Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  * Authors: Roberto Marabini roberto@cnb.csic.es
3  * J.M. de la Rosa jmdelarosa@cnb.csic.es
4  *
5  * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your param) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
20  * 02111-1307 USA
21  *
22  * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
23  * e-mail address 'xmipp@cnb.csic.es'
24  ***************************************************************************/
26 #include "core/xmipp_program.h"
27 #include "core/metadata_db.h"
28 #include "core/metadata_sql.h"
31 #include "core/xmipp_funcs.h"
34 {
35 private:
36  WriteModeMetaData mode;
37  FileName fn_in, fn_out, fn_md2;
38  MetaDataDb mdIn, md2;
39  MDLabel label;
40  std::vector<MDLabel> labels;
41  String operation, order;
42  bool doWrite;
44 protected:
45  void defineParams()
46  {
47  addUsageLine("Perform several operations on metadata files. ");
48  addUsageLine("If the -o option is not used the original metadata will be modified.");
49  addUsageLine("+ Also you can use the --print option just to print out the result metadata to screen.");
50  addUsageLine("+ The combination of -i and -o without other operations can serve to extract data blocks");
51  addUsageLine("+ inside a metadata and write to an independent one.");
52  addSeeAlsoLine("metadata_import");
54  addParamsLine(" -i <metadata> : Input metadata file");
55  addParamsLine(" [-o <metadata>] : Output metadata file, if not provided result will overwrite input file");
57  addParamsLine(" [--set <set_operation> <md2_file> <label=image> <label2=image2>] : Set operations");
58  addParamsLine(" where <set_operation>");
59  addParamsLine(" union : Union with metadata md2, duplicated values only will appear once");
60  addParamsLine(" union_all : Union with metadata md2, will repeat duplicated values");
61  addParamsLine(" intersection : Intersection with metadata md2");
62  addParamsLine(" subtraction : Subtraction with metadata md2");
63  addParamsLine(" join : Inner join with md2 using label l1");
64  addParamsLine(" natural_join : Natural join with md2 using all common labels");
65  addParamsLine(" inner_join : Inner join with label=label2. No label may be repeated");
66  addParamsLine(" merge : Merge columns with md2, label is ignored");
67  addParamsLine(" : Both metadatas should have same size, and elements should be in same order,");
68  addParamsLine(" : if not, you should use 'join' instead, but this constrain having a common label");
69  addParamsLine(" alias -s; ");
71  addParamsLine("or --operate <operation> : Operations on the metadata structure");
72  addParamsLine(" where <operation>");
73  addParamsLine(" sort <label=image> <order=asc>: Sort metadata using a label as identifier");
74  addParamsLine(" : for sorting according to a component of a vector label");
75  addParamsLine(" : use label:col, e.g., NMADisplacements:0");
76  addParamsLine(" : The first column is column number 0.");
77  addParamsLine(" : order can be asc (ascending) or desc (descending)");
78  addParamsLine(" percentile <labelIn> <labelOut> : Fill a column with the percentile (between 0 and 1) of another column");
79  addParamsLine(" :+The metadata is sorted by labelIn");
80  addParamsLine(" random_subset <size> : Extract a random subset without replacement of this metadata");
81  addParamsLine(" bootstrap : Extract a bootstrap subset (with replacement) of this metadata");
82  addParamsLine(" randomize : Randomize elements of metadata");
83  addParamsLine(" keep_column <labels> : Keep some columns(label list) from metadata");
84  addParamsLine(" drop_column <labels> : Drop some columns(label list) from metadata");
85  addParamsLine(" remove_duplicates <label> : Remove duplicates on a given label");
86  addParamsLine(" rename_column <labels> : Rename a column");
