Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Classes | Functions
adjust_ctf (Adjust CTF parameters to PSD)
Collaboration diagram for adjust_ctf (Adjust CTF parameters to PSD):


class  ProgCTFEstimateFromPSDFast


double ROUT_Adjust_CTFFast (ProgCTFEstimateFromPSDFast &prm, CTFDescription1D &output_ctfmodel, bool standalone=true)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ ROUT_Adjust_CTFFast()

double ROUT_Adjust_CTFFast ( ProgCTFEstimateFromPSDFast prm,
CTFDescription1D output_ctfmodel,
bool  standalone = true 

Core of the Adjust CTF routine. This is the routine which does everything. It returns the fitting error committed in the best fit.

Definition at line 1417 of file ctf_estimate_from_psd_fast.cpp.

1418 {
1420  global_prm = &prm;
1421  if (standalone || prm.show_optimization)
1422  prm.show();
1423  prm.produceSideInfo();
1424  DEBUG_TEXTFILE(formatString("After producing side info: Avg=%f",prm.ctftomodel().computeAvg()));
1426  // Build initial frequency mask
1427  prm.value_th = -1;
1428  prm.min_freq_psd = prm.min_freq;
1429  prm.max_freq_psd = prm.max_freq;
1431  // Set some global variables
1432  prm.adjust_params = &prm.adjust;
1433  prm.penalize = false;
1434  prm.max_gauss_freq = 0;
1435  prm.heavy_penalization = prm.f->computeMax() * YSIZE(*prm.f);
1436  prm.show_inf = 0;
1438  // Some variables needed by all steps
1439  int iter;
1440  double fitness;
1442  /************************************************************************/
1443  /* STEPs 1, 2, 3 and 4: Find background which best fits the CTF */
1444  /************************************************************************/
1445  prm.current_ctfmodel.enable_CTFnoise = true;
1446  prm.current_ctfmodel.enable_CTF = false;
1447  prm.evaluation_reduction = 4;
1449  // If initial parameters were not supplied for the gaussian curve,
1450  // estimate them from the CTF file
1451  prm.action = 0;
1452  if (prm.adjust(FIRST_SQRT_PARAMETER) == 0)
1453  {
1456  }
1458  // Optimize the current background
1459  prm.action = 1;
1460  prm.penalize = true;
1461  prm.current_penalty = prm.penalty;
1463  steps.initConstant(1);
1464  if (!prm.modelSimplification >= 3)
1465  steps(1) = steps(2) = steps(4) = 0;
1467  BACKGROUND_CTF_PARAMETERS, CTF_fitness_fast, global_prm, 0.01, fitness, iter,
1468  steps, prm.show_optimization);
1470  // Make sure that the model has physical meaning
1471  // (In some machines due to numerical imprecission this check is necessary
1472  // at the end)
1476  if (prm.show_optimization)
1477  {
1478  std::cout << "Best background Fit:\n" << prm.current_ctfmodel << std::endl;
1479  prm.saveIntermediateResults_fast("step01d_best_background_fit_fast", true);
1480  }
1482  DEBUG_TEXTFILE(formatString("Step 4: CTF_fitness=%f",CTF_fitness_fast));
1485  /************************************************************************/
1486  /* STEPs 5 and 6: Find envelope which best fits the CTF */
1487  /************************************************************************/
1489  prm.action = 2;
1490  prm.current_ctfmodel.enable_CTF = true;
1497  if (prm.initial_ctfmodel.Q0 != 0)
1501  if (prm.show_optimization)
1502  {
1503  std::cout << "Best envelope Fit:\n" << prm.current_ctfmodel << std::endl;
1504  prm.saveIntermediateResults_fast("step02b_best_penalized_envelope_fit_fast", true);
1505  }
1507  DEBUG_TEXTFILE(formatString("Step 6: espr=%f",prm.current_ctfmodel.espr));
1510  /************************************************************************/
1511  /* STEP 7: defocus and angular parameters */
1512  /************************************************************************/
1513  prm.action = 3;
1514  if (!prm.noDefocusEstimate)
1515  prm.estimate_defoci_fast();
1516  else
1518  DEBUG_TEXTFILE(formatString("Step 7: Defocus=%f",prm.current_ctfmodel.Defocus));
1520  /************************************************************************/
