Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  * Authors: Joaquin Oton (joton@cnb.csic.es)
3  *
4  *
5  * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
20  * 02111-1307 USA
21  *
22  * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
23  * e-mail address 'xmipp@cnb.csic.es'
24  ***************************************************************************/
26 #include "xmipp_image_base.h"
27 #include "metadata_vec.h"
28 #include "xmipp_funcs.h"
36 struct DM4head
37 {
40  int byteOrder;
41  char sorted;
42  char open;
43  int nTags;
45  int nIm;
46 };
52 {
53  double CalibrationOffsetX; //CalibrationOffsetX
54  double pixelWidth; //CalibrationDeltaX
55  int CalibrationElementX; //CalibrationElementX
56  double CalibrationOffsetY; //CalibrationOffsetY
57  double pixelHeight; //CalibrationDeltaY
58  int CalibrationElementY; //CalibrationElementY
59  short int dataType; //DataType
60  int imageWidth; //ArraySizeX
61  int imageHeight; //ArraySizeY
62  int imageDepth; //ArraySizeZ
63  short int dataTypeSize;
64  size_t headerSize;
65  bool flip;
66 };
72 {
73  DataType datatype;
75  switch(nType)
76  {
77  case 2: // (02h = 2 i2* signed (short)
78  datatype = DT_Short;
79  break;
80  case 3: // 03h = 3 i4* signed (long)
81  datatype = DT_Int;
82  break;
83  case 4: // 04h = 4 i2* unsigned (ushort) or unicode string
84  datatype = DT_UShort;
85  break;
86  case 5: // 05h = 5 i4* unsigned (ulong)
87  datatype = DT_UInt;
88  break;
89  case 6: // 06h = 6 f4* (float)
90  datatype = DT_Float;
91  break;
92  case 7: // 07h = 7 f8* (double)
93  datatype = DT_Double;
94  break;
95  case 8: // 08h = 8 i1 (boolean)
96  datatype = DT_Bool;
97  break;
98  case 9: // 0ah = 10 i1
99  datatype = DT_SChar;
100  break;
101  case 10: // 0ah = 10 i1
102  datatype = DT_SChar;
103  break;
104  case 11: // 0ah = 10 i1
105  datatype = DT_ULong;
106  break;
107  case 12: // 0ah = 10 i1
108  datatype = DT_Long;
109  break;
110  default:
111  datatype = DT_Unknown;
112  break;
113  }
114  return datatype;
115 }
120 void FREADTagValueDM4(double *fieldValue,int numberType,int n,FILE* fimg, bool swap)
121 {
122  DataType datatype = datatypeDM4(numberType);
123  size_t datatypesize=gettypesize(datatype);
125  xmippFREAD(fieldValue, datatypesize, n, fimg, swap);
127  switch(numberType)
128  {
129  case 2: // (02h = 2 i2* signed (short)
130  {
131  short* sValue = (short*) fieldValue;
132  *fieldValue = (double) *sValue;
133  break;
134  }
135  case 3: // 03h = 3 i4* signed (long)
136  {
137  int* iValue = (int*) fieldValue;
138  *fieldValue = (double) *iValue;
139  break;
140  }
141  case 4: // 04h = 4 i2* unsigned (ushort) or unicode string
142  {
143  unsigned short* usValue = (unsigned short*) fieldValue;
144  *fieldValue = (double) *usValue;
145  break;
146  }
147  case 5: // 05h = 5 i4* unsigned (ulong)
148  {
149  unsigned int* uiValue = (unsigned int*) fieldValue;
150  *fieldValue = (double) *uiValue;
151  break;
152  }
153  case 6: // 06h = 6 f4* (float)
154  {
155  float* fValue = (float*) fieldValue;
156  *fieldValue = (double) *fValue;
157  break;
158  }
159  case 7: // 07h = 7 f8* (double)
160  {
161  // double* caca = (double*) fieldValue;
162  break;
163  }
164  case 8: // 08h = 8 i1 (boolean)
165  {
166  bool* bValue = (bool*) fieldValue;
167  *fieldValue = (double) *bValue;
168  break;
169  }
170  case 9: // 0ah = 10 i1
171  case 10: // 0ah = 10 i1
172  {