87  addParamsLine(" modify_values <expression> : Use an SQLite expression to modify the metadata");
88  addParamsLine(" : This option requires knowledge of basic SQL syntax(more specific SQLite");
89  addParamsLine(" expand <factor> : Expand the metadata content by union with himself ");
90  addParamsLine(":+ Some of the function allowed are,");
91  addParamsLine(":+ Math: +, -, *, /, abs");
92  addParamsLine(":+ acos, asin, atan, atn2, atan2, acosh, asinh, atanh,");
93  addParamsLine(":+ difference,");
94  addParamsLine(":+ degrees, radians, cos, sin, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh,");
95  addParamsLine(":+ coth, exp,");
96  addParamsLine(":+ log, log10, power, sign, sqrt, square, ceil, floor, pi.");
97  addParamsLine(":+ String: replicate, charindex, leftstr, rightstr, ltrim, rtrim, trim,");
98  addParamsLine(":+ replace, reverse, proper, padl, padr, padc, strfilter.");
100  addParamsLine(":+ Aggregate: max, min, avg, sum, mstdev, variance, mode, median,");
101  addParamsLine(":+ lower_quartile, upper_quartile.");
102  addParamsLine(" alias -e; ");
105  addParamsLine("or --file <file_operation> : File operations");
106  addParamsLine(" where <file_operation>");
107  addParamsLine(" copy <directory> <label=image> : Copy files in metadata md1 to directory path (file names at label column)");
108  addParamsLine(" move <directory> <label=image> : Move files in metadata md1 to directory path (file names at label column)");
109  addParamsLine(" delete <label=image> : Delete files in metadata md1 (file names at label column)");
110  // addParamsLine(" convert2db : Convert metadata to sqlite database");
111  // addParamsLine(" convert2xml : Convert metadata to xml file");
112  addParamsLine(" import_txt <labels> : Import a text file specifying its columns");
113  addParamsLine(" alias -f; ");
115  addParamsLine("or --query <query_operation> : Query operations");
116  addParamsLine(" where <query_operation>");
117  addParamsLine(" select <expression> : Create new metadata with those entries that satisfy the expression");
118  addParamsLine(" count <label> : for each value of a given label create new metadata with the number of times the value appears");
119  addParamsLine(" sum <label1> <label2> : group metadata by label1 and add quantities in label2");
120  addParamsLine(" size : print Metadata size");
121  addParamsLine(" labels : print Metadata labels");
122  addParamsLine(" blocks : print blocks in file");
123  addParamsLine(" alias -q; ");
125  addParamsLine("or --fill <labels> <fill_mode> : Fill a column values(should be of same type)");
126  addParamsLine(" where <fill_mode>");
127  addParamsLine(" constant <value> : Fill with a constant value");
128  addParamsLine(" lineal <init_value> <step> : Fill with a lineal serie starting at init_value with an step");
129  addParamsLine(" rand_uniform <a=0.> <b=1.> : Follow a uniform distribution between a and b");
130  addParamsLine(" rand_gaussian <mean=0.> <stddev=1.> : Follow a gaussian distribution with mean and stddev");
131  addParamsLine(" rand_student <mean=0.> <stddev=1.> <df=3.> : Follow a student distribution with mean, stddev and df degrees of freedom.");
132  addParamsLine(" expand : Treat the column as the filename of an row metadata and expand values");
133  addParamsLine(" alias -l; ");
135  addParamsLine(" [--print ] : Just print medata to stdout, or if -o is specified written to disk.");
136  addParamsLine(" : this option is useful for extrating data blocks inside a metadata.");
137  addParamsLine(" alias -p; ");
139  addParamsLine(" [--mode <mode=overwrite>] : Metadata writing mode.");
140  addParamsLine(" where <mode>");
141  addParamsLine(" overwrite : Replace the content of the file with the Metadata");
142  addParamsLine(" append : Write the Metadata as a new block, removing the old one");
144  addExampleLine(" Concatenate two metadatas. If label is not provided, by default is 'image'", false);
