Xmipp  v3.23.11-Nereus
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 extern int AllocateVolumeDouble
3  (
4  double **Volume, /* double output pointer */
5  long Nx, /* width of the volume */
6  long Ny, /* height of the volume */
7  long Nz, /* depth of the volume */
8  int *Status /* error management */
9  );
11 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
12 extern int CopyDoubleToFloat
13  (
14  double *VolumeSource, /* double input data */
15  long NxSource, /* width of the input */
16  long NySource, /* height of the input */
17  long NzSource, /* depth of the input */
18  long XSource, /* x coordinate to get from */
19  long YSource, /* y coordinate to get from */
20  long ZSource, /* z coordinate to get from */
21  float *VolumeDestination, /* float output data */
22  long NxDestination, /* width of the output */
23  long NyDestination, /* height of the output */
24  long NzDestination, /* depth of the output */
25  long XDestination, /* x coordinate to put into */
26  long YDestination, /* y coordinate to put into */
27  long ZDestination, /* z coordinate to put into */
28  long NxCopy, /* width of the block to copy */
29  long NyCopy, /* height of the block to copy */
30  long NzCopy /* depth of the block to copy */
31  );
33 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 extern int CopyDoubleToDouble
35  (
36  double *VolumeSource, /* double input data */
37  long NxSource, /* width of the input */
38  long NySource, /* height of the input */
39  long NzSource, /* depth of the input */
40  long XSource, /* x coordinate to get from */
41  long YSource, /* y coordinate to get from */
42  long ZSource, /* z coordinate to get from */
43  double *VolumeDestination, /* double output data */
44  long NxDestination, /* width of the output */
45  long NyDestination, /* height of the output */
46  long NzDestination, /* depth of the output */
47  long XDestination, /* x coordinate to put into */
48  long YDestination, /* y coordinate to put into */
49  long ZDestination, /* z coordinate to put into */
50  long NxCopy, /* width of the block to copy */
51  long NyCopy, /* height of the block to copy */
52  long NzCopy /* depth of the block to copy */
53  );
55 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
56 extern int CopyFloatToDouble
57  (
58  float *VolumeSource, /* float input data */
59  long NxSource, /* width of the input */
60  long NySource, /* height of the input */
61  long NzSource, /* depth of the input */
62  long XSource, /* x coordinate to get from */
63  long YSource, /* y coordinate to get from */
64  long ZSource, /* z coordinate to get from */
65  double *VolumeDestination, /* double output data */
66  long NxDestination, /* width of the output */
67  long NyDestination, /* height of the output */
68  long NzDestination, /* depth of the output */
69  long XDestination, /* x coordinate to put into */
70  long YDestination, /* y coordinate to put into */
71  long ZDestination, /* z coordinate to put into */
72  long NxCopy, /* width of block to copy */
73  long NyCopy, /* height of block to copy */
74  long NzCopy /* depth of the block to copy */
75  );
77 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
78 extern int FreeVolumeDouble
79  (
80  double **Volume /* 3D double array */
81  );
83 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
84 extern int GetxDoubleToDouble
85  (
86  double *VolumeSource, /* double input data */
87  long NxSource, /* width of the input */
88  long NySource, /* height of the input */
89  long NzSource, /* depth of the input */
90  long XSource, /* x coordinate to get from */
91  long YSource, /* y coordinate to get from */
92  long ZSource, /* z coordinate to get from */
93  double RowDestination[], /* double output data */
94  long NxCopy /* length of the output */
95  );
97 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
98 extern int GetyDoubleToDouble
99  (
100  double *VolumeSource, /* double input data */
101  long NxSource, /* width of the input */
102  long NySource, /* height of the input */
103  long NzSource, /* depth of the input */
104  long XSource, /* x coordinate to get from */
105  long YSource, /* y coordinate to get from */
106  long ZSource, /* z coordinate to get from */
107  double ColumnDestination[],/* double output data */
108  long NyCopy /* length of the output */
109  );
111 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
112 extern int GetzDoubleToDouble
113  (
114  double *VolumeSource, /* double input data */
115  long NxSource, /* width of the input */
116  long NySource, /* height of the input */
117  long NzSource, /* depth of the input */
118  long XSource, /* x coordinate to get from */
119  long YSource, /* y coordinate to get from */
120  long ZSource, /* z coordinate to get from */
121  double PillarDestination[],/* double output data */
122  long NzCopy /* length of the output */
123  );
125 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
126 extern int PutxDoubleToDouble
127  (
128  double *VolumeDestination, /* double output data */
129  long NxDestination, /* width of the output */
130  long NyDestination, /* height of the output */
131  long NzDestination, /* depth of the output */
132  long XDestination, /* x coordinate to put into */
133  long YDestination, /* y coordinate to put into */
134  long ZDestination, /* z coordinate to put into */
135  double RowSource[], /* double input data */
136  long NxCopy /* length of the input */
137  );
139 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
140 extern int PutyDoubleToDouble
141  (
142  double *VolumeDestination, /* double output data */
143  long NxDestination, /* width of the output */
144  long NyDestination, /* height of the output */
145  long NzDestination, /* depth of the output */
146  long XDestination, /* x coordinate to put into */
147  long YDestination, /* y coordinate to put into */
148  long ZDestination, /* z coordinate to put into */
149  double ColumnSource[], /* double input data */
150  long NyCopy /* length of the input */
151  );
153 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
154 extern int PutzDoubleToDouble
155  (
156  double *VolumeDestination, /* double output data */
157  long NxDestination, /* width of the output */
158  long NyDestination, /* height of the output */
159  long NzDestination, /* depth of the output */
160  long XDestination, /* x coordinate to put into */
161  long YDestination, /* y coordinate to put into */
162  long ZDestination, /* z coordinate to put into */
163  double PillarSource[], /* double input data */
164  long NzCopy /* length of the input */
165  );
int PutyDoubleToDouble(double *VolumeDestination, long NxDestination, long NyDestination, long NzDestination, long XDestination, long YDestination, long ZDestination, double ColumnSource[], long NyCopy)
int GetxDoubleToDouble(double *VolumeSource, long NxSource, long NySource, long NzSource, long XSource, long YSource, long ZSource, double RowDestination[], long NxCopy)
int GetyDoubleToDouble(double *VolumeSource, long NxSource, long NySource, long NzSource, long XSource, long YSource, long ZSource, double ColumnDestination[], long NyCopy)
int PutxDoubleToDouble(double *VolumeDestination, long NxDestination, long NyDestination, long NzDestination, long XDestination, long YDestination, long ZDestination, double RowSource[], long NxCopy)
int PutzDoubleToDouble(double *VolumeDestination, long NxDestination, long NyDestination, long NzDestination, long XDestination, long YDestination, long ZDestination, double PillarSource[], long NzCopy)
int AllocateVolumeDouble(double **Volume, long Nx, long Ny, long Nz, int *Status)
int GetzDoubleToDouble(double *VolumeSource, long NxSource, long NySource, long NzSource, long XSource, long YSource, long ZSource, double PillarDestination[], long NzCopy)
int FreeVolumeDouble(double **Volume)
int CopyDoubleToFloat(double *VolumeSource, long NxSource, long NySource, long NzSource, long XSource, long YSource, long ZSource, float *VolumeDestination, long NxDestination, long NyDestination, long NzDestination, long XDestination, long YDestination, long ZDestination, long NxCopy, long NyCopy, long NzCopy)
int CopyDoubleToDouble(double *VolumeSource, long NxSource, long NySource, long NzSource, long XSource, long YSource, long ZSource, double *VolumeDestination, long NxDestination, long NyDestination, long NzDestination, long XDestination, long YDestination, long ZDestination, long NxCopy, long NyCopy, long NzCopy)
int CopyFloatToDouble(float *VolumeSource, long NxSource, long NySource, long NzSource, long XSource, long YSource, long ZSource, double *VolumeDestination, long NxDestination, long NyDestination, long NzDestination, long XDestination, long YDestination, long ZDestination, long NxCopy, long NyCopy, long NzCopy)