Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Reconstruction library
Collaboration diagram for Reconstruction library:


 art_xray (ART for xrays)

 Classify Kmeans 2D
 Classify a set of images into a discrete set of classes
 Common Lines (find common lines between projections)
 ctf_correct_idr (Iterative Data Refinement for CTF amplitude correction)
 (phase flipping)
 Evaluate Coordinates
 Extracting Particles From Metadata
 IDR Xray Tomography
 Make spectra
 ml_refine3d (Maximum likelihood 3D refinement)
 Maximum likelihood for tomograms
 Construct a low and high resolution dictionary
 Restore a volume with a low/high dictionary
 project_xr (project for tilt series)
 Reconstruct Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
 reconstruct_art_pseudo (Reconstruct with pseudo atoms)
 Program ART
 Measure resolution through the inverse of border widths
 resolution_ssnr (Spectral Signal to Noise Ratio)
 score_micrograph (Evaluates the score of a micrograph)
 Align two dual tilt series
 angular_assign_for_tomogram (Discrete angular assignment for tomography)
 Tomo Extract Subvolume
 Remove fluctuations in tilt series
 align_tilt_pairs (Align tilted and untilted images in a random conical tilt experiment)
 Enhance constrast
 Volume PCA
 Validation of volume consistency with respect to the provided classes
 Xray import
 GPU Correlation
 GPU MultidimArray At CPU
 Fourier reconstruction
 Masks in Fourier space
 Fourier projection
 Micrograph Downsample
 Core analysis for CL2D
 Classification with Fourier Transform based Translational and Rotational Invariants
 Rotational invariant PCA
 Alignment Estimation
 adjust_volume_grey_values (Adjust volume grey values to a set of projections)
 align2d (Align a set of 2D images)
 accuracy to angular assignment by pca
 angular_distance (Distance between two angular assignments)
 angular_continuous_assign (Continuous angular assignment)
 angular_continuous_assign2 (Continuous angular assignment)
 angular_discrete_assign (Discrete angular assignment)
 Estimate the tilt axis position in a pair of micrographs
 angular_neighbourhood (Projection neighbourhood)
 new_projmatch (Discrete angular assignment using a new projection matching)
 Rotation Estimation Setting
 art_crystal (ART for crystals)
 ART Reconstruction stuff
 Parameters and common ART Reconstruction stuff
 BSpline Transform Settings
 Compare Classes
 Evaluate Classes
 Classification first split
 Deform a volume using spherical harmonics
 Coordinates Micrograph Filter
 Correlation Computer
 CTF Phase flip in 2D particles
 ctf_correct_amplitude3D (3D Wiener filtering)
 psd_enhance (Enhance visualization of the PSD)
 ctf_estimate_from_micrograph (CTF estimation from a micrograph)
 adjust_ctf (Adjust CTF parameters to PSD)
 Program CTF Basic Parameters
 adjust_ctf (Adjust CTF parameters to PSD)
 Spectrum modelling by ARMA filters
 psd_Sort (Sort visualization of the PSD)
 Image denoising
 Operations for projection directions
 Alignment with Normal modes
 Routines to work with fringes
 Image Assignment Tilt Pair
 Eliminate images whose energy is extremely large or extremely low
 Eliminate Empty Particles
 Image sort by statistics
 Iterative Alignment Estimator
 Split a metadata according to a 3D volume
 Image denoising
 ml_align2d (Maximum likelihood in 2D)
 mlf_align2d (Maximum likelihood in 2D in Fourier space)
 Movie alignment correlation
 Movie Alignment Correlation
 Estimate gain from a movie
 Movie alignment by correlation
 Multireference Aligneability
 Alignment of volumes with Normal modes
 Different statistics of the PDB
 convert_pdb2vol (PDB Phantom program)
 Deform PDB according to NMA
 Pdb Reduce
 Phantom Movie
 phantom_simulate_microscope (Microscope simulation)
 Polar Rotation Estimator
 precompute_sampling (Precompute samplin points in the projection sphere)
 Filter Operation
 Image Residuals
 Estimate the SSNR
 project (Generate projections from a volume)
 project_crystal (Project crystals)
 projectTomograpy (project for tilt series)
 PSD Estimator
 radon (Radon transform)
 Reconstruct multiple volumes analyzing significant correlations
 reconstruct_wbp (Weighted Back Projection)
 refinement (Shift refinement)
 Local Filter
 Shift Correlation Estimator
 Single Extrema Finder
 Subtomogram subtraction
 Subtract projections
 symmetrize (Symmetrize a volume or image)
 Change the image gray values to match a volume projection
 without tilt
 Restoration of a volume given two halves
 Heuristic Initial Volume
 Volume segmentation
 Volume Set Align
 Align Significant GPU
 Volume Halves Restoration GPU
 Cuda BSpline GeoTransformer
 Cuda Correlation Computer
 Cuda GPU Correlation
 GeoShift Transformer
 Cuda GPU GeoTransformer
 Cuda GPU Reconstruct Fourier
 Cuda Rotation Polar Estimator
 Volume Halves Restorator
 Volume Restoration Kernels
 Cuda Xmipp Utils
 Detect missing wedge
 Tomo map back

Detailed Description