1521  /* STEPs 9, 10 and 11: all parameters included second Gaussian */
1522  /************************************************************************/
1523  prm.action = 5;
1524  if (prm.modelSimplification < 2)
1527  steps.resize(ALL_CTF_PARAMETERS);
1528  steps.initConstant(1);
1529  steps(1) = 0; // kV
1530  steps(3) = 0; // The spherical aberration (Cs) is not optimized
1531  steps(27) = 0; //VPP radius not optimized
1532  if (prm.noDefocusEstimate)
1533  steps(0)=0; // Defocus
1534  if (prm.initial_ctfmodel.Q0 != 0)
1535  steps(13) = 0; // Q0
1536  if (prm.modelSimplification >= 1)
1537  steps(8) = steps(9) = 0;
1538  if (prm.initial_ctfmodel.VPP_radius == 0)
1539  steps(26) = 0; //VPP phase shift
1542  global_prm, 0.01, fitness, iter, steps, prm.show_optimization);
1547  if (prm.show_optimization)
1548  {
1549  std::cout << "Best fit with Gaussian2:\n" << prm.current_ctfmodel
1550  << std::endl;
1551  prm.saveIntermediateResults_fast("step04b_best_fit_with_gaussian2_fast", true);
1552  }
1554  /************************************************************************/
1555  /* STEP 12: 2D estimation parameters */
1556  /************************************************************************/
1558  auto *prm2D = new ProgCTFEstimateFromPSD(&prm);
1559  if (prm.noDefocusEstimate)
1560  {
1561  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.DeltafU=prm.initial_ctfmodel2D.DeltafU;
1562  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.DeltafV=prm.initial_ctfmodel2D.DeltafV;
1563  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.azimuthal_angle=prm.initial_ctfmodel2D.azimuthal_angle;
1564  prm2D->noDefocusEstimate=true;
1565  }
1568  steps.initConstant(1);
1569  steps(3) = 0; // kV
1570  steps(5) = 0; // The spherical aberration (Cs) is not optimized
1571  steps(37) = 0; //VPP radius not optimized
1572  if (prm.noDefocusEstimate)
1573  steps(0)=steps(1)=steps(2)=0; // Defocus and azimuthal angle
1574  if (prm2D->initial_ctfmodel.Q0 != 0)
1575  steps(15) = 0; // Q0
1576  if (prm2D->modelSimplification >= 3)
1577  steps(20) = steps(21) = steps(23) = 0;
1578  if (prm2D->modelSimplification >= 2)
1579  steps(24) = steps(25) = steps(26) = steps(27) = steps(28) = steps(29) = 0;
1580  if (prm2D->modelSimplification >= 1)
1581  steps(10) = steps(11) = 0;
1582  if(prm2D->initial_ctfmodel.VPP_radius == 0)
1583  steps(36) = 0;
1585  prm2D->adjust_params = prm.adjust_params;
1586  prm2D->adjust_params->initZeros();
1587  prm2D->assignParametersFromCTF(prm2D->current_ctfmodel,MATRIX1D_ARRAY(*prm2D->adjust_params),0, ALL_CTF_PARAMETERS2D, true);
1589  if (prm.refineAmplitudeContrast)
1590  steps(15) = 1; // Q0
1591  powellOptimizer(*prm2D->adjust_params, 0 + 1, ALL_CTF_PARAMETERS2D, CTF_fitness,
1592  prm2D, 0.01, fitness, iter, steps, prm2D->show_optimization);
1594  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.forcePhysicalMeaning();
1596  //We adopt that always DeltafU > DeltafV so if this is not the case we change the values and the angle
1597  if (!prm.noDefocusEstimate && prm2D->current_ctfmodel.DeltafV > prm2D->current_ctfmodel.DeltafU)
1598  {
1599  double temp;
1600  temp = prm2D->current_ctfmodel.DeltafU;
1601  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.DeltafU = prm2D->current_ctfmodel.DeltafV;
1602  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.DeltafV = temp;
1603  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.azimuthal_angle -= 90;
1604  }
1605  prm2D->assignParametersFromCTF(prm2D->current_ctfmodel,MATRIX1D_ARRAY(*prm2D->adjust_params),0, ALL_CTF_PARAMETERS2D, true);
1606  if (prm2D->show_optimization)
1607  {
1608  std::cout << "Best fit with 2D parameters:\n" << prm2D->current_ctfmodel << std::endl;
1609  prm2D->saveIntermediateResults("step05b_estimate_2D_parameters", true);
1610  }
1612  /************************************************************************/
1613  /* STEP 13: Produce output */
1614  /************************************************************************/