145  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --set union mD2.doc -o out.doc");
146  addExampleLine(" Intersect two metadatas using label 'order_'", false);
147  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --set intersection mD2.doc order_ -o out.doc");
148  addExampleLine(" Combine columns from two metadatas. Be sure of both have same number of rows and also", false);
149  addExampleLine(" there aren't common columns, in that case second metadata columns will be used", false);
150  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --set merge mD2.doc -o out.doc");
151  addExampleLine(" Sort the elements in metadata (using default label 'image').", false);
152  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --operate sort -o out.doc");
153  addExampleLine(" You can also add columns and 'filling' its values with different options", false);
154  addExampleLine("By example, to add the column 'shiftX' with uniform random value between 0 and 10", false);
155  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --fill shiftX rand_uniform 0 10 -o out.doc");
156  addExampleLine("Or for initialize metadata columns 'shiftX' and 'shiftY' with a constant value of 5", false);
157  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc -l \"shiftX shiftY\" constant 5 -o out.doc");
158  addExampleLine("If you have columns that represent the filename of a metadata with other data (ex CTFParams)", false);
159  addExampleLine("you cannot 'expand' the column with the values in that metadata", false);
160  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --fill CTFParams expand -o outExpanded.doc");
161  addExampleLine("For check all options availables for 'filling' mode, use: ", false);
162  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities --help fill");
163  addExampleLine(" write metadata as table in Sqlite3 database. (use xmipp_sqlite3 to visualize results)", false);
164  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i blocknameIn@mD1.doc -o blocknameOut@mD1.sqlite");
165  addExampleLine(" write metadata as xml file.", false);
166  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i blocknameIn@mD1.doc -o blocknameOut@mD1.xml");
167  addExampleLine(" Copy files in metadata to a location. The metadata will be also copied to new location", false);
168  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --file copy /home/pepe/newLocation");
169  addExampleLine(" Delete files in metadata.", false);
170  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --file delete");
171  addExampleLine(" Select elements in metadata that satisfy a given constrain.", false);
172  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --query select \"angleRot > 10 AND anglePsi < 0.5\" -o out.doc");
173  addExampleLine(" You can also modify your data using SQLite syntax expression", false);
174  addExampleLine(" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i a.doc --operate modify_values \"angleRot=2.*angleRot\" -o b.doc");
175  addExampleLine(" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i a.doc --operate modify_values \"angleRot=radians(angleRot)\" -o b.doc");
176  addExampleLine(" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i a.doc --operate modify_values \"angleRot=sin(radians(angleRot))\" -o b.doc");
177  addExampleLine(" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i a.doc --operate modify_values \"angleRot=sqrt(angleRot)\" -o b.doc");
178  addExampleLine(" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i a.doc --operate modify_values \"image=replace(image, 'xmp','spi')\" -o b.doc");
179  addExampleLine(" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i a.doc --operate modify_values \"image='new_prefix_dir/'||image\" -o b.doc");
180  addExampleLine(" Count number of images per CTF", false);
