArray< double > &V, double percentil, bool binarizeVolume)
Definition: filters.cpp:1145
void computeAvgStddev(const std::vector< T > &V, double &avg, double &stddev)
Definition: xmipp_funcs.h:358
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:119
Flip the image? (bool)
bool sameShape(const MultidimArrayBase &op) const
MultidimArray< double > corr
Definition: filters.h:572
Definition: filters.cpp:2044
void produceSplineCoefficients(int SplineDegree, MultidimArray< double > &coeffs, const MultidimArray< T > &V1)
void resize(size_t Xdim, bool copy=true)
Definition: matrix1d.h:410
void apply(MultidimArray< double > &img)
Definition: filters.cpp:3902
double imedDistance(const MultidimArray< double > &I1, const MultidimArray< double > &I2)
Definition: filters.cpp:1269
void alignSetOfImages(MetaData &MD, MultidimArray< double > &Iavg, int Niter, bool considerMirror)
Definition: filters.cpp:2199
#define XSIZE(v)
void write(const FileName &fn) const
double dx
void max(Image< double > &op1, const Image< double > &op2)
Error related to numerical calculation.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:179
Polar< std::complex< double > > polarFourierI
Definition: filters.h:515
void removeSmallComponents(MultidimArray< double > &I, int size, int neighbourhood)
Definition: filters.cpp:689
void contrastEnhancement(Image< double > *I)
Definition: filters.cpp:327
#define ABS(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:142
MultidimArray< double > rotationalCorr
Definition: filters.h:513
void apply(MultidimArray< double > &img)
Definition: filters.cpp:3717
void regionGrowing2D(const MultidimArray< double > &I_in, MultidimArray< double > &I_out, int i, int j, float stop_colour, float filling_colour, bool less, int neighbourhood)
Definition: filters.cpp:340
#define ZSIZE(v)
double z
double getValue(double x) const
void denoiseTVproj(const MultidimArray< double > &X, const MultidimArray< double > &Y, double theta, MultidimArray< double > &dold)
Definition: filters.cpp:4108
void apply(MultidimArray< double > &img)
Definition: filters.cpp:3812
#define ROUND(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:210
void matrixOperation_ABt(const Matrix2D< double > &A, const Matrix2D< double > &B, Matrix2D< double > &C)
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:462
void computeEdges(const MultidimArray< double > &vol, MultidimArray< double > &vol_edge)
Definition: filters.cpp:3517
Maximum cross-correlation for the image (double)
static void defineParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3660
void log10(Image< double > &op)
Matrix1D< double > vectorR2(double x, double y)
Definition: matrix1d.cpp:884
double dummy
MultidimArray< std::complex< double > > FFT1
Definition: xmipp_fftw.h:554
#define xF
void initZeros()
Definition: matrix1d.h:592
#define NZYX_ELEM(v, l, k, i, j)
void smoothingShah(MultidimArray< double > &img, MultidimArray< double > &surface_strength, MultidimArray< double > &edge_strength, const Matrix1D< double > &W, int OuterLoops, int InnerLoops, int RefinementLoops, bool adjust_range)
Definition: filters.cpp:2720
void sort(struct DCEL_T *dcel)
Definition: sorting.cpp:18
#define DIRECT_A3D_ELEM(v, k, i, j)
#define SPEED_UP_temps
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:419
void FourierTransform(T &v, T1 &V, bool getCopy=true)
Definition: xmipp_fftw.h:166
__device__ float FFT_IDX2DIGFREQ(int idx, int size)
static void defineParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3788
MultidimArray< double > I1
Definition: filters.h:573
#define XMIPP_MIN(x, y)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:181
#define MAXFLOAT
Definition: data_types.h:47
void svdcmp(const Matrix2D< T > &a, Matrix2D< double > &u, Matrix1D< double > &w, Matrix2D< double > &v)
Definition: matrix2d.cpp:125
#define NEXT_POWER_OF_2(x)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:374
void rotation2DMatrix(T ang, Matrix2D< T > &result, bool homogeneous)
#define j
void scaleToSize(int SplineDegree, MultidimArrayGeneric &V2, const MultidimArrayGeneric &V1, int Xdim, int Ydim, int Zdim)