173  char* cValue = (char*) fieldValue;
174  *fieldValue = (double) *cValue;
175  break;
176  }
177  case 11: // 0ah = 10 i1
178  {
179  unsigned long* cValue = (unsigned long*) fieldValue;
180  *fieldValue = (double) *cValue;
181  break;
182  }
183  case 12: // 0ah = 10 i1
184  {
185  long* cValue = (long*) fieldValue;
186  *fieldValue = (double) *cValue;
187  break;
188  }
189  default:
190  {
191  break;
192  }
193  }
194 }
199 double readTagDM4(FILE *fimg, DM4head *header, int parentId, int &nodeId, bool isLE, bool swap)
200 {
201  /* Header Tag ============================================================== */
202  unsigned char cdTag;
203  unsigned short int ltName;
205  xmippFREAD(&cdTag,sizeof (unsigned char),1,fimg,false); // Identification tag: 20 = tag dir, 21 = tag
206  xmippFREAD(&ltName,sizeof(unsigned short int), 1,fimg,isLE); // Length of the tag name
207  int idTag = int(cdTag);
209  std::string stagName;
211  if (ltName > 0)
212  {
213  char * tagName = new char[ltName+1];
214  xmippFREAD(tagName,1,ltName,fimg,false); // Tag name
215  tagName[ltName] = '\0';
216  stagName = tagName;
217  delete [] tagName;
218  }
220  /*total bytes in tag/tag directory including all sub-directories
221  * (new for DM4). Actually, we don't use it*/
222  fseek(fimg, 8, SEEK_CUR);
224  size_t id = header->tags.addObject();
226  nodeId++;
227  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_NODEID, nodeId, id);
228  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_PARENTID, parentId, id);
229  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_IDTAG, idTag, id);
230  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_TAGNAME, stagName, id);
232  /* Reading tags ===================================================================*/
233  if (idTag == 20) // Tag directory
234  {
235  unsigned char dummy;
236  int nTags;
237  xmippFREAD(&dummy,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fimg,false); // 1 = sorted (normally = 1)
238  xmippFREAD(&dummy,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fimg,false); // 0 = closed, 1 = open (normally = 0)
240  xmippFREAD(&nTags,sizeof(long),1,fimg,isLE); // number of tags in tag directory
243  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_TAGCLASS,(std::string) "Dir", id);
244  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_SIZE, nTags, id);
246  parentId = nodeId;
247  for (int n=1;n<=nTags;n++) // Rest of directories
248  {
249  readTagDM4(fimg, header, parentId, nodeId, isLE, swap);
250  }
251  return 0;
252  }
253  else if (idTag == 21) // Tag
254  {
255  unsigned int nnum;
256  char buf[4]; // to read %%%% symbols
258  xmippFREAD(&buf,1,4,fimg,false); // To read %%%% symbols
259  xmippFREAD(&nnum,sizeof(long),1,fimg,isLE); // Size of info array
261  size_t * info;
262  info = new size_t[nnum];
263  xmippFREAD(info,sizeof(long),nnum,fimg,isLE); // Reading of Info
265  /* Tag classification =======================================*/
267  if (nnum == 1) // Single entry tag
268  {
269  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_TAGCLASS,(std::string) "Single", id);
271  double tagValue = 0;
273  FREADTagValueDM4(&tagValue,info[0],1,fimg,swap);
275  std::vector<double> vtagValue(1);
276  vtagValue.assign(1,tagValue);
278  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_NUMBER_TYPE, (int) info[0], id);
279  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vtagValue, id);
280  delete []info;