181  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc -q count CTFModel -o out.doc");
182  addExampleLine(" images assigned a ctfgroup", false);
183  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc -q sum defocusGroup count -o out.doc");
184  addExampleLine(" Print the metadata Size", false);
185  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --query size");
186  addExampleLine(" Rename Column", false);
187  addExampleLine (" xmipp_metadata_utilities -i mD1.doc --operate rename_column \"weight wRobust\"");
189  }
191  void readParams()
192  {
193  fn_in = getParam("-i");
194  // Prevent from reading the input metadata for some special cases
195  bool readIn = !((checkParam("--file") && STR_EQUAL(getParam("--file"), "import_txt")) || //when importing from .txt files
196  (checkParam("--query") && STR_EQUAL(getParam("--query"), "blocks")));
198  if (checkParam("--query") &&
199  (STR_EQUAL(getParam("--query"), "size") ||
200  STR_EQUAL(getParam("--query"), "labels")))
201  mdIn.setMaxRows(1); //avoid parse the entire metadata
203  if (readIn)
204  mdIn.read(fn_in);
205  doWrite = true;
206  fn_out = checkParam("-o") ? getParam("-o") : fn_in;
207  mode = MD_OVERWRITE;
208  if (checkParam("--mode")
209  && STR_EQUAL(getParam("--mode"), "append"))
210  mode = MD_APPEND;
213  }
215  void doSet()
216  {
217  operation = getParam("--set", 0);
218  md2.read(getParam("--set", 1));
219  MDLabel label = MDL::str2Label(getParam("--set", 2));
220  MDLabel label2 = MDL::str2Label(getParam("--set", 3));
222  if (operation == "union")
223  {
224  if(mdIn.isEmpty())
225  mdIn = md2;
226  else
227  mdIn.unionDistinct(md2, label);
228  }
229  else if (operation == "union_all")
230  if(mdIn.isEmpty())
231  mdIn = md2;
232  else
233  mdIn.unionAll(md2);
234  else if (operation == "intersection")
235  mdIn.intersection(md2, label);
236  else if (operation == "subtraction")
237  mdIn.subtraction(md2, label);
238  else if (operation == "join")
239  {
240  MetaDataDb md;
241  md.join1(mdIn, md2, label);
242  mdIn = md;
243  }
244  else if (operation == "natural_join")
245  {
246  MetaDataDb md;
247  md.joinNatural(mdIn, md2);
248  mdIn = md;
249  }
250  else if (operation == "inner_join")
251  {
252  MetaDataDb md;
253  md.join2(mdIn, md2, label, label2, INNER);
254  mdIn = md;
255  }
256  else if (operation == "merge")
257  mdIn.merge(md2);
258  }//end of function doSet
260  void doOperate()
261  {
262  operation = getParam("--operate", 0);
264  if ( operation == "keep_column")
265  {
266  MDL::str2LabelVector(getParam("--operate", 1), labels);
267  mdIn.keepLabels(labels);
268  //for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
269  // mdIn.addLabel(labels[i]);//removeLabel(labels[i]);
270  }
271  else if ( operation == "drop_column")
272  {
273  MDL::str2LabelVector(getParam("--operate", 1), labels);
274  for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
275  mdIn.removeLabel(labels[i]);
276  }
277  else if ( operation == "remove_duplicates")
278  {
279  MetaDataDb aux;
280  aux.removeDuplicates(mdIn,MDL::str2Label(getParam("--operate", 1)));
281  mdIn=aux;
282  }
283  else if ( operation == "rename_column")
284  {
285  MDL::str2LabelVector(getParam("--operate", 1), labels);
286  mdIn.renameColumn(labels[0],labels[1]);
287  }
288  else if (operation == "modify_values")// modify_values
289  {
290  mdIn.operate(getParam("--operate", 1));
291  }
292  else if (operation == "expand")// modify_values
293  {
294  int factor = getIntParam("--operate", 1);
295  MetaDataDb md;
296  for (int i = 0; i < factor; i++)
297  md.unionAll(mdIn);
299  mdIn = md;
300  }else
301  {
302  MetaDataDb md(mdIn);
303  if (operation == "sort")
304  {
305  String order=getParam("--operate",2);
306  mdIn.sort(md, getParam("--operate", 1),order=="asc");
307  }
308  else if (operation == "percentile")
309  {
310  mdIn.sort(md, getParam("--operate", 1),true);