1615  prm2D->action = 7;
1616  if (prm2D->fn_psd != "")
1617  {
1618  // Define mask between first and third zero
1619  prm2D->mask_between_zeroes.initZeros(prm2D->mask);
1620  Matrix1D<double> u(2), z1(2), z3(2);
1621 #ifdef NEVERDEFINED
1622  FOR_ALL_DIRECT_ELEMENTS_IN_MULTIDIMARRAY(prm2D->mask_between_zeroes)
1623  {
1624  VECTOR_R2(u, DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(prm2D->x_digfreq, n), DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(prm2D->y_digfreq, n));
1625  u /= u.module();
1626  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.lookFor(3, u, z3, 0);
1627  if (DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(prm2D->w_contfreq, n) >= z3.module())
1628  continue;
1629  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.lookFor(1, u, z1, 0);
1630  if (z1.module() < DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(prm2D->w_contfreq, n))
1631  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(prm2D->mask_between_zeroes, n) = 1;
1633  }
1634 #endif
1635  XX(u)=1; YY(u)=0;
1636  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.lookFor(3, u, z3, 0);
1637  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.lookFor(1, u, z1, 0);
1638  double z1m = z1.module();
1639  double z3m = z3.module();
1640  FOR_ALL_DIRECT_ELEMENTS_IN_MULTIDIMARRAY(prm2D->mask_between_zeroes)
1641  {
1642  double wn=DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(prm2D->w_contfreq, n);
1643  if (wn<=z3m && wn>=z1m)
1644  DIRECT_MULTIDIM_ELEM(prm2D->mask_between_zeroes, n) = 1;
1645  }
1646  // Evaluate the correlation in this region
1647  CTF_fitness(prm2D->adjust_params->adaptForNumericalRecipes(), prm2D);
1648  // Save results
1649  FileName fn_rootCTFPARAM = prm2D->fn_psd.withoutExtension();
1651  FileName fn_rootMODEL = fn_rootCTFPARAM;
1652  size_t atPosition=fn_rootCTFPARAM.find('@');
1654  if (atPosition!=std::string::npos)
1655  {
1656  fn_rootMODEL=formatString("%03d@%s",textToInteger(fn_rootCTFPARAM.substr(0, atPosition)),
1657  fn_rootCTFPARAM.substr(atPosition+1).c_str());
1658  fn_rootCTFPARAM=formatString("region%03d@%s",textToInteger(fn_rootCTFPARAM.substr(0, atPosition)),
1659  fn_rootCTFPARAM.substr(atPosition+1).c_str());
1660  }
1661  else
1662  fn_rootCTFPARAM=(String)"fullMicrograph@"+fn_rootCTFPARAM;
1664  prm2D->saveIntermediateResults(fn_rootMODEL, false);
1665  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.Tm /= prm2D->downsampleFactor;
1666  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.azimuthal_angle = std::fmod(prm2D->current_ctfmodel.azimuthal_angle,360.);
1667  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.phase_shift = (prm2D->current_ctfmodel.phase_shift*180)/3.14;
1668  if(prm2D->current_ctfmodel.phase_shift<0.0)
1669  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.phase_shift = 0.0;
1671  prm2D->current_ctfmodel.write(fn_rootCTFPARAM + ".ctfparam_tmp");
1672  MetaDataVec MD;
1673  MD.read(fn_rootCTFPARAM + ".ctfparam_tmp");
1674  size_t id = MD.firstRowId();
1675  MD.setValue(MDL_CTF_X0, (double)output_ctfmodel.x0*prm2D->Tm, id);
1676  MD.setValue(MDL_CTF_XF, (double)output_ctfmodel.xF*prm2D->Tm, id);
1677  MD.setValue(MDL_CTF_Y0, (double)output_ctfmodel.y0*prm2D->Tm, id);
1678  MD.setValue(MDL_CTF_YF, (double)output_ctfmodel.yF*prm2D->Tm, id);
1679  MD.setValue(MDL_CTF_CRIT_FITTINGSCORE, fitness, id);
1680  MD.setValue(MDL_CTF_CRIT_FITTINGCORR13, prm2D->corr13, id);
1682  MD.setValue(MDL_CTF_DOWNSAMPLE_PERFORMED, prm2D->downsampleFactor, id);
1683  MD.write(fn_rootCTFPARAM + ".ctfparam",MD_APPEND);
1684  fn_rootCTFPARAM = fn_rootCTFPARAM + ".ctfparam_tmp";
1686  fn_rootCTFPARAM.deleteFile();
1687  }
1688  output_ctfmodel = prm2D->current_ctfmodel;
1689  return fitness;
1690 }
#define DEBUG_TEXTFILE(str)
#define VECTOR_R2(v, x, y)
Definition: matrix1d.h:112
The CTF is valid within (x0,y0) to (xF,yF) in the micrograph coordinates.