#define YY(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:93
void pixelDesvFilter(MultidimArray< T > &V, double thresFactor)
Definition: filters.h:1378
double bestRotationAroundZ(const MultidimArray< double > &Iref, const MultidimArray< double > &I, CorrelationAux &aux, VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
Definition: filters.cpp:2356
int m
void copyShape(const MultidimArrayBase &m)
template void polarFourierTransform< true >(MultidimArray< double > const &, Polar< double > &, Polar< std::complex< double > > &, bool, int, int, Polar_fftw_plans *&, int)
T fastCorrelation(const MultidimArray< T > &x, const MultidimArray< T > &y)
Definition: filters.h:328
#define CHECK_POINT(i, j)
void apply(MultidimArray< double > &img)
Definition: filters.cpp:3689
bool setValue(const MDLabel label, const T &valueIn, size_t id)
void apply(MultidimArray< double > &img)
Definition: filters.cpp:3654
void regionGrowing3DEqualValue(const MultidimArray< double > &V_in, MultidimArray< int > &V_out, int filling_value=0)
Definition: filters.cpp:499
void matlab_filter(Matrix1D< double > &B, Matrix1D< double > &A, const MultidimArray< double > &X, MultidimArray< double > &Y, MultidimArray< double > &Z)
Definition: filters.cpp:4256
constexpr double SHIFT_THRESHOLD
Definition: filters.cpp:2042
#define FINISHINGY(v)
Definition: filters.cpp:2719
MultidimArray< double > I123
Definition: filters.h:575
void regionGrowing3D(const MultidimArray< double > &V_in, MultidimArray< double > &V_out, int k, int i, int j, float stop_colour, float filling_colour, bool less)
Definition: filters.cpp:412
Definition: polar.h:67
int labelImage2D(const MultidimArray< double > &I, MultidimArray< double > &label, int neighbourhood)
Definition: filters.cpp:648
void boundMedianFilter(MultidimArray< T > &V, const MultidimArray< char > &mask, int n=0)
Definition: filters.h:1309
void fillBinaryObject(MultidimArray< double > &I, int neighbourhood)
Definition: filters.cpp:758
double fastBestRotationAroundX(const MultidimArray< double > &IrefCyl, const MultidimArray< double > &I, CorrelationAux &aux, VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2)
Definition: filters.cpp:2304
double Update_surface_Shah(MultidimArray< double > &img, MultidimArray< double > &surface_strength, MultidimArray< double > &edge_strength, const Matrix1D< double > &W)
Definition: filters.cpp:2577
void translate(PDB *pdb_original, PDB *pdb_move, unsigned num_atoms, double x0, double y0, double z0)
Definition: lib_pwk.cpp:125
double bestShiftRealSpace(const MultidimArray< double > &I1, MultidimArray< double > &I2, double &shiftX, double &shiftY, const MultidimArray< int > *mask, int maxShift, double shiftStep)
Definition: filters.cpp:1989
MultidimArray< double > IrefCyl
Definition: filters.h:570
FourierTransformer local_transformer
Definition: polar.h:794
void typeCast(const Matrix1D< T1 > &v1, Matrix1D< T2 > &v2)
Definition: matrix1d.h:1227
void readParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3712
void logFilter(MultidimArray< T > &V, double a, double b, double c)
Definition: filters.h:1411
void keepBiggestComponent(MultidimArray< double > &I, double percentage, int neighbourhood)
Definition: filters.cpp:713
void medianFilter3x3(MultidimArray< T > &m, MultidimArray< T > &out)
Definition: filters.h:1088
void readParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3674
double interpolatedElementBSplineDiffX(MultidimArray< double > &vol, double x, double y, double z, int SplineDegree)
std::string String
Definition: xmipp_strings.h:34
double psi(const double x)
void readParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3579
double svdCorrelation(const MultidimArray< double > &I1, const MultidimArray< double > &I2, const MultidimArray< int > *mask)
Definition: filters.cpp:1535
void substractBackgroundRollingBall(MultidimArray< double > &I, int radius)
Definition: filters.cpp:75
void initZeros()
Definition: matrix2d.h:626
#define realWRAP(x, x0, xF)