311  double n=1;
312  double iN=1.0/md.size();
313  MDLabel labelOut=MDL::str2Label(getParam("--operate", 2));
314  for (size_t objId : mdIn.ids())
315  mdIn.setValue(labelOut,(n++)*iN,objId);
316  }
317  else if (operation == "randomize")
318  mdIn.randomize(md);
319  else if (operation == "bootstrap")
320  {
321  std::vector<size_t> objId;
322  objId.resize(md.size());
323  size_t n=0;
324  for (size_t id : md.ids())
325  objId[n++] = id;
326  // md.getColumnValues(MDL_OBJID,objId); COSS: It should work, but it does not
327  int N_1=((int)objId.size())-1;
328  MDRowSql row;
329  MetaDataDb mdAux;
330  for (size_t _ : md.ids())
331  {
332  md.getRow(row, objId[(size_t)rnd_unif(0,N_1)]);
333  mdAux.setRow(row,mdAux.addObject());
334  }
335  mdIn.sort(mdAux,MDL_IMAGE);
336  }
337  else if (operation == "random_subset")
338  {
339  MetaDataDb mdAux, mdAux2;
340  mdAux.randomize(md);
341  md.clear();
342  mdAux2.selectPart(mdAux, 0, getIntParam("--operate", 1));
343  mdAux.clear();
344  mdIn.sort(mdAux2,MDL_IMAGE);
345  }
346  }
347  }//end of function doOperate
349  void doFill()
350  {
352  MDL::str2LabelVector(getParam("--fill", 0), labels);
354  if (labels.empty())
355  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_PARAM_INCORRECT, "You should provide at least one label to fill out");
357  operation = getParam("--fill", 1);
358  MDValueGenerator * generator=nullptr;
360  // Select which generator to use
361  if (operation == "expand")
362  {
363  mdIn.fillExpand(labels[0]);
364  return;
365  }
366  //generator = new MDExpandGenerator();
367  else if (operation == "constant")
368  generator = new MDConstGenerator(getParam("--fill", 2));
369  else if (operation.find("rand_") == 0)
370  {
371  double op1 = getDoubleParam("--fill", 2);
372  double op2 = getDoubleParam("--fill", 3);
373  double op3 = 0.;
374  String type = findAndReplace(operation, "rand_", "");
375  if (type == "student")
376  op3 = getDoubleParam("--fill", 4);
377  generator = new MDRandGenerator(op1, op2, type, op3);
378  }
379  else if (operation == "lineal")
380  generator = new MDLinealGenerator(getDoubleParam("--fill", 2), getDoubleParam("--fill", 3));
381  else {
382  std::string msg = "Unsupported operation (" + operation +
383  "). If you believe this is an error, please contact developers.";
385  }
387  //Fill columns
388  for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
389  {
390  generator->label = labels[i];
391  generator->fill(mdIn);
392  }
394  delete generator;
395  }//end of function doFill
397  void doQuery()
398  {
399  if (mdIn.size()==0)
400  {
401  md2.clear();
402  return;
403  }
405  operation = getParam("--query", 0);
406  String expression;
408  if (operation == "count")//note second label is a dummy parameter
409  {
410  label = MDL::str2Label(getParam("--query", 1));
411  md2 = mdIn;
412  mdIn.aggregate(md2, AGGR_COUNT,label,label,MDL_COUNT);
413  }
414  else if (operation == "sum")
415  {
416  label = MDL::str2Label(getParam("--query", 1));
417  MDLabel label2;
418  label2 = MDL::str2Label(getParam("--query", 2));
419  md2 = mdIn;
420  mdIn.aggregate(md2, AGGR_SUM,label,label2,MDL_SUM);
421  }
422  else if (operation == "select")
423  {
424  expression = getParam("--query", 1);
425  md2 = mdIn;
426  mdIn.importObjects(md2, MDExpression(expression));
427  }
428  else if (operation == "size")
429  {
430  doWrite = false;
431  std::cout << fn_in + " size is: " << mdIn.getParsedLines() << std::endl;
432  }
433  else if (operation == "labels")
434  {
435  doWrite = false;
436  std::cout << fn_in + " has labels: " << std::endl;
437  MDLabelVector labels = mdIn.getActiveLabels();
438  for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
439  std::cout << " " << MDL::label2Str(labels[i]) << std::endl;
440  }
441  else if (operation == "blocks")
442  {
443  doWrite = false;
444  StringVector blocks;