281  return tagValue;
282  }
283  else if(nnum == 3 && info[0]==20) // Tag array
284  {
285  /*nnum = 3
286  info(0) = 20
287  info(1) = number type for all values
288  info(2) = info(nnum) = size of array*/
290  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_TAGCLASS,(std::string) "Array", id);
292  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_NUMBER_TYPE, (int)info[1], id);
293  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_SIZE, (int) info[nnum-1], id);
294  std::vector<double> vtagValue(1);
295  vtagValue.assign(1,(double) ftell(fimg));
297  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vtagValue, id);
299  // Jump the array values
300  int k;
301  if(info[1] == 2 || info[1] == 4)
302  k = 2;
303  else if(info[1] == 3 || info[1] == 5 || info[1] == 6)
304  k = 4;
305  else if(info[1] == 10 )
306  k = 1;
307  else
308  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_ARG_INCORRECT,formatString("unsupported value info[1]=%d, read at %d",info[1],ftell(fimg)));
310  fseek( fimg, ftell(fimg)+(info[nnum-1])*k , SEEK_SET );
311  delete []info;
312  return 0;
313  }
314  else if (info[0]==20 && info[1] == 15) // Tag Group array
315  {
316  /*nnum = size of array
317  info(0) = 20 (array)
318  info(1) = 15 (group)
319  info(2) = 0 (always 0)
320  info(3) = number of values in group
321  info(2*i+3) = number type for value i
322  info(nnum) = size of info array*/
324  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_TAGCLASS, (std::string) "GroupArray", id);
325  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_SIZE, (int)info[3], id);
326  int nBytes=0, k;
327  double fieldValue;
328  for (int n=1;n<=info[3];n++)
329  {
330  fieldValue=0;
331  FREADTagValueDM4(&fieldValue,info[3+2*n],1,fimg,swap);
333  if(info[3+2*n] == 2 || info[3+2*n] == 4)
334  k = 2;
335  else if(info[3+2*n] == 3 || info[3+2*n] == 5)
336  k = 4;
337  else if(info[3+2*n] == 10 )
338  k = 1;
339  nBytes+=k;
340  }
342  // Jump the array values
343  fseek( fimg, ftell(fimg)+(info[nnum-1]-1)*nBytes , SEEK_SET );
344  delete []info;
345  return 0;
346  }
347  else if (info[0] == 15) // Tag Group (struct)
348  {
349  /* info[1] = length group name (always =0)
350  info[2] = number of entries in group */
351  /*nnum = size of info array
352  info(1) = 0fh
353  info(3) = number of values in group
354  info(2*i+3) = number type for value i
355  Other info entries are always zero*/
357  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_TAGCLASS, (std::string) "Group", id);
358  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_SIZE,(int) info[2], id);
359  std::vector<double> vtagValue((int)info[2]);
360  for (int n=1;n<=info[2];n++)
361  {
362  double fieldValue=0;
363  FREADTagValueDM4(&fieldValue,info[2+2*n],1,fimg,swap);
364  vtagValue.assign(n,fieldValue);
365  }
366  header->tags.setValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vtagValue, id);
367  delete []info;
368  return 0;
369  }
370  delete []info;
371  }
372  return 0;
373 }
378 int parentDM4(MetaData &MD, int nodeId, int depth = 1)
379 {
380  for (int n = 0; n < depth; n++)
381  {
384  if (nodeId == 0)
385  break;
386  }
387  return nodeId;
388 }
393 size_t gotoTagDM4(MetaData &MD, int &nodeId, const std::string &tagsList)
394 {
395  std::string tag;
396  std::vector<std::string> vTags;
397  splitString(tagsList,",",vTags, false);
398  size_t id=0;