#define YSIZE(v)
MultidimArray< double > * f
Image< double > ctftomodel
CTF amplitude to model.
FileName removeLastExtension() const
void read(const FileName &inFile, const std::vector< MDLabel > *desiredLabels=nullptr, bool decomposeStack=true) override
Matrix1D< double > * adjust_params
double DeltafV
Defocus in V (in Angstroms). Negative values are underfocused.
Definition: ctf.h:830
double Tm
Sampling rate.
double espr
Definition: ctf.h:251
void show()
Show parameters.
double evaluateIceness(const MultidimArray< double > &enhanced_ctftomodel, double Tm)
void write(const FileName &outFile, WriteModeMetaData mode=MD_OVERWRITE) const
double phase_shift
Definition: ctf.h:305
void powellOptimizer(Matrix1D< double > &p, int i0, int n, double(*f)(double *x, void *), void *prm, double ftol, double &fret, int &iter, const Matrix1D< double > &steps, bool show)
glob_prnt iter
The CTF is valid within (x0,y0) to (xF,yF) in the micrograph coordinates.
#define COPY_ctfmodel_TO_CURRENT_GUESS
FileName fn_psd
CTF filename.
constexpr int ALL_CTF_PARAMETERS2D
Correlation between the 1st and 3rd ring of the CTF.
double max_freq
Maximum frequency to adjust.
static constexpr double penalty
double DeltafU
Global gain. By default, 1.
Definition: ctf.h:828
bool enable_CTF
Enable CTF part.
Definition: ctf.h:275
double azimuthal_angle
Azimuthal angle (between X and U) in degrees.
Definition: ctf.h:832
Score of the fitting.
void produceSideInfo()
Produce side information.
#define XX(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:85
double CTF_fitness_fast(double *, void *)
bool setValue(const MDObject &mdValueIn, size_t id)
size_t firstRowId() const override
bool noDefocusEstimate
No defocus estimate.
void resize(size_t Xdim, bool copy=true)
Definition: matrix1d.h:410
constexpr int ALL_CTF_PARAMETERS
double CTF_fitness(double *p, void *vprm)
bool refineAmplitudeContrast
Refine amplitude contrast.
double Cs
Spherical aberration (in milimeters). Typical value 5.6.
Definition: ctf.h:246
void initZeros()
Definition: matrix1d.h:592
bool show_optimization
Show convergence values.
void forcePhysicalMeaning()
Definition: ctf.cpp:1055
double Defocus
Defocus (in Angstroms). Negative values are underfocused.
Definition: ctf.h:244
double steps
#define YY(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:93
Downsampling performed to estimate the CTF.
void saveIntermediateResults_fast(const FileName &fn_root, bool generate_profiles)
Matrix1D< double > adjust
Set of parameters for the complete adjustment of the CTF.
#define MATRIX1D_ARRAY(v)
Definition: matrix1d.h:58
int modelSimplification
Model simplification.
double VPP_radius
Definition: ctf.h:306
FileName withoutExtension() const
Iceness of the micrograph.
double min_freq
Minimum frequency to adjust.
std::string String
Definition: xmipp_strings.h:34
String formatString(const char *format,...)
int textToInteger(const char *str)
double y0
In the case of local CTF determination x0,xF,y0,yF determines the region where the CTF is determined...
Definition: ctf.h:267
doublereal * u
The CTF is valid within (x0,y0) to (xF,yF) in the micrograph coordinates.
double Q0
Factor for the importance of the Amplitude contrast.
Definition: ctf.h:261
ProgCTFEstimateFromPSDFast * global_prm
double x0
In the case of local CTF determination x0,xF,y0,yF determines the region where the CTF is determined...
Definition: ctf.h:263
ProgClassifyCL2D * prm
double kV
Accelerating Voltage (in KiloVolts)
Definition: ctf.h:242
bool enable_CTFnoise
Enable CTFnoise part.
Definition: ctf.h:273
double xF
In the case of local CTF determination x0,xF,y0,yF determines the region where the CTF is determined...
Definition: ctf.h:265
void initConstant(T val)
Definition: matrix1d.cpp:83
double yF
In the case of local CTF determination x0,xF,y0,yF determines the region where the CTF is determined...
Definition: ctf.h:269
int * n
double fitness(double *p)
T computeMax() const
The CTF is valid within (x0,y0) to (xF,yF) in the micrograph coordinates.