445  std::cout << "Blocks in " << fn_in << ": " << std::endl;
446  getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fn_in, blocks);
447  for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i)
448  std::cout << blocks[i] << std::endl;
449  }
450  }//end of function doQuery
452  void doFile()
453  {
454  operation = getParam("--file", 0);
456  // if (operation == "convert2db")
457  // {
458  // doWrite = false;
459  // MDSql::dumpToFile(fn_out);
460  // }
461  // else if (operation == "convert2xml")
462  // {
463  // fn_out.re
464  // doWrite = false;
465  // mdIn.writeXML(fn_out);
466  // }
467  if (operation == "import_txt")
468  {
469  mdIn.readPlain(fn_in, getParam("--file", 1));
470  }
471  else
472  {
473  bool doDelete;
474  FileName path, inFnImg, outFnImg, oldOutFnImg="";
475  if (!(doDelete = operation == "delete"))//copy or move
476  {
477  path = getParam("--file", 1);
478  if (!path.exists())
479  if (path.makePath() != 0)
480  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_IO_NOPERM, (String)"Cannot create directory "+ path);
481  }
482  label = MDL::str2Label(getParam("--file", doDelete ? 1 : 2));
483  doWrite = !doDelete;
485  int counter=FIRST_IMAGE;
486  for (size_t objId : mdIn.ids())
487  {
488  mdIn.getValue(label, inFnImg, objId);
489  bool isStack=inFnImg.isInStack();
490  if (doDelete)
491  {
492  if(isStack)
493  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,"Cannot delete files from a stack");
494  else
495  remove(inFnImg.c_str());
496  }
497  else
498  {
499  outFnImg = inFnImg.removeDirectories();
500  //outfilename for output sel
501  if (operation == "copy" && isStack)
502  {
503  if(oldOutFnImg != outFnImg && oldOutFnImg !="")
504  {
505  counter = FIRST_IMAGE;
506  }
507  oldOutFnImg = outFnImg;
508  outFnImg.compose(counter, outFnImg);
509  }
510  mdIn.setValue(label, outFnImg, objId);
511  //output file name for copy
512  if (operation == "copy" && isStack)
513  {
514  outFnImg=outFnImg.removePrefixNumber();
515  outFnImg = path + "/" + outFnImg;
516  outFnImg = integerToString(counter)+'@'+outFnImg;
517  }
518  else
519  outFnImg = path + "/" + outFnImg;
520  if (operation == "copy")
521  {
522  copyImage( inFnImg, outFnImg);
523  ++counter;
524  }
525  else if (operation == "move")
526  {
527  if(isStack)
528  REPORT_ERROR(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,"Cannot move files from a stack");
529  else
530  rename(inFnImg.c_str(), outFnImg.c_str());
531  }
532  }
533  }
534  fn_out = path + "/" + fn_out.removeDirectories();
535  }
536  }
538 public:
539  void run()
540  {
541  if (checkParam("--set"))
542  doSet();
543  else if (mdIn.size()==0) // Only set operationts allow an empty input md file
544  return;
545  else if (checkParam("--operate"))
546  doOperate();
547  else if (checkParam("--file"))
548  doFile();
549  else if (checkParam("--query"))
550  doQuery();
551  else if (checkParam("--fill"))
552  doFill();
554  if (checkParam("--print"))
555  mdIn.write(std::cout);
556  else if (doWrite)
557  mdIn.write(fn_out, mode);
558  }
559 };
virtual void setMaxRows(size_t maxRows=0)
void subtraction(const MetaDataDb &mdIn, const MDLabel label)
Parameter incorrect.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:181
std::vector< MDLabel > getActiveLabels() const override
Definition: metadata_db.h:309
Case or algorithm not implemented yet.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:177
double getDoubleParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
static MDLabel str2Label(const String &labelName)
#define REPORT_ERROR(nerr, ErrormMsg)
Definition: xmipp_error.h:211
void intersection(const MetaDataDb &mdIn, const MDLabel label)
static bool activateMathExtensions(void)
void keepLabels(const std::vector< MDLabel > &labels)
Sum of elements of a given type (double) [this is a genereic type do not use to transfer information ...
void copyImage(const FileName &source, const FileName &target)
bool getValue(MDObject &mdValueOut, size_t id) const override
void fillExpand(MDLabel label)
FileName removePrefixNumber() const
void unionDistinct(const MetaDataDb &mdIn, const MDLabel label=MDL_OBJID)
void compose(const String &str, const size_t no, const String &ext="")
FileName removeDirectories(int keep=0) const
String integerToString(int I, int _width, char fill_with)
virtual IdIteratorProxy< false > ids()
void getBlocksInMetaDataFile(const FileName &inFile, StringVector &blockList)
std::vector< String > StringVector
Definition: xmipp_strings.h:35
bool removeLabel(const MDLabel label) override
#define i
static bool activateRegExtensions(void)
void addSeeAlsoLine(const char *seeAlso)
void aggregate(const MetaDataDb &mdIn, AggregateOperation op, MDLabel aggregateLabel, MDLabel operateLabel, MDLabel resultLabel)
void readPlain(const FileName &inFile, const String &labelsString, const String &separator=" ")
double rnd_unif()
std::unique_ptr< MDRow > getRow(size_t id) override
void joinNatural(const MetaDataDb &mdInLeft, const MetaDataDb &mdInRight)
void join2(const MetaDataDb &mdInLeft, const MetaDataDb &mdInRight, const MDLabel labelLeft, const MDLabel labelRight, JoinType type=LEFT)
Number of elements of a type (int) [this is a genereic type do not use to transfer information to ano...
void randomize(const MetaDataDb &MDin)
const char * getParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
virtual bool isEmpty() const
viol type
size_t addObject() override
void operate(const String &expression)
String findAndReplace(const String &tInput, const String &tFind, const String &tReplace)
void clear() override
Definition: metadata_db.cpp:54
int makePath(mode_t mode=0755) const
void addExampleLine(const char *example, bool verbatim=true)
std::vector< MDLabel > MDLabelVector
void removeDuplicates(MetaDataDb &MDin, MDLabel label=MDL_UNDEFINED)
void write(const FileName &outFile, WriteModeMetaData mode=MD_OVERWRITE) const override
#define STR_EQUAL(str1, str2)
Definition: xmipp_strings.h:42
bool exists() const
size_t size() const override
void selectPart(const MetaData &mdIn, size_t startPosition, size_t numberOfObjects, const MDLabel sortLabel=MDL_OBJID) override
bool setRow(const MDRow &row, size_t id)
virtual size_t getParsedLines()
void importObjects(const MetaData &md, const std::vector< size_t > &objectsToAdd, bool doClear=true) override
void sort(MetaDataDb &MDin, const MDLabel sortLabel, bool asc=true, int limit=-1, int offset=0)
bool setValue(const MDObject &mdValueIn, size_t id) override
Definition: metadata_db.cpp:90
void merge(const MetaData &md2)
std::string String
Definition: xmipp_strings.h:34
void read(const FileName &inFile, const std::vector< MDLabel > *desiredLabels=NULL, bool decomposeStack=true) override
void join1(const MetaDataDb &mdInLeft, const MetaDataDb &mdInRight, const MDLabel label, JoinType type=LEFT)
bool checkParam(const char *param)
void unionAll(const MetaDataDb &mdIn)
static void str2LabelVector(const String &labelsStr, std::vector< MDLabel > &labels)
static String label2Str(const MDLabel &label)
void addUsageLine(const char *line, bool verbatim=false)
Insufficient permissions to perform operation.
Definition: xmipp_error.h:138
void renameColumn(MDLabel oldLabel, MDLabel newLabel) override
int getIntParam(const char *param, int arg=0)
int * n
Name of an image (std::string)
void addParamsLine(const String &line)
bool isInStack() const
void fill(MetaData &md)