400  MDValueEQ queryParentId(MDL_DM3_PARENTID,-1), queryTagname(MDL_DM3_TAGNAME,tag);
401  MDMultiQuery queries;
403  queries.addAndQuery(queryParentId);
404  queries.addAndQuery(queryTagname);
406  for (size_t n = 0; n < vTags.size(); n++)
407  {
408  tag = vTags[n];
410  queryParentId.setValue(nodeId);
411  queryTagname.setValue(tag);
412  id = MD.firstObject(queries);
413  if (id != BAD_OBJID)
414  {
415  MD.getValue(MDL_DM3_NODEID, nodeId, id);
416  }
417  }
418  return id;
419 }
425 void printDM4node(const MetaData &MD, size_t id)
426 {
427  std::string tag;
428  MD.getValue(MDL_DM3_TAGNAME, tag, id);
430  int nodeId;
431  MD.getValue(MDL_DM3_NODEID, nodeId, id);
433  for (int i = 0; i < spaceDM4; i++)
434  std::cout << " ";
436  std::cout << tag << std::endl;
438  std::vector<size_t> vObjs;
439  MD.findObjects(vObjs, MDValueEQ(MDL_DM3_PARENTID, nodeId));
441  spaceDM4 += 3;
443  for (size_t i = 0; i < vObjs.size(); i++)
444  printDM4node(MD, vObjs[i]);
446  spaceDM4 -= 3;
448 }
453 void printDM4(const MetaData &MD)
454 {
455  std::vector<size_t> vObjs;
456  spaceDM4 = 0;
457  MD.findObjects(vObjs,MDValueEQ(MDL_DM3_PARENTID, 0));
459  for (size_t i = 0; i < vObjs.size(); i++)
460  printDM4node(MD, vObjs[i]);
461 }
466 int ImageBase::readDM4(size_t select_img,bool isStack)
467 {
468 #undef DEBUG
469  //#define DEBUG
470 #ifdef DEBUG
471  printf("DEBUG readDM4: Reading DM4 file\n");
472 #endif
474  DM4head * header = new DM4head;
475  int dummy;
477  // Check Machine endianness
478  bool isLE = IsLittleEndian();
480  xmippFREAD(&header->fileVersion, sizeof(int), 1, fimg, isLE);
481  xmippFREAD(&dummy, sizeof(long), 1, fimg, isLE);
482  xmippFREAD(&header->byteOrder, sizeof(int), 1, fimg, isLE);
484  // Set Endianess
485  swap = (isLE^header->byteOrder);
487  if ( header->fileVersion!=4 )
488  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_IO_NOREAD, "readDM4: Input file is not Digital Micrograph 3 format.");
490  xmippFREAD(&header->sorted, sizeof(char), 1, fimg, false);
491  xmippFREAD(&header->open, sizeof(char), 1, fimg, false);
492  xmippFREAD(&header->nTags, sizeof(long), 1, fimg, isLE);
494  header->tags.addLabel(MDL_DM3_NODEID);
495  header->tags.addLabel(MDL_DM3_PARENTID);
496  header->tags.addLabel(MDL_DM3_IDTAG);
497  header->tags.addLabel(MDL_DM3_TAGNAME);
498  header->tags.addLabel(MDL_DM3_TAGCLASS);
499  header->tags.addLabel(MDL_DM3_SIZE);
501  header->tags.addLabel(MDL_DM3_VALUE);
503  int nodeID = 0, parentID = 0;
505  for (int n=1;n<=header->nTags;n++)
506  readTagDM4(fimg, header, parentID, nodeID, isLE, swap);
508 //#define DEBUG
509 #ifdef DEBUG
511  header->tags.write("images.txt");
512  printDM4(header->tags);
513 #endif
516  //std::vector<size_t> vIm;
517  //header->tags.findObjects(vIm, );
519  header->nIm = 0;
520  std::vector<DM4dataHead> dataHeaders;
521  DM4dataHead dhRef;
523  std::vector<double> vValue;
524  int iValue;
526  //Initialize query for later use
527  MDValueEQ queryNodeId(MDL_DM3_NODEID, -1);
529  std::vector<size_t> objIdsDataType;
530  header->tags.findObjects(objIdsDataType, MDValueEQ(MDL_DM3_TAGNAME,(String)"DataType"));
532  for (size_t objId : objIdsDataType)
533  // Read all the image headers
534  //for (int n = 0; n < vIm.size(); n++)
535  {
536  //header->tags.goToObject(vIm[n]);
537  header->tags.getValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vValue, objId);
539  if (vValue[0] != 23) //avoid thumb images
540  {