Definition: xmipp_macros.h:304
int mu
constexpr double LOG2
Definition: filters.h:33
double tomographicDiffusion(MultidimArray< double > &V, const Matrix1D< double > &alpha, double lambda)
Definition: filters.cpp:2764
void IDWT(const MultidimArray< double > &v, MultidimArray< double > &result)
Definition: wavelet.cpp:159
doublereal * u
template float bestShift(MultidimArray< float > &, float &, float &, const MultidimArray< int > *, int)
Matrix2D< double > R
Definition: filters.h:510
void copy(Matrix2D< T > &op1) const
bool checkParam(const char *param)
void forceDWTSparsity(MultidimArray< double > &V, double eps)
Definition: filters.cpp:3539
void fillTriangle(MultidimArray< double > &img, int *tx, int *ty, double color)
Definition: filters.cpp:3012
void noisyZonesFilter(MultidimArray< double > &I, int kernelSize)
Definition: filters.cpp:870
int read(const FileName &name, DataMode datamode=DATA, size_t select_img=ALL_IMAGES, bool mapData=false, int mode=WRITE_READONLY)
constexpr int K
float r2
Matrix1D< T > sort() const
Definition: matrix1d.cpp:850
double EntropySegmentation(MultidimArray< double > &V)
Definition: filters.cpp:1078
Matrix2D< double > ARS
Definition: filters.h:508
double interpolatedElementBSplineDiffY(MultidimArray< double > &vol, double x, double y, double z, int SplineDegree)
Polar< std::complex< double > > polarFourierI
Definition: filters.h:525
Shift for the image in the Y axis (double)
void initZeros(const MultidimArray< T1 > &op)
double computeAvg() const
static void defineParams(XmippProgram *program)
Definition: filters.cpp:3835
void localThresholding(MultidimArray< double > &img, double C, double dimLocal, MultidimArray< int > &result, MultidimArray< int > *mask)
Definition: filters.cpp:3164
int labelImage3D(const MultidimArray< double > &V, MultidimArray< double > &label)
Definition: filters.cpp:669
#define PI
Definition: tools.h:43
int getIntParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
double epsilon
double alignImagesConsideringMirrors(const MultidimArray< double > &Iref, const AlignmentTransforms &IrefTransforms, MultidimArray< double > &I, Matrix2D< double > &M, AlignmentAux &aux, CorrelationAux &aux2, RotationalCorrelationAux &aux3, bool wrap, const MultidimArray< int > *mask)
Definition: filters.cpp:2150
double fastBestRotation(const MultidimArray< double > &IrefCyl, const MultidimArray< double > &Icyl, CorrelationAux &aux, VolumeAlignmentAux &aux2, double deltaAng)
Definition: filters.cpp:2255
#define yF
void substractBackgroundPlane(MultidimArray< double > &I)
Definition: filters.cpp:40
#define STARTINGZ(v)
void denoiseTVgradient(double mu, const MultidimArray< double > &X, const MultidimArray< double > &Y, double s, double q, double lambda, double sigmag, double g, MultidimArray< double > &gradientI)
Definition: filters.cpp:4017
int * n
Name of an image (std::string)
#define ZZ(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:101
doublereal * a
double sum() const
double denoiseTVenergy(double mu, const MultidimArray< double > &X, const MultidimArray< double > &Y, double s, double q, double lambda, double sigmag, double g)
Definition: filters.cpp:3959
#define LOWPASS
void addParamsLine(const String &line)
void indexSort(MultidimArray< int > &indx) const
double * xnew
void statisticsAdjust(U avgF, U stddevF)
void initIdentity()
Definition: matrix2d.h:673
void applyMaskSpace(MultidimArray< double > &v)
void covarianceMatrix(const MultidimArray< double > &I, Matrix2D< double > &C)
Definition: filters.cpp:1582
void volume_convertCartesianToCylindrical(const MultidimArray< double > &in, MultidimArray< double > &out, double Rmin, double Rmax, double deltaR, float angMin, double angMax, float deltaAng, Matrix1D< double > &axis)
Definition: polar.cpp:305
T computeMax() const
void inertiaMoments(const MultidimArray< double > &img, const MultidimArray< int > *mask, Matrix1D< double > &v_out, Matrix2D< double > &u)
Definition: filters.cpp:2970
void apply(MultidimArray< double > &img)
Definition: filters.cpp:3775
double * delta