Programs deprecated ===================== Deprecating programs ----------------------- We have a "legacy" folder with programs and code that is outdated. Some of the reasons we did this are uninteresting code, programs that do not have a protocol and are not used, and programs that are not used and are difficult to maintain. You can `visit the issue `_ with more information and the list of deprecated programs and protocols can be found `here `_. We managed to speed up the installation time by 25%, and we were also able to reduce the lines of code to maintain and the number of code smells that were reported by `SonarCloud `_. However, it is possible to recover a program if anyone needs it. If you are an external user, please contact us (opening an issue is a good way, `see here `_). If you are part of the Xmipp team: Each deprecated program has an associated `commit `_. Visit it and review all the changes the program needs to be recovered. Here are some clues: - Go to the legacy folder and - Search in the applications/programs folder for the folder of your program. - Search in the libraries folder for the script of your program. - Most of the deprecated programs had a test; go to the commit and search in for the test of your program. - The last step is to remove the program that has been recovered from this list (see listDeprecatedFiles() in List of deprecated programs --------------------------- - `angular_distribution_show `_ - `apropos `_ - `classify_significant `_ - `ctf_correct_idr `_ - `ctf_create_ctfdat `_ - `ctf_show `_ - `DeepAlign `_ - `idr_xray_tomo `_ - `image_common_lines `_ - `metadata_convert_to_spider `_ - `metadata_selfile_create `_ - `mlf_refine_3d, ml_refine_3d, ml_tomo `_ - `mrc_create_metadata `_ - `pdb_construct_dictionary, pdb_restore_with_dictionary `_ - `reconstruct_admn `_ - `reconstruct_art_pseudo `_ - `resolution_ibw `_ - `resolution_ssnr `_ - `score_micrograph `_ - `reconstruct_fourier_starpu `_ - `tomo_align_tilt_series, tomo_align_dual_tilt_series, tomo_align_refinement, tomo_align_refinement, tomo_extract_subvolume, tomo_project_main, tomo_remove_fluctuations `_ - tomo_align_tilt - `deep_denoissing `_ - `angular resolution alignmnet`_ List of deprecated protocols ----------------------------- - mltomo - movie_average - subtract_projection - `deep_align `_ - `reconstruct_heterogeneous `_ - `metaprotocol_create_output `_ - `metaprotocol_discrete_heterogeneity_scheduler `_ - `apply_deformation_zernike3d `_ - `classify_kmeans2d `_ - `kmeans_clustering `_ - `rotational_spectra `_ - `particle_boxSize `_ - `protocol_split_volume_hierarchical_cluster `_ - `deep_denoissing `_ - `metaprotocol_create_subset `_ - `metaprotocol_golden_highres `_ - `solid_angle `_ - `split_volume `_ - `angular resolution alignmnet `_ - `movie_opticalflow `_