541  dataHeaders.push_back(dhRef);
543  parentID = parentDM4(header->tags, objId, 2);
545  size_t id;
546  nodeID = parentID;
547  id = gotoTagDM4(header->tags, nodeID, "ImageData,Data");
548  header->tags.getValue(MDL_DM3_NUMBER_TYPE, iValue, id);
549  dataHeaders[header->nIm].dataType = (short int) iValue;
551  header->tags.getValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vValue, id);
552  dataHeaders[header->nIm].headerSize = (size_t) vValue[0];
554  nodeID = parentID;
555  id = gotoTagDM4(header->tags, nodeID, "ImageData,Dimensions");
557  int nDims;
558  header->tags.getValue(MDL_DM3_SIZE, nDims, id);
560  nodeID++;
561  queryNodeId.setValue(nodeID);
562  id = header->tags.firstObject(queryNodeId);
563  header->tags.getValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vValue, id);
564  dataHeaders[header->nIm].imageWidth = (int) vValue[0];
566  nodeID++;
567  queryNodeId.setValue(nodeID);
568  id = header->tags.firstObject(queryNodeId);
569  header->tags.getValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vValue, id);
570  dataHeaders[header->nIm].imageHeight = (int) vValue[0];
572  if (nDims ==3 )
573  {
574  nodeID++;
575  queryNodeId.setValue(nodeID);
576  id = header->tags.firstObject(queryNodeId);
577  header->tags.getValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vValue, id);
578  dataHeaders[header->nIm].imageDepth = (int) vValue[0];
579  } else
580  dataHeaders[header->nIm].imageDepth = 1;
582  nodeID++;
583  queryNodeId.setValue(nodeID);
584  id = header->tags.firstObject(queryNodeId);
585  header->tags.getValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vValue, id);
586  dataHeaders[header->nIm].dataTypeSize = (short int) vValue[0];
588  nodeID = parentID;
589  id = gotoTagDM4(header->tags, nodeID, "ImageTags,Acquisition,Frame,CCD,Pixel Size (um)");
590  // header->tags.nextObject();
591  if (id != BAD_OBJID)
592  {
593  header->tags.getValue(MDL_DM3_VALUE, vValue, id);
594  dataHeaders[header->nIm].pixelHeight = vValue[0]*1e4;
595  dataHeaders[header->nIm].pixelWidth = vValue[1]*1e4;
596  }
598  //TODO: Do I have to include FLIP?!?!? which? vertical or horizontal?
599  header->nIm++;
600  }
602  }
604  if (dataHeaders.size() == 0)
605  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_IMG_NOREAD,formatString("readDM4: Image information not found in file %s",filename.c_str()));
607  int _xDim,_yDim, _zDim;
608  size_t _nDim;
609  _xDim = dataHeaders[0].imageWidth;
610  _yDim = dataHeaders[0].imageHeight;
611  _zDim = 1;
612  _nDim = dataHeaders[0].imageDepth;
613  //_nDim = header->nIm;
615  // Map the parameters
616  if (select_img > _nDim)
617  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS, formatString("readDM4: Image number %lu exceeds stack size %lu", select_img, _nDim));
618  else if (select_img == ALL_IMAGES)
619  {
620 // // Check images dimensions. Need to be the same
621 // for (size_t i = 1; i < _nDim ; i++)
622 // {
623 // if (dataHeaders[0].imageHeight != dataHeaders[i].imageHeight || \
624 // dataHeaders[0].imageWidth != dataHeaders[i].imageWidth || \
625 // dataHeaders[0].dataType != dataHeaders[i].dataType)
626 // REPORT_ERROR(ERR_IMG_NOREAD, "readDM4: images in DM4 file with different \
627 // dimensions and data types are not currently supported. Try to read them individually.");
628 // }
629 // //FIXME: Code is not totally implemented to load automatically multiple images if they have same size.
630 // //if (_nDim > 1)
631 // // REPORT_ERROR(ERR_IO_NOREAD, "readDM4: Reading multiple \
632 // images at once in DM4 file are not currently supported. Try to read them individually.");
633  }
634  else
635  _nDim = 1;
637  setDimensions(_xDim, _yDim, _zDim, _nDim);
639  size_t imgStart = IMG_INDEX(select_img);
640  size_t imgEnd = (select_img != ALL_IMAGES) ? imgStart + 1 : _nDim;
642  DataType datatype = datatypeDM4(dataHeaders[0].dataType);
644  MDMainHeader.setValue(MDL_SAMPLINGRATE_X,(double)dataHeaders[0].pixelWidth);
645  MDMainHeader.setValue(MDL_SAMPLINGRATE_Y,(double)dataHeaders[0].pixelHeight);
646  MDMainHeader.setValue(MDL_DATATYPE,(int)datatype);
648  if (dataMode == HEADER) // Stop reading if not necessary
649  {
650  delete header;
651  return 0;
652  }
654  MD.clear();
655  for (size_t i = 0; i < imgEnd-imgStart; i++)
656  MD.push_back(std::unique_ptr<MDRowVec>(new MDRowVec(MDL::emptyHeaderVec())));
657  offset = dataHeaders[0].headerSize;
658  delete header;
660  if( dataMode < DATA )
661  return 0;
663 #undef DEBUG
664 #ifdef DEBUG
666  MDMainHeader.write(std::cerr);
667  MD.write(std::cerr);
668 #endif
670  size_t pad = 0;
671  readData(fimg, select_img, datatype, pad);
673  return(0);
674 }
676 int ImageBase::writeDM4(size_t img_select, bool isStack, int mode)
677 {
678  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_IO_NOWRITE, "ERROR: writeDM4 is not implemented.");
679 }
double pixelHeight
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:57
Index out of bounds.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:132
int fileLength
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:39
sampling rate in A/pixel (double)
sampling rate in A/pixel (double)
void addAndQuery(MDQuery &query)
bool IsLittleEndian(void)
short int dataTypeSize
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:63
#define REPORT_ERROR(nerr, ErrormMsg)
Definition: xmipp_error.h:211
double pixelWidth
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:54
Couldn&#39;t write to file.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:140
bool flip
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:65
size_t firstObject(const MDQuery &) const override
if read from file original image datatype, this is an struct defined in image
void write(const FileName &outFile, WriteModeMetaData mode=MD_OVERWRITE) const
virtual size_t firstObject(const MDQuery &) const =0
Cannot read image from file.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:128
int imageDepth
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:62
int fileVersion
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:38
virtual bool getValue(MDObject &mdValueOut, size_t id) const =0
#define i
ql0001_ & k(htemp+1),(cvec+1),(atemp+1),(bj+1),(bl+1),(bu+1),(x+1),(clamda+1), &iout, infoqp, &zero,(w+1), &lenw,(iw+1), &leniw, &glob_grd.epsmac
int parentDM4(MetaData &MD, int nodeId, int depth=1)
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:378
int spaceDM4
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:421
void setValue(T &value)
char open
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:42
short int dataType
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:59
int nIm
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:45
bool setValue(const MDObject &mdValueIn, size_t id)
size_t headerSize
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:64
size_t addObject() override
int splitString(const String &input, const String &delimiter, StringVector &results, bool includeEmpties)
Incorrect argument received.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:113
void findObjects(std::vector< size_t > &objectsOut, const MDQuery &query) const override
int imageHeight
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:61
Couldn&#39;t read from file.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:139
static MDRowVec emptyHeaderVec()
virtual void findObjects(std::vector< size_t > &objectsOut, const MDQuery &query) const =0
void mode
double dummy
char sorted
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:41
int nTags
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:43
double readTagDM4(FILE *fimg, DM4head *header, int parentId, int &nodeId, bool isLE, bool swap)
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:199
void printDM4node(const MetaData &MD, size_t id)
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:425
size_t xmippFREAD(void *dest, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *&fp, bool reverse)
bool getValue(MDObject &mdValueOut, size_t id) const override
bool addLabel(const MDLabel label, int pos=-1) override
int byteOrder
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:40
double CalibrationOffsetX
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:53
int readDM4(size_t img_select, bool isStack=false)
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:466
void printDM4(const MetaData &MD)
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:453
std::string String
Definition: xmipp_strings.h:34
#define ALL_IMAGES
String formatString(const char *format,...)
void FREADTagValueDM4(double *fieldValue, int numberType, int n, FILE *fimg, bool swap)
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:120
#define IMG_INDEX(select_img)
size_t gotoTagDM4(MetaData &MD, int &nodeId, const std::string &tagsList)
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:393
DataType datatypeDM4(int nType)
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:71
int imageWidth
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:60
int * n
MetaDataVec tags
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:44
int CalibrationElementX
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:55
int writeDM4(size_t img_select, bool isStack=false, int mode=WRITE_OVERWRITE)
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:676
int CalibrationElementY
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:58
#define BAD_OBJID
Definition: metadata_base.h:55
double CalibrationOffsetY
Definition: rwDM4.cpp:56
size_t gettypesize(DataType type)
Returns memory size of datatype.