Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Macros | Functions
linearalgebra.h File Reference
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#define SVDMAXITER   1000


int AllocateMatrix (double **Matrix, long Lines, long Columns, int *Status)
int AllocateVector (double *(Vector[]), long Lines, int *Status)
int FreeMatrix (double **Matrix)
int FreeVector (double *(Vector[]))
int FrobeniusNorm (double *A, double *Norm, long Lines, long Columns)
int GetIdentitySquareMatrix (double *A, long Size)
int LinearLeastSquares (double *A, long Lines, long Columns, double B[], double X[], double Tolerance, int *Status)
int MatrixAdd (double *A, double *B, double *X, long Lines, long Columns)
int MatrixConditionNumber (double *A, long Lines, long Columns, double *ConditionNumber, double Tolerance, long MaxIterations, int *Status)
int MatrixGramSchmidtOrthonormalize (double *A, double *B, long Lines, long Columns, double Tolerance)
int MatrixMinor (double *A, double *B, long Lines, long Columns, long i, long j)
int MatrixMultiply (double *A, double *B, double *X, long Lines, long CommonSize, long Columns)
int MatrixRank (double *A, long Lines, long Columns, long *Rank, double Tolerance, long MaxIterations, int *Status)
int MatrixSubtract (double *A, double *B, double *X, long Lines, long Columns)
int MatrixTimesVector (double *A, double *B, double *X, long Lines, long Columns)
int MatrixTranspose (double *A, double *At, long Lines, long Columns)
int multiply_3Matrices (double *A, double *B, double *C, double *X, long Lines, long CommonSizeH, long CommonSizeW, long Columns)
int multiply_4Matrices (double *A, double *B, double *C, double *D, double *X, long Lines, long CommonSizeH1, long CommonSizeW1, long CommonSizeW2, long Columns)
int multiply_5Matrices (double *A, double *B, double *C, double *D, double *E, double *X, long Lines, long CommonSizeH1, long CommonSizeW1, long CommonSizeW2, long CommonSizeH2, long Columns)
int QRdecomposition (double *Q, double *R, long Lines, long Columns, double Tolerance, int *Status)
int SingularValueBackSubstitution (double *U, double W[], double *V, long Lines, long Columns, double B[], double X[], int *Status)
int SingularValueDecomposition (double *U, long Lines, long Columns, double W[], double *V, long MaxIterations, int *Status)
int SquareMatrixDeterminant (double *A, long Size, double *Determinant, int *Status)
int SquareMatrixInvertGauss (double *Direct, double *Inverse, long Size, double Tolerance, int *Status)
int SquareMatrixSquareRoot (double *A, double *B, long Size, double Tolerance, long MaxIterations, int *Status)
int SquareMatrixTrace (double *A, double *Trace, long Size)
int Vector3DcrossProduct (double A[], double B[], double X[])
int VectorAdd (double A[], double B[], double X[], long Lines)
int VectorAngle (double A[], double B[], double *Angle, long Lines, double Tolerance)
int VectorHomogenize (double A[], double X[], long Lines, double Tolerance)
int VectorNorm (double A[], double *Norm, long Lines)
int VectorNormalize (double A[], double X[], long Lines)
int VectorScalarProduct (double A[], double B[], double *X, long Lines)
int VectorScale (double A[], double X[], double Scale, long Lines)
int VectorSubtract (double A[], double B[], double X[], long